Keep Unity!

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Jesus continued: “There was a man who had two sons (v.11)

Love everlasting – the Father’s Heart ( v.11-24)
Our dearest Father, when we read the story of the lost son, again this morning we thought of our lives –
The journey of life is rugged, we once went afar, yet you never give up – your love never changes , your heart full of mercy.
In tears, our love towards you revived. In loneliness, we slightly share your heart…O Abba, we come near you … to share your holy love forever.. Amen.

?About snails-…4,000 years ago the Jews used blue snails to make dyes for the robe of high priests. These blue snails are thought to have extinguished after the Medieval. However, after Israel reborn in 1948 , they appear again. Scholars believe that when the Temple is rebuilt according to prophecies, the high priest’s robe dyed blue – by blue snails, will appear again. Our Lord is really at the door!
?Sandy Au ‘smother ( HK) has received Christ in elderly home .baptised & overflowed with joy. She passed away recently, funeral on 29/4 (Sun) 7:00pm, Pray for the family -may all come to Jesus!

Father ‘s Home ?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
But the father said to his servants , Quick , bring my best robe and put on him..(v.22)

Merciful and gracious! (Lk 15:11-32)
1. Painful once away from God – we are all lost sons: once abundant, yet now poor to the uttermost!
2. Joyful once turn to God – In dry seasons the grasslands in Africa are lifeless. But when rainfalls come the grass grow rapidly, life rejoice again. It’s even more joyful for us to turn to God — after experiencing sufferings in life!

?The campus massacre in US shocked whole world. Our world is going down , both family and faith. Everyday in US, 1,000 unmarried girls become mother, 1,106 girls induce abortion, 500 youth start taking drugs, 1,000 become alcoholic, 135,000 bring guns and weapons to school, 3,610 get sexual harassed, 80 are raped, 7 are murdered, 6 commit suicide…pls pray for your city and your kids!
* Myra Tong (US) – “We are more than willing to pray for the hundred thousands F5 students. May the peace of Jesus Christ be with them and the power of the Holy Spirit protect you all and uplift you all in His divine wisdom for the glory of His Kingdom. Amen. You guys are on the top of our prayer request list.

I know who holds tomorrow!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
when you make a feast, call poor, crippled, lame, blind… <14:13>

The doctrine to host and to guest:
1. God be the host, we are the guests?v.7…11?… Our distance with God depends on our values in His heart.
2. Invite those who can’t repay you in this life?v.12…14?…In this life , do our best to care those poor, crippled, lame and blind with God’s love – then God will reward by making us His guests when the righteous resurrects!

?news in mainland – young people got to know each other just because of a wrong number dialed. Quickly & crazily they fell in love, even got married very soon. Yet they started quarreling for trivial things ,then divorced as quickly. Pastor Y. C. Lee ??? specialized in counseling wrote a book “Before and after Marriage”, I recommend for those who soon get married. (Chinese)

Guide my Steps Aright?

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… how often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen her brood under her wings…<13:34>

His Mercy endures :
1. For how many times Jesus called us in calamities — to wait for our repentance??v.1…5?
2. For how many years Christ waited for us — to bear good fruits??v.6…9?
3. For how many times His hands lead us to a new world –when we are distressed & ashamed??v.10…17?
4. How much of our selves, families, children, churches, companies, cities & countries do gather under His wings & glorify His name??v.31…35?

?K W. Fong???, the famous stage opera director, became rich by founding a restaurant selling Portugal egg tarts. He further expanded his kingdom to Taiwan. However, he later lost all his fortunes in investment . He nearly killed himself because of the debt amounted 5 millions! In this difficulty , Sis H. S. Lai ??? ,brought him to church. Weeping for an hour, he sincerely repented & turned to God. With miracles he managed to pay back his debt in a few years’ time. Fong now serving Jesus by using his gift in gospel opera !

At Morn Rejoicing ?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
Strive with earnestness to enter in through the narrow door <13:24>

The Lord’s tolerance, love & power?v.1…17?:
1. Don’t ask why tragedy comes – but treasure the time God gives to us today! ?v.1…9?
2. Don’t sacrifice any individual to fit the system – Not a single day can be delayed to save a suffering soul!?v.10…17?

?”Way of the Cross” hymn-sharing section (2)
?Please pray for 105,266 F.5 students going to have their public exam in HK —“Can you request for prayers for the F.5 brothers & sisters through the Ark Channel? Thanks a lot! — as requested by Bro Ng Shueng Yee, a F.5 student in HK”

Grace Sufficient?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…keep yourselves from all covetousness, for it is not because a man is in abundance that his life is in his possessions. <12:15>

Grasp hold of today – be with one mind with Lord:
1. No greedy?v.13…21?… Being rich in world yet poor before God – what a lost !
2. No worry?v.22…32?…?”worry” = “pulled apart”?Our Father knows everything! Trust Him , or else you will be consumed by worry.
3. No hardened hearts?v.33…59?… Wait for Him, giving food to the needy at proper time –this is the purpose of our life!

?Dead Sea (Sea of Arabah in Bible) will dry up in 50 years. Israel & Jordan came to agreement in May 05 to build a“Channel of Peace” costing HK$6.2 billion ,to canal water from Red Sea into Dead Sea. Bible prophecy to be fulfilled! (may check Ezekiel 47 :8-10)
?O. F. Chan??? who baptised in hospital before death .Her funeral on 22/4. Pls pray for her whole family come to Jesus !“For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime; weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning!”

As poor, yet making many rich!

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when thine eye is simple, thy whole body also is light… <11:34>

Let God’s words lighten your heart:
1. Flee from cravings of flesh… Samson the warrior?Samson =Sunny?had become a blind prisoner, dying gloomily.
2. Avoid the lust of eyes … Lot had started the journey with Abraham, yet had a sad ending due to drunkenness.
3. Abstain from pride of this world … Saul was blessed and made king, yet fell low to consult the spirits and later killed himself.

?Uncle Tong -my friend had been in prisons 9 times and finally repented in his middle age. Yesterday he shared …he visited the Victoria Prison with university lecturers. He recalled that 60 years ago he was chained and escorted into that prison cell no. 2 of the Victoria Prison. Visiting the prison after 60 years, he sighed, but yet he also praised the Lord. God love the world’s sinners, His mercy never changes!
?Special sermons “Way of the Cross” (HK) 4th sermon?Cantonese?: Effect of the Cross

All for Him!

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… he goes to him at midnight and says, “Friend…because a freind of mine.. come to me… (v.5-6)

True meaning of love – who is the best friend? (v.5-8)
1. Anxious for others’ need – to ease the hunger of a friend coming from far away, the host asked for bread from an unfamiliar friend in midnight!
2. Our Father never sleeps – He is better than any friend on earth, always ready to response to our needs! (the Ark Channel often request for prayers for all “unfamiliar friend” in Christ over the world. Don’t forget the last stranger appear in Luke is the Lord Himself – who loves us! (Lk Ch.24)

* from C. P. Chan??? – my aunt – O. F. Chan??? had believed in Christ & baptized in serious illness. Her husband turned to Christ also. The couple reconciled in Lord. Also, Bro C S. Cheng ??? & his son Won Kit?? still waiting for chemotherapy,. Pls remember them in prayer
* from Jefferson Chan – thanks the Lord & yr prayer , sister L. C. Leung Hung????, my mother-in-law, has her cancer removed . — N. K. JeffChan (Church of God in HK)

Same hope!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… having sat down at the feet of Jesus was listening to His word. <10:39>

Mary of Bethany – listen and worship forever:
1. Giving time — when listening: sitting at Lord’s feet. ?Lk 10:39?
2. Turning to Him — in sorrow: pouring out her soul at His feet?Jn 11:32?
3. Giving the best to Him — when offering: pouring the perfume on His feet?Jn 12:3?

?Pray for Thailand – letter from Patrick Cheung in Bangkok …”I’m now meeting in Sathorn Church. It is a church with long history, but its Cantonese ministry has just started, with only 15 Chinese born here…now a few saints from HK working in Thailand are serving them, hope that we can have a pastor from HK to serve here.”?Patrick and his family received the Lord in HK. He engaged in electricity construction work in Bangkok. May the Lord be with him?
?”Way of the Cross”3rd messages (HK) /hymns sharing, ?Cantonese)

Consider Him?

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… but the Son of man has not where He may lay His head. <9:58>

The Call of love :
1. Be prepared to deny yourself… it’s impossible for someone who enjoy easy lives and be a true disciple ?v.57…58?
2. Carry you cross… grasp your chance to love the Lord! ?v.59…60?
3. Follow Him… “being absolute” is the common sign for those really follow the Lord on the way of cross!?v.61…62?

?Prayer of the righteous is powerful — This week ,pls pray for several saints in sickness …M. Y. Law(???), T. C. Lam’s??? wife, suffering from cancer, now receiving treatment in Panyu; H. S. Chan’s(???) situation not so good, she needs grace from Jesus ; N. C. Ng’s (???) father got a stroke, staying in Kowloon Hospital; C. S. Cheng(???) seems to have a cancer relapse..Will see doctor on Tue (his son Won Kit(?? ) also waiting for chemotherapy / electrotherapy after brain surgery); sister Y. W. Lam(???) is recovering after 2 electrotherapies.

Remember me, Lord!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… that they who enter in may see the light. <8:16>

Listen to God words –in all situation:
1. In danger and hardship?v.22…25?
2. Under Satan’s attacks?v.26…39?
3. In serious sickness?v.40…48?
4. In mourning of death?v.49…56?
When He said “we can go over to the other side” , it will be done accordingly! In whateever situation today, catch hold of God’s promise!

?Messages of “Jesus and Him crucified – 2” (church HK) – Cantonese, by Samuel Ching????:
?Footprints of saints: K. Y. Kwan’s???family to HK , now back to Darwin in Australia. His father S. C. Kwan??? believed in Jesus in his 90 & passed away peacefully at 93. He suddenly fell sick just before he was going to be baptized. His family & saints prayed urgently at that time, the Lord healed him miraculously, so that he can be baptized into the name of Christ.The whole family attended Sunday gathering every week til he was back to heaven.

Grace upon Grace?

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… Your faith has saved you; go in peace. <7:50>

Saved by faith, blessed by love:
1. When prayer seems useless?v.18…35?– When God turns down your wishes, don’t be despair, tell Him everything ! Our Lord has the last say on our service.
2. When tears help us see better?v.36…50? …tears can’t save us, but God won’t despise a broken & contrite heart.

?Waves of immigrants paving way for the last hour – The Puritans brought spiritual revivals when they fled to America and Australia. In the Second World War, millions of Jews fled to the West & back to the holy land. Numerous Chinese moved South East Asia in times of war & gave rise to churches. Before the handover of HK, several hundred thousands elites moved to cities over the world. Now millions of Eastern Europeans are moving to the west, 25 millions from North Africa & Middle East are moving into Europe. 500 millions are moving from rural areas to cities over the world – prepare yourself a map to pray for the saints & churches scattered over the world!
* -“Jesus Christ & Him crucified (1) ” – sermons given by Samuel Ching ???

Firmer Trust?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
blessed is whosoever shall not be offended in me. <7:23>

Pour out for Him– :
1. His words: of authority!?v.7?… Lord, your commands are full of life , give me a word today!
2. His heart: moved with compassion!?v.13?…Lord, how merciful you are to care for a widow!?moved with compassion / His heart went out to her?
Lord, fill me!

* Letter from Samuel Ooi in Toronto – conference of church in Toronto — about the 5 offerings in Leviticus, messages given by S. C. Ng???. Bro K. O. Lo??? visited Toronto & shared on Sunday. I found great help in the sermons. It’s also glad to see that about 80saints attending the special meeting, we determined to live a life of offering!

Until the storm stops!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…the stream broke upon that house, and could not shake it, for it had been founded on the rock.

Jesus went up the mountain and prayers for the whole night:
1. Prayer in dangerous days: The establishment of the Church was followed by persecution. When Peter the Apostle was put in jail, the church prayed hardly for him. Angel rescued Peter out of prison (Acts 12:1-19) Prayers in times of trouble bring deeper work of God.
2. Obey His words in every situation: Esp in hard time, if we hold His words, our spiritual life will be as strong as a palm tree.

* The Tang’s family get closer to God as they look after their son with Down ‘s syndrome. They bought a new flat for their new baby butended up with negative-equity properties. After a few years, they learned that the seller who sold their flat to them is also a Christian family .They used the money to establish a factory overseas and thus developed a great gospel work. God’s wisdom so wonderful !

The way of the Cross, no return!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and He spent the night in prayer to God <6:11-12>

Grace & Hope — two aspects of the Lord’s work in love:
1. to give men real rest (v1-11)
2. to give men new blessings (v20-49)

*Footprints of saints: Two couples, Benjamin Lo(Kin On) with his wife, and Bro Tang (Jik Kong) with his wife, came for a funeral service in HK. They fellowshipped with saints- with joy , and now back to church in
Rosemead & South San Francisco. Kwan Ka Yin (Stanley) family came to HK also for a funeral. They have returned to Darwin, Australia.
*church in HK special meeting — “Christ & Him crucified ” in Easter break.
7 aspects on the Cross — it is -
1. the way entering the path of life (Luke 9:24)
2. Experience the way of resurrection (1 Co 4:7-10)
3. The way of grace (2 Co 12:9-10)
4. The way of faith (Heb 4:11)
5. The way of building the church (Phi 2:3-4)
6. Enter the way of glory (2 Co 4:16-18)

Let go, let God

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
I am not come to call righteous persons, but sinful ones to repentance.

Go to the Father :
1. From God, for God and to God — Success might be the beginning of failure — Jesus does not focus on results & development, but fellowship with Abba father .
2. Withdraws for prayers can maintain the holiness of your serving — if we neglect listening to God, your holy serving will be defiled to human work.

* Tse family from US — Thanks to the mercy of God, the operation of Shirley’s sister, Candy, was done on 4 Apr in HK. It was diagnosed as cancer by three specialists, but it was found a cyst what a miracle! It’s all the work of God as well as prayers from you all . The story would not be totally different without your prayers! Blessed be those who shared the burden with us in Christ. Glory to Him! — Shirley and Edward, fr US
* During Easter holiday, church in HK had two conference –Jesus Christ and him crucified. 2000+ saints committed themselves to God. After that 280 working saints committed to walk on the way of the Lord. Pls pray for the revival of HK !

I’d rather have Jesus !

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
He touched him, saying, I will; be thou cleansed… <5:13> …

I’d rather have Jesus! – :
1. By His words — from emptiness to great harvest?v.1…11?
2. By His promise — the sick was healed?v.12…16?
3. By His power — sins were forgiven ?v.17…26?
4. With His presence — the rotten were refreshed?v.27…39?

* Y. S. Kung???, the richest women in Asia , has left over HK$32.8 billion. In the lawsuit over her husband’s inheritance, the judge once quoted a verse from Psalms: “Truly, every man goes on his way like an image; he is troubled for no purpose: he makes a great store of wealth, and has no knowledge of who will get it.”
*A hymn — I’d rather have Jesus, –was written by Rhea F Miller, 1922. It influenced the life of George B Shea. George couldn’t finish his degree because of finace. Later he was employed by a broadcasting company , near his way to go famous. His mother prayed for him. In a Sunday morning George rea a poem “I’d rather have Jesus” on the table, which was left over by his mother. He was deeply moved by it & composed a hymn with it.He offered his life & became a member of Billy Graham’s missionaries life long. Only the Lord can fill our empty hearts!

Never Runs Dry ?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And when it was day He went out… into a desert place…<4:42>

The Lord’s Spirit is on me … proclaim the year of Jubilee?v.18 …19 ?Lev 25??
1. Men before God — Crashed in spirit, became slaves of sins, had our lives ruined
2. Year of Jubilee — in the grace of Christ we have a turn!

* fr Michaelia Wong –“My mother’s?H. S. Chan????becoming thin; for 3-4 nights she can’t get asleep, pls pray for her: may God grant her sleep, control the cancer cells, grant us sufficient grace”“that seem to be weaker are indispensable” < 1 Cor 12:22>
* L. K. Tang???and he husband are doctors.Their 3rd son had Down syndrome. Sister Tang’s sister also a doctor, reported to Sister Tang the mdical result , sister Tang asked God in tears — LOrd, how to look after him? God said, “My grace is sufficient for you…” (2 Cor 12: 9? ?details read their book????

Way of the cross!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
Jesus …in the power of the Spirit … His message has authority. (v.14, 32)

His Love with power & authority:
1. Full of power (4: 14) – Famous brands are expensive – because of excellent quality control. . Jesus’ sacrifice passed God’s quality check –only those pass it can be filled with the power of Spirit.
2. Words of authority (4: 32) — Instruction from CEO is most powerful in a company. As Jesus is the Lord, His words have authority on men. – also cast away our weakness, darkness, emptiness & weariness.

* the hardest things in human bodies are the teeth! God gives every adult 32 teeth only, but the food they chewed in whole life can fill more than 10 trucks, 50 tons each! Thanks God!
* 280+ youths attended conference in HK (3 days- 6 sermons). topic – “The Way of the Cross”, Pls pray for them to become future witnesses of Christ & His church!

Yoked Together

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And Jesus advanced in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and men. <2:52>

People waiting for the Savior – Anna ‘s story is the most legendary:
1. Adversities can’t destroy her – though became a widow 7 years after marriage, still she had become a prophetess, serving God day and night till 84!
2. A widow with hope – Her last words was filled with amazing hope! Lord is the friend of those poor, lonely and heart-broken!?v.36…38?

?Thanksgiving from C. P. Chan ???(HK): “On 17/2 we had requested for prayers from you all, that my aunt Oi Fong?? in fianal stage of her life ,can be spared to hear the gospel. Lord had mercy on her and she has awoken, believed and forgiven her husband. She was baptized last Thur in hospital . 2 days late (Sat) she rested in peace. In these 2 days after baptism, she experienced wonderful joy, taken photos happily with her family. After she passed away , her son witnessed that she found peace at last and had already gained what she wanted in life !

Zero distance with God!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
in piety and righteousness before Him all our days. <1:75>

Those fear Him – spiritual insight :
1. God-fearing couples –God’s mercy is shown via those who fear him. Are we?
2. Spiritual insight – Simeon’s insight came from revelation of the Spirit. Only by this we can know our Savior. Fear God , listen to His voice!

?Sister S. C. Law ???(Sydney) has a brain surgery lasted 9 hours, She experienced God’s grace and the power of prayers. Medical check 2 weeks later, pls pray that her whole family encounter Jesus.?she moved to Sydney fr HK, she is S. K. Law’s ???’s smaller sister?
????. ??? C. P. Chan’s & Y. M. Chong’s aunt — Oi Fong?? received jesus in her sickness, together with her husband. 2 days before we witnessed her baptism in hospital. Pls pray that God continue to give her courage & hope in her final stage.

Grace unchanging!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
His Mercy extends to those who fear Him. (v.50)

With Lord, all things are possible—
1. He is the rising sun of mercy (v.78)
2. He guides our feet into the path of peace (v.79)

?fr Sister H. S. Chan’s ??? (HK) – “Thanks God that I can share God’s grace and mercy shown on us with you all, my dearest brothers & sisters in God’s house. …, I can still sing praises aloud to Him…within 3 days I’ve been confirmed that I have cancer. , which, I think, is tailor -made for me by God. I was shocked when first heard this news…I called Lord’s name out aloud, “O Jesus! O Jesus!” At that moment I heard a gentle voice, “daughter, my grace is sufficient for you!”All my burdens were gone suddenly & peace filled abundantly instead. No more fear or panic. Then a hymn came to my mind…He is responsible for me…why should I afraid? …My heart’s in peace, don’t worry, just pray for me, lifting me to God. May God strengthen my faith!

Journey of Love?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And they were both just before God… <1:6>

Footprints of love – Searching of His Sweetheart:
1. Creating miracle?v.5…25? — on marriage, family or future…miracles may come at any moment for those loving God. Don’t be despaired!
2. Giving faith?v.26…38?– Nothing is impossible with God. Listen to Him, great things yet to come!
3. Bringing joy?v.39…80? — He brings hope to the hopeless – sing & praise now!?v.68…79?

? Ark Channel reported that the Lord had healed the baby of John & Jessie from blood cancer. Having battled for a year in looking after a dying baby, Jessie then knew her own powerlessness & experienced God’s faithfulness. Now the Lord has turned her sorrow into joy! Their family experienced God’s sovereignty , & touched by numerous saints who teach them -also to pray, to look after them, to supply them, to provide medical information…some children even asked for a photo of her sick BB – so as to pray for him everyday…the Spirit’ is working in Christ and His church! (So, no matter what happens , don’t leave Christ and HIs church!)

Fear not the dangers – not I , but Christ

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
and the Lord worked with them… (v.20)

Last strongest promise – He is still working!
1. Go – The Spirit is working inside us – to bring us out of our own small world.
2. Work – The goal of our lives is to carry on Jesus’ mission – just as He had come to give His life in serving! (Mk 10: 45)
He was dead, and behold He is alive for ever and ever.(Rev 1: 18)

*Always pray and not give up – The family of John & Jessie (HK) whom had requested few times for prayers: their BB Philip faced blood cancer and in danger last year. The church and saints prayed hard for them. In last night’s prayer meeting , Jessie gave thanks to the Lord — the baby’s fever brought down after 10 months, his blood is okay, white blood cells level resumes normal! Their family praised God, and thank you all who prayed for them. May glory be to God Most High!
* ???, ??? C. P. Chan & Y. M. Chong’s(HK) aunt – Oi Fong??, just believed in lunar new year together with her husband. Bro Chan just told me that his aunt’s condition went worse. Pls pray, that God may grant her peace & hope, & keep her till the end.

God can do

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? <15:34>

Beyond expectation – 2 wonderful witnesses:
1. Centurion’s witness – Gentiles will admit Jesus as the Son of God!?v.39?
2. Joseph’s confession –Jesus’ sacrifice made a “hidden believer” strong & brave to work openly for the Lord.?v.43…47?

?HK Sister ??? S. F. Wong’s mother…H. S. Chan??? felt ill last week. Her case serious; will receive medical report today. Their family in church for 3 generations, serving & loving God for years. Pls pray for her family …that whatever happens they can still have peace.
?Yesterday’s sharing on Biblical alphabets & numbers was interesting, like the book of “Bible code”. However we never agree to use the Bible for soothsaying. God’s words aim at“make us wise for salvation”. In this 5 years, Ark Channel wrote on Bible outlines & inspiration daily only for one reason – that our mind be renewed day after day – & to know Him more!

Lord, come & fill me!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
And they compel to go with them a certain passer-by, Simon …that he might carry his cross. <15:21>

Death of God’s servant – 2 miracles?v.21…41?:
1. The earth shook?ref Mt 27: 51?…Mount Sinai shook when the Law was proclaimed. By the death of Christ ,the curse of Law is removed, and we are freed!?Rom 10:4; Gal 3:10…14?
2. The curtain torn?Mk 15: 38?…The death of our Lord paves a new & living way…

?Bible – the book of wonders…Every alphabet of the Bible in its original text represents a number. The Book of Esther recorded 10 names – 10 sons of the wicked Haman, all were hanged on gallows. Scholars found that the “sum” of these 10 names is 1946. It happens that in 1946 exactly 10 Nazi war criminals stood for trial
in Nuremburg — all hanged. (Believe it?)
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