Eternal Provider!

Peter 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ (v.18)

Look unto God in 3 aspects:
1. God’s words are trustworthy (v.1-4) – so we should live holy & righteously (v.11-14)
2. God’s works never fail (v.5-7) – so saints should be diligent in share His gospel (v.15-16)
3. God’s wills & mercy last forever (v.5-7) – be increased in grace & in the knowledge of our Lord (v.17-18)

* wife of Bro K. W. Tong’s??? in HK has an operation tomorrow (2/12 Sat) afternoon, pls pray for them

Touch me, dear Lord?

Peter 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of tria …

Where are we — a dangerous world. O Lord, save us!
1. Heresies flourishing … Guard against those greedy and defiled “religious people”!?v.1…22?
2. Humanity twisted … our righteous souls paining for others??v.5…9?

?Bro W. K. Tong??? who has loved God and the church throughout his life, started chemotherapy again yesterday. Also his wife is going to have operation to remove cancer cells this Friday, (in different hospitals.)The 5 children of Tongs, together with their wives or husbands, all love and serve the Lord. All kids in their families dedicated to God. His son Sung Yan?? witnessed that, in sickness his father remains a peaceful heart . . Pls pray for this couple & their families , that they have a successful treatment & strength renewed — & the testimony of life continues !

Shine , Jesus Shine ?

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
Grace and peace be multiplied to you …<1:2>

Advice to heavenly passengers — giving more and more diligence:
1. Men are mortal, only God’s words last forever ?v.12…15?
2. Experience fades, only Lord’s words endure ?v.16…18?
3. The world in total darkness , only the Bible brings light?v.19…21?

?He listens, He cares, He saves: email from sister Myra ??? USA this morning– : “I have recovered from the car accident with a little bit of back pain and sore arm and fingers. Otherwise I am ok. The spare tire of my car saved me from the force of the collision. God is really awesome and amazing! Also thanks for yours prayers. ”
?church prayed urgently for servant Samuel Ching???. Ark Channel also asked you all watch & pray. Now dear Bro Ching is relieved from pain , continues his service! Also, BB Philip of John & Jessie has turned a bit better. Really thanks God!

He Cares?

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
But the God of all grace …Himself will restore you and make you perfect, stablish, strengthen and steadfast <5:10>

Suffer a moment, God will stalish, strengthen us & make us perfect:
1. To the saints… stay loyal in pasturing even under sufferings?v.1…4?
2. To the Father… stay obedient and trust in Him , give our worries to Him?v.5…7?
3. To Satan… stay alert and guard against it by faith?v.8…9?

?The 19-year-old son Won Kit?? of C. S. Cheng??? in HK was found to have serious brain problem. Thanks the Lord and the prayers from you all– he was healed by God! On 20/10 a doctor prayed for this young son , encouraged him to serve God. The doctor also gave him a copy of “The Purpose Driven Life”. On 25/10 diagnosis found that his blood vessel is ok. On 27/10 the shadow of bleeding in his brain shrank. On 28/10 he was back home safely! Thanks for all the caring and prayers from you all! — Bro CS Cheng

Be Sober ?

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and be watchful unto prayers; <4:7>

How to spend your remaining days?
1. Put an end to sin — follow God’s will instead?v.1…3?
2. Preach persistent — to save the lost?v.4…6?
3. Pray wisely — to welcome Lord’s return?v.4…7?
4. Serve Him — with zealous love?v.8…11?

* Video of Sunday School broadcast by Good TV —- Prayer 10 messages, by Ms. M. L Kiu??? Successful Education for Your Kids 14 messages, by Dr. F. Y. So ????? Family after God’s Heart 10 messages, by elder C. H. Lau ??? Middle East & Biblical Prophecies 16 messages, by Dr. H. T. Chan ???, click

Seek Peace ?

Peter 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…to give an account of the hope that is in you…<3:15>

Like gold tested by fire – glorify God in 3 aspects:
1. Magnify the Lord in marriage life?v.1…7?
2. Show God’s holiness in church life?v.8…12?
3. Rely on Lord in hard life?v.13…18?

?5 gospel meetings will be held today by the church in HK. Pls pray for this!
?In a banquet I sat beside Uncle Po (Lam Po??), who was sentenced to death twice. Cheated by his business partner, his friend helped him to hire killer. Uncle Po was charged as the chief instigator . He was out of control and killed again in the jail. Sent to psychiatric hospital he found no way out, but just when he tried to kill himself, he found an old Bible. From that time he was enlightened. At his 58 he was freed and he preached with gospel calligraphy and painting. Jesus healed him & using him in a great way!

In His Steps ?

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but have now returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. <2:25>

Follow Him in wahtever situation– stay loyal, life or death:
1. In hardship, the Lord is our model of life?v.21?
2. In perplex, the Lord is our shepherd of life?v.25?

?In yesterday’s family gathering, a couple joined us for the first time. They moved back to HK from US. The husband was used to be a devoted Buddhist, but the Spirit touched him one day that he came to the church opposite to their home in San Francisco — to search for the truth. Now they become the Lord’s disciple ,bringing many to Christ!

Higher Hand?

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
but the word of the Lord abides for eternity…<1:25>

How to be overflowed by God’s love & grace:
1. Live in hope?v.1…12?… Abba Father worked hard in preparing our past & future!
2. Live holy life?v.13…21?… the Creator sacrificed his beloved Son to gain glory in you.
Can we not value it and live godly?

?Sister Myra Tong ??? who had moved to North Carolina from HK ,had a traffic accident 2 days ago. The Lord protected her miraculously . Pls pray for her recovery & service.
?2 days ago Uncle Tong??finished his mission – witnessing the Lord to the Law graduates of HKU. He recalled his life in the gang, and how the Spirit called him and saved him. 80+ university students and professors listened silently to this miracle of life, pls pray for their souls.

Much Power?

James, Voice Divine No Comments »
Confess therefore your offences to one another, and pray for one another, that ye may be healed… <5:16>

Wait for the Lord’s return with hope — 2 examples:
1. Example of patience: Job’s sufferings?v.7…11?– By one’s patience Satan is defeated!
2. Example of praying: Elijah’s prayers?v.13…18?– By one’s prayer the fate of a country is changed
Our sufferings can be the greatest work , our prayers can bring miracles!

?S. S. Lee ???, the elder brother of Joseph Lee???, was taken by Lord. His funeral on 25/11 (10:00am ). I will preach on the topic “Love Everlasting”, please pray for every soul attending the funeral)

More Grace?

James, Voice Divine No Comments »
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He shall exalt you. <4:10>

Our ways or God’s way?
1. Am I occupied by friendship with the world — using prayer to fulfill my own desire? ?v.1…5?
2. Am I proud ? Do I really want to be nearer to God??v.6…10?
3. Am I judging others ?Am I grasping my future for myself??v.11…17?

?The little Philip of John Tam ???and Jessie Kong??? in HK – still suffering prolonged mild fever & at risk of blood cancer. Also ; the beloved servant of the Lord, Samuel Ching ??? is sick. Pls pray for them with faith!
?Yester night I thought of a brother who just retired. I invite him to join our morning watch in commercial district. After the gathering, he told us that 38 years ago,as he began his first working day in his first job in this building ! This senior Buddhist met God in serious sickness, but now he loved Jesus with all his heart!

Make my Life Bright ?

James, Voice Divine No Comments »
But the fruit of righteousness in peace is sown for them that make peace. <3:18>

Stay with the fountain of life forever:
1. Speak gracious words – to turn the world of sorrow sweet?v.1…12?
2. Ask for wisdom– to overcome the power of evil?v.13…18?

?Remember Uncle Tong?? — the former gang murderer- he is going to witness the grace of God to law graduates of HKU tomorrow. May the Spirit move people’s hearts!?22/11 Wed morning , HK?
?My friend K. W. Chan ???devoted himself in writing for God’s kingdom. He had published a book in response of T. M. Lee’s ??? the philosopher. His other books, click TienDao or BookCity

Go in Peace?

James, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Mercy glories over judgment. <2:13>

3 principles of God’s judgment ?v.12…13?:
1. According to our words?v.12?
2. According to our deeds?v.13?
3. According to our attitudes?v.13?
But wherever there is a contrite and faithful heart, there will be God’s mercy!

?Intel’s CTO — Pat Gelsinger is extremely busy everyday, it is common for him having 200 emails waiting for him to reply on Fridays and having another 300 on the next Monday. But he still works godly. He witnessed that the spouse of an employee in certain department suffered from cancer, though the employee didn’t knew Pat , still found Pat to talk to and to pray. Another co-worker’s girlfriend passed away, and he also found Pat to talk to. He said he witnessed how Pat behaved for years and now Pat became a great encouragement for him in his grief. A former subordinate of Pat told him that he was influenced by Pat’s faith and behaviour so that he finally became a Christian– after leaving the office for many years!

Pure Joy?

James, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…with Whom is no variation nor shadow of turning. <1:17>

Grow in trials, mature in godliness:
1. Since God has good and perfect gift!?v.17?
2. Since God does not change & is living in us! ?v.18?

?God will make a way — I’m reading “God Will Make a Way” by Cloud ?Townsend. This book summarizes 8 secrets in walking with God, teaching saints how to pass through 12 areas throughout the course of life. Worth reading – especially for those disorientated.

City to Come?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
let us go forth to Him without the camp, bearing His reproach: <13:13>

Outside the camp — 3 symbols of heavenly passengers:
1. Treating others & ourselves — love, care, sympathy, purity, content, always praying for others?v.1…6?18…19?
2. Treating spiritual leaders — remembering, obey, imitate, care?v.7…9?17?24?
3. 2 offerings to God — praising, doing good & offer donation ?v.10 …16?

?May God arise and his enemies scattered – Tragedies occurred frequently in our society these days, shocking many hearts. Towards year end church in HK 9 gospel meetings, pls pray to save souls !?TM; 25/11 evening at TW; 26/11 morning at KT, SKW, CWB, ST, TKO; 8/12 evening at TST; 17/12 morning at SPK? Enquiry: 2369 5106

Kingdom Unshakable!

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
… run with endurance the race that lies before us <12:1>

Disappointed on the journey — 3 reminders for passengers to heaven:
1. Look upon God’s Son?v.1…4? … join the line of witnesses!
2. Endure God’s discipline?v.5…13?… experience the unfailing love of Father
3. Precious the grace?v.14…29?… guard against sins?v.15…17?, await heavenly city?v.18…24?and the unshakable kingdom (v. 25-29) !

?2 fathers, 1 miracle – A student went to fhis teacher & applied to cease fromstudies…his father got addicted in gambling , turned his home into a hell! His teacher rejected his application & brought him to Christian gathering, comforted , encouraged him. Gradually this student knew the Father in heaven — & tended to lead a better life . So he worked hard, and at the day he graduated from university ,his father on earth quitted gambling & turned to God. God had rebuilt his home!

Builder is God ?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
By faith he sojourned as a stranger <11:9>

Brilliant witnesses — 2 victories of faith:
1. Giant of Faith -plan A — By God’s words and by faith, they overcame the enemies and surpassed the impasses?v.32…35a?
2. Giant of Faith -plan B — By faith, they suffered till death without compromise?v.35b…38?Don’t be afraid, the perfect example of Jesus is coming in next chapter!?Heb 12?

?Change of life (3) — After Ah Leong ??and his family turned to Jesus, they were all happy and his business ran smoothly. He no longer put superstitious objects in his office but having gospel leaflets instead. And he often talked about Lord’s grace with his friends. In the second year of his repent, he brought the whole family of his friend to Lord, bringing peace to another family!
?How to love — epilogue…recently church in HK has 3 sermons on marriage, or being single. last messge

Look Ahead?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
And without faith it is impossible to please God… (v.6)

Without faith it is impossible to please God — 6 aspects of faith:
1. Faith to walk with God?v.4…10?
2. Faith to work for God?v.7?
3. Faith to wait for God?v.8…22?
4. Faith to fight with God?v.23…29?
5. Faith to overcome the enemy? v.30…31?
6. Faith to change our fate? v.32…40?
Even a prayer before death – is heard by God?v.32??

?After Ah Leong ??believed in Jesus , he was still devoted in reading the“bible” in the toilet –“bible” of horse racing…But one day this secret was exposed by his little son, and he felt really shameful. He decided to quit gambling, and after this his parents and daughter were baptized, his son also comes to the Lord!

In Full Assurance ?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
… consider one another for provoking to love and good works; <10:24>

Behold these 3 callings, all wearied brothers:
1. Let us draw near to God v.22
2. Let us hold fast our hope v.23
3. Let us not give up our meeting v.25

?Change of life?2?…Ah Leong?? after his baptism., relies on the Lord in all things . Once his client threatened to find another supplier if he didn’t cut price. He thought it was not reasonable and appealed to the Lord. One day he came across a verse in his devotion time –in Jeremiah: “They will fight against you but will not overcome you, for I am with you and will rescue you, declares the Lord.” <1:19>. So he held fast his position, yet his client kept on ordering his goods!

A Living Way?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
But the just shall live by faith…<10:38>

2 Encouragements- Necessary in Completing our Journey:
1. To those in sufferings — to sympathize them?v.34?
2. To your faith and yourself — never turn away?v.35?
Lord, you are the better sacrifice offered for us – once for all ! In this morning my heart echoes your call , walks onto the new & living way to God!

?Change of life…Ah Leong ?? in my church is a money-loving businessman. He changed the setting of his factory according to superstitious advices. After he met Jesus ,his parents, wife & children all turned to true God. He also surrendered himself to Jesus., cleared all superstitious stuff in office- and let Jesus to take over his business as well as family. Now he is so so happy!
?How to love? (vol.2) – The church in HK had 3 sermons on marriage. Second message.

No more Tears?

Hebrews, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…shall appear to those that look for Him the second time without sin for salvation. <9:28>

3 better things – life-long blessing:
1. Better sanctuary?v.1…11? … Christ is serving in it up the heaven. He is working for us!
2. Better service ?v.12…15? … Our Lord can cleanse us & make us eligible to serve God.Come to him bravely , let Him work on you!
3. Better sacrifice?v.16…28?… Christ is the unblemished Lamb, His blood works forever. Only trust Him Him!

?How to love?…Planning for marriage? Finding your better half? Or thinking of being single? One reason of family problems nowadays is the lack of Biblical teachings before marriage. 3 messges in HK church, listen to the first sermon: On marriage – a biblical view – click (cantonese)

Room for Him?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
… He is mediator of a better covenant…

The New Testament — a Better covenant:
1. OT: those observe the law will live – written on stone tablet, offering of atonement can never stop?v.1…5?
2. NT: God grants new lives to men – God’s law written in hearts, we love God, obey God’s words with the godly nature in us ?v.6…9?
3. Live in NT – setting up by the blood of Jesus, the new testament is enough to cleanse all the sins of those who believe?v.10…13?The NT equips us for His glorious church!

?Good news – …”This morning 2 friends from China were saved! The 2 relatives of a brother attended the special conference for elderly ,and were deeply touched. In today’s morning watch, they listened to gospel clearly , prayed and accepted the Lord as only Saviour! Thanks and praise the Lord!” — fr Bro C.F.?10/11?
?On 5/11 Bro T. K. Tse??? from Vancouver spoke on the topic “The Trnsformation of Life”in HK, with 2,000+ saints from 10 districts attending the worship. Enjoy the message click?Mandarin / Cantonese?

Things Unchangeable ?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
… to lay hold on the hope set before us

Look up, move forward — our 3 towers of strength:
1. God’s promise … which never fail?v.13…15?
2. God’s oath … which never change?v.16…18?
3. God’s son … who never stop his work?v.19…20?

?Suky’s brother recently moved to Beaumont, Texas. Suky had asked Ark Channel to refer a church for him, also requested prayers from all of you. Now Suky’s good news: “Thanks for all prayers from you saints… he keeps on attending church … every Sunday pastor drove him to church, have Bible study before service …When he was in HK, he worked in Ling Nan University, just next to the venue of our Lunar New Years’ Crusade, but still he refused going. But now he goes to church, every week he dresses up, wait for pastor to pick him…God is wonderful! (Their church now studying Ezekiel. I wonder if he can understand. He said yes !! I know I can’t give up praying for him…may the Lord remember the Ark Channel – that more saints can be blessed — In Christ Suky?

Learn from Suffer?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
He learned obedience from the things which He suffered <5:8>

Our Christ – eternal, complete and persistent:
1. Christ’s priesthood is forever?v.1…6?– He works in heaven , will never leave His office –therefore we can always be saved!
2. With mercy & sympathy Christ loved us to the end?v.2,7…8?– Now the Father will listen to us, just like He has once listened to Jesus’ cries and tears!
3. The innocent Christ offered once for us , & once for all?v.3?9…10?– so obey Him and pay attention to every single voice of Holy Spirit!

?BB Philip Tam of John ? Jessie in HK , is still under treatment. Letter fr Tams — As baby Philip was having a seizure… eyes rolled up, face went blue, lips went purple and whole body shaking, we prayed earnestly to God that He would save him . And God did! He gave Phil life two times, one at birth and one at the emergency room. Pls pray that Philp may have a third time of birth from our Lord, being born again by the Holy Spirit, in his life time. …God is using baby Philip to give us a transforming experience. Our prayer is that we will be changed into the likeness of His Son and that we may useful vessels for His kingdom. Many thanks for your prayers and you are in our prayers. —– …John ? Jessie Tam?HK??Note: Philip showed signs of blood cancer, but chemotherapy not needed yet.?

Throne of Grace?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
…that we may receive mercy, and find grace for seasonable help.

Come and have rest –2 things in mind:
1. In fear?v.1…8?… Enjoy the rest of salvation by faith.?Mt 11:28?. Enjoy the peace God granted by obedience.?Phil 4:6…8?. Enter the rest by God’s words?Heb4:3?
2. Make every effort?v.9…13?…Press forward with every effort – God is waiting to help you!

?Reader’s Digest (Chnese /Nov 06) reported the story of schoolmaster L.C. Chong ???. He devoted 36 years in a remote primary school in Yuen Long, HK, Students, teachers & parents are all touched by his sacrifice. After his retirement, he is studying in seminary now!


Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
…To – day if you will hear his voice <3:7>

5 things to be done today:
1. Fix our thoughts — look upon Jesus who is faithfully managing God’s house, do not worried or fearful!
2. Listen His Voice — watch out for Lord’s commands, the Spirit is speaking! ?v.7?
3. Encourage one another — warn each other to watch out of sins! ?v.13?
4. Hold firm to hope — hold our faith firm till the last!?v.14?
5. Enjoy His Rest — we can enter God’s rest today. Let the Lord take over your life! ?v.18…19?

?Myra Tong & husband Michael from North Carolina-, they have settled in church there. Their sharing – we herre we have a university professor who is also our Sunday school teacher. This Dr. Ramey teaches strictly. Many college students are failed by him. But in weekends, he always puts aside his prestige and goes to garage sale to find materials for children of Sunday school. It is a great picture seeing the grey-headed professor playing with children.” (Pls pray for Lord’s witness in US?
“…brothers, be glad; be complete; be comforted; be of the same mind; be at peace with one another: and the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2 Cor 13:11)

Merciful ?Faithful?

Hebrews, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…He is able to help those that are being tempted.

Come ! Seek help from our Captain of Salvation:
1. He is mindful of you!?v.6a?
2. He cares for you!?v.6b?
3. He succors us. ( that is -He rushes for us when he listens our cry for help!) ?v.18?

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