Abba, You’ve arranged my Life!

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“’Go! It will be done just as you believed it would.’And his servant was healed at that very hour” Mt (8:13)

Faith is the channel of God’s work! (Mt 8-9)

1. Ten miracles – Jesus loves us & will give us according to our faith & request.
2. Our lives – wearied, failing, sorrowful & hopeless.But He will make us joyful & hopeful!


* on Reading plan 08’ – I have recommended 12 book, responses –

– fr. Kelvin L. (HK) – “Glad to see Ark Channel recommended books for us. I’ve always found it confusing in choosing spiritual books, from this booklist I will pick some on it for my reading . Thanks.”

— fr Stephen (Toronto) – The book “How to Bring People to Christ” can be read in the following link (simplified Chinese)

John White’s books –

“Second Half of Life” (abstract ) –

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Early l seek You!

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“I am willing, be clean!” (v.3) Mt 8 (a)

10 miracles proving Jesus’ Kingship (Mt 8-9) :

1. Knowing our Lord himself (Mt 1-4)
2. Knowing His rules (Mt 5-7)
3. Knowing His power (Mt 8-9)

we are unclean, unworthy & sick, He blesses us (8:1-22); we are fearful & powerless yet He grants us peace (8:23-9:8); we are hopeless, wearied & blind, He heals! (9:18-38)


*Miracle in Turkey – A devoted brother (also a docotr )was sent by the Holy Spirit to Turkey to work among the Muslims & to share the love of God . He met a man with serious illness there.

After a period of time he healed him & brought him to Christ. When the patient returned home, he risked his life to witness Jesus’ wonderful love among his countrymen. A leader of that area in his tribe condemned him, asking, “How come you talk about Jesus’ deeds if you’ve never met him?”

He answered, “Though I haven’t seen Jesus with my eyes, I ‘ve seen the resurrected Jesus from that doctor.”

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Be Humble!

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“…first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” (Mt 7:5)

2 Holy Rules – be humble:

1. Golden Rule – “do to others what you would have them do to you. “ (v.12)
2. Silver Rule – “do not judge, or you too will be judged.” (v.1)


* A warship found a gleam in stormy night. The commander ordered the coming ship turn West for 10 degrees to avoid collision. He received a reply: “You must turn East for 10 degrees.” The commander ordered again, “Turn west for 10 degrees, I’m the admiral.”

It replied, “Turn east for 10 degrees, I’m a seaman recruit.”
The commandeered raged, “Turn west at once! This is a flagship!”
It replied, “Turn east for 10 degrees! This is a lighthouse!” Arrogance makes one unaware of his danger. All men are egocentric; we can only stop judging others when we take the plank out of our eyes. Only those holding the Golden rule & the Silver rule in oth hands can live in peace with others!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Tell Him First!

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…but only he who does the will of my Father will enter the kingdom of heaven…(v.21) Mt 7 (a)

Never judge others, tell God instead!

1. Why judging others – since God will judge (v.1-6)
2. Ask with faith – know that God is listening (v.7-11)


*Y. H. Yuen’s??? mother, at the fringe of divorcing, tried to kill herself . However she received a gospel leaflet. Reading this tract she regained hope & her marriage healed when her husband also received Jesus as Saviour. Don’t underestimate the power of a leaflet, a booklet, an email, a message, a phone call… when the Spirit use them, they can move mountains!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Inner Light!

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“If your eyes are good, your whole body will be full of light.” v. 22

2 Ways of receiving HIs Blessings – always forgive & stop worrying:

1. Forgive others (v.14-15) – Human history is a history of war. God’s forgiveness is complete – remembering men’s sins no more (Heb 10:17) If we forgive in hearts, without leaving a little bit of feeling offended, we are free! This also proves that God’s had forgiven us!

2. …don’t worry about tomorrow (v. 34) – Man worries losing God’s protection. Worldly wealth is uncertain & will fly away (1 Tim 6:17/ Prov 23:5). We love & serve Mammon because our values are wrong –is our inner Light dimmed? (v. 23)

Who can protect & provide us richly? Lord said, “seek first his kingdom & his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (v. 31,33)


*Love from Toronto — ” We are glad to receive Ark Channel in the past 5 years.Prayers for the saints in need equip us as prayer companions over the world …we tend to forget His blessings, yet it is so encouraging to count his blessings in 2007 …let’s remember each other in prayers, encouraging each other every day!

– Love in Christ, Jeremiah & Livia, Jan 8 (fr Toronto)

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His Love & Righteousness Unchanged!

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You are the salt of the earth, the light of the world… (5:13-14) Mat 5 a

The life qualify of the Children of God — to live out the truth, pureness & love:

1. Being the salt — we are ordinary people , but we do have amazing impact to stop the indulgence of this world , heal many hearts ! (v.13)

2. Being the light — we appear to be weak. However, wherever there is a Christian, darkness is driven away and replaced by hope divine. (v.14)


New year new wish — In 08 , suggest reading a spiritual book per month — you may finish reading 12 books by the end of 08! We can only live for once. Ancient saints shared their experiences & inspiration through in ink . If we read their work, it is like living for several times more! Introducing 12 books which helped me a lot . Six of them today –
1. ???? (stoires of China Inland Mission)
2. Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire (Jim Cymbala)
3. ????? (stories of Finney, Moody & Martin Luther etc )
4/5. On the Barren Upland / Trails of Glad Tidings in Shan Xi (Annie Skau Berntsen¡¦s testimony)
6. Autobiography of John Wanamaker

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Everything’s possible for God!

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…the kingdom of heaven is near…(17) Mt 4 (b)

God’s supply after the trials:

1. God will let trials come to us, but won’t be long – after this Satan must leave, the angel is waiting to serve you as well as God to supply you! (v.11)

2. Work hard in times of comfort – just as the light shining the earth. Don’t forget to preach God’s messages (v.12-17), make disciples (v.18-22) & heal the sick (v.23-25)


*Y. H. Yuen???, a homosexual, had fallen into a drug trafficker from a dentistry student. He supplied drugs for 11 states of the US, but his mother never ceased to pray for him. For 7 years she fasted & prayed for her son on every Monday. Yuen read the Bible in prison & repented, later he had his prison term reduced from 6 years to 3 years. A warden, a jailer & another prisoner witnessed his change after believing in Jesus & recommended him for of seminary school . At last he became a professor in theology. Yesterday he, together with his parents, witnessed God’s grace with the following HK –

Rom 1 20, 2:4, Gal 2:20, Jer 29:11, 33:3, 2 Peter, 2 Cor 5:17, Acts 9:5, 15

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Hide in Him!

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He will saves His people …( 1:21) Matt 1 b

God With Us – save me and fill me!

surprising – in the genealogy of the Saviour, prostitute and wicked widow were mentioned (v.5,6). even we are evil sinners, we can become members in God’s house once we’re saved.

overjoyed – God’s presence is the origin of blessing. If you lose it, you will lose the light of life, peace, joy, holiness, righteousness, faith etc … people want reputation, power and enjoyment to replace vanity. As a result, it is always worries, sadness, emptiness and death. (Ece 2:11,22-23)


* the lowest temperature ever recorded in history is 1983 in Antarctica – negative 89.2 C. If it is not God’s compassion, the earth has turned into a snowball already. We should be thankful!

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Walking with our King!

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… God with us..( 1:23) Matthew 1

New year new way — Christ is our —

1. Messiah – brings us salvation, God with us (Chp 1)
2. Son of God – whom God loves (Chp 3)
3. The Light – shines on darkness & death (Chp 4)
4. The Holy One – can fulfill the Law in us (Chp 5 – 7)
5. The Almighty One – creates the miracle for you (Chp 8 )
6. The Son of Living God – the head of the church (Chp 16)
7. The King – comes at anytime (Chp 24)
8. Dead and risen – the King of Peace – sends us to the world (Chp 26-28 )


* Time flies , so EACH DAY in 08 — reserve a time for Him . Study at least a chapter of the Book. Listen to a word from HIs mouth . Seek a friend miserable & backslided , share the gospel to the lost ones -Day by Day ! .. I can do everything through him who gives me strength…. (Phil 4:13)

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Boundless love!

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“Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. (Rev 22:20)

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

1. Love forever –The Song of Solomon describes love cannot be quenched by waters. This book is part of the Bible as it reflects the beautiful relationship between Christ & Church. The Holy City comes down & we will enjoy the love of Christ with other saints in the city forever!

2. Forever presence — the Lord and us are lovers , now being separated. Christ is longing to return to cleanse the sinful world & have banquet with His bride. That’s why He said for three times, –I am coming soon¡.


* In the new heaven & earth, no more sufferings – destroyed earth, polluted (sinful) world, sadden tears, death, worries, diseases & horrible memories will all disappear! What a glorious prospect! John also prays, Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!

Footprints of the saints . Alex Lam to London soon, . Peace be with him. Bro Leung & his wife visited HK , lovely fellowship with HK saints. They are now back to Canada to serve the Lord of the lords. William Yip & his wife Ann from Vancouver, Bro Yeung Chi Keung & Kwok Ngai Lee couple from Shanghai visit the church HK . Youth Stephen Fok went to Australia to study . May he continue to love God & church.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Lord comes on clouds!

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“… the earth was harvested.” Rev 14:16

Time’s come for God to harvest!

1. In the world’s last 3.5 years God’s field is ripe, the Son of Man comes to the clouds between the 6th & 7th trumpet (the 1st hidden appearance of Christ). And an angel called, “take your sickle and reap…”

2. After the 7th trumpet is sounded, all saints worthy will be caught up to the clouds and be with our Lord forever (1 Thes 4/ the caught up happens before the judgment of the 7 bowls). Those unbelievers are emained on the earth to bear the disasters of the 7 bowls & are thrown into the winepress of God’s wrath in the battle of Armageddon.

3. We are seeds sowed by the Lord, and have become God’s field (Mt 13, 1 Cor 3:9). Trials make us mature, so stop complaining & start praising! (A brother’s wife got a stroke after marrying for a year, but he stayed loyal to both e thLord & his wife. Till now 25 years have passed, his life was so mature, overflowing with the fragrance of Christ

* fr Sam Kong – I’m going to preach in a secondary school in Chai Wan(HK) with an ex-prisoner /killer Uncle Tong , & Ming Kou who came fr a broken family, pray for us!

*Gd news from HK – youth gospel meeting yesterday 700+ attended , 180+ received Jesus as personal Saviour ! Glory be to God!

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We shall Triumph!

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“The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign for ever and ever.” (11:15) Rev 11

3 testimonies in the last hours – disasters will end:

1. Proclamation of the mighty angel (10:1-11) – God’s judgment will have no more delay!
2. The 2 Witnesses (11:1-14) – They will preach, martyr & raise from death!
3. Worship of the Elders in heaven (11:15-19) – Christ’s kingdom will come, the enemies will be destroyed, judgment will arrive, saints will be rewarded!


* In WWI thousands of Armenians died for the faith in the Turks’ hands. The grandfather of Doctorian the evengelist , was shot with 25 bullets because he didn’t denied Jesus’ name. His grandmother was brought to execution with other women, they were given a last chance to deny Jesus’ name. His grandmother said “NO” bravely, & put herself under the axe. Only one reason can account for their bravery – Jesus is their beloved Savior!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

I will Repay!

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“…together with the prayers of the saints…(v.4)

Fire onto the earth – prayers of the righteous shake the world:

1. Prayers of the saints ignited God’s judgment (v.1-6) — Churches in every generation suffered ersecutions. God listens to every single prayer of the saints in turmoil. Incense & prayers of the saints go up before God . Hearing the prayers, God will start His judgments!

2. Lord said, “It is mine to avenge, I will repay.” (v.7-13) – Don’t take revenge yourself, but leave room for God’s wrath. Lord said, “It is mine to avenge, I will repay.” God will judge according to His times. Just put everything in God’s hands, using prayers to move His hands!


* Few days before I met some saints from Macau. God has spared 7,000 who haven’t bowed to Baal there. There many saints living for God’s glory in Macau, their testimonies click — (Pls pray for the souls of this city of gambling.)

Made them white

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“…These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” (Rev 7:14)

1. The 6th seal – turmoil of the world – supernatural disasters , wrath of God & the Lamb has come (6:12-17). Devoted Israelis are sealed & spared from disasters. (7:3-8)

2. Look up the sky for a different scene – The 4 creatures & the 24 elders, together with all angels, worship God unceasingly. After uncovering the 6th seal, numerous saints in white robes join the worship (11-12). They came out of great tribulation , have washed their robes & made them white in the blood of Lamb – the first group of saints taken up by Lord!

3. Made their robes white in Jesus’ blood – In time of the 5th seal, living saints will be taken up at any moment. They have made their robes white in Jesus’ blood in every hardships & sufferings. White robes refer to righteous deeds . Do live out righteousness by faith today !


*Good news from Sister Yu Yu??(HK) – I’m going to be baptized on Christmas 25/12!…having believed in Jesus for 2 years… I started studying for my associate degree…all schoolmates fighting for a way to degree course, they lived in tension every day…everyone just live for a hope of bachelor degree…but in my school’s Christian Fellowship, we strived for the gospel … I decided not to insist getting a degree, because life can only be made perfect with God! I prayed, “Father, I don’t care about the bachelor degree anymore, I’ll only follow your will & your way…” When I put things aside , I am released ! Now I am freshman in university , thank my Abba Father! Saints , keep up! Be good workers In Christ, —Sister -Yu Yu

Sing a heavenly new hymn!

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“He (the Lamb) came and took the scroll from the right hand of him
who sat on the throne.” (Rev 5:7)

Fate of the Creations – in God’s hands

1. The sealed scroll (v.1-5) – Knowing that no one is worthy to open the scroll or , John wept in response. Do we precious the Lord’s Words like this? Are we anxious in knowing God’s will?

2. The Lamb who’s been slain (v.6-10) – only He is worthy, because he defeated Satan on the cross & had redeemed our sins with his blood. He has purchased us for God from every tribe and language & people and nation.

3. Chorus of new hymn (v.11-14) – He is the creator, supporter & the Omega. Worshipping the Lord , this is the way to overcome adversity!

Knowing the future is not so important as to know who holds the future!


* Bro C. H. Lam’s??? father blindly believed in idols & his heart was still hard even before his death. But Lam prayed with saints unceasingly . One day the father told his son that an angel in the ward turns its back to him. The son said it was because he kept on refusing Jesus , so the angel doesn’t pay attention to him. The father repented & believed in the Lord, he witnessed that that angel served him after he turned to God, and his pain was gone. Before his death ,his wife asked whether or not to burn stuffs for him, the father said firmly that he saw the house in heaven is beautiful enough,he will trust the Lord with all his heart ,then he passed away in peace!

*News from saints in China – God did great thing here today, 10 saints were baptized into our Lord’s name, in the gathering that night we preached the gospel with excellent their testimonies & near 20 friends believed in Jesus ! – Bro KM in Christ

All go well!

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“I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.” (v.4) 3 John

Reasons for Prospering– O to be like Thee:

1. Those walk in truth and treat the strangers well will prosper (v.5-8, 12)?
2. Those dislike wickedness & go against evil will prosper (v.9-10)


* Sister Siu Man?? in mainland China had written 1,000+ hymns, passed all over the world. Inspired by the morning prayers at 5:00am every day of the Chinese churches, she wrote a hymn “Early morning 5 o’clock in China” encouraging fellow countrymen to move God’s
mighty hands by praying for a revival China. We shouldn’t forget to watch for the new believers with prayers after the great harvest in HK! ( For the lovely song & video click: )

His love unceasing!

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“…so that you may know that you have eternal life.” (2 John 5: 13)

What is eternal life?

1. Not an unlimited extension of human life – Jay Gould, a millionaire, mourned before he died, “I’m the most miserable man inthe world.” Voltaire also sighed before his death, “I wish I’ve never come to this world.” Wealth or knowledge can’t help people to face eternity.

2. It’s a life other than human life – the divine life of God HImself – Henry Francis Lyte (1793-1847) spent his life serving in a small fishing port in England. In old age he went to Italy to take a rest. In a Sunday evening he wrote a hymn on the sea side: “Abide with me…help of the helpless, O abide with me” He was taken by Lord peacefully on his way to Italy.No Fear but full of hope!

3. Christians know they have eternal life – eternal life is the life with highest level in the universe – God’s life. Christ said, “I am the life.” When Jesus was baptized, crucified & at the Pentecost he was shown to be Son of God (6-8), his life is the life of eternal God. Those who believe in Him have thislife eternal! (12, Jn 3:15)


* HK -Young sister W. Y. Chu??? – her funeral held on 7/12 & 8/12. Some saints who didn’t know her got her news from the Ark Channel & spread her testimony among friends , some non-believers are touched and iwill attend the funeral on Friday. Pls pray for their souls, also for the Chu’s family and the saints fr the 7 churches they served for years. (7/12 (Fri) 7:30pm, 8/12 (Sat) 1:30pm, Universal Funeral Parlour.)

Stay in Him!

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“…when he appears, we shall be like him…who has this hope in him purifies himself…” (v.2-3) 1 John 3

Love divine – don’t fail from the grace of God:

1. The Father has loved us – that we became His children (v.1-3)
2. The Son has died for us – to cleanse our sin & to destroy the devil’s work (v.4-8)
3. The Spirit now living in us – that we can love God & men (v.9-10)

*Last week 33,000 were saved in HK. 2 boolets can be used for follow up .
– “To New Believers – How to Grow in Grace” by R.A.Torrey another one is “Way to Salvation” by C. K. Ng???, an evangelical leader in HK & Canada .

Both greatly used by God for years .

Triumph Thundering!

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“But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward t oa new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.” (3:13) 2 Peter 3

A day or a thousand year? The Kingdom will come soon!

1. Live godly and holy, be prepared to meet our Lord (v.11-14)
2. Equip yourself with Lord’s words without distorting it (v.15-16)
3. Grow in both grace & knowledge (v.17-18)

* Elder C. H. Lau’s??? inspiring writings have helped many churches . His book “Honor Parents Biblically” is now in :

* The first night’s sermon of Franklin Graham Festival of HK was about the repentance of Zacchaeus the sinner, Jesus came to die for everyone! 1,900 made decision to follow Jesus in first night! Pls pray for today& tomorrow. Lord, save more HK people!

Be Found by Him!

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“…the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials and to hold the unrighteous for the day of judgment, while continuing their punishment.” (2:9) 2 Peter 2

Judgment is Near – Remember 2 things today:

1. Ask for God’s mercy – the wickedness, falsehood & adultery of this generation is even worse than the days of Noah & Lot! (v.1-22)

2. Preach righteousness – we should ask for God’s mercy to keep us from corruption, on the other hand also care for others, preach righteousness so that they can also receive God’s mercy & flee from judgment coming (v.5)

* The couple M. L. Chow???, H. L. Yung??? fr church of Richmond of Vancouver visited HK. They testified that saints in Vancouver used 4 years’ time to rmemorise 10 Books in NT. Starting from Ephesians, they have already finished 9 books , now starting 2 Peter ! What a solid foundation in His Words!

God cares for you

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“Cast all you anxiety on him because he cares for you.” (5:7) 1 Peter 5

God gives all grace:

1. Secret of pasturing the flock – be a witness of Christ’s sufferings (v.1-4)
2. Secret of church llife – be submissive and humble (v.5-6)
3. Secret of overcoming anxiety – have total trust in God (v.7-11)

* church in HK had 10 gospel meetings in the last 2 weeks, 380 attended, more than half (190+) of them answered altar calls. Praise Jesus our Lord!

*My mother-in-law not knowing Christ. suffering from pain & cannot walk ,in hospital. We are working hard in sharing gospel to her, pray for her salvaiton —-Edmond fr HK

* The Franklin Graham Festival be held this week in HK Stadium. Live broadcasting available at five places including Yuen Long Stadium & Macau. Harvest near! (Pray for revival of 400K Christians in HK, also for God’s words – 6 sermons , &f several hundred thousand souls attending meetings!)

His Ears Attentive!

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“…the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous…”(v.12) 1 Peter 3

Pilgrim’s progress – following Christ in our remaining life:

1. Godly marriage (v.1-11) – live in harmony, receive the gracious gift of life together!
2. Do good in sufferings (v.12-22) – Give honour to the Lord, always in hope!

* The coming 2 months will be a season of gifts. I recommend you to give out Bibles a& good books, blessing your friends will true grace. (firstly I recommend “Essentials of the Bible 2” & “Daily Shower of Blessings” ?????2????????by Samuel Ching???. The various BIble translations by the Chinese Bible International Ltd. are also great products, also audio Bible in CDs & mp3…)

Divine Approval!

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“Mercy triumphs over judgment!”(v.13) James 2

Divine Godliness – Two Ways of Living :
1. Like God – love others with no favoritism. (v.1-9)
2. By God’s power – Live out our faith by actions (v.10-26)

* Recently I met some Christian leaders in Ma On Shan , greatly encouraged by them . Led by God, 30+ of them started their ministry in this remote area in 97’. After 10 years’ hard work, now their church grows to 400+! Behold, harvest is near!

*The funeral of sister W. Y. Chu???(HK) will be held on 7/12 7:30pm & 8/12 noon in the 2/F of Universal Funeral Parlour. Her mother – Sau Tai??, being strengthened by God , had testified God’s presence & peace in several meetings. The Ark Channel will report her witness to all of you.

Look Upward!

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“…when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life…” (1:12) James 1

Wisdom gained from trials:

1. In trials – those endure by faith will overcome (v.1-18)
2. In life – do your best to realize your faith (v.19-27)

*Nothing difficult with God – It’s hard to share gospel to Japanese, but a Christian scholar Kanzo Uchimura in the Meiji era turned to Jesus & served with his writings. He published in-depth bible commentaries & spiritual writings about the cross and resurrection . He faced poverty, misunderstandings, death of his daughter & persecutions. For 20 years he struggled with skepticism in hisfaith, at last the Spirit convinced him- that for sure Christ will return — so he submitted himself completely to Christ.
His writings influenced many saints in Japan. Be brave to share your faith with Japanese friends!

Arthur & Giver

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“Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise…” (Heb13:15)

Praise the surpassing Jesus!

1. In 1741 George Frideric Handel nearly kill himself after going bankrupt & getting a stroke. But the Spirit moved him to complete the oratorio “Messiah”. In 24 days’ work he kept & praising with tears . Praising God brings hope to life!

2. Christ, being so exalted & glorious, still prays for us. When facing hardship, offer our sacrifice of praise to God through our surpassing Jesus. He turns signs into praises!

*Sister W. Y. Chu??? whom Ark Channel prayed for more than a month, is now back to heaven. (His parents Kei Yan & Sau Tai??,?? would like to thank all saints whom they don’t know , yet care & prayed unceasingly !) In a midnight last week , we farewell this lovely sister– growing from a baby in church life , later became church pianist…when we surrounded her bed, while I was praying for her , she entered into the new kingdom –just the same as 20+ years ago when she first came to this world …now the world on that side is more fascinating & wonderful to her!

A week before when our sister passed away, I found much encouragement when I read Hebrew 12:22-29. In the night when she left , I used these words to encourage the 30+ youths that farewaell W.Y.. You may have a glance on this picture of eternity fr yr Bible. –Sam Kong

Heavenly Jerusalem!

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“But you have come to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God…” (v.22 ) Heb 12

Endure the shame, welcome the heavenly city:

1. Life today – why disheartened when God is disciplining us? (v.1-17)
2. Life to come – our home is heavenly , God & saints with angles will give us a splendid welcome! (v.22-29)

* Yesterday I had a gathering with 3 saints from U.S. . We haven’t met for years . I was surprised by how fast the Spirit is working throughout the world. Gospel they sowed 20 years ago in Africa now grows to churches with 1,000 saints! And the 60+ churches in U. S. they cultivated for years also advanced quickly in all hardship & pressure. They estimated that in the past 10 years near 5,000 saints were baptized in their church. Gospel conquers, praise the Lord!

* church in HK will have 10 gospel meetings – starting fr tomorrow, pray for it! (Sam Kong remarks — I will be preaching in 3 meetings , back me up saints!)

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