Wholly Committed?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
and all that dwell on the earth shall do it homage …<13:8>

In Evil Times, be patient & live by faith?Rev 13??
1. Beast out of the sea?v.1- 10? … political & economic powers on earth made people kneel & worship. Are you worshipping the true God or the Antichrist?
2. Beast out of the earth?v.11 -18?… The religions on earth, mysteries acts, media, the crowd…are all giving glory to men. Today are you listening to Holy Spirit, or seeking excitement from false prophets?

? Jesus in Ukraine — I am reading history of a Christian group – Mennonite Brethren. It mentioned a leader Eduard Wuest. He knew Bible well & loved the saints deeply. His preachings brave and powerful. The Spirit used Wuest open the barren land in Russia and Ukraine, bringing a widespread revival! Historian Fritz Gruenzveig said Wuest passed away in 1859. Fruits in Russia were plentiful, numbering to 10,000 after some yrs ,and they brought gospel to America & Brazil. They were godly & zealous for the Kingdom! ?Touching story of repentance of Wuest continued tomorrow?

War in Heaven?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony… <12:11>

People of God in every generation are still protected in tribulations?v.1…6?

Wars for generations — our overcoming weapons?v.11??
1. Blood of Christ the Lamb – Satan fell with the vital strike by Lord on the cross!
2. Word of brothers’ witness – The effect of the His blood on us makes us faithfully witness Lord’s victory!

? A friend was devoted in Buddhism for several decades, and rejected Jesus even when he was suffering from cancer. By prayers of his wife and saints, he went through crisis safely. 5 years later he had coronary heart disease again. This time he put aside all his philosophies & believed in Jesus in tears. After the major surgery, he found the Lord precious & became a faithful disciple, now their whole family are serving the Lord!

Worshipped God?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… He shall reign to the ages of ages. <11:15>

Perspective with Hope?
1. The 2 witnesses ?11?1-14? – Sometimes God & His people seem to be failing, but at last they will gain all victory! Step forward by faith!
2. The 7th trumpet ?11?15-19?- The world turned over, waves of disasters raged; but kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord & of His Christ!

? Action Cambodia — Sister Esther Mok writes that she will set off to Cambodia in Jan 06, to participate in voluntary and evangelistic works. Pls pray for her. 2 millions were killed in the bloodbath in Cambodia, but now the churches reborn. 300 places of gathering were set up in the past 6 years, and at least one new church rises in every week! Their growth is by the power of the Spirit, plus the sweat & tears of saints.

No Longer Delay?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… it was in my mouth as honey, sweet; and when I had eaten it my belly was made bitter. <10:10>

No Longer Delay—- chance will never return?

1. The earth will be recaptured & Christ is going to return?10:1-7? —
7 characteristics of Lord in chapter 10?
1/ clothed with cloud?revealing of God?
2/ rainbow round his head? faithfulness in His covenant?
3/ face like the sun?Lord of light?
4/ feet like pillars of fire?actions of judgment?
5/ with a little book?proclaiming judgment?
6/ stand upon the sea & earth?whole earth will be His?
7/ shout out loudly? whole world hears)?

2 .Tasted sweet but become bitter then: God’s words should be tasted by oneself?10:8-11?— In our courses of life, in usual or busy days, have we find time to taste God’s words by ourselves?

There will be a day when we have no time to flee from God’s face!

? Prison revisited?…My friend Uncle Tong ?? is a former gang killer, had been put into prison 9 times. After his repentance he had been to Singapore 4 years ago, shouting out God’s love in 2 prisons and had a harvest among the criminals! Being 76, he is still going to travel to Singapore again on 30/12 to visit the believers whose imprisonment have expired. He also want to be back to the prison & preach again (Uncle Tong requested prayers from you all in this trip)

Love Irresistible?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
and I saw a star out of the heaven fallen to the earth…

Unpredictable future, who can tell?

1. Natural disasters are torture. [Rev 6-7]
2. Events are in God’s control. [Rev 8]
3. Locusts are terrible and perform massacre [Rev 9]

Today only subjects of God can act without fear!

* Holiday is coming? — Let us be reminded that we should grasp our opportunity to spread the gospel by every mean! If we are giving out presents, remember to attach gospel message CD, VCD or booklet etc. (Books are the best and it has great impact on people and can change their fate. (I know a school principal. When he was young, he read a booklet aboutsacrifice to God . From then on he loved God for his entire life since then!)

Awaiting His mercy?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And the smoke of the incense went up wi th the prayers of the saints, out of the hand of the angel before God. <8:4>

Get up and achieve great goals for God!
1. Prayers of the saints? Rev 8:2…5?- Prayers can even move God’s hands, triggering judgment of universe. Get up and call on God!
2. Smashing the world’s dream? Rev 8:6…12?- God holds his hands on every aspects (only striking one third).
Be quick to repent, God will leave a way!

? War approaching, withstand! – Broadcasting Authority of HK suggested allowing signs reading & astrology advertisements to broadcast on TVs & radio from mid Jan 06. This will surely lead to all-round infiltration of superstitious beliefs! Now, the Ark Channel calls on saint to express objecting opinions to the Broadcasting Authority. May e-mail to ba@tela.gov.hk or mail directly to the Authority (To the Secretary of Broadcasting Authority, via the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority, 39/F Revenue Tower 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, HK) Tel: 2594 5721. The letters need not to be lengthy, but it should have reasons besides religious ones (saints overseas pls lift up your hands to fight for HK!) “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation…”

Neither shall they Thirst ?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… He that sits upon the throne shall spread His tabernacle over them. <7:15>

God is still present despite the devastating disasters?
1.God shelter over them – the sealed servants?7:1…8? … Today we also have God’s seals on us – the Holy Spirit!
2.God is still feeding – the victorious church?7:9…17? … adversity made you breathless? But do you know that trials and hardships in this life is shortening our distance with the throne?
Be faithful till death, in every hardship God will still putting seals and robes on us.?7:4, 13?

? Pray for the souls in HK…Pastor Li Ling turned from a atheist to God’s servant, and he will preach in the coming 3 nights including today’s (at Kln City Baptist Church) . This Sunday morning?HK18/12?a gospel meeting in SKW. Pray for speaker Peter Kwok ?Enquiry: 2369 5106??
? Pray for God’s Words… Bro TG in Singapore developed Asian version of famous Bible software E-Sword, compressing materials with advanced technology (video of 8 hrs of sermons + mp3 + text messages put into 1 CD , can play simultaneously). click www.TeachHisWord.org to find E-Sword (Asian version), audio Bible & Learn The Bible?7 CD together, with 24 translations of the Bible including Chinese / original text, 14 commentaries, mp3 of OT and NT… ) He had put meetings of various bible teachers in 50+ sets of CD ,supplying churches worldwide. Self-learning Bible study helps spiritual revival!

Great Day to Come?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And I saw: and behold, a white horse …<6:2>

The mysterious scene — slaughter brought by the 4 horses :
1. Gospel preaching over the world — but wars, famines, plagues & deaths unceasing (6:1-8)
2. Urge from the martyr —speed up God’s judgment, earth-shaking devastation approached.(6: 9-17)

? TG Tay in Singapore prospered in business. He had become rich already, but his career downslided suddenly & owed?350,000?Singapore $, equals HK?1.75 millions?. In this adversity he met God! Jesus cleared his debts miraculously. He gave his life to Lord ever since, & established an organization “Teach His Word”. He lived in faith & produced hi-tech training tools for churches & bible teachers (with video of 8 hrs’ sermons, mp3, outline, powerpoint & text messages compressed in one CD, which be shown simultaneously). He also developed the Asian edition of famous free Bible software E-sword, which blessing millions. Yesterday we met & fellowship, finding joy without any worries in him!?to be continued?

? Last Sunday we mentioned Xavier who sacrificed for China. He came to China in the Ming Dynasty, born in 1506 and passed away in 1552. Bro Johnson Li in Canada would like to express his thanks to brother Ka Shing in HK who was an expert on this field & raised the corrections.

Ark – Follow the King?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Worthy is the Lamb that has been slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. <5:12>

Fate is in His hands – Lord I worship you?
1.The sealed book ?v.1…5? … God’s will towards the future of mankind & the fortune of everyone are all in HIS book.
2.Only the Lamb is worthy to open?v.6…10?…Past , future and everything are in Lord’s hands. He is the omniscient, almighty and omnipresent One, and is executing the last step of God’s plan!
3.Choir in heaven ?v.11…14?…Our prayers & praises never alone! Come & praise in any adversity since your future days are still in Lord’s hands!

? Sis Heidi Tsui is still having her electrotherapy, here’s her recent news :”My sister who is also suffering from cancer phoned me & told me she will be baptized on 15/1 in 06! Before she was panic for her sickness, but she changed completely after knowing God. The care from the saints let her feel the Lord’s love . She heard of the Lord by her ears (from me), but now she experienced God herself. All her wish is her husband will turn to Jesus also…”?Pls pray for the repentance of Heidi’s family! ?

Right the Wrong?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… they cease not day and night saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come. <4:8>

The Pilgrim Church?Rev Ch.2…3? vs. the world’s situation ?Rev Ch.5…19? …let’s lift up our eyes to heaven?Rev Ch.4??
1. Seeing God’s throne is fixed in heaven ?4:1…2?
2. Knowing God’s faithfulness never changes ?4:3…4?
3. Trust in God’s footsteps cover all over the world ?4:5?
4. Joining the creations of God to worship Him day & night ?4:6…11?

? HK student’s letter to Ark :” … The earnest heart of my newly believed schoolmate made me amaze at God’s miraculous work…I encourage him to read the Bible…strengthening him. And he confesses his sins honestly, impressing me in his words : ‘… I’d rather let someone who can take hold of my hands and keep me from sinning -let HIm know all my wrong deeds.’ This is how he opened his heart to God and received God’s peace on 20/11! …Every night I still keep asking God to keep them. Peace be with you! — A brother in Christ.”

Speak the Truth?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
Here I am, I stand at the door and knocking… <3:20>

Laodicea situated in midstream of a hot spring. Water in the headstream is hot and has the function of healing; water in the downstream is cool & suitable for drinking. But water in the midstream – Laodicea is not hot enough so it’s healing function fails; it’s also not cool enough to drink. It is completely useless! Is this our situation?

In or Out ? Cold or warm?
1. Lord, please enter my door & dine with me. No one apart from you my heart desires! (3:19-21)
2. Lord, keep my fervor as well as humbleness, so that I have influence on the world: healing people & quenching their thirst! (3:15-18)

? 33 years’ tears for a repent …Theologian Augustine was full of talent, yet he led a corrupted life when he was young. He changed greatly in his adulthood and became God’s vessel. He said in “The Confession” that “God listened to my mother’s prayers & tears , brought me back to Him!” His mother prayed with tears for him for 33 years. In God, there is no disappointment.

Live Pure!

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
I come quickly: hold fast what you have, that no one take your crown. <3:11>

Two callings of love – Jesus misses you :
1. Calling to repent (3:1-6) … church in Sardis has reputation of being alive but actually dead. However, God is still calling. Why do we have to disappoint with yr our church?
2. Calling to have victory (3:7-13) …church in Philadelphia is full of love, keeping God’s command, lifting up His name. Open heart to God leads to open door !

*Johnson Li writes from Toronto (15): 100 Verses that Change the World. (Mark 8:36) Francis Xavier (1500-1552)- he studied in Paris & became professor of philosophy. Being a successful young man, he spent his free time gambling. One day afterlecture, his old friend quoted him a verse, ‘For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’ This verse changed his life. He quit the professorship, began evangelistic work in northern Italy. He traveled back & forth between India & Japan. worked in Goa & Moloccas, traveled through East Asia . He Gained 30000+ souls to Christ. Later he arrived at Guangdong. He died in the following year at the age of 46. What’s your purpose of life? Where are you heading off to? Let’s invest our lives in eternity!

To Him that overcomes?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… to him will I give of the hidden manna… a white stone…a new name … <2:17>

Keep your love, faith, purity & conscience :
1.Church in Ephesus?2:1…7? … The love & power of the cross is secret of overcoming in every occasion!
2. Church in Smyrna?2:8…11? … Tribulation tough , but there is an end. Walk faithfully since Christ had overcome!
3. Church in Pergamos?2:12…17? … separate ourselves from the world will experience intimate relations with Lord?v.17?
4. Church in Thyatira?2:18…29? … Heresies & false teachings flourish, can you keep the genuine faith? (Have you spend time on studying the whole Bible?)
The 7 letters :
1/ are written to the 7 churches that really exist in John’s times
2/ are also written to all churches in the ongoing history
3/ are revealing various situations of the believers in church at anytime.
The Revelations is the ending of Bible. Judgment must begin at the house of God. What is God most pleased with you ? How about the things He is against?

?Yesterday I have a long talk with BroChow Mao Lam ??? – a leader in Vancouver. He said that the church should not only aim for the increase in number. The growth in quality is more important. They promote Bible reciting for the whole church, first memorizing the key chapters of the Bible, e.g. Rom 8, 12, and then the Philippines, Ephesians, Timothy…Book by Book . Saints worked hard in memorizing every Book with heart . Lately they will memerize the Hebrews. Every saint is established in the Word, with strong sense of mission & shouldering. Bro Chow spoke about people from many different classes are able to have a solid spiritual life in their church because they heard the voices of God!

Do the first works?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
Remember therefore whence you are fallen, and repent… <2:5>

Crying out of love in the center of universe — Ephesians church?
1. Turn from knowledge to the living God ?2:1…3?
2. Renew our first love towards God ?2:4…7?
Lord, warm my cold heart now!

? Save more in Christmas time…Yesterday suicide of 2 young lovers (students ) in HK is heartbreaking. In the 3 holidays upcoming, be reminded to engage in all-round evangelism. Make use of the holiday atmosphere to win people for Lord. (if you are to send presents, send some gospel materials or VCDs) The encouraging movie “144 arrows“ by the GNCI ???? is showing over HK for 250 times. This movie witnessed there is always a way out in Christ, (7,000 copies were now available for purchasing to give friends & relatives. Besides, YMCA (HK) had prepared 3,000 copies of “A Heartbreak City”??????to give to members and students free . Pls pray for the 10,000 families receiving them.

The Living One?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
The revelation of Jesus Christ…?v.1?

Revealing our fate — Previews in 6 aspects?
1. The General Director in heaven?Ch. 1? … The ascended Lord is King and HIgh Priest, holy,everlasting. keeping His churches & servants, relief !
2. The church’s history ?Ch. 2-3? … Though the path is tough, God still call us to be the “overcomers”!
3. Headquarter of universe ?Ch. 4? … Despite situation changes, the Almighty One is seated as king in heaven. Worship Him in every occasions!
4. Ed of the world ?Ch. 5-19? … The suffering & sinning world will not go out of control, God will fix it!
5. The end of Satan ?Ch. 20? … Evil will be defeated, no future in following Satan!
6. Prospect of God & men?Ch. 21-22?…God & menunited forever. If we only have hope this life, we are most miserable!

? A holy date ???? — El Silvoso from Argentine is greatly used by Lord in putting forth the global city preaching campaign. He fell in love with his girlfriend Ruth when he was young. They lived in cities 500 km apart, meeting each other only twice a year (without e-mail or 3G!). They missed each other, so they agreed at 10:00 every night, Ruth knelt on the hills of Cordoba , and Silvoso knelt on the plateau of San Nicolas to pray and talk in the Spirit. According to Silvoso, this was a holy time; beside the return of Christ, nothing can prevent him fr this appointment. Even if Apostle Paul visited, he will let Paul to wait till his date was over! They got married afterward and served Lord with one heart (Argentine is a big country in S America, with 40 millions souls. In the last 20 years had revival on prayers & evangelism, springing up an army of gifted servants. 5 years ago they experienced a prison revival, 20,000+ prisoners were reborn & repented completely!)

Beginnig and End?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
Behold, He comes with the clouds … <1:7>

The future in sight – Focus on Almighty Lord, the author & finisher (Abstract of 22 chapters of the Revelations)?

Ch. 1-3 Revelation of Jesus Christ – Son of Man and 7 churches / letters to 7 churches
Ch. 4-5 The throne in heaven
Ch. 6 -7 Opening of first 6 seals – judgment on world / 2 groups of beholden people
Ch. 8 The 7th seal & first 4 trumpets – judgment on earth, sea & sky
Ch.9-10 The 5th and 6th trumpets – judgment on non-believers/ secret of 7 thunders, John ate little book & prophesied
Ch. 11-12 The 2 witnesses, the kingdom completed when 7th trumpet sounded / the child taken up, the woman fed by God and dragon battled
Ch. 13-14 Beasts from sea and land / ;new song in heaven, disasters on earth – ripe & harvests
Ch. 15-16 Glorious scene on heaven –overcomers praised the Lamb and God / plagues of 7 vials
Ch. 17-18 Worthy is the Lamb, triumph on evil woman and the beast / fall of Great Babylon
Ch. 19-22 Marriage of the Lamb, return of Christ / the millennial kingdom – last judgment / Eternity!

Blameless before His glory?

Jude, Voice Divine No Comments »
…building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit <1:20>

Watch out the “Spiritual flu” ! ?
1. Be familiar with the Bible – which can guarantee your personal safety(v.20a?
2. Be prepared to pray in the Spirit – that keeps you “online” ?v.20b?
3. Rely on the Lord in love – walk with Him ?v.21?

?El Silvoso of Argentine met the Lord in his 13 ,and he decided to date God every week. In his 1-hour bicycle journey . On every Thursday night he poured out his prayer for the 100,0 00 souls in the town in front of God. The young Silvoso read through revival history of the church, his tender faith was stirred and raged in mourn for the whole Argentine! He was equipped by the Brethren in his 14, afterward he cooperated with evangelist Palau, and then he had put forth the global city preaching campaign, having a great harvest. I had once listened to his sharing , very inspiring. (He had written a book “That None Should Perish”)

Walk in Truth?

John 3, Voice Divine No Comments »
…that we may be fellow – workers with the truth. <1:8>

Be accommodating, hospitable and kind — connect in love, pass on the truth?
1. Contribute our best in walking in truth ?v.3…4?
2. Spare no efforts in helping those preaching the truth?v.5…8?
3. Never stand against the servants used by God ?v.9…10?
4. Be faithful in being Lord’s witnesses together ?v.11…12?

? Yesterday the couple Chan Chit (??) and Cheong (?) from Brisbane passed by HK. (When htis couple were in HK, they stood side by side for the Kingdom of God with us; they continue family meetings in Australia) Saints in Brisbane are zealous, recently they had spread out to Gold Coast, their evangelism team had gone to Philippine & Japan, having great harvests! Chit is a nurse, and her opportunity to serve in an Australia hospital was all depended on her prayers ( Now 4,000+ missionaries from Australia altogether being sent to places throughout the world , to preach the glorious gospel. Pls pray for these 4,000+ brothers & sisters.)

Hear Him!

John 2, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
For the truth’s sake which abides in us and shall be with us to eterninty. <1:2>

Balanced life — love & truth are complementary :
1. To live out the truth in love (v.4-6) — Love is not based on emotion, but the words of God. Let the Words motivate your life!
2. To stand for the truth in love (v.7-11) — we are surrounded by many deceivers. Be aware of false teachings & say no to sin!

*widen your horizons with global vision — the calling from Africa: Bro Caleb Chu writes about Angola again, “God sent me to African for engineering work. People in this land are blessed by God. Although in poverty, they are incredibly happy – one day a driver played a music track in the car. I didn’t understand the lyrics but I knew it was the song we sang in church — So,we called each other as brotehrs! Angolans are very poor but they love God. How sweet the name of Jesus is!” (There are 55 countries in Africa with about 8 billion of population. South to Sahara desert, the number of AIDS patients counts 50% of total AIDS cases in world: 20.58 million!
Lift up yr hands & pray for this land!

He is True?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that has the Son has life: … <5:12>

Live brightly, love splendidly, believe at ease — 5 main topics of I John:
1. Value the eternal life ?1:2?
2. Let the joy be full always ?1:4?
3. Never sin intentionally ?2:1?
4. Abide in the Father and the Son ?2:24?
5. Be certain that we have eternal life ?5:13?

?Last night we had a late celebration of Thanksgiving, 80 people old & young. A sister learnt to drive , she passed exam , and also brought the driving teacher & his wife to Jesus. The driving teacher also witnessed that his friend got involved in a lawsuit. He learnt to pray for his friend . Finally God saved his friend. A newly-wed couple have their things stolen during honey moon, but Lord sent angels to protect them. A wife has her Japanese husband believed Jesus with his heart. Several families have babies, and have peace granted fr God in busy times. A family with their house broken in by gansters, but God protect the children. A brother had operation in maniland China, but he brought a fellow patient to Jesus…thanks the Lord in whatever situation!

Loving kindness Unchanged?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
If any one say, I love God, and hate his brother, he is a liar… <4:20>

Love truly with wisdom :
1.Love is not dazed feelings& experiences?v.1-3? — See the sinners & those involved in heresies!
2.Love is a series of sensible choices & sacrifices?v.4-7? — See the sacrifice of Jesus!

?25 years ago a teacher was worried for his mother’s souls – since she was already old. So he invited 6-7 saints to his house. Soon after the 69-year-old mother sat down in a circle with saints, the son, though being a teacher, lost his control & cried out loudly in front of them! The stone-hearted mother deeply touched. She patted her son & said, “Don’t cry, son, mum believe in Jesus la…” afterward she was baptized. 25 years passed by , the mother lived till her 94. Yesterday I spoke in her funeral, preaching “Covenant of Peace, God of Mercy” to large group of unbelieving relatives.
“For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of peace be removed, saith the Lord that hath mercy on thee. “ Isaiah 54:10

None Shall Perish?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…He abides in us, by the Spirit which He has given to us. <3:24>

With pure heart pure & love your brothers :
1. Don’t get used to sinning – you will hurt the Father, disappoint the Lord & make the Spirit worry. (v. 1-8)
2. Don’t be bound by sins – or you can’t love God nor serve others. (v. 9-24)

? Bro Caleb from Angola, reporting the numerous believers in that poor country . Angola is bigger the Inner Mongolia of China, . The first president swore to eradicate Christian churches within 20 years. During this open prosecution for several decades, thousands of saints were killed or imprisoned. But the church reborn in all these torture & wars, the blood shed made the Angolans love God purely instead. There are 9.4 in every 10 of them believe in Jesus! (Only the churches of the Brethren numbered 1,200 there). If you have a map, find out Angola , prayed for the repentance of whole nation for 3 minutes.

Remaining in Him?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…the anointing you received from Him remains in you…?v.27?

Keep your love of Father?
1.Love not the world?v.15…17?… Don’t indulge yourselves in material possessions, nor be proud of them. Do you still love the Father in your heart?
2.Abide in the Lord?v.18…29? …False-Christs & Antichrists are emerging everywhere. Pay attention to anointment of Spirit. Our Lord is still speaking to your heart !

?The Ark Channel reported the great thirst for gospel in Africa, response from saints is great. Sister Epo felt the calling of the Lord & asked sincerely about the going to Africa .(I’ve already sent related information to her). Pray for Epo.
?Another friend ,Caleb Chu who is working in Africa now ,send letter to me: ”It is CALEB CHU …, I worked in Africa- Angola for 1 month. I found that in this poor country, but many many church!!! You can see the Name “Jesus” and a “cross” in many small house, particularly the poor area. Thank Jesus, that Blessed Angola, a country suffered 30 year civil war and majority is christian and cathod. I also Pray for this country!”

Walk in Light!

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
And the world is passing, and its lust, but he that does the will of God abides for eternity. <2:17>

Safeguard in the crisis-ridden world?
1.Obeying Lord’s words?v.1…17? …By the redemption of our mediator we can love each other in light. Observe clearly the vanity of the world and the permanence of God’s will !
2.Abide in the Lord?v.18…29?…The teachings of men are limited; but the Spirit and the anointment are with us forever giving us teaching in all occasions!

? Sister Heidi Tsui in HK is going to have electrotherapy (21 times). Her heart-talk after 1st treatment : “…without any fear, I enjoyed the presence of God. No one is beside me during the electrotherapy, only my Lord is with me. How close and sweet it was…my worries all gone…there are 20 more times coming, but my Lord will carry me through…thanks for all yr prayers & support from you brothers & sisters.”

Takers or Givers?

John 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins… <1:9>

Be perfect – in lovely fellowship with God and men:
1. Walking in light?Ch.1 – 2?… By the blood of God’s Son, we can fellowship with men & God , joyfully & truly.
2. Living in love?Ch.3 – 4?… Father’s love is everlasting; we should have actions also in our love towards each other!
3. Growing in faith & hope ?Ch.5?… Unite & fellowship with God, and we can triumph over the world & idols!

? Last morning was my last gospel meeting in this month. I spoke on the topic “Trio of Life” (Psalms 23) : 1.Life is a journey 2.Life is a miracle 3.Life is a blessing. After the meeting, I talked with an elderly. She testified that she wassuddenly sick in the previous day. However, since she promised her son to come for gospel meeting, she learnt to pray for healing. She
was perfectly fine when she got up in the next day. She got no choices but to believe!

Grow in Grace!

Peter 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
But, according to His promise, we wait for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness. <3:13>

It is not slowness but wishing people to repent:
1. The Lord will come soon as he promised (v1-8) — Heaven & earth can fade but God’s words will realize!
2. He hasn’t come as people haven’t repented yet (v9-12) — The righteousness of God hastens His coming , but His love suspends His coming!
3. Looking for His coming according to grace & wisdom (v.13-18) — distinguish true and false by His word, experience Him by daily living.

*Fern Nichols is author of the book”Every Child Needs a Praying Mom”???????????. One day, after she sent her children to school, she felt uncomfortable & worried about her children , for they would face lots of temptations. She prayed to Lord in the kitchen. Some time later, she started to have regular prayers with another mother Linda. They prayed for their children every week. 5 more mothers joined prayers later. In past 20 years, 20,000 mothers prayers groups were formed, about 150, 000 mothers joined. Moms In Touch International was established. Mothers, rise up and pray! To protect your beloved!
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