Share His sorrow!

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…”My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.” (Matt. 26v.38)

Way of the Cross –not ASKING for your own salvation (v.36-56)
1.From “God’s salvation” to “God Himself” – Daniel and his two friends refused to worship the image of gold. In the end, the Son of God walked with them around the fire, unharmed…” (Daniel 3) They prayed for God’s name to be magnified rather than caring for their own well being.

2. Be willing to forsake – Jesus prayed to Abba Father three times to deliver Him from the persecution. However, He took the bitter cup. Christ chose to forsake Himself such that God’s will be done. Let’s follow our Lord in exalting God — the Most High, the Greatest, the Most Holy & the Greatest !

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:51-75 (New International Version)


*seeking the lost sheep far and wide – During the CNY Crusade, 447 people committed to the Lord, amongst whom was a lady who came from a remote district. It was a miracle that the Lord uses her ex-colleague Michelle, now living in San Francisco to mobilize her friends in Hong Kong to invite her to the Crusade. Just a few days before the gospel meeting, moved by the Holy Spirit, Michelle called her friend from San Francisco. The Lord also led Michelle to look up a couple who has returned to Hong Kong from San Francisco to contact this lady. The couple worked in one accord to invite the lady and happily she came. She heard the Lord’s calling and joyfully responded with a “Yes”.

(God is out to seek the lost ones, He sends us and in turn His other children to join in this search, no matter how winding the road!)

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Hide in Him!

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… This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. (Matt26v.28)

Partaking the Lord’s Bread & Wine – Two Vows of Endless Love
1. Looking back – He did forsake Himself so to save me (v.26-27)
2. Looking up – He will soon return to receive me ! (v.28-30)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:26-50 (New International Version)

*God & Men in great Celebration,—- Church in HK reaped the harvest joyously in 08. A total of 5956 attended the 4 gospel meetings in Chinese New Year HK Crusade, 447 signed up in commitment to receive the Lord. Glory to God on High!

*Fr Elaine YAU – In response to the “net nude photos scandal”, 10,000 DVD on Christopher YUAN’s sharing ”Only He Can” ???????????. will be given to all . The DVD gives positive mesage to the society . visit — General Secretary, Goodnews Communication International (GNCI)

*Fr SY LEUNG -The Media Evangelism Limited ????– In response to the “net nude
photos scandal”, seminars “See, Don’t See” will be held. Details, Feb 22 & 24,

Pray for HK!

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Daily “Energizer”!

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… which she poured on his head as he was reclining at the table. (Matt.26v.7)

Seize all opportunities to love the Lord!

1. Treasure each & every opportunity to enjoy the Lord’s presence. The ultimate essence of the gospel is in love (v.1-12)

2. Cherish every single moment of remembering the Lord with fellow saints. The whole meaning of life is in this communion. (v.26-31)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:1-25 (New International Version)


*For Thy mercy do I beg! – I earnestly ask you all to pray for my father ZHAI Yu Lin???, pray that he accepts Jesus as his personal savior. He has cancer cells found in his body. This calls for another operation. Yesterday, he trembled & breathed with difficulty. .. Let’s pray that the Lord grants him peace, faith & strength. His condition worries my mother a lot too. Also, my father-in-law suffered a stroke last month. Pls pray that our Heavenly Father gives strength to me & my husband to care for them. Thank you all for remembering us in prayer. – Sister XU Zhai Wan Yu ????, HK

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Forsake all, follow Him

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For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.” (Matt 25:29)

My King will come back soon – 3 parables, 3 attitudes:
1. Be prepared & have a desire to wait for His return — day & night (v.1-13)
2. Be diligent & faithful in serving the Lord — until His coming (v.14-30)
3. Be loving & helping your neighbors, welcome the Lord in joy & confidence (v.31-46)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 25:31-46 (New International Version)


* HK – Good news from Chris – Bro. Chris made a pledge before the Lord that he will bring one relative to Christ every year. This year he was able to exceed his target. In the gospel meeting yesterday, he and his wife took friends to Tuen Mun & Quarry Bay in two separate teams. Thanks to the work of the Spirit, his eldest sister & brother-in-law both went up the altar to commit to the Lord. His brother-in-law disclosed that while undergoing a surgery, he knew Jesus saved Him! Glory to God!

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Grace abundant!

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“…the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of the servants…to give them their food at the proper time…” (Mt 24:36)

The days of Lord’s Return —
1. The days of Noah (v.36-39)
2. The days when thieves come (v.40-44)
3. The days when the master returns (v.45-51)

All 3 parables highlight its suddenness, so watch out, be holy & faithful!

Scripture of the day: Mt 24 (b)


* Pray for Dixon Yip??? & his wife – Mrs. Yip went to hospital, while Bro Ip is going to preach on Sunday (he is going to preach in another 30 meetings in various places including Indonesia. He phoned me & request prayers from you all!)
“…be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints!”

*Yesterday we mentioned the story of Marvin & Miriam Dunn. In 1949 these foreign saints’ residence was located in the middle of the cross-fire. Amidst the danger some sounds of singing was heard – it was a child singing under the table, “Jesus love me that’s I know, for the Bible tell me so, all the children Lord shepherd, though I’m weak He is strong.” And everyone really lived through then peacefully.

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The Abundant Love

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“No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son but only the Father.” (Matt 24:36)

Destiny of Mankind —- closed linked to the two comings of Christ:

1. The Birth of Christ – His 1st time – Christ was born to bring salvation!

2. The Coming of Christ – His 2nd time – Christ comes to bring judgment —- the heavenly bodies shaken, the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky… they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds with power & great glory … Jesus reminds us that day is near!

Scripture of the day: Matt 24a


The Southeast Asia tsunami in ‘05 hit without warning. How we need to prepare for earthly tribulations. More so, Christ’s coming is related to the longer terms blessing or suffering. Be a faithful & wise servant, to serve in the house of God (v45-47). This is the most blessed preparation!

*During the change of the China government authority in 1949, a group of brothers & sisters with the China Inland Mission stayed in China , including Marvin & Miriam Dunn. Their residence was located in the middle of the cross-fire, amidst gun shots & fear. In desperation Madam Dunn wanted to pray with the saints but could not utter a single word. Just at that moment, there were sounds of singing that inspired people’s heart … (to be continued tomorrow)

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Repentant heart, Redeeming grace!

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…until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ (Matt 23:39)

The Lord is broken hearted ! (v.37-39)

1. In the past — time after time, the Lord cared & grieved over His well beloved people in His dominion.

2. Today – isn’t our gracious Savior still full of grief & distress over our spiritual failure, desolation & indifference. (Aren’t we all so heartless!!!)

Scripture of the day: Matt.23b


*Today, by the world’s custom, is the so-called Valentine’s Day. There are different sayings about its origin, one of which is about a Christian of the very early days. He was put to jail for his involvement in protecting the martyrs. When in prison, he healed the blind daughter of the warden. On hearing this, the tyrant master ordered for him to be beheaded. In the morning of execution, he wrote a lengthy love letter to bid farewell to the daughter of the warden, signing — from your Valentine.

* fr Ellen, HK — “I was working in a flower shop on the Valentine’s Day of 2000, the eve on Feb 13 fell on the Lord’s Day. The owner gave order – all staff needed to work that Sunday morning till the next day – the Valentine’s Day. But I went to church Sunday morning . The Lord’s Table ended with the hymn “He Is Most Dear To Me”. That day we had to deal with overnight work, lot of problems … worn & torn, helpless & wordless. That was the moment I felt how true “He Is Most Dear To Me! No “lover” can understand us, except our Lord silently walking by our side. Great thanks to our Lord!” – In Him, Ellen

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Filled with Guests!

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For many are called, invited and summoned, but few are chosen. (Matt 22:14)

Jesus’ reply to Q&A’s – the four major answers:
1. political aspect – man should respect the chief-in-charge, even more so, to live out the image of God (v.18-22)
2. theological aspect – the mystery about ‘life’ after death is all explained in Bible – do we trust the almighty power of God? (v.23-33)
3. ethical aspect – do not be pretentious or hypocritical, as much as we love God, we should have love for man just the same (v.34-40)
4. attributes of God – recognize the true God sincerely, commit to follow Him, it is a matter of eternal life versus eternal death (v.41-46)

Scripture of the day: Matt.22b


* How to care for the many new believers ? 2 interesting books (Chinese):

1. “Must read – Testimony of world celebrities” by LIN Xian Gao, Seed Press, ?????????-???????(?????). True stories of scientists & politicians . Also testimony of Emperor Kang Xi, the will of Dr. Sun Yat Sen ???, the account of Chang Xue Liang’s ???salvation, the repentance of a Japanese commander of the Pearl Harbor bombing.

2. “118 answers to 118 doubts about the gospel” by Samuel CHING???. Precise & concise answers to questions regarding true God, savior, soul, the Bible, heaven, hell, idols etc…

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Harvest Great, Laborers Few!

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“Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.” (Matt 22:9)

Labor toiled by forerunning saints – Feast enjoyed by believers for free today
1. Jesus’ salvation is like the wedding banquet a king prepares for his son: perfect & ready . Paul felt a heavy burden, owing the whole world the debt of gospel. Throughout the ages, Jesus’ followers labored in preaching the gospel, striving to make the banquet whole & complete.

2. We were once standing at the crossroad of life, but we are so blessed to have a portion in the banquet of God. We are also grateful to the forefathers who preached the gospel– to the extent of giving up their own lives, on the other hand, we should respond to the love of the Lord, use all our strength to bring people before the Lord!

Scripture of the day: Matt 22a

* the first two sessions of the “HK New Life, New Hope Crusade” , out of more than 4,000 attendees, a total of 257 people committed to the Lord. Bro Samuel CHING???shared over “Be Happy”, 141 echoed altar call. Yyesterday, Bro YIP Tat Sang ??? relayed to share on “Life Long Shepherd” , 116 people came forward to receive the Lord. Glory to God!

In Bro Yip’s sermon, we heard how satan steals, kills & destroys our time, our life (John 10:10); but our Lord is the Only source of blessing & peace (Psalm 23:1-3); by faith we grow in the House of God forever (Psalm 23:6; Genesis 48:15).

Son of God – down to the world, purging the sinful and wicked
Children of God – blessed in Him, leaving death and enter life

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Justice Embracing Peace

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Love meeting honesty, Justice embracing peace

“… the Lord needs them…”(Matt 21:3)
My two aspirations in life –
1. Be a donkey to be used by the Lord – live out the imperishable glory of our Savior (v.3)
2. Be a temple that is a house full of prayer – bear witness of the momentous deeds of God (v.13)

Scripture of the day: Matt.21a


*Bro YIP Tat Sang, one of the speakers in the “New Life, New Hope Crusade” joined us in prayer meeting with his wife . His sharing — the Lord’s coming is at hand . Be prepared to receive Him, be ready for the rapture. When the wheat is ready to be harvested, the root in the ground withers, the corn of wheat is no longer nourished by the earth. This is the time that the grower must quickly reap the harvest. Likewise, as we mature in life, it is the moment that He will come!

Let’s all be anxious about the lost souls . Give thanks to Him! Let us all fight together with Him, let us all love Him, let us all wait in readiness for that day of rapture.

* New Life, New Hope Crusade , Feb 9-10 (3pm, Day 3 & 4, CNY) HK International Trade & Exhibition Center Session 1: “Be Happy” (Enquiry: 2369 5106)

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With freedom & confidence!

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Door to heaven long barred ; Road to grace now opened by the Holy Son– Emperor Kang Xi (????)

Jesus had compassion on them… Matt 20:34

The plea in broken life – Oh Lord! We want our sight! (Matt 20:29-34)

1. Blind in sight but don’t let your mind go blind – Are we long suffering & oppressed? Are we gloomy & loaded deep in heart? Lord , Have mercy on us!
2. Pray till you receive – Dont be bothered by the scornful eye of the world, pray until the Lord listens, pities, heals & saves us.

Scripture of the day: Matt. 20b

HK -“New Life, New Hope” Crusade – HK International Trade & Exhibition Center
9 Feb— 3:00pm Session 1 –“Be Happy!” (Enquiry: 2369 5106)

From Sister Myra TONG Man Wah, now in S. Carolina, US –
* Dear saints for His Kingdom come, Pls pray for the nation of United Stated of America –1/ they are not united at all
2/ terrible racism present …
3/the metropolitan cities like LA, NY are talking about ‘feng shui’ when purchasing new homes. Professors here spent big money to buy a Buddha statue to show how intellectual they are…..
4/ low spiritual discernment
5/ lots of conflicts in churches …pls pray for us in US !

— Myra Tong

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‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’ (Matt. 20:6)

1. No pain, no gain – gaining reward out of serving God is founded on the principle of His grace. Even more so, it is for the grace of God in exceptional abundance that one can serve in the heavenly kingdom.

2. No room for “jealous eyes”- Give glory to God, rather than being jealous when seeing others as more gifted, more blessed. This is His Will!

Scripture of the day: Matt.20a


* From Wai Yan – excellent messages — : by — JUE Wei Hao ???, HSING Lin Tzu???, Joseph SHUM Jo Yiu???, YEUNG Mook Kuk???, Samuel CHING???, etc. Also Message by Milton WAN Wai Yiu??? –”Grow through struggle”

Part 1: Part2

Receive message via phone, dial 3678 3588

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Extraordinary Love

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Doing small things with great love !

…With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. (Matt 19:26)

Come to Jesus, Come now:
1. Have we ever brought little children to the Lord? (v.13-15)
2. Are we willing to give up our most treasured for the Lord? (v.16-22)
3. Do we know there is unlimited payback in following the Lord? (v23-30)

Scripture of the day: Matt 19b


*International Herald Tribune reported in a recent survey that 60% of the people in Taiwan are superstitious in astrology. Between 94-04, people who are obsessed with speculating their destiny in life have sharply increased by 44%. Politicians and intellectuals are consumed with idols worshipping and fortune-telling. During the Chinese New Year, let’s all earnestly pray for the salvation of Chinese around the world.

* the story of Christopher Yuan, an ex-drug dealer turned to Christ — how he experienced God’s grace and the many changes in Christ . – personal web site .

Countdown —- 3 days to the “New Life, New Hope” Gospel Meetings HK International Trade & Exhibition Center 9 Feb— 3:00pm (Session 1 –“Be Happy!”)

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God & Men in Collaboration

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…that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ (Matt. 19:4)

In the beginning, marriage was about One Man and One Wife
1. The first couple that God established – one male + one female
2. The blessing that God ordained on marriage – life long commitment!

With our God, absolutely non negotiable!

Scripture of the day: Matt.19a


* Bro .YUAN (???) was once a drug dealer who provided supply to 11 states in the US. Thanks to the amazing love of Jesus & perseverance of his mother’s unceasing prayer, Yuan met Jesus in prison. Such big sinner now becomes a professor in Bible institute. Recently, I heard him in person ,testifying in tears how he was converted to be a child of God. Details—

Chinese version & English version

His personal website —

Countdown — 4 days to “New Life New Hope Crusade” HK International Trade & Exhibition Center (3pm) / LingNan University, Tuen Mun & TaiKoo Pri School, Quarry Bay (3pm) —Pray for the 7 + millions lost souls in HK!

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With God All things are possible!

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…”… whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. (Matt. 18:18)

Exercise the power of the heavenly kingdom – pray for two types of people (v.18-20):
1. For the lost sheep (v.12-14)
2. For the brother who does wrong against you (v.15-17 , 21-35)

Scripture of the day: Matt. 18b Chinese Version

* fr an Indian brother in HK — ” May GODs love keep the fire burning within your spirit despite the cold winter… Pls pray for me, I m going to Jakarta, to meet my fiancee and prepare for my wedding, I have bought some bookmarks for my fiancee students, will write bible verses !!!!

pls pray for every bookmark given out , that these primary students abt 40 may know the LORD JESUS CHRIST — thanks , Sunny ( Santosh Gurnani )

***Countdown! 5 days to the “New Life, New Hope” Gospel Meetings in HK– Session 1: 9 Feb, HK International Trade & Exhibition Center 6/F – Support in prayer! To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life. (Rom. 2:7)***

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Sunday Hope

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In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should be lost. (V14)

The Building of Heavenly Kingdom :
1. Be humble like little child — this is the way to be great in Kingdom ! (v.1-4)
2. Welcome the little one — this is the way to welcome the Lord! (v.5)
3. The heart of Abba Father — He is not willing to lose any of these little ones. (v.12-14)

Every little child is the precious material in God’s building of the church. Take good care of them!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 18a


* fr Iris (HK) — Iris ‘s sister -in -law found to have cancer recently . She has long been rejecting Jesus & . When she went through a surgery last week , heard God speaking to her & call her to trust in Him! She experienced the power of God and had peace in mind throughout the whole process. After the surgery, she determined to believe in Christ and follow Jesus !

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Forget Grievance of the Past!

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However, this kind (the demon) does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” (Matt. 17:21)

Listen — His command we obey.

1. The call of the Lord —- Bring him here to Me! (v.17)

2. The counsel of the Lord — Except by prayer and fasting, he (the demon) does not go out. (v.21)

Scripture of the day: Matt. 17b Chinese Version


*After the release of the Story of ABC, saints are encouraged and confident in sowing the seeds of gospel again . There are saints who earnestly ask whether, in the end, B repented and received the Lord or not! The answer is left in suspense because we, at Ark Channel, do not know the answer either. The one thing for sure is the labor of A & C in the Lord is reaping fruits.

***Countdown! 7 days to the “New Life, New Hope” Gospel Meetings in Hong Kong***

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Unclear in sight! Faithful in walk!

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But Jesus came and touched them. “Get up,” he said. “Don’t be afraid.” (Matt 17:7)

What is the drive that moves us forward in our pilgrim to heaven?

1. For the last half year of Jesus??time on earth, He mainly engaged in training disciples to:
i. know Him as Christ, with the mission to build the Kingdom of God (the church).
ii. follow Him, take up one?? own cross & follow Him
iii. see Him come in glory in future (Matt 16:16-20, 21-26, 27-28)

2. Christ demonstrated the great might & glory as in the King of the Heavenly Kingdom , upholding the disciples in their pursuit of the way of the cross.

3. Having seen the Glory of Christ, Moses chose to suffer. Throughout the generations, all those who witnessed the glory of God walked the way of the cross most willingly.

Day by day, we need to come before the Lord & look up to His glory. It moves us forward!


* News of Saints from around the world –Bro TSE Man Sang & family who emigrated from HK to Norfolk in the East Coast of US settle down well. Encouraged by the love of the Lord, all four in the family spend more than two hours driving up north to Richmond for church meetings on the Lord??

Days. This is a great encouragement to saints in Richmond . Bro LEUNG Kwong Chiu in Toronto, Bro TSANG Kin Yip in Hamilton, New Zealand, Bro CHAN Wing Kin in Singapore have returned to HK to visit & share cordial fellowship with the saints.

Bro CHOI See Kit called from Canada telling us about his visit to Hawaii, where in a church meeting, he met Bro CHEUNG Man Yee, who was saved in HK mnay years ago.The eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth. May we remember churches in all lands in our prayer!

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My Church, My Way!

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and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah… (Matthew 16:4) Matthew 16 (Part 1)

Christ and Christ alone, no one except Jesus:
1. Other than ‘the sign of the prophet Jonah’ (Christ’s rising from the dead), we have no other means by which we can be saved! (v.1-4)
2. Other than ‘Christ, the Son of the living God’. No one can take on the great task of building the church! (v.13-20)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 16 (Part 1) Chinese Version


* Story of ABC — A is a friend of B, who is very rich, worry-free in life, yet he declines the gospel. A worries about the salvation of B, he sends him a gospel tract — “Prepare to meet your God!”. B does not appreciate it & in turn sends the pamphlet to his friend C, also a rich man.C does read the pamphlet & greatly touched by the message, he receives the Lord into his life. C becomes so enthusiastic with sharing the good news with others that he sends the pamphlet to another friend. Guess who ? This pamphlet goes back to A!

Praise the Lord ! (What about B, is he saved?)

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Entrust in Rest

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… and the gates of Hades will not overcome it (the church)… (Matt 16:18)

Important things in life – Great revelations
1. Know Christ (v.13-20) – If it is not the Lord who builds, all things are fruitless.

2. Follow Christ (v.21-27) – If it is not with the Lord that we walk the narrow path, all things are futile.

Scripture of the day: Matt 16 (Part 2) in Chinese


*All those who have read “The Reluctant Exodus” are very much moved by the faithfulness of

the saints in that great age. In the foreword of the book, we learn of China Inland Mission’s guiding principle: “Jehovahjireh, The Lord Will Provide, Ebenezer, Thus far has the Lord helped us.” Holding onto this promise, thousands of miracles are testified. At the end of the book, there is an account of how demanding it was to serve in China. In the recruitment of servants, only one out of six applicants was accepted. Once a candidate raised the question of “How long will we stay in China?” The teacher Hogben replied — Lady , be prepared to die there once you are out to serve in China!

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Return to God and rest!

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… your request is granted. (v.28) Matt 15a

Deep in our heart — am I a real disciple?

1. How far is MY heart? (v.1-9)
2. How clean is MY heart? (v.10-20)
3. How much faith do I have in MY heart ? (v.21-28)

* There was a English diver who collected sea cucumbers for a living. One day he dived into the sea & found a paper slip clipped by a clam. He then went to have a look. It was a gospel leaflet! He read it & was touched — he had been refusing God’s over the years . God, in the deep ocean, left him such a loving message. He decided to receive Jesus as Lord under the water! (Ecclesiastes 11:1)

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Amen Above All!

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..when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down…. (v.32) Matthew 14b

Two crises we face in our life …

1. Falling short (v.15-21) — we do encounter helpless situation. Trust in Him & tell Jesus our needs. The Lord will remember – His arm never draws back!

2. Having Doubt (v.22-23) — if you doubt, you have two opposite standpoints. Serving God & money at the same time? Loving God & seeking the World? Living by faith & also by sight… all these will keep you a man of little faith.

The one who has faith does not have other standpoints beyond God.’s view!


*Recently I listened to James Hudson Taylor (?????) about a story of a missionary Samuel Dyer. Dyer came to CHina for the gospel , hegot a fever in Guangzhou. Before he died, he said, … my body should be buried in China .Use our tombs in return for the whole nation turning to God! .. He passed away in Macau , buried beside Morrison.

For full version(Chinese) .. . 20080107a &year=2008&month=1

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No More Fear

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since he has no root… (v.21) Matthew 13a

1. Dr Wong, came from University of California, suffers from brain paralysis since childhood. Her student asked — Are you angry (with this)? She wrote on blackboard, .. My parents love me! .. God loves me very much! .. I can draw! … I can write!.. .finally she wrote, – I only count on what I have & I don’t count on what I have not…

2. She trusts God & His words , joyful & full of hope.


– pray for young people– after 105 newly baptized , the church in HK will have college gospel meeting. Pray for further harvest !

– Bro Samuel Ching ‘s new booklet — verses of 52 topics. This book helps you memorise 260 verses in one year (5 verses per week. ) Heaven & Earth will pass but God’s words remains! Start investing in God’s words today!

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Rest !

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… I desire mercy.. (v.7) Matthew 12a

Rest in God — Mercy and Healing from Jesus :

1. Men refuse and betray the King of life — no more rest (v.3-4)
2. Jesus does not cry out nor quarrel ,He only accomplished the mission of God.

He only asks for the pleasure and love from God. That explains why He can rest! (v.15-21)


– Bro Dick Wu (HK) wrote—– After preaching good news in prison last month, we are invited again to preach in prison in Easter. (please pray for Dick and his team. May the Lord use them greatly , so that hundreds of prisoners can see the true light )

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Share His Life!

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“So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows” (v.31) Mt 10 (b)

3 things destined for Lord’s disciples:

1. Tribulations & sufferings (v.24-25)
2. Blessings & supplies (v.29-31)
3. The Father’s recognition ! (v.32-33)


* Last Sunday a brother Wong witnessed – his Buddhist brother was saved before passing away on Wed. Our brother had preached to him for 10 years with no effect. Recently he was about to die, Wong made his final effort to pray for him, & spoke about the salvation beside his bed. Bro Wong prayed that his brother can awake, understand & receive the gospel & testify for the Lord before others. On the next day his brother awoke miraculously & said God loved the world, he had believed in Jesus with no regret!

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Freely Give!

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“…Freely you have received, freely give.” (Mt 10:8)

Freely give – what have I given to Jesus ?

1. J. Goforth (1859-1935) who went to Henan of China with his wife. Later His wife grew tired of the unrest life, she asked her husband before going back to Canada– If I got an incurable disease at home, will you be back to see me? Goforth reply,- If our country goes to war with the enemy country & I’m the frontline commander…should I leave my post & went back to see you?”

2. He remained in China. At his 73 he was blind, yet he kept on preaching in various places. He was back to Canada when he was 74 & still led 500 meetings before he died. On the last Sunday in his life ,he gave 4 sermons & passed away in peace when he was asleep. The first group of missionaries was the 12 disciples, & they all died for Lord at last except Judas!

Numerous missionaries followed our Lord to freely give their lives in history! Now, what are we going to sacrifice?


* News of church in Calgary, Canada – Bro S. K. Choi???phoned me from Calgary, greeting you all in the new year. The gospel prospers there, 6,000 saints in his church . They have recently established Chinese meeting. May the Lord’s words prosper & spread throughout the whole Canada!

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