Teach Me Grow!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Then he told her, “For such a reply, you may go; the demon has left your daughter.”

3 reminders from Greatest Teacher – instructions on facing a ridiculous world :
1. Dealing with ritual keepers?7:1…23? — Great faith is not a matter of rituals but heart. Be upright to men , be sincere to God!
2. Dealing with people?7:24…8:9? — Great power comes from simple faith. Lord is teacher of life as well as merciful doctor!
3. Dealing with disciples?8:10…26? — Great mission is built on the truth & the true God. It should be logical, rational as well as sensible – don’t be confused!

? Years ago Bror Cheng ??? was wounded by gangs with knife and only merely survived. He set up an alter at home in hope to attain sorcery body protection. He was also indulged in gambling. 15 years ago he heard the gospel. He rejoiced in it and gave his life to the Lord. But recently he doesn’t feel well and is going to receive the second dose of chemotherapy. Pls pray for him.
? Be alert – Stephen Cheung reminds everyone -there is a new type of computer virus. Don’t open the attachment with file name ”?????.pps”

Take Courage!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
And they all ate and were satisfied. <6:42>

In adversity or darkness? God’s Servant is Near :
1. Toiling in rowing?v.48?… Dangers in life often, but facing trouble in midnight…
2. Terrified?v.50?… His work you can’t imagine. Fear not but to welcome Him!
3. Amazed?v.51?… He had been praying on the hill, but he rushed to help. Relief, for He will be present in every scene in your life!

? God loves the broken-hearted — Today Ming Pao Daily HK reports – yesterday a pregnant woman aged 27 wanted to commit suicide . She was later saved by a Christian sister Ng. Sister Ng was brave as well as caring, persuaded the woman sincerely by telling her “God loved the world. Even nobody loves you, you should cherish yourself” and “God loved the world. Men can’t give up their lives” , so finally she saved the 2 lives!?Many women are in difficulty. Go and care the others, Never say too busy!?

Be Daring?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and he was moved with compassion for them…<6:34>

Living in an Unbelieving Age– 2 missions :
1. What to do if your family members, enemies & disciples are not trusting you? —?v.1…6?7…29?30…56?
2. Bless and bring fullness to people’s lives; calming the tides and bring peace to people’s lives. — This is our mission that never changes!?v.33…44?45…56)

? A changed mum – Yesterday mentioned about a young friend of mine. He wanted to devote in full-time ministry after graduated from university, but his mother was against it. After working for a period of time, his mother suggested him to study further; he grasped hold of the chance to study Theology. Later his mother believed in Jesus! She read through the whole Bible in half a year and has quitted smoking also. Now she is full of joy divine!

Life Upgraded?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

Behold, the triumph of God’s servants :
1. Victory over dangers (4:35-41) — Inviting Him onto your boat to redirect your way,this is the way of salvation!
2. Driving out demons (5: 1 -20) — Satan and sin comes to ruin people; Saviour comes to reestablish !
3. Healing sicknesses (5:21-34) — Use your weakest faith to touch the strongest power and it will ignite a most shocking result. Try it!
4. Conquering death (5:35-43) — Lord’s words bring forth faith, hope and love (v.36,39,41). Have we noticed God’s words ?
Hide in him this week! Why despised and defeated?

*A brother who had been a truck driver met an accident and was forced to take a rest of a few months. Like a vehicle stopped suddenly, he got peaceful times listening to God’s calling from his heart. Afterward he brought his fraternities and clients to Lord when he worked, becoming an evangelical driver.

Life Upright?

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Go home … tell them how great things the Lord has done for you … <5:19>

From Tombs to Home — Glorious Liberation :
1. Hopeless life: Tombs as home ?v.1…5?
– So many people are manipulated by evil spirits, losing control of themselves & hurting others. They are just wandering from one tomb to another !
2. Almighty Savior: Home , sweet home ?v.6…20?
– Jesus made a special trip to save him, casting out unclean spirits & sent him home intact! So he witnessed bravely by the Lord’s love & His great name!

? My friend who was a policeman before. Newly after he believed , a criminal tried to escape. He was frightened and chased out at once, and he prayed on his way…5 minutes later the criminal was caught back. In anger he wanted to beat him up, but the Spirit stopped him, calming him from fierce anger.
? In this year’s Oscar, films promoting homosexuality is hot. 60,000 b/s signed up to protest against it in America. Pls pray and call on the Spirit to keep people’s heart, so that they can look through the conspiracy of Satan, which is to shake the tradition value of family.

Be Victorious?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm

Towards maturity in 2 environments :
1. Growing in Peace (v.26-29) – Just sleep & rise in night and day – to let His life grows naturally in you!
2. Growing in Storm (v.35-41) – Your faith so small? Ask Him come to aid! Better to wake Him rather than trembling in pain! (though you may feel ashamed)

? Hen or egg first? — Dr. Daniel Wu ??? was once asked – which exist first: Hen or egg? He answered, “Neither. There should be a cock and a hen first.” He said the answer was in the Bible. God created male & female together …since there is a Creator . (153 students believed in Jesus in that lecture!)

Try Prayer?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…and there shall be more added to you. <4:24>

Miraculous seed, Peculiar barrenness :
1. Men’s heart: different sorts of soils?v.1…7?– fallen minds, misfortunes & worldliness desires are consuming people’s heart, making their lives empty!
2. God’s words: bringing harvest of life?v.8…20?– Want to rejoice all your days & bring blessings to others? Listen to the divine voices everyday with a pure & gentle heart…listen to Lord’s voices in your heart!

Grace Overflow?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… bind the strong man… plunder his house.

Start the pilgrim’s progress — 2 major challenges :
1. Spiritual challenge?v.20…30?… Life is a series of spiritual battles. We can’t rely on our own courage to win – rely on God’s power!
2. Family Challenge ?v.31…35?… Family is not everlasting. Family relationship can be forever only if your family belongs to Jesus. Family shouldn’t be obstacle to serving; saints are family members of God, their love forever.

? The newly-married couple William Yip ??? & Ann Mok ??? have settled in Canada. William was far from God in Canada before & he raced cars with his friends. In a serious acicident, his car total loss, but the Lord spared his life. Afterward he was baptized in HK and brought his girlfriend to Lord. He equipped himself in the Word and fought with us together. This time the Lord sent them back to Richmond to bless the church as a disciple.

Look Ahead?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and his hand was restored.

2 directions of God’s servants :
1. Save lives in all weather?v.1…12?– Don’t just take a cool look. The Lord can heal in every time, & by anyone – maybe you!
2. Note the training of Followers?v.13…19?– Take out your withered hand! Accept His gracious hands and be his disciples. Also make more disciples for Him – go and drive out demons!?v.20…30?

? Homosexuality culture is sweeping across the whole world. Films promoting such are now pretty-packed to infiltrate traditional values in all directions.To guard against this, click and take a look of pastors’ views, also the educationist and comments from Ms Pang ???, who is an experienced writer / editor of China Times. Ark Channel advises you to pray for the youth, and teach your children the Word – to establish their ethics & values.

Cheer Up!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…The sabbath was made on account of man…<2:27>

Three blessings fr Christ :
1. He is the great doctor — the life of Christ keeps you healthy?v.17?
2. He is the new wine — … the Spirit keeps you fresh ?v.22?
3. He is the Lord of Sabbath — … His presence keeps you in peace?v.28?

? John Mac Arthur used Bible studying to establish sainbts. The church he pastors has more than 10,000 attendants in worships and Sunday schools. He created an atmosphere of pursuit of holiness. Several hundreds of his precious bible studying n full text and training messages are available click

Get Up?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…bringing to Him a paralytic, carried by four of them <2:3>

Join forces and see God’s miracles :
1. Spiritual friends?v.1…4? — The spiritual friends can’t perform miracles, but they can take people to Lord and let Lord’s miracles come upon them! To be apart from the saints is just like committing suicide spiritually.
2. The friends’ faith?v.5? — Lord can heal, and He can work new things anytime. Have we prayed for the others in faith ?

? God loves me!…Yesterday we talked about the child suffering from infantile autism helped his mother to complete the whole Bible! The child acts strangely and often makes his mother angry. But every time his mother wants to beat him, he cried, “God loves me!” and his mother has to stop. Now the whole family changed, even the father who seldom back home in the past became a family man.

Be Courageous?

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And rising in the morning long before day, He …went away into a desert place, and there prayed. <1:35>

Our Lord’s example — showing mercy & seekiing God :
1. Lord’s service and mercy have no bounds on time & place ?Mk 1:21…34?
2. Lord reserve time for seeking & being quiet. This keeps His source of power & fine tunes the direction of his works?Mk 1:35?

? Yesterday we mentioned a child suffering from infantile autism. The others were harsh to him but a sister devoted in taking care of him. His mother was a drifting Christian, but the child told her to read the Bible whenever he saw his mother was sad. She obeyed reluctantly and read chapter by chapter – from Genesis to Malachi. God’s words comforted & directed her in numerous ways, and this helpless mum now becomes fervent in loving others, being greatly used by Lord.

God of Action !

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ… Son of God

The Gospel of Mark — Our Lord’s Three Great Deeds :
1. In character?1:1…13?…The 30 years’ life of Lord was commented “I am well pleased” by the Father. He is the only one who worth this comment!
2. In words?10:45a? … Lord spoke by actions. “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister…”
3. In deeds ?10:45b? …Lord triumphed over the nature, devils, death, sickness…but the most important was on the cross… ”…and to give his life a ransom for many”

? Obeying is the greatest work – Yesterday I met a couple from North America. The wife spoke of her ministry to the children in church. A child who has infantile autism came to church, making many problems which broke the hearts of his family. But Lord told our sister to take good care of this child, so she obeyed, concentrated in looking after him. After 1 year she even put aside all other ministries to look after this child! The story is miraculous (continue tomorrow…)

He is risen?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…<28:19>

Conquering death — behold the orders of the eternal King :
1. Granting us Authority?v.18?…Submit yourself to Jesus! His all-conquering kingship is our backing!
2. Giving us Mission?v.19?…Having His command with us, go & win souls for Him!
3. Guarantee His presence?v.20?…Lord, who triumph over the enemies, is going before us. Fear not!

? After our Lord ascended 2006 years, his disciples increased from 11 to 2 billions! In these few centuries, the evangelical churches harvested more than 400 millions souls. The charismatic churches conquered Africa in these hundred years, 500 millions became new soldiers of heaven throughout the lands. Keep on the good works, for our King returns soon!

Be at Rest?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… they found a man…Simon …that he might bear His cross.

Forcing is the worst policy — Lord can’t save himself?
1. Simon was forced to bear the cross?v.32?– Sometimes humiliation & sufferings come suddenly. But this maybe a glorious time for you to share burden for Jesus!
2. Jesus came up the cross because of love?v.33…50?– …If Jesus saved Himself, we are all dead! Thank Him for bearing the shame and death for me, that I may live !

? The HK Church Book Room founded by Watchman Nee and his companions, had ahistory of half a century +. (Nee, who had martyred, influenced whole world through his writings. When I was young, I met devoted brothers who helped me to know God’s glorious plan in old site of this Bk Room.) HKCBR sells writings of Puritans & the Brethrens, now extremely low prices .?promotion till 13/4 at 5 Observatory Rd, TST . Enquiry: 2368 0848 )
? Tonight funeral of the father of Cheung Ka Chow ???. I preach “The Eternal Love”, pls pray for me & souls.

A Time to Wait?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… why has You forsaken me? <27:46>

Tough Times leading to victory at the end :
1. Judas’ ending?v.1…10? — Though one can’t undo his past, but true repentnce can change one’s future in eternity!
2. The governor’s ending?v.11…26?– He gave up to save Jesus under pressure and acted to please the crowd. He had lost the eternal life!
3. Jesus’ ending?v.27…54? — Sometimes God seems leaving His beloved ones alone. Don’t be despair, the resurrected Lord is before you!

? Bro Yu Siu Chuen ??? is going to have a heart surgery tomorrow. He had been a devoted Buddhist. But after his wife and daughter believed in God, he saw the peace and joy they had even in several calamities and finally surrendered to Lord in tears. (The surgery tomorrow morning HK)

What matters Most ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…you shall see the Son of man … coming on the clouds of heaven. <26:64>

Thy Will be done?
1. Facing great darkness and danger – Do we seek God like our Lord??v.36…38?
2. Forsaken by everyone — Are we still willing to put ourselves in the Father’s will? ?v.39…46?

? A friend, Wong, brought up as a wanderer in Myanmar. He got addicted to drugs. He committed crime & fled to Thailand, where he even killed. One day he met a former drug addict who witnessed to him about Jesus Jesus, saying, “Everyone rejects you, but Jesus still loves you!” And Wong was saved at last!

Watch with Him?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… you have not been able to watch one hour with Me? <26:40>

He took our Bitter Cup :
1. Bread of Life?v.26?– We can have a share of the holy & eternal life from Lord!
2. Blood of the Testament?v.27?– Forgiveness and peace all came from Him . Isn’t that worth our praises?!

? Lo Kam Chiu, a newly believed youth, joined the army of heaven after baptism and fights with us together. He is going to have a head surgery in the afternoon on Monday (20/2). Pls pray for his speedy recovery, may he experience God more, has a successful surgery, and his family have peace & know the true God.

Why this Waste?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
For this is my blood… shed for many for remission of sins. <26:28>

Love is not h olding back — all for the Lord :
1. A beautiful thing?v.1…13?— Life and opportunities fly. Catch hold of the moment to spend for Lord!
2. A shameful thing?v.14…16?– One can give up and betray Jesus in a mind, and never to be recovered. Be careful!

? The stories of R. Chapman in 19th century aroused interest from sints. Simon from Scotland provides comments on Chapman by Spurgeon the famous pastor: — Though he (Chapman) is not well-known, he served quietly. But his humbleness shown when caring others had deeply influenced Hudson Taylor, John Nelson Darby and me…because his kindness, merciful, wisdom and love had influenced many throughout the world. His motto is ‘my career is to love, but never expecting to be loved in return’ His life challenged all the people of God to commit to Christ more deeply, and to love others more selflessly.”

Well Done?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. <25:40>

2 things Jesus will ask when He returns?
1. Have we made good use of our talents??v.14…30?– `What talents and resources had Lord given you? Have we made good use of them in serving men & God?
2. How have we treated others??v.31…46?–The principle is the same -no matter to Jews, brothers or those in need – what we do on a smallest one is doing on Jesus Himself!

?Whole life for Lord –I have recently read up David Gergen’s ‘ Eyewitness to Powers’. Gergen worked for many years in White House and had served Nixon, Ford, Reagan and Clinton. This adviser of 4 presidents described the characters and abilities of the presidents. He recalled the scene when president Reagan was shot in 1981. When Reagan was saved, he had witnessed for many times, both in private and public “This is God who forgave me. I will give all my remaining days in the White House to Lord my Saviour!” And America really prospered under Reagan’s rule.

Serve One Another!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
His lord said to him, Well, good and faithful bondman …<25:23>

Equal Opportunity — to separate the wise from the foolish?
1. Relationship with God – do we treasure it till the day we see Him? ?v.1…13?
2. Make Best use of God’s blessings faithfully – otherwise will bring irretrievable lost! ?v.14…30?

? Apology : Ark Channel mentioned about Bakht Singh, the Indian apostle, whose life had been spared in earthquake. Livia Lo fr Toronto remindsus that there is no 31th in April ! As checked the China Earthquake Administration – that the Quetta earthquake in 1935 actually happened on 30/5.
? Bro Robert Chapman from England gave sermons even in his 98. He was so strong in the Lord that he would speak for 1 hour and 15 minutes. He kept on writing letters to encourage the saints worldwide even in his 99. He passed away in 1902, and was peaceful before he left. He said, “God treated me very gently and lovingly” and “we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” The last word wais: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding…”

Be Faithful!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Who then is the faithful and prudent bondman whom his lord has set over his household, to give them food in season? <24:45>

Prepare to meet your God?
1. Christ comes as sudden as thieves?v.42…44?– Are we precious in Lord’s eyes so that He will take us when he comes?
2. Christ will surely come to ask for our work?v.45…51?– No matter our responsibilities great or small , He only askif you are faithful in this life!

?Bro Robert Chapman of England is famous of loving & sacrificing, influencing people to serve in China ,including Hudson Taylor. He worked hard for Lord, often carrying just his travel fare with him. Once he gave all his money to an old woman not feeling well on journey. His companion asked what to do then. He said, “Our Father in heaven knows everything”. God really sent a man waiting for them in station to give a sum of money to them ! Another time he received a new overcoat from a friend. He quickly gave it to a poor man. When asked him why, he quoted scripture: “The man with two tunics should share with him who has none”

That Day, That Hour?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world .. and then the end wll come.

What is to happen in future? Fearful scenes – prophecies fr the departure of Lord to His return:
1. Beginning of the disasters (v.1-14) — disasters on earth – false Christ, wars, famines, earthquakes, persecutions & betrayals , false prophets, wickedness… but don’t be dismayed. Turn to the Lord and His words instead.
2. Continuation of the disasters (v.15-28) – in history, millions of Jews had been slaughtered! millions died in the 2 world wars . All natural disasters frquent. Churches are also under oppression and heresies …
3. Ending of the disasters (v.29-35) — Christ will return suddenly and stop all chaos!

* 3 aspects corresponding to the prophecies on the future – check these everyday with daily news:
1. Situation of Israel?Mt 24:1-44?
2. Trends of Christianity?Mt 24:45-25:30?
3. International situation ?Mt 25:31-46?
* Indian pastor Pardeep’s conferencein HK (Inquiry: 23816475 / 9341 8307) Indian Christians concentrated in the south, leaving the north bare of gospel. 300 millions people lived in poverty. Pls pray for the 10 millions+ university students. The fate of India can only be changed if they encounter the Lord.

Seek Him

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…make clean first the inside …

How God value us —- true in the heart?
1. Common mistakes of men — godliness in appearance but far away fr Lord in heart (v.13-28)
2. Lord’s grief — Despite his repeated calling, we are not repenting ! (v.29-39)

* Bro Pradeep who is to give sermons in HK, is deeply influenced by Bakht Singh. B. S. is called the father of modern Indian churches. His family rich, studied in England & had been a devoted Sikh. He became a Christian while further studies in Canada. He then gave up the inheritance of abundant family property , lived on God’s miraculous supply. He came back to India, brought thousands to the Christ.
In the night of 31 April 1935 he preached in Quetta, 58 repented & believed. At 12:30am that night, he lied in his tent, exhausted. He couldn’t get to sleep – Lord urged him to pray for those rejected Jesus that night. So he prayed earnestly, asking God to wake up sinners. He prayed till 3 o’clock a.m, felt peaceful. Suddenly the earth shook, he thought God had heard his prayers – shaking sinners. So he remained kneeing & praying. Half an hour later he learnt that there was an earthquake. 58,000 died during the 18 seconds of earthquake that night, but God had spared his life miraculously. In prayer!

The Only Teacher

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.

Facts in the Kingdom of Heaven :
1. Do not ask for Vain Glory (v.1-7) — There is no men’s authority in God’s household. Don’t worship anyone.
2. Shoulder in earnest (v.8-12) –– There is no shortcut in serving. Commit to God humbly & seek His pleasure only!

* Ruth fr Singapore forwarded a prayer request — The saints in areas like Gujarat in west coast of India are facing persecution from pagans & extremists. Ask God to protect them in these days in February! (1 billion populattion in India, making up 1/6 of whole world, with 10 millions blinds among them. And also pray for 40,000+ missionaries establishing churches in India, who coming fr every part of the world. May God bless their feet.) ,
* Pardeep the India preacher hold a special meeting in HK, with the books by his colleague Bakht Singh selling there – 2/14 (Tue) & 15 (Wed), 7:30pm at Christian Gospel Hall in Mong Kok

A Living Hope?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your understanding. <22:37>

Reminders in the progress to the Kingdom of Heaven :
1. Duties in this life (v. 15-22) – Are we sacrificing our best to God in love to Him? Are we carrying out duties on earth faithfully in fear of Him?
2. Hope afterlife (v. 23-32) – In God’s heavenly eyes there are no deads. Death of God’s people is a passage to the better home in heaven!

? A friend was ill-treated by his father in his childhood. He can’t forgive his father even after believing in Jesus, only willing to preach once to his father, letting him to choose whether or not to believe and let him to bear the consequence alone! But after he preached, But the Lord reminded him to pray for enemies. At last he forgave his father, preached to him until his father was saved, and took care of him in his illness till he passed away.
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