Be watchful!

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“So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.” (Mark 13:23)

The Lord prophesized, warned, advised!

1. Be forewarn – Jesus prophesized about the tribulations of the end times, emphasizing the rise of false Christs & false prophets . Take heed !

2. The only Truth – things that deceive our hearts the most are philosophic theory & evil teaching, distorted sense of value, outrageous lies. Do we discern what we hear, what we see & what we think against the words of God?

Scripture of the day: Mark 13:1-13 (New International Version)


* from Bro CHOI Sze Kit, Church in Calgary, Canada – So grateful to Abba Father for blessing every living moment! This Friday, we will hold a gospel meeting here to preach the grace of salvation. Pls remember us in your prayer! Emmanuel!” – From Sze Kit, Ming Yin

*Sermon (HK)— Introduction to “Exodus” (by Bro WONG Yuk Yin, HK, Cantonese)

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With All your Love!

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“…Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30)

Our 4 “all’s” for the Lord – needing no explanation!

1. heart — are you loving God with all your emotions?

2. soul — are you loving God with all your spirit?

3. mind — are you loving God with all your intelligence?

4. strength — are you loving God with all your will?

Scripture of the Day: Mark 12:27-44 (New International Version)


* Lam Ping, born in Cambodia , lost everything overnight during the war. Living at the brink of death, suffering a serious illness, he prayed to heaven –“If there were a true God, please save me! I cannot die now!” & he fainted right after. Jesus did save him & he immigrated overseas, preaching gospel wherever he went. Life & death is in the Lord’s hand, entrust all to Him!

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Remember Your Creator!

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He is not the God of the dead (Mark 12:27)

Our God is a God of the Living (Mark 12:27):
1. In the U.S., it is best to sow wheat before snowfall. Being buried under the snow , it sprouts as a stronger seed.

2. Near 500 years after the death of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob, God said to Moses, “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac & the God of Jacob.” (Exo 3). Moses’ father, Amram, lived 137 years (Exo 6:20). If Moses was born when Amram was 50. then Amram would be 130 , alive.

3. God first mentioned He was God of Moses’ father, also God of the 3 patriarchs. They were all alive (in heaven) ,as if they were of the same generation of Moses’ !

4. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26). We need to live by God & for God.

Scripture of the Day: Mark 12:1-26 (New International Version)


* From Lee Fa Heung, HK(2) – “ My father, Lee To (??), treasured the Bible, writing down all verses he read, filling up his notebook. He passed away at 95. When he visited his relatives in his homeland, he brought along copies of the Bible for giving away to friends & sharing this eternal blessing with his family…” (Bro Lee’s funeral – 3/26 11am , World Funeral Parlor, HK)

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The fear of God , beginning of wisdom!

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Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours?! (Mark 11v.24)

Three symbolic acts of our Lord –to fulfill the prophecy:

1. Entering the City in Triumph (v.1-11) – Does Christ has authority over us today?
2. Cursing the Fig Tree (v.12-14) – Is our busyness yielding fruits that satisfy our Lord?
3. Clearing the Temple (v.15-18) – Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. Do we first seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness?

Scripture of the Day: Mark 11:20-33 (New International Version)


* From Lee Fa Heung, HK(1)“My father, Lee To (??), passed away at age 95. When he was young, he was caught in heavy rain & was forced to find shelter under the canopy in the backyard of a church. Having nowhere to go, he decided to go upstairs to attend the service. It was then & there that he was saved. All his five children came to the Lord. Praise Him for that heavy rain. We will always be thankful to Jesus!”

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Be Sympathetic!

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“…tell him, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.” (Mark 11:3)

The Lord used the colt , He can also use your life (v.1-11)
1. God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things – God causes all things to work for the good of Christ. God used Mary, Joseph, the magi from the east… He also used a colt! No matter how lowly you are, consecrate yourself & be of use to God!

2. Is life bitter? – Why not sanctify yourself & be used by God to accomplish His miraculous works?

Scripture of the Day: Mark 11:1-19 (New International Version)

* from sister Michelle – On the 19th I requested your prayers. My uncle, a patient of colon cancer, though not yet committed to the Lord, is calming down. Pls continue to pray for him, he will undergo an operation on 26th Mar. Praise the Lord! His wife proactively accepted the Lord as her savior! Glory to God!

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Sunday Hope – Be Affectionate!

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For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. To give His life! (Mark 10: v45)

1. Jesus summarized his life by three phrases– to serve, to give His life and to be a ransom (v.35-45)
2. Jesus served all His life until He died on the cross– His death is more worthwhile than any heroes in the world — He died for sinners. His death is a death for salvation —–allows us cross over from death to life. Praise Jesus!

Scripture of the day: Mark 10:28-52 (New International Version)


* Once there was a flood in U. S.. A young man was trapped in his car. A man on the river bank came to his aid . Suddenly, water flooded in and they were washed away. The young man was rescued as his arm was roped. However, the one who tried to save him was washed away by the flood. We sometimes have to pay a high price to serve others!

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Be Appreciative!

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“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife…”(Mark 10 v.7)

Marriage: tragedy or Comedy? (Mk 10:1-12)

1.. Joy & sorrow – marriage without God & His words are just a mixture of joy & sorrow without end!

2.. Till the moments fly – in God & His love, husband & wife are made one in love!

Scripture of the day: Mark 10:1-27 (New International Version)


* “From Labour to Glory” – church in HK , special meeting, 300 youngsters for 3 days to seek God (20-22/3). May God’s call come upon these working saints . Pray for these successors of God’s Kingdom!

* Beloved Bro Patrick C.. from Bangkok – ” our first block of power plant was completed on schedule, 2nd Block, hopfully should be completed in end May and then I can return to HK . Pls pray for us.

* from Michelle – Please pray for this. “I will visit a 70-year-old man this afternoon. Stroke & suffering from rectum cancer. He felt his time has come…may Lord soften his heart. I trust the power of the gospel!”

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Be Thankful!

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“…How long shall I put up with you?…” (Mark9 v.19)

Heirs of heavenly Kingdom – distinct citizens whose life focus on Christ!

1. faith is built up through intimacy with God, praying & fasting – hence the Godly power be manifested (v.14-29)
2. endurance, humbleness, self-denying, God fearing, serving others – hence the Godly glory be attained (v.30-50)

Scripture of the day: Mark 9:23-50 (New International Version)


*“Shower of Blessings” – testimonies to Chinese all around the world, 24 hours click : video

* Prayer request of Sam Kong –” My father is 79 years old. Last week he came to the Lord’s Day meeting with me again . He sat with me on the front row, though dozing off at times, he listened to the message on Exodus. I thank you all, dear saints from all lands, in praying for him in the past . I request your continual prayer — that while I serve the Lord & share His gospel for others , my dear family also shares a the grace of salvation.

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Meek & Enduring !

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… they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus. (Mark 9v.8)

Three Questions of life!

1. Who is the most glorious? (v.1-13)

2. Who is the mightiest? (v.14-32)

3. Who is the greatest? (v.33-50)

Scripture of the day: Mark 9:1-22 (New International Version)


* A series of 8 messages in “Conquering the Weaknesses in Life” (Cantonese) by Reverend LAU Siu Hong. (?????).8 topics — Disheartenment? Quick temper? Greed? Worry? Lust? Bitterness? Pride? Shamefulness? (Cantonese)

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Keep on Giving!

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Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. (Mark 8 v.25)

Our Lord’s Compassion, reaching far & wide. Three miracles for the gentiles

1. Driving the demon out of the little girl (Mark 7:24-30)
2. Healing the deaf and mute man (Mark 7:31-37)
3. Feeding the four thousand (Mark 8:1-9)

Pray, act and live out our mission to broadcast the might of our Lord far & wide!

Scripture of the day: Mark 8:1-21 (New International Version)


* Ah Qiao a sister from HK who was married into a mountain area in China , was back in HK last week. This week she is back to the minorities clans in remote area , serving the church alongside her husband. (1000 + saints in many localities.) She is currently 6 month pregnant, full of Grace, simple at heart, joyful in spirit.

Let us all remember their family in our prayer!

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Author & Perfecter, Merciful & Faithful

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“But even the dogs under the table eat the children’s crumbs.” Then Jesus told her,
“For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.” (Mark 7v.28-29)

He Hears , He Cares ! (v.29, 34)

1. When Jesus delivers us from hopelessness, all it takes is fraction of His strength, little like crumbs under the table. (v.24-28)
2. When the Lord heals , He bestows His mercy so full & love so rich. His healing is wholesome, curing our body & lighting up our heart. (v.31-37)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:24-37 (New International Version)


* fr Bro CP Chan, a medical worker?? pls pray for HK to quickly pass through the peak flu season. Hospitals are packed, impeding operations & other services. We urge saints to pray for peace to our city. He is the Almighty, may all in the world come to know Him!

*Sister Bonnie (HK) , mentioned in Sunday Hope 090308, is now undertaking chemotherapy. Her blog
Drop a note to encourage our sister in tribulation!

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Refresh My Heart

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.. be opened! (Mark 7v.34)

I offer my heart to you, Lord!
1. True godliness — if we only honour God with our lips , this is hypocrites. Give us a pure heart, Lord! (v.1-8)
2. True dirtiness — the distance between God & us counts from our heart. Only purity brings us to God. (v9-23)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:1-23 (New International Version)


*Sister Bonnie, a new believer in HK , just finished 1st and 2nd chemotherapy treatments . Pls remember Bonnie & her husband in your prayers.
Bonnie’s blog
— leave message to comfort this little sheep!

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Strength to Overcome!

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“…and all who touched him were healed!” (Mk 6 v.56)

The Cost of discipleship – follow Him , in sunny days or rainy days
1. We all love to gain from the Lord ! (v.34-44)
2. Are we ready to suffer for His name ? (v.45-52)

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:30-56 (New International Version)


* Bro C. O. Tam ???(HK) , passed away on 29/2. Funeral on 16/3 (Sun) 7:30pm , Po Fuk Shan , Tai Wai. “ He is not the God of the dead, but of the living.”

* Indian Brosantosh Gurnani ( Sunny) –, “I am very pleased to announce my wedding with Ms.Jayshree Sharma on 28 Mar ,in Jakarta. My Fiancee …lives in Indonesia, an Indian just like me, & has a loving heart for GOD ! Pls rememeber us in prayers :) “…we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken…” (Heb 12v.28)

(Ark Channel – Sunny, you’ re so blessed. May God use you, no matter in Indonesia, India or HK, to shine for His glory! We will pray for you)

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Your Redeemer!

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…and gave them authority over evil spirits. (Mark 6v.7)

Our God – the “I AM” — let us see Him in the midst of wind & waves (v.50)

1. “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

2. Take heart, I AM!

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:1-29 (New International Version)

*God Sents Angel — Bro Milton WAN Wai Yiu (?????, ), a Devotional Theologian mentioned three people who imprinted greatest impact in his life: — Bro James Hudson TAYLOR , Bro Watchman NEE , and last but not least, Sister Aurora WAN (???), his daughter who was mentally retarded. Bro WAN described Aurora as a God sent angel, enlightening him the truth of life. He wrote, “Pa and Ma are so very blessed – for we have had the honor to take in an angel!” This angel just accomplished her mission and, at the age of 26, returned to the rest in Abba Father. Webpage in memory of Aurora WAN:

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Have No Fear!

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“Don’t be afraid; just believe.” (Mark 5v.36)
…thy faith hath made thee whole!

1. Jesus willed to encounter the evil spirit , to give grace to the slave of sins (v.1-20) :

2. The Lord listened to our plea, got up to save & to deliver (v.21-24)

3. Come in touch with the power of Christ – peace be with you ! (v.24-34)

Scripture of the day: Mark 5:25-43 (New International Version)

* On all receipts of the HK Logos Publishers Limited, this line is printed:“God loves you! The Lord saved you ! We are here to serve you! ”

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Make Me Whole!

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… no one could bind him any more (v3)…but (Jesus) said, “Go home to your family (Mark 5v19)

Re-creation from Chaos !
1. Only way out — If you lose control over your life, let the Lord take charge. (v.1-13)
2. Only Problem — It’s the evil at heart that binds our body & mystifies our mind. (v.9)

Our Lord has the power to calm the storm on the outside, (Mark 4) so does He has the power to pacify the turmoil inside us. (Mark 5) Jesus is Lord!

Scripture of the day: Mark 5:1-24 (New International Version)


* Sister Bonnie, a new believer in HK met Jesus during operation . She reacted strongly to chemotherapy, vomiting & not able to eat. Do remember Bonnie in your prayer!

* Evangelist Bro Dixon YIP, now serving a church in LA ,will travel to Indonesia this week & speak in at least 8 gospel meetings. Do remember Dixon in your prayer!

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Braving Storm, Growing Strong!

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“… …”Why are you so afraid?” (Mark 4v.40)

Lord, Don’t you care if we drown?

1. If tempest drives us crying to the Lord for help, it is blessing in disguise! (v.39)

2. If fear urges us to trust in the Lord all in all, it is life in elevation ! (v.41)

Scripture of the day: Mark 4:30-41 (New International Version)


*”New Life New Hope Crusade HK” Session 3 – “Faith, Hope, Love” by Dixon Ip ??? ( Cantonese)

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Most Holy, Most Glorious!

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For whatever is hidden is meant to be disclosed, and whatever is concealed is meant to be brought out into the open. (Mark 4:22)

Along the Journey of Tribulations– :
1. Overcoming satan – cry to the Lord — to tie up the strong man (Mark 3:27)
2. Mastering calamity – pray to the Lord– to rebuke suden wind & waves (Mark 4:39)

Scripture of the day: Mark 4:1-29 (New International Version)


* Good Book–”How to read the Bible Book by Book” by Gordon D. Fee & Douglas Stuart. Concise & inspiring – excellent guidebook to Bible study.

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New Power!

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…. and ate the consecrated bread, And he also gave some to his companions.” (Mark 2:26)

New Model, New Power -
1. Jesus had authority to forgive – He is our shelter (v.10)
2. Jesus ate with sinners – He is merciful to all (v.16)
3. Jesus’s disciples fast not – He is our provider (v.19, 30)
4. Jesus pronounced, “The Sabbath was made for man”– we are forever His. (v.27)

Like new wine, He emits vitality, Praise the Lord!

Scripture of the day: Mark 2:1-12 (New International Version)


* ” For many years, my mother suffered great pain in her feet & arms. Out of desperation, one night she prayed to Jesus earnestly .After that she fell in sleep. While sound asleep, she felt the warmth of a healing hand that stroked her from head to feet, followed by a gentle voice –”Rise!” When she got up, her pain all gone. For the past few days, she testified to people the great work of God on her . Glory to God !”
– Billy (HK)

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Seek Earnestly, Seek Unceasingly!

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…the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins…(Mark 2 v.10)

He borne our sins; He is also the forgiver of our sins!
1. The Lord sees through our heart – Jesus said to the Paralytic “your sins are forgiven!” Apparently he was not born with this sickness, he acquired it through sin. Jesus asked the Paralytic to get up and He cured his whole being. He is the only God!

2. The Lord borne our sins and forgave our sins – sin is more painful than sickness.
David said “…My guilt…like a burden too heavy to bear…I am utterly crushed…” (Psalm 38). Sin separates man from God. with no light, no hope, no peace, life becomes unbearable. Thanks to Jesus , He forgives!

Scripture of the Day: Mark 2:1-12 (New International Version)


* Message from the HK New Life Crusade (Dixon Yip) Cantonese/ audio – “Life Long Shepherd

* Ah Fong believed in Jesus in the New Year. She now faces difficulty with her family –asking her to return home to do Buddhist ceremony for her deceased husband. Pls pray earnestly for sister Fong.

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Stand Strong!

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Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man… (Mark 1:41)

The tactics of the Kingdom of God – The key to Christ’s ministry
1. Selection – the disciples and valuable vessels (v.16-20)
2. Empathy – blend with His people and share the misery (v.21-34, 40-45)
3. Retreat – go off to a solitary place to build up strength before God (v.35-39)

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:21-45 (New International Version)


*”New Life New Hope Crusade HK” Session 1 – “Be Happy” by Samuel CHING???
(audio in Cantonese)

* “Church in Celebration & Reaping the Harvest” – report on the 4 sessions of the “New Life New Hope Crusade”, miracles by the Holy Spirit, text in Chinese

also a Summary

5960 attendees, 447 new believers in 4 gospel meetings, 2008. Despite sad news of snow storm in the mainland, financial crisis, scandals in the news that disgraces many, worries parents, astonishes educators, with the day of Noah at hand, God is gracious, He still seeks, He still saves.

The church fights in one accord! The cross conquers all!

* Saints demonstrated great faith , bringing friends in their prayers. Saints in one meeting hall have 340 names to pray for , 100 more than the total regular attendees, one individual list includes 20 names!

* miracles — a lady used to be stone-hearted are now also saved by the Lord’s mercy — f physical healing and spiritual healing. — The Lord made Day 3 of CNY a sunny and fine day bringing 2240 attendees to the meeting. The Lord answered our prayer for “fill all seats”. Saints had to stand and pray to make room for tgospel friends.

* Saints came to meeting despite suffering sickness . Hope of Glory! Wholesome Blessing!

*All servants, ushers, speakers, choir leader testified the grace of God. –Four messages –“Be Happy”, “Life Long Shepherd”, “Back to Faith, Hope, Love”, “The Blessing of Life” testified God’s blessing, the awakening in spirit, true faith, true hope & true love. Follow Christ & become children of God.

*altar call Some accepted willingly. Some repented like a prodigal son. Some responded to the loving persuasion of saints .

*Some expressed the willingness to cut off from idols and be faithful to the true God. Some acted quickly to testify to others the joy of salvation. Some appreciated the hymns and chose to receive the “Treasure” into their life. Even a security guards working on site came to the Lord on hearing the truth !

Rejoice! God and Men in Joy!

* Some has heard the gospel for a long time (21 years/ 30 years) became soft at heart and accepted Christ.

* Audio Service Team experienced grace . At time of testing , all wires were ‘jammed’. Be watchful and pray! All lines resumed nornal!

* One brother targets to bring one relative to Jesus. He brought two this year.

* Praise the Lord! In this time of distress, the Lord is like that morning star, shining & lighting up this city of evil!


Male committing: 169;
Female committing: 278; Total 447
First time committing: 326, Returning to the Lord: 46,
Hall distribution: TST:71, SPK:48, KT:37, CWB:37, SKW:35, TW:57, ST:61, YL:37, TM:42, TKO:15, Others:7

Truth Seeking Classes: Class will begin in March. Tsuen Wan hall: Saturdays 7:30pm. All other halls:
Lord’s Day 11:00am (no class on the first Lord’s Day for combined meetings)

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Come, Holy Spirit!

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… but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” (Mark 1:8)

A day in the life of Jesus – serving with diligence, treasuring every moment:
1. He teaches with authority (v.21)
2. He drives out evils from the possessed (v.23)
3. He visits and cares (v.29)
4. He heals many (v.31)
Who is a true servant of God, trace the footprint of the Holy Spirit and you will know!

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:1-20 (New International Version)


*Rejoice! Rejoice! – 4th day of the Chinese New Year, HK, a couple brought their parents to gospel meeting and they both came up to the Lord! 10th day of the CNY, the two new believers, though old in age, in turn brought their three daughters to the gospel meeting and they all came up to the Lord! Yesterday, together they abolished and cast out their idols,proclaiming Jesus is Savior!

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All Authority!

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Go then and make disciples of all nations…(Matt 28 v.19)

How great is the authority, how great is the mission!
1. All Authority (v.18) – Christ has received all the authority, under this authority we are being built up, extending the authority of the kingdom of heaven

2. All Nations (v.19) – Generations have followed the footsteps of the disciples, bring the Lorrd’s presences to the end of the world, the end of the age

Scripture of the day: Matthew 28:11-20 (New International Version)


* Irwin, the astronaut of Apollo 15 landing on the moon, once testified and said his experience on the moon is unforgettable- — there I had an important discovery… I felt God’s presence !

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He has Risen!

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.. He is not here. He is risen!.. (Matt: 28:6)

Tomorrow is filled with hope — rejoice in the presence of the Risen King:

1. Be hold! From Emmanuel in Matthew chapter 1 , He overcame all the tests on earth & He is still with us always. Cheer up!

2. Listen! The King who is risen from the death , says– peace be with you! (v.9). In the book of Matthew, the authority of Jesus has to be shown to all nations through us.

Let’s Go!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 28:1-10 (New International Version)


* Dr. Sun Yat-sen , great leader of China revolution — on 11 Mar, 1925, he passed his last words to his relatives. ” I am a Christian and I declare war against devil under the name of God! I’m dying and I want people to know that I am a Christian. You should also be good fighters & trust the Lord! ”

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Treasure or Pleasure?

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“He saved others, but he can’t save himself…” (Mt27?42)

Does it make sense not to save himself? (v.38-50 )
1. A story happened in a German village — a blacksmith was badly injured when fighting with a mad dog to save his friends . Aftre that he chained himself & said, “If I’m fine give me food, but if I go mad please leave me alone. I give the rest to God.” He died 9 days later, his friends set up a monument in memory of him.

2. The blacksmith did it in times of danger, but Jesus was willing to sacrifice from the first day. The blacksmith sacrificed for friends yet Jesus died for enemies. The blacksmith was praised but Jesus was mocked. But His death completed the salvation. He could not save himself! For if He saved Himself , we have no way for salvation !

Scripture of the day: Matthew 27:32-66 (New International Version)


* recommend 2 books for new believers — Nicky Gumbel (founder of Alpha Course) — 30 Days – A Practical Introduction to Reading the Bible & R.A.Torrey — “Life of a Successful Christian”, , concise & easy to read .

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Why Abandoned Me

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But Jesus made no reply….(Matt 27:14)

The dynamics & stillness of our Lord (v.1-26)

1. The source of dynamic force is in the various forms of stillness – potential energy, heat, electromagnetic, chemical energy, nuclear power. When water in the calm lake up in the high mountain plunges, it generates strong power. When fuel rests, massive chemical energy it creates can thrust a rocket into space. Verily, power of stillness is much stronger than that of forcefulness. No wonder the Bible tells us “Better a patient man than a warrior, a man who controls his temper than one who takes a city. (Proverbs 16:32)

2. Jesus displayed great power . However, when facing unfair ill-treatment, heartless torture, Jesus was calm as still water, not doing anything to defend Himself. Verily, He testified His full confidence found in trusting God completely. The weight of His calmness intensely amazed the governor! Praise Thee Jesus! You are truly Man amongst men, Saint of all saints. Hallelujah!

Scripture of the Day: Matthew 27:1-31 (New International Version)


*New book by Samuel CHING???– “After You Believe” ?????? (Chinese), recommended for new believers. Enquiry: HK Church Book Room – 2368-0848

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