Life Transformed ?

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… Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another …

3 virtues of Christians:
1. To obey the authority (v.1-7) — Obeying brings peace to us because — a) all power comes from God; b) God will judge; c) we should have no fear if we do good.
2. To love the others as ourselves (v.8-10) – We should repay our debts – repay our debt of love for the whole life!
3. To walk in light (v.11-14) – “Now” is a key moment. We stop doing evil since we have a hope!

*Our friend in Christ HT Kwok Ho Tung ??? brings students to Christ every year. He is going to speak in gospel meetings in 19/8 night & 20/8 morning . His family busy since his daughter was born; his workload at school increased ; moreover, his waist in pain for 4 months. He is suffering from pressure outside & weaknesses inside .Needs the Lord’s grace . Pls pray for him!


HK Bible Conference, Roman, Voice Divine No Comments »
… in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrificies …

1. A living sacrifice (v.1-2) — All mercies of God are shown in previous passages (Romans 1-11). According to God’s will, offer our whole body , spirit & every single details of livelihood- to live for a pleasing & perfect life!
2. Our limitation (v.3-8) — our blind spot is either overrating ourselves or not realizing our gifts. The more “spiritual” you are, the more humble you should be — as you serve amongst saints!
3. Quality of saints (v.14-21) — blessings (v.14), sympathetic (v.15-16), live at peace (v.17-18), overcome evil with good (v.19-21)!

* Many enquiries about HK Bible Conference for this year. The summary for 26 sections of sermons
* Sam Kong requests — from coming Sunday until September, church have evangelistic meetings in ten meeting halls. Pray for souls in HK! — 20/8 A more fruitful life (SPK), Joy remarkable (TKO), You lack one thing (TM), A full life (CWB)

Objects of Mercy!

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…how unsearchable His judgments, and untraceable His ways! <11:33>

Can’t understand and can’t stop praising:
1. The mystery of God (v.25-32) — God’s gifts & His call are irrevocable & irreversible.
2. God of Mystery (v.33-36) — God’s abundance, wisdom & knowledge are unsearchable and untraceable.
The end of theology is only praise!

* A young brother named Ah Aun has 6 brothers at home , all serving God. Recently Aun helped me in HK bible conference .He toldme one day he met an old woman who gave me a fruit with a big smile. The old woman told him that she was money seeker all over her life until her 60, she suddenly realized the meaning of life as she gotthe problem of Parkinson diease . She converted to Jesus and brought her family to Christ. She’s now over 70 years old. Disease left her, while the Lord came to her and she still lives happily on earth!

Richly Blesses!

Roman, Voice Divine No Comments »
All day long I held out my hands…

Two great pictures:
1. Ask and receive the truth (v.1-4, 5-13) — salvation so near that everyone who calls out the name of the Lord saved!
2. Hands up and feet up (v.19-21, 14-18) — The loving hands of God come to us for thousands of years , His hands never go away!
Let’s move our feet to succeed to those beautiful feet who brought good news!

*Saved by seeing — I met a young brother yesterday . When our bus passed through Causeway Bay, I pointed at our Causeway Bay church meeting hall & told him it is my church. The young brother was excited & said, “The bible verse printed on the wall outside your church saved many lives ! A few years ago, a woman frustrated by family problems was going home to commit suicide. On her way home by bus, she saw this verse & was touched by God. She decided not to kill herself. She went to my mother for help & converted to Jesus. She is still going to church meetings today! (You can go to Tin Hau MTR station, HK to find out the bible verse !)

Never Put to Shame!

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.. the remnant shall be saved: <9:27>

God never goes wrong – four reasons— reply on Him today!
1. God’s faithfulness (v.1-13) — His will to choose people never draws a blank!
2. God’s righteousness (v.14-18)– He has absolute authority. turn to Him, He will have mercy on you.
3. God’s justice (v.19-29) — in retrospect, we are vessels justified by His boundless love & mercy.
4. God’s grace (v.30-33) — trusts in Him will never be put to shame! God says , I believe!

* Sam Kong requests — starting from this week until September, my church with 2000 +saints will have 10 gospel meetings. Pls pray for souls in HK!
*Bro Hau Wai Kit ??? passed away recently .His widow & children all came to Jesus! God has prepared a Christian secondary school for his daughter.They will settle in HK . Pls pray for them as new army of God!


HK Bible Conference, Roman, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… but the Spirit itself makes intercession with groanings which cannot be uttered. <8:26>

Surpassing the sufferings and into glory?Rom 8:18-39??
1. 5 kinds of sufferings — we always suffering from -perishing of the body, helpless in weaknesses, oppressions on earth, accusations by the enemy, facing judgments in shame & frustration.
2. 3 helps to overcome — But the Spirit is praying for you, Christ is taking our part, God’s love is with us forever!

?2 nights before we have a farewell for the 3 speakers of this year’s HK Bible Conference. Abstract of messages – click?28 sermons in 10 days , 110,000 man-time is recorded in total. 1,200 + saints offered themselves to serve the Lord, some considered full-time serving. Pls pray for their spiritual progress!?

Well Done!

Roman, Voice Divine No Comments »
the Spirit helps us in our weakness… .. (v.26)

Slaves of sin become children of God — Grace and Mercy:
1. Grace from God for men (Romans 1-8) – receive via faith
2. Mercy from God for men (Romans 9-11) — our hope
3. For those who are justified by His grace &mercy, we should live for Him (Romans 12-16) — all because of love

*During American Civil War, President Lincoln was questioned,”Both the North and the South believe in God and pray to God.which side do you think God will help? Which side do you think He will stand for?” Lincoln replied, – Please don’t ask which side God will stand for. In fact, you should ask yourself if you are standing on His side?

Higher Ground!

Roman, Voice Divine No Comments »
I thank God, through Jesus Christ our Lord <7:25>

Rescue Me! —- 2 Callings from heart :
1. What a wretched man I am! (v.24) — lots of diseases are without symptoms , they are often fatal! If we have no feeling when committing sins, watch out!
2. Thanks to be God! (v.25) — ask God for help and cry out to the Holy Spirit. He’s able! sin?

* A Brother lived in Surabaya, Indonesia. He loved God and men. To help the poor, once he bought 12 coffins for those who couldn’t afford. when he passed away, numerous people attended his funeral with their children. Thus the gospel and the name of Jesus were widely spread. His selfless life leads a lot of people to Jesus.

Nearer to Thee!

Roman, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the act of favour of God, eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. <6:23>

Three great blessings for Christians —
1. Receiving life from death (v.1-11)
2. Being made free from sin (v.12-22)
3.Escape from sin and receive gift from God (v.23)

* Heavenly mission from Sinai– lunch with an elderly brother about 80 . He was undergoing cancer treatment , yet unceasingly praying for his church revival. A young man sitting next to me was a minister. He used to work in big firm. A few years ago during his trip to Mountain Sinai, the fear of God came out in his heart , he decided to serve the Lord all in his life. He and his wife did not have any financial backup. By faith, he went to Canada for theology studies. Today he has become a full-time minister in an healthy church and following Jesus forever!
* Yesterday HK Bible Conference, Bro Tong Shung Ming testified his mother’s godliness. She prayed for her seven children , and now five of them become ministers. Bro Tong called for the new generation to be successor of the Lord’s servant. Hundreds of young people responded to altar call. They knelt along the corridor, in front of the stage and everywhere in the hall. Glory to the Lord!

On Your Side!

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How to be Zero Distance with God (5:5):
1. The Holy Spirit fills our hearts
2. with His great love.

* Pastor Tong Shung Ming ???once visited a Canadian couple in Indonesia. The couple preached gospel in villages & set up a small bible school. The school did not even have basic facilities, not even light and water. Their children only had three textbooks — The Bible, a textbook & an encyclopedia, with a litle novel- Robinson Crusoe. Later their three sons went back to Canada for examinations, they obtained good results. Bro Tong was very touched and impressed. All three sons inherited their parents’s career— and also became missionaries!

Paid All !

Roman, Voice Divine No Comments »
… through faith, in His blood, to show His righteousness … <3:25>

Big things in life – how can man of limitation come to God & establish good relationship with Him? (3:26):
1. His righteousness is revealed to men
2. His righteousness made known to men
3. All believe in Jesus become righteousness men

* A books – a blessing —– a good book compiles previous experiences and gives inspiration to change people’s life. A chef in Houston received a book from Pastor FN Lee — ‘Who Holds the Future?’ which documents a story of a missionary who spent 58 years in China. He read through the whole book overnight , and in the next day, he went to tell the pastor that he was touched by the story and converted to Jesus.
* Sam Kong requests – my church will have ten gospel meetings in nine districts in August. (I will preach in Kwun Tong meeting hall on 27 Aug. Pls pray for the souls in HK.

Sure Hope?

Roman, Voice Divine No Comments »
For I am not ashamed of the glad tidings; for it is God’s power to salvation, to every one that believes…

Core message of the gospel —- Jesus Christ Himself :
1. The power of gospel — which saves all who believe!
2. The “Impossible” for God — God can’t save those who don’t believe! To believe is like to sign a document before a surgery, meaning to hand your life to the doctor. Who can help those refuse to sign?

?Dr. Stephen Ho???, a surgeon in Canada ,once talked about the delicacy of the immune system of human beings which the scientist know very little about until today. He had participated in numerous operations, and had treated people with of every color. He praises the wisdom and power of the Creator every time he had an operation. Dr. Ho said that , as a well trained medical doctor, he can’t deny the presence of God!


Acts, Voice Divine No Comments »
Boldly & without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ

Fight the good fight! — 5 factor to overcome:
1. Prayer
2. Spirit
3. The Word
4. God’s kingdom
5. Team
If we are to continue the Acts, we have to ask —
1) are we living for Jesus?
2) can both of our life and death be for God?

?BroC. P . Cheung l ??? from Scotland visits HK. He had moved to England for 30 years works & also serves a church in Edinburgh with 70+ saints. He is going back England today.
?Rev. S. M. Tong ??? spoke about the virtues of Jesus shown at his age of 12 (Luke 2). Tong recalled that on the day his son was 12 , he brought his kid to the church , knee down together. He told him, “From now on you have to walk your own way in your spiritual journey. Never do things that sin against the Lord; never do things that you feel sorry about …and then together they prayed and offered themselves to the Lord.

Count His Blessings?

Acts, Voice Divine No Comments »
… he gave thanks to God before all… <27:35>

From a prisoner to the man at the wheel — a journey of grace:
1. Souls won?v.21…26?… Anything can pass away, but salvation for man the utmost important!
2. No dead-ends for saints?v.35…37?…God put you in all occasions , so that people can have peace just because of your presence!

?Yesterday Rev. S. M. Tong from Indonesia spoke about Paul’s cultivating mission – not to build on others’ foundations and willing to suffer from the birth-pain for the souls. He asked us if we had ever wept, prayed and laboured for people’s souls. He loved souls earnestly , hence required everyone of his church to bring one soul to Christ every year with all their might. Those with a serving post should bring 2; 3 for deacons, 4 for elders and 5 for the pastors. After that there is no more laziness and gossiping, their church had once increased by 2,000 in two and a half year! (now ten thousands gathering in his church every Sunday.)

Break Out , O Church?

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… for not a hair from the head of any one of you shall perish. <27:34>

How to live? – Relieve in Lord’s words:
1. A man with mission -can bring direction to those in despair?v.1… 20?
2. A man with the goal in his sight- can bring hope to the disheartened?v.21…44?

?Having preached f& listened to messages for several decades, which sermon is the most unforgettable one for Rev. SM Tong ??? ? He told me that once 2 brothers came to Indonesia. The white did the first half – on Ruth – Naomi’s family was away from God, empty, dead, in despair, in tears and under curse…his speaking was so touching that people seemed to see the tragic ending without God ! Afterward the black brother came to the stage and finished the second half: blessings after moving back to Bethlehem – hope and abundance, gracious life, joy of salvation…saints nearly cried out for joy ! He described in details the grace and generosity of Boaz shown the Ruth, which melted people’s heart! The black and white brothers spoke the same sermon together, their coordination greatly used by the Spirit and many trembled before Lord! ( Turn to God, turn from death ,NOW!)


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to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light…?v.18?

Our witness – 3 stages of the road of faith:
1. We have once been zealots for some people, goals or beliefs ?v.4…11?
2. But we’ve met the stronger light and voice of the Lord?v.12…18?
3. This is our witness – we can’t hide, disobey or stop! ?v.19…32?

?Saints in Bandung (Indonesia) — Rev M.S. Tong ??? from Indonesia had served the church in Bandung for 45 years. The church grew from 200+ saints in 1961 to 9,000 on Sundays, 13,000 including children & youth . The team of pastors & deacons numbered to 150+, they serving in harmony . Tong said the church is operated in 3 main parts , all saints function — 1. pre-church (evangelizing & developing) 2. church (pasturing, training & teaching) 3. para-church (share gospel by various organizations, publishing & schools. By these they shine in their society!

Living Hope?

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.. about a dead man named jesus who Paul claimed was alive!

Acts of the Apostles tells us:
1. To acknowledge that the Director of history is ever present (v.1-12) — Therefore Christians can march forward without fear to hardships!
2. To see the invisible hand which masters the world (v.13-27) — Kings, rulers or even our ups & downs are all chess pieces in God’s hands paving the way -as for Paul to Rome. When we perceive history in the eyes of Bible, we can calmly live by faith!

* Sandy & Billy (HK) share a miracle —“My aunt’s husband suffered from lung cancer…thanks to prayers of saints, he received the salvation and even insisted to cleanse the idols in his home…every time I visited him he showed his belief of the only true God in the world. He prayed often also, and he hoped that his family can be saved so that they can meet in heaven. When his situation turned bad, God spoke clearly from his mouth to encourage us to help in cleansing the idols in his home, — “Go together & He’ll give strength!” Then we prayed urgently and went to his home to cleanse idols … when we were working my aunt and her daughter found peace down in their hearts. On that day they both believed in Jesus ! 4 days later my uncle was baptized beside his bed. After 5 days he was taken by Lord with peace & hope. Pls pray for his son & daughter-in-law to be saved. May the Lord be with you all, amen!”

Before God ? Man?

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
So I strive always to keep my conscience clear …

Something is going to happen – How can your faith be careless?
1. Curiosity but no heart?v.22…27?– Are we only hearing the Words but not practising?
2. Hope of resurrection?v.15…21?– to share the gospel is something related to eternal life or death.
How can we help to be silent?

?”(The Word) can build you up, give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”…”HK Bible Conference” is a spiritual movement lasted 78 years . This is a gift from God to all Chinese churches, same as Keswick Convention. This yr 16 relay stations Hk & overseas. Pls pray especially for the saints in Macau, Canada & Sydney attending the conference via broadcasting. Also pray for the 100,000 attendants & a few hundred b/s serving together in 10 days. May Lord call all to live for the glory of God, for the Bible, for the kingdom & for the church, and may Jesus also do what He did in the past years – calling large group of full-time servants. click

Take Courage?

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I stand on trial because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead.?v.6?

His voice in deepest night — take courage!?v.11?
1. Encouragement — Trials coming? Our Lord’s calling will never change!
2. Approval — Everything & every men against you? But we can be relieved if He delights us.
3. Strengthening — His words can fix our future. Our ending will be just as our Lord’s promise!

?Pat Gelsinger the chief technician of Intel , is extremely busy everyday, but he kept on reminding people to make use of the traveling time to pray. He used to praise the power & love of God first, especially praising the power of God shown to him on his work. Then he will confess , repent, & give thanks for his family. Lastly he will pray for specific things…for his wife, his every children; praying for their love of God, career, marriage, would-be-parents in law, sons & daughters (which are all yet to come)…Bro Pat said, “I would have prayed for thousands & millions times for their companions on the day they got married.”
?Summary of HK Bible Conference?10??1973—“Daniel…had passed away, and he won’t come back…there’s only One who will return…”Behold, I am coming soon!”…”Yes, I am coming soon.” We should be alert to wait for His return, attracting more people to Him. When the morning star appears…there should be rays of light proclaiming the glorious eternal day…”Come, Lord Jesus!” — (“ Book of Daniel” – Rev. Tong Yau Chi)

Afar Off !

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
You will be his witness to all men … (v.15)

Three Steps to witness for the Lord —
1. My past (v.3-5) — our past, our views & values before coming to Jesus…
2. His Revelation (v.6-16) –how the glorious God visited us & changed our meaning & purpose of life!
3. God’s calling (v.17-29) — This is our story – striving for the eternal life and Kingdom!

*pray for the church in Indonesia – Among the 200 millions of people in Indonesia ,80% Muslims. Prosecution is often, but the Lord still attracted many.Speaker of this yr HK Bible Conference (1/8 – 10/8) is Pastor Tong Sung Ming from Indonesia. He had pastured church in Bandung for 45 years! Now increased to 7,000 messges — “Across the Hardship , All for Jesus” —

His Will be Done!

Acts, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Why are you weeping & breaking my heart?.. I am ready .. to die …for the name of the Lord Jesus!

Follow Lord’s will till the end :
1. Seek God’s will — we seek not our own interest ,but for the wide spread of gospel.(v.1-13)
2. His will be done —commit our all to God, and He will . (v.14-40)

?Bro Cheng Kwok Ming??? and his family will be back to Vancouver tomorrow. They had moved to North America from HK few years ago and heard the gospel there. They had moved back to HK for 6 years. During this period they experienced lots of God’s grace, having his lost son back. Now they are led by the Lord to settle in Canada. We had a farewell for them in prayer meeting . May God use the Chengs family -a blessing to the church in Richmond!
* Treasure on web: Hundreds of messages by famous pastors (can find sermons of all 66 books of Bible)(Realplayer)

Broken Heart in Healing Hand?

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… to come in aid of the weak … Lord Jesus … said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. <20:35>

Respectable life of a true Apostle — 3 Things for a spiritual leaders:
1. Unceasing fervor in preaching?v.24?– According to a research, pastors have to work in the same church for at least 10 years to expect harvest.
2. Concentrate on teaching the Word?v.32?– Bringing people to experience God and knowing Bible is the main duty of an apostle. Those focusing on other things are false apostle!
3. Love the brothers and fellow workers?v.34?– Money-lovers must are not loyal servants of God. Those with the mind of Jesus will care their brothers in need!

?Brother Hou Wai Kit ??? from HK was taken by Lord at the age of 42. He never stopped to pray for saints before death!?Pls pray for his wife, 2 young children & his relatives – may God save his whole family!

Finishing Well?

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But I make no account of my life as dear to myself… to testify the glad tidings of the grace of God.

Do you have the characteristics of a spiritual leader?
1. Determined, humble, experienced, outspoken?v.18…20?
2. Good in teaching, righteous, brave, faithful ?v.20…27?

?This is how the gospel prevailed — Marjorie Landsborough, an English evangelist in last century, in her book described the miraculous works by God in Taiwan during Japanese occupation— In 1928 a youth Chow Chem Yiu suffered from ulceration of his leg. He was saved after 2 skingrafts. But in her book she did not mention that indeed she was the one who donated the skin for this patient — the skin for treatment was cut from her body. Ever since this operation, the villagers knew the real meaning of the cross & many turned positive to Christ.


Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
And God wrought no ordinary miracles by the hands of Paul <19:11>

2 measures of healthy revival of churches ?
1. The.Lord’s name is exalted?v.17?
2. The Lord’s words grow and prevail (v.20?

?Summary of HK Bible Conference?9??1989 “Last Forever” — “…common people…can do something last forever….don’t think you are ordinary. If we love the Lord with our all our heart, offer and serve with this attitude, we…can have our special contribution. Preserve a heart which loves the Lord and is willing to sacrifice everything for Him…every common people can have uncommon contribution in God’s kingdom! — are we willing to say this to our Lord in our remaining days, “ we no longer seeking for our own glory, pride, status, or power…but only for the Lord.” And then God can make special use of us.”—“Common People who Last Forever”??Rev. Stephen C.T. Chan

Renew My Whole!

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
.. the Word of the Lord spread widely & grew in power … (v.17)

The Church grows and grows — three factors :
1. Believe in the true Faith (v.1-7)
2. Cleanse all sins today (v.13-20)
3. Conform the enemies (v23-41)

*A summary for HK Bible Conference 1984 –”When we think of the kingdom of God, the realization of prophesy, the precious grace and the incomparable glory — if we offer ourselves to Jesus unconditionally and unreservedly, we will become the flowing rivers as our lives are filled by the Holy Spirit. The river will flow into all direction unceasingly all over the year. To be the witnesses of Jesus, like the deliverers described in Obadiah (v.21), the kingdom of God will come soon. May the Lord help us– that we will be His worshippers and servants in this spiritually desired era. (The book of Obadiah — Pastor ???)

Keep Speaking

Acts, Voice Divine No Comments »
Do not be silent??v.9?

Why not be afraid — 2 reasons to be bold:
1. “For I am with you”?v.10a?— Our life is in Lord’s hands!
2. “I have many people in this city“?v.10b?— There are numerous people belong to God in the places we live. Just speak for God!

?praise our Father – Last night I went to a gospel camp in New Territories. Jesus called the students to believe, love and follow the Lord! He has listened our prayers. This morning the young pastor Yung told me good news. He has counted that almost all of the 80+ youths are saved and offered themselves to the Lord. Before they slept last night, they are so touched by Lord’s love that they knelt down in the middle of the playground , hand in hand ,they prayed openly to Father! (Abba, hear every prayer from them!))
* P.S. Last night Ah B the businessman, a friend of mine, drove me to the gospel meeting. On our way back, we sang together to praise the Lord. Ah B said that when he graduated from primary school 27 years ago ,he heard the gospel in the same camp and same hall! Jesus never changes! That’s why he was so touched to witeness all those young ones accept Jesus tonight!
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