Sunday Hope

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And Jesus said, I am! <14:62>

Cause I know whom I have believed:
1. Eternal work … “Jesus said, ‘this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many…” <14:24> Only this work of salvation can last forever. Lord, thanks for your sacrificing love!
2. Immortal figure … “Jesus said, ‘I am’ <14:62> the world and men are ever changing, only Christ can stand forevsr , He is always reliable!

?Bro K. Y. Tsang??? moved to NZ from HK, settled in Hamilton in the north island. Recently he is back to HK to share gospel with his relatives. good news –…”On the Saturday before we leave for NZ both of my parents accepted the Lord. It’s so good! On that morning, seeing that I’m going to leave soon, I had an in-depth talk with each of them. Miraculously my father prayed with me, confessed his sins and accepted Lord. After this is my mother, she wanted Jesus also! They even agreed to let me cleanse all the idols… few days ago my father-in-law believed also…thanks for your prayers! Lord’s blessing be with you. Kin Yip”?Bro Tsang is church elder in Hamilton , NZ?

Look up!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Watch and pray…The spirit indeed willing, but the flesh weak. <14:38>

Facing the enemy — Our Lord’s Exmple?v.32…42??
1. Before the Father … pouring out His soul ?v.36?
2. Before the co-workers … tolerate and accepting ?v.32…42?
3. Before the enemies … solemn and brave ?v.48…65?
Lord, the Rock of Ages, we trust you forever!

?Good book — “Finding God” by Larry Crabb. Larry said, “The purpose of our lives is to know Jesus Christ, we’ve no other goal apart from this.” Being a Bible scholar and an experienced clinical psychologist, the writer knows human nature thoroughly; and still he points out that turning to God is the only way out. Try reading it !

Near to Thee

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But what I say to you, I say to all, Watch. <13:37>

Future Look – I know who holds tomorrow:
1. Well planned future – while destruction of the Temple?v.1…2?, when heresies overran, when politics, military, economies, ecologies & morality in the midst of calamites, the gospel is preached world wide!?v.3…13??Israel will be judged ?v.14…23?…then the Son of Man will return in glory ?v.24…27?!
2. Look forward the heaven – watch out, on your guard, pray?v.5?9?18?23?33?34?35?37?, be faithful as a servant! Look upon His returns rather than hardship now !

?HK, Young Bro Won Kit’s ??(20) brain cancer -surgery Fri morning . His father askes your holy prayer to backup – that his son can live for the Lord in allhis days ahead .

God’s will be done on us!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
the gospel must first be preached to all the nations. <13:10>

The Son of Man so near?Mk 13??
1. Before the Tribulation ?v.5…13?
2. Within the Tribulation?v.14…18?
3. Toward the end of Tribulation?v.19…27?
Suffering helps the spreading of gospel !?v.10?11?

?Bro Y. F. Lam??? passedaway in peace. (His father K. C. Lam??? had served in the Lord for his entire life. ) Before he was back to heaven , he prayed for an hour , & the Lord spoke to him , called him back home. So his faith was strengthened & answered the Lord’s call in peace!?funeral…22/3 (Thur) 1:00pm
HK ?
?75% of elderly in America prays everyday; half of those aged 65+ read Bible every week (while it’s 27% for the youths). In view of aging populations among cities & churches everywhere, how can we help the aged? I recommend a book– “Complete Guide to Caring for Aging Loved Ones”????????????published by ???????.?

Follow through the stormy rain!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He is not the God of the dead, but of the living … <12:27>

Love God with our all (v. 28-44) :
1. His way to measure – Jesus focuses on heart rather than quantity. The rich men scored low because they hadn’t given their all. We may be weak, but do we have the poor widow’s heart to give our all for Lord?
2. Poor widow’s offer–Having nothing reliable on earth, she completely relied upon God. How it pleases Him when we love him with our all !
Only those really believe God is the God of living will love him with all their hearts, their souls, their minds and their strength!

?son of C. S. Cheng???(HK) – Won Kit???aged 20?has a brain tumor.- surgery today. His mother requestes your holy prayers. (Kit has given his life in His hands – His will be done!)

Sunday Hope

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in the heavens forgive your offences. <11:26>

Laments of the fig tree – Repent!?v.12…14?:
1. The Lord’s hunger – we should be available whenever He has a need!
2. The Lord’s curse – better watch out- see if we have led a fruitful life before God!

?Bro Ma has been away from God for years – until recent months .I asked him how he was awoken in spirit. He told me in 2 business trips – God saved him from serious accidents one after another . Deep in his heart the Lord called him to repent. On the day of 911 in US., he arrived in Seattle. While the world was shocked, again the Spirit called him to return!

Be pragmatic & patient!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… say, The Lord has need of it; <11:3>

Today Lord has need of you, so:
1. Be humble, welcome Jesus to the throne?v.1…11?– the most glorious thing in life is to carry the King of Kings in our lives, bringing him to all people !
2. Let Him come & cleanse us?v.12…26?– are you Willing to let our Lord in to cleanse our hearts and our world? The Lord’s authority is shown in places he cleansed!?v.27…33?

?water purifiers & desalination plants. But the earth itself is a huge water purifier. Sea water evaporates into the atmosphere & become clouds. Then water is poured back onto earth through rains & snows. The whole recycling process takes 11 days only! Only by this free water purifier given by God we all can survive. Have we ever give thanks to Him?

Best use of life!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Rabbi, that I may see? <10:51>

Last healing in Mark:
1. On the way to suffering – yet Jesus stopped to show mercy, opening man’s eyes.?v.49?
2. Pour your heart before Him – He is waiting for our call!?v.51…52?

?M. Y. Law??? (??? wife of C. L. Tang, HK) —, suffering from serious cancer, receiving treatment in Panyu, China. Pls remember her family in prayers.
?My friend Ah B – a hairstylist . He had been indulged in sins, but in the last few years, Christians and pastor kept on showing up as his customers. With no room to “escape”, he finally repented and turned to Christ!

Even our hair is numbered!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Suffer the little children to come to me…<10:14>

Following Christ — Way of No Return:
1. No divorce?v.9?– since marriage is joined together by God!
2. Don’t keep away?v.14? –Jesus blesses children, also blesses those turn like children.
3. With men is impossible?v.27-31?– those feeling weak themselves may be nearest to God!

?Statisticst shows that it takes 5,000 hours to gain a bachelor degree; 10,000 to become a computer expert; but a kid in general wastes 16,000 hours on TV from 3 to his university graduation! Are our kids wasting their time? Are we spending life wise ?

May Lord give you new wisdom !

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »

Ark Channel 130307 Mk 9 (a)

…no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus. (v.8)

Way to go, things to do:
1. Up the hill – go upward, tasting glory with the Lord (v.2-8) — Our footsteps, eyes, ears, hearts, and desire …are these all focused on Jesus and His eternal work?
2. Down the hill – humbly following the Lord (v.14-50) — Pay the price and face challenges in life, serve with God’s presence, to save anyone we meet, to shake the power of darkness!

?Reunion up there – A new sister testified that before her mother passed away, she caught hold of her hands and said, “I’m going to see your children in heaven.” By then the sister had just got married and decided not to have children, so she was unmindful of these words. Few years later she changed her mind and had a baby. Because of her mother’s last words , she tried her best to share gospel to her children. Consequently her spiritual life grew a lot, became a goodleader !. ”Instead, they were longing for a better country – a heavenly one…”[heb 11:16]

Courage to you !

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Whoever desires to come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross .. follow me. <8:34>

Grow Wise- Two Blessings of Life– :
1. The greatest discovery – knowing Christ!?v.27…30?
2. The most prestigious investment – following Christ!?v.31…38?

?No more hatred – C. P. Chan ???and his wife request for prayers in Ark Channel last few weeks, here ‘s good news .Their aunt & uncle received Jesus in gospel meeting & hospital separately. Aunt’s life preserved twice after surgery, giving a chance for this broken family to get reconciled. By the great love of Christ, last week uncle confessed & repented in fr0nt his wife near death – in tears . “For the message of the cross…to us who are being saved it is the power of God!”[1 Cor 1:18]

Better Place?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Be of good courage: it is I ; be not afraid. <6:50>

Effective service – key of church growth:
1. Merciful pastor?v.34?…Wherever is true love and spiritual food, there is attraction for crowds!
2. Comforting Lord?v.50?…With the Lord’s gentle and comforting voice, the startled and troubled sojourners can go forward at ease.

?Goodnews from Indian young brother Sunny: ”I brought a taxi driver to Jesus while I’m working aboard!”
?Though Bro K. Y. Kwan??? has moved to Darwin in Australia, he still remember his relatives’ souls in HK. His father, mother, elder brother and wife, and his niece turned to Lord one after another. Now his whole family loved God fervently. Yesterday afternoon his father (Bro S. K. Kwan???) was back to heaven at his 95. Please pray for the Kwans family!

Lord, keep me?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
..came and fell at His feet … <7:25>

The Human Hearts ?v.14…23??
1. Evil comes from our hearts – Our Lord warned us that evil motives (evil intentions) is the root of contamination.
2. Sins corrupt our lives – sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance and folly… Watch out!

?Bible changes a murderer – In 1936 a worldwide conference of Christians was held in San Francisco. A friend from the Solomon Islands showed a stick with numerous slashes of knife. The slashes serve as records of those he killed. Until he met Jesus he knew his sins, repented and read His Bible every day !
?Uncle Tong the former murderer called me in March 2007 – He is going to witness Jesus to a crowd of drug addicting youths (some are on recovery). Pls pray for him & the lives of many!

Walk high and far!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… send them out two and two, and gave to them power over the unclean spirits; <6:7>

Lonely path of the great servant:
1. Despised by relatives?v.1…6?
2. Threatening of the enemies?v.7…29?
3. Equip disciples in difficult time?v.30…56?
Consider Jesus so you won’t grow weary!

?Great wisdom in Bible – An American- Maury- once heard his son reading–Psalms 8, and came across the phrase “he paths of the seas”. Maury got some insight and he asked his son to read several times again. At that time the concept of water flow was not yet built up, so Maury determined to find out the truth of “paths of the seas”. In few years’ time he drew ship routes and water flow diagrams. His statue, holding a nautical chart in one hand and a Bible in another, is still here today. Those who love the Bible gain great wisdom !

Secure Divine?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Go to your home to your own people, and tell them how great things the Lord has done for you … <5:19>

Weclome Him , or Reject Him??v.1…20??
1. Our Lord traveled thru storm to save – Jesus knew our agonies & came to save!?Mk 4:35 – 5:1-20?
2. Men valued money more than life – Are we driving Jesus away in fear of losing money & profits??v.13?17?
Be careful, Satan likes to hang around in money-loving cities!

?Elder S. W. Tong??? recalled his granduncle – an alcoholic, was seldom conscious. The doctor found his 2 lungs badly injured & he could only survive 3 months. He was panic, but what can he do? His relatives told him to accept Christ on his bed. He refused at first, but walked out of hospital after praying. Then he regretted for wasting his whole life, knelt to pray, accepted Jesus with his family. After that once he went to a feast , his friend urged him to drink again. He said his life was brought back by Jesus, refused even a drop of it. Christ gave him 3 more extra years , and his life was never so peaceful, happy &hopeful!
* Hackers’ attack – Chinese page of Ark Channel’s website? invaded by hackers, now fixed, but pls pray for HIs protection for the ministry

In Him is Life!

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him? <4:41>

Who is God’s servant? – 3 things to remember :
1. Listen clearly?v.13…25?… God will speak to our hearts, listen!
2. Let God work?v.26…29?… Sow with all your might, then sleep & wait for harvest!
3. Be tested?v.35…41?… Take His word , have faith in His power!

?The boss, Mrs. Siu, of 2 restaurants is an interesting Christian. She met some mentally handicapped some years ago , & was moved by the Lord to do something . Despite all hardship, she started a restaurant in district of famous schools, providing job opportunities for handicapped. with God’s love, trained them, letting them work & live with dignity. She also brought them to church, dine with them after meeting, reviewing their work and teaching them the Bible. Finally she saw improvement in character of her workers. Now she owned 2 restaurants which can serve 200 customers in each afternoon. Love is in action & deed !
?Recently a documentary film cast by famous director attacking the resurrection of Jesus, shaking the faith of many. Experts’responses click

Holy Connection?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… sown on the good ground … bear fruit… one a hundred fold .

No shortcut for growth – 2 things to grow wise :
1. Keep your heart pure ?v.1…20?
2. Experience hardship with the Lord?v.35…41?

?Footprints of saints – The God-loving couple K. Y. Tsang and K. L. Wong??????? have moved to NZ a few years, now living in Hamilton.?They’ve been back to HK recently to bring relatives to gospel meetings. 2 were saved.?God brought them out through a shadowy valley (their daughter died 3 days after birth). With divine comfort & healing , now their family is zealous & strong again , God also gave them another baby. 6 months Tsang started his ministry as an elder in church (open Brehren church) . Those prayed for them for years in tears should now give thanks to God!?Ples pray for NZ, Tsang reported that less than 5 % are genuine Christians -among the 4 million + population in NZ?To know Hamilton, click

My Hope, My Strength?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Him … ( v. 14?19 )

Choosing His disciples:
1. Praying for whole night – seeking God’s will – Personnel is most important for a company. When Jesus chose His disciples, he prayed for whole night to seek God’s will (Luke 6?12)?
2. Train them, pray for them – Seeing the faithfulness of these ordinary people, Jesus trained them , prayed for them. Finally they became elite gospel messengers, laying down their lives for the Master
The greatness of Jesus – He can use ordinary people to accomplish great work for God. Are we valuing people so high?

*I received much news about depression and problem on interpersonal relationship. It’s better to seek help early. The HK Institute of Christian Counselors is newly set up, check or 2374 3888
* The hospital pastors’ service is very effective. If you have relatives in hospital, no matter you are in HK or overseas, can contact them to comfort & preach to your relatives — check or 2339 0660

Be Dynamic?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
(Jesus) said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. <3:5>

Saving for the wiling?v.3?5?:
1. Shriveled hand – Faith is putting our imperfectness into God’s hands!
2. Stretched hand – Power is gained when obeying Lord’s words!

* Footprints of saints – W. M. Chin??? moved to Singapore from HK, was back to HK for a visit. He & his family served in Singapore. With an unchanged zeal he preached & pastured full time, may Lord bless him. HK Sister K. Y. Chow ??? will work in Singapore from March ,for at least 9 months, pls pray for her that she may be a blessing there.
* Josephine Chan askes about the situation of sister M. Y. Law???who has cancer. Needs the information to tell her son so that their family can pray for her evert night —
?M. Y. Law???, wife of C. L. Tang???, suffering from serious cancer. She had requested for prayer support recently. In past 2 weeks the couple continued to gain strengthen from Bible; the Lord still keeping them. Bro Tang still serve God & wants to thank you all. ( Sis Law goes to mainland for treatment every week. Her 12-year-old daughter soon to apply for secondary school, may Lord direct her, & glorify His name in her weakness.?

Never too late?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I have not come to call … sinners. … <2:17>

New age , true rest (v.18-28):
1. Start of the new age – Christ is our bride, new cloth & new wine! Rejoice, for with Him our lives are miniatures of banquet in heaven!
2. Christ, the Lord of Sabbath – He grants us true rest ! (v. 23-28)

* Good news from Chow’s family – “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible! God saved my family-my mother & sister received Jesus, even promised to clear idols. Thanks God for hearing church’s prayers. May God bind Satan, strengthen their faith & free my father, mother & sister to church meeting & be baptized.
Testimony – : 1. Before meeting my sister even wanted to leave…so I couldn’t believe the reply slip she handed to me – she received Jesus! After she departed I was still dubious. Till I went home, chatted & prayed aloud with her again , I was sure she had received the Lord sincerely.
2. My mother worshipped idols . In last gospel meeting she slept for most of the time, but was waken before altar call. When the speaker called, she stood up and whent forth!.
3. That night , before dinner, my whole family prayed together, hand in hand. So sweet! Glory & praises & honor be to my God, my Lord! — Ka Kwong, Ka Shing ,HK”

Arise ?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
To thee I say, Arise …< 2:11>

4 heros of faith – 4 levels of faith with bring blessings to the paralyzed ?v.1…12 ??
1. Faith with action ?v.3 ?
2. Faith to cooperate ?v.4 ?
3. Faith unchanging ?v.4 ?
4. Faith that moved the Lord ?v.5 ?

?Great harvest – Last 4 gospel meetings ,near 6,000 attended, pairs of couples received Jesus in same day. A saint even brought 5 friends to Christ. Saints from Singapore & Canada also attended this crusades HK. A couple from NZ brought 2 relatives to eternal life. At least 10 friends from mainland China were blessed in this new year in HK. A brother has preached to his parents for 20+ years, & both are saved in this year. A mother & her daughter met saints on the bus . Both came & obtained sure salvation!
?Sam Kong — Ark Channel has limited resources (only Jesus stands besides me), don’t send me mails with large size attachments!


Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but He shall baptise you with the Holy Spirit <1:8>

Press towards the goal & complete the mission:
1. Jesus’ life – only for completing God’s mission – to serve & lay down His life for redemption of many (Mk 10:45)
2. Jesus’ call – march forward without returning, no delay, no holding back! (Mk 1:17-20)

?Urgent call to Jesus – the aunt of the couple C. P. Chan ??? & Y.M. Chong ?? was critically ill. On 18/2 they asked saints to pray for her, that she awake to hear gospel.Bro Chan got a promisefrom God : “Now is the good time; now is the day of salvation.” (2 Cor 6:2), but his aunt was worse than before. At last the aunt’s husband came to meeting, received Jesus as Saviour on 20/2, and thier aunt awoke in hospital!
?Saving the impossible?… Sing Tao Daily reported the story of a fiery youth Ken. He got addicted to marijuana at 15 , assaulted a policeman at 20. He suffered from depression, got addicted further in several drugs, and once committed suicide by taking more than 100 pills a time!…he heard the gospel in hospital. After this he quitted drug addiction. Now he got a proper job and was renewed by Jesus !

Go all Nations?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… I am with you all the days, until the completion of the age. <28:20>

Jesus name — representing the highest authority (v.16-20)
1. On hearing Jesus name Satan will flee – God has the highest authority of the universe. God had given all authority to Jesus – in heaven & on earth!
2. Whenever we exalt Lord’s name we can overcome – the Lord completed salvation – was made Lord & Christ – to defeat Satan, freeing men from darkness to His kingdom
3. All sinners who called on His name will be saved – He is King, by His name He gains all nations to be his people (disciples) till the end of the world.
Call on His name – now!

?Don’t wait – Last night Bro Andy who is a teacher – told me that his young colleague committed suicide in the lunar new year holiday. Everyone need Jesus! Share the gospel at once!?Pls pray for his school as well as souls around you you.?
* Messages of the last gospel meetings , HK – by Samuel Ching & Dixon Ip
19/2 – Jesus the saviour (107 saved)
20/2 – Healing Love (102 saved)

Sleep without Fear!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
He saved others, Himself He cannot save… <27:42>

Victory at last – the suffering Lord, the sacrificing love:
1. “My God, my God”?v.46a?…In times when God seems to have departed, are we still clinging to the weak faith till dawn comes?
2. “Why have you forsaken me?”?v.46b?…When we thought even ourselves are forsaken by God, are we still crying out our deepest pain to Him?
Greatest blessings often come out of suffering – it deepens our relationship with Abba, — the greatest blessing of all.

?I knew a taxi driver who possessed 2 taxis in 1997 (worth a few millions including licenses) & a flat also…but all gone in financial depression. He and his wife deeply depressed, his wife even hid herself from outside world…till his 2 daughters believed in Jesus and witnessed the heavenly hope to them- they found peace. Now his wife is active in church, helping many to God; he himself becomes a contented & happy driver, and he often tells his passengers about God’s grace. He is now even a deacon in church !

Keep yourself near the Lord!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…and led Him away to crucify. <27:31>

A Holy Life :
1. Though our Lord possessed holy authority, he didn’t response to men’s attacks?v.11…14?
2. Though our Lord had the power to destroy, he didn’t fight back?v.20…21?
3. Though our Lord had the freedom to choose, he didn’t went down from the cross!?v.34…44?

?In last gospel meeting on 19/2, Bro Samuel Ching the speaker mentioned he had visited a woman whom was possessed by demon. Due to the idol worship of her husband’s family, she had been crazy for 16 years. When the brothers arrived , she ran out of the door angrily. So the brothers commanded her to went back home -in the name of Jesus, & took away her weapons. They kept proclaiming the Lord’s name…when her husband was back , demons left his wife & she was conscious again. The whole family turned to Jesus from then!

God is for us?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…you shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming on the clouds of heaven. <26:64>

God’s workers – weak disciples can turn into great apostles ?Mt 26:31…46?69…75?Acts 2:14…41?
1. Don’t be disappointed – continue to follow him!?v.45?
2. Know yourself – Just repent with true heart !?v.75?
Don’t be despair. The one denying Jesus today may repent , & lead thousands to Jesus tomorrow !

?The whole church in HK worked together yesterday . Dixon Yip ??? spoke on ”Healing Love”– under the power of Satan, our world is driven by hatred, men’s hearts are broken and wounded. But Jesus came to heal!?Luke 10?Ip witnessed the Lord healed his body in his first 20 years, and healed his soul in his last 20 years. The whole congregation stood in altar call . The power ofthe cross led 102 to repent. Jesus is Lord!
?First 2 days -209 believed in the “New Life, New Hope” gospel meeting. Glory be to God!
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