More Excellent ?

Hebrews, Voice Divine No Comments »
… but You are the Same, and Your years shall not fail. <1:12>

Knowing Christ the Better One — 3 blessings :
1.Perfect …Let us have a perfect status before God !?14 times in the book?
2.Better …The Son leading us into a better life !?13 times in the book?
3.Eternal …Bless us with eternal blessings (2 synonyms used in Gk.- 15 times ?
Listen with heart to God’s calling!

?We mentioned the broadcast of gospel films to Middle East via satellite TV. Now more than 15 films are shown. The translating of the story “144 arrows” and Y.H. Cheung??? who survived a hill fire. Films are first translated into English , then into Arabian & Farsi.. The district ranges from N. Africa across Russia to Middle East , heavily populated, with a majority of non-Christians . Pls pray for the Goodnews Communication International (GCC) in charge of this project.

Fellow – soldier?

Philemon, Voice Divine No Comments »
But if he has wronged the at all… put that to mine account? <1:18>

3 changes of our fate —- due to the sacrifice & prayer of our mediator:
1. Prisoners are now freed! ?v.8…11?
2. A slave becomes a brother now! ?v.10?
3. The unprofitable ones become profitable!?v.11…14?

?Pray for the Middle East…Sis. Elaine of Goodnews Communication International told me -they have 2 more gospel films translated into Arabian , to be broadcasted from 22/11 to Middle East countries via satellite. Pls pray for this !
?From today (3/11) to next Tue (7/11) – HK Church conferences. Topic -“The vessel chosen by God”, with 4 sermons -on the start, experience, changes & peak of life. The sermons are given by Bro James Chu??? fr NY & Bro TK.Tse ??? fr Vancouver. Pls pray for the 2000+ saints/attendants in HK.

Love & Strength- each Day!

Titus, Voice Divine No Comments »
… we should become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. <3:7>

The Spirit turns mud into jewels:
1. Motive for doing good?v.3…6?… poured with the Spirit!
2. Hope for doing good?v.7…15?… receive the eternal life!

? fr Myra Tong (US)… God will make a way , where there seems to be no way a song composed by Don Moen. …. One day he received a call from someone telling him that his brother died in a plane crashed. He told his mother… and the mother cried so helpless. With God’s spirit, Don told his mother ” I wish I could say something to make you feel better and yet I am sad too.But I know God will make a way.” … he hung up the phone and went to his piano which ” God will make a way” was being composed. —Myra (to listen)

Toil & Trust !

Titus, Voice Divine No Comments »
awaiting the blessed hope …

Speak truly and frankly — build a healthy church with gospel:
1. Teach the elders?v.1…4a?…to live a respectful and pure life and teach the young with good words.
2. Teach the young?v.4b…8?… to care the family, showing integrity and seriousness!
3. Teach the slaves?v. 9…15? … to bear in mind Lord’s obedience, guilelessness, selflessness and sacrificing!
In this letter Paul warned them to be modest and self-controlled for 4 times (Titus 2). It’s all because of the wickedness of men that need long time to change even after believing!

?7 habits to success — John Wanamaker made great contribution to church, the nation & society. in 1894 , the church he founded numbered to 12,000 in Sunday worships . His enterprise greatly benefited Philadelphia . He said he had 7 habits leading to his success: waking up early, positive towards life, practice of saving, love of reading ( books & Bible), good management & organizing, always encourage & appreciate others . Then the work of your life can be multiplied!

Lover of Goodness?

Titus, Voice Divine No Comments »
in the hope of eternal life, which God, who cannot lie, promised before the ages of time <1:2>

Tips for leaders — with a broad horizon – 3 important things:
1. Be diligent- in preaching God’s words ?v.1…4?
2. Preparein future leaders – wholeheartedly?v.5…9?
3. Fight the heresies with all our might ? v.10…16?

?John Wanamaker the entrepreneur, the founder of departmental stores, also once the Postmaster General of America. In an interview he said, “Running goverment office is just my side job. My career is being a Sunday school teacher.” He asked for special permission from the President to travel from Washington to Philadelphia every weekend (where his church was ), that he can teach in Sunday school. Then he traveled back to Washington! He was a faithful teacher for 67 years, and he even set up prayer room in his departmental stores! He used to tell others that the biggest investment was his purchase of a red leather Bible– when he was 10! Reading this Book changed his life!

Finishing Well?

Timothy 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
…do the work of an evangelist, fill up the full measure of your ministry. <4:5>

Marathon of faith:
1. Complete the race?v.1…5?… We have to finish – the race like Paul!
2. Good ending?v.6…18?…Though you have gone away on faith, you still have the chance to recover!

?John Wanamaker the entrepreneur had a brick worker father. But he worked hard by the Lord and became a great charity donor as well as the Postmaster General of US. In 1875 he had cooperated with Moody to organize gospel meetings in his shops, the participants numbered above 1 million. He was a pioneer in departmental store industry. When he passed away in 1923 he had accumulated 100 millions US$.? his biggest investment is ible his bible in 10yrs old!?

Make Wise?

Sunday Hope, Timothy 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
Every scripture is … profitable… <3:16>

Bible Sure Win —- Keeping You Ever fit!
1.“Pollution” in last hours — men’s hearts are corrupted, ignorant & hypocritical! (v.1-11)
2. Health care — The bible makes us perfect & furnished, keeping you best shape! (v.12-17)

?I’m reading the a bibliography of John Wanamaker –the department store giant. He founded the Bethany Sunday school — the biggest one in the world, blessed thousands of lives. He loved God and men sincerely — he can remember at least 4,000 children’s names as well as their parents’ – names and occupations. He said he hadn’t got a good memory, but just because he cared everyone of them!

Be Strong!

Timothy 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
… be strong in the grace which is in Christ Jesus.

The Lord knows those who are His:
1. Be Lord’s good steward ?v.1…2?… Revelations are from Lord only!
2. Be elite soldiers?v.3…4?… who only suffer & obey the Commander
3. Be a good athlete ?v.5?… restrict yourself to win the prize!
4. Be a hardworking farmer?v.6…7?… ever expect a good harvest!
5. Be a shameless worker?v.14…18?… familiar with truth & handles it correctly
6. Be noble vessels?v.19…22?… cleanse yourself & pursue all virtues in Lord!
7. Be a loyal servant?v.23…26?… without turning round!

?The father of sister S. F. Wong ??? in HK is under chemotherapy, our sister longs for her father’s salvation. Pls pray for this.
?Fiona in Canada prayed for her father who has been at death’s door. At last her father was baptized in the hospital in HK, and attended church gathering when discharged from hospital. Fiona was encouraged , recently was baptized in Toronto ! Glory to God!

His Purpose ? Grace ?

Timothy 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
…for I know whom I have believed … <1:12>

Loyalty shown in hardship — for I know whom I have believed:
1. Loyal in keeping God’s words?v.13…14?– When heresies overrun, do we have courage to keep the truth?
2. Faithful in treating God’s servants?v.15…18?– Many servants of God are in hardship, have we exhausted our strength in helping them?

?For some years T. M. Lee ??? the scholar attacked Christianity . He is a genius in philosophy, much influenced Chinese intellectuals. Now Bro K. W. Chan ??? publishes a book — “Review in Philosophy – comments on Lee Tin Ming’s Philosophy”, giving in-depth comment. ( Chan , an electronics engineer before God called him to serve by writing. He had published 6 books at his own expenses. Not long ago he faced an accident on sea, but the Lord spared his life so that he can finish this book. Published by Tien Dao .,in Chinese)

Great Gain?

Timothy 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
the love of money … root of every evil … <6:10>

3 Attitudes – for living a joyful life:
1. Flee ?v.11a?… Flee from desires, greed and sins – as far as you can!
2. Pursue?v.11b?…Pursue all beneficiary to God ‘s kingdom & spiritual life – as much as you can!
3. Witness?v.12? …Never miss a chance to make people turn to Christ & eternal life!

?prayer request –our brother Ransforth, long time servant of the Lord, was killed last month in Ghana, Western Africa (he is native Ghana and serving the saints there for many years.), in a car accident. Pray for his family (children in late twenties) and Churches which are sserved by him.

With All Purity ?

Timothy 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Keep yourself pure.

In God’s house — treat these 3 kinds of people in reverence:
1. Respect the elders?v.1…2? …how can we look down those devoted whole life in God’s house?
2. Respect the widows?v.3…16? …Sisters are the heart of the church. How can we overlook them?
3. Respect the leaders?v.17…25?…The leaders endeavored in teaching & overseeing, how can the saints not supply and support them?

?Sister Myra, M. W. Tong???from HK, moved to US after her marriage. Her letter from in North Carolina: I learned to give thanks whenever I open my eyes in the morning. I thank Father God for my breath, for the new grace and new mercy every morning. I pray for whatever names the Spirit tell me. I have a crystal globe on my kitchen counter. I learn to give a spin and pray for the continent which stops at. Last time it stopped at AFrica.To the saints overseas: in order to stop children coming in for trick or treat, you need to turn off all the lights in the house, at least the front door. Just to show them you are not into the festivity of Halloween. . .God is an awsome God! –Myra

Our Preserver ?

Timothy 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…because we hope in a living God…

On God’s words — read up, teach & grow on it :
1. Be Good?v.1…6?– Nowadays heresies overrun. We have to read and teach Bible everyday – to save ourselves and the others.
2. Be Godly?v.7…12?– Be a man with purpose pursuing eternity and goodness!
3. Be Growing?v.13…16?– Let God works on you, so that God can work on others through you!

?Bible “addiction”?…Last week a friend was back to HK from Canada. Lasy year he asked me how to study Bible . I advised him to focus on the NT, read and learn every book by heart, then write an outline for each book and write down the main point of every chapter. Read it until the verses are in your heart, that anytime you can recall the content of any chapter of any book …This time when I see him again, the brother had read through the NT twice and is reading the third time now. He said he is “addicted “to the Bible! Now he can remember the content of any chapter of any book. Thanks the Lord! ?Why not try it out by yourselves? It works!?

Aspires Good Work?

Timothy 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… God’s house…assembly of the living God?

The mystery of godliness — God among men:
1. We become “God’s household”!?v.14…15?– The life of saints is like pillar, hoisting high the truth in the torrent of times!
2. We can sing ”the song of Christ”?v.16?– The core of truth is Christ. God seems to be far away ,but He’s indeed near, even living among us.
May we have “the song of Christ” on us!

*Bro SY Wong ?? is back from Europe, his deep feelings – “There are many alcoholics and gangsters in England.Churches in Edinburgh everywhere , but they are either rebuilt into rave bars or become playground of the drunken! Czech obtained religious freedom, but surprisingly there are few believers in the church…in contrary – Poland -at least 5 or 6 churches in the old zone are full on Sundays , all passageways are crowded with people, kneeing or standing. There are whole-day programs in the square -in memories of devoted saints , singing for praises…”“…If anyone hears my voice and open the door, I wil come in and eat with him, and he with me.”

Good ? Acceptable?

Sunday Hope, Timothy 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
who gave himself a ransom for all…<2:6>

2 missions in God’s plan:
1. To pray ?v.1…6a?
2. To preach ?v.6b…7?

?A Word from Ark Channel— Dear brothers & sisters, Ark Channel has been in service for 3 years & 10 months. Reading it & walking with us everyday, you are one among 1,300 friends in our prayer web. Everyday I checked the email list, I recall every face & stories of you all, I am always touched. Being scattered around the world, I missed you all, and the Father’s love is always poured into my heart. Seeing you all blessed is my joy & crown. I sincerely request yr unceasing prayer for the many saints me that read & pray together each day among the Ark. May our Lord’s glorious appearance fill our hearts ever more ! — yokefellow, Sam Kong , fr HK

Over- abounded ?

Timothy 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…maintaining faith and a good conscience<1:19>…

Memoir of the chief of sinners — but I was given mercy:
1. Who am I? — When we repent ,we found that we are the chief among the sinners! ?v.15?
2. Who is He? — To the king eternal, ever-living, invisible, the only God, be honor & glory!?v.17?

*Testimony of C. S. Cheng ??? —- Cheng suffered from cancer for years, but lived in joy. He and his wife became gospel messenger. This year his father passed away, his cancer relapsed, and his son Won-kit (20) suspected having a tumor. Cheng despaired like Job. The next day another doctor gave Kit detailed check, and nearly sure it’s deformed blood vessel rather than tumor ! now the son willing to offered his life to Jesus! . In these yrs Cheng lost working ability & relied on a relative. Recently the relative make a charm for Won-kit , forcing Chengs to worship idols, but God’s hands kept the testimony. Pls pray for them—- “may God give them comfort & strength in every good work and word.” (2 Thes 2: 16-17)

Walk Orderly ?

Thessalonians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
But the Lord of peace Himself give you peace continually… in every way? … <3:16>

Before Lord’s return…3 wishes in hardship?v.1…5??
1. 1st wish- His Words spread rapidly — which means “the gospel will dash”!
2. 2nd wish – be delivered from evil — God’s faithfulness protects His Words & his people!
3. 3rd wish – stay in the pure love — By faith to God & love to saints, we can have joy with endurance!
But we have to exhort problematic brothers?v.11…12?, encourage disheartened brothers?v.13?, discipline stubborn brothers!?v.14…15?

?Ms Kwok, a teacher, brought many students to Lord , her prayer request…”My school is going to have 2 special meetings. The topic is “Festival of Devils”. We aim to tell students the origin of the Chinese Ghost Festival and Halloween ,the evil nature of these 2 festivals. Ms Tsang and I will speak, but we feel weak , need prayer support! The Ocean Park and Disneyland are going to have great events to celebrate Halloweenin HK . These are used by Satan to “disarm” the Christians, letting us to think it won’t offend God! The enemy is really cunning, please pray for this.” —Ruth Kwok (HK)

Stand Firm ?

Thessalonians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
and then the lawless one shall be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus shall consume with the breath of his mouth… <2:8>

Guard against Satan’s work:
1. Warning?v.1…3a?— The history will come to its end in Lord’s return. We will be gathered to him for sure, but don’t be deceived easily.
2. Revealing?v.3b…12?— Before His return, rebellion will occur and the man of lawlessness will appear, but the Lord will destroy him by the brightness of his coming.

?Well-known brands are often counterfeited. The more valuable the brand, more counterfeits found in market . In these days more and more “religion counterfeits” catch on, so be careful ! may read (Chinese) :
1. ”Guard Against Heresies“ … by Samuel Ching????published by China Alliance Press.
2. ”Distinguishing Heresies”… by Rev. W. C. So????published by Tien Dao. ?
3. “Discerning Truth and Heresies”?published by China Ministries International?

Look Ahead?

Thessalonians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
… your faith increases exceedingly…love… abounds<1:3>

A climax of the Bible — Our Lord’s appearing in the last hours!
1. Looking forward to the Lord’s return — thus gaining hope in hardship ?2 Thes 1?
2. Waiting for the Lord’s return — so we have faith to face temptations ?2 Thes 2?
3. Preparing for the Lord’s return — stand firm in love of church ?2 Thes 3?
In the original text of 2 Thessalonians , there are 235, 315 and 274 words in chapter 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Bible scholars tell us that it indicates the focus is in chapter 2…In these last hours don’t be self-centered. The centre of universe, human life & everything is God!

?Last week I conducted the funeral of the father-in-law of sister Lai??? , who had believed in Jesus before his passing away. Sister Lai few years ago faced a business crisis. At that time she received an invitation card of a gospel meeting from a customer. She accepted Jesus in the meeting, and brought her father-in-law, husband & mother-in-law to Lord, changing the fate of whole family. May our Lord remember her expecting BB in coming week ,& her whole family serve God forever . ( Glory be to God!)

Rejoice Always?

Thessalonians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
He is faithful who calls you… <5:24>

Lord will be back — which is certain though sudden, but we have:
1. The God of peace?v.23?
2. The God who calls us?v.24?
3. The God of grace?v.28?
So don’t be afraid and wait for the great day with joy!

?Bro C. S. Cheng’s??? fights against cancer many years .He had been loving, obeying & relying on God. .Last week his son Wen Kit (20-year-old) found a tumor in his brain . Now whole family wearied & tired. Pls back up with yr holy prayer- may God heals & comforts.
?Fidelia Wong (HK) – father suffering from stomach cancer; Pls pray for his life & his salvation.
?Pls pray for the devoted family of John & Jessie, may God remember their one-year-old baby Philip (suspected blood cancer).

Love with Hope!

Thessalonians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…meet the Lord in the air; and thus we shall be always with the Lord?

Wait for Lord’s return — with hope of reunion and eternal presence:
1. Live in holiness and love?v.1…12?– saints around us will be with us in eternity. How can we not love & care them now?
2. Live in knowledge and hope?v.13…18?– Don’t be ignorant or despair towards death. If we are taken up to meet our Lord, we can enter eternity in a second!

?2 days ago I had a reunion with Bro Fung from Reutlingen of Germany. Before he left he reminded me to warn all saints- not to love money, as it is “a root of all evil” (1 Tim 6:10)! He was baptized with his wife in Stuttgart , 91’ and led a comfortable life. But once he visited Morocco he came to a casino. At first he stood outside the door and refused to go in, but a friend gave him US$300 & urged him inside to play. From that time his nightmare came. He got addicted in gambling, his family away from church. His children were once in fringe of corruption. Now he repented , in tears he warned us all, “The love of money is a root of all evil”!

Always Good?

Sunday Hope, Thessalonians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… we live if you stand firm in the Lord. <3:8>

Our affection towards the saints:
1. Brotherly Love & Friendship ?2:17…20?
2. Love them with a pastor’s heart ?3:1…13?

?Yesterday I have a wonderful fellowhip with Bro YC Fung living in Reutlingen of Germany. I visited his home more than a decade ago when I was in Germany. Not seeing him for so many years, he had much experienced. He went through the whole Europe and had made a good fortune. But he had once given up his faith and indulged in gambling. His family left the church, leading a life of sorrow. Now he was revived & repented , and his family returned to the church in Reutlingen. He said, “In the western world, if we do not take His Word daily , I can’t imagine how messy our life will become!”

Life Restructured?

Thessalonians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
for you are our glory and joy.

Upholding God’s Words , give our all to saints:
1. One man — live for preaching God’s words only?v.1…16?
2. One mind — live or die are all for the saints?v.17…20?

?Hooked up? — Many addictions & bad habits tie up men’s hearts and ruin our lives. How to set free? This involves problems of psychology, physiology and spirituality. I’m reading the new book of sister S. K. Wong… “Free from addiction…cases in helping others or self-helping”– how to get real satisfaction 7 be freed from addictive gambling, smoking, drinking, pornographies or even emotional indulgence? This book also covers topics like motivation of giving up addictions, way of forgiving, notes to counselors, 10 steps to recover and bible verses about personality (published by Fellowship of Evangelistic Students, written in Chinese)

Labour of love ?

Thessalonians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… to serve a living and true God <1:9>

Rejoice! — 5 blessings of living in church:
1. Boundaries of church … have grace & peace in God the Father & Christ?v.1?
2. Beauty of the church … work of faith, labour of love, the patience of hope ?v.2…3?
3. Fate of the church … chosen & loved by God! ?v.4…7?
4. Testimony of church … ring out the Lord’s message (like thunder!) in faith?v.8?
5. Way of the church … turn to God from idols, serve Him , wait for Lord’s return(v.9…10?

?Message from New Zealand — Sister Eunice Wong fr HK, newly baptized, goes to Plamerston North in northern island of NZ to study. Her message sum up – This is my second year in university , everything ok. I enjoy youth worship of church much…I am eager to serve God more…and in every occasions I rely on the Spirit…greetings to the saints in HK. I felt deeply that Lord is calling our generation to serve HIm faithfully …”

Redeeming Opportunities?

Colossians, Voice Divine No Comments »
Persevere in prayer, watching in it with thanksgiving <4:2>

Put your eyes on the great field of God?Col 4?:
1. The most terrible time for Satan is the moment when weak saints knee down and pray?v.2…4?
2. The most glorious and holy work can be successful only if there is next generation to continue!?v.7…15?
3. Whoever suffers the most for the brothers and sisters will be our leader!?v.16…18?

?Sister Suky asked Ark Channel for information about churches in Texas. She wants her brother Ron who goes there can attend church meetings & saved.To her surprise ,she rites , “Thanks for yr information… The Lord has answered my prayers…2 days before my brother went to church himself (both Sat & Sun). He is not a Christian (he drives my parents to church and waits outside for the meeting to end), but now in US he goes to meetings and he said he will go next week…it’s so miraculous! …the church he attends is further away from which you suggested (in district 77701). Thanks the Lord! Pls continue to pray for his salvation…

Seek Heavenly?

Colossians, Voice Divine No Comments »
have your mind on the things above…<3:2>

Set our minds on things above – live a wonderful life:
1. Live in the eternal light?v.1…4?…The everlasting, omnipotent & omniscient Lord is living inside us!
2. Restrict ourselves in love, give thanks and serve?3:5…4:1?…Can people encounter Jesus in your family life or work?

?Old lady Lai ??? in HK ,now 89, believed in Jesus recently & has her idols removed. She will be baptized this afternoon, glory be to God!
?Letter fr a sister in Christ – -” Tonight is funeral of Bro Lai , a newly saved brother died of cancer. His daughter -in -law , sister B.H. Lai??? is my fruit in gsopel . She is the designer of the cabinet in my house. I invited her to gospel meeting …. Later her husband, father-in-law ,mother-in-law all believed in Christ !.We pray that their family can serve God in one accord .”

In Triumph ?

Colossians, Voice Divine No Comments »
and you are complete in Him …<2:10>

Walk in all His fullness — 4 warnings concerning Christian faith?v.8…23?:
1. Guard against hollow teachings of this world — treasure the fullness in Christ?v.8…15?
2. Focus on Christ, who is the reality — rather than outward appearances?v.16…17?
3. Connect with the head — instead of boosting on ourselves?v.18…19?
4. Wisdom of men is limited — So walk on every occasions with the living Lord?v.20…23?

?Bro Lai Hau Fong???, a new believer in HK ,has passed away. His daughter caught hold of his last days to bring him to Lord, together with help of 2 hospital pastors. He was baptized in hospital on 9/9, experienced peace in his pain. On 1/10 he was taken away by Lord. All his family was comforted. (Pls pray for the funeral tomorrow. My topic — “The Cross & Peace on the Cross”)
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