Few Chosen?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… brought together all as many as they found, both evil and good;…<22:10>

Dare you Rejecting God’s Invitation?
1. The Jews dare to reject God’s invitation ? v.1…7?…How about us? Are you willing to accept Christ’s salvation?
2. Christians must be serious on our responsibilities?v.8…14?… Have we cleansed ourselves ? Have we put on Christ’s salvation?
God’s invitation is open to all , but his inspection is also strict. Dare we reject God?

? Theanointed & legendary Indian preacher Pardeep, is going to hold a special meeting next week. Rare chacnce for saiints in HK. (Eng/Chinese) Wed 7:30pm, Christian Gospel Hal in Mong Kok , 1/F, 17 Playing Field Road. Mong Kok MTR exit A?

Father’s Choice?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Behold your King comes to you, meek … <21:5>

Blessed are those who repents?
1. Repent and go?v.28…29?– God’s commands & reminders may not comfort you. But He leaves us a 2nd chance. So repent and obey now!
2. Better than no actions?v.30…32?— Are we just honoring Lord with our lips but moving our hearts far from Him? Pay attention to every word God speaks to us, and blessed will be those who act accordingly!

? Rockefeller teaching his son?2?…The rich oil trader Rockefeller wrote to his sons in 1918, teaching him on the greedy nature of men, the willpower of striving upward and the ambition of contributing the society. Then he witnessed to his son: “…your father won’t let you be ashamed of him. Every penny in my pocket is clean…I am convinced in the fairness of God…and I know that I should contribute my wealth back to the society to bless my fellow countrymen…… It’s time for me to read the Bible…”

House of Prayer!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
“the Lord needs them…

3 advices fr our Lord :
1. The little donkey (v. 1-11) — You are in the King’s hand! Wait for His order humbly!
2. House of prayer (v.12-17) – Spirit is working across the lands! The power of prayers can influence nations!
3. Fruit-bearing tree (v.18-22) — He has great expectation on you! Don’t be a fruitless tree which angered Jesus!

*Power of the gospel –On 31/1 a young man’s father sent to hospital. Doctor gave up. I asked for few hours more from God, then rushed to the visit with 2 brothers. The 78-year-old man returned to live & heard the whole gospel consciously! Prayed he accepted Jesus, he told us to call him ‘brother’ instead of ‘mister’. We asked whether he was sure of his salvation, he said he was ‘in’! Few days later the old man got well and witnessed Jesus’ power to his wife! When saints revisit him, he was joyful & thankful. The first sentence he said he was – “God saved me from door of death!”
* The population of our church increase for 1/6 in a week. The following work already started. Pls pray for these 390 recently came to Jesus — ”Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not…For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord…”?2 Cor 4:1?5?

Miracles Evermore?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.

Opportunities — a clear inner vision :
1. Regain our Sight?v.29…32?– Do we have the courage and persistent of this 2 blind men? They don’t ask for money or necessities but only ask to see God!
2. Repave our Way?v.33…34?– After experiencing miracles & blessings, are we leaving Him or following Him? You really treasure Jesus ? Or just interested in His healing?

? During Crusade in Lunar New Year HK, a security guard in hall patroling, also heard the message, believed in Jesus with sincere heart.- in tears . Another lady nearly deceived in mainland before new yr, her husband prayed & comforted her. So she made special trip to HK , just to attend crusade & accepted Jesus!.
? Last Sunday 2 doctors in our church announced their marriage in morning (Wedding coming Sun). Then the would -be-bridegroom’s parents gave them best gift – they both believed in Jesus during that afternoon!
? 390 believed in last Crusade. 4 messages (Cantonese)? by Samuel Ching, Dixon Yip?

Work in My Vineyard!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?

Catch hold of the last chance :
1. A true God of the universe is doing great work! (V.1-5)
2. Life is limited, are you living for Him? (V.6-16)

* Samuel Ching speaking on “Great Mission and the Lord’s Return” (Cantonese)

Last will be Frist!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
“go, sell your possessions…then come, follow me!” (v.21)

Jesus can heal our marriage (v.3-12), bless our children (v.13-15), but we should first :
1. Give our sovereignty of life to Lord (v. 16-21a)
2. Set the Lord as our goal of life (v.21b)
You don’t believe? Give a try!

* ”A Softened Heart” meets “Unchanging Love” – Last round of “New Life, New Hope Crusade” : 1,700+ attended these 2 meetings. 153 accepted Jesus as Saviour ( Adding up 391 in 3 days, glory unto God!)
* Bro Dixon Yip ??? fulfills his mission HK, back to US on Thur. Pls remember his family in prayers. A few days ago we have dinner with some saints, reviewing Lord’s training & disciplining on us, recalling all the miracles & grace, we can only worship Him! That night the host also testified several decades ago – that his grandfather lost all his wealth on gambling & died of a stroke, leaving his grandmother and 3 children. But a neighbour invited the widow to church, she believed & loved the Lord ever since . The fate of own family changed! Now all descendants have good career, serving the Living God wholeheartedly!

He is Possible?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate. <19:6>

Repairing 2 loopholes of this generation– everything is possible with Lord :
1. Are we viewing marriage in God’s viewpoint ? ?v.1…12?
2. Are we having the Lord’s insight in nurturing our children ? ?v.13…15?

? On 31/1 Crusade, Samuel Ching mentioned there are many Buddhist monks in Thailand, but most of them smoke. The government is troubled since smoking is bad for health. In 1986 Ching preached in Thailand, the Buddhist monks believed in Jesus too, and they threw away the cigarettes & Buddhist ritual stuffs, to proclaim Jesus is Lord. Believing in Jesus is surely healthier!
? 3rd round…”New Life, New Hope” gospel meeting?
1. “Soften Your Heart” – Ling Nan College
2. “The Unchanging Love” – Taikoo Primary Sch

Unless You Forgive!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Should not you also have had mercy on your fellow – bondman, just as I had on you? <18:33>

Unshakable — 3 kinds of incredible power :
1 .The power of great love (v.12-15) — God loves every single one and He won’t give up anyone! He searches, bears, protects and be joy for you!
2. The power of His Presence (v.18-20) — From the biggest church to smallest family, Lord will be with us when we come together in His name. Great things can happen!
3. The power of Forgiveness (v.21-35) — if we convert into nowadays currency to calculate this metaphor, other owe us a pack of money ,but what we owe God requires : 8,600 workers , each carries 60 pounds of coins. The line is 5 miles long! God does not keep a record of sins , why do we not forgive others?

* Winnie setteled in Canada at the age of 12. She became rebellious. At the age of 14, she smoked, drank, took drugs, went disco & karaoke. She left home at 16 , changed partners all the time , even affected her two younger sisters. She was nearly destroyed when she’s 20. In 2002, she found a Bible at home. She discovered God loves her ! Since then her life changed. Two years later she got baptised and tells people about Jesus’ love !
* The third round –HK New Life New Hope– tomorrow Feb 5 at 3pm (enquires: 23695106) : Bro Ip to preach Soften your Heart -Lingnan University, TM ; Bro Samuel Ching to preach Unchanging Love -Taikoo Primary School, Quarry Bay

Forgive or Forget?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Whoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, he is the greate st in the kingdom of the heavens; <18:4>

Thrilling news — little children are the biggest!
1) Who is the greatest? — who humbles himself like little child is greatest in Kingdom The more you humble yourself, the faster you can learn. (v.1-4)
2) Whom should we welcome? — Every little one is linked to the Lord & His Kingdom. So, every child’s need is the need of Body of Christ! Do not neglect any one ,as God the Father values him. (v.5-14)

* Smart baby, perfect match — one day when my old friends Dan and Ken were walking with their baby in the park, the baby met a young man reading there. The young man was a university student. He receive gospel pamphlet fr BB. Some days later he was then invited to CNY gospel meeting with his girlfriend, both converted to Jesus!

Glory Preview?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
But this kind does not go out but by prayer and fasting. <17:21>

Walking with the King — 2 stages to victory ?refer to Heb 10:19?22?13?13??
1. Onto the hill?into the veil ?Mt 17:1…8?…The great power comes from the hills, so stay still in God’s glory and listen to His voice in silence!
2. Down the hill?outside the tents ?Mt 17:9…18?…The great scene is down the hills. How many lost lambs are to be saved in this chaotic world?

Do you know the way of the cross is a way of no return?

Are you willing to bring God’s glory to every context of your life?

? Gospel preacher Bro Ching mentioned on 31/1: There was a rich man in Southeast Asia, his descendants quarreled for his estate. His funeral matters could only be settled in the hospital where his granddaughter worked. She was a consultant in that hospital. She realized the emptiness of life and the helplessness of wealth after death. Then she as a doctor, turned to the eternal King in a gospel meeting and served the Lord zealously afterward!
? Pls pray for the 238 new believers in HK -born in 30/1 & 31/1, that they can be strengthened on faith and become disciples!

God so Good!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…they saw no one but Jesus alone. <17:8>

The Preview of our Lord’s Return — :
1 . Only One focus (v.1-8) — Glorious Christ is centre for everything from the beginning, & He will also be the centre in eternity. Listen to His commands carefully!

2 . Three groups of followers (v.1-3) — 3 apostles symbolized thousands of believers. Moses symbolized passed-away believers, Elijah signified conquerors raptured by God. Lift up your eyes! Our glorious King coming soon!

* HK New Life New Hope –yesterday 1838 people joined meeting, 121 souls converted to Christ. (238 people in 2 days! ) Yesterday topic The Real Blessing (1 Peter 1:23-25). Men cannot receive eternal blessings apart fr God! Toward altar call, Bro Ching testified that he just shared the gospel with a driver before the meeting. The driver was moved, prayed with him & received Jesus ! (he actually has 2 daughters being Christians!).

*The third round– New Life New Hope Crusade , Feb 5 (Sun) 3pm (for enquiries: 23695106) : 1. Lingnan University Topic : Soften your Heart.
2. Taikoo Primary School in Quarry Bay , Topic – Unchanging Love

Take your Cross!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but whosoever shall lose his life for My sake shall find it. <16:25>
1. HK New Life New Hope — 2nd session (31 Jan, HITEC, HK )
2. Glory to God for yesterday– Bro Ip preached- “Such Great Faith” –because of the cross & Jesus’ precious blood, with Holy Spirit, men are free from law of sin & death , we can receive blessing fr God — in Christ! 1600 + people joined the meeting and 117 converted to Jesus.
3. a wife brought her husband to Christ last year in same occasion. This year, the wife has to do an operation. Miracle happened one week ago. The abnormal cells suddenly disappeared. So this year she brought her 79-year-old mother to Christ!
4. Some more- I met a new believer yesterday. He studied a lot about superstitious things and transcendentalism. He even used computer for fortune-telling. Later he was possessed by spirits. Recently He was saved by Jesus. Yesterday he brought his younger sister tomeeting & accepted Christ!
5. Bro Chi fr Singapore, — “It’s big day for this spiritual battle. Though I am absent from you in body, I am present with you in spirit for fight for this gospel battle….”

Be Renewed!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. <16.16>

Revealing the universal direction of life :
1. The gospel of Revelation (v.13-20) — eternal God has eternal plan, — build His House (church)!
2. The gospel of denying oneslef (v21-26) — being disciple only mean to lose everything. More is to deny yourself for the surpassing greatness of Christ!
3. The gospel of Glorious Return (v27-28) –Lord will return soon. Are we living with this hope always?

* Hong Kong New Life New Hope Crusade– today & tomorrow. Pls pray for thousands of saints, their friends, & preachers Bro Ip & Ching (30 / 31 Jan, HITEC, 3pm, HK time)
* Bro Ip came back from US , he used Psalm 103:5 this Sunday, to encourage us to work hard for the gospel – that people can receive blessings…who satisfies your desires with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s…

A Time to Change !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… I would not send them away fasting lest they shou ld faint on the way… <15.32>

Receiving from Him with additional grace :
1) Life is full of hunger and scarcity — the Lord of plenty always looks after us (v32)
2) We are always forgetful & short-sighted — we often forget how God still has mercy on us (Ch 14, 15.33)
3) The promising Son of man — He never changes , always ready to change you again! (v.34-37)

* Having Him always, our heart will be healed — Bro Dixon Ip (Tak Sang) and Samuel Ching are going to preach on 30 and 31 Jan in New Life New Hope gospel meeting. (HITEC / 3pm, HK time).
*Pop star Pan, Hsiu King ??? was very famous over southeast Asia some yrs ago. She said God gave her two platforms in her life: one is the platform for singing – it is empty and sad; another one is the platform for life after He gave her a new life — it is free and bright!

Be Brave!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Have pity on me, Lord <15:22>

Pray for your family and friends — unceasing faith :
1. with love (v.21-22) — the power of prayers origins from pure love. It is like a mother who cannot lose her daughter and wants to change the fate of the daughter! Do we have such feeling when we pray for others?
2. In Faith – Because of what we believe (v23-28) — sometimes we feel that God has denied our prayers; but don’t be discouraged. Cry to Him and tell Him our wants. He is waiting for requests from us!

* With peace from above, we can rejoice in the coming year — Brother Yip Tak Sang and Brother Samuel Ching are going to preach in — New Live, New Hope- gospel meetings. (30th and 31st Jan in HITEC at 3pm, HK time)
* Scientist Thomas Edison patented his 1040 items of his invention. There were more than 5000 times of unsuccessful tests before these 1040 of success. reporter asked him why he did not give up when he encountered failure. His reply was that every time he ruled a factor for failure, he’s closer to success. Wish you more success — and draw closer to Jesus!

Bring to Him!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
..why did you doubt? <14.31>

How can we overcome the two great assignments in our life?
1, How to live in want — beginners’ test (v13-21)
— do not rely on people! Only look upon Jesus to seek for His blessings.
2. How to live with difficulties — advanced test (v.22-33)
— it’s common to have difficulties in our life. Call upon God , He’l l keep us & save us immediately!

* BB Tin Man is back to heavens– letter from SY, “Tin Man is now with God and his 4-day of suffering came to an end. His parents took a few pictures with him and they knew that this is the best arrangement from God Father. Pls pray for Tin Man’s parents, Kwan Kit and Lai Yee, and also their parents.
*Bro Bao Zhen Kwong ??? from church of Singapore passed away on 15th Dec, 05. Sis zhuang shufang Fong reported, in the wake of funeral meeting, saints sters testified how he took care of many saints in his entire life. His daughter was also encouraged and she prayed and made a wish that sheis willing to learn from her father: to love God and men – many saints broke into tears and had the same prayer to God: to run on the race with all their might for the Lord.

Take courage!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
And all ate and were filled (14:19)

Handover our lives to Him — satiate; satisfied; substantial :
1. Speak to Him truly (v1-12 ) – we can’t avoid encountering failure in our life ,but we have the Lord whom we can speak to – He can comfort us!
2. Be contented with Him (v13-18) — trust in Him , our life will no longer be empty but abundant!
3. Pass His blessings (v19-21) — the more we are broken by Him, the more blessings will be spread out. Avoid self-centredness, in His hand we enjoy unlimited blessing!

*young minister SY Wong wrote – a couple from my church love the Lord very much. The wife has just given birth to a baby suffers from innate disease, his name Tin Min (Mercy from above) . Pls ask God to have mercy on this little life….” (Tin Man passed away 4 days later)
*Great news: Jan 30 and 31 – New Life New Hope gospel meeting. Pray and back up.

Second Chance?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
The kingdom of the heavens is like a treasure hid in the field…<13:44>

3 Laws in the development of the Kingdom :
1. Strong vitality?v.31…32?…A smallest seed grows into huge tree. Can the world see this kind of transformational power on us?
2. Invisible influence?v.33…35?…The Spirit in us is hiding yet never lying by, and its affection is so tremendous that brings a quality change of the community!
3. Strong discernment?v.47…50?…There are always bad guys in religion world, sometimes false teachings are mixed in truths. We can only wait for God’s final judgment;but be alert , otherwise we might be thrown away by Lord (v.48?

? Alvin Leung fr Toronto …”The Conservatives won election in Canada. The Lord has heard prayers of millions of b/s, granting the government a chance to reestablish the Christians & family values. The new government is against the legalization of homosexual marriage. Pls pray that we can stand for God’s rights in Canada.”?Last year homosexual marriage is legalized in Canada, shocking the whole world as a collapse of traditional family system. The saints in N.America sent heaps of letters to the Ark Channel requesting for urgent prayers over the world!?for detai pls click

Hear Me, Heal me?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
for whoever has, to him shall be given… <13:12>

God is in action, where are you?
1. God is sowing His words into our hearts?v.1…9?18…23? …Can He find the fruits He wanted in you?
2. God is sowing us like seeds into the world?v.24…30?36…43? …Can we bring a harvest of life for this world?

? The Kent couple opened a restaurant in Papua New Guinea. One day a young customer asked them to teach him to make sweet and sour chop. The youth taught them English in exchange…and the textbook is the Bible. So the Kent family knew the Lord and got into the church. The young man is actually a seminary student in his training, coming to this Chinese restaurant to preach Lord’s love.

Trust ? Obey?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
He shall not strive or cry out, nor shall any one hear His voice in the streets; <12:19>

The strong one — Christians are not “disadvantaged minority”:
1.The First strong man ?v.25…27?29? — Satan controlled spiritual realm, breaking hearts& families . Be with spiritual insight to identify that it is not only the corruption of men confronting us but also the “dark knight” behind.
2.The Second strong man ?v.22?28? — Come & call on the King of kings. He has overcome, and is the Stronger One who can plunder devil & brought back our beloved ones.
Prayer is the strong one’s choice!

? Mrs. Kent followed her husband to Papua New Guinea to run a restaurant. She was pregnant & once came back to HK for checking. While waiting in hospital, she flipped over the magazines & a booklet – ” Who Is Jesus”. She had had a toothache, but then her pain relieved until she
finished reading it . She brought the book back to NG & brought her husband to Christ. Afterward, she sent this booklet back to her mother in HK, & her mother & brother all believed in Christ!. Their fortune changed, joy filled them ever since. (Kent’s family visited my homegathering last Friday).
? countdown: 8 days – “New Life, New Hope” Crusade on 30/1 and 31/1 (the 2nd & 3rd day of lunar new year) at HK International Trade & Exhibition Center in Kln Bay. 3:00pm with 4,000 seats together in 2 days. (Inquiry: 2369 5106)

Restored Sound ?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
a bruised reed shall he not break …<12:20>

2 Rewards of following Jesus …Rest unto us, Mercy unto others :
1. Rest is everywhere?v.1…8?…With Jesus, every day is Sabbath / rest, every place is God’s Temple!
2. Showing mercy any time?v.9…14?…Are we aiming for our own interest & reputation, or we love men and God purely & serve for the truth ?

? Last week n our homegathering , Bro Kent fr Papua New Guinea & Chiu Kwok Shun ??? fr Toronto visited us. Kent has been running his restaurant in NG for 17 years, experienced earthquake, robbery…but he & his wife still strive to preach gospel & trust Jesus everyday. Recently a customer wanted to create trouble after drunken, Kent prayed in the kitchen. The Lord listened immediately — electricity stopped all of a suddeny ! All customers had to leave! Jesus is alive – even far away in New Guinea!

His burden light?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Take my yoke up on you…<11:29>

Training of the King?2?— 2 Unchanging Attitudes?
1. Become like a child ?v.25…26?– Be simple, humble , willing to learn – this is real wisdom!
2. Be close to the Father?v.27…30?– Be gentle & humble & know the Father’s will on you, carry your own yoke – this is your real peace & rest!

? Sis Connie in HK – because of business , she once had to viist the persons in charge of a company — a pair of sisters. On her way she knew they faced big problem, and she felt the leading of Holy Spirit to share God’s love with them. Though the contract wasn’t signed at last, but 2 sisters accepted Jesus as Saviour, and kept attending gathering till today. 3 days ago Connie preached to their mother, she also believed with a sincere heart ! ( Do not put out the Spirit’s fire – 1 Thess 5:19)

My Yoke Easy?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Come to me, all you who labour and are burdened, and I will give you rest. <11:28>

Special training of the King?1? — Knowing 2 things?
1.Purpose of life?for God’s glory?v.1…15?– The work of our life is to pave way for the Lord – for people to return to God. Finishing this goal, wait in silence for God’s words in adversity!
2.Limits of life?be obedient to God’s plan?v.16…19?– Is our emotion restricted? Are we sensitive and responsive to Lord’s sorrow or joy?

* Voice of Cambodia (2) — Report fr Esther Mok – “We are most touched when we served the children on streets & “rubbish hill”. No matter how dirty & naughty the children are, & despite they have the all bad habits … saints still cared & loved them. They felt the love of God. In gospel meeting children paid attention to message, … Here AIDS is widespreading also. People in dire poverty, but we deeply believed gospel & prayers bring hope to this country…”
( Ark Channel: the Alliance Church served in Cambodia for 47 years since 1923, & breakthrough. In the 1970s, 2 millions people were slaughtered in Cambodia, no of Christians dropped from 10,000 to 2,000. During fleeing these saints still led many to Christ in refugee camp. 15 years later, Jeusus is preached to 19 provinces throughout the country!)
* Fr Sis Tong Man Wa in US: “Bro & sisters, pls pray for me. I have fever for a month after I’m back to America…”

Key of Loyalty?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…and he who has lost his life for My sake sha ll find it. <10:39>

Freely received, freely give — the King’s law of success?2??
1. Without fear ?v.26…31?– Carry out God’s will , & God will treasure you. Encyclopedia said there are 100,000 strands of hair on average man. But every one of them are numbered by our Father!
2. Sacrificing & choice ?v.32…42?– The most dynamic life is the one which depart from our comfort zone and live for a mission more than life !

* Voice of Cambodia (1) —- Esther , Steve ? Candy came back from Cambodia to HK, bringing good news: “The church there held a gospel meeting in the cultural theatre – 600 seats. Holding a gospel meeting in Buddhist country is never an easy thing, and they only got the permit a few days before the meeting. The pastor spoke in the meeting, Pastor Lee, runs schools, orphanages & missionary groups. He helped those street children, and the children mudlarks, bringing good news to the poor. The meeting was full, during altar call, all attendants believed in Jesus! The scene was shocking!” ( Metropolis Daily 19/1 , reported the miserable fate of Cambodian children in details )

Key of Success ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Freely you have received, freely give (v.8)

The King’s Law of success (1)?
1. Selecting talents?v.1? …The Lord’s blueprint of conquering the world is to select those willing to learn , & turning them from followers into leaders.
2. Building the team?v.2…15?…Only Lord’s command put people together. Starts from today; find a few ordinary ones, envision them, transforming them into great people!

?Countdown :13 days – Chinese Lunar New – “New Life, New Hope Crusade” in HK , 6,500 seats available in 3 days/ 4 meetingsf, details click Prayers support needed!
? John Livingstone served in Africa. Once he preached at Kirk of Shotts, he prayed and fellowship about the Lord with friends for the whole night before it. On the next day 500 accepted Jesus !

Key of Commitment

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…The harvest is great… <9:37>

See the world through Jesus’ eyes — harassed & helpless?v.35??
1. Moving a merciful heart?v.36?… Both greediness & love can put forth a change in society. But the merciful heart of God changed people’s hearts!
2. Moving a praying heart?v.37?… Call on the Lord of the harvest , ask Him to send thousands to do what Jesus did! ?Be careful, we will also be sent!?

? The woman changed Michael — The former famous tennis player — Michael Chang — mentioned a story in his gospel meeting in HK. Once a woman suffering from cancer had lost all her hope, even doctor gave up. At that time a lady came and asked whether she can pray for her and share the gospel to her. The patient said yes. The table turned, she started recovering, and even the doctor couldn’t explain why! The cancer didn’t relapse in the following 25 years. Michael Chang concluded, “This is the story of my great-grandmother!”
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