Rooted in Christ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…sown upon the good ground … hears and understands the word, who bears fruit also …<13:23>

Fate of men — heart is the wellspring of life:
1. The kingdom of heaven -story of growing of eternal seed – It’s not the pursue of Utopia by human strength or intelligence. This eternal seed only produced when men’s hearts accept God’s Words (1 Peter 1:23 )
2. Jesus pointed out 4 situations of men’s hearts —
1. On roadside ( can’t perceive the Word since their hearts filled & hardened by worldly matters)
2. On stony place (rocks in hearts like lust, pride, self-pity…prevent the seed to get rooted)
3. Among the thorns ( hearts perplexed by money & worldly matters- the Word is choked – can’t grow)
4. Into good ground (without the 3 things above mentioned , be the good ground. Yield 100 times!)
Our Life becomes rich in Christ . Want to have high returns? Clean your heart often and let Lord’s Words take root in it!

?Bro T. L. Tang (???) – his wife M. Y.Law ?? has serious cancer, stopped treatment & nowhome rest .Their young children Lok & Kin ????? still calm. Thanks for caring shown by you all , pls continue to pray & support?Bro Tang still proclaims the following —
“but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!”?

Good Man , Good Things !

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… whosoever shall do the will of my Father … <12:50>

Who is in God’s household?
1. The unrest sinners?v.1…8?
2. The withered patients?v.9…21?
3. Those saved under demon possession?v.22…30?
4. Whosoever does the will of the Father?v.46…50?
Me too!

?Bro Y. B. Chow??? / HK?father of F. W. Chow????has passed away. Funeral – Wed 24/1 night. Pls pray that the victory of His gospel ! (My topic -”Hope Eternal “) 3/F of the Universal Funeral Parlour.
?The new immigrant Ah Dip ?? nely baptized , witnessed that she was sad when she just arrived HK recently , even more due to the death of her father. But the Lord’s great love brought her to God’s house- she found rest. Praise for His grace!

Crown after Cross

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
He shall not strive or cry out… <12:19>

Jesus is the Greatest ?v.1…42?:
1. As King, Chist is greater than Solomon?v.3-4, 42?…His law saves rather than judges .
2. As Priest ,Chist is greater than the Temple?v.5…6?– He makes offering for us everyday.
3. As Prophet ,Chist is greater than Jonah?v.7; 41? — With Him our lives have become miracles.

?Wonderful love – 2 days ago , 3 sisters baptized . They witnessed the unceasing love of God, decided to be Lord’s disciples together. Another youth was born in Buddhist family. Suffering from serious sickness since F.1, she used to visit the hospital 3 times a month. She was also beaten badly by her family. One day 2 elder sisters shared Lord’s love with her in MTR station , even prayed for her health & her family. Afterward her health & ffamily really turned better. From then she started going to church ,finally baptized !
?You may find Chinese bible website of Prof. C. M. Yu??? useful, click

Your Wants, His Care?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
blessed is whosoever shall not be offended in me. <11:6>

Arena of life – stepping up or down;
1. Sometimes God fulfills our wishes?v.7…14?… In the climax of life ,John the Baptist’s only task was to direct people to Christ. If God places you in centre of stage, it is only for glorifying His name!
2. Sometimes God rejects our prayer?v.15…19?… Mision fullfilled , you should leave the stage. John martyred with no regrets! Don’t be disappointed with Him when your wishes don’t come true!

? I met a youth Ringo – just baptized . Once he helped repair the computers for a company, the boss put gospel pamphlets beside him ,later gave him invitation leaflets of gospel meeting. He had rejected Christ for a long time , but this time he came in a rainy day.however he went a wrong way . A brother went to seek him in rain. Found! He received Christ on that day , then attended the whole course for new believers –baptized yesterday!

His Yoke Easy !

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened … (v. 28)

More diligent, more rest:
1.Labour for kingdom–Only after 6 years of labored cultivation ,the Israelites enjoyed harvest. If we are to enjoy the glory & abundance of the kingdom, we must labour & cooperate with the Spirit, that we can enter the kingdom abundantly (2 Peter 1:3-11; 1 Cor 6:9-10; Gal 5:21; Rev 21:7). Be diligent in God’s grace!
2. Into peace – Most distresses are caused by sin; those away from God lost their peace. Jesus called us to enjoy peace – experience Christ more, learn his gentleness & humbleness, take His yoke(do God’s will)!

* 105 to be baptized (HK 20/21). Pls pray for new disciples to continue great work of the kingdom!
* Footprints of saints – K. K. Choi & W. P. Tong???, ??? had been back to HK for a funeral. back to Vancouver on 16/1. Bro Choi had a pure heart toward Lord , devoted himself in studying the Bible. Pls pray for this family. (There are 30 millions souls in Canada, but the influence of faith declining. In 90’ there are 2.5 believers in every 10 , but in 01’ the Christian proportion dropped to 1 in every 10! Be diligent, O church in Canada!)

Sun after Rain?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
And he who does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me. <10:38>

The King’s order – to 3 kinds of servants:
1. To disciples in the past?10?1…15?… with special authority to drive out demons, but they could only go to the Israelites!
2. To disciples of end times?10?16…23?… With the Spirit, be witnesses of Lord in times of disasters and persecutions!
3. To disciples present?10?24…42?… Suffering for the King is destined (including us), don’t fear men , only fear God !

?In 1977 the Xinjiang University started enroll new students again. An unschooled girl passed the exam of foreign languages with excellent results , even became a teaching assistant. In fact her father was a returned engineer student from US, yet he gave up his high salary and brought his wife and daughter back to Xinjiang to share the gospel. His wife died in hardship, leaving husband & daughter behind. In the political trauma ,the father was sent to be “reformed-through-labor”, but he taught the daughter Bible & English secretly till his death. The girl got excellent results in campus , also diligent in sharing love of Christ. Later due to some reasons she has to leave campus, but she never ceased as witeness of Jesus.. The seeds of life she sowed is now in the whole Xinjiang!

Be of Good Courage?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…daughter; thy faith has healed you …<9:22>

Kingdom Expanding — in Power & Mercy:
1. Work with Him?v.1…34? — Under His authority , we move with Him to save prisoners from sin, sickness & demon! His wonderful work prevails!
2. Echo with Him?v.35…38?– Numerous dying souls in this world touch the merciful heart of our Lord! Where are those who share a same heart with Lord and help in the harvest?

? 105 new believers will be baptized in the coming Sat. & Sun( HK), pls pray for them!
?Footprints of saints: Bro K. Y. Kwan in Darwin of Australia visited HK . He is our comrade of gospel. In campus life.Once he had meal with several students , they prayed before meal. After the prayer, a non-believing university student was touched & said, “I’ve just accepted Jesus while listening to your prayers!”?he still firm in faith ,attending church gathering with his whole family after so many years?Kwan is back to Australia yesterday. Pls pray for his family, that they can l be messengers of the gospel in Darwin.)

Seek Him Early?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I will have mercy and not sacrifice… <9:13>

His Kingdom Comes –:
1. The heart of our Lord – to show mercy, to heal & to call sinners?v.12…13?
2. Our Lord’s desire – to gain disciples, families & cities ?8:14…16; 9:9…10; 35…38?

?Saints are concerned with the funeral of Bro W. H. Sze??? who believed in Christ just before death. Thanks God, on receiving the news ,many saints wnet to his funeral -though none ever known Sze. They, together with the relatives , & the 16 newly believed family members, made the hall full! Some even without seats & had to stand! The message was on the trueness and protection of God. Praise the Lord!

Feed Me Lord

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Why fearful?…<8:26>

Lord, grant me a word:
1. A word for a healing (v.8:8) — Wonderful Jesus ! – He can heal with a word only, even in distant place. Also, He can drive out demons with a word – with power and love!
2. A word of peace (8:26) – We will face storms for sure. Jesus calmed the storms in people’s heart first. Now through the Spirit ,Christ lives in us! He is with us on our little boat of life!

?The funeral of Bro W. K. Tong???(HK) who had served God for 60 years, was held yesterday. His 5 children & their spouses testified in tears, recalling his life of serving. He believed the Father in heaven will care, by his faith he brought up 5 children in poverty, now all of 5 serve God and love the church. Pls pray that his wife be comforted , & God continue to bless & use his descendants.

Heal me !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Lord, you can make me clean !(v. 2)

Our King – 3 Kinds of power — He is willing & able:
1. On our bodies – He has the power to heal (v.1-7)
2. Over nature – He has the power to govern (v.23-27)
3. To the spirits – He has the power to conquer (v. 28-34)

* fr Timothy Ng (HK) – A patient in Haven of Hope Hospital (HK) , W. H. Sze??? accepted the Lord just before his death, though he hadn’t been to any churches and he didn’t know any saints! But when he was dying ,16 of his relatives & friends believed in Jesus under the effort of the hospital pastor! His funeral organized by hospital; the pastor hopes some saints to come & strengthen the 16 new believers! None of us know him, but sincerely asked you all to pray for this family. If you are in HK, may go to funeral service : 15/1 (Mon) 7:30 pm 3/F C Fook Chik Hall, Pofookhill, Tai Wai (inquiry: Timothy-

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”?Mt 25:40?

Narrow Road to Life

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Knock, and it shall be opened to you. <7:7>

Judge yourself before the others – God does the final judgment:
1. Have we reflected on ourselves before pointing our fingers to others??v.1…5?
2. Do we treat others as yourself? Are we holding double standards??v.6…20?
3. We are living under God’s eyes. Will the Lord acknowledge you or reject you?? v.21…29?

?Don’t leave me over – Yesterday a mother witnessed that she read the Bible everyday last year. By the end of 06 she read Rev 20, & she shared about the ” book of life” with her children. Her few-year-old kids feared God , in tears they insisted to have the whole family saved without leaving one member in eternal judgment. The mother hugged the 2 children, they prayed in tears, decided to believe in Christ with full assurance . Her children even wrote it down!

Stand in Hope !

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but he that does the will of my Father who is in the heavens. <7:21 >

House of Life – built on rock :
1. Solely follow the Father’s will – the judgments of men is not a matter, only God’s judgment is of life & death!. ?v.1…23?
2. Relationship with God is the key –bring His words in practice ,can endure the storm of life ? v.24…29 ?

?Finished reading a book on Germany .The author traveled for 11 cities. But the cover of the book is the “Shalechet” of the Judisches Museum Berlin which was built in memories of the Holocaust! There is a narrow path, the further you go, the narrower the way. Numerous round metal plates with faces on them are put on the floor…people have to step on them when to go, and the clanging sound on every step made sounded deep in visitors’ hearts…Bible prophesies on Jewish history in last 3,000 years all fulfilled, but Christ will return and end the of world & His people! ?”Shalechet” )

Multiplying Peace

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Look at the birds of the heaven…<6:26>

Take time to fast, don’t worry on food:
1. Fasting is never for weight-losing! — in following Jesus, sometimes we have to give up our rights to let the will of Father be done?v.6…18?
2. Don’t be over-demanding on food — living for God’s glory & seek His kingdom and righteousness first? or indulged in luxurious clothing and food? ?v.22…32?- to live in abundance yet worrying? Eat & drink in the righteousness, peace and joy in Holy Spirit – that really please God?v.31…34?Rom 14:17?

?we mentioned about Thailand in lst mail . There are 50 millions of Buddhists in Thailand; Corruption, sexual immorality & superstitious beliefs formed a dead Triangle there. There are 10 millions souls in Bangkok yet there are only 40,000 saints in the capital (including foreign saints). Pray for the testimony of God in Thailand, may the Spirit visit the 1.2 millions students so that they can find the true light!
?The New Year sermon of church HK– …”A purposeful life”?by Samuel Ching ???/ Cantonese?

Christ or Cash ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
No one can serve TWO masters! (Mt 6:24)

No one can serve two masters — 3 “crazy” ways of life – :
1. Money worship – Mammon, the common idol in the hearts of all people, is gaining the whole world. Are our hearts also captured by it? (v.19)
2. Opportunism –gambling with horse race? Ball games? Stocks? Your life? Or your love?
3.“Kingdomism”–Life is not gambling. While the world is crazy in stock market, we become “out of our mind” for God! (2 Cor 5:13)
God or mammon? You choose!

* A letter from brother Patrick Cheung in Thailand— “… With yours & others’ praying from various brothers and sisters, I have adapted the life in Bangkok quickly and peacefully. ,… Most important, I found a church here which has just started less than one year with cantonese preaching. …just 20 minutes from my apartment. …. Currently, there are only 30~40 attendance for the Cantonese session. . ( Patrick will stay there for 2 years. Pray for his growth in Christ and his family in HK, may Lord make great use of his life.)

From Lost to Life

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
So do not worry … (v.31)

Our Father, the perfect God:
1. Thanks God – for His generosity gifts – He will never hold back supplies to the world because of our ungodliness or unrighteous ! ( v.46)
2. Worship God- for His righteousness – Only God will repay. Let’s overcome evil with good ( v.28)

* God’s invisible hands lead miraculously. Bro K. L. Lai??? from Roma of Australia, he witnessed that though he had not even graduated from primary school, but in his adventure he managed to get married and start his own business , also serving God. Once he thanked his former boss who helped him in his life, but his boss said, “Don’t thank me, only give thanks to your God!”

From Fear to Courage?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
you are the salt of the earth … the light of world … (Mt 5:13-14)

Uncommon life in this common world – be salt and light:
1. We are salt of the earth?v.13?– separated but yet “dissolving” in the world, to sterilize & to preserve from decay – change the world with His life!
2. We are light of world?v.14?– cast away darkness with righteousness, kindness & faithfulness, to turn the world to he Lord eternity – this is our mission.

?church of HK first big gathering in 07’. Message -“A life of meaning – serving God”. Altar called to serve God – whole life, whole body, whole family – throughout generations! May God gain us all – 2,000+ saints in 07!
?Bro Y. B. Chow????father of F. W. Chow????passed away on 6/1. May Lord comfort his family. may the Lord save his whole family.
?Family of K. L. Lai??? who had moved to Papua New Guinea for 18 years , baptized there , He now moved to Roma in Australia. They meet in new church in Roma (population near 7,000, only 6 Chinese ! Pls pray for their restaurant and their church service!)

Learning to Trust!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Pioneering journey of our King – preaching, teaching, healing & training:
1. Overcome the enemy in private; serve in public (v.12-16)–overcoming the invisible enemy before conquering the visible lands
2. Bind the enemy & plunder his wealth (v.17-25)–gain men before lands; we can be fishers of men if we submit ourselves under God’s authority.

* Frank Morison, a famous lawyer, didn’t believe in Jesus . He employed legal research method to reorganize the historic sources, aiming to overturn the belief of resurrection of Jesus, uncover the blind faith. But after careful research he wrote a book which made a hit to the academic circle–“Who Moved the Stone?”, and he himself believed in Jesus! (Even I myself had my faith strengthened when I was a new believer -after reading this book, thanks you, brother Frank!)

A Light has Dawned !

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Man does not live on bread alone , but on every word that comes from the mouth of God ( v.4)

Test of life –
1. Never compromise – Are all our choices follow God’s direction? (v.1-4)
2. Don’t be biased – Are we acting according to full and comprehensive knowledge on God’s words without any biases (v.5-7)
3. No shortcut – Do we regard suffering with our Lord the only way to glory & success? Or are we trying to avoid the cross? (v.8-11)

?Good news from YS Lee (2) – My father-in-law, aged 80+, got a stroke and had the right side of his body paralyzed. A week later , a brother came to hospital to preach to him. At first he was hardhearted, but was willing to pray with the brother for His mercy. A month after (26/11) we took him in wheelchair to gospel meeting in Sha Tin. After the message we suggested to answer the altar call. And to my surprise he said yes and accepted Jesus as his saviour. He responded by prayer, and he followed us in prayer in small group after meeting. Thanks God, though he had been hardhearted and away from God for 20+ years, God showed His mercy today.

Hear Him

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…the heavens were opened to Him… < 3:16>

Silence is most difficult to endure — Father’s Voice :
1. The long 30 years – The King of Kings lived in privacy & served silently ?between Mt 2 – 3?
2. The Father & the Spirit – Witnessing the excellence of the Lord – a pass with perfect score! ?Mt 3:17?
Are we seeking for the approval of men , or our Father’s reward?

?Good news from YS Lee – father-in-law was saved, glory be to God (1) – To save my father-in-law is the most heartfelt wish of my wife and me for 20+ years. He was extremely superstitious, but we claim God’s promise: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” We didn’t give up though we failed year after year. In the lunar new year gospel meeting 2 years ago , we invited him to come. Just before the meeting started we can’t find him. After we found him he said just after he promised to come he had a bad fortune and got his legs hurt. Fo 2 years we dared not to invite him again. He had passed his 80 , so he can’t wait for long. In a Sunday morning last October , my wife had a strong feeling to pray for her dad -at 6 am . With God’s leading we invited him to travel . Miraculously, we have to replace our car, so we bought one with 7 seats (to carry the 4 members of my family plus my parents and my father-in-law) according to Lord’s will. Although my father-in-law was not yet saved, we still bought that car, hoping that car can become the ark of my family which save my whole family…(to be continued )

Footsteps Anointed

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
they saw the child … bowed down and worshipped him. ( v.11)

2 Great Matters of Life — What to Seek? What to Give?
1. The highest knowledge: knowing Christ – The wise men traveled for miles to find the king. Are we acknowledging that knowing the King of kings as the highest knowledge, & dedicate our lives for this?
2. The deepest worship: offering ourselves – Today all who know Him will knee & worship him!
The enemy attacked Jesus since he was going to drive out the king of the world (Jn 12:31) and destroy the devil’s work. (1 Jn 3:8b) Jesus is crowned, and we gain the kingly life through Christ & become God’s princes (Ps 113:8). All experiences in this life are kingly trainings for us!

* Funeral of Bro K. W. Tong??? (HK)- on 13/1 (Sat) 10:00 am at King Hang Hall of the Universal Funeral Parlour. May God comfort & bless.

He Tries My Hearts ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…… opened their treasures, they offered to Him gifts…<2:11 >

Enemy or friend ?
1. Allies of the King — Is our heart seeking the Lord? How we value Him? Have we prepared the best for Him? Do our hearts have rooms for Lord? ? 2:1…2; 9…12?
2. Enemies of the King – Power, status and vested interest distanced God & men, even making war between the two parties! ?2:3…8; 16…18 ?

??? , former boss of NBC was sad about the early death of his son. The anchorman of NBC news , Tim Russert , recalled how his own father had comforted him in the past, , told ?? the same thing: – If God came to you and said, ??, I have promised you to give you a happy & handsome son. He will live for 17 years, when time comes he will be back to the heavenly home. Will you accept this?” Then ?? understood that it is God’s will for his son to be back to heaven – it’s not a punishment. Afterward he wrote in the column of USA Today- There is a time for everything , we just don’t know the exact time. ( from “Big Russ ?Me? Father ? Son, Lessons of Life” ?

King Eternal

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
they shall call His name Emmanuel… ‘God with us. ‘

God, our Saviour & King – Jesus thee name I love!
1. Jesus: He was conceived from the Holy Spirit ? 1:16?
2. Jesus: Saviour of men?1:21?
3. Jesus: God with us?1:23…25?
With him, why worry in this year’s journey?

* Letters from saints – pls pray for them:
— Albert Lai — “Pastor K. W. Lee??? serving in Mission to New Arrivals, is a good friend of mine…he was used to be a anchor man in serving the new arrivals in HK , he passed away due to lung cancer, few days ago…
– Ruth Law — “I thank God for receiving the Ark Channel for 3 years, through which I gained access to know God more. Each day the Ark Channel is like one treasure after another. I feel I’m deeply loved by God and I am eager to be a vessel of God in this generation (I’ve believedin Christ for 3 years , baptized in Oct 05)”

Welcome Jesus!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
..His name Jesus , for He shall save His people from their sins.(v.21 )

Beginning of the New Testament – how to start a new journey:
1. to Study a wonderful book – the Bible
2. to Know a wonderful God-man — Jesus

* ” 30+ years ago , X’mas Eve, a young man stood alone in a corner of a playground. Under the tainted streetlamp he saw an inverted image of a cross. The Spirit of God led him to face his own poor self , and he fell on his knees, confessed , repented and decided to follow Jesus. Suddenly he felt his sin left him, heavenly joy filled his heart. So he started to sing and dance around the image of the cross…” Afterward this young man became an excellent pastor, spreading the gospel wide and blessed numerous souls. helping the poorest people in remote area HK . 3 days ago he had finished his mission and taken by Lord. His name is Rev .K. W. Lee. ???

See Him Face to Face

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
I am … the beginning and the end. <22:13>

Eternal blessing…seeing God’s face in new Jerusalem?v.3…5?:
1. No more curse or night — Only God with us
2. Serve Him forever — and see His face always!
3. With God’s name on our forehead — we belong to Him forever
4. Reign till forever — God lives and abides with us
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him!

?He deserves our very best?nothing more, nothing less, nothing else??Charles R.Swindoll?
?Bro W. K. Tong ??? in HK has completed his race, fought his good fight, and was taken by the Lord peacefully at 7:15pm yesterday. Pls pray for his family.?He praised the Lord on his bed when I visited him for the last time, and I am sure he is still praising – now! ?

Alpha ?Omega

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Behold, I make all things new… <21:5>

Fix our eyes on the Lamb — building up the glorious Church!
1. Centre of the new world — the Holy City, new Jerusalem
2. Center of the new Jerusalem – the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb
“The bride of the Lamb” is the congregation of saints in all generations. We are also among them!

?Promise of God — I’m reading the bibliography of anchorman of NBC, Tim Russert, “”Big Russ ? Me”. It reports deep affection between father & son . Tim is very successful in his career. When he was small , his neighbor, Paul, died in accident at the age of 19. The whole community was in grief. Tim’s father, though a garbage collector, comforted Tim and said – we should give thanks for the love & memories of these 19 years with Paul …if God had promised us to send Paul to this world ,& let Paul to live 19 years with us, we should had accepted it with joy. Ever since that, Tim learnt this lesson by heart and treasure every single day.

Hope of Glory

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne…<20:12>

Behold the day of final judgment — go share the gospel NOW ?Rev 20 ?:
1. The enemy is bound and defeated ? Rev 20: 1…10 ?
2. The saints come to life and enjoy the life eternal ?Rev 20:11…12 ?
Time flies, so grasp hold of time today in sight of the life everlasting!

?Father, with you thousand years is just like a day. There are 3 days more before 06′ ends, your children make this pray with one heart – may all souls predestined to be saved this year can all be saved; all saints appointed to revive gain strength. We also pray that all prayers according to your will in 06′ can all be answered! Remember more than a thousand saints receiving the Ark Channel, wherever they are , and no matter what situation or mood they are in. Give us chance to turn back, to revive, to run, and to complete our races. May all your great blessings be to your churches, in the name of Lord Jesus. Amen.
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