In Him We Move?

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…He has given proof of this to all men by raising Him from the dead.?v.31?

3 different responses to God’s words :
1. Strongly oppose?v.1…9?… there is always die-hard resisting of the faith!
2. Head for the goal?v.10…15?… Are we serious to our Lord? study Lord’s words everyday?
3. Mocking and sneering?v.16…34?… Even if you deny the existence of God, He is still your
Lord of creation, provision, ruler and saviour!

?Today’s report of Sing Tao Daily — The young inventor Chan Yik Hei of Hong Kong has read “The Purpose Driven Life”. He said he likes to break up the electronic appliances since he was young, from it he felt deeply that God had His plan since he was created. Yesterday he met Rick Warren, the author of “The Purpose Driven Life”, and Warren made a joke with him, “God must be very happy to you, since He is also a great inventor – you are alike with you Father!”
?Essence of HK Bible Conference (7) : 1989 – “The Spirit will support every men belonging to Him, even they come to the last minute of their lives, they can still overcome…may the Spirit bring us across the unknown way. “ (Acts of the Apostles –Rev. Donald Y.K. Lau)
?Tonight 7:00 pm I am going to preach to 90 youths in a gospel camp. Pls pray for it.

His Move Onward !

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… where they met with the brothers & encouraged them…(v.40)

Whole family rejoice in God’s grace :
1. A family can be saved if a member is saved first (v.29-33) — The decision of the head of family affects the eternal life or death of whole house!
2. The whole family saves if it listens to God’s words together (v. 34) — Family problems never end, and the main problem is the members are not yet in Christ!
Be diligent to introduce the Lord’s words & Lord’s servants to your family – open your house to the church!

* Watch & pray— Thur /Friday night Sam Kong & Uncle Tong preach gospel in a gospel camp – FanLing. -90 students , may God save all, call them all tol offer themselves to Jesus!

His Way!

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so the churches were strengthened …

A brand new vision, a brand new journey — Are you Ready ? ?
1. God will make a way (v.6-12)
2. God will open hearts (v.13-15)
3. God will open prison door (v.16-40)
Are you ready to go with Him?

* Not a potato — Pat Gelsinger the vice president of Intel is a devoted Christian. He was not interested in Chist some year ago . But once he heard a verse from Revelations: “I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth.” (Rev 3:15 -16). His heart was shocked and he started to review his life. He was afraid to be spit out by Lord. So he accepted Christ with whole heart ,baptized & devoted his life to Jesus!

Sun After Rain!

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…were glad for its encouraging message…

Partnership is precious – treasure your fellow brother (Paul and Barnabas) :
1. Together they have resisted heresies under pressure (v.2)
2. Together they have risked their lives for the name of Lord (v.26)
3. But they were parted because of disagreement (v.39)
Which do we treasure today, your work? or your team?

* Last Saturday an accident occurred after baptism meeting, but God had protected us. A sister who has just been baptized and was pregnant for 5 months, fell into the baptiam pool (all water drained away already!). Saints called ambulance and found the doctors in the hall to take care of her. They prayed & sent the sister to hospital. After a detailed check, the sister found no problems and discaharged . Praise and thanks the Lord! Pls pray for this sister Pang so that her baby and whole family be blessed by God!
?Essence of HK Bible Conference (6) – 1990-“Is it a waste to offer yourself to God? There is no wasting in God’s kingdom. Everyone who are willing to commit his whole self to God, is a man used by God.” (“ On Esther”– Rev. Lau Siu Hong???)

Restore, Rebuild!

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…to the Holy spirit , and to us…

How to seek God’s will either for individuals or the church:
1. Proof from the Spirit (v.8,28)
2. Proof in the Bible (v.16-18)
3. Proof from the church (v.19-31)

* Everything has its time — 180 saints baptized in 2 days. some words of a Japanese brother :“If I didn’t came to HK 11 years ago, I wouldn’t know you all. If I didn’t know you, I wouldn’t have told you our problems, and I wouldn’t understand the great power of praying with each other. If I didn’t witnessed the power of prayer, I wouldn’t know God… …This baptism has great meaning, especially for me who wandered around the whole world yet not knowing God…a few years ago I was very against Christianity…but at that time a brother comforted me by saying “everything has its time”. The brothers and sisters never abandon me, so as the Lord…the Spirit worked in my heart…thanks for the caring and love everyone have shown me in these years…I am deeply touched…thank you!” — Bro . Shin

Make You a Light?

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… the disciples were filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.<13:52>

Power in God’s words – keep forward in tribulation :
1. Listen to the Calling of Holy Spirit (v.1-3)
2. Be strong in facing opposition from Satan (v.4-12)
3. Be prepared of drawing back of co-workers (v.13)
4. Be joyful when many people believe ! (v.14-52)

?Essence of HK Bible Conference (5)– 1989—“We may have nothing to gain for our own interest in our Christian life, but we can never suffer from losing the presence of God.” (“The Perfect Life of Joseph” – Rev. Cheung Chi Wah ???)
* From Bro Wai Keung ??? in Canada – hymns for this year’s summer conference of Peace Evangelical Church of Richmond in Vancouver. Welcome to enjoy. Hymns include ”You Are Rearranging My Future”, “I Have Put Aside All”, “Into the Tent, Out of the Camp” etc,. 25 hymns click

Let Go!

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
and sent them off .

To whom the door of gospel open? — (Acts Ch.13-14) :
1. In church – be diligent in serving & coordination with yokefellows in local church (v.1-2)
2. In service – spare time for hear the voice of God (v.-3)
Because of the establishment of this serving team, church in Antioch was never small again. Great workers were released from them, walking through 6 towns (Acts Ch.13-14) and 40 cities (Acts Ch.1-28) !

? Glory be to God — Request from Sam Kong – 186 new believers to be baptized in our church on this Saturday and Sunday. Pls pray for them!
? Essence of HK Bible Conference (4) – “Can we say there are no sins and any separation between God and us? If we can really say these words, we know that now we are in God’s will; otherwise we must be out of God’s will!” (1980 “God’s Will” — Pastor Paul Sze ???)

Continue to Increase!

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… but the church was earnestly praying to God for him

3 Encouragements from God – to the saints in hardship :
1. God knows our sufferings (v.1-4)
2. God is willing to listen to our prayers. (v.5-17)
3. God can deal with our enemies. (v.18-25)
Be witnesses of Lord with no fear!

* Gone through by Lord’s grace — Sister Yu Yau Fong ??? from Australia requests prayer for Winnie Wong ??? – from church in Melbourne. Winnie used to meet in church HK. In 92’ she moved to Australia. 3 years later she suffered from cancer & recovered at last. In 99’ She then had recurrent cancer , experienced miraculous healing, doctor amazed. So Winnie & husband offered r whole lives to serve the Lord. She completed the course on Christian counseling, thus helped many saints in hardship. But last week she found cancer relapsed the third time. Whole church praying for her now, sure that God has his wonderful plan on reviving & blessing the church. Pls pray to strengthen faith & hope for Winnie, bless the church in Melbourne in fighting good fight

Fear Not!

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
who indeed was I to be able to forbid God?

3 Evidence of God’s work :
1. Vision from God?v.5…11?… Are we working according to God’s blueprint?
2. Proof from the Spirit?v.12…15,17?… Does the Spirit work with us in our actions?
3. Words from God?v.16?… Do we have biblical support to our direction?

?Makgatho Mandela (a world-class politician, also Father of South Africa) was imprisoned for 27 years. He was enlightening & wise, turning a country of hatred into a land of peace, winning respect from whole world. He had been a Christian since he was small. When asked of the influence of his faith – in an interview, he said, “Don’t be hostile to the belief of the majority of a society…to respect the other’s belief is extremely important, no matter you believe in God or not…turning against others’ faith would only isolate yourself, making yourself unworthy to be a leader…”
?Essence of HK Bible Conference (3) “To pray is to rely on God…those who rely on God pray often. Prayer is a bridge to heaven, which can turn the history of church and change our church. May Lord help us to pray.” (“End Times” by Pastor James M. Cheung ??? 1979)

Joy Overflow?

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… the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who were hearing the word.

Achieving Great in Prayers:
1. A praying heart : for God to work new things?v.1…8?
2. A prepared life : for the Lord to use you afresh?v.9…48?

?Essence fr HK Bible Conference 1974 –“Christ is our Lover, Shepherd, Glory, Lord, Appreciation, Banner, Gardener, Friend & All. Knowing Christ everyday, to gain Him and imitate Him. Live as Christ, so that we can sit with Him in the wedding feast of Christ when He returns!”- — by Pastor Yu Lik Gong ??? : (Topic – “Christ in the Song of Songs”)

God- fearing

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supplicating God continually … went up on the house to pray…

10 years after the Passover festival – Every nation enjoys God’s grace :
1. ‘Do not call anything impure that God has made clean’ (v.15) – Is there anyone whom you regard as ‘incurable’ in your mind? God saves everyone regardless his genre.
2. ‘Get up and go downstairs. Do not hesitate to go with them’ (v.20) – miracle happens where and when people seek for God!

* HK Bible conference has 16 locations for broadcast, including Sydney. It is estimated that there will be 90,000 listeners. Pls pray for HK.
* Rev. Philip Teng ??? spoken in HK Bible conference 1970 – 7 callings in Revelation:
1. The calling of His coming (1:7)
2. The calling of His judgment (2:22)
3. The calling of evangelism (3:8)
4. The calling for revival (3:20)
5. The calling of victory (5:4)
6. The calling of staying awaken (16:15)
7. The calling of renewal and achievement (21:3)


Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
The assemblies … were increased through the comfort of the Holy Spirit.

Church growth in all dimensions — 2 key power:
1. The falling of Saul?v.4?… Whenever men’s wisdom fell, God’s power will be shown!
2. The kneeing of Peter?v.40?… Whenever we know we are helpless, the stream of resurrecting life will overflow!

?The HK Bible Conference which is held once a year in August. This year Yeung Sik Cheong ???will speak on the topic of “Life of Creations ? Called and Blessed”, Kwok Man Chi ??? will speak on topic of “Re-finding the Abundance Life in Christ”, Tong Song Ming ??? from Indonesia on the topic of “Leaping over Difficulties by Offering all of Yourself” details click

Jesus I Love You?

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Who are you, Lord? … I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting?

Encounter in Life Journey — 3 surprises:
1. Finding Christ?v.1…9?…Maybe we are ambitious in searching the truth of life, but don’t forget it is the resurrected Lord of history who found us!
2. Finding the church?v.10…19?…most ordinary brother can be the greatest angel sent by God to you!
3. Facing persecution?v.20…25?…Faith often contradicts the world. There must be hard life ahead, are you prepared for this?

?Lord Jesus, I love you – Praise the Lord, our dear brother Hou Wai Kit ??? was taken by Lord at 3 am today. Now he is resting in peace from his 42 years’ life on earth, having the Lord with him and he with the Lord. May Lord comfort his wife 2 children, that they may follow his faith, love & hope. (Bro Hou joined the church about 2 years ago. I visited him when he was in serious sickness. He had no grumbling, instead he prayed for many others. Frankie Choy visited him for his last time, he entrusted his family to the church, then he shouted on his bed: “Lord Jesus, I love you!”

Speak for Him?

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And the Spirit said to Philip …<8:29>

Secrets of gospel preaching:
1. Listen to the Spirit’s directions?v.26…29?
2. Explain the Bible?v.30…34?
3. Focus on Lord Jesus (v.35?

? Pastor ???? from Japan mentioned a book he read which touched him so much. The writer had a pastor father who was arrested in war and died in the prison. No one dare to come to his funeral, only the child and his mother were present. But this child became a pastor at last!
* Tam Chi Cheong ???, brother of Tam Chi Ming ??? passedaway in Christ. Though he was disabled ,he still loved by Lord. On the night of 14/7 there will be nightwatching , funeral will be held on 15/7 at 10:00am (Po Ling Hall in Po Fuk Funeral????? ???). Chi Ming would like to thank you all for your caring.

Let’s Go ?

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…for he went on his way rejoicing. <8:39>

Parting after gathering -for widespread of gospel and Lord’s name :
1. Hardships and prosecutions…Don’t be contented with easy times. The church should expand outward throughout lands according to Lord’s words!?v.1…3?
2. Preaching and witnessing… times of gathering or times of parting are all for preaching. Save someone no matter enjoying prosperous church life or find lonely!?v.4…40?

?2 days ago I received an emergency call telling me that uncle Cho, the father-in-law of Lee Lap Poon??? in Canada, is near to the end of his life. They sincerely hoped that someone can bring him to receive eternal life. I asked brother Ko Ka Yu??? who is a hospital pastor to visit him. Uncle Cho believed in Lord and rejoiced. He started to read gospel of Luke. At 7:30 pm last night, we and his family witnessed his baptism beside his bed. And he received the Holy Communion for the first time ! ?There are hospital pastoral service everywhere.Make good use of it . Information in HK click or click

Life so Glorious !

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The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham ..looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God..(7:2,55)

The tremendous speech; the wonderful life :
1. It started when seeing the God of glory (v.3)
2. It ended with seeing the glory of God (v.55)

* Minister Robert E. Coleman recalled his cooperation with William Graham on evangelistic work. He received a call one day and learnt that one of their missionary stewards suddenly died of heart attack when that brother tried to save a man who fell off to a lake. His widow stood beside the lake for two days, stared at her husband’s body. The peace of God which passed all understanding had come to her and she could calmly sent out the message of her husband’s death with a verse from Bible – Psalm 115:3 ‘But our God is in the heavens : he hath done whatsoever he hath pleased.’

Man of Grace and Power!

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..A man full of God’s grace & power.. (v.8)

A life of no regret —- as the pillar in the house of God:
1. Be a loyal servant of God (v.1-7) — -when the church is encountering challenges, it’s the best time for God to select excellent & loyal workers!
2. Be a testimony of God (v.8-15) — men can live & die as if angels. It is because what they possess is even larger than the world!

*During the Second World War, there was a hospital in Europe, launched by Christians, was repeatedly destroyed and re-established. Later a group of nurses wrote something on the wall, — We don’t know about the future; but we do know who will return in future !

Prayer! Power!

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Go you and stand and speak …to the people all the words of this life? <5:20>

Cleanse and Trial – four signals for the Church :
1. God should be highly honoured – how is it that Satan has so filled your heart’ (v3)
2. God’s power manifest – filled by miraculous signs and wonders (v.12-14)
3. God’s glory – filled by joy as being counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name. (v.41)
4. God’s servants work hard – Yet you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching (v.28)

* The only one cannot be missed – Young man Ah Yun went to Vancouver for studying and he had problemto find an accommodation. So he randomly ‘walked-in’ and stayed in a house where his three housemates were all Christians. After a number of discussions, he found out that the former housemate of his room was a PhD holder from UBC who believed in Christ after he moved into the house, with lots of prayers from housemates. The doctor left for the States and he prayed with his housemates before he left, that whoever moved into the house had to believe Jesus too! Ah Yun did not miss and he covert to Jesus, become the fourth Christian in the house!

Name of Wonder!

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Sovereign Lord… You made the heaven and the earth and the sea,and everything in them…

His Name is our victory:
1. People of God — lifting up the name of Jesus Christ is the power of origin (v.1-14)
2. Enemies of God– refusing His name gives nothing but threatening (v. 15-22)
3. Church of God– calling out the name of Jesus Christ is the only way (v.23-31)
Go to Him and call out His name while you can still be saved by this name now.

*Desiring for God’s words? — may find a few links as resource for Bible studies below:
English: ; Simplified Chinese web : The Home of Jonah — contains numerous books – from collections of Watchman Nee, Stephen Kaung , to The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren

Rise ? Walk?

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… this I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazaraean rise up and walk.

This Jesus!
1.He is the Lord of healing?v.1…10?… miracles will happen when His name is spoken of!
2.He is the Son of God?v.11…16?…As people’s hearts are softened , & be strong to proclaim His name!
3.He is the Saviour?v.17…26?… use God’s words to show Jesus the only Saviour, men will turn away from sin!

?15 years ago a youth brought his grandfather to Jesus. This old man attended church gatherings silently from then. Recently the granpa passed away at age of 80+. When his grandson packed his things, he found that the first 2 emergency numbers on his grandfather’s phonebook – are the numbers of the church! Christ and church – the peace and rest of men forever in this mortal life!

Jesus Alive!?

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… and you will be my witnesses …to the ends of the earth.

Be Lord’s witnesses to the end of the world – the resurrected Lord work and walk with us!
1. God’s words – the foundation and promise of the building of the church (Acts 1:.3,7-10)
2. God’s Spirit – the power and way of the church’s testimony (Acts 2:1-4,38)

?We have mentioned about 2 young Egyptian doctors who love God – Nagy & Nashwa. They practiced in Scotland and founded Sunday schools for children (JAM club, which is Jesus And Me) . But sister Nashwa was found to have cancer suddenly recently . Pls pray for her earnestly. Here is the abstract of letter forwarded from Simon Chu: “Nashwa is taking very strong chemotherapy…she is feeling very weak, but we trust that the Lord will show us His mercy…we expect the treatment with the chemotherapy will continue till October or November, this will be followed by surgery, so it is a long journey. Please continue to pray for us, and thank you again for your concern and support. We will have the Children Out Reach week at the Loch in East Kilbride in mid-July which needs your prayers…May the Lord bless you in all what you do— fr Nagy & Nashwa (may email to encourage them)

Listen to Him?

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… Cast the net at the right side of the ship …

Be Lord’s disciples and be God’s dwelling —- experiencing God’s grace in 2 attitudes :
1. Only listen to the Lord’s order ?v.12…13?– In the future, don’t rely on your experience. Listen to the direction of the resurrected Lord!
2. Accept the Lord’s preparation for your life?v.18…23?– He prepares all your needs. Be content with His will!

?I am reading the biography of Paul Tsui. He had been a talent since he was small ,memorizing things extremely well. Paul was a Buddhist monk; also devoted in revolutions; at last became a pastor for Christ . Before Cultural Revolution, He and his wife felt disaster was coming. They knelt down & pray, God gave them a verse , which became their strength in all torture :– “Everyone, then, to whom my words come and who does them, will be like a wise man who made his house on a rock; and the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house, but it was not moved; because it was based on the rock.”?Matthew.24…25?
*The funeral of Yau Chun Hing, ( pastor ??? Issac Yau’s grandfather ) was held yesterday. Before he passed away in 87, he phoned his grandson and said goodbye to him. “I am going to meet Jesus” . Issac told him,“go in peace.”Please pray for the souls of Issac’s family!

New Hope !

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Early in the morning , Jesus stood on the shore…

Remain in the world to serve — 3 aspects of our serving:
1. Be obedient with all our hearts and be fishermen of men (v.1-8)
2. Love the Lord will all our hearts and be faithful shepherds (v.9-18)
3. Follow Him with all our might and be disciples with vision (v.19-25)

* Dora had a hard childhood. So she devoted herself in working when she grew up. Though she had become famous in the financial world, she found no real happiness in heart. In 83’ she had a great sickness. Both doctors and fortune tellers couldn’t help her. At last she met God in a church. She was baptized in 99’ at River Jordan, all the hatred disappeared from her. God gave her a verse, “…I have heard your prayer and seen your tears; I will add fifteen years to your life.” (Isa 38:5) Soon her sickness was cured and she shares the Lord’s love everywhere ! (Dora’s story had been cinematized as “The Lie of Happiness”, shown in HK )

New Day

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Peace be with you… Peace be with you…Peace be with you …(v.19, 21,26)

3 blessings of peace :
1. Are you in fear ? —Our Lord’s appearing gives you peace (v.19)
2. Are you perplexed ? — Our Lord’s sending gives you peace (v.21)
3. Are you in misbelieve? — Our Lord’s words shows you peace (v.26)
Don’t forget that the 3 times our Lord appeared after his resurrection were in gatherings of the disciples. If you don’t come to gatherings…..

* I preached “The Gracious Love” in last Sunday gospel meeting, His name victorious. A youth Ah Tak witnessed that he had been wandering in the world. He owed a large some of unpaid credit card liabilities, involved in piracy trading and drug trafficking; he was also addicted in drugs. Once he was brought to the church and heard the 7 words of Jesus on the cross , he turned to Jesus in tears. After that he was reconciled with his family and stopped all his illegal businesses. Even I myself was captured by his speech and nearly forgot to speak…Who else except the Lord can save him from all his sins ! ?

Praise !

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Tim 1:17)

Law of Success
Lead regular life: Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training… (1 Cor Ch.9)
Be concentrated: But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what in ahead… (Phil Ch.3)
Reduce pressure: Cast all your anxiety on Him because he cares for you. (1 Peter 5:7)?
Coping with pressure:
Adjust lifestyle, enhance physical condition, increase self-confidence: …but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength?Isa Ch.40?
Make preparation :…the ant…stores its provisions in summer & gathers its food at harvest…(Prov Ch.6)
Building up support: …a brother is born for adversity. (Prov Ch.17)?
Balanced diet: …your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit…(1 Cor Ch.6)… so whether you eat or drink…do it all for the glory of God. (10:31)
Keep fit: For physical training is of some value, but godliness…holding promise for both the present life and the life to come. (1 Tim Ch.4)
Positive thinking: …Guard your heart… (Prov Ch.4)?
Go forward with courage:…It is the Lord Christ you are serving. (Col Ch.3)

God Sustains !

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… pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water. (v.34)

Blood and water on the cross — settling our problem of double sin :
1. Lord’s blood was shed — to forgive our sins (Eph 1:7)
2. Lord’s water was shed — to change our habit of sinning (sin) (1 Cor 10:4)
The blood and the Spirit are our reliance forever!

* Bro Fung Si Ho ??? was discovered having nasopharyngeal cancer in 93’. The cancer reoccurred 5 years later. During treatment he took 5 meals a day, he had to sit down for an hour & let milk to flow slowly into his mouth. Every time he took his milk while listening to hymns. In a year he had listened to more than 1000 hymns, regardless of new or classic hymns. Though his body in pain, his heart filled with praises & comfort. We can worship God in any situation – don’t say you are too busy !
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