
John, Voice Divine No Comments »
I thirst ! (v.28)

The death of Christ — three things for us :
1. He was wounded for our sins — Isa 53:4-6
2. He gave his life for us when we were still sinners — Rom 5:8-9
3. Him who had no knowledge of sin God made to be sin for us — 2 Cor 5:21
Thank you, Jesus!

* An elder sister Leung in HK served God diligently and loved people for many years though her health was poor . She comforted many families with sicknesses especially. Recently her old spine problem reoccurred and was very painful. She will be sent to the hospital. Pls pray for her.
* Be alert to pray — The Episcopal Church of America elected a female bishop who spoke in public that homosexualism is not a sin. On the other hand, the secondary and primary schools of BC in Canada are going to include material about homosexualism in their syllabus. But Australia government abolished homosexual marriage according to the federal legal statutes in 04 – that reads “marriage is a joining between a male and female”.

From Another Place?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Everyone on the side of trth listens to me. (v.37)

Special administrative region of Christ — ruling in the lives of the truth-seekers :
1.Our Lord’s kingdom is a kingdom of truth (v.36) — He is expanding His territory in our hearts – to conquer the hearts of many !
2. Our Lord Himself is the King of Truth (v.37) — His kingship comes from heaven. Where there are His people, there will be the testimony of the truth.

* Rival in love becomes matchmaker – I know a lawyer Simon who pursued a girl classmatewith all his heart when he studied in university in England. He is good looking and he has a good educational background, besides he also speaks well. These made him a decent choice, but the girl loved Jesus rather than him! Simon was defeated , which he considered a great defeat. As driven by curiosity he went to church to take a close examination about his “rival in love”. However, he felt the goodness of faith, love and hope as shown by the saints and he himself surrendered to Jesus also! After 3 years, surprisingly Jesus had become his matchmaker instead of rival. Simon married the girl he solivd before! They loved each other and served the Lord together ever since.

Keep Simple?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Jesus says to them, I am .… …?Peter?says, I am not. ?v.5?17?

The time of trial — after prayer :
1. Facing the future — Put yourself and all your possessions, being and hope in the Father’s hands. ?Jn Ch.17?
2. Move forward today — The real meaning of prayer is not to ease our pains. Instead it should be a road of cross – just after Jesus had made a deepest prayer, the Father put him into a hopeless situation (Jn Ch.18)

* Old Mrs. Cheung had worshipped idols for many years. She lived in elder’s home. Her health was not good and had a bad temper. When 86, she was once sent to hospital. Her tired granddaughter prayed for her, and, as filled by the Spirit, she asked her grandmother gently,‘We know we will see Lord Jesus after this life, will you come to our side?” Mrs. Cheung answered, “Yes, I want to believe in Jesus too.” After believing her health turned better, and she was taken by the Lord peacefully till she was 92. “Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure.” (Ps 16:9)

Hear ? Obey?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
that they may be all one… <17:21>

Prayer of depature — 4 things Jesus cares the most (according to His sequence):
1. God’s glory?v.1?
2. Sanctification of men?v.19?
3. Unity of the church?v.21?
4. gospel to the lost world?v.23?
Are we living & serving according to His priority?

?Yesterday I preached gospel in funeral of a 90-year-old sister. She accepted Jesus in 1931 – Beijing, attended Wong Ming Tao’s ???sermons . Her husband suffered from lung disease . so she worked alone to support of 5 kids. She used to teach them singing “I really know Jesus loves me”. With all efort she hepled children grow up with all talents . Though she was troubled by sickness herself, still kept on praying for children & grandchildren. Yesterday her descendants came from at least 7 cities over he world ! A little faith had changed the whole famly!

We are One?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… that they may be one as We. <17:11>

Glorious prayer —- 4 reasons that we can become overcomers:
1. Since we share His life ?v.1…5?
2. Since we know His name?v.6…12?
3. Since we have His words?v.13…19?
4. Since we have a share in His glory?v.20…26?

* In Taiwan a woman buried her savings of 2 millions dollars in a hillside. Flood and landslides came. 2 years afterward the woman found that the notes she buried all worn-out . Mt 25 :27 reminds us to make use of the talents God has given us. Make sure that we have deposited the money into the heavenly bank , so that we can take it back with interest when our Lord returns!
?There are 7 Christians altogether in this year’s Worldcup Brazil team, may click

Enriched in Everything!

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full. <16:24>

4 things the Spirit achieves in us :
1. Makes people turn to God?v.1…11?
2. Teaches and inspire us?v.12…15?
3. Encourages and comforts us?v.16…22?
4. Helps us to pray?v.23…33?

* You can’t deny — A brother was baldheaded before he believedin Jesus . After baptism he heard the Bible says “Even your hair had been counted. “And so he prayed often for his hair. After a year his hair grew well again!
?The website of Ark Channel (both Chinese & English) is established, click

Burying the Past?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
And you now therefore have grief; but I will see you again, and your heart shall rejoice…<16:22>

Why worry if the Spirit is in our hearts ?
1. Empty yourself for the Spirit to come?v.7…11?… We often only experience the closest relation with the Spirit in adversities!
2. Cleanse yourself for the Spirit to fill?v.20…22?… The work of the cross is from death to life!

?All the world is now crazy for World Cup. Alex Ribeiro, the pastor of Brazil team, has been with the team for 4 timesof World Cup He said they are only seeking the glory of God! Do you know how many God-loving brothers are in Brazil team this year? ?a. 3 b.5 c.7?
?The number of cancer patients rises drastically all over the world. The terminal cancer patients especially need caring . I recommend the CDs ?????????by Rev. Leung Ying On which I’m listening recently. He described how the patients pass away peacefully while hope and comfort are brought to their family — by the help of the Spirit.

Why Here?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
You are my friends… (v.14)

Our mission — as Christ’s witnesses :
1. Walk with the invisible Holy Spirit – your testimony can change people’s hearts (v.26)
2. Keep in contact with the Almighty One – your testimony can be full of strength (v. 27)

?Stephen Hawking the scientist said in HK , that there are many unknown factors in cosmology, like how the future of the universe will be, where do human beings come from, why human beings are here and etc…Professor Kang Phee Seng from Dept. of Religion & Philosophy (HK Baptist University) wirtes an article in today’s Ming Pao Daily , pointing out that though Stephen Hawking’s theories are inspiring, the 2 mysteries of “where do human beings come from”and “why are human beings here”– are still unsolved !

Abide in Him?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
…for without Me you can do nothing.

Divine relationship — 2 identities of us :
1. Our Lord is the Vine while we are the branches — We have to abide in Him forever to receive His supplies?v.1…11?
2. Our Lord no loner calls us servants, but call us friends — How blessed we are if you are friend of the President or GEC of major firms – we can see or phone them any time! ?v.12…17?

?Pastor Maak Hay Chun??? met a gentleman on a plane. His company had branches in HK, Singapore and Taiwan, and he travels very often. The gentleman asked about the company of Maak and its size, Maak said, “It is the largest in the world, having several dozens branches in every major city and at least three or four in every village. Its name is“The Church of Christ Jesus”, and I’m a pastor in it “

He Lives in Me !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
the Spirit of truth…abides with you… in you. <14:17>

Good news — God wants to live with men:
1. The true God dwell among us — to unite with us forever?v.21…24??
2. The Spirit stayed in our hearts– to comfort us & grant us peace?v.25…31?

?Lee King Hin ??? the traveler mentioned in his journal about his round-the-globe traveling. He found that the countries most backward & poor is in Middle Africa. These are also the most annoying countries. He found that most places there are ruled by tyrants. But he met two missionaries in the rainforest. One of them has lived for 25 years in this poor place, teaching the native people to cultivate, to read ,to write and to build houses. He had even trained 3 dentists there!

Grace of Giving?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Let not your heart be troubled; you believe on God, believe also on Me. <14:1>

For a wearied heart — 5 consolations by Lord Jesus :
1.Our Lord had prepared places for us?v.1…6?
2. By now we have known the Father?v.7…11?
3. We have the authority to pray?v.12…15?
4. We have the Holy Spirit as our Comforter?v.16…18?
5. We can experience the love of Father?v.19…24?
6. We have the peace the Lord left for us?v.25…31?

?A Mr. Tao who had been a sailor found life lonely and boring. He was addicted in opium and alcohol. One night he couldn’t fall asleep, and he knelt down and prayed, “I am now 70 and approaching my end. O God, please help me to fall asleep without opium or alcohol.” In the next morning, he found the blue sky especially beautiful, and then he realized that he had got a good sleep he had never had before. In excitement he shouted, “I have met God!” And he threw all his opium and wines into the sea, trusting God only & also slept well every night. When he arrived HK he was baptized, and he became healthy again. His testimony attracted many to the Lord. Mr. Tao left HK at his 86 and went back to his homeland Shan Tung to preach. — Because, whoever will call upon the name of Lord will be saved.?Rom 10:13?

Love One Another?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… love one another; as I have loved you …<13:34>

Last advices in Love:
1. He has loved his own who were in the world?v.1?
2. He wants us to love one another?v.34?

?Children’s offering — I know two mums teaching their children with godly heart. One teaches her kids to give thanks in all occasions. She made a “thanks giving box”at home, children write down whenever they give thanks and put into the box. At the end of year they will open the box to count God’s grace! Another mum teaches her daughter to offer. The girl earns pocket money by doing housework and saves them in little box. Last week the girl first time ever put her money earned into church offering box! (May God accept in delight)
?Little Sam had his two legs broken last week after children’s meeting . He suffered much from the pain. our Lord healed him miraculously. Here is the thank you message by Sam :“Thank you for praying for me. I am happy. God has healed me. Thank God. I can walk now and I may go back to school tomorrow,”— little Sam typed.

Be Alive?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… if I be lifted up out of the earth, will draw all to me. <12:32>

Insight from a small kernel of wheat :
1. Jesus regard His death — as a time to glorify God!?v.23?28?
2. The hardships we encounter — are path to bear fruits of life!?v.24?

?The Ark Channel continues —during body check, my neck seems haing problem. Yesterday medical report indicating not cancer.Thus Ark Channel can continue. Thanks my Lord , , and also thanks the prayers from you all ! ”However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me – the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” <acts 20:24>

Look Forward – Hope?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but you will not always have me.?v.8?

Fragrance that remains in history:
1. Humble and selfless love?v.1…3?—- Grasp hold of today to pour out all for your Lord!
2. Pure and sincere worship?v.7?—- The whole house (whole church, or even the entire human race) will be blessed generation over generation by your actions in love towards Jesus!

?The Liu Gui Mountain Orphanage in Taiwan , was founded by Pastor Yeung Yu ??and his wife. In about 30 years ago, Yeung Yan Tin ???(means “grace” in Chinese) whose two arms and right leg were crippled since birth , was abandoned on the chopping board on a food market. Yeung’s wife was moved by God to adopt her and brought her up just as her own daughter. She taught Grace to draw with her leg and finally she become a famous artist ! She also goes around to encourage people and tell them the great love of God.

Look Upward : Faith?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… if you should believe, you shouldt see the glory of God

Who has authority over life? —- His voice that brings resurrection & hope :
1. Turning a funeral into a gospel meeting?v.20…37?… Bring the Lord’s words into every kind of adversity , tears will become praises!
2. Turning mourning into prayers?v.38…44?… Before God show His glory ,there must be prayers!

?The latest issue of “Senior News” (a magazine for elders in HK) had a special report for Uncle Law – a habitual gambler for several decades. He had been a addicted gambler when he was young. His father lost his boot store because of him. Afterward Law devoted into real estate trading & made a fortune (several millions dollars) . But still he ended up losing all on gambling table! But after he believed in the Lord, he has given up gambling and attends church gathering every week. He is really like Lazarus who was called back to life from tomb!

Be Fruitful?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Jesus says to her, Your brother shall rise again. <11:23>

Listen to Him —- recovering a broken home :
1. Follow our Lord’s guidance — removing the rock blocking the His way?v.39?
2. Let our Lord’s prevailing words — revealing the resurrecting power?v.43?

?A sister found her neighbor unhappy ,so she invited her to church gathering. She believed in jesus in her second meeting ,and had her relationship with her husband improved. That neighbor told another housewife having similar problem as hers. That second housewife came to the meeting ,miraculous changes happened again. The process went on like this, 35 couples believed in Jesus within one year! Many families on the edge of breaking were recovered. By grace peace and joy visited all these families! “…If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit…”?Jn 15:5?

He is Strongest?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the Father is in me and I in Him. <10:38>

Step into the gate, listen and believe :
1.Our Lord is the gate … Have we stepped into the gate of salvation by faith?
2. Our Lord is the good shepherd … Are we listening and relying on Him with our hearts today? He laid down his life for us!
3. Our Lord is the Son of God … Have we given ourselves to Him, believing without any doubts – that we have eternal life?

?A newly believed brother Hau Wai Kit ??? suffered from cancer. Saints visited him. He looked quite well, shared his insight in reading Joshua ( the Israelites crossed river Jordan, placing 12 stones in the river as a testimony) and the Gospel of John (Lord opened the blind’s eyes)…afterward he knelt down on his bed and prayed with everyone. All saints were encouraged. Pls pray for him as well as his wife and children.
?John Tam who has a family which loves God, has his 7-year-old boy Sam fell on the ground and hurt quite seriously — the boy cannot walk. Pls pray for this child, and may Lord strengthen this family!“…and remember those who are in trouble.”?Heb 13 :3?

God so Good!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… I am come that they might have life, and might have it abundantly. <10:10>

3 Proclamations by the Lord of life :
1. I am the gate for the sheep ?v.1…10? — Nowhere to complain? His door is always open to us!
2. I am the Good Shepherd ?v.11…21? — He know us, protect us, guide us and even lay down His life for us!
3. I am the Son of God ?v.22…42?— Jesus is no ordinary man, He is the God Himself !

?Earnest request for prayers — Egyptian brother Nagge Iskandar and his wife Nashua are surgeons. They live in Kilbride of Scotland where they practice their profession in hospital. They love God & man, and they has started a Sunday school which gather children and youths to know God. However I received a news just now, that sister Nashua was discovered having cancer suddenly, and the situation isn’t promising. Both of them are shocked. Now they grasp the left time to be back to Egypt to see their family. Pls hold out your arms and pray to support these 2 witnesses of Jesus.

Unfailing Love?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…One thing I know, that, being blind before , now I see?
?The funeral of Nancy Chiu was held last Sat. , many of her relatives came to hear the gospel. 30 minutes before the meeting ,Steven Tang called from the East coast , USA: “Nancy was baptized at the same day as me. For 10 years she battled with cancer, she should have passed away much earlier. But God prolonged her life for years by miracle until her only child grew up, glory unto God…” Nancy fell ill 10 years ago after giving birth to her child. She gained eternal life 2 years more ago. The eulogy topic is “The Light of Life –- Eternal Hope”. In Paul’s letter to Thessalonians there are three “together” mentioned?v.14?17?, proclaiming the hope of resurrection, the hope of reunion and the hope of eternity. Pls pray for Nancy’s parents, her son Hiu Leung, her husband Gary and her many relatives in HK, Canada and London. May Nancy be the kernel of wheat that falls on the ground which produces many seeds !


He Opens Doors

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… The night is coming, when no one can work.

Unlimited Strength, Endless Sight
1. He saw us?v.1 ?… From then the limitless strength & tremendous change came upon the blind. Lord, give a look on me today !
2. He changed us ?v.38?… When a we see our Lord -the God eternal , life will be renewed with a new horizon!

?Prayer request — A newly believed sister Nancy ???? passed away last week . She trust the Lord in sickness and had peace in heart. She took care of her child & followed Jesus even in all tribulations. (The funeral will be held today (3/6 Sat), 1:00pm at Wing Ling Hall of the Universal Funeral Parlour. Topic of the gospel meeting: “The Light of Life …Jesus never changes”)

The Day is Near?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
If therefore the Son shall set you free, you shall be really free.

2 keys to unlock the prison of soul :
1. The truth will make us free?8:10…11?32?— Let God speak to our hearts today!
2. The Spirit will make us free?Jn 20:22…23; Rom 8:2?— Now, ask the Spirit to breath on us!

?Bro Chiu Kin ?? had been a military man. He got master degrees in Chemistry and Computer Science after leaving the army. An Indonesian Chinese classmate shared gosepl with him , his supervisor in his company witnessed to him …. At last he found out that ideologies and teachings by men cannot change the human nature; but Christian beliefs have changed numerous lives. In 96’ he put aside his rational doubts and believed in Jesus. He said it wasn’t dramatic, but felt like many converted in N. America – the faith is solid & concrete!

Life Eternal?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness…

Grace Beyond law, Light in darkness :
1. Before the holy God …our Lord maintains justice, but He also has mercy not to sentence us to death?v.11??
2. Follow the saviour, the light … Without God , Life is like a dream. But our Lord is the pillar of fire, giving light to our hearts & ways?v.12…20??

?A wonderful refuge…I have read about Goreme in Turkey, finding the wandering legends of the ancient saints . Goreme located in middle of Asia Minor, barren with jagged rocks . For two thousands years, groups of Christians came here to find refuge – in the Romans’prosecution and Islam’s’ genocide in various centuries. There are 10 underground cities, among them the Kaymakli consists of 8 storey with 85 meters down in the ground. It has church, hostels, monasteries, workrooms, etc, with a maximum capacity of 25,000 people. For more than a thousand years, ascetics and pure-hearted saints lived here & served the Lord. Only until First World War was over ,religious freedom was introduced in this area and they can see the light
of day .

Life Internal?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… If any one thirst …

God ease our thirst — from Calvary to Pentecost:
1. God among men – Christ came and died for us , so that we can have eternal life!
2. God in our hearts – The spirit comes to live for us , so that we gain the internal life!

?The contempary educationist James C. Dobson had once mentioned the death of his father , which readjusted his view on death. Though he’s passionate in life and living , Dobson no longer views the end of this life as the greatest tragedy. Dobson believed that once he passed through the boundary of life and death, there will be numerous old friends waiting at the other side for him. In joy his father will lead him to see the boundless starry sky and the glorious city in heaven, also to see the Lord face to face – the God that Dobson had determined to serve since he was 3 !

Great Love, Good Hope?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that believes in Me…streams of living water will flow from within him . <7:38>

“So with joy will you get water out of the springs of salvation”?Isa 12:3??
1. The droughty world?v.37?… The feast of tents is a revelation reminding us the droughty nature of this world which can never satisfy our hearts!
2. Rivers of living water?v.38…39?…our Lord is the Stone & the Spirit is the living water. We are the vessel delivering living water to people !

?Mona, a young sister, had made a good fortune in advertising sector. 6 years ago she met Jesus & found great joy in Him. She quitted smoking & sought for Jesus zealously,even resigned her job and served faithfully in a gospel organization for 5 years. This year she was called to put aside everything and enter theological seminary after summer, hoping to preach overseas 4 years later. She is going to tell her mother on Wednesday, pls pray for her.
?Brother Yung Chun Cheung ??? who loved and served the Lord silently in his whole life, had passed away peacefully in May, HK. Pls pray for his wife -sister Yung Wong Wai Fong|???? and his 4 children. May the Spirit comfort them.

Feed me , Lord?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
the words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life

Not that difficult, but never easy :
1. “This is a hard teaching?logos?!” — The Word is so rich that we mortal men often find it difficult to understand or even mistakenly think it is irrational.
2. “The words?rehma?I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life”
— If we receive Lord’s words humbly with a simple and sincere heart, and be diligent enough to listen to it wholeheartedly, we can understand it in a second!

?Elaine from Goodnews Communications International sent me a new gospel song “Reunion in Love”? downloaded for 100,000 times over the world in 7 days, supervised by Kam Pui Tat?click

Fill me, Lord?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides unto life eternal…

“Legendary Report” by John — 4 miracles :
1. Feeding a crowd of 5,000 … Salvation brings satisfaction down in the heart (6:1…14?
2. Calming the sea … Salvation brings supernatural peace?6:15…21?
3. Healing the blind … Salvation brings light and direction?9:1…7?
4. Raising the dead … Salvation brings immortal life?11:34…46?

?SisterYW Lam ??? , who is on her way to recovery, is still weak physically and mentally due to the after effect of the treatments. Pls pray for this God-loving sister.
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