Free from Fear!

Peter 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but preserved Noe, the eighth, a preacher of righteousness¡K<2:5>

To examine its legitimacy — pay attention to false teachers– 5 flaws for you to test:
1. Denying our Savior (v.1) — Do they have correct interpretation of the Bible and the salvation?
2. Self-willed (v.10) — How about their attitude? Well balanced and humble?
3. Despising Authority (v10) — Do they treat others reasonably?
4. Indulge in sinful desires (v10) — Are they holy and blameless?
5. Money-lovers (v.15) — a so called “world class apostle” claiming that he had to buy a plane — for he is too busy! (Do you believe him?)

*I met a Bro William from South Africa yesterday. He prays endlessly for souls and witnesses the work of Holy Spirit throughout the whole Africa. Every soul is longing for the truth. We studied the world atlas together and he pointed out some African countries, from the city Johannesburg, Nigeria to Congo Republic etc. Pls pray for Africa! (I was moved and prayed to the Lord that He will widen the eyes of brothers and sisters of Ark Channel. Pray for this big piece of land and the churches there every day.
*I will preach in Causeway bay, HK tomorrow (the eighth time this month). Topic : ” You Light up my Life”. . Pray lift up your hands and pray to back me up. Jesus is the Lord of African, and the Lord of HK too!

A Worthy Friend!

Peter 2, Voice Divine No Comments »
the Lord knows how to rescue godly men from trials… <2:9>

The world of sin — learn from history:
1. The judgment of flood (v.5) — heterodoxies and fake Christianity are everywhere. We should pay attention to the advice and prophecies in the Bible.
2. The judgment of fire (v.6) — morality is losing its status and corrupt and sinful desire is regarded as normal.
Do remember that the judgment of God is coming soon. Be fear for Him!

*Robert Morrison was called by God to care for the 350 million souls in China when he was 22. At the age of 25, he translated the Bible into Chinese with mission and sailed to China. The captain asked him, “Do you think you can influence the tradition of worshipping idols among the Chinese?” He replied,”No, I can’t. But I believe He can” When he came to China, learning Chinese and preaching were prohibited by the Chinese government. He, however, he saved money to buy Chinese books and hired Chinese tutor secretly. He worked for over 10 hours per day. In 1812, the Qing Government imposed this regulation, “Anyone who publishes Christianity books shall be sentenced to death” Despite of this, his Chinese translation of the New Testaments was published in the following year.

God of all grace !

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… when you have suffered a little while, Himself will make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, ground <5:10>
God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. <5:5>

A good testimony of sufferings — 5 suggestions:
1. Treat the flock (v.1-4) — serve with willingness, be example– to die for the flock.
2. Treat others (v5) — be like Jesus, wash feet with humility (John 13)
3. Treat God Father (v.6,10-11) — submit yourselves to Him in any circumstances!
4. Treat the devil (v.8-9) — resist it with faith!
5. Treat yourselves (v12-14) — stand firm by His grace, not by your wisdom!

* HK, unfortunately, got the “winner prize ” for the highest percentage of people claiming as atheist in the world ,according to a research in 2005: 86%. ( O, My Lord!) But I believe — “the Lord have many people in this city!”– (Acts 18:10) ,Do you?
*I’ll preach in Causeway Bay meeting hall on Sunday. The topic is “You light up my life “, Please pray for me.

He Cares!

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering… But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ… for the Spirit of glory and of God rests on you. < v12 -14 >

How to live in the rest of our earthy life? 3 steps of preparation work:
1. Live according to His will (v1-19) – turn away from evil path , walk on the path of God. We will lose something but remember He is the Creator God. Don’t worry!
2. Be a good manager of God’s grace (v7-11) – The end is near and we don’t have much time left. So use your talent wisely to serve others!
3. Wait for His judgment (v.12-19) – judgment will begin with family of God. If we live & suffer according to His will today, we do not have to worry about the future anymore!

*A couple of days ago, young student Man Hang brought 2 friends to gospel meeting & they became Christians. MH wrote , ‘3 years ago, I invited a classmate to a gospel meeting. He was saved & eager to pursue the truth. He has become my spiritual partner today! I felt ashamed as he was my only fruit over 3 years. I prayed for more… This morning, my two classmates confessed without hesitation. When I spoke & prayed with them, they were serious. Glory to God! God loves the world , He wants all to be saved. Whenever we stop bearing fruits, our spiritual lives stop growing. Peace be with you!’ -Man Hang

Gift of Life – Gracious!

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
because the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears towards their supplications …<3:12>

The shelter in times of trouble stay in the conservation area under the oversee of the shepherd:
1. Family life (v1-7) — Couple live in harmony. wives spend more time looking upon God; husbands protect the family by grace and prayers!
2. Church life (v8-13)– We are called to bless brothers and sisters! Be compassionate and humblelike Jesus. Only this can help us growing and staying in the Church. (My heartfelt wish!)
3. Evangelical life (v14-22) — Preach at anytime and you will be free from all!

* A lady was very poor after she got married. Later, she found that her husband had an affair! Since then she became superstitious & pursued Japanese religion. She rose up her kids in sadness for over 20 years. In 1995, her daughter was baptised. 8 year later, the mother became a Christian too, and she bowed and prayed for her family everyday. After 1 year, the daughter came back fr Hawaii to destroy all idols at home —this mother was baptised yesterday!

Restore me!

Peter 1, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. <2:25>
..he entrusted himself to him who judges justly. <2:23>

Adversity does not mean hopelessness. Be submissive and you will see the blessing from above:
1. For the Lord’s sake, submit yourselves to the law, authority and to governors. (v.13-17)
2. Be conscious of God, bear up under the pain of suffering in your working place. (v.18-25)
In 1 Peter, the word ‘ submit’ is mentioned 7 times (2:13,18; 3:1,5,22; 5:5). For Peter & us, who used to go where we wanted (John 21:18), are now willing to suffer on earth in order to let people come to the Lord!

*A sister runs her business in Germany. She went back to HK and was invited to watch a gospel movie : “Love never fails” (A movie star Chan Shing Guan ??? gave up his career & follow the Lord. His wife took very good care of him when he got cancer). She was moved & started to seek for Christ. Now she is enthusiastic in spreading gospel, sacrifices to start missionary work in market place , helps church outreaching ministry– death was at work in Shing Guan, but life is at work in many people!

The Lord is Good!

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
…for Christ also has suffered for you, leaving you a model follow in His steps <2:21>
once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. <2:10>

Two expectations from our God Father:
1. have spiritual appetite & grow up (v.1-3) — Are you still like a new born baby that you have milk regularly?
2. living stones built as spiritual house (v.4-7) — Today, are you filled by Spirit ? have Christians with you to go through all sufferings?

*Our dear Sister, Yip Mei Yin???, grows up in a Christian family and graduated from Theological seminary. This is her heartfelt wish : “Thanks to His mercy and plan. A church hires me as a minister and I’ll start working on 1 Dec. May the Lord use me!” (The Lord chooses and it will come true. Pls pray for her.)
*A sister’s mother took the initiative to go to church because of the recent environmental situation. The meeting was the sharing about SARS from Professor Shum ??? which just suited her need. She confessed and became Christian on that day!

Living & Abiding Word!

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible <1:23>
live your lives as strangers here in reverent fear. <1:17>

Our Father is faithful — leads us to grow in 3 ways:
1. Going through trials by faith — to win the crown of life. (v2-12)
2. Defeating life tests after reborn — to triumph over adversity & temptations. (v.13-18)
3. Accepting the word planted in you — to live in reverent fear. (v19-27)

*Prepare to meet our Lord: James Chu from Ny and Bro Tse from Vancouver came to HK to share messages on the Lord ‘s coming Return. May download or listen (Mandarin or Cantonese) :

*Christian leaders Tse Ching with his wife fr Canada , Walter Yam with his wife fr Singapore came to HK. They witnessed God’s love is great & unchanging., encouraged us to live for Him and to serve His flock. We prayed with tears, farewell in hope. (Tse serves in in Vancouver ,while Walter, together with other young leaders such as Sam Lam & Oong Sang, serves in BrethrenChurch. (about 1,800 saints. Plspray for these two places. Let Jesus shine!)

Peace be Multiplied!

Peter 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the proving of your faith, much more precious than of gold which perishes … proved by fire <1:7>
…who through faith are shielded by God’s power until th e coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time <1.5>

Sojourneying — follow Jesus’s path :
1. Having an inheritance in Heaven— to win over all kinds of trials with hope & joy. (v.1-12) Please remember we have a huge amount of off shore investment! !
2. Having the Lamb in our heart — waiting for Jesus Christ to reveal – based on His precious blood and imperishable truth. (v.13-24) Pls remember that Jesus our Savior is the One who suffers!

* My friends Michael S, Mona M & Elaine Y report the gospel meeting 3 nights ago (run by GNCI ) was blessed. God heard prayers – 1,800 people attended . 90% of them accpeted Christ as Saviour! Praise the Lord of victory! I also preached in 3 gospel meetings in secondary schools with Uncle Tong, now 76 years old. We preached from morning till afternoon, Tong shared his story with 800 teenagers — he went to jail for nine times. God didn’t give up on him and so he repented. I shared (1) God has forgiving love (2) God has unchanging love (3) Grasp opportunity to change your destiny, in youth !

Establish your Hearts!

James, Voice Divine No Comments »
Confess therefore your sins one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed <5:16>
He prayed earnestly that it would not rain Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain <5:17-18>

In the darkness of torture, the 4 attitudes to wait for the Lord’s return:
1. Be patient in face of suffering (v.1-11) — because the Lord is full of compassion and mercy! (v.11)
2. Be responsible for your words – speak honestly (v.12) — the Lord is going to judge our every single word &behaviour. act honestly as the Lord is coming soon.
3. Pray earnestly in midst of trials (v.13-18) — pray in time of adversity , praise in time of prosperity. The power of prayers is amazing no matter – individual or in group.
4. Preach gospel unceasingly(v.18-20) — do not indulge in your own sadness. Widen your horizon to see. Save more souls who go astray when we still have a little bit of time.

*My 6-year-old daughter received MRI yesterday. She had to take an injection of narcotic. However, she cried and struggled as it was painful and even six people couldn’t get hold of her. Finally with the hug from her mother, she stopped and went through the pain. We took the chance to tell her about Jesus’slove — the nails that Jesus had on the cross were sharper and longer. Jesus suffered – He loves us. The power of love is huge. The strength of six people is not as powerful as a hug of love. When our Father holds us tightly, lots of sufferings and pains will be gone.

God Opposes the Proud!

James, Voice Divine No Comments »
…what is your life? It is even a vapour, appearing for a little while, and then disappearing…<4:14>

In this short life , be free from the 5 sins of friendship with the world:
1. quarrel (v. 1-3)
2. following the world (v.4)
3. conceit (v.5-10)
4. slander (v.11-12)
5. boasting (v.13-17)

*Our Saviour will come at anytime and we may die at anytime. Therefore be a good and abide with Him.
* I received a mail from Steven of HKUST,,– “Thank you for your email. I feel that I am closer to God now. I started to introspect the mistake I made and asked God to forgive…
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