God’s Insider?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…and a voice came out of heaven …

Towards the spiritual works – 2 foundations :
1. Satisfy the Father’s heart ?3:1… 38?
2. Overcome trials from Satan ?4: 1 …13?
Failing in either one of these will definitely lead to collapse in life!

? Chen Ying Chen ???, a famous writer, recalled his father’s 4-year-long pains and struggles after losing his son. He was only freed in 1951 after he turned to Christ. From then he became a wise, determined and joyful person, who helped in founding a theological seminary. At that time the political situation was unrest, but he really knew if the sin of men was not settled, every good deed would be corrupted! Afterward Chen was jailed because of his involve in social reform movements. His grey-haired father visited him, but he was so sorry that his tears fell. But the father was calm, and he comforted him, advised him to get re-orientated in 3 aspects : “What come first is that you’re son of God. Then you are son of China. And, it come last, you are my son.”

Close to Thee?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
and the Holy Spirit descended … upon Him…

A brand new Start – how to face new challenge :
1. We need the presence of the Spirit ?Lk 3:22a?
2. We need God’s words?Lk :22b?
Invite the Spirit into your life this week – work after listening to His voice!

? Last Sunday our church sermon- “Holy Marriage” (Gen 2) —
1/ The first marriage of mankind is pure, glorious & beautiful.
2/ One can only be in love when he/she is mature enough to take responsibilities (v.20), God is the witness of marriage?v.22b?. Let Him come to your marriage.
3/ Don’t be dependence on parents after married.
4/ Your spouse is your closest mate?v.21?! Children are not our possessions,?v.24?they will leave you some day; but your spouse will be united with you for whole life.
5/ There shouldn’t be any secrets between couples?v.25?
6/ Sex should only happen between couples. Your body should be reserved for your only mate, so keep both your heart and your body for him/her.
7/ Pre-marriage sex, extramarital relations, companionate marriage, trial marriage, homosexuality…are all hated by God, Lord will punish!
8/ Those married are joined together by God, so they should never divorce. A good marriage reflrcts the love between God and men which is the holiest!

Guide me!

Luke, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Moved by the Spirit, he went into the temple courts. When the parents brought in the child Jesus…

How can we encounter the Lord? – 3 factors:
1. Be familiar in Lord’s words (v.29-33)
2. Obey God’s will (v.29)
3. Be filled with the Spirit (v.27)
Simeon was upright & feared God, waiting for Lord’s coming(at any time).

* Successful Chinese businessman David C. Lam said that faith granted him certainty & joy down in his heart, also an optimistic attitude & positive world view. How to view & explain the world is extremely important in daily life. Our faith should be connected with daily life, actively participate in life while walking with God. When Lam was 60 ,his business kingdom was at the peak, but he sold all his assets over the world , donated much of his wealth, amounting to several millions, to charities. Then he spends his remaining life to Bible study & serve the community.

Thy Voice, my choice!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
And this is the sign to you… a babe … lying in a manger.

3 signs of our Lord — the manger, the cross & the empty tomb?v.1…13?:
1. He humbly poured out himself in the manger — The greatest life is a humble one!
2. He suffered and sacrificed on the cross — Love and sacrifice are the spring of power & salvation.
3. The empty tomb witnesses resurrection and life everlasting — Can people find sign & hope which transcend death – in our lives?!

? The Taiwan writer Chong Chao Cheng wrote about an old Bible his father left to him – which was full of his father’s hand script. His father made a red full stop after reading every sentence. Few decades passed and the whole Bible became red. He remained healthy till 86 and even till his death! Chong saw this Bible, and knew that his father “had a substantial life, and he also passed away in peace”

Song of Victory?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
…to guide our feet into the way of peace.

Come , praise God for the 3 great things (1:67…79??
1. Praise for His mercy which endures forever! ?v.68…72?
2. Praise for His faithfulness which keeps forever! ?v.73…74?
3. Praise for His righteous which sanctify & keep His people ! ?v.75…79?

? The famous oil trader Rockefeller feared God & believed sincerely in the Bible. In July 1906 he wrote to his son to teach him – to earn more with the hope to help more. But he warned him not to “love” money, he said, “there is no one more pity and shameful than those who just want to earn and earn without end. This is the way of making money that I know: let money be your slave but I myself will never be its slave…”

Mercy Extends!

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
His mercy extends to those who fear Him, from generation to generation.

Wonderful arrangement – the gospel starts from 4 touching names:
1. Zacharias – God will remember! (1:5)
2. Elizabeth – God’s oath! (1:5)
3. John – God’s grace! (1:13)
4. Jesus – God’s salvation!! (1:31)
Heaven and earth change, but the Most High God still remembers us. He is still granting grace and salvation according to His covenant today!

* Sun Kang-I,??? who has been the professor of Faculty of Arts of the Yale University, recalled the story about his father Paul Sun. Paul was against Jesus , having torn the Bible for 3 times! But after his forties he met God with a pure heart, and he just changed another person: he got up & prayed at 4 a.m.; he went “crazy” on Bible studying till old age. People called him “Bible encyclopedia”! He quoted a poetry by an anonymous to expressed his heart- feeling:
…I cannot understand, but I can trust, for the perfect comfort brings, I cannot see the end, the hidden meaning of each trail sent… I cannot see the end, but I can trust…

Love Never Ends?

Luke, Voice Divine No Comments »
… “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.( v.35)

From fear to joy – when Jesus brings love to the world — :
1. Fear: The earth is filled with unrest; life is filled with fear — (Lk 1:1-38 , 46, also 2:10; 5:10; 8:50; 12:7,32…)
2. Joy : The Spirit inspired the hearts, true love lightened up hopes — (Lk 1:39-80: also 15:25,32; 19:6; 24:52)

* David C. Lam, the entrepreneur, survived in 3 shipwrecks, once even saved after landing on a remote island. After these he understands that lives are in the hands of God, the purpose of life is only to glory God , to bless the world. So he founded HK Baptist Hospital , & later the HK Baptist University. Something interesting – he revisited HK in1992: He felt sick & was sent to the Baptist Hospital without showing his identity, and the receptionist told him the hospital was full & would not accept any register…then the secretary of hospital, passed by, and said, “This is the founder of the hospital !” (God created the world and had given us richly all things to enjoy; but are we as forgetful as this to God?)

Go into the World?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…preached everywhere, the Lord working with them …<16:20>

The disciples went forth, and God worked with them :
1. Christ is not here, he is resurrected?v.6?— Death can’t prevent Lord from serving us . Jesus has resurrected,!
2. Preach to the peoples, with miracles following?v20?— Go out with Lord and turn hopeless lives into miracles!

? Lin Yutang, the master of Chinese language, had a poor pastor father who had only $16-20 for salaries a month in a small town. But he loved his people sincerely, devoted wholeheartedly to preaching & teaching as well as solving disputes, prayed earnestly at nights. He subscribed the magazine “Christian Intelligence” written by a Western missionary & nurtured a broad view. Lin recalled that his father sold everyone to send his elder brother’s studies in college; later his brother financed Lin’s studies (and in turn he financed his little brother also). That’s why he could become a scholar. Lin was in the good grace of Christianity, and he could never forget his father who had been God’s loyal servant!

Bury the Past?

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Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying … My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

Lord’s death brought changes in 3 aspects :
1. The curtain parted (v.38) — The separation between men & God vanished, by Him we can come to God again!
2. The gentiles believe (v.39) — The centurion admitted Jesus was the Son of God. Symbolizing the whole world can be saved!
3. Be a disciple boldly (v.43-46) — Joseph who had been a disciple secretly , now stood up bravely. (It’s time to witnesses Him!)

* Tommy Lo, a college lecture, experienced a car accident. He reviewed his life in a second. He called, “O Jesus, save me!” in his heart, and he realized that “a man may designs for his way, but the Lord is the guide of his steps.” Since then Tommy relied on Lord for his life and not to walk his own way anymore.
* Easter holiday approaching, prayed in alert for the cities where we live. Use the opportunity to win both the men and the land for Lord. (Pay attention to the various bible conferences & gospel meetings, gain younger generation for Him.)

Mission in Life?

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… mocked Him… lead Him out that they may crucify Him. <15:20>

Men’s choice, Lord’s choice :
1. Fatal decision?v.1…15?– Never sacrifice your faith in exchange of short-term gains like Pilate!
2. Determination of sacrificing?v.16…32?– Our Lord abandoned both the world & Hmself, only to obey the Father. Lord, we now follow your steps into the narrow path!

? Both 3 generations of David C. Lam the entrepreneur loved the Lord. His grandfather taught in a poor village. A foreign pastor came, but no one responded during altar call ! The elders of the village elected Mr. Lam to raise his hands so to ‘save’ the pastor from embarrassment…but Spirit worked & he became true disciple & a pastor, his son Lam Chi Fung ??? and grandson David C. Lam??? also became educationist and philanthropist. ?Remember to preach, so as to pray!?


Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… a cock crew. And Peter remembered the word that Jesus said to him… he wept.

Compulsory course in life — everyone is leaving except God :
1. Only the Father accompanies us forever?v.32…65?…When you face a bitter cup alone, you find that God is closest!
2. Only God is the unchanging friend?v.66…72?…Time reveals the truth. One day we will find that God is still on our sides!

? David C. Lam the entrepreneur worked hard towards success. His biography I concluded 4 factors for his success:
1. study hard ?he kept on studying encyclopedia even though he has left school!?
2. walk the talk?on religion, business or politics?
3. make good friends
4. rely on God in prayer
When Lam was young ,one night his classmates invited him to take a walk. Lam instead stayed home to seek God in prayer. Afterward he heard from his classmates that they saw Lam knelt & prayed, at same time also a man in white clothes knelt on his opposite. The classmates were shocked, and Lam’s mother only told him that this was a blessing & protection from God. So Lam loved God and man for his whole life, became an educationist as well as a faithful servant of Lord.

Extend His Kingdom?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but not what I will, but what thou wilt.

Walk through the adversity — the way of suffering with a servant’s heart ?Mk 14?:
1. Overcoming all difficulties , pour out your heart before the Father?v.32…35?
2. Put aside your own will , subdue to God’s will.?v.36?

? Today the Ming Pao Daily published a recent survey indicating the “night youths” (youths wandering on streets in midnight) number to 50,000 in HK, with a average age of 12. And the Shun Pao Daily made a special report on the orphanage HKSKH St Christopher’s Home which had 71 years of history. The director sighed that in the past the orphans were mainly caused by poverty, but now they were mainly caused by man-made breaking of families! She quoted Prov 22:6 to state that investments on children never lose. (check it up in your Bible!)
? 400 youths in my church l have a special gathering on Sat. Pls pray for their testimony of Jesus schools – to win souls for the next generation.

Steward of Life?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… she has wrought a good work as to me; <14:6>

Life and chance — pour all for Jesus :
1. Why waste? — Life is like the precious ointment. Only one. Don’t waste it on things meaningless.?v.1…4?
2. Why not? — Life is short, like tiny dust in winds. Crazy are those who don’t grasp hold of chance to sacrifice to Lord! ?v.5…9?

? David C. Lam, first Chinese Lieutenant Governor in Canadian history, attended Sunday school since youth. His father gave him 2 coins, one for offering , another his pocket money. (In the beginning he spent both of them on snacks!) This practical training shaped his self-giving & sacrificing character. At his 2nd year in secondary school he pledged to accepted Jesus as Saviour- in front of 1000+ people. Afterward God used this young man in strengthening education, medical & charity services over the world! (Remember to bring your kids to church!)

He so Near!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away. <13:31>

Right at the door — only a step left :
1. The fig tree puts out their leaves?v.28?… The rebirth of Israel marks the time of harvest of this world!
2. Lord is right at the door?v.29?… We depleted our thoughtfulness for fame & riches on earth, and for our children…but did we prepared for the time when Lord returns?

? I am reading the “Biography of David C. Lam”???? published by Ming Pao. He is a philanthropist and the first Chinese Lieutenant Governor in Canadian history. His mother, a devoted Christian, influenced him the most. When Lam Sze King ???, the sixth brother in Lams family, passed away due to heart disease, the mother said, “Let’s pray together, to thank God for bringing him up as a dentist. Now God calls him back to heaven, but I’m sure that I will meet him later.” His mother didn’t cry. Her strength of hope and courage rooted deeply in David Lam’s heart.

Do Small Things with Great Love?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but he that has endured to the end, ; he shall be saved. <13:13>

Don’t be troubled — 3 signs before the Lord’s Return :
1. Wars and battles?v.7…8?
2. Darkness covering earth and sky?v.24…26?
3. Jews gathers from every parts of the earth?v.27?
The world situation is irreversible, but the gospel has first to be preached to all the nations?v.10?.
So preach hard to speed up Lord’s return!

? Sister Ruth, the widow of bro Chan Sou Chi ???, had another touching words : “…I don’t want to waste any time. Every one of us can live meaningfully if we want to. The meaning of life is something we have to seek by ourselves. Don’t just sit and try to evade the difficulties – this will only leave ourselves to invasion of pressure and fear.

New Beginning!

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…but she of her destitution h as cast in all that she had, the whole of her living.

God look over all our deeds – Lord’s view on the poor widow’s offering :
1. With hope of resurrection when helpless?v.18…27? — God is not the God of the dead. Husband on earth can pass away, but the widow knew the God of the living!
2. Love God with all the heart on ends of road?v.30?41…44? — Today Jesus also watching : are we willing to give our life for God’s family!?

? After famous doctor bro Chan Sou Chi??? had passed away for 8 years, his wife recalled : ”We can’t rely on anyone to take care our lives…but the abundant and everlasting love of my husband still became the strength which support me to go ahead. The unchanging love, only love, only love from God…and I am going to stay on earth, to complete my mission…”

Come to Him?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… love the Lord thy God with all thy heart… <12:30>

Lord’s example — determined to the goal :
1. Love God with all your heart?v.38…41? — Bible Studies is all for the purpose of loving God and nearer to God .
2. All sacrifice to God?v.41…44? — The widow gave all to God. Your sacrifice to God are known by Lord!

? Yesterday an police officier witnessed that though he received Christ for more than 20 years, the complicated working environment made his spiritual life down. But a verse kept him in these 20 years, which is the verse he heard God speaking to him when he newly believed: “Not giving up our meetings”?Heb 10:25?. So he came to gatherings even he kept sleeping in meeting hall. Now his whole family is blessed, and they open their home for saints every week. So be obedient and come to gatherings!

Walk in Spirit?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Jesus answering… Have faith in God.

Be God’s excellent employees :
1. God grant men authority & grace to take care of vineyard (God’s home )?11?27…33? — are we good servants ? Have we misused His authority & grace?
2. God commended us -our lives, families & church, do we manage nicely (12?1…2? — do we treasured everyday to bear fruits?

? Biblical law on mental & physical health :
Adjust your life, improve your physical fitness & self-confidence

Regular life with proper goal: 1 Cor9:24…25 : Phil 3:13…14
Positive thinking: Prov 4:23; 2:1…6
Advance bravely: Heb 2:18; Col 3:23…24
Manage time properly: Prov 6:6…11
Balanced diet: 1 Cor 6:19…20; 10:31
Self-strengthening: 1 Tim4:8 Prov 3:1…6
Build up supporting network : Prov 17:17; 18:24; 22:24; 27:9
Enjoy the peace of Lord: 1 Peter 5:7; Palms 29:11; Mt 11:28…29

Love Boundless?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
But if you do not forgive …<11:26>

3 missions of God’s servants :
1. Lord as the King?11?1…11? — Open your hearts now , welcome His authority to exercise in us!
2. Lord as the Judge?11?12…26?– He came to sanctify us!
3. Lord as the Prophet?11?27…12?44? …Ask Him to direct us – from daily problems to life after, from politics to religions!

* Michael Chang prayed for HK : Dear Heavenly father. Since there are pressures from work, school, family, and peers to deal with. But Lord, would You come and reveal the truth, the Truth that in Your eyes, we are precious, and fearfully and wonderfully made. I pray that You would free those people tonight that have been believing and holding in their hearts that they are somehow less; show them how beautiful they really are. I pray that You would touch their hearts, to seek a better way in life – your way. Amen — Michael Chang?free VCD of his testimonies click)

Faith Shining?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…to serve , and give His life a ransom for many. <10:45>

Serve humbly today, rewards in tomorrow :
1. No ambitions or selfishness in following Christ?v.35…41?– I had been impressed by the statement “I know nothing for myself, I want everything for the Lord (by Watchman Nee the martyr), when I was newly believed. Are we taking the cup of Jesus?
2. Unlimited love & aspiration?v.42…52?– When the poor, blind & hopeless come & seek help, can we say “silver and gold I have none, but we can give you the name of Jesus?!”

? A beat less — Dr Shum ??? learnt to rely on Lord humbly after experiencing SARS. 2 days before he talked to students on the way of success . He recalled the events when confronting SARS. He said after that, he noticed his heart beats is one time less compared with normal. And he felt that every heartbeat is not by chance- but by the grace of God!

All in Jesus?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Then come, follow me.” (v.21)

3 wonderful philosophies of life :
1. Relationship with spouse: 2 becomes 1 (v.1-12) — Don’t just falling in love . Looking from the beginning, God puts couples together! No way to escape!
2. Relationship with the Father: like a child (v.13-16) — Are we in our “fittest” condition: be simple, eager and pure in heart?
3. Relationship with Christ: first become last (v.17-31) — We can’t rely on our experiences or history to be a Christian. Are we still leaving all for Lord today?

* In musical gospel meetings of my church ( last 2 Saturdays), 80 youths believed in Christ. Pls pray for the fresh blood in HK!
* “God’s Life and Me” – tennis champion Michael Chang ‘s testimonies in VCD, touching & edifying. VCD in both Cantonese & English, subtitles in both simplified / traditional Chinese. Now available on demand (free of charge) . May used for preaching to Chinese youths over the world. Click (Before 20/3)

All with Jesus?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another. <9:50>

The Greatest work, the deepest Serving :
1. Lord’s humble serving?v.33…49?– “Child” and “slave” is the same word in Aramaic. Great are those who serve God and help people with an innocent heart like a child!
2. Lord’s reconciling serving?v.50? — Though family problems appear on newspaper daily, we are sons of peace who can eliminate all enmities in faith!

? The famous doctor SC Chan ??? (Dr. Avery Chan) was optimistic although he was suffering from an incurable disease. He still helped his patients and read the Bible with his wife as usual. His bravery towards death inspired many colleagues. Dr. Wong Lap Wing ??? was invited by him to gospel meeting in which he believed in tears. After Dr. Chan had passed away, Dr. Wong witnessed that through Chan God reminded him to be humble. Instead he should fear God and look forward for heavenly home.
? Frankie Choy’s mother Chan Yin Kiu had a successful excision of her lower leg. Before operation, the family prayed in sincere heart, asking God to strengthen her faith again.

All for Jesus!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus. (v.8)

This is the life of the cross — glory on the hill, labour down the hill :
1. Look & listen — with heart (v.1-13) — Don’t be superficial in revivals. Fix your eyes on Jesus , use your heart in renounce with God’s words!
2. Be diligent in serving– by faith (v.14-38) — The true life of cross is one hidden in serving the crowd. Prolonged silence, slaving hard & wearying…
The Lord promised – there will be harder life ahead!

* I am reading a book by female Chinese scientist Esther Su ???. She treated Bible as manual of life, with her 4 kids raised up in truth. Sis. Su ‘s children entered universities when they were only 9-12. They all have excellent achievement on areas like computer science, genetics, medicine, chemistry & music. Sister Su & her husband Dr. William Ho ??? loved both God & men, they helped children all according to Jesus’ words. Those parents pursuing utilitarian-based books like “Harvard Girls” should read careful the book “Biblical Secrets in Good Parenting” by sister Su. (publisher: Truth Monthly)

All to Jesus?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
for what should a man give in exchange for his soul? <8:37>

Way of Holy Success —- 3 Secrets of Lord Jesus :
1. Secret #1: Suffering leads to glory ?8:27…9:13?
2. Secret #2: Power comes from faith ?9:14…29?
3. Secret #3: Serving brings glory ?9:30…50?

? Frankie Choy, who laboured with us in gospel work, had his father, wife, daughter, sister & brother turned to Lord after he believed in Christ. But his mother hasn’t believed yet, now she was old & sick. Tomorrow she will receive an operation to remove her left leg. Please pray for this old Mrs Choy ????, so that she can fully turn to Jesus in her sickness.

Be Teachable!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
I have compassion on the crowd, because they have stayed with me already three days and they have not anything they can eat <8:2>

The hungry crowd, the forgetful disciples :
1. Don’t leave from Lord’s presence?v.1…2?…Our Lord is full of mercy , always gives us a second chance!
2. Don’t forget the Lord’s deeds?v.3…10?…Remember with heart every grace of Lord.
Previous miracles encourage us to rely on Him again – now!

? Few days ago we mentioned about Bro Cheng??? who is undergoing chemotherapy. Though start losing his hair, he is still in joy. Pls continue to pray for him.
?Yesterday night a newly-believed Japanese brother told me – there are few Christians in Japan, he recalled that he read a set of wonderful books when he was young (30 yrs ago). They had 7 volumes altogether. He read them over and over, which sowed the seed of his belief. What books? It is the Japanese version of Narnia by C.S.Lewis! Gospel seeds harvest after 3 decades! I am greatly encouraged by this. (So I continue to write today’s Ark Channel !)

Give Me Strength?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him…Be opened!” … the man’s ears were opened (v.34-35)

Mark’s exclusive report — growing of seed, healing of deaf-mute and the blind :
1. Lord said “just like day & night, sleeps & get out” — seeds of gospel will sprout & grow by themselves. So just preach & relax.?4:26…29?
2. Lord “looked up with a deep sigh” — merciful is his heart! Just bring the ignorant before Him…?7:31…37?
3. Lord “took the blind man by hand” — and lead him to light step by step. The key is to be patient!?8:22…26?

? Everyone needs Jesus — Jesus’ 33.5 years was surely a legend ! Last week Vessel Music held musical gospel meeting “Legend 33.5” in church. The hall filled with students, plenty believed. Next show in Causeway Bay tomorrow afternoon. Recently many tragedies happaend in HK, suicides including university students, girls, famous doctor & senior police officer. Pls pray for HK.? inquiry : 2369 5106?
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