The Bride is Ready ?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…He has His name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS … < v.18>

Praises of the angels, universe, church and the Lamb’s bride — glory ahead :
1. Behold! The 3 things triggering the joyful chorus in heaven ?Rev 19: 1-10 ?
– the enemy is judged (v.1-4),
–the Almighty God reigns (v.5-6),
– the bride is ready (v.7-10)
2. Behold! The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS is making His victorious return ?Rev 19: 11-21 ?
– All troops on earth are wiped out ( v.17-19, 21),
– the beast and the false prophet are captured ( v.20)

Be Pure

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
for in one hour so great riches has been made desolate … < 18:17>

Don’t befriend the world – God can tolerate no more ( Rev 18) :
1. God Acts: evil power which tortured the saints on earth is fallen in voice of judgment .? Rev 18 : 1…3 ?
2. God warns: His people should separate themselves because of divine calling .? Rev 18 : 4…8 ?
3. God cleanses: All luxuries & wealth gone in vain, leaving whole world in weeping & mourning ! ?Rev 18: 9…19 ?
4 . God judges: In the cry of joy of saints, all their hardships and sufferings they had in following the Lamb gain them better resurrection and crown of life (v.20-24)
The Great Babylon – the politic and economic system of the world which rebels against God– will definitely fall. Make sure you look through its tragic ending!

? Correction: The Egyptian sister Dr. Nashwa in Scotland is recovering, but she still can’t be back to her office . She needs more rest, now in her homeland Cairo with her family. Since the Ark Channel reported her news , saints across the land start to pray. She even received mails from saints in mainland China comforting her. Nashwa and her husband Nagy are very touched by the love of God shown to them. Keep watching; Our Lord comes sooner!

Be loyal

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings…

No in-between – the prostitute or the bride?(Rev. 17, 19)
1. The false religion – mixture of the worldly practices and politics is the “great prostitute” ? 17:1…13 ?
2. The true church – being washed by the Lord’s blood , is the “Lamb’s bride” ?17:14… 18; 21:9 ?Are we faithful to the Lord? Or are we compromising our faith? ?17:14 ?
Now are we striving for a worldly kingdom or the kingdom of God ?

?Approaching the end 2006 , any messages, heartfelt wishes or needs for prayers to Ark Channel and the saints ?…it’s time to share them all in the Ark Channel. Also it’s time to reflect: any things remain uncompleted in 06′? Any territories unconquered for Jesus? Any sins not yet been confessed and repented? Any men whom we have not yet forgiven?
? Bro Carl Grant Gowman from Canada , was saved in a YMCA gospel meeting. In late 1911 he went to Yunnan of China to preach to the minorities till his death. He had once been kidnapped by a militia Yeung and he made his escape miraculously. Afterward Yeung joined the government and believed in Jesus, later even became a church elder ! (unbelievable?) …fr “The Sacrificing Love”

The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace!

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. <16:7>

Be alert in the judgments of the 7 bowls — reminders for the saints under suffering:
1. The crowd of overcomers in heaven ?Rev 14 ?1…5 ?15 ?1…4 ? … Overcoming “the beast” is possible!
2. Calamities follow one another, world war is near ?16 ? 1…14 ? … Don’t be afraid, just lead a holy life!
This is Lord’s advice to every generation!

* A ton of joy – 2 days ago God blessed the 2 gospel meetings for youth in HK. 154 students turned to Jesus! (Rejoice!)
* Yesterday I attended a baptism meeting (the last sister of the 6 siblings of my wife ,was baptized, glory be to God). Among the new disciples some met God in serious sickness (with an egg-sized tumor in the brain), completing the surgery in 10 days and their whole family repented; An old man was away from God for several decades, finally a pastor visited him and brought him back, his daughter was moved and baptized; a youth heard about the cross and softened, she burst into tears in her testimony; a mother cleansed all her idols (can’t mention them all…)

My King coming soon

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And they sing the song of Moses bondman of God, and the song of the Lamb…

Grace abundant – singing new hymn:
1. In heaven those overcame from disasters are singing: <15:3…4> “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the ages (nations). Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
2. In heaven, the Temple filled with God’s glory and power is opened …<15:6…8> “Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plagues…one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of God…And the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed”

?Find a lonely friend today and tell him “Jesus loves you!”

Jesus, come to my heart !

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
they sing a new song before the throne …<14:3>

3 pictures before dawn :
1. Lamb in heaven — the 144,000 faithful followers of the Lamb , singing new hymn; also there are angels busy in preaching even in such a great disaster ! ?Rev 14: 1…11?
2 . Saints gone through the disasters — they persisted till death and deserved the fruits of their works?14 :12…13 ?
3. Son of Man returning – the great harvest following by great judgment is coming over, evil won’t prevail! long ?14:14…20?
God’s wrath will soon be poured out in the disaster of “seven bowls”. But before the darkest hour , God give us a preview on the glorious prospect soon coming!

?Good news – the Egyptian sister Dr. Nashwa, with his husband also a doctor, devoted in serving God in Scotland, started a church meeting there . Nashwa got cancer this year, but thanks be to God,she is in good progress of recovery after operation. She is back to hospital already. Thanks for all your prayers !?Pls remember the testimony of God in England -in your prayers. ?

Come ye Overcomers ?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… shall do it homage, every one whose name had not been written …in the book of life of the slain Lamb.

Fever with worshipping the beast & money — 2 beasts overrun in the last 3 & a half year (Rev 13):
1. Beast out of the sea ?Rev 13:1…10 ?– The anti-Christ will dominate the world – to monopolize the business world
2. Beast out of the earth ?Rev 13:11…18 ?– Keep our own hearts that we live only for the kingdom of the Lamb!

?Sister Y. Y. Wong (HK) met a car accident in Australia while casting a gospel film with Fiona Leung ???. Yesterday her pastor Siu Yung ?? reported- “Wong is back in HK , recovering & attends church gatherings! Her teeth still need to repair. Thanks all of your care & prayer .
?from Edwin Leung ?????in Toronto — “Bro Eddie Wu here is undergoing treatment for his cancer. Operation on 3/1, pls pray for his hardship in all aspects.”

Real Peace

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and have not loved their life even unto death. <12:11>

Witnesses of Jesus – suffer & overcome with Lord!
1. War in heaven — The woman?all saints in history?has been attacked by Satan for generations, only through the blood of the Lamb they overcome! Let’s proclaim and witness God’s Words with an heart of a martyr!?Rev 12:1…12?
2. War on earth — On the cross the Messiah had overcome, the enemy is destined to death. Behold, Satan was defeated in heaven, it is forced down?Rev 12:13…17?

?Bro W. K. Tong??? ( HK), serving Jesus loyally for several decades, still in serious sickness. Yesterday I visited him, he still praised the Lord! Pls pray according to his will- for his wife recoving fr cancer operation ,and his five children / their spouses, as well as his grandchildren – all to serve God forever!
?Seasons is coming, consider giving out gospel leaflets or CDs as gifts?Chinese Bible International Ltd is giving out delicate leaflets “True Peace”. To as for it click

His Protection , my Assurance!

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship in it. <11:1>

Comfort in disasters — God has measured, God will keep (Rev 11:1-2):
1. Men measure the outer appearance; God measures the hearts!
2. Measure the Temple with the worshippers – we are God’s temples and we are also the worshippers. How can you escape from the Spirit?
3. Leave out the court – The people and territory outside God’s covenant have no part with Him! Return! Those abandoned by God must perish.

?66°33′ – In this cold winter have we think of the wonderful design of our earth? The angle between the axis of rotation and plane of revolution of the earth is 66°33′ and won’t deviate for a single degree. Who is the one measuring and controlling the earth in these thousands of years? If the motion of our earth goes wrong for a little ,we should had been frozen or burnt already! If anyone doesn’t love God, let him be cursed!

Expecting our King?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…that there should be no longer delay

In disaster — God still have 3 groups of witnesses:
1. Witness of a mighty angel?Rev 10:1…11?— Anti-Christ seems to run wild on earth, but God proclaims himself as Lord Creator!
2. Witness of the 2 witnesses?Rev 11:1…14?— Don’t be afraid, even in darkest days God still have loyal witnesses willing to sacrifice, being filled by the Spirit and resurrecting from death!
3. Witness of the elders in heaven?Rev 11:15…19?— The earth is mourning, but pay attention to songs in heaven!

?Uncle Tong the ex-prisoner – to pay his third visit to University of HK this afternoon to witness the love of Jesus ?1 pm today, pray for us?

New Day, New Strength

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…they should not worship demons <9:20>

Seek ye first the kingdom of God — or else you will always live under fear:
1. Unfaithful to God?v.20?– Worship of Satan or idols is a great sin, so be careful!
2. Unrighteous to men?v.21?– God can tolerate no more the evil , repent!

?11 hours after believing – God showed his presence in yesterday’s gospel meeting, many turned to God in tears. Glory be to God. Yesterday I received a message from a youth who knew the gospel for the first time— “Thanks for the blessings from the Lord and from you, I will cherish all that so given to me by the Lord ”
* from Elaine of Goodnews Communication International–for reserving seats in gospel meeting of Chinese schalor C. M. Yuen (in HK) via internet

Turning Point

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…there was silence in the heaven about half an hour. <8:1>

One day God will no longer hold back …
1. Don’t underestimate the saints’ prayers ?Rev 8:1…6?… for they can come straight to the headquarter of the universe – God’s throne!
2. Effects of prayers for generations – it triggers His judgments?Rev 8: 7…13?… Supernatural disasters will come one after another, go shrre the gospel , quick!

? Scholar C. M. Yuen??? had a dramatic life. After surviving from liver cancer and becoming a Christian, he inspired thousands of Chinese and intellectuals throughout the world to turn to God. For his testimony click
*?He’s going to hold a gospel meeting on 24/12, HK. pray & invite friends?– Mandarin – Inquiry: 27858382

Out of tribulation

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes. <7:17>

We’re not alone — God has many people in any generation:
1. The chosen ones are sealed — we are being kept by God?7: 1…8 ?
2. The church overcomes — pastured by the Lamb forever?7:9…17 ?
Do you belong to Satan or Christ? Have you been washed by the blood of the Lamb? Are you wearing white clothes or dirty clothes?

?IT problem for Ark Channel , pls pray.

Rest yet a little while!

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And I saw the Lamb opened one of the seven seals .. (6:1)

Prophecies for history – portrait of the world:
1. On earth: 4 horses running – gospel widespread in wars, famines, epidemics and deaths?v.1…8?
2. Below the altar: the martyrs crying – God will judge!
Under God’s warning, hearts shake with the earth!

?”A Ton of Joy”?23/12 ?… 2 gospel meeting for youths in HK. at the end of year, pls pray for highers in HK! (It works! Remember Billy Graham was saved in this kind of meeting when he was young!)
*Sam Kong to preach “The Three Secrets of Life” this Sunday, pray at 11:00am. May God save all those coming!
?Gospel forum: From Wearying to Rejoicing?speaker Peter Kok ????

Heaven Rejoicing-

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Worthy is the Lamb …<5:12>

Who master the future? — He has prevailed to open the book?v.5?:
1. The Lamb is worthy – The fate of human beings had already been written in the book sealed with seven seals.?v.1…5?So why worrying for tomorrow?
2. Sing new hymns – All creations, elders on heaven and thousands of angels are singing together. They all praise and worship the Lamb who was slain for us!?v.9…14?

?About 1930, China Inland Mission once built the Wilmay Memorial Hospital in Shanxi . In a Log book there wrote “the 44th patient Kok Chem Yuk who was paralyzed…recovered & walked after operation. His father saw this miracle, believed in te Lord with his son!.’
?Working life is never a dream: special message fr Hk to working saints?3?– click

Feeble but Faithful

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
I rebuke and discipline as many as I love… <3:19>

Black or white? Cold or warm?
1. Before God: black or white??2:17?– God give a “white stone” to those who overcomes. In the past if a judge throw out a black stone, that means the defendant was found guilty, a white stone means innocent. A white stone was also admission tickets for feasts. Having a white stone guarantees us a place with God in the feast!
2. Before men: cold or warm??3:15?– There is mineral springs near the city of Laodicea. Warm water from the springs could heal , and cold water was suitable for drinking. But the church of Laodicea was neither cold nor warm! Today, can people find the power of healing & refreshing in us?

?Bro K. W. Chan??? in HK wrote a book “Review in Philosophy” , in response of the criticism by philosopher T. M. Lee??? on the faith. Lee’s philosophies influenced Chinese intellectuals deeply but the church scholars remained silent for long. No wonder the book entered the best sellers list of Commercial Press just after it was published. Pray that the Word will no longer be misinterpreted

He is Coming

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
..Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.

Reviving the first love – with hardship and tears:
1. Is our love to Jesus fading in our busy lives? (v.4)
2. Hardship, poverty & adversity are good medicines for an icy heart! (v.10)

*young servant of God Siu Yung ?? requests prayers –“We all know actor Fiona Leung??? met a car accident in Australia while casting a gospel film. A sister who was also thrown out of car is a sister from my church – serving the youths. She was still in hospital; fortunately she is in good progress. Her name is Y. Y. Wong ???. I urged all of you to pray for her.”
?Sam Kong remarks – I knew her while preaching in gospel camp this summer. O Lord, heal her!?

Time is Near

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy (v.3)

Fate of Future World —– the revelations divine:
1. Christ – after ascension, He executed the great work concerning whole universe (Ch.1)
2. The Church – her ups and downs on earth in human history (Ch. 2, 3)
3. The World – approaching its end in its creator’s hands (Ch. 4-22)

# A Chinese scholar wrote a book“Travelers’ Chants” which conglomerates philosophies of life, faith, science & history. Chinese intellectuals should find this book interesting & inspiring. Click simplified Chinese version

Leave yesterday with Jesus

Jude, Voice Divine No Comments »
Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life <1:21>

God will keep those fear Him — survival kit in this dangerous world?v.20…21?:
1. Facing lies in the last hours … study the Word hard throughout your life? v.20a?
2. Facing dangers everywhere … remember to pray always in the Spirit? v.20b?
3. Guarding against selfishness … keep your heart be filled with God’s love? v21a?
4. Guarding against pride … wait for Lord’s mercy till that day? v.21b?

?In gospel meeting yesterday night the brother pointed out that people don’t suffer from lack of rest today , but from lack of inner peace. We all have 3 burdens : frustration, worrying, and lost; but the Lord can free us, grant us peace and give us direction. (Rom 8:2, Phil 4:6-7, 2 Tim 4:6-8) In another gospel dinner yesterday night 300+ elders listened to the Lord’s gracious words. An old entrepreneur C. M. Kwan??? gave his testimony. He was once a core member of Taoism and was active in Taoist activities. But after he met Jesus and turned to the true God . He found his soul rejoice, and also protected in a car accident.

Glowing Heart

John 3, Voice Divine No Comments »
that we may be fellow – workers with the truth. <1:8>

Be passer-by on earth, be loyal and well-treat your fellow brothers :
1 . Gaius: loving God and men ,giving out without limit like our Lord ? v.1…8 ?
2. Diotrephes : proud, narrow-minded, jealous and merciless? v.9…11?
3 . Demetrius: many were encouraged by his life! (v.12 )
Are we 1, or 2?? 1? 3 will be the best! ?

?Harvest in HK tonight …
1. gospel meeting for youth of church in HK?From Weary and Burdened to Life of Joy / in TST?
2. Gospel meeting for elderly? Heavenly Peace & Blessing / 25 tables / in Wan Chai ? We are ready to fight, but pray on the mountain for us.
? Special message?2 ?…From weary to renewed

Create a Clean Heart

John 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
… walking in truth… <1:4>

Truth and love: In 2 John , “truth” is mentioned 4 times?v.1?2?3?4?, why?
1. Love must be found in both the house of God & men – but never spoil or love wrongly?v.1…9?
2. The basis of fellowship should be laid on truth – Christ is core of our faith?v.10…11?

?Blind pastor MO Wong recalls her dear wife comes from rich family & famous school. She overcame all oppositions and married Wong for 30 years .She said that fortune on earth is not lasting, our hope is only on the blessing of God
?From working to serving…special message?1?

He Remains Faithful ?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that has the Son has life: … <5:12>

Know and pray and save —- pray for your brothers!
1. Right to pray: God will listen – “And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask –we know that we have what we asked of him”<5:15>
2. Focus of prayers: saving lives – “…If anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death, he should pray and God will give him life. “<5:16>

?Sze Yan ??, BB of Billy ?Sandy Law ( HK) , has pneumonia and is in hospital. Pls pray for this devoted family.?in Dec, harvest of gsoepl will reach the peak across the lands. Pray for each other!?
?made covenants with God?— I’m reading the bibliography “The Life of Dr. A. B. Simpson”. achievements of Dr. Simpson fruitful,-on preaching, charity, publishing, education, music, missionary and spiritual life…God used him to establish global gospel work of Alliance Church, which influenced the world deeply. He made a covenant with God early and dedicated his life for Lord. He asked the Lord to “give him neither poverty nor riches, but give him only his daily bread” (Prov 30:8). Afterward he relied on Lord completely , spiritually or materially. He was blessed for 60+ years .

In Safe Hands ?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…for he that loves not his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

Love truly and deeply — Life without fear :
1. Love God whom is invisible ?v.7…18?
2. Love the brothers whom we can see?v.19…21?

?The HK Economic Times reported that in 05’ , the trend of “living together” before marriage was intensified. Having babies before marriage is also popular – there are 4,000 babies born last year by the unwed ! watch & pray for the next generation! Arise, cry out in the night, as the watches of the night begin; pour out your heart like water in the presence of the Lord. Lift up your hands to him for the lives of your children, who faint from hunger at the head of every street. (La 2:19)

His Two Appearings

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
See what love the Father has given to us, that we should be called the children of God … <3:1>

Appearing of God’s Son — accomplish 2 tasks:
1. To take away our sins?v.4…6?
2. To destroy the devil’s work?v.7…8?

?A friend used to quarrel and even fight with his wife. Once his wife was invited to a gospel meeting and brought home a Bible. He thought of origins of the universe and life, so he peeped at the first chapter of Genesis. After this he turned to Jesus and his fate changed!
?Gospel meeting – HK – From Weary and Burdened to Life of Joy ( HK-8/12 (Fri) evening) , please pray and save as many as you can!
?Brother K. Y. Ng??? in HK is recovering from his operation.

Thankful, Joyful, Hopeful?

John 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… but he that does the will of God abides for eternity. <2:17>

Light from darkness, light of life?2:8??
1. Darkness is passing … We can only wait in the transition from darkness to light. Don’t be disappointed!
2. True light is shining … Like the drops of sunray infiltrating the dark sky, the power of gospel is now surging in our inner world!

?Sister Helen Yeung who met Jesus in HK and has moved to NY later , gave birth to her second daughter Kayla in Thanksgiving . May the Lord keep her & make great use of her family in NY!
?Bro K. W. Tong’s ??? wife in HK has an operation yesterday, may the Lord remember her recovery.

Walk in Light ?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. <1:5>

Waiting for what? — Out of darkness and into light:
1. He who cover his sins shall not prosper ?v.1…5?8?10; Proverbs 28:13?
2. But those say openly that they done wrong will be forgiven? v.7?9?

?Light of the world … In these days I’m reading the book “Under the Influence”. Prof. Alvin J.Schmidt specializing in Sociology wrote this book with his in-depth researches, rich materials, sparkling, humorous style of writing. He showed us the significant contributions of Christianity on various aspects including legal system, history, ethics, education, economics, politics, science, arts, engineering, medicine, charities, architecture, music… worth reading.
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