My Light, My Peace?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
But He says to them, It is I: be not afraid.

Knowing the Lord in 2 occasions — time of blessing and time of storm :
1. Facing great needs?v.1…14? —- Give all we have to the Lord, and He will care for the rest.
2. Facing windstorms?v.16…21?—- Men tend to become proud & self-satisfied after miracles.
A windstorm keeps us humble to call for help!

?Yeung Kwun ?? the movie star knew Kiu Wang?? for 40 years. Yeung rejected Jesus for long, but when he moved to Seattle in 97’ ,he made an exception and attended a sermon given by Kiu. He was so touched that he voluntarily moved onto the stage and pledged to believe in Jesus in tears. His wife, Yu Fung Chi??? recalled that she saw Kiu Wang prayed hard in a small room before the sermon, and then she knew something great was going to happen!

My Strength, My Joy?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
I do not receive glory from men<5:41>

Who is the Lord? 4 witnesses —- Jesus is the One sent by the Father:
1. Proclamation by John the Baptist …He is the one baptizes with the Holy Spirit?v.31…34?
2. Jesus’ deeds and works … we can recognize Him as the one sent by the Father?v.35…36?
3. The Father and His words … He is the Father’s beloved son?v.37…38?Mt 3:17 ?
4. The Bible’s testimony …The whole Old Testament is a witness for Jesus!?v.39?46?

?Don’t worry for me — In all the chaos in the 911 crisis , a 68-year-old Mr. ??? was trapped with 200 people in the 105th floor. He was loyal in his job -for 30 years washing the outwall of the World Trade Center everyday. He said that hanging in the air everyday seems to be dangerous, but he loved to be silent and to stay alone concentrating in his work . When he phoned his family for the last time, he dropped these words — Don’t be worry, put everything in God’s hands. Don’t be worry for me.

My Help, My Lord?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Jesus says to him, Arise, take up thy couch and walk. <5:8>

In the house of mercy (Bethesda) — Lord blessed doubly :
1. Gracious words from the Lord of life — bringing renewed strength & healing to us?v.6?8?25?
2. Unceasing work by the Father and Son — save us from death and judgment?v.17?21?26?

?Meeting Jesus in Warsaw … Lau Hiu King??? had moved from China to Poland. His wife followed a “master” in Warsaw and was devoted in superstitious practices. Later she even claimed to have heard “secret words” and had “sealed” her heart. But peace was never in their home, he & his wife filled with hatred – they had once been deceived and lost a great sum of money, afterward they just wanted to revenge ! One day he went to a church gathering, heard the verse “Come to me (Jesus), all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28) , and learnt the teaching of loving the enemies. Finally he & his wife baptized by the end of 1996.

Harvest Today!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Lift up your eyes and behold the fields, for they are already white to harvest.

By Faith, not by Sight —- one planted, another harvest :
1. The Saviour is the planting one … By His work, His death and His resurrection, the disciples can go and harvest all over the world.
2. The ancient saints are the planting ones … Because of their works and martyrdoms; we can have great harvest todate!

?I am reading reports of a photographer and traveling writer Lee King Hin???. Once he met a stranger in Jerusalem who said, “If Jesus is not the Son of God, he is the greatest liar in human history.”After traveling all over the world, Lee wrote,“After seeking Jesus’ footsteps in Palestine, I can’t believe he had ever lied.”

Living Water !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Jesus says to her, Give me to drink ?

Confess your hidden sins , give your heart to Him — the way to gain the living water?v.3…4??
1. 5 husbands?v.16…18?… One will always be thirsty if he tries to find satisfaction in the world!
2. A living water?v.13…14?…Open both yourself & your heart to Lord, living water of Holy Spirit will flow in!

?In 73 AD the 10th legion of the Roman Empire besieged the city Masada with 15,000 of elite troops. The Jewish leader El’azaz made a last defense in the natural fortress, and had made a courageous vow to his comrades: “Dear brothers, long time ago we made our aspiration – to serve only the true God but not the Romans or anyone else. Now, in this critical time, comes the moment to test our faith… it is God’s will that He granted us this glory to sacrifice for our freedom…” On the next day the Roman legion marched into the city, finding that all 967 Jewish warriors chose to martyr rather than to surrender. This is the persistent to the national faith that encouraged the Jews for 2,000 years to unite and to strive until they revived their country.

Living , Loving , Learning!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that believes on the Son has life eternal … <3:36>

A Solemn Call — Building 3 Kinds of Relationship with our Lord :
1. Relationship of Life?v.3…15?– We need to be born again!
2. Relationship of Love?v.16…30?– He is the bridegroom & we are the one He loves!
3. Relationship of Learning?v.31…36?— We need to learn the truth from His witness !

?Though it was rainy, we have great harvest on Sunday in 4 districts HK. his gospel prevails! A sister’s colleague was not able to com because of account report for her company. But our sister prayed & asked God to make a way. She then kept on inviting for 3 times. 2 days before gospel meeting, the report was miraculously finished early. The colleague came and believed on rainy Sunday! ”He who is watching the wind will not get the seed planted, and he who is looking at the clouds will not get in the grain.” But those who put in seed with weeping will get the harvest. Praise the Lord!

One God , One Goal?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
He must increase, but I must decrease. <3:30>

The wisdom of Life?Jn 3:22-30??
1. He will prosper — John, the pioneer of the times, knew very well his mission was to bring people to Christ only!
2. I become less — We will all pass away one day. But what determine our success is whether we can bring the focus of people on the Lord!

?Sunday meditation — Ma Ying Jiu???, the Taiwanese politician, recalled his father’s advice: “My father .. just often reminded me to make a good play when I’m on stage , and to be a silent audience when off stage.” Today we, as men belong to God, are a part of the divine play. Don’t be arrogant or discouraged; just make a good play of your role !
?The 4 gospel meetings in HK this morning bring great harvest, thanks for all the prayers from you!

In His Hour?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… tasted the water which had been made wine ( and knew not whence it was?…

The 1st miracle — men’s end is God’s start :
1. Our Lord as the guest?v.1…4?… Thanks the Lord! You are willing to come into our situation whenever we invite you!
2. Our Lord took action?v.5…11?… Praise the Lord! You can handle whatever situations – if we hand over the sovereignty to you & wait for your command!
Lord, come ? take over my situation?

?Who made our noses?…Our nose, despite its small size, has more than 30 functions including breathing, filtering…etc. It is a product of high quality indeed. Inside it is a high-performance sensor which can detect several billions of chemical substances or odors! There are 5 millions olfactory sensitive cells which can distinguish more than 0.1 billion kinds of smells! If this invention is franchised, how much will be charged for such a tiny-sized product having the functions of air-conditioning, moistening, filtering, smell distinguishing, anti-bacteria … (it also has a brilliantly designed shape, and can operate in rainy days) ?

In God’s Way?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Behold the Lamb of God. <1:36>

The Mystery — He is eternity !
1. Christ came from Heaven — He exists before time! (v.1)
2. Christ is the Creator — He is God himself (v.3?18)
3. Christ is God’s Ladder — He links up heaven & earth, God& men?v.50…51?Gen28?
4. Christ is Life Eternal — in Him is life ?v.4?

?Our ears are hi-tech products designed by our Creator. When sound waves approaches, the 10.000 auditory hair cells in our ears vibrate accurately and precisely, turning sound waves into nerve impulses. The impulses carry message back to the brain for decoding, processing, filing and deciding responses. These complicated processes are all automatic and are completed within milliseconds. A word “I love you” will generate immediate “shock” between lovers. (The IT support behind is remarkable! ) Can this be resulted by evolution??How much time & effort of IT experts are required in building the intranet in our offices??

In God’s Hand?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
In him was life… <1:4>

6 Proclamations – Our Lord Jesus :
1. Our Lord is the eternal Word?v.1…3,14?
2. Our Lord is the light of life?v.4…13?
3. Our Lord is the Son of God?v.15…28,49?
4. Our Lord is the Lamb of God?v.29…34?
5. Our Lord is the Messiah?v.35…42?
6. Our Lord is the King of Israel?v.43…49?

?Our eyes blink for more than 100,000 times a day! In a 2.5 cm wide eyeball, there contains 0.125 billion light-sensitive cells! The iris, functioning 24 hours a day, is like the diaphragms of cameras which can control the intensity of light entering the eyes. It is also auto-focus! The input images are processed by the brain, which is installed with a “hardisk” with unlimited capacity. Is it possible for such a brilliant design to be resulted by evolution??And who made the digital cameras in our homes??

In God’s Time?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…and having lifted up His hands, He blessed them. <24:50>

Footsteps of Past Saints — Continue the Search in Love :
1. The Lord had come to seek & save?Lk Ch.1 – 24:43?— He left peace & blessings for us!
2. Now we continue His search?Lk: 24:44…53?— When we carry out our mission, power & joy will always be with us !

?HY Wong ??? the artist recalled the life of Kiu Wang?? – famous movie star. He was serious in both life & faith. Once he cast as the villain in an advertisement with Shek Kin??. His daughter complained that she was teased in school because of that. Kiu didn’t want to upset his daughter , promised her not to cast as villain within 10 years. His income reduced drastically , but he still lived by faith. When his son hadn’t got
enough money to study aboard, KIU told him to pray. Finally just before deadline, Steven Spielberg invited Kiu to take part in “Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom”, and the remuneration was exactly the sum needed by his son!

Free From Fear?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And their eyes were opened, … recognised Him …<24:31>

A search in love — 4 things achieved by the resurrected Lord:
1.The Lord left the tomb and death?v.1…12?
2.The Lord opened both the eyes & hearts of His people?v.13…35?
3. The Lord opened the disciples’ understandings for the Bible?v.36…46?
4. The Lord opened the mouths for praising & witenessing God?v.47…53?

?Sister Hui Chu Chi ??? worshipped idols for 70+ years. Her daughter-in-law witnessed Christ as the true God & Saviour to her. One night she called the name of God 3 times when she had a nightmare. After that she believed in Lord, and she saw many stars in her room. She believed that were the angels welcoming her, and she had peace down in her heart without any worries ever since.

Grow in Hope?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And he said to Jesus, Remember me…<23:42>

Witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus — 3 kinds of responses :
1. The centurion?v.47?… Darkness, earthquakes and the death of our Lord assured him that Jesus is a righteous man. Glory be to God!
2. The crowd?v.48?… They smote their breasts and returned. When we thought of the cross today, do we feel sorry for the death of Lord?
3. Jesus’ friend?v.49?… Are we following Him till the end? Do we care for His matter to the very end?

?Yu Pui Wah??? the professor in Chemistry survived in a laboratory explosion in Goettingen of Germany ,but still refused Jesus. One day he heard the famous hymn “Search” by Heavenly Melody, he thought of his quick and short lives on earth and the eternity of the resurrected Lord, both he and his wife were filled with great love of God , both confessed the name of Lord . They were baptized together 98’, abandoning the evolutionism, and even witnessed the true God to Buddhist nuns!

Grace Awakening?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do…<23:34>

7 words on the cross, Luke only recalls the first , second & last one :
1. ”Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”<23:34>
2. “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” <23:43>
3. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” <23:46>
This report reflected the theme of the Gospel According to Luke – the Lord of mercy, praying for sinners and to seek and to save the lost !

?Last week the ex-prisoner uncle Tong?? & I have a gospel trip to a secondary school. Tong sincerely told his story: he was an orphan, addicted to drugs, later he even killed and got arrested. But by great love of Jesus he came off the gang and became an evangelist.. That day a couplet was hoisted in school hall — “launch out into the deep, ignite the Light into the world”

Strengthen your Brothers?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
you are those who stood by me in my trials. <22:28>

The Longest night…5 Unforgettable events?b?:
4. The strike in flesh?v.49…53?… Do we fall asleep when we should pray and strike when we should subdue?!
5. The heart-breaking crow?v.54…62?…”The crow” is a reminder from God , so that we know the Lord is still in control?v.34?and He is also willing to forgive?v.32?!

?Yu Pui Wah???,when studying PHD in Chemistry, deeply believed in evolution. He heard of Christ’s love in 95’ at Goettingen, German. One day when he was reading a gospel boolet, a voice urged him to go to the 6/F from the 3/F of his laboratory. He felt strange, but finally obeyed after some struggles. When he got to 6/F, suddenly he heard a loud exploding noise from 3/F. Later he found out that his colleagues’ office had an explosion . Although his colleague was fine, the place where Yu was originally standing was burnt- that even the ceiling got black! This event made him realize that there is an invisible God!
*From Kenneth To in Canada—”My auntie Wendy to have a surgery in in Calgary. Doctor plans to remove her right kidney and a feet long portion of her large intestine. Thanks God that both auntie and her husband have faith in God. Pls pray for us, thanks.”

Father’s cup!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Why sleep you? rise up and pray that you enter not into temptation. <22:46>

The longest Night — 5 Unforgettable Events?a?:
1. The Lonely Garden?v.39?… in Gethsemane—the place of pressing olive, Jesus walked forward in God’s will. Loneliness & pain draw people nearer to the Father.
2. The Bitter Cup?v.40…46?… fear not, for there must be tough times in life, but also angels in every situation.
3. The Killing Kiss?v.47…48?… we shuld know that men’s hearts are cunning. Only the Father never changes!

?Lau Pui Chit ??? involved in gangs in his youthhood. He practiced qigong, once invited a Buddhist statue from a famous temple in Beijing & worship at home. But both his thoughts and life were corrupted. In 96’ he went to US from China to further his studies .Lau knew Christ through learning martial arts . yet he still wanted to worship both God & Buddha, until one night when reading Matthew “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only”?4:10?. So he got off his bed and threw away all the stuff related with idols. And later the Lord really called him to serve with full time.

Prayer is Power?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. <22:19>

“Do this in memory of me” —- the moment when God and man meet :
1. Lord is the Lamb?v.1…16? — The Son of God offered himself as true Lamb of the Passover. Lord, we thank you forever!
2. Lord’s bread and cup?v.17…18?— By which God’s righteousness uphold & His mercy established. Lord, we worship you with all our hearts!

? Again, tomorrow?12/5 afternoon in HK?Uncle Tong??, who had been imprisoned for 9 times and repented in jail, will preach gospel with me in a secondary school. Back us up with yr prayers !
?Chiu Au Yeung Pik ???? the 80-year-old sister is still zealous in preaching the gospel. She was hurt by a fall after gathering and had been in the hospital for 10+ days. The whole ward heard the gospel from her. She is back to Toronto to recuperate few days ago, may Lord keep & heal her.

Extra Grace?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
Watch therefore, praying at every season, that you may … stand before the Son of man. <21:36>

Blueprint of the last hours — overview of multi-dimensional prophecies :
1. Sure to happen?v.5…33?… Jerusalem will be destructed,?v.5?20?disasters, wars, persecution of Christians won’t stop, false Christ will appear…BUT at last the Lord will come!
2. Be alert flee?v.34…36? … Keep our hearts watching the changes in world situations . Also pray & look upon the Lord endlessly, so that we can stand before the Son of Man!

?Bro Yeung Oi Ching ??? recalled during great famine in China in 1960’s , 30 millions died, his mother prayed everyday. Once her daughter picked a potato, she baked it into 5 pieces , then gave thanks for it. During these hard times, Yeung used to listen to his mother singing the verses from Habakkuk,“For though the fig tree has no flowers, and there is no fruit on the vine, and work on the olive comes to nothing, and the fields give no food; and the flock is cut off from its resting place, and there is no herd in the cattle house; Still I will be glad in the Lord, my joy will be in the God of my salvation.” <3:17…18> Don’t forget to give thanks when you have meals today!

Giving & Waiting!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And a hair of your head shall in no wise perish. <21:18>

A story even moves the Lord :
1) Two days before Jesus was crucified – in the great time of sufferings, Jesus sought for console and He saw a poor widow offered everything to God. (v1-2)
2) The two coins from the poor widow – God wants us to reply His great love with our life! (v3-4) If we live for Him at all cost, the Lord knows and He will reward!

* I meet Margaret Chiu from Toronto last week. She almost lost sight over the past 5 years. She relied on God, prayed endlessly and walked with God everyday. Finally miracle happened. She gained back sight after surgery. Having both eyes of her body and heart opened. Margaret encouraged us to love and serve the Lord wholeheartedly and preach the gospel !

Awaiting His Mercy?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… for all live for Him.

Things to do for the 3 important matters in life :
1. To our government?v.20…26?… Are you law-abiding and paid off all those “belong to Caesar” ? also, we have the image of God , therefore we belong to God.
2. To our marriage?v.27…39?… Love your better half by the living God – only death may separate you !
3. To our faith?v.40…47?… Are you just a Christian in name ,? Do you know He is the eternal King !

?Recently 2 brothers in Christ had their son and daughter became married. They cooperated perfectly in the marriage dinner – one translated while the other spoke. They witnessed that they had the same interests – studying Bible, praying and gathering with saints; and both have the same career – serving God; also the same hope in Lord. Although statistics showed that only 10% of couples can remain intimate, while 30% become cool and 60% are even in tense situation, they advised the guests sincerely to hold their marriage covenant persistently. Only with God as the center, marriage can be graceful !
?Bro Tao Kwok Ho ??? is back to Calgary of Canada to look after his relatives. May Lord lead his life.

Stand Firm?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… What shall I do?…

The warning of vineyard — turn back now, for God have mercy :
1. God had tolerated again and again ?v.9…12?
2. Why be wrong once more? ?v.13…19?

?During the 911 terrorists attack, flight no 93 of UA was hijacked. A few brave passengers sacrificed themselves to resist the terrorists. Among them one called Beamer phoned Lisa the telephone operator for a farewell to his wife (who is also named Lisa!). In the phone call, Beamer recited the Psalms 23 to the operator, after that he sacrificed in fighting with the terrorists. At that time at least 2 other passengers were singing this Psalms:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing.He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever

The Lord Needs it?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…My house is a house of prayer… <19:46>

All for God’s will and glory :
1. Though we are only like a colt … but if we are willing to be used by Lord, we can accomplish HIs great mission in our very short life! ?v.28…31?
2. Untie the colt to carry Him … Jesus has His sovereignty over His creation. Do we realize that everything is for the will & glory of God? (v. 32-38)

?Footsteps of saints : ??? Chan Wing Kin’s family who has moved to Singapore , visited HK recently. Bro Chan experienced tribulation , but the Lord’s grace with him.Together we prayed & revised His love before Chan returned to Singapore, both of us couldn’t help our tears. Pls pray for this family, that they can be His witnesses. Another couple, ??????? Choi Sze Kit & Chik Ming Yin, who have moved to Calgary, Canada, have been back to HK for a visit to their relatives . They served in one accord , opening their home, pastured saints & brought many immigrants to Christ. The Lord is with them! They served in faith with no financial backup from any organisations, so pls pray for them also.?Sze Kit had been back to Canada yesterday?

Give Up , Go Up?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…to seek and to save that which is lost. <19:10>

3 Ways Proving Jesus is Lord :
1. The Saviour who finds the lost (v.1…10) … Our greediness have hurt many!
2. The Lord who rewards the faithful?v.11…27? … Overcome the “poverty” in our mind – give out unceasingly to others!
3. The King who brings peace?v.28…48?… Though we all welcome Jesus , yet our hearts rejecting Jesus secretly? Or we do welcome Him from our hearts?

? a new believer- Bro Chow Kam Lung’s little son was in danger , and the Ark Channel requested for prayers. Saints asked about his present situation , here the news — “Thanks to Lord! Chow Pak Wing (the 6-year-old child) is discharged from hospital. He is going to undergo 32 days of steroids treatment . The child’s physical condition stable. Doctor arranging further consultation on his eyes, since steroids may affect his sight. Pls continue to pray for this family, that Chow’s wife can believe in Jesus & child be protected.” —- fr Bro Cheung Tao in Christ 06/5/4

Lonely Path!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… immediately he saw, and followed Him<18:43>

Two keys for seeking the Lord — determination & faith :
1) Recognising our saviour deep in our heart — in whatever situation — poverty, blindness and sufferings. Even sometimes the Lord does not take immediate action to heal you, stand firm by faith and you will overcome eventually!
2) Only listen to Jesus — do tell Him your needs to receive grace from Him; follow Christ thereafter.

* young sister, Epo, went to Myanmar for evangelism. Her report : “during transportation, a missionary get off the car to pick up his hat as it was blew off by wind. Then we found that we were at the wrong direction! God led us the way by that hat! During training, we studied the book of Amos, The Purpose Driven Life, the study of love and marriage in view of Christianity, the content of Worship and gospel testimony. There were lots of dogs around, but seems that they did not have enough sleep at night — they slept soundly during daytime. That’s good because I’m very afraid of dogs. I recalled when David entered the camp of Saul, God let everyone fall asleep and David could enter freely (1 Sam 26:12) May God widen our horizons. We do not only look after our own house but work hard with other saints for the work of God to commit the commandments (Mark 12:30-31) and the mission (Mat 28:19-20) ”

Pray Unceasing!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…he that humbles himself shall be exalted.

Only those who pray never despair :
1. The widow has no husband to speak for him — But we have our Lord who plead for us !?v.1…5?
2. Even unjust judge speaks for the widow — Will God not bring about justice for his chosen ones??v.6…8?

?My friend Timothy used to went to arcades & parks to seek the lost sheep in Canada. One day he met an old friend—a brother also from HK. The brother looked alone, later learnted in conversation that his wife was sick, and he was laid off, now a daughter was left to him to take care…he nearly collapsed under pressure. Suicide seemed tempting to him. Timothy comforted him at once, and he kept on visiting the brother , encouraging him afterward. He accompanied this brother in reading Bible & praying till he got a better job. Now the distressed brother went to church again. On the other hand Timothy continues to use all his time in searching the lost souls, bringing groups of immigrants to Christ.

Devote to God?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it… <17:33>

Are you taken or left over ?
1. In the past , Lot’s wife took a look backward & was left over for judgment?v.26…29?
2. Today, we should look up everyday so that we can be taken by Lord.?v.30…35?

?Bro.Timothy & his wife from Canada visited us recently. Timothy has a drug-addicted father and a illiterate mother. But he was brought to God when he was young, and his father also quitted drug after believing Christ. Timothy was zealously to God ever since he came to church. Once even when he was robbed, he remembered to give a gospel leaflet to the thief. His reason was that the thief was most needed by Jesus if he needed to commit crime !!
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