Key of Wisdom?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… I will have mercy and not sacrifice…

Giving up? Disheartened? — Relieve?
1. Paralyzed life – One can loss everything but not their spiritual friends
– they may not be able to save you, but they can bring you to the Saviour.
2. Lord said “take heart”
– When you rebuild relationship with God, your paralyzed world is restarted!

? Rockefeller letters to his son – story of Rockefeller who founded the Standard Oil, is well known. He is a devoted Christian; and he left 38 letters for his son. On 20 July 1897 he wrote : “I cannot be your captain forever. The Lord created 2 legs for us is to let us walk on our own feet… my son, those enjoying privileges but with no power is trash; and those being educated yet without any influences to others are rubbish. Find your own way, and God will help you!”
? Ming Pao Daily of HK published the story of Michael Chang today. In his conclusion he mentioned the woman who changed his life. Worth reading.

Heals Many!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Himself took our infirmities and bo re our diseases.

Our Lord — 10 miracles the signs of His kingship (Ch.8-9) :
1. Power of healing and saving (81-17; 9:27-34)
2. Power over the nature (8:23-27)
3. Power over death (9:18-19: 27-25)
4. Authority to vanquish demons (8:28-34 ;9:32-34)
Having Him, what do we fear for tomorrow?

* The cross eliminates hatred — A professional stunt man was once very successful, having the chance to be the substitute of various stars like Jacky Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao. He moved to Vancouver & settled there, but suddenly he encountered a family crisis. In despair he determined to take revenge.One night he met a friend inviting him to dine in church. He was filled by Lord’s love and burst into tears – even before the gathering started ! Later he pledged to be Lord’s disciple and forgave his enemy. Freed from hatred, he turned a new leaf!

Holy Touch ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… saying, I will… <8:3>

Paradise is lost on earth, who can give a hand ?
1. He is willing?v.1-4? — illness in hearts are as worse as leprosy, corroding people’s flesh & souls. God is willing to give a hand in our loneliness & despair, to touch our worst part!
2. He is able ?v.5-13?– How many are there who lack strength like paralyzed? Pray for those you care – the gambling addicted, children out of control…Lord can save!

? Bethe Lord’s disciples forever – There will be 102 baptized in my church today & tomorrow! Recently pressure is heavy for HK people, even doctors & teachers commit suicide. Pls pray for peace in HK , ask the Lord to make these 102 new disciples into blessings of the times.
? The 102 going to be baptized came from various industries. A young girl witenesses the miraculous changes of her family after his parents & grandparents come to Jesus, so she decided to be baptized; Another saint suffers from insomnia, Lord granted her rest; a family was in crisis, with its members in grief, now they can face the future with courage by the Lord; a lady was greatly blessed after believing and so she wnet to her homeland in mainland China –to share the great love of Jesus, bringing her sister to Lord and cleansed all idols completely in her home… ?these stories can never ends…?

Be Prudent?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… rain came … streams rose … winds blew against that house, yet it did not fall …because it had its foundation on the rock . <7:25>

Tests in life — rain fell, floods came and winds blew :
1. Rock-founded life?v.24…25?… Tests in life pile up. Is our faith founded upon eternal foundation – Christ & His words?
2. Sand-founded life?v.26…27?… Alarms of career, relationship, family & health always strike our peaceful lives. Today

we should ask for Lord’s direction, so that we won’t “fall greatly” when crises come!

? Few days ago Michael Chang witnessed how he got hold of his life by Jesus. He said people will forget you are a good player; but they won’t forget you have influenced their lives! The speaker in response – Chan Young Man ??? said he was once a hippy and a playboy. But Jesus changed him into a good husband & a pastor , who helps uncountable one lost and hopeless!

Seek, and Find

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Enter in through the narrow gate… <7:13>

What sort of people are we? — speak, walk and do what you should :
1. a Judge? ?v.1…6?
2. a Seeker? ?v.7…12?
3. a Heavenly pilgrim? ?v.13…14?
4. a Tree of life? ?v.15…20?
5 a . Builder? ?v.21…27?

? Jesus in India — Last night I dinned with an Indian leader Bro Pradeep. He had worked together with famous apostle of India – bakht Singh. Pradeep was called to the ministry at his 18, scoured the India in these several decades. Once he preached through 200 big villages within a month, speking publicly 20 times a day. Now 10 churches are established in this region! Across hills & plains, every station was new to him. He had gone deep into Nepal and Tibet to preach the love of the Lords . Now there are 2-3 thousands in his church. He relied on God in financing and serving in these several decades, and Lord had supplied and blessed him. One can’t help not to worship God when seeing his joyous and peaceful face!
? Concerning the gospel meeting of Michael Chang, click?

Father Knows ?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
No one can serve two masters… <6:24>

Look closer — where comes those 4 powers :
1. Where are your treasures?v.19…21?…Do you know you have to rely on God’s blessings behind all your labour?
2. Where is your inner light?v.22…23?…Can you consider worldly matters in a heavenly view?
3. Who is yourr boss?v.24? …Do you know that you are accountable to the headquarter in heaven?
4. Where is your rest?v.25…34?…Do you seek for God’s way so as to be freed from the control of money & enjoy a care-free life?

Where are you indeed?

? Last night Michael Chang and Chan Young Man ??? held the gospel meeting together. God’s love poured; 3,000 people coming, with 300 who couldn’t enter. 100+ believed in Jesus! A teacher James Chu sent me good news– he read the notice yesterday & brought a bus driver to come, and he was saved! Michael Chang’s imessage
? Great harvest in my church: 102 going to be baptized on Sat, pls pray for them. (They looked zealous in yesternight’s prayer meeting)

Treasures in Heaven?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done…<6:10>

Pious way – closer to the Father :
1.Alms giving?v.1-4?… Let the poor experience the Father’s righteous & generous ways from us.
2.Praying ?v.5-8?… Let us know & enjoy the Father in the process in seeking Him.
3.Fasting ? v.9-15? … Let us experience the great power of God.

?Skilled foot — The “foot and mouth” artist Cheung Wai Tak ??? has crippled hands when she was born. But she learnt to use her feet in all her daily activities! She learnt to draw with her feet, and later she met some Christians who took her to gatherings and brought her to Christ. From then she felt strongly that she was God’s masterpiece, so she lift up her holy “feet” and pray everywhere, changing the fate of herself and many others!

Love your Enemies!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… for He makes His sun rise on evil and good, and sends rain on just and unjust. <5:45>

Be the Father’s sons — 4 challenges for heavenly men :
1 Am I willing to do more , and sacrifice more for others ?v.47??
2. When I judge things, am I using the Father’s view or the world’s standard ?v.48??
3. Can I keep my words – like the Father – under every circumstances (v.33… 37??
4. What is my response – when I am hurt and insulted ?v.38… 42??

? Yesterday I knew a Christian who had led 100 people to Christ! HIs method simple, to everyone he met, he said, “Even people like me can believe in Jesus. You can also be saved…”
? Tonight?9/1 HK?Michael Chang and pastor Chan Young Man will hold a gospel meeting. Be reminded – no parking places in Kowloon City Baptist Church, come early if you want to bring along someone. Pray hard, save someone at least!

Be Perfect as Him!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Let your light shine before men… (5:16)

Way of the Kingdom —- Core courses of Core values (Mt Ch.5-7 )
1. Character & connotation are more important than achievements and make-ups (5:1-9)
2. We as Aliens on earth will have great reward in heaven (5:10-47)
3. The true way is the narrow one; to gain, one should first loss (6:1-34)
4. Pain and sufferings first, and than comes glory (7:1-29)

* Michael Chang got champion in French Tournament” at his 17. His sponsor Reebok posted his photo in popular newspapers, stated , “At 17, someone went to Paris to study history, here is also someone creating history in Paris.” Michael Chang said in his autobiography : …”I know that there weren’t many times left for me as a professional player – if God permits…I am a Christian…I thank God in interview after the competition & give glory to Him. That is me . Even I left the tennis professional I will not change this identity…Life is not the shout of the crowd, interviews on TV, showing up in department stores or glorious victory only. I was led by Jesus Christ in first half of my life…I can’t imagine how I will go through these days without His love and guidance…Just like God has a plan for your life, He has a plan for my life.”

Lift up your eyes?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Come after Me…<4:19>

Great mission of the Kingdom — 4 Core projects of the King :
1. Calling — Remove the vanities of men ?v.18…23?
2. Teaching — Clear the misunderstandings of men?v.23a?
3. Preaching — Uproot people’s ignorance ?v.23?
4. Healing — Ease all pains of men ?v.23…24?
Are our servings deviating from Lord’s direction ?

? Someone asked Billy Graham: if he is to take care of a giant church, what strategies will he use? He said he will find 8-10 people willing to sacrifice for the Lord, to form a small group. Then he would use a few years to teach them all he knew, and then let everyone of them train 8-10 people likewise. The far-reaching impact is rooted from the fellowship like Christ and his disciples. ?interviewed in 1958?

Wait on Him!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve. <4:10>

Ask and think deeper — why are we Living ?
1) Our reliance of alive (v1-4) — our physical need & enjoyments are all from above—-
for us to be able to live out the commandment from God.
2) Our strength of living (v.5-7) -our relationship with God does not merely depend on miracles.
Even if God not fulfill our wishes, we should rejoice & trust in Him.
3) Our meaning of life (v.8-11) — everything happens in life just a process. The ultimate goal
for to live out His image & glory in us!

* Two days ago, I met a doctor who once was a minister in HK before immigrated to Adelaide, Southern Australia, to practice medicine. There are 1000+ believers in his church, testifying gospel in Australia strong. Harvest great. Pls pray for cities in Australia.
* Michael Chang, former top tennis player, will present his testimony in an evangelistic meeting HK. My answers to yr enquiries :
1) Michael comes personally to HK to preach gospel. It’s not a video recording meeting.
2) He speaks English. Good to bring yr Eng speaking friends.
3) Pastor Young Man Chan the interpreter & preacher. He loves souls & knows a lot about life !
4) Putonghua interpretation provided.
(Pls pray for souls in HK. The event will be held in Kln City Baptist Church / Jan 1, 06 , evening [HK time]. Free adm. 2,000 seats. Call — 2409 1233)

God Purifies Us!

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
..This is my beloved Son, in whom I have found my delight. <3:17>

Heavens & earth cry out together —- salvation is found in no one else :
1) Voice from the earth (3:1-12) —- Creator God awakes us through men. Repent, Turn to Christ now!
2) Merciful Voice from heavens (3:13-17) —-What an invisible relationship between Father God & us, much more precious than visible achievements on earth! It is God who decides who is inheriting the Kingdom!

* Yesterday we reported a former gambling & drugs addict who had tremendous change once turned to God. His mother also came to Christ when she saw great change of her son. The father was a vegetarian for 30 years – in order to acquire blessings for his two drug addicted sons from gods. However, one of his sons died. He found that he worshipped a wrong god. Then he was possessed by evil spirit, ended up staying in mental hospital. Now because of his son’s repentance, this father also believed in Christ & farewells to evil past!

God in Us?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the star … went before them…

Hard Training in adversity — Though Times, Glorious Christ :
1) Prophecy in Hosea fulfilled — (Escape to Egypt) — God’s love urge Him to remember his people. (2:13-15 / Hosea 11:1)
2) Prophecy in Jeremiah fulfilled — (Rachel weeps her children) — Light of salvation still shines in tragedy (2:16-18 / Jeremiah 31:5)
3) Prophecy in Isaiah fulfilled — (Nazarene Jesus) — one can be despised by men , but planted by God in Spirit , even became King! (2:19-23 / Isaiah 11:1)

?Recently an addicted gambler & drug addict , even his mother told him to commit suicide- that he won’t cause trouble for family. He came to the door of an evangelist and asked for way out. The evangelist talked about the power of sin and the grace of Savior Lord. 3 days later they met and he was changed completed! Soon he got a job & can give housekeeping money to his mother, at last his mother believed in Jesus too!

God For Us?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
And when they saw the star they rejoiced with exceeding great joy. <2:10>

Rejoice or troubled? — Happy are those seeking for Jesus :
1.Overjoy?v.9…11?– Are we as serious as the wise men, seeking the truth despite distant way? Do we offer our precious when we meet the Lord?
2.Troubled?v.4? — Sometimes we aren’t willing to face our darkness; although the star shines & our friends or relatives witness, we don’t want to accept Lord’s challenges!

? This morning I met a doctor at his 77. He was born in a place prohibited Christianity, but he witnessed that he had believed for 70 year already, and was sentenced to death twice for the sake of Lord’s name. He could only pray for the eternal God to save him, and he survived these 2 crises. Later he became doctor in the prison, promoting gospel drug addict removing courses. Hope is with those who have Jesus!

God With Us?

Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
and they will call him Immanuel”—which means, “God with us.” (v.23)

A grand new start — Jesus’ name is glorious & almighty :
1. Names, genealogy & history in the world are all incomplete — Only Jesus can save & turn the table. In 06’ we pray that God visit all areas of our lives, turning curses into blessings!
2. The first and last name in NT is “Jesus” ?Mt 1:1 refer to Darby?Rev 22:21?– In this year let us rely on nothing other than Jesus!

?Take a glance over the lands…There are 6+ billions souls on earth, 420 major cities (population 1 million+). Pls pray for it, in 06′ ask the Spirit to strengthen all churches in major cities, raising up thousands of young vessels for God, gain all decision makers & executive officers for the Kingdom, to turn all villages & nations in every region to Christ!

Day One 06 Renew!

Voice Divine No Comments »

Renewing everything; Restarting our life

By the end of last year, the world has gone through a lot of changes. The old world got destroying , people sigh all days.

The old has gone and everything is new
As New Year begins, we long for new start; to forget about the past & to work hard for future. There is nothing new under the sun. (Ecclesiastes 1:9). Heavens & earth wearing out like a garment (Hebrews 1:11); life recycles which is toil (Ecclesiastes 2:22). The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong (Ecclesiastes 9:11). Things happening in world becoming more ridiculous than ever, we are limited by our perishing bodies (Ecclesiastes 12:1-8). Sadly, the spiritual life of Christians are descending, symptoms of ‘stain or wrinkle & blemish’ appear (Ephesians 5:27, Rev 2:4). Thank to God! There is a God above the sun. He is always new & everlasting (Hebrews 1:12, John 8:58, Rev 1:8). Over millions of years, He is still afresh! As we are abiding in Him, we are new creation. The old has gone and the new has come ! (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Let us redefine our position; adjust our goals; seek for our true eternal God again ,and renew our mind to offer our lives to Him once more (Romans 12:1-2). Based on the new way opened through His cross (Hebrews 10:20), with a new heart & spirit (Ezekiel 36:26), we become new men by the new covenant (Luke 22:20; 2 Corinthians 5:17). We obey His new commandments (John 13:34) and we renew ourselves daily in times of trouble (2 Corinthians 4:16) !

The first miracle by Jesus was turning water into wine (John 2:1-11). Though our life perishing, having Him as our new wine, everything will be new! ‘New’ is the nature of God. Everything that is touched by the Holy Spirit will have changes and alter the root of human beings. We need to renew our mind as well as our relationship with God. Let the Holy Spirit to enter our life , that new wine be stored in a new bottle (Matthew 9:17).

Pray that the Lord would give us new power, like the new generation of Israel entering the Promised Land, singing new songs , receiving new names (Rev 5:9; 2:17), looking forward to new place, waiting for the new home which will never be shaken – the new Jerusalem (2 Peter 3:13; Rev 21:1-2) ! Let us lift up our holy hands and look upon new blessing from God. May the house of God be firmly established & bear new fruits monthly & bring new blessings to nations !

05 New Year’s Eve

Voice Divine No Comments »

Dearest brothers & sisters?
By the end of 02’, I witenessed many who left the Lord, believers or non- believers, all fallen in miserable fates! I prayed in tears to God, & started the Channel. If you have started with me 3 yrs ago, you should have finished studying NT for 3 times!

3 years passed away, the number of saints daily receiving the Channel has, from 10+ readers, increased to 1,100 at present time, from churches I know all over the world. I always miss everyone of you.. !

Throughout 05’, Ark Channel has sent out 400,000 + mails altogether, with 1,000+
counseling letters; 5,000 SMS are sent to those sick, disheartened, in crisis and backslided. I pray that by the merciful hands of the Father, with these 2 loaves & 5 fishes, a message can be made known to all – the Lord never give you up.

In 05’, many friends experienced miracles of life, creating seeking hearts for the Bible &
a praying -net for the needy. This is my greatest reward.

I have only a Bible & a notebook computer, giving myself to prayer & the ministry of the Word. But 2 youths volunteered to translate Ark Channel into English, with another IT expert created a website in both Chinese & English?, providing reference for saints everywhere; a few saints also come to aid in answering biblical questions raised by readers.

And the most precious ones are all of you – praying warriors, who took action in every time & every place in the whole year – responding with prayers!

Lastly, pls remember my gospel team in prayer – my beloved wife, 6-year-old daughter & my 10.5 months baby. Their sacrifices, tolerance, tears & laughter are heavenly gifts to me in this life.

your yokefellow, Sam Kong

“To Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations for ever and ever. So be it” (eph 3:21)

To See His Face?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Yea, I come quickly. Amen; Come, Lord Jesus?The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. <22:20…21>

Eternity is ahead — last reminder :
1.Look upon God’s throne , come near the river of life?v.1…5?…let us head towards the center of the universe, origin of the creations, all power, glory, life, fullness, joy and healing come from it!
2. Obey God’s words and cleanse our unrighteousness?v.7…15?…we will soon move to the holy city and meet the holy Almighty one. Be quick to cleanse your evil and darkness!
3. Wait for the Lord in grace, let your life be a blessing?v.16…21?…The Bible ends with a prayer to Lord and a blessing to men. Looking back to the Revelations, political situation will be more unrest and the road ahead will be though; but the throne will last forever and Lord’s love will never fail!

? year end heart wishes?One day time will come to an end, all status in this life will no longer exist. When we look back this year, or this life, can we cry out this? :”I have made a good fight, I have come to the end of my journey, I have kept the faith; from now on, the crown of righteousness is made ready for me, which the Lord, the upright judge, will give to me at that day; and not to me, but to all those who have had love for his revelations.” <2 Tim 4:7…8>

All things new?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes … <21:4>

Look, in the distant place — it’s dawning :
1. See a new heaven & a new earth ?v.1? …No more sea, source of evil & pain disappeared!
2. See holy ciity, new Jerusalem?v.2?…The bride / church beautiful, great work of salvation completed!
3. See, the tent of God is with men?v.3…4?… God will wipe away all tears; no more death, or sorrow, or crying or pain; for the first things have passed away.
4. See, all things are made new?v.5…6? …No more defects, regrets or lacking; the water from the fountain of life eases our thirst forever!

?Pastor Arnold Yeung ??? who had suffered from cancer, experienced disaster in 911, written up 100+ books, comforting numerous patients. HIs commentary of Revelations remarks on the 21st chapter of, Revelation , “…at the ending of the world, or towards the end of our life, when we lift up our wearied eyes and take a glance forward – it’s nothing but the Lamb who was killed for me, and now sitting on the throne standing before us. O, how wonderful! There is no Satan, nor its servants; only my Lord waiting for me with smile. I can throw myself into His arms peacefully. This is called the dignity of death.” —– and soon he passed away suddenly and got into Lord’s arms.

The Book of Life?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… they …shal l reign with Him a thousand years. <20:6>

2 ultimate destinations :
1. The book of life — The epitaph of Benjamin Franklin, the gaint that paved foundation of USA, reads, “Franklin lay here, like a cracked old book. But the author of this book will last forever, I believe He will repair it, that it may reappear with its new and beautiful version.”
2. The lake of fire –Those resisted God & fled from his presence? God will fulfill their wishes, & send them to a place which they can never see God again!

*-My Calling – Gospel meeting with Michael Chang : Michael Chang is a skilled hand in professional tennis, winning numerous awards in tennis world, even climbing up to second place in world record. He was born in a Christian family, baptized in his 16 , now studying Theology . He strongly believed that our Lord determined the victory or defeat. Witnessing and telling people that Jesus changed him and enriched his life are his most important task. (Interpreter / speaker: Yong Man Chan- Kln City Baptist Church, 9/1/06, Mon ,7:30 pm) Pray!

The Bride Ready?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… be clothed in fin e linen, bright and pure… <19:8>

Chorus on heaven — 2 events the universe celebrate together :
1. Wedding of the Lamb?v.1-10?– God & men united forever! Though our fortunes or status different on earth, we are the Bride & guests on that day! Do you Treasure this double blessing?
2. The victorious Christ?v.11-21?– In the ultimate battle, evil power all smashed down to the lake of fire! Today the reality unjust & gloomy, but keep yourselves in the way of the cross, the future is bright!

? Follow – Sister Chiu Chan Cheung Yong ???? (wife of Chiu Kwok Shun ????who has just taken by Lord in Toronto , had written this hymn though in serious sickness. This is the testimony of her life: “Lord how much you love me, Lord how much you love me, you come and give your life, save me from death and sin; Lord I give you my life, Lord I give you my life, longing, loving and serving you, all my heart seek your pleasure, through this life I follow you”?She sang it to her husband and 3 daughters after she had written it. The hymn was found in things she left behind, and the saints will sing it in her funeral this Saturday.?

Come Out, My People?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And the merchants of the earth weep and grieve over her, because no one buys their lading any more; <18:11>

“This city” will come to an end, but “that City” will last forever (Rev 18 vs. Rev 22)?
1. God will completely judge the self-centered world — – which attached to human power, letting economy & human knowledge to take command, measurinng success with pride…woe to its ending !
2. Waiting for the City with foundation, which build & make by God — by faith but not sight, live for the glory of God and seek the City from above – our better home!

? Sister Ellen ?????wife of Bill Chiu ????who loved God and men, passed in Toronto. I have contacted the Lord’s servant BIll ,prayed with him and passed on the saint’s words to him. Funeral will be held on 31/12 in Toronto.?18 years ago I had interviewed Ellen and her father Chan Pak, click to see the miraculous saving of Ellen’s father, which surpassed the words of the physiognomist and saved young Ellen in the threat of family suicide.?

Bear Testimony to Jesus?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but the Lamb will overcome … and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

2 ways to choose between the 2 warring kingdoms ?Rev 17??
1.The “evil woman” vs. the “Bride” ?17:1…6 / 21:2?
2.“kingdom of the beast” vs. “kingdom of God” ?v.7…18?
There is no neutral between the right & evil. Your life are series of choices. Today are we still choosing the narrow path of the cross & following the Lamb ?

? Sister Chiu Cheung Yong ???? (wife of Chiu Kwok Shun???), who had been faithful in serving the saints both in HK and Toronto, has passed away last Wednesday. Ellen loved God and men, though in sickness for 10 years, she sacrificed herself in blessing others. This couple are true disciples of Lord (I felt the warmth of God’s love on them when I was a student, which influenced me till today). Pls pray for Bro Kwok Shun and his 3 daughters – though you may not know them. Maythe Spirit comfort them & help them to overcome the sorrow and financial difficulties. Also pray for strengthening the saints of church in Toronto.
Who gives us comfort in all our troubles, so that we may be able to give comfort to others who are in trouble, through the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Cor 1:4)

Rejoice , receive your King?

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments…

My king will return soon , the heaven will be filled by Him!
1. Recognize that Satan’s inciting is behind all trickeries & strife on the world?v.17…21?
2. That there are injustices on earth, but final judgment is true & righteous. ?v.1…7?

? Great harvests in season – fewdays ago 2 youth gospel meetings in HK – 2 young men spoke on the topic “The Amazing Discovery”, gaining 121 students for Christ! Praise the Lord! Sunday a great children meeting is going to be held, with 500+ children and 300+ parents to come. Pray for all the souls, adults’ and kids’.? also remember Sam Kong in yr prayers?

He Lights up the World?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…standing upon the glass sea, having harps of God. <15:2>

Songs of triumph & reunion after calamity?Rev 15??
1. Men who love God — in the world they are fully wrecked, but in heaven they can praise His wonder creation and salvation!
2. Overcoming the beast — The last disasters (7 bowls) to the earth are coming. Today, are we walking with the martyrs? Or we are standing alongside with the world and against the 7 judging angels? Where do our hearts belong to?

? HK will have a youth gospel meeting -?In ST and TST?Topic is “The Amazing Discovery”. Large group of students !
?”Jesus …I am the light of the world; he who comes with me will not be walking in the dark but will have the light of life.”

A Certain Future

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Blessed the dead who die in the Lord … they may rest from their labours; for their works follow with them. <14:13>

Follow the Lamb – to sound the song of triumph?
1. In the world – the evil force is manipulating like a beast (Rev13) – Satan seems in control over politics, finances, cultures & even religions, but it won’t last long! Now, follow the Lamb with a pure & brave heart!
2. In heaven – the Lamb & His followers sing new song with joy (Rev 14) – 144,000 represent community loving the Lord. Often stay with a group of pure-heart, faithful & zealous brothers & sisters. This is our fortress where we are molded & counter the enemies!

? Eduard Wuest fr Mennonite Brethren – a brother brought great harvests in Ukraine. He encountered God in bible studying & night watching meeting. He said the joy of salvation flooded his heart completely, which imprinted in him in his entire life. The joy of knowing Jesus unspeakable by words, but he was really eager to share this glory with all mankind! Wuest felt the vast grace of God, he could only lift his hands & shouted: praise the Lord! From then the Spirit kept on warming his heart, and urged him to commiserate the souls in distant lands!
? Don’t give way to Satan – Last week the Ark Channel called everyone to watch and pray , send letters to the Broadcasting Authority of HK – to object possible allowance of fortune telling advertisements. in TV/ radio stations. Bro Caleb Chu just received reply from the government, knowing that the Authority discussed this problem, the plan has been suspended. Jesus is Lord! The Lord hears all yr prayer over the world!

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