Work with the King!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
remain here and watch with me… <26:38>

Story of love – pouring, watching, repenting?Mt 26?:
1. Pouring (Mt 26:10) — a family moved to new house . Their 3-year-old daughter left her doll in old house . In love the father drove several hundred miles back to find the doll & comfort his beloved daughter. Love changes views & deeds . Doing beautiful thing for the Lord in critical moment pleases Him most!
2. Keep watching (Mt 26:40-41) – Jesus’ soul sad even to death, he needed disciples to support & keep watching . We often seek our own benefits at the expenses on God’s, but His 3 times of prayers of Lord left us good example!
3. Repenting (Ps 51:17) – The nature of the “cross” is “loss before gain”, “shame before glory”,“death before life”. A teardrop of repentance is precious as pearl. A broken and sorrow heart, O God, you will no put from you! (Ps 51:17)

?209 souls saved in first 2 meetings – New Life , New hope crusade , Church in HK
?near 2,000 attends crusade HK yesterday.– on Jesus’ salvation in 4 aspects. In meeting , A friend had stomachache while listening, but miraculously didn’t go away. He thought inasmuch as stomachache now, why not echo altar call and receive Jesus? So he went out and came to Christ !
?My friend Sam Wong drove his mother to meeting.?though old Mrs. Wong in wheel chair , she still brought her local homehelper to the gospel?. With their effort the worker saved!
?Over hundred of souls went out to atar call – , many in tears. (I counselled a father, and his daughter couldn’t help tears. His son-in-law was delighted too. I asked,“Uncle, do you truly believe in Jesus?”He said, firmly, “Sure!”?

Bless our Land!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… for she has wrought a good work toward me. <26:10>

Time flies, catch hold of the moment to love our Lord ?v.1…16 ??
1. Those done on the Lord will last forever.
2. Those done in love will be remembered by the Lord
What are we busying for? What will Lord say on our works tht day ?

?According to history in 1949, there were less than a million Christians in China. Now the number of Chinese Christians is about 80 millions. Why? – “How beautiful are the feet of those who give the good news of good things.”

Great blessings !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Inasmuch as you have done it to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done it to me.

Three things to happen – when our King returns:
1. To Distinguish the good from bad and wise from foolish?v.1…13?
2. To assess our investments throughout our lives?v.14…30?
3. To Reward our good deeds on others?v31…46?

?church in HK to have crusade – 4 meetings . saints from 10 districts bring freinds to Jesus . Pls pray for this idol-filled HK !
?C. P. Chan??? & Y. M. Chong??? in HK phoned me – requested for prayers. Yee Man’s aunt Ai Fong?? was in serious sickness., situation critical after surgery. The couple are anxious about her salvation & hope to lead her to eternal life ASAP!

Light up my Life!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Well done, good & faithful servant! (v. 21)

Waiting for the Lord’s Return (v.2-3; 21) :
1. Don’t just wait idly – be a wise maid – prepare oil for the lamp (be filled with the Spirit everyday), don’t let your lamp extinguish.
2. Do good , be loyal – Jesus did not mention the numbers , He only wanted His servants be honest & loyal. Jesus had entrusted his “property”–gospel, truth & witness of the Kingdom – to us -His people.

* “New Life, New Hope” crusade – time for prayer – in HK time 2/19-20 3:00pm / “Powerful Savior –/ “Healing Love –back us up with prayers:
* Note fr Sam Kong – old friend C .F .Wong hoped his mother can attend gospel meeting, so I phoned his mother & showed concern. Later C. F. brought good news – he phoned his mother after my call – & he brought his mother to Christ through the phone ! Glory be to God!

Father Knows Best?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Then two shall be in the field, one is taken and one is left; <24:40>

How to face tomorrow? – focus on the Bible and Christ?
1. End of the world – no one knows the day& hour?v.36?, but we have to watch out ?v.4…8?, keep our love?v.9…14?, be familiar with the prophecies?v.15…28?& wait for Lord’s return!?v.29…35?
2. End of life – feasting will end in emptiness?v.36…41?. Life is limited, Be a wise servant, give at the right time & well-treat your brothers – prepare to meet your God anytime!?v.42…51?

?Message from India –Indian youth Santosh Gurnani (Sunny) who was brought up in church of God in HK, is now back to his homeland to share God’slove to his relatives , sum up his letter — How excellent is Lord’s name in all the earth…I witnessed to others even in the plane. I really found a church in India; to worship happily…. can’t imagine so many Christians in India. I attended 2 family worships, saints fervent to Lord! here sermons about the testimonies of Gideon, Daniel & Jesus. God spoke to my heart – He is going to have great work on us…yesterday I share the gsopel in a KFC, people came to hear one by one…I had already testified to my relatives here, pls pray for it! Glory be to God – Sunny in India

Inspire me?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come (v.14)

Prophecies on the last hours – beginning of Tribulation (v.4-14):
1. Heresies overrun (v.4-5 ) — be cautious!
2. Wars break out (v.6) — be calm!
3. Famines & earthquakes (v.7) — be used to it!
4. Betrayals & persecutions (v.9-12) — be brave !
The unrest of the world is urging us to preach the gospel over the world…

*Recently a couple lost all in the stock market, the wife suffering from depression. But since they met Jesus, they found hope & peace in their lives. The gospel is really the power of God!
?Countdown: 4 days – “New Life, New Hope” gospel meeting in HK – 19/2, 20/2 at HITEC, 25/2 at Ling Nan University in Tuen Mun ,& Taikoo Pri School , HK . Speakers Samuel Ching ??? & Dixon Yip ??? –back up with holy pray – for HK !

Amazing Praise?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Blessed be he that comes in the name of the Lord. <23:39>

It’s hard to let go — mourning and promise?v.37…39??
1. Men can break our Lord’s heart over and over, but He never forgets anyone of us?v.37?
2. The Lord left for a while, but he still remained hope for us. His grace and covenant won’t fail, He’s sure to come!?v.38…39 / Ps 118?26?

?In last year we have made several reports on the baby Philip of John ? Jessie in HK , who was suspected to have blood cancer. Being sick for half a year and had once near death, his parents had completely put his life in God’s hands. But the Lord showed His miracle , in the beginning of 07’ the baby is fully healed! Glory be to God. John ? Jessie would like to express their sincere thanks to all saints praying for them.
?Countdown: 5 days – “New Life, New Hope” crusade in HK – 19/2, 20/2 3:00pm?”Jesus the Mighty Savior”, “Healing Love”, spoken by Samuel Ching???, Dixon Yip??? – HK International Trade & Exhibition Centre in Kln Bay?, pls pray to backup .

He Remains Loyal?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
God is not God of the dead, but of the living? <22:32>

Jesus – what a name to me!
1. He is the God of living?v.23…33?…With him I can face death. We live as long as He lives.
2. He is the Son of the Living God?v.34…46?…He’s in heaven, on earth, and also within me!

?Changing one’s fate in 7 days?…”New Life, New Hope” Crusade HK – 19/2, 25/2 , 26/2. Speakers Samuel Ching??? & Dixon. Ip ???. Pls pray for HK ,work hard for the eternal fate of your relatives!
?A brother prayed 20+ years for salvation of his father. One day his father had a nightmare in hospital — being chased by a demon. The son comforted the father, saying that he can call on the Lord ‘s name for help. At night the demon came again in dream , the father asked Jesus to save . Then an army of “shining” angels came and the demon fled. The father awaken, he told his son about the dream & said he had already believed in Jesus. The son asked how he got to know the army came from Jesus? The father said, “Because I did beg Jesus for help!”
?Countdown: 7 days…”New Life, New Hope” gospel meeting in HK — inquiry

Don’t be ashamed of the gospel!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Pay then what is Caesar’s to Caesar, and what is God’s to God. <22:21>

Holistic faith — Lord’s response on 4 questions:
1. On politics?v.15…22?- we have God’s images, should be absolutely possessed by God!
2. On truth?v.23…33?… Don’t make a guess on future, the Bible is sure answer
3. On ethics?v.34…40?… To love God & man with all our hearts, is this our attitudes of life?
4. On relationship?v.41…46?…our attitude towards Jesus is a matter of life or death!
Have you built up eternal relations with the Lord?

?The evangelizing revival of Moravian Brethrens in Europe swept the whole world. Historians found 4 characteristics from them – Action-oriented, deep love toward Christ, brave & persistent” Zinzendorf once said, I’ve a passion for Christ , and only for Christ only. In their contionous missionary journey to Guiana , 75 out of 160 missionaries died of epidemic; 2,158 saints were sent by them to every corner of the world- within 150 years. These were the footprints of our spiritual fathers. Ar we following their footsteps, winning souls in our cities in this Lunar New Year?

Teamwork , Dreamwork?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the time of fruit drew near…<21:34>

We are God’s temple – the church – should be filled with:
1. Praying?v.13?
2. Healing ?v.14?
3. Empower?v.18…22?
4. Praising ?v.15…16?
Lord, give me influence on this 4 aspects – that I won’t waste my life!

?Even the scientists know that human body is the most wonderful design in the world. Never think that your days pass by easily, your heart beats for 10,000 times on average and handles 10,000 liters of blood! Every droplet of blood runs for 270,000 km a day (equivalent to the distance traveled by a car running at 100km/h for 112 days), facilitating the 7 millions of cells in your brain that work together! We are God’s masterpiece!?Praise the Lord!?

Watch & Pray ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…The Lord has need of them … <21:3> …

3 warnings to the kingdom’s citizens:
1. Are our eyes blinded towards the glory of our Savior??v.1…11?
2. As God’s temple, are we corrupted inside??v.12…16?
3. As trees planted by God, have we born fruits outward??v.17…22?

?Give blessings in New Year – In the 80’s , gospel boolets written by Rev. C.K. Ng ??? were used greatly by God; now books by Samuel Ching ???continued the harvest among Chinese community. Booklet by Ching like “The Best Blessing”already saved numerous, translated into English, Indonesian, Burmese, Vietnamese and Russian…once a saint in NY gave it to his friend , & the friend believed at once! I recommend it for you all – to give to your relatives or colleagues.?Available in China Alliance Press or HK Church Book Room?

Lord, have mercy on us!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
And Jesus… touched their eyes… sight restored …they followed Him. <20:34>

What would you have me do to you?
1. All but grace: parable of vineyard (v.1-16) – It’s God’s grace that we can serve and live in the churcht. We should only worship the Lord when seeing others have greater blessings, not to be envious.
2. The bitter cup: the way of our Lord (v.17-28) – Jesus set an example for us: drinking the bitter before sitting on the throne. High places in the kingdom are given to those drinking Jesus’ cup. (The bitter cup means to be the servant of all, to serve but not to be served.) Humbling ourselves to serve others is a must before we can get to the throne.

?Footprints of saints – Indian brother Sunny?Santosh Gurnani?is visitng his homeland India for a month. He aims at sharing good news to his family and his relatives. Sunny was brought up in HK, and he lived upstairs of my church when he was small. He grew up to be a good and godly brother. Remember Sunny in your prayers!

Life to Serve?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. <20:28>

Seek the Giver rather than His gifts :
1. Redeem your time! Why keep standing idle? ?v.1…16?
2. whoever give their lives in serving are the greatest! ?v.17…28?

* Sister Olive M. Chiu ?? fr church in Sydney –“Thanks for daily message of Ark Channel, really good & helpful… it connects the scattered saints all over the world…. Everything’s alright here in Australia. The church just had a special meeting for 4 days and 3 nights, with 60+ saints . Bros M. C. Chan??? &Joseph Wai ??? gave messges …my husband Bernard, a new believer, enjoyed it too…he will be baptized…in the last Sunday of 06, he spoke for 45 minutes for his testimony, it was touching…The Lord has heard my prayers, wish that I and my house can be servants of God…now I’m waiting for new job. I commit this in God’s hands & let Him show my way. God Bless us — In Christ, Olive


Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but with God all things are possible. <19:26>

Who can go to war with the king:
1. Those love the Lord all-out?v.16…26?
2. Those obey the Lord unlimitedly?v.27…30?

?In 8/12, 1934 the young American missionary -couple John C. Stam was killed in Anhwei of China. Being the 73rd and 74th martyrs of the China Inland Mission, the news of their martyrdom was widespread internationally. When their enemies barged into their house, the wife still served them with tea and cakes. They were asked where they were going when sending away under escort, and they answered, “We only know we’re heading towards heaven.” They were buried together. On their gravestone a crossed was carved, on the left it wrote“as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death”, on the right“For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”. On the foundation stone a verse was written: “Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.”?Rev 2:10?… from“The Sacrificing Love”

Make me Whole ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…go, sell what you have and give to the poor…and come, follow me. < 19:21>

It was as in the beginning – marriage: union in 4 aspects (Mt 19:1…12 ??
1. Divine Union – Marriage, being initiated by God, should never be explained according to men’s favour.
2. Physical Union – marriage relationship lasts till death!
3. Eternal Union – be of one mind for the rest of life!?no try-out, no return!?
4. Union of one man & one woman – in the beginning God made “a man and a woman” into a “couple”, all other combinations are illegal?Mt 19: 8; Gen 2?

?Countdown: 14 days… Superstitious beliefs flourish in every Chinese New Year, but the church in HK confronts the trend. From 90’ till now (17 years in total) we organized massive gospel meetings in Chinese New Year – the “New Life, New Hope Gospel Meeting”. In every year the number of attendance is around 5,000 man-times, among them there are 300+ turning to Jesus (so 6,000 believers cumulated in 17 yrs ). 200,000 gospel leaflets and more than 10,000 CDs and tapes are issued every year to families throughout HK . This year 4 meetings , please pray for it! ?Inquiry)

I will praise, I will wait?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
should not you also have had compassion on your fellow – bondman, as I also had compassion on you? <18:33>

Seek the lost brothers, and bring Lord’s presence:
1. Win a lost brother ?v.5…18?21…35?
2. Then win a partner of prayer! ?v.19…20 ?

?I’m reading the bibliography of Condoleeza Rice, US Secretary of State. Herdream was to become a pianist , but turned out a politician. Since Rice was small she loved Jesus, but cooled down when grown up & got involved in busy work, even stopped church life. However when her mother was in serious sickness , God showed grace and let her lived 10+ years -until Rice reached her 30. Witnessing the death of her mother, Rice nearly collapsed .The Lord comforted her From then her spirit revived with hope, & she resumed church meetings whenever she has time. (You won’t be busier than Rice !)

In Him, we live?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… go and seek the one that has gone astray? <18:12>

3 virtues in kingdom’s life:
1. Humbleness (v.1-14)
2. Trueness (v.15-20)
3. Forgiveness (v.21-35)
What will this kind of life bring? “I tell you the truth, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (18:18) Brilliant!

?from Jones, a saint in university — Thanks God. Last week , 223 students attended gospel meeting for university students, 90 were non-believers. 9 of them accepted Jesus ! The new believer class for students started on 2/2, please pray for it! ?That night a brother shared his self-centered life in the past. He has been addicted in computer games for years, spending more than 10 hours on it everyday! Another sister’s father had an affair with other woman – when she was only five. His father owed a lot of money also. Their family was like living in hell! The third sister’s father passed away when she was small, and many problems arised between mother and daughter…but the 3 broken hearts were all changed when they met Jesus — forgiveness and joy filled them… !?

Grace in trials !

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
And he was transfigured before them… His face shone as the sun… <17:2>

Wonderful Things in the Kingdom:
1. Glory and obedience…The beloved Son with all His glory, yet He was handed over to men for God’s will?v.5?12?22…23?
2. Faith and miracles…We gain whether you use – net or hook – follow Lord’s words and you’ll have a surprise! ?v.14…27?

?Fr Billy Law –The funeral of sister M. N. Or ??? from Zhongshan who passed away recently due to heart attack, had completed yesterday in peace. The orphan left behind, Ah Chun, who is 15 only, knew that his mother had only slept in Lord. Thanks for the caring and prayers from churches in various places.?Pls continue to pray that the Lord can gain the whole life of the child, and the souls of his grandparents.?

God did promised strength for our lives!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…they saw no one but Jesus alone. <17:8>

Living in God’s kingdom – only listen to Christ & look upon Jesus:
1. The king’s glory?v.1…13? — nothing to boost on special experiences, since all these serve to direct us to listen to, to look upon, to serve & to follow Lord!
2. The king’s authority?v.14…21 ?– kneeing & begging of man moved His heart to drive out demons!
3. The king’s Humility?v.22…27?– This was the only time Jesus used his power to meet his own need?in fact for not offending others!?

? Letter from Victoria Lam: Pls pray for a sister Queenie Leung of my cell group. She has an operation for cancer 2 weeks ago, 4-6 chemotherapy treatments ahead. His glory manifested in her .
?Letter from Frances Ng:…My father used to be a sufferer of long-term disease & I felt deeply the hardship as family member of patients. A hospital pastor visited my father very often, and I was encouraged by his serving. I wished to take part in this service after my father passed away. In July 06 I learnt from Ark Channel about this ministry, so I enrolled. Now I visit patients once every week…I sent this to say a thank you as I have the opportunity to take part in this service through the Ark Channel.

A Time for Everything?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…He will render to each according to his doings. <16:27>

The Way to Kingdom – suffering, crucifixion & resurrection of Christ?v.21?:
1. His way – Jesus had to die for our sins according to Old Testament’s prophecies… the way of the cross is one-way with no return!?v.21…23?
2. His servants – Only those pouring out their worldly lives for Jesus can gain eternal life & be His servants.?v.24…28?

? Special announcement: Billy & Sandy run a company in Zhongshan. Their accountant passed away suddenly, Her funeral held 31/1 in Zhongshan, request — fr Billy & Sandy — “ Our colleague in mainland, devoted sister M. N. Or ???, passed away due to heart attack Monday. (Her husband died 7 years ago, her parents non Christians.). She had a 15-year-old son Ah Chun. Pls pray — 1/ the Lord show mercy, her departure be blessing to family 2/ protect the faith of colleagues in our company 3/ Prepare us another accountant – keep our loving hearts to God ” — Remember, O Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. – Psalms

Start with faith and love!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
On this rock I will build my church …?v.18?

Great faith & mission – revelations of Christ & building of His Church:
1. Who is the Lord? — He is the eternal King, summary of all prophecies, the Messiah saving, the Son of God, and our Savior?v.13…16?
2. What’s His work? – To give us divine revelations , grant us life and authority, build us into His holy church, to destroy God’s enemies!?v.17…19?

? In the morning of 6th Dec, 1934, American missionary John Cornelius Stam & his wife were killed in Anhwei of China. In the last letter they sent to saints before martyrdom —- May God bless you and direct you. For us, no matter we are alive or dead, God have all His glory.”?they were 27 and 28 of age ?After 73 years in today, there are 80 millions of Christians in China.
? Letter from Siu Yung??, the young servant of God: –W. L. Lee??? and Y. Han?? were my senior in secondary school. In a few years they had brought 200+ schoolmates to Christ, establishing the huge parish of youth in the Church of Christ in China Shatin Church. They are now in seminary school in America.

Shine , Jesus Shine !

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
How many loaves do you have ? (v.34)

Jesus won’t forsake those come to Him:
1. worship without sincere heart is in vain (v.1- 20)
2. But the Lord is tender-hearted to those who have faith and cometo Him (v.21-28)

* young couple Wai Leung ?? & Han Yuk?? traveled to Israel for honeymoon. Being so zealous for Jesus , they shaed His love to 100+ Chinese workers there and brought 10+souls to Christ. 3 months after marriage, they went to Thailand for 4 years & and seeking the lost. They were extorted in the customs inspection, hinted to pay “special money” so they called Jesus for help!! A local friend came & whispered a few words to officer, & they let them go at once –“we are missionaries ! ”.Since Christians & foreign missionaries have good testimony in Thailand, benefited the society very much. To show respect, they were allowed to enter Thailand without paying “special “money !

Bury your dream and walk with Him

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…seeing dumb speaking, crippled sound, lame walking, and blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel. <15:31>

Great Work of our Lord:
1. Proclaiming the truth – Lord proclaimed the truth to the stubborn Jews?v.1…20?
2. Showing mercy – Jesus showed His endless mercy to the suffering Gentiles! (v.21-39)

? A couple of Li’s family ,moved to Thailand for 4 years to share the love of Christ after their marriage. The wife ,Sister Han ??, born in Beijing & brought up in Xian. She moved to HK at her 17, due to language barriers she grew depressed. In 89’ she met Jesus in Chinese University of HK; her young heart was deeply touched . In 91′ she determined to go aboard for the Lord’s gospel. When they entered Thailand they were stopped in the customs inspection, hinted to pay unreasonable money of their piano & computer, (without receipt!) What to do ? (To be continued.)

Bring to Him?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
And all ate and were filled …<14:20>

Leaping over adversity – with miracles of life:
1. Convincing the crowd with grace ?v.13…21?… Our Lord’s situation was especially dangerous after his friend was killed. He didn’t oppose nor flee from the enemy, but instead he fed the crowd of 5,000 !
2. Convincing the disciples by walking on sea?v.22…36?…In stormy night the Lord trained core disciples of the kingdom. Later Peter led 5,000 souls to salvation!

?The couple W. L. Lee??? & Y. Han?? went to Northern Thailand after graduating from Chinese University of HK -to share Jesus’ love. They stayed there 4 years . In Thailand , Sis Han’s her leg got hurt by boiling water …. During her recovery she met a mother teaching her girl to give thanks- always! Han enlightened & recovered strength…knowing God never left her !

Be Daring

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
beginning to sink … Lord,save me! (v.30)

In the sea, the storms and the waves — He keep us till the end:
1. Follow God’s will — we will face storms & waves when walking in God’s way (v.22-29a)
2. Be quick to call for help — call on the Lord before sinking !

* Take time – A high school teacher Ruth’s (HK) letter — “Mrs. Lai, a mother of my student, had a relapse of cancer which had already spread to the lymphatic system. I visited her together with a Christian teacher Ms. Tsang .We shared gospel with her …finally she prayed and accepted Jesus. She is going to have chemotherapy the second time. I’ll visit her again and hope to strengthen her by prayers. Pls pray for us – pray that this family (she still has idols at home!). Also pray for my health these days. Thanks!

Treasure of Life !

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it (v.46)

God is sowing seeds– to human hearts, and to the world :
1. Can God sent you freely – that you can influence & bear fruits in place He sent you to?
2. God speaks once & again (In Mt 13 the word “listen” appears 19 times), have we listened? Have we obeyed?

*2 sisters, M. W. Yu??? & T. U. Hung??? were brought up in South Korea & North Korea respectively. Both of them witnessed the turmoil in warring times. Someone asked if there is a God , why we have so many miseries and sufferings? Sister Hung said— if God doesn’t exist , our miseries may be hundredford,
thousandfold, millionfold than today’s!
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