God the fortress

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The last two things that Jesus concerned:
1. God’s promise will be realized according to His time (v.18-30)
2. God will be glorified in Him. (v.31-35)

* Law So Kwan ???(HK)— my sister Law So Chek ??? recovering after 9-hr operation in Australia. Now discharged from hospital. Praise God! Your prayers are at work!
* Lost & Found in Switzerland —”Just arrived in Lausanne. Right before we got on the plane, we started to develop some flu like symtoms. All we could do was to pray. ..Then at the Geneva airport, one of our bags (the suitcase that had all the kids’ clothes) was missing. We prayed. As I was filling out forms for lost baggage, the bag surfaced (it came with a later flight!). The Lord is so faithful and listens to our prayers. Thanks a lot to your prayers as well. In Christ, Patrick ( currently working in Switzerland)

God is our Shield!

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Father, save me from this hour…

The way to Glory :
1. a kernel of wheat produces many seeds (v.24) — death at work in Jesus ,life at work in us!
2. Father honours those who serve wholeheartedly (v.26) — where His will leads , we follow! Suffering with the Lord, Receiving honour with Him & united with Him!

* In the mid-20th century, life unstable in China. A university student once reading Psalm 84 ,he was touched by the Holy Spirit . In the following 55 years, he spent entire life to serve God. He went through wars, jail, sickness ,but his spiritual fruits globally. Before he passed away, he testified that once he was weak , God encouraged him — “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:17) He is Rev. Stephen Chiu.??? Let’s check out what Psalm 84 is about!

To Serve!

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But me you have not always (12:8)

Your presence my treasure ?
1. We enjoyed Jesus’s grace & miracle. What should we do to express our love to Him? (v.3-7)
2. Do we ever treasure the presence of the Lord? Do we see His presence more precious than everything? (v.8)

* I had an interview with a sister Pan Yu ?? from Chang Sha last year. She takes care of MR children in a centre which was set up by her faith in the Lord. Recently she writes , ” I feel grateful when I receive your email everyday. I hope you can pass this message to saints . We are launching a workshop for MR children. We need facilities for the producing some of handicrafts. It can only be bought in from US or HK. It would be great if anyone can provide us in love of Christ . Thanks.” (Pan Yu , CEO of · Developmental Centre for MR Children. Chang Sha, Hunan ???????????????)
( Sam Kong remarks : more info or contact the sister through the Ark Channel)

Precious treasure , living stream!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
and I give them life eternal; and they shall never perish

Voice Forever, Eternal Unity:
1. My sheep listen to my voice (v.16) — guidance & presence of the Lord come from listening. Are you listening?
2. My Father and I are one (v.30) — as the children of God, we should be one .

* God’s servants Shing Wah & Siu Yung report ( HK)- prayers request Kwan Kit & Lai Yee, ( parents of Tin Min who passed away as a baby earlier last year) One year later, Lai Yee just gave birth to a baby (named Chi Hang) last Monday – but baby has a heart problem. Kwan Kit askes for prayers from Ark Channel readers.(BB in stable condition . But coming week will be critical.) Pls pray that the baby to receive appropriate treatment , & Lai Yee can provide good quality milk to BB. (The baby has to stay in hospital for a longer period , so the family has to make rearrangement).

Choice Divine !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »

The book of John, seven miracles:
1. How to receive salvation — through God’s words (Ch2, water to wine), by faith (Ch4, healing the official¡¦s son), receiving grace (Ch5, healing the disabled)
2. What will salvation brings — satisfaction (Ch6, 5000 are fed), peace (Ch6, Jesus walks on the sea), light (Ch9, the blind sees), Resurrection (Ch11 Lazarus lives again) The son of God brings new life to a hopeless world!

* Bible teacher Peter Lau taught in Sunday school. One of his students — the daughter of Dr Tsui — was not quite obedient. Her mother sent the daughter to a rural area in America. She went to church there for a month , got nothing to relied on but God. Though she got 150 bites from mosquito, her spritual condition changed after that month , and came to know the meaning of life!
*Footprint of saints- Young leaders Ng Wai Cheong & his wife came to HK from Vancouver , Alex Lam from Toronto – returned home today . May God bless them as they work for the kingdom of God.

Be at Rest ?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… The night is coming, when no one can work? <9:4>

Knowing the precious Lord:
1. The blind can see (Jn 9:25) – The miracle of opening a blind’s eyes had never happened in the Old Testament. Only the Messiah has the power to open the blinds’ eyes. The Lord is the one!
2. Worship Jesus (Jn 9:37–38) – many things are more valuable then diamond: freedom, righteousness, truth, friendship, family love, romantic love, and the most precious of them, eternal life – God’s life. Jesus met the blind again to reveal the Son of God to him, so that he can gain the most precious.

?3 C’s for this life – last week 68 youths in my church?HK – F.5/F.7, many grew up in church since childhood ?offered their life to God in tears! Michael, a football fan, witnessed that he is willing to live for 3 things only: Christ, Church, Cross. Pls pray –Lord, take their all — time, studies, future, love, career, family –
for your purpose only!)

Strengthen Feeble Arms!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
..I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness..

Only walk in Your light:
1. only Jesus was left — Jesus is the only one who is innocent. He can judge and He can forgive! (v.9)
2. I am– Jesus is God, the eternal one — “I am “(v59)

* Ten years ago, McGill Alexander and his family were kidnapped by a Taiwan gangster Chen Jiang Hing. They were later released. In his book –Hostage Taipei –True Story- Forgiveness Hope, recalled the church pastor — Bill Martin who asked other saints to pray for them. Within a few hours, all foreign saints in Taiwan prayed for this and news was spread to Europe, America and South Africa. Even those who did not know him prayed for him. Chen later surrounded, repented and baptized before his execution. God had heard the church prayers!
* HK – Bro Lau Wai Lun will have chemotherapy next Monday. He rejoices in Jesus but is still worrying about the treatment. Plse pray for him, his wife & his little daughter.

Take His Yoke!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
…the words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life. <6:63>

Come to have life, listen to Him!
1. Hear His voice directly — Jesus said,–yet you refuse to come to me to have life? Listen to His word so that these words will turn into life for you.
2. The Holy Spirit speaks through the Word –the words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life… (John 6:63) Christ lives inside us via the Spirit , speaks to us, touches us, enlightens us & guides us. This is how we gain the way of life!

*Sister Josephine,(HK) wrote — “Yesterday I attended the funeral meeting of a dear sister – Law Man Yee. I don’t know her but her life really encouraged me. She was only 44 yrs. old & died for brain cancer. She has a 13-yr old daughter and 4-yr old son. I was deeply touched to hear that she loves so much of everyone she knows especially her relatives and families. She promised to her families to support the whole day of expenses (transportation, eating, etc) if they are all willing to come to the Gospel Meeting. I learn the love of God from Man Yee. May God teaches us how to live, not only for ourselves, but for others who are in the hopeless.” “I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But it dies, it produces many seeds” (John 12:24) May all of us could know and understand our purpose of life!

Fear Not

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and filled twelve hand – baskets full<6:13>

Spiritual food keeps us alive:
1. The eternal food is the Christ coming down from the above (v11, 14, 27, 29, 33, 48, 51, 58)
2. The eternal satisfaction is based on accepting the Lord & enjoying the Spiritual food (God’s words), united with the Lord! (v.35, 56)

* Ark Channel introduced a book— “Training Kids Biblically” , which attracts attention of many Chinese saints. Bro Lau the author, introduces another book–” Kids who have too much ” May the Lord bless our next generation as good vessel!

He Cares?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. (Jn 4?14 )

First-handed hearing, faith & living water:
1. Living Water (v.14) — with Jesus, we have a well of living water in us (the Spirit)!
2. Living Faith (v.40) — the Spirit lives in us. Start listening to the Spirit today and feed yourself with the living water!
Jesus stayed in Samaria for 2 days to strengthen those believing him because of the woman’s testimony. Second-handed hearing will not bring strong faith, only those with first-hand hearing can have their faith able to stand trials.

?last Sunday’s gospel meeting, A sister came from Canada invited her friend – a lady from Calgary . The lady believed with sincere heart, she admitted that when she was young, she had stood up in gospel meeting showing her belief in Jesus. But in fact she had not yet believed, and she asked the church to cancel her name afterward! Several decades passed quickly, she had moved to North America. But this time in HK she is serious towards God — and no turning back!

He Knows?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
He must increase, but I must decrease.<3:30>

Our role and our stage – the bridegroom’s friend?v.22…30?:
1. Our lives – be Jesus’ witnesses
2. Our mission – make others to focus on Christ

?Last night I dined with a few pastors. All of them have served the Lord for several decades, with one serving God for 4 generations! 2 principals of seminary colleges recalled their long struggles in nurturing thousands of servants of God. They all experienced the God who brings things from nothing. One witnessed that his father was also God’s servant. At that time his father’s salaries was $100+, sometimes couldn’t afford to take the children to see the doctor…now all children grown up and becomes faithful pastors too! . God so faithful and trustworthy !
?The disputes of the Student Press of the Chinese University of HK triggers some attacks on Bible. A Christianity group has made a comprehensive response (Chinese), click

Face God empty-handed?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
For God so loved the world…<3:16>

The need to be born again ?v.1…15??
1. Born again — to receive a new life from God
2. Born again — to let the Spirit in – that we can share God’s life

?Message for working saints- HK(1) The Way of Cross – in workplace
?Sam Kong reports – Though raining heavily, the gospel meeting for youths in HK last week still attracted hundreds to come. — 100 students came close to God ! In May6 more gospel meetings in -HK , pls back up with holy prayer !

Loving God !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
And the light appears in darkness…

Two things that men need :
1. Life — In Him was life (v4a)
2. Light — the life was the light of men (v. 4b)

* “Disease & History ” — written by F.F. Cartwright & M. Biddiss. They refer the times of Roman Empire when whole country persecuted Christians .A royal army commander followed Jesus Jesus privately and let others become Christians too. Eventually, there were two young men sentenced to capital punishment by goverment. However,even the guards and the judge also beleived in Christ in 288 AD .They were also executed! The emperor could not stand with this anymore, and ordered this commander to give up his faith . The commander refused & so killed .Christian belief always hated by the world since ancient time. How can we, the follower of Jesus, stay away from suffering?
* Brother Frankie Chow sent us good news — his mothercleared all idols last week! Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and listened to our prayer!

Great Love forever!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Jesus himself drawing nigh, went with them;

4 things given by the Lord :
1. Walking with us forever (v.15)
2. Teaching us in truth (v.27)
3. Blessing and supplying us (v30-42)
4. Sending us for His Great Mission (v47-49)

* To those who are seeking the answering of life, I recommend you to read :
1. Questions of Life
2. Search Issues
(both by Nicky Gumbel, founder of Alpha Course)
* HK — Tang Law Man Yee ??????(?????) passed away in Christ , funeral service on 24 May (Thu) at 10am , World Funeral Hall

Emptiness to Fullness!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
Today you shall be with me in paradise.

Out of the seven words on the Cross, Luke records 3:
1. prayed for His enemies –”Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (34)
2. forgave the criminal –”I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” (43)
3. committed Himself fully — “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (46)

* Pastor Lau Chi Hung ???mentioned the impact of reading – for criminals in jail in US, 83% of them did not read one single book in a year. On the contrary, a well-know servant Stephen Kong???, age of 90+ , always had 5 to 6 new books on hand every time when Lau visited him. He could also tell the summary of each new book

Hiding place !

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
a certain Simon, a Cyrenian, coming from the field

Grace Unexpected (v26)
1. Suffering with the Lord — under interrogation in four different venues, Jesus extremely exhausted. A passer-by Simon from 800 miles away, took up the cross for Jesus – for no reasons. He companied Him through the way of the cross
2. Receiving grace — the path of cross begins when we meet our Lord. It is also the beginning of grace. Suffering and receiving grace are not coincidences.

* In 1902, missionary Robert Lamont McIntyre came to China . During the Warlord Era, as doctor, he helped saving soldiers with all his heart – until one day he suffered from acute appendicitis while he doing an operation. He passed away soon. The Lord consoled his wife through the hymn — “All the way my Saviour leads me”. She brought up her 3 sons who inherited their father’s unfulfilled wish & lived for a quarter of century more in China. The whole family gave their best for souls in China.

Love Endures?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” (Lk 22:32 )

Strengthen your brothers:
1. Preparation of love?v.1-20?… the Lord prepared great feast for us. Taking the bitter cup Himself, He left the feast of love for us!
2. Advice in love?v.21-38?… Christ grants us a chance to repent, hoping that we may “strengthen your brothers”!
3. Sacrifice for love?v.39-53?… Our holy Lord bore our sins, even unto death!
4. Trial of love?v.54-52 ?… Keep our faith ; don’t lost our mission when we are weak!

?a story from “China Vision”. A wife suffered from heart disease while her husband seriously ill.They met an old lady aged 80+ who told them ” Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” ?Acts 16:31?. The old lady further believed that God will heal them physically, which came true later. From that time a church was started in their home. In 93′ some gangsters tried to harm their son in the market, the son was spared from a fatal hit as he was somehow pushed down by an invisible hand. His life saved by Jesus!

Master’s Touch?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. (Lk 22?61–62)

Tears of Repentance :
1. Satan seems powerful – men’s faith was shaken again & again (v.31-34)
2. Jesus is still the Lord – even the crow of rooster was in his hands! (v.60-61)
Can we recall His words when Jesus looked at you with mercy & love? Can we realize what’s happened, and go out to cry? “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted!” (Mt 5:4)

?yesterday’s gospel meeting in a secondary school , the – ex-prisoner Uncle Tong?? upliftesd Jesus the Savior. 70+ lovely students stayed after meeting, 5 teachers divided them in groups and led them to pray. None of them wanted to go afterward!?the Lord listened to all your prayers! Pls continue to pray for the 1,300 students in this school!?
?Janet Yu???(HK) – my mother ??? was illiterate, only knowing Jesus in a film years ago, and she believed afterward. Though living far away from church, she never missed a Sunday service. Even in serious illness she rejoiced, (my mother believed in Christ in her tough times, yet God had taken care of her for years. She passed away in peace & love of family. Thanks for all your prayers.

Million Thanks?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
“Then Satan entered Judas, called Iscariot, one of the Twelve” (Lk 22?3)

Keep our Hearts Pure (v.1-6):
1. Disciple became betrayer – in 03’ the American space shuttle Columbia broke down, 7 deaths. It was caused by just a small damage . Many serious accidents caused by trivial things .
2. Satan is keen to tempt our hearts — Satan enters our hearts through carelessness, hatred, mistrust, envy, anger…& tempts our hearts to sin & away from God. So keep our hearts pure, for our hearts are the wellsprings of life (Prov 5?23) !

?Sam Kong – my friend Uncle Tong?? , once a gang activist but turned to Jesus, preached gospel in secondary school on Friday., 70 students saved .Pls pray for us in follow up & the 1300 students in same school ..
?… HK Economic Journal reported an interview with artist S. Y. Lau???. She founded the SoFree Media which did much good. Lau experienced hard time when at the peak of her career – while both her parents passed away in 4 months…she found no way out. Soon she found her way in alcohol & sleeping pills…praise te Lord she met Christ in her adversity, who led her out of hardship. From then she travelled through America, Canada, Middle East & Afghanistan for the gospel, dedicating entire life to Christ!

Inner Flame?

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and you will be hated of all for my name’s sake. <21:17>

When history comes to an end – be alert :
1. Stop blind optimism – Christian life becomes harder and harder ?v.25…28?
2. Pray often – only unceasing prayer can keep us alert & guard our hearts till we see the Lord?v.29…38?

? 3 saints martyred in Turkey recently . On their funeral the pastor proclaimed bravely…”For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”?Phil 1:21?. Though the murders are extremely cruel, the widow Suzanne said God had forgiven them, since they didn’t know what they were doing. The event was so shocking that all the 5 main broadcasting stations in Turkey broadcasted the funeral together, which is so rare a case. The eternal meaning of the Cross was directly sent to all people in the 80 provinces of Turkey.

Lord, Strengthen Me?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
but He is not God of the dead but of the living; for all live for Him. <20:38>

The Day of Questions
1. 3 questions –Where did His authority come from? Paying taxes or not? Resurrection or not ??v.2?22?32?
2. repent or not –Have we given our lives to him? Do we believe He is the God of living, the Lord of eternity??v.4?25?38?44?

?Sam Kong – In May my church will have 11 gospel meeting in 10 districts, HK, please pray for this city!

Lord in me !

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…My house is a house of prayer…<19:46>

Den of thieves or Temple of God?
1. The Lord needs it?v.28…35?…Life is short – Are we ready for Christ ‘s use?
2. Welcome Jesus?v.36…48?…If we are to enjoy the peace & healing of the Lord, let Him cleanse our hearts first!
Lord, we pray that in this life we can be a temple of prayer, with not a single prayer goes in vain!

?Because He lives – The famous writer Nicholas Sparks has 5 children. He goes to church every week. With his deep faith in the heavenly love he writes about the trueness and love in the world. He once said that a good book has 2 characteristics— it touches a certain part deep in people’s heart, ansd that its ending worth pondering once and again. (and the life of every saint in the Spirit’s hands should be like this!)

The Overcomers !

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it… <17:33>

Seeking grace — the Lord of grace?
1. Only 1 of the 10 healed came back to thank – Are we the 9 who forgot the Lord of healing after being healed? Thanksgiving shows our willingness to live by faith on Jesus.
2. Before the life to come (when Christ returns) – In Noah’s & Lot’s days ,men lost their lives in gaining the world. When Christ returns, are we losing our lives because of the enjoyment of this life?

* Kolen Cheung (HK) requested for prayer – “my grandma is going to receive a major operation, needs a general anaesthesia. Aged 82, she has received Jesus many years ago , now is a sister with hope. May Jesus give her joy and peace.
?Last Wednesday 3 saints martyred in Turkey. Germany brother, Tilmann Geske, serving in Bible publisher, & 2 local saints, Necati Aydin & Ugur Yuksel were killed. Geske & his family have served there for 10 years. His wife Susanne & 3 children [aged 13, 10 & 8 ] decided to remain in Turkey. Pls pray for them ! (among 70 millions population in Turkey, only 130,000 believers) detailed

He can! He will !

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but the nine, where are they? <17:17>

Living as Christ – Christians remarks :
1. To forgive ?v.1…6?
2. Be faithful ?v.7…10?
3. Be thankful ?v.11…19?
4. Be prepared ?v.20…37?

?Heavenly Treasure – A new believer age 70+ was in serious illness. His son opened his safe , & found that he had stored with care the gospel package given to him after gospel meeting (in which he made decision to received Christ ) , more, a letter sent by the church inviting him to meeting !
?C. S. Cheng ??? (HK) reported that God has listened to our prayers. He was selected to try a new cancer medicine free of charge! May God’s power continue to keep his family. (His son Wen Kit also under treatnment .)

Look up!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
faithful in the least, faithful also in much…<16:10>

Kingdom Fund – 3 remarks for heavenly investors?v.9…13??
1. Treasure our Days – Are we devoting all our resources in winning souls ??v.9?
2. Use your wealth faithfully – Material possessions are the “smallest things”. Are we handling them loyally? How much is invested on greater matters (on ministries/ gospel/ brothers & sisters)??v.10…12?
3. Live for Him– Honour God as our master ,then money become our servants; If we let money be our lord, we’ll be its slaves! Beware of the day “when money is useless” – make as many spiritual friends as you can!?v.13?

?Sam Kong — my father, aged 78, came to church yesterday. Pls pray for him so that one day I can witness his baptism!
?My friend Shin, a Japanese, has received Jesus in HK. He will visit Tokyo this week, pls pray that he be strong to witness Jesus’ grace to his relatives!

Grace is sufficient!

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that is faithful in the least is faithful also in much … <16:10>

On the other end of time – when “money become useless”:
1. After men’s death – souls have feelings, memories & emotions (v.23-28)
2. Eternal separation – whether one believe in God’s words when alive – Christand his resurrection – determine his fate in eternity!

?Nowadays the sexual corruption of youngsters become a problem worldwide. Josh McDowell, who has become famous by his book “Evidence That Demands a Verdict”, published another book “Why True Love Waits” in 87’. It awakened youths in 85 countries to treasure the nobleness & blessing of chastity. Being sincere & caring, the writer provide extensive reasons & numerous statistical data to make his point very clear: pre-marital sex brings heavy cost to the society & bitterness to individuals & marriage! How to keep ourselves pure ? How to help our children?The answers found in this book
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