God will Help?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… We are unprofitable bondmen; we have done what it was our duty to do. <17:10>

4 things to remember in this cold-hearted world :
1. Remember to forgive?v.1…6?… There should not be “quota” in forgiving those who truly repent.
2. Remember to be faithful?v.7…10?… God didn’t owe us a penny! Let’s serve forever solely because we love Him!
3. Remember to give thanks?v.11…19?… Are we so mean to give thank in every day’s life? Get used to giving thanks!
4. Remember to prepare?v.20…37?… There is no accident of rapture. Abide in the Lord everyday!

?A couple who are dear friends, are back from Canada . Their church prospering, increasing from less than 1,000 to 6,000 now. They have a faithful pastor who survived twice in serious sickness, and served the church wholeheartedly . His messages were living and cordial, and he often burst into tears when exhorting saints. Saints are also self-motivated. They followed the Spirit’s voices and started ministries like caring the disables and helping the poor…. So both their life and number quickly multiplies!
?God is our refuge — Our spiritual comrade Frankie Choy and his colleagues composed new song from Psalms 46 . Welcome to enjoy.

My Soul doth Wait?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
for I have five brothers…

Having the whole family saved & meet in eternity future :
1. The rich man down in the Hades — Not because he is rich, but because he was an unfaithful steward – worshipping wealth as his God?v.19… 22?
2. The poor man put in paradise — Not because he is among the proletariat, but because he listened to God’s words?v.23 …31?
Share the Words of God with our friends when they are still alive!

?Businessman Cho Wing Charm ??? and his wife had been devoted Buddhist, but Mrs. Cho believed in Jesus after the 5-year-long persuasion by her daughter. A month later , Cho thought again and again, finally also prayed in the phone with his daughter . Now whole family surrendered to Christ .They cleansed the entire Buddha hall at home, the idols piled up to a truck’s capacity! From then they held gospel groups at their home, leading many to the true God.?Cho had written“100 Questions about a Changed Life”…Q&A explaining the Christian faith to Buddhists?

Once Lost, but Found?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And he rose up and went to his own father… <15:20>

Hot love — all-sacrificing love of the Trinity God:
1. The Son come to save you?v.1…7?
2. The Spirit is searching you?v.8…10?
3. The Father still wait for you?v.11…24?

?The successful businessman Cho Wing Charm??? proclaimed himself a Buddhist under master Xin Yun of Fa Guang Shan in 83’. He generously supported the development of Buddhism. In 98’ he made a trip to Thailand welcoming the relic tooth of Sakyamuni. But his daughter is devoted Christian, kept on preaching to him, and he believed in Jesus in 01’ at last. He said he had 3 kinds of feeling after believed in Jesus: firstly, like be back home; secondly, like returning to freedom; lastly, like a fish let into water!

God will make a Way?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…saying to them, Rejoice with me, for I have found my lost sheep. <15:6>

God seeking men — 3 joy between God and men :
1. Lost sheep: the joy of recovery ?v.1…7?
2. Lost coin: the joy of returning to rightful owner ?v.8…10?
3. Lost son: the joy of forgiving and reuniting ?v.11…32?
Back into God’s arms now, why staying in death!

?Pls pray for Chow Kam Lung???. His son was sent to the ICU. The first diagnosis was nephritis. , caused by bacterial infection plus disorder in immune system. Only steroids can be used to heal. The doctor n hasn’t got confidence to heal it. May Lord remember this newly believed brother, to save and heal this child. also keep brother’s faith in crisis. Lord, have mercy on this family! — Cheung Tao ?? in Christ

Love Kindness?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Go out into the ways and fences and compel to come in, that my house may be filled; <14:23>

The Christians’ life — Feast but not Funeral ?Lk 14:15…24?:
1. We are joyful – since God’s grace is as abundant as a great feast ! (v.17?
2. We are joyful – since God is still inviting guests– share God’s love with all your might – invite people to come to the feast! (v.22…34?

? In 23/11, 1899 the famous D.L. Moody preached for the last time in Kansas of US. The topic is “Excuses” (Lk 14:15-24). He said – I haven’t been, throughout my life time, so eager to lead people to Christ as this moment!.. At that time he was seriously sick, but he still called many to God’s feast – 50 believed Jesus on that day. A month later he was called back to heaven.
?Walk with God and have a beautiful life — “Secret of Walking with God”?by Samuel Ching from HK, in Cantonese?(click)

Walk Humbly with God?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… A certain man made a great supper and invited many. <14:16>

Woe to the proud , but blessed are the humble :
1. Who is the host??v.7…11? — The guests like to pick the first seats — since the closer is to the host, the more respected will be the guest.
2. Who will be the guests? ?v.12…24?– But true success and value are measured by our distance from God!

?3 Words for a life – Lam Ching Yee ??? has a birthmark on her left cheek which makes her feel inferior. She was disappointed in love when studing in University of Pittsburgh in US. She tried to commit suicide by taking 100 sleeping pills a time & was sent to psychiatric hospital afterward. But a couple, (a professor & wife), visited her everyday, telling her“Jesus loves you!”Lam said that these 3 words“created overwhelming shock of echo ”in her heart. Dischared from hospital, the couple read Bible with her everyday. The Lord’s Spirit filled her & she worked energetically with courage. Soon she completed her courses in graduate school & got married with her boyfriend in Christ, they served the Lord in one accord The Lord’s love & words can save lives – don’t hide it but share it more with others!

Do justly?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Strive with earnestness to enter in through the narrow door…

Our safety is bounded with God’s will – keep forward today & tomorrow :
1. Be neither obsequious nor arrogant towards the wicked?v.31…33?— To live freely, just follow the Father’s timetable. Submit to God no matter dead or alive!
2. Care for your relatives’ pains and hurts?v.34…35?— Pray for & give out to your relatives , lead them to God – this is narrow way of self denying!

?Yeung Ying Sui,???, the boss of Prince of Peace Ent Inc., is a devoted Christian. He mainly sells ginseng tea and has got dealerships of many famous brands. He has also helped many orphans. When Yeung got the American dealership of the Tiger Balm ?????. , he did not know how to promote it in US. He could only tell God in prayers. Soon he knew from TV that Joe Montana the American football star got twisted. Yeung wrote a letter to greet him and attached a bottle of Tiger Balm. Joe was greatly comforted & found the medicine useful. Afterward Joe helped in advertisement , charged only $25,000 instead of US$350,000 for that promotion..) Turn out the sales increased 8 times and many famous brands employed Yueng to be their dealers! With the attitude of a steward, pray in every occasions, and you will encounter miracles in your work.
?”The Way of Walking with God” – by James Chu ??? from NY (In both Cantonese / Mandarin?(click)

Hear the Spirit says ?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…there are last who shall be first… <13:30>

4 problems in life :
1. Political problem: where to find justice? ?v.1…9?
2. Legal problem: where to find rest? ? v.10…21?
3. Salvation problem: how can reward be valued? ?v.22…30?
4. Final problem: where to find peace? ?v.31…35?
We must experience much difficulties before entering the kingdom of God. Strive to enter the narrow door!

?My spiritual comrade Frankie Choi has just cleared all the idols in his mother’s home. Pls pray for his mother who had a stroke, as well as his family. May Lord strengthen their faith, protect & grant them grace and peace!
?Good Message in Cantonese — ”The Call to Walk with God”?by Samuel Ching ????(click)

Church on the Move?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Who then is the faithful and prudent steward…? <12:42>

2 must-know common sense on spiritual matters :
1. Like forecasting the weather: be equipped with discernment?v.54…57?– Be a wise man, keep watch for God’s deeds over the whole world so as to act according!
2. Like facing a lawsuit: clear it as fast as you can?v.58…59?– Reconcile with God and men as long as there is time left!

?God’s love is unfailing — Chan Yiu Nan???, a famous professor of the University of HK, strived to be a scholar from an orphan. He became a devoted Christian after his middle age. His reasons, “When I review my past and look into my future…I feel strongly a kind of emptiness in life…I should do something I should be didn’t do in my youth in the rest of my life…”Chan went to church when he was young, but he hesitated and had not believed. Sometimes God waits for us for several decades!

A Lasting Treasure?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… for it is not because a man is in abundance that his life is in his possessions. <12:15>

Be alert — 3 warnings from Lord :
1. Guard against hypocrisy?v.1…12? … Honest is the man who worships God with all his heart. Pure is th one who relies on the Spirit only!
2. Guard against greediness?v.13…21?… Seek for wealth before God. Make use of all the Lord has given you in glorifying Him and helping others!
3. Guard against idling?v.35…53?… To be awaiting for orders in every second, as our Lord will knock your door at any time!

?The 90-year-old pastor Wong Kwok Yan??? often blessed and prayed for the saints. At the end of his prayer he would say sincerely, “We are going to be away in body, but never in heart.” In his funeral we recalled this phrase of prayer which we had heard for many years, suddenly we realized its meaning. Brothers and sisters, treasure saint, as well as the opportunity of gatherings with saints!

Be Loyal?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… you lay upon men burdens heavy to bear, and yourselves do not touch the burdens with one of your fingers.

Man takes look of outside, God sees the heart inside :
1. Are we light from within? ?v.33…36?
2. Are we clean in our hearts? ?v.37…53?

?Yesterday we farewell 90-year-old pastor Wong Kwok Yan???. He came from large family – his father had 10 wives. He walked with God for 55 years (I was just born in the year he started to serve the Lord!). Saints from 4 generations recalled his life yesterday night: he was faithful to what God entrusted him, serving a small church in a few decades (I was baptized there 30 yrs ago). He did it all by faith, not longing for rewards nor worldly fame; not even asked for salary, he depended on no strategy but only prayers, familiar with the Words, teaching with love & care, brought up many full-time workers of Lord – now even his granddaughter is near graduate from seminary schoo l. God seeks for real fruits from man rather than …

A Durable Hope !

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…how much rather shall the Father who is of heaven give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him?

2 sides of praying — seeking God’s will, binding Satan:
1. Learn to pray for God’s will & interest ?v.1…12?
2. Learn to pray & bind the evil strong man ?v.13…22?

? some years ago I interviewed Ms Yeung Lee Chun Ying ????. 2 her young children – died of illness, her husband even got murdered! She was alone & lived with tears. She worshipped idols but never got peace. In times of war she worked in HK, her employer urged her to turn to Jesus when she was suffering a deadly disease. She really got healed after believing! In the 57 years onward she became new in Christ, devoted herself in the church & experienced the power of life, became a happy, firm & kind lady! Recently the Lord has taken her back, on 20/4 in HK will be her funeral at 1:00pm. As she had no relatives left, let us all farewell such lovely sister in Christ. (503 of International Funeral Parlour)

He Cares?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… journeying came to him, and seeing him, was moved with compassion…

2 basic skills in serving Lord :
1. Spend time to pause and following the Spirit’s call ?v.25…37?
2. Spend time to sit down and listen to Lord’s voices speaking in your heart?v.38…42?

? we mentioned about Bro Bill from Australia. At 10:00pm , a night in 1982 , a man with a gun approached their home, threatened his family with 5 kids. Bill & his wife invited the man in house and had a cup of tea. The gunner calm down, followed the couple to pray ! Bill recalled another event in 1980. He met a youth who had mental disorder at a small town in southwest of Alice Springs. The youth wielded an axe & nobody could stop him. Situation was critical. Bill found a brother just came up from another city, so he asked him to pray together, in the name of Lord, to calm the man. As soon as they opened their eyes, the axe was on the floor, the man knelt down & surrendered. Pray together with a merciful heart in God’s power!

He that Seeks Finds?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Jesus rejoiced in spirit…

Christians’ mission on earth — 3 kinds of serving :
1. Carry out risky tasks – follow His order ?10:1…20?
2. Work with Lord – to sympathize, to heal & to suffer ?10:25…37?
3. Focus on Him in love – worship & listen to His voices ?10:38…42?

? Yesterday I met Bro Bill from Australia again. He shared his experiences of living with the native people & adventures of preaching. He recalled that one day a man knocked his door at night, a man about 30, pointed a gun towards Bill suddenly. At that time Bill’s 5 children were sleeping in the house. The Spirit was with him in this critical moment. Bill prayed in his heart , Bill’s wife calmed the man, comforted him & invited him into the house – served him with tea! At last the man was eased, regained his consciousness and listened to the gospel. Catch hold of the invisible Saviour in times of danger!?tomorrow will report how Bill ceased a with an axe.?

Sustain the Weak?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… No one having laid his hand on the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God. <9:62>

Into the way of the cross with Him– be separated, be relentless & be absolute:
1. Be separated … Desire nothing from the world when walking with Lord ?v.57…58?
2. Be relentless … Please God first & have no comprises with men ?v.59…60?
3. Be absolute … Faith is a way that has no return! Follow HIm! ?v.61…62?

? Walk with God with humble heart — The scientists estimated that after 4 billions years ,the sun will “grow” 50% bigger, and be 1000 times brighter than now. This will burn all cars, buildings & cities on earth. The temperature of the sun is closely related with the fate of human beings. But even the sun is only a small potato in the universe, since there are 200 billions suns in the galaxy! On the other hand, the galaxy we situated is revolving with a speed of 0.79 million km an hour, but it still needs 0.2 billion years to turn a round! Just imagine there are numerous galaxies in the universe, & our galaxy is just like a small island in a great sea of heaven! O God, we worship thee!

Walk with Me?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow Me;

2 dimensions of expansion of God’s kingdom :
1. training new Followers : choosing and sending out promising disciples ?9:1…9?
2. caring for all : preaching and supplying all in need ?9:10…17?

? our church runs a series of sermons on the topic “Walking with God”. They are nice and wonderful. 5 secrets of walking with God :
1. Walking with God In Spirit
2. Walking with God In God’s words
3. Walking with God In faith
4. Walking with God In love
5. Walking with God with a humble & obedient heart
? The one loved by God is sick…Bro Walter Yam fin Singapore was sick. Though he is discharged from hospital, he didn’t fully recover. Pls pray for him. Sister Lam Yue Wan ??? in HK had her
electrotherapy completed. The result is good.Thank God & prayers from everyone of you.

Sowing Generously !

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Fear not: only believe … <8:50>

Life Ripples —- listen to Lord’s voices fr 4 Directions :
1. in times of anxiety — the Lord asks, “where is your faith?” (v25)
2. in times of grace — the Lord says, “return home & tell how much God has done for you” (v 39)
3. in times of peace — the Lord says, “Go in peace.” (v 48)
4. in times of death — the Lord says, ” my child, get up!” (v 54)

? In a cloudless night near 3000 stars can be checked by naked eyes. The distance between the Earth & the Sun is 150 million km. The Sun is a great “fireball”, with a temperature of 14 million degree Celsius in the centre , 5,500 degree Celsius on surface. In 1859 the sun exploded twice , & there were many fires on our earth. But generally the heat of the sun is just enough to warm & maintain lives on earth. Who can design such an accurate thermostat? Remember to praise God while living under the sun!

Act Heavely?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… whosoever has not, even what he seems to have shall be taken from him. <8:18>

Know whom I have believed — what’s the secret ?
1. 3 steps for a disciple: listen Lord’s words with heart?8:1…21?— In this chapter the word “listen” is mentioned 9 times. True disciples are those who learn, preach & practice the Words. ?v.4…15?16…18?15…21??
2. 4 trainings: experiencing the Lord’s Words in life?8:22…56? — Dangers, devils, sicknesses and death make God’s words rooted in our hearts ?v.22…25?v.26…39?v.40…48?49…56?

? 300+ students believed in Jesus – we mentioned the prayer request from secondary school teachers Miss Tsang & Miss Kwok for the souls of their 800 students. Yesterday teachers together with the speaker preached in sickness preached to 660 students; 300+ students believed! Miss Kwok reported – “Seeing so many b/s cooperated and prayer together, so many students stood up & accepted the Lord, I deeply felt God’s love & grace. The war not yet over, there will be tough times ahead. Let’s continue to fight together. Thanks for prayers from b/s in Ark Channel — Ruth

Wait in Silence!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
and blessed is whosoever shall not be offended in me.

2 things Lord treasures – sorrowing heart and first love:
1. A broken and sorrowing heart — God will not put from him ?7:36…43?
2. A simple and pure first love — our Lord will bless it ?7:44…50?

? Jesus is Lord! — Miss Kwok, the secondary school teacher,requested prayers for her 800 students. Her co-worker Miss Tsang, who was going to speak last week, had her little daughter in hospital because of high fever; but 200 students still heard the gospel. Today 11 Christians go and help the school, preaching with songs to 660 students, ( but the speaker got sick suddenly , also Miss Kwok who is MC, fell & got hurt twice this week .. … pray for this!

Think Heavenly?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And the Lord… said to her, Weep not;

2 gracious words by Lord :
1. Praising the centurion– ”such great faith”?v.9?…Do we believe that Lord’s authority and power transcend all limits of space?
2. Have mercy to the son of widow– ”I say to you, get up!”?v.14?…Do we believe that Lord’s mercy triumphs over death?

? The old pastor Wong Yan Chi ??? loved God and men throughout his whole life. He was taken by Lord at the age of 90. His funeral is going to be held on 20/4.
? Today’s news reported that bird’s flu widespread in Myanmar, with more than 100 cases reported. Pls pray for young sister Tong Kin?? fr HK, she now preaching the gospel there.

Seek Heavenly?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…the stream broke upon that house, and could not shake it, for it had been founded on the rock.

Adversity tests one’s foundation :
1. Faith is costly (v.46-48) — the deeper you search His Words, the more you listen, obey & put them into practice, the firmer your foundation!
2. Invest with foresight (v.49) — Never jerry-build your Christian life. Spend your months & years in equipping and seeking Lord’s words to build up your defense!

? A young sister Tong Kin ?? is going to preach in Myanmar, please pray for her.
? The HK Metro Post reported on 6/4 that a research by Medical School , University of Pittsburgh , found that those having regular exercise help you to live 3 – 5 years longer. On the other hand , those frequent church-goers live 2 – 3 years longer, because they can establish good social connections, & faith can help in reducing stress, enhance stress-resisting ability!

Be Merciful?

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… your Father also is merciful.

How to receive new blessings ?6:20…49??
1. Establish new character in a renewed attitude?6:20…26?
2. Establish new relationship in the Father’s mercy?6:27…38?
3. Obey Lord’s words in an obedient manner?6:46…49?

? My friend Bill, from Alice Springs in Australia, has survived a trap in the desert but still he refused the Lord. Later he suffered from malaria and was about to die. But Jesus found him in a great light and he was suddenly healed! A pastor told him this was God calling him and taught him to pray. He start to pray unwillingly, and when he said “Amen” , the Spirit came and Bill knew by heart that he was saved! From then he loved God for several decades, even became a gospel driver. 2 years ago his wife passed away, and Bill decided to preach alone in the Far East with his remaining days.

God so Great?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
I am not come to call righteous [ persons ], but sinful [ ones ] to repentance.

4 Ways to turn from failure to success :
1. Be brave to make changes according to Lord’s words?v.4…7? — Keep watch for Lord’s order when frustrated, and make strategic adjustments!
2. Knee before Lord and keep on telling Him?v.12…13?— Call on Lord till your last breathe!
3. Share your burden with spiritual friends?v.17…26?— Keep close with saints, since their care and prayer can bring out miracles!
4. Don’t be late in seeking doctor?v.27…32?– Let the Lord to diagnose so He can grant you new life!

? 2 days before I met Bro Bill from Australia. Once he was trapped in the desert for 14 weeks with his wife and children -when he was young. He was an atheist. He asked his wife whether they will all die, his wife replied that Lord will save her; therefore He is going to save him also. Rescue really came, but Bill ignored this miracle & the Lord. But still he become a pastor later on , bringing gospel to native Australian with his family despite all hardship . He had even raised 5 children! (to be continued)

God so Near?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Fear not; henceforth you shall be catching men? <5:10>

Lord among Men– 4 changes He brought about :
1. Failure into success ?v.1…11?
2. Sickness healed ?v.12…16?
3. Sins forgiven ?v.17…26?
4. Old into new ?v.27…39?
Lord, we need?!

? The brilliant writer Lau Hap ???????,has once wrote about his father bringing back a little book ”Stream in the Desert” which benefited her whole life. Her father was wronged in the army, feeling resentful, and soon fled with that book. He read it every morning just after he woke up, finding much comfort from God. 25 years passed, till the darkness was over and the book torn. When he passed away, his wife put that book into his hands. Lau said the book accompanied both her and her father for 30+ years, and had also accompanied her father to another world.

Fill my Cup?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And when it was day He went out, and went into a desert place…

Advance & retreat — actions with strength from God :
1. When the sun set?v.33…41? — Jesus helped the poor & heal the sick, crashing the force of Satan ,delivering people to serve Him.
2. In the morning?v.42…44?– Quiet down, stay alone with strength from the Father- so as to concentrate in preaching His words.

? Warrior of life ???????was tortured by sickness throughout her whole life, but by Lord’s help she became a famous writer, honored as the Outstanding Young Person. She recalled a small book that changed her dad’s and her fate – “Stream in the Desert”. Her father got it when he served in the army, but he didn’t even take a glance of it. Instead his daughter took it for herself and found that life is positive and God’s will is good. She read it everyday, even writing inspirations on it. Finally she succeeded. Later when her father was wronged by his enemy, he brought along this book with him in exile!?to be continued tomorrow?


Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
But Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit… led by the Spirit … returned in the power of the Spirit…?4?1?14?

How to win the battle — 3 secrets of overcoming the enemy :
1. Be filled with the Spirit and trust His power in everything?v.1?14?
2. Be obedient & walk with God – with a humble heart ?v.2…12.)– the Lord quoted Deuteronomy for 3 times, which are all related withthe theme of “obedient”!?
3. Know the Bible so that you can use God’s words as swords?v.4?8?12?

? Ms Kwok, a teacher of a secondary school in HK Island, requests for prayers. Tomorrow morning she is going to lecture the gospel in school meeting with other Christian teachers . The sermon is going to pinpoint on current situation, to remind the students to guard against the works of Satan & its evil spirits. But a Ms Tsang who is going to make the main speech , had her 2 daughters in high fever suddenly. One of them even had to be sent to hospital in midnight. Pls pray for her family as well as the souls of these many students!
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