Dwell in Him!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. “He has done everything well,” ….. (Mark 7:37)

My Master’s Touch!

1. I can’t hear — I can’t speak! Lonely and helpless are the deaf and mute! (v31-32)

2. He is gracious — I am grateful! The Lord delivers the deaf and mute from the crowd, opens their ears and loosens their tongues. (v33-37)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:24-37
Indepth commentary: Mark 7


* Far East Broadcast Inc. ??????successfully put up the 250,000 watt transmitters on Jeju Island, Korea in ’73, but the saints could not afford the US$52,000 for the power generators. Praise the Lord, God Loves China! He makes things happen! Within the same day, they received two letters from America: one from a Fund owner in the Mid-West offering to donate half the sum if someone would take on the other half; the other letter was from a farm owner in the East asking what their needs were. The Lord moved the founder, Bro. BOWMAN to enquire. When Bowman spelled out the need for US$26,000, our brother on the other end of the line shouted in joy “This is exactly what the Lord has been telling me!” With the total fund available, the radio network broadcast far and wide.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Love & Peace in Abundance!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… came and fell at His feet. (Mark 7:25)

Create in me a clean heart, Oh God!

1. From within, out of our hearts come defilement and evil thoughts! Are we completely hopeless? (v1-23)

2. Let’s seek salvation with humbleness and honesty! Grace of God is always sufficient to save! (v24-30)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:1-23
Indepth commentary: Mark 7


* Far East Broadcast Inc. ??????, a Christian station providing radio service to China for 50 years, teaches &comforts souls of many. The bulk of 50,000 letters received in ’07 (an accumulation of 500,000 in 50 years) shows how men thirst & hunger for God. Bro. Robert H. BOWMAN, the founder, recalls how faith fosters the ministry all the way. One notable miracle was the construction of transmitters at 250,000 watt on Jeju Island, Korea in ’73. (to be continued)

* Sister LAW Nai Huen ???, educationist /counsellor speaks on “Tension & In Parent Child Relationship” in Cantonese

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Life So Beautiful

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. … (Mark 6:34)

Count on Him by Faith! — He Makes Our Life a Splendor!

1. He is our Provider — A great shepherd who tends us with great compassion! (v30-44)

2. He is our Protector – A great companion who delivers us from danger! (v45-52)

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:30-56
Indepth commentary: Mark 6


* Riding the waves of life – Surgery on Evangelist Dixon IP ??? was a success yesterday, preliminary lab result on tumor: not a threat. He testifies “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”, he is weak but sees His glory. Bro. IP thanks all saints from all lands for their kind regards, encouragements & prayers!

* Sister LAW Nai Huen ???, experienced educator/counsellor speaks on “Woman Torn Between Work and Family” (Must-Watch for wives, Cantonese)

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Share His Compassion!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to his disciples … (Mark6:41)

Endless Blessing

1. Great power is His! Nothing too hard for Him. — The Lord demonstrates His great might through small things. Gideon’s small army of 300 killed 120,000…

2. Merciful is our Lord! He always provides. — The Lord cannot bear to see us starve. Entrust in Him the little you have and be blessed with a great return.

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:1-29
Indepth commentary: Mark 6


* How marvellous! Sea water rises & falls at two appointed times each day, called tides. Responding to gravitational attraction of the Moon as it rotates, the Sea rises when it faces the Moon & falls when otherwise. This cyclical movement makes an underwater world, breeding countless living creatures. The Sun incinerates 240 million units of nuclear fuel every minute, temperature of its core is 15 million Celcius, 5500 degree for its surface. The Sun is 150 million meters away from Earth, takes an air-jet 17 years to complete one trip! The distance is no more, no less, just right to keep the Earth habitable!

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Amazing Faith!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…your faith has healed you…. (Mark 5:34)

Connect with the Source of Power:

1. By faith – touch Him in a personal way (v27)

2. For love – praise Him & thank HIm openly (v33)

Scripture of the day: Mark 5:25-43
Indepth commentary: Mark 5


* Christopher COLUMBUS, the explorer/navigator who discovered the American continents has studiously studied chapter 26 of the book of Job before he was 50. Knowing that the earth is round, he persisted till he found the New World in 1492. Do we have the same faith in the Word of God as he did!

* “Search” function is available on Ark webpage. Simply input keyword in “Search” box at top right corner. Articles can also be retrieved according to books of the NT. We pray this would arouse further interest in our study of His Word. www.arkchannel.org (both Eng & Chin).

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Happiness at Hand!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Go home to your family and tell them …( Mark 5:19)

Lord! Have Mercy on My Kin!

1. living in the tomb — Are my dear ones sinking in sin …. taking their own life! (v2)
2. losing one’s mind — Are my dear ones binding with evil …. ruining their life! (v4-5)

Scripture of the day: Mark 5:1-24
Indepth commentary: Mark 5


* 4 Bible study aids on Gospel of John :
1. “The Gospel According to John: An Introduction and Commentary” by D.A. CARSON, Chinese translation available: ??????
2. “John, An Introduction & Commentary” by Colin G. KRUES (Tyndale NT Commentaries);
3. “The Gospel According to John” by Leon MORRIS;
4. “Word Biblical Commentary: John” by George R. BEASLEY-MURRAY

* Song to share: “With All I Am” –

* Amendment – Operation of Bro. Dixon IP ??? will be Mar 7, Sat P.M., HKT

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God in Us!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He said … “Why are you so afraid? … (Mark 4:40)

Fearful? Terrified?

1. Why fearful? – Hold on to His word. Fear no roars & rolls of tides. (Mark 4:40, 35)

2. Fearing exceedingly! – He takes charge in the tempest! Fear the true God of Might! (Mark 4:41, 3:27)

Scripture of the day: Mark 4:30-41
Indepth commentary: Mark 4


* Rick WARREN, author of “Purpose Driven Life” ???? in his good time of 1.5 million book selling & the bad time of his wife suffering cancer, God taught him to be a wise custodian of his wealth through II Corinthians 9 & Psalms 72. He then donated his income to the welfare of helping the poor & equipping saints. He shared that this life is all for preparing for life in eternity. He concludes: “Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Difficult moments, SEEK GOD. Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. Painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD!

* Operation of Bro. Dixon IP ??? will be postponed to 3/7 Sat, HK.
Let’s pray for Dixon & the medical team.

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Listening Ears!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…”Listen!…(Mark 4:3)

Take Heed to the Word – Be Equipped to Stand Against the Approaching Storm (Mark 4:1-34; 35-41):

1. The Word of God is seed of top quality!

-It’s the heart of man that receives & breeds the seed differently!

2. Is our inner heart open to the world? full of hidden sins? consumed by worldly wealth?

- It’s only by listening, retaining, believing, keeping and practising the word

Can we withstand the test of the storm!

Scripture of the day: Mark 4:1-29
Indepth commentary: Mark 4

Introduction to the Gospel of John – (HK) Lord’s Day message 1/3/09 in Chinese

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Radiant Life! Resonant Testimony!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He appointed twelve – that they might be with Him … (Mark 3:14)

Strive in the timeless ministry — within the limits of life!

1. the biggest & final challenge on a leader – success in successors (v14-19)

2. the authority & power of a servant – intimate fellowship with the Lord (v14-15)

Scripture of the day: Mark 3:20-35
Indepth commentary: Mark 3


* While young in Canada, Bro. Patrick has gone astray, hanging out with criminals. One year, he left Toronto for his own ventures, a Christian friend sent him off, advising him with “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” (Matt 6:33). The words rang in his head for years & finally brought him to repentance! (He is now an excellent Bible teacher.)

* Bro. Dixon IP ???completes gospel journey in Indonesia, will undergo operation Mar 4 (Wed) – removal of a tumor beneath the ear. 22 years gone by like a snap of fingers when the Lord last saved him from a serious illness. Bro. Ip continues to entrust the rest of his life in the Lord. Let’s remember him in our prayers.

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Sight Received! Burden Freed!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… a man with a shriveled hand was there. (Mark 3:1)

When I have no more energy to press on:

1. Listen to the Lord’s words – the source of all power (v1-6)

2. Follow the Lord’s footsteps to serve – the way to perfection (v13-19)

Scripture of the day: Mark 3:1-19
Indepth commentary: Mark 3


* Yan Ho, HK (??) son of Karen & Patrick happily returns home after staying in the hospital for a week, healed of pneumonia. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for your prayers.

* LI Kin-Ming, Seattle, (???) was a gangster for many years, jailed 3 times, 8 counts of criminal records. It was incidental that he met the Lord and became a believer. He is blessed with miraculous transformationand eventually becomes a preacher. Details:

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My Life in Your Script!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners! (v17b)

1 Paralytic + 4 in Oneness = Same Faith, Same Heart!

1. no more strength, future, nor hope? — Watchful, our unbelieving friends paralyzed in sin! (v.1-4)

2. He is able, He is willing & He is calling — He comes to save sinners (v.5-17)

Scripture of the day: Mark 2:1-12
Indepth commentary: Mark 2


* Sister Claudia (HK) completed the 6th chemo injection yesterday. It is all for God’s grace! Her husband Michael thanks all saints for their prayers. Claudia will brave radiotherapy that follows,”…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Rom 8:37)

* Our vote of thanks – Ark Channel ministry heavier in 09. Now saints volunteer in counseling, translation, IT, web & content backup. After my first draft of daily Ark, mails are delivered by different saints from various accounts. Due to each having his own routine, you may be receiving the article at different hours in the day. A most sincere thanks to you all for care & concern in our work & schedule. As for me, I am focused on writing/editing, blessed with good rest. Praise theLord for your love & pursuit in His word, and continued prayer for us. — yokefellow, Sam Kong

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Your Healing Beams!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, …went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (v35)

First Thing First! — No Matter How Busy!

1. Early in the morning! — Best moment to meet with God!

2. Lonely or lonesome! — Best setting to connect with God!

All works of preaching, teaching, cleansing, healing…. are backed up by the power of prayer! Fearless is one who first fills himself with God!

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:21-45
Indepth commentary: Mark 1


* Priscilla FONG, top management in banking field for 20+ years. Extremely busy as she is, she cares for people around her with the love of the Lord. One time she was moved by the Lord to write a Christmas card to an old friend, in adding words of care, she came up with 7 pages. Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit, her friend read with an open heart and accepted the Lord! Priscilla evangelized in her wedding service, generously inviting her peers, seniors, clients, testifying the great love of Jesus, touching hearts of many. Within the first year after her getting married, 7 of these guests accepted Jesus as their Savior!

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Turn to Jesus & Be Blessed!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (v1)

Christianity is Christ, History is His Story — A suffering servant, a surmounting Savior!

1. God’s faithful servant! –Christ rising from the dead tends the world with His resurrected life.

2. God’s faithful follower! –Christ abiding by the will of God serves the world with the gospel.

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:1-20
Indepth commentary: Mark 1


* Bible scholar Bro. Paul MA ???, 82, is always in high spirit, fervent in love with Jesus & passionate for His word! He has held a series of Bible seminars in Greek in HK. In his testimony last Sunday, he shared how he fell in love with Jesus 50 years ago at Stanford University & has never parted since. The love of the Lord is forever fresh to him, impressing him to tears…His Bible seminars in India were well received, let’s continue to pray for India in their pursuit of Bible study in Greek!

* Listen “5A.M. in China”

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Forever Present Till the End!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (v20b)

GO — Make Disciples of All Nations (v18-20)

1. God of “I AM” – throughout our life on earth, HE is always by our side, working with us!

2. The Majestic Commission – all power of heaven & earth are for us, upholding us, empowering us !

Scripture of the day: Matthew 28
Indepth commentary: Matthew 28


* Genetic Engineering expert CHANG Nan-Chi ??? shared that the word ‘Gene’ comes from Genesis – the book on creation — “all living creatures are produced each according to its kind” (Gen 1:24), a theory that 100% agrees with the findings on gene & chromosome researches. The structure of DNA is a great miracle, far more so than any computer software. The copyright owner of “Life” – undeniably, our God!

* Prayer request for our children –
Yan Ho ??, kid of Patrick & Karen (HK) was admitted into the hospital for pneumonia. Pls pray that God grants him protection.
Man Hin ??, kid of TONG Sung Yan ??? (HK) was discharged from hospital after surgery on his limbs. May God grant him stable recovery .

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Eternal Grace, Rain or Shine!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. (Matt 27:57)

3 Miracles — Death of a King!

1. He overcomes sin – the curtain of temple torn in two (v51a), unveiling the road straight to God because by one sacrifice He has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. (Heb 10:14-16)

2. He fulfills the law – the earth shook & the rocks split (v51b), tremble before the law forever appeased (Ref: Exodus 19:16; Heb 12:18-24)

3. He conquers death – the tombs broke open & the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life (v52)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 27:32-66
Indepth commentary: Matthew 27


* YUEN Tsang Woon Ki ???? is a remarkable leader in social work & education in an international spectrum. Once caught cheating in exam, her class mistress Jackie PULLINGER ???spared her of harsh punishment, instead sent her on voluntary service in the ‘unpoliced’ Kowloon Walled City. Pullinger was known to the world for her works in the Church in the Walled City, rehabilitating thousands of drug addicts & prostitutes. Deeply touched by the gospel, Woon Ki turned to serious studies, earning her way to important position as Associate VP of the HK Polytechnic University. She is actively involved in organizing international social aids programs, blessing many! (Full story: Issue 5, Happy Men magazine).

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Add Strength to the Wearied!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
….But he had Jesus flogged, and handed Him over to be crucified. (v26b)

Being wrongly accused? Learn how our Kingly Savior copes! (v1-44)

1. The Way of Suffering – obey the Lord – be it bitter, be it blessed!

2. The Way to Glory – follow the Cross: not to detour, not to depart – His Will be our way!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 27:1-31
Indepth commentary: Matthew 27


* Priscilla FONG (HK), a successful business executive, was always busy working for her own. For 6 years, she was not able to bring friends to Jesus. One day a busy mother told Priscilla how she brought 10 + friends to salvation in a year. Priscilla repented & resumed fervent service. Update: she has successfully led 100 friends to receive Jesus as Saviour! (See DVD “From 1-100″, China Alliance Press)

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Be Saved to the End!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. “Before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times.”… (v75b)

All for Him, Nil for Me!

1. There’s bound to be that one moment we disown the Lord like Peter did – obstructing our perseverance to destination! (v. 69-75)

2. There’s always Him, my King & Savior, who sustains accusations, disrespect, anger, hatred, isolation, persecution & all ! (v47-68)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:51-75
Indepth commentary: Matthew 26


* Victor CHOUDHRIE, well known cancer surgeon of India, famed fellow of the American & British colleges of surgeons where he did his advanced studies. He returned to India 8 years later, practised in under-developed areas for 18 years. In 1992, he quit his job as CEO of a reputable medical college, went full time church planting ministry with his wife in Central India. They equipped & trained grassroots leaders who further planted house churches all over India, growing from 3 to 300,000 in 17 years. Jesus Lives! His Work in full force!

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Follow Him! Love Him!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. I go over there and pray.” (36b)

With Him, Watch & Pray! (Matt 26:36-46)

1. Endure in Tribulations!

2. Persevere in Prayer!

- This is path in following the Heavenly King!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:26-50
Indepth commentary: Matthew 26


* Bible scholar Bro. Paul MA, ??? (US), & Bro. CHOI Sit Kit ??? (Canada) held Biblelectures in India & enjoyed splendid fellowship with church leader of Central India, Bro. Sunil JohnsKLAVARA. There is rapid spread of the gospel and growth of Nagapur churches – startedout with 3 saints to 300,000 within 17 years. Hallelujah! Read “The Church in Your House” by Indian pastor, Victor CHOUDHRIE about how churches in India grow fromwithin households, an approach different from conventional church building in the west.

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Peace of God!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… with an alabaster jar of very expensive perfume, which she poured on His head …(v7b)

Lord! Our Hearts Content in Loving You! (Matt 26:1-16)

1. Christ-centered Life — Mary’s only thought: “Lord! What can I do for You!”

2. Self-centered Life — Judas’s only thought: “Lord! What would You do for Me!”

The Garden of Gethsamane is next stop along the journey of Faith, a stop in transit, a stop not to be missed!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 26:1-25
Indepth commentary: Matthew 26


* Listen to http://www.sermonindex.net/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=373 sermons on “Christian Life on the Inside”, by Bro. Roy HESSION (1908-1992) on how to experience the fullness of Christ in an inward journey.

* Man Yin (??), son of Bro. TONG Sung Yan (???) HK, went through an hour long operation due to accident at school – bone fracture on his arms. Pls pray for the whole family of His faithful servant! Many new borns come to church meetings as a result of the CNY gospel crusades (HK). Let’s pray for His protection among harvest – “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.” (Rom. 16:20)

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God of Peace!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. I was a stranger and you invited me in (v35b)

Watch with Desire, Work with Faith — Till He Appears!

1. Be wise virgins! – Do we have oil in our lamps? Is our life filled with His word & His spirit? (v1-13)

2. Be faithful servants! – Do we make good use of every opportunity to serve Him before He returns? (v14-30)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 25:31-46
Indepth commentary: Matthew 25


* Professor GUAN Xin Yuan ???, Director, Laboratory of Cancer Genetics, HKU, comments on theory of evolution. While DNA enables heredity, protein does not. It takes more than one protein to make protein combination happen! How then can the first protein combine on its own?
Conclusion: protein combination cannot occur in a native environment outside of a life breeding condition (such as inside a cell). This points to the fact that evolution does not explain the origin of life.

* Listen to audio book “How to Pray” by R.A. TORREY, Pastor/Evangelist.

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Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

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No Excuse!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. (Matt25:19b)

Prosper the Property Entrusted to Us! (Matt 24:14-30)

1. God gives us everything! His revelations to man, His redemption, His call for repentance, His gospel so mighty, His life, the Holy Spirit…

2. Exploit the inheritance from God as a faithful servant rather than being wicked & lazy. Seize the opportunities! The master is soon to settle accounts with us.

Scripture of the day: Matthew 25:1-30
Indepth commentary: Matthew 25


*Dr. GUAN XY ??? of Genetics Studies, University of Arizona (US) elaborates his rationale of nonbelief in evolution. For 6 years, in collaboration with scientists at the National Human Genome Research Institute, where “Draft Reference of the Human Genome Sequence” was completed. The majority of the scientists on the consortium, including Director Francis COLLINS and Deputy Director Jeffrey TRENT, are Christians. In research on genetics & molecular biology, many scientists uncovered many questions that evolution cannot answer, leading them into the realm of faith in Christ. (to be continued)

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Conquer the World!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…it (He) is near, right at the door. (v33b)

Waiting for Him at the Last Mile!

1. endure to the end (v13)

2. watch for you do not know what hour (v42)

3. serve faithfully (v45)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 24:29-51
Indepth commentary: Matthew 24


* 60 years in love with Jesus – Sister NG Lee Heng Yan ????, 87, (HK) rested in the peace of the Lord. In dear love for God & men, never did she cease assembling in the Lord since her baptism 60 years ago. Her son Jason NG hastened home for her funeral from Fredericton Canada. The message “I Know Whom I Believe In” (God is Light, Hope & Blessings!) opened up the gospel in the memorial service. May the Lord guide His churches in the vicinity of Fredericton – let His words flourish & churches thrive.

* Listen to “Praises throughout the Universe” ????

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Sincerely Yours!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world …(v14a)

Prophecy of Wonder – through Tribulation, but not caught in the Tribulation (Matt 24-25)

1. Our Passage & Destination in this world! (24:4-14)

2. Great Tribulation & End of the Age! (24:15-26)

3. The King’s Second Coming in Glory (24:27-30)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 24:1-28
Indepth commentary: Matthew 24


* Kelvin’s brother, despite unpleasant experience in a gospel meeting 2 years ago, found great joy & salvation last Sunday. He asked Kelvin to lead him to church – because he was touched by the great care & kindness of his medical doctor. He desires to obtain the Lord, like that of his doctor’s – to know the Lord of life & love joyfully!

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Love Eternal !

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
….’Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ ( Matt 23:39)

Press On by His Side — in Turmoil of the End Times (Matt 23-24)

1. Safeguard our heart clean and righteous (v25-28)

2. Lament and repent over the desolation (v37-39)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 23:23-39
Indepth commentary: Matthew 23


Healing Heart without border – A minority tribe in the mountain areas of South West China is at peace on its own, not bothered by the outside world. But there was once a sad incident of man & wife getting drunk & had a fight. The wife killed her husband by mistake, she took her own life out of guilt, leaving their child behind uncared for. The Lord moved Christians outside China to leave their comfort & set up orphanages there, providing the kid with education & care. The child nowfinished high school with peaceful heart. Boundless His love!

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God Forever True!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. (v12)

Laws of Life (v12)

1. Exalting be humbled – track record showing why Satan fails

2. Humbling be exalted – orbit in glory of Christ’s victory

Scripture of the day: Matthew 23:1-22
Indepth commentary: Matthew 23


* Footprints of Saints –

(Vancouver) Bro K.K.CHOI ??? & ??? & K.C.CHUENG ???,???back to HK, visiting relatives with gospel. Lord, strengthen these full time servants! (HK) Sister Claudia completed 5th shot of chemotherapy. Lord, add strength to her! (Japan) Bro. Carlos NG ??? left for Japan. Lord, grant him way to testify the living God to Japanese. (Indonesia) Bro. Dixon YIP ??? heading to Indonesia, on gospel crusade. (Yip needs operation when mission accomplished). Jesus, save many in Indonesia & guards body & spirit of Bro. Yip! (Toronto) Sister Hannah back to HK, brought his father to salvation, in hospital. Jesus ,save her family!

… if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace. (Acts 20:24b)

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God of the Living!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. He is not the God of the dead but of the living.” (Matt 22:32)

Be Faithful!

1. God is not God of the dead …. our life is filled with hope! (v23-33)

2. God is the God most high …. love Him unreserved! (v34-40)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 22:23-46
Indepth commentary: Matthew 22


* New Book: “60 Model Prayers” by Bro. Samuel CHING, To cope with a chaotic age, it is key to first manage our heart, & open to God. (Chinese/May apply this book in practice of the “555 Prayer” ,introduced by Ark Channel.)

* 1980 Billy GRAHAM’s Gospel Crusade, ” TIMELESS TRUTH!! “

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