Delivered from Darkness?

Colossians, Voice Divine No Comments »
… translated us into the kingdom of the Son of His love:<1:13>

Knowing the transcending Christ and serve heavenly:
1. 4 identities of Christ — He is God, the Creator Lord, the head of church and the Lord of redemption!?refer to v.15a/15b…17/v.18/v.19…20?
2. 4 kinds of Christian service — Suffering, preaching, caring the church, praying and encouraging?refer to v.24?29/2:1…5/2:6…7/?

?George Muller was well-known of his faith which fed several thousands orphans. He never seeks financial help from others but never in shortage . When people asked him about the secrets of prayer he said, “The most important part is the 15 minutes after you’ve said, ‘Amen’” (wait for God’s response!)

Seek Fruit?

Philippians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
But I have all things in full supply and abound …

Lead a life of joy and gladness —- 4 secrets:
1. Surpassing church conflicts?v.1…3?…On every occasions remain in Christ, be strong & with the same mind. Our names are in the SAME book of life !
2. Surpassing worries of living?v.4…9? …Tell God our needs in joy & gentleness – rely on His peace.
3. Surpassing changes in life?v.10…20?…Be generous, contented !
4. Surpassing earthly boundaries?v.21…23?…Have a broad view & horizon -to hope that God’s grace can supply foreign churches through us!

?From Phoebe??? in church of Hamilton, New Zealand…”Life is busy in New Zealand also. God is doing great work here, we are now being trained by Him. The greatness of Lord’s work is not perceivable . My husband Kin Yin?? and my son Gabriel served in one mind with me. But we still need your prayers so that we can walk on the way God pleases!”?K.Y. Tsang and Phoebe are healed by the Lord and brought to Hamilton by Him. They were zealous in faith and had brought many to Christ. Pls pray for this wonderful family!?

But One Thing?

Philippians, Voice Divine No Comments »
for our commonwealth has its existence in the heavens, from which also we await the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour <3:20>

Forget what is behind and strain forward — 3 attitudes towards life:
1. Stand firm in faith (v.1-3)–Rejoice in adversity, be alert & firm in your faith!
2. Bold confession of life (v.4-14)–seek Christ rather than fame, wealth or power!
3. Live the glorious hope (v.15-21)–With royal & eternal vocation from above, we are citizens in heaven !
What are we longing, hoping or seeking? When Lord appears, what do you have to face Him?

*The Metro Post of HK has an interview with famous commentator Y.M. Wong??? on 26/9. In the SARS incident in 03’ , wong felt teh helplessness of man in the plague. His heart was touched and finally he believed in Christ.

Harmless and Simple?

Philippians, Voice Divine No Comments »
…you appear as lights in the world <2:15>

Christ’s heart, way, work & purpose of Life …to the glory of God the Father:
1. The Mark in God’s household … humbleness?v.1…4?
2. The Sign of God’s Son … obedient ?v.5…11?
3. Characteristic of God’s children … purity ?v.12…18?
4. Model of God’s servant … sacrificing?19…30?
Are our lives striving for and pouring out for God’s glory

?Dear friend Uncle Tong ?? was imprisoned for 9 times and worked for undergrouond society. But he becomes God’s servant after he repented . Uncle Tong transformed by Spirit brought many to Christ . In these days he is sharing Lord’s love with many university students. Yesterday he told me he is going to witness God’s love with whole group of law students. Pls pray for him !

Supply of Spirit ?

Philippians, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Christ shall be magnified in my body … by life or by death. <1:20>

The great apostle , true servant of the Lord — 4 aspirations?1:12…26?:
1. In every situations given by God, preach the gospel, live for Christ, and make the brothers encouraged on their faith!
2. Tolerate co-workers who have different motives -just to rejoice when gospel prevailed!.
3. Exalt Christ in our body.
4. Live only for the good of the saints!

?Dr. Y.W.Choi ???, founder of Breakthrough , once preached in HK Coliseum , urging 10,000 souls to believe in Jesus and repair their family relationship by Lord. Amazingly his father was deeply touched & came up the stage ,pledged to believe in Jesus! He told his father to repent to Lord at once!?Now all the 4 generations of his family are reconciled since 20+ of his relatives believed!?

All Round Ministry ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
to withstand in the evil day, … <6:13>

From ascension to return of Lord —- by God’s power the church pray:
1. Demons & evil spirits are attacking our conscience, family, work & services?v.11…13?
2. Pray in all time, all directions, with all saints , in all patience to overcome the enemies!?v.14…20?

?Rev. Enoch T.C. Yang spoke about the fresh blessings and power gained in morning watches. That’s why his life is so fruitful and can bring so much blessing for Chinese saints.He quoted Isaiah, “O Lord, have mercy on us; for we have been waiting for your help; be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of trouble”?33:2?

Now Light ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
…be filled with the Spirit <5:18>

Lead a blameless life —- 3 fruits the light?v.9?:
1. Live the goodness … Are we using our lives, our efforts & time to involve in work that brings goodness to men?
2. Live the righteousness … Can we have a good conscience before God & men? Giving God & men what they deserve?
3. Live honestly … Are we determined to live and speak in truth in our lives?

?Shower of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry broadcasts documentary films in many cities over the world. They report precious stories of Chinese over the world encountering Jesus . Now these films can be downloaded from the web, just click

Fitted Together ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
for the perfecting of the saints…<4:12>

Live the great faith — 2 directions:
1. In one acccord and walk together?v.1…16?
2. Act in purity and holiness?v.17…32?

?Reader’s Digest this month? 06 Oct Chinese version?has a report on former gang leader Y.Y. Lee???. He was utterly evil in his gang life, being put into jail for many times. But one day he read through the whole Bible , awaken and repented. Later he founded the Christian Fellowship of Pastoral Care for Youth which had blessed thousands of youths!

Riches Unsearchable ?

Ephesians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…according to the power which works in us<3:20>

Life Management — strengthen your inner man?v.16??
1. Pay attention on our innermost — What do our hearts care about?
2. Strengthen our inner man — The Spirit that lives in us is our linkage to eternity!

?Ark Channel had recently reported about the old brother CM Cho??? who believed in Jesus in serious sickness. After he was baptized in hospital , he can be discharged fr hospital miraculously, even attend church gatherings with his wife! All thhings possible for them who believe!

His Workmanship?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
…has raised us up together…<2:6>

Revising the touching story — a Tale of two histories :
1. A meaningless life?v.1…3?…We have once died in sins with the world ,controlled by the evil spirit. Lost of in control in lust, we lived under God’s wrath!
2. New life in Christ?v.4…6?… By the mercy, love & grace of Christ, we are alive again, resurrected and sitting in heaven with Him!
3. Meaning of “Christian”?v.7…22?… being reconciled with God and men, numbered among the family of God – we are God’s dwelling!

?Last night gospel meeting for college students — 175 attendants. 12 among them believed in Jesus, glory to God!
* Message from Bro Wong Kin?? in HK — “My wife Queenie is sick recently, but we can’tfind a cure after many checks…we have done want we can…now we can only rely on Lord, remember us in prayer” (Queenie loves the Lord; she had a major surgery before, pray for them)

Being Enlightened ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
… you should know what is the hope of His calling,…<1:18>

God’s will, Work and Grace — From Change ?Eph 1…3?to Choice?Eph 4…6?:
1. 3 Praises — Selection of the Father?v.3…6?, salvation of the Son?v.7…12?, seal of the Spirit?v.13…14?
2. 3 Prayers — knowing the hope of God’s calling?v.18a?, the glory of God’s inheritance?v.18b?& God’s incomparably great power?v.19…23?

*A brother started business in HK after coming back from overseas. He engaged in IT industry & became famous. A businessman offered to buy his company, which valued to HK$40 millions , promised to keep him as CEO . The only condition is that the shares in exchange of his company paid could only be sold in market after a year. Our brother was very happy ,dreamt of new house & luxurious car…but never thought of using the money to serve God. His wife loved God, and prayed silently to the Father – wishing his husband to fail so that he can learn a lesson! A year later the stock collapsed to 10% of its original value, only $2 millions – left. He got nothing after a year’s work, fortunately he wasn’t indebted. In 2002, he sold his company & enrolled in bible school in serving God. His wife’s prayer was answered!

Do Good towards All ?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the world is crucified to me …

Mark of a Spiritual Man —- the Cross?6:14…17??
1. Purpose of life — Boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ only?v.14?
2. Lifestyle — live as a new creation only ?v.15?
3. Motive of serving — Bear on the body the (shameful) mark of Jesus?v.17?

?Letter from Edinburgh: “It’s been a nice time for me to be with the saints in HK. Your work will not be in vain — please pray for the new university students in Edinburgh as an orientation program will be held on 7/10 here — many students from China,including Taiwan & HK, also youth from Singapore and Malaysia –the Christian band ‘Stream of Praise’ will have 9 concerts in these 10 days to worship / praise , also to preach gospel. Pls pray for the spread of gospel here –let’s remember each other, don’t forget the His kingdom — Chak Por ???, from church in Edinburgh.
?On this Friday night (29/9) my church will have a gospel meeting for university students. Topic – “A Wonderful Life”. Pls pray for the 100,000+ college students in HK —Sam Kong

Walk by Spirit?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long – suffering, kindness, goodness, fidelity <5:22>

God’s Checklist —-are you walking in Flesh or in Spirit (5:22-23)?
1. In flesh — Morality: adultery, impurity, debauchery; interpersonal relationship: hatred, discord, jealousy, divisions, wrath;over self-control: drunkenness, reveling
2. In Spirit — To God: love, joy, peace; to others: patience, kindness, goodness; to yourself: faithfulness, gentleness and self-control

?The Chinese movie director KY Sin ??? was born in a Christian family, yet just a Christian in name. In 1998 while his life was doing well and he was enjoying his holiday in Florida, he got a phone call telling him he, as his friend’s guarantor, was liable for the debt worth 20 millions- since his friend disappeared! He was shocked, and started to review his life. He picked up the Bible again and came across the story of Job. How Job lost his fortune …and his family was just like Job at that moment. He repented before God, and started to rebuild the relationship with the Lord!

Abba ,Father !

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I again travail in birth until Christ shall have been formed in you <4:19>

Sendings and Callings!
1. God sent his Son —- redeeming us from law that we might receive the full rights of sons?v.4?
2. God sent the Spirit of His Son —- so that we can call out, “Abba, Father!”?v.6?
Call out aloud now: “Abba!”

?This year , 2 pairs of young couple moved to Sydney after marriage – Olive Chao ?? & husband YT Tsui ???, also Dylan Lu??? & Maria Chan. Pls pray that they can grow up in the path of eternal life!

Promises addressed?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
…that we might receive the promise of the Spirit …through faith? <3:14>

5 pictures of blessings from God?Gal 3: 1…14?:
1. Blessing of the Spirit … Crucifixion of Jesus Christ ?v.1?
2. Blessing of righteousness … God’s promise to Abraham ?Gen 15:6?
3. Blessing for all nations … God’s promise to Abraham ?Gen 12:3?
4. Blessing of living … The vision of the prophet Habakkuk ?Hab 1…3?
5. Blessing of descendants … God’s promise to Abraham ?Gen 13:15?
Let us cry for joy of freedom!

?Egyptian sister Nashwa shares in sickness?2?:”It has been difficult for a doctor who has never been ill in her life or ever had a hospital admission, but it has been a great insight about my patients (who are mostly sick babies) and all the pain the parents go through, and the thought of how can I do more to relief their pain and reduce the pain my resilient patients (premature babies) go through…my husband Dr. Nagy is specialized in colon surgery and cancer colon, he said he knows understands better what does chemotherapy mean to his patients and their families, and when he comes up to see me during administering my chemotherapy, he always meet his patients in the oncology-cancer-unit…If God is willing, I have admitted for planned surgery on the 5th of October. So please pray for us during this time. God bless you and all our brothers and sisters in Christ —– Love in Christ, Nashwa

Living Temple?

Galatians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…that I may live to God. <2:19>

3 characteristics of true apostles — example of God’s servant:
1. Humble and gentle?v.1…2? … Do we obey God’s revelation? Do we respect church leaders ?
2. Not compromising?v.3…5?… Are we ever watching over God’s household ?
3. Faithful?v.6…10?… Don’t judge by outer appearance, but be filled with Spirit , live by God’s grace!

?Sister Lai ??? in HK newly believed in Christ at her age of 89. She had worshipped idols since she was small, had followed 5 ” masters” …Last Sat. she cleared all idols in her home. She didn’t sleep well before, but now sleep well . Praise the Lord! Pls pray for salvation of her 5 children and grandchildren.

By Grace, through Christ?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
… God, who set me apart even from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace …

True disciples — not pleasing men but be servant of Lord:
1. Set apart from birth?v.15a?
2. Called by his grace?v.15b?
3. Sent in revelation?v.16?

?Message from Scotland … Sharing from Egyptian sister Nashwa in sickness: “I want to thank you for all the prayers and encouraging e-mails we were receiving from out brothers and sisters across the world, the love of the body of Christ has been so evident. As I was ill one-day I saw the contrast between our Lord been despised and rejected going through the wine-press alone, and me upheld by His body – the international church – and by different people, and encouraged by literally hundreds of cards, e-mails and flowers. His love is amazing, even when I am struggling, His presence is so evident and His love is so warming and His encouragement is so personal and so real…” (to be continued)
* Dr. Nagge and Dr.Nashwa serving in Scotland. They organize youth meeting every week,blessing the next generation. Pls pray for them with the unfailing love in Christ!

Be at Peace ?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
…rejoice; be perfected; be encouraged; be of one mind…

Live in the blessing of the Trinity God — the church is a miracle:
1. It’s prayer that can truly retrieve people. ?v.7?9?
2. It’s God Himself that can truly bless people (v.14)

?Shall Lord not break — In yesterday’s funeral Leslie Tam??? witnessed for his father Tam Ho Chuen??? who had passed away…though he believed Jesus in his last days and has just been a Christian for 44 days before going back to heaven, he believed with a sincere heart. At last he recite a hymn “Onward Christian soldiers …” heard 40+ years before! In these 44 days , father and son repaired relationship which has broken for years. They held each other’s hands in prayers and read Bible together.

Rainbow in Clouds?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
The signs indeed of the apostle were wrought among you in all endurance … <12:12>

Grace of God and Patience of Apostle — 2 in-depth lessons?2 climaxes of II Corinthians?:
1. Grace Sufficient -before God … Nothing to boost about the hardship bore for Lord, spiritual visions or mysterious experiences! The most wonderful grace to boost on is hearing Lord’s voice in weakness, and God’s power turning us to him in despair! <12:9>
2. Long-Suffering -among saints … This is the true sign of apostle – serving the saints in all patience, placing the good of the saints first while the honor or gain of self in the last. <12:12>
May we all be this kind of apostle!

?Tam Ho Chuen???, father of bro Leslie Tam , had passed away. I’m going to preach gospel in his funeral tonight, pls pray that his whole family can be saved! (Bro Tam had a life with twists and turns. In serious sickness he remembered a hymn “Jesus Loves the Children”, learnt 40 years ago. He then accepted Jesus as saviour , passed away peacefully. My topic tonight “A bruised reed shall He not break”. )

Pure Heart?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Who is stumbled, and I burn not?

Beware of fakery — someone preaching another Jesus, getting a different Spirit?11:4?:
1. Since men’s hearts are easily corrupted ?v.3? — Discuss with yr church leaders / saints which bring you up . Don’t accept any new teching easily!
2. Since Satan can take the form of an angel of light?v.14? — Miraculous experiences, prophesies & visions are easy to be boosted on. But can these pass through the trial of time? Are these really shown by the Spirit?

?Pray for Bro Nagge & Sis Nashwa in Scotland – Ark Channelonce reported this Egyptian doctors – a couple working in Scotland ‘s hospital. They organized children & youth meeting every Sunday, teaching faithfully , serving next generation .Recently Dr. Nashwa suffered fr cancer. Yesterday I was informed that she had had 8 times of chemotherapy already. Dr. Nagge said after his wife found cancer, their world changed , yet closer to the Lord. He sincerely requested prayers from you all – that they can be faithful in keeping the testimony of Lord!

Our Hope,Your Faith!?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
… leading captive every thought into the obedience of the Christ; <10:5>

3 secrets of being God’s servants:
1. Be meek yet bold as Christ ?v.1?
2. Act by God’s power instead of flesh ?v.2…6?
3. Be diligent and keep the boundary God given us?v.12…16?

?Legalization of homosexual marriage in Canada was approved recently . Christians are praying to overthrow such harmful law. Now a new cabinet is running the office, these few weeks are critical for a possible change of the law. Pls pray for this issue, even if you are not living in Canada. For details click

Grace Abundant?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

Give with what God has given us — 4 fruits?v.10…15?:
1. Those who give – their wealth increased in everything, also let thanks be given to God?v.11?
2. Those who receive – giving more praise to God since their needs are cared?v.12?
3. Unbelievers – accepting Christ and the gospel?v.13?
4. Fellow believers – be connected in love by prayers?v.14?
Financial aid & gift helps the expansion of God’s work and kingdom !

?Last Sunday I rushed to meeting by taxi. I was moved by the Spirit to take a gospel tape with me. The driver said that he found Christians really serious about their faith. In mnay Sundays he drove many passengers who travel long for church gatherings. He also had watched some gospel TV programs & wondered why many bad guys turned to Christ. But he grieved that he had to work on Saturdays and Sundays – so I took3 minutes to share gospel with him. The driver listened & received in delight;acccepted my short message. I gave him the gospel tapes spoken by Yip Tak Sung ???and he so grateful! (The driver is Mr. Man, pls pray the Spirit can lead him to church life!.)

Joy Abundant ?

Corinthians 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ…being rich, became poor… that you by His poverty might be enriched.

He died for Us, We Give Him All ::
1. Our Christ – full of grace?v.9?… He became poor so that we can be rich !
2. Our saints – grace upon grace ( v.2?… Be simple & pure – giving all to the Lord.
A gracious giver will be beautiful, strong, contented & happy – what a victorious life!

?Ark Channel has requested prayers for a godly couple John & Jessie in HK — their BB Philip has fever for 3 months, This week he recovered at last! Glory to God, thanks for yr prayers !

Spirit Refreshed ?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
But He who comforts the downcast, encouraged us …

Who ignites oor hope on life and service? —- the saints and the church!
1. longing, deep sorrow & ardent concern?v.7?–these 3 Greek words express the strongest emotion…since knowing the problems in church & between the saints are solved!
2. happy, delighted, glad?v.9?13?16?…we know that God is faithful when we see brothers & sisters take heart again!

? Ed Silvoso from Argentina influenced the whole world by city evangelism! When Silvoso was small, every day he traveled by bus, he thought of the cries from hell one day saying, “Why you rode on the same bus with us every day, yet never told us about the hell!” Silvoso read Ephesians 2:10 and felt deeply that God urged him to do ‘good works”. So he started to bring gospel tracts with him and put them on the bus before he left. Later he gave them to those sitting next to him when he left the bus. Afterward he gave it out 5 stations earlier, and then 10 stations, 15 stations. At last God granted him courage that he gave them out when he got on the bus! “Whoever has will be given more”, now he traveled round the globe to testify for Christ !

Heart Expanded?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
…as having nothing, and possessing all things. <6:10>

Are you God’s servant? — 4 precious things :
1. Do you have Patience ? ?6:3…10?
2. Are you Broad-minded ? ? 6:11…13?
3. Will you be be separated from evil ? ?6:14…18?
4. Are you Optimistic ?7:2…4?

? Ed Silvoso, a co-worker of Palau the evangelist, had gathered the elites from metropolis in every parts of the world for God’s harvest.– to win every family, to harvest the whole city”. His zeal as well as his strategy to the souls deeply influenced many great cities! Silvoso said that he was used to be a shy person. But when he was small ,every day he traveled by bus – he thought of the cries from hell on the day he will stand before the seat of Christ, dying souls will cry to him — “Why you rode on the same bus with us everyday, yet never told us about Jesus, about God’s kingdom and about hell!”?to be continued?

Love Compels?

Corinthians 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
For the love of the Christ constrains us…<5:14>

It is God who has made us?v.5?— live for Lord till your last breath:
1. Know with confident?v.1?2…5?6…8?— Tomb is not the end of life. The work by the Spirit on us last forever!
2. Out of mind or in right mind – all for God?v.9?10?11…13?— We must appear before the seat of Christ! Are all of our words, actions and motives are for Lord?

?I’ve just finished the biography of Oprah Winfrey – a black American with unhappy childhood , but becomes the most influential media woman-. Oprah was familiar with the bible. She lived with her grandmother when small. Whenever she felt lonely she read the Bible. She even read the Bible to pigs. Oprah believes that hymns can heal pains , so she used to sing gospel hymns when in gym. She is now a billionaire , but she said if you have a God-seeking heart , you are close to Him!
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