Everlasting Arms !

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and to God what is God’s.” (Matt 22:21b)

Dual Identity — Balanced View on the World (v15-22)

1. we are citizens on earth – be God fearing & law-abiding (v21a)

2. we are citizens in heaven – be living out the image of God ! (v21b)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 22:1-22
Indepth commentary: Matthew 22


* Famous scholar, Milton WAN Wai Yiu (???) has a friend from Singapore, wealthy in oil business, used to look down on Christians. Wan had a chance to explore ‘truth & faith’ together with him. One day, he made a dedicated trip to HK just for a truth seeking discussion with Wan. He realized that for many years he has been flying around the globe for business. If eternity existed, it’s well worth it to fly all the way to find out. 3 years later, he became a Christian. He later sold his business & returned to Singapore to serve the Lord. If there is a world beyond the existing, do think twice on your investment strategy!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Power Boundless! Grace Divine!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… ‘My house will be called a house of prayer,…. (Matt 21:13)

Special Operation – the Lord Assessing our Life

1. Cleanse the Temple (v12-17) – Never provoke God! Don’t let our inward temple turn into a den of thieves!

2. Curse the Fig Tree (v18-22) – Walk in Him so that our outward living be fruitful!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 21:23-46
Indepth commentary: Matthew 21


* Listen — The Best Blessing in This Life ???????

* Last month, hundreds of students attended wedding of a pair of Christian teachers. Wonderful to see young students, touched & in tears, lined up to shower blessings & thanks to their teachers. The groom testified that his father, principal of a school, died quite suddenly when he was only 40 days old, his mother, faithfully relying on the grace of God, raised 4 kids. The bride & groom both understand the meaning & challenge of the marriage vow. When they came to the part “for better for worse, in sickness and in health,” they read most solemnly, the bride bursting into tears… Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. (Song of Songs 8:7) That’s the power of His love!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Sun of New Hope!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…your king comes to you, gentle … (Matt 21:5)

2 Great Missions of Life :

1. be a gentle donkey on the outside – full of the King’s glory, let His will be done! (v1-10)

2. be a temple of prayer in the inside – full of prayer, let the world be blessed! (v11-14)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 21:1-22
Indepth commentary: Matthew 21


* My boss is a Jewish carpenter – Motto on the desk of a senior executive, a Christian (HK)

* Listen to ???? (Sun Above the Clouds)

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Hear & Heal!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
Jesus had compassion on them …. (Matt 20:34)

Mission of the King! – To Serve! To Die for Men!

1. Do we desire the applause of the crowd? (v29)

2. Do we hear the cry of the helpless in the crowd? (v30-34)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 20:17-34
Indepth commentary: Matthew 20


* The 364 new believers from the New Life gospel crusade will attend the Welcoming sessions in the 10 district halls. Let’s pray that they uphold their faith and don’t wander off!

* God is Love (Er-hu)

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To Serve, To Give Life!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. ‘Why have you been standing here all day long doing nothing?’ (Matt 20:6)

Care What God Cares! — God Recruiting!

1. 6 mentions of ‘time’,- 5 mentions of ‘hiring’ (v1-8) –Grapes have to be picked within 10 days no later than Oct. or they will rot in the rain. Vineyard owners will hire extra hands to complete the job within deadline! Do we have the generosity like God in treating His workers?

2. time so pressing, opportunities rare (v7-8) – God hires us not because we are good! While He needs many workers, it’s His grace to use us, be it soon or late! Why bargain on blessings!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 20:1-16
Indepth commentary: Matthew 20


* Frank & Janet back to HK from Scotland recently, sharing the gospel & brought Frank’s Dad to Christ after operation. “.. it was wonderful to see Frank’s Dad accepting Christ as His Lord and Saviour. May God give him peace and joy in his heart..Frank’s Dad continues to recover slowly following his operation. Let us pray that He will follow Christ faithfully & be baptised soon! — Love in Christ, Janet

* Letter from Singapore – I am serving friends from China, all of different background, 150 of them including young people. As a voluntary consultant pastor, we pursue the road of life in fellowship. We all partake in gospel sharing, praying, caring and serving. There are new believers bringing new life every Sunday. It’s also my burden to preach & teach the Bible in China. May the Lord work in us in His ministry! Amen! — Bro. CHIN Wai Man (???)

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Glorious Future!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
What Shall We Have? (Matt 19:27)

1. “shall receive a hundredfold, and inherit eternal life.” – Spiritual enjoyment this life! Beautiful life in eternity!

2. “many who are first will be last, and the last first.” – “Last” are those who boast what they do for Christ! “First” are those who strive to finish the course. It’s all up to the Lord to judge.

Scripture of the day: Matthew 19:16-30
Indepth commentary: Matthew 19


* Young Sister HON Choy Kei ???, 15( HK), discharged from hospital after heart surgery, invited her family to New Year gospel meeting. But she is now back to hospital. Let’s pray earnestly for her & her family.

* HONG Hong (??), inherits talents from parents, HUNG Sin Lui (???) & MA Shi Tsang (???), both Cantonese opera superstars. In her testimony at YMCA yesterday, she recounted how, for self-protection, she condemned her own mother during cultural revolution!. Now that she is a Christian, taught to “Honor father & mother”, she genuinely repented & sought the Lord’s forgiveness. She now writes gospel songs in Cantonese opera style to testify God’s love. Her 80 year old mother fine tunes lyrics on her works!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Love Him Evermore!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. ‘Be patient with me,’ he begged, ‘and I will pay back everything.’ (Matt18:26)

Calculating Forgiveness! Forgive your brother from your heart, one more time!

1. Our Lord Forgives – Don’t ever try to breakeven with God. It’s only for His mercy that we still own our possessions, life & family.

2. Be Willing to Forgive – Forgiving someone is a way of repaying debt to God. (It takes us lifetime to clear the debt of 1 billion at the rate of 10 taels per head. If God comes after us on the breakeven, we have to forgive 1 million friends to make up!)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 18:21-35
Indepth commentary: Matthew 18


* Sister TIAN Hong Wen (???, Singapore) was received into the Lord on Jan 30. An elderly of 92 years, our sister loves the Lord & His church, always hosting saints & a blessing to many. May the Lord be gracious to her family who live on testifying her faith.

* Haman, Chief editor of gospel magazine “Happy Man” reports in the latest issue results of a large scale survey in the U.S. Generous helpers are happier people & less likely to suffer depression. It is more blessed to give than to receive. – God’s Word is the most effective anti-depressant

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Living Hope! Loving Heart!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” (Matt 18:1)

The Biggest Task is Founded on 2 Small Bearings

1. Humble before God (v4) – God resists the proud, but gives grace unto the humble. Humble yourself like a child & be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven!

2. Forgiving before man (v35) – search our soul & forgive one another from your heart… this is the key to joy & edification among saints!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 18:1-20
Indepth commentary: Matthew 18


* Vincent Yun SHEN (???), once Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs at HK University of Science & Technology, a Ph.D. at 24, founder of HK Supernet, with a faithful heart to Jesus. His son once refused to eat melon, thinking that it is not sweet. But when he saw Shen, his father enjoying it so much, he gave it a try! How he likes it too! Believing in Jesus is also as simple as that! Give it a try and you’ll know how precious it is!

* Lord! You are my refuge! It is a heart-throbbing video of a lighthouse in France withstanding rough waves and storms.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Cure for Sorrow, Food for Spirit!

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Bring the boy here to me.” (Matt17:17)

Only Jesus!

1. It’s only HIS voice, presence, authority that can cast off demons! (v14-18)

2. It’s only HIS being persecuted, life forsaken, rising to life that save us! (v22-23)

Scripture of the day: Matthew 17:14-27
Indepth commentary: Matthew 17


* New Life, New Hope Crusade in HK – last 2 sessions yesterday (Feb 1) — 114 answered altar call (total 360 in 4 sessions). Let’s pray earnestly for their faith to follow Christ!

* To support the ever growing need of patients & family, HK Hospital Christian Chaplaincy Ministry (????) offers words of comfort on the web, click: www.almega.com.hk/cdc/Menu.asp?Lang=cht&TapeLang=&TreeNode=1&Pref=Recommend&ID=3

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Welcome Sunshine — Sunday Hope

Everyday New Testament, Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus. (Matt 17:8)

In this Chaotic World — See, Listen & Follow Only Him:

1. The Glorious King (v.1-13)

2. The Powerful King (v.14-21)

3. The Humble King (v.22-27)

* New Life New Hope Crusade – last 2 sessions today. Pray for harvest in HK!

Scripture of the day: Matthew 17:1-13
Indepth commentary: Matthew 17


* Bro. Paul MA (???, US) aged 81, scholar dedicated in Bible study in Greek, & Bro. Timothy TSOI (???, Canada) has left for Thailand & India to conduct Bible Courses. This visit is of great significance. Pls pray for churches in Thailand & India.

* Scientist Freeman J. DYSON – on ” Science & Religion “ — As a Christian, he said “I am neither a saint nor a theologian. To me, good works are more important than theology…. Science & religion are two windows that people look through, trying to understand thebig universe outside, trying to understand why we are here. The two windows give different views, but they look out at the same universe. Both views are one-sided, neither is complete. Both leave out essential features of the real world. And both are worthy of respect.”

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

No More Sorrows! All Things Anew!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations, Voice Divine Comments Off
..”Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.” (v5b)

Religions mixed with false Teaching! — The Lamb is the ultimate victor!

1. Beware of how religions mystify people’s hearts in the end times (v1-13) – Bible forewarns that religions will end up in a unification (Mystery, Babylon the great). Religions tightly connected with politics & authorities of the world. But in the latter 3.5 years, before the 7th angel blows the trumpet, all false religions will fall to their final destruction. (14:8)

2. Even the strongest power & wealth of the world have no influence over genuine faith – Trust & worship the True & Living God — in absolute & simple faith!

Scripture of the day: Revelation 17

Indepth commentary: Revelation 17


*- “Thanks to you all, dear saints around the world, for your prayers & blessings, which truly testify the love Christ. His compassion with sinners fill us with peace & joy even when we are walking through the valley of death. May all glory & praises to HIm !”
– from Steve LAW (HK), first day after operation / brain.

* Bro. Milton WAN Wai Yiu’s ??? “Striding Through Afflictions” ??????, a series of testimonies, passionate yet rational, touching & candid. A God-loving servant who suffers the loss of wife, severe ailment in daughter, takes us through his journey & reasoning of what happens to him! Highly recommended for all experienced loss of dear ones:

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

No More Would We Part!

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… Blessed is he who stays awake and keeps his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed. ( Rev16:15b)

As darkness deepens, afflictions befall – we need to guard our heart Godly & holy:

1. Be watchful at all times – When the world is corrupting to the utmost, the more we need to be alert in spirit

2. Keep our clothes – When man is selfish & ruthless, the more we need to put on the robe of righteousness, living out the virtue of the Lord.

Scripture of the day: Revelation 16

Indepth commentary: Revelation 16


* Bro Sam LAM (Singapore) sends his best regards to saints all around the world. His entire home is serving the Lord faithfully & in one accord. He wishes you all abundant blessings & full strength in Christ , serving with diligence in the kingdom of God.

* Sister HONG Juan Juan (???) (HK) – thanking all saints who tended her prayer support in her operation & recovery. LO Chung Wah is recovering from two operations on brain. let’s continue to pray for the family’s salvation. — fr Sister LU

*Young Sister HON Choy Kei (???) (HK), 15, has a successful pacemaker implant in her eart,
Let’s remember her , supporting her wish for her father’s complete salvation in Jesus.

*Praise the Lord for steady recovery of TAM Fung King (???) (HK) – from partial removal of her tongue due to cancer. She is resuming church meeting last Sunday. Great glory to the Triune God!

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Limitless His Sacrifice!

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… and sang the song of the Lamb: … “Great and marvelous are your deeds, … Just and true are your ways, …” (Rev15:3)

The Road to Victory – Sing Song of Praises!

1. The song of triumph (v1-4) Whatever condition , let’s sing the song of Lamb & bring glory to His name, praising the greatness & marvel of His deeds.

2. The tabernacle of the Testimony is opened (v5-8) Let the wicked & evil be handed over to God’s judgment. Let us focus on God. Let Him be the center of all our works.

Scripture of the day: Revelation 15

Indepth commentary: Revelation 15


* Bro. Steve LAW (HK)’s brain operation went well.Praise the Lord & thankful to saints
around the world for prayer support. On his way to operation theatre,his SMS as mutual
encouragement — : “Led by the hand into the operation room by the Lord Himself,
I entrust to Him my life. All glory be His! I’ll willingly follow Him to walk the way of the cross!”

* Letter from Paris – Through the Ark Channel, we learn of situation of Sister HON Choy Kei
& Steve LAW. We are earnestly praying for them. On one hand, our hearts ache at
what they have to suffer, on the other hand, we firmly believe God has His good purpose in all
l this. Let us rally in testimony of our Lord, living out His glory & His will. We are one together…
Choy Kei & Steve, you are not alone! — Alex K, , Paris.

* Young Sister HON Choy Kei ???, 15, finished a second operation (heart ) this morning. Let’s continue to pray for her and salvation of her family.

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Sing the Song of Heaven!

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…. “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.” (Rev 14:13b)

Heaven is not Silent! 11 mentions of Voice in Rev 14-16)

1. When history enters the latter half of the great tribulations!
2. When we have enough of the torture& trials in our life on earth!
3. When judgment is activated from all sides on earth!

Are we still faithfully following the Lamb! Now & here ?

Scripture of the day: Revelation 14

Indepth commentary: Revelation 14


* News from the mountains of Guang Xi ?? — ..many tests & trials in 08 ..,
thankful that God’s sufficient grace & your prayer support,! Next year, we will open up
an evangelistic community center, also build a hall… gospel meeting we held on
Dec 21 here attracted 180 students & parents, 80+ accepted Christ. Our 3 kids doing
well. Jehovahjireh! — Christmas, 08, Bro & Sister J & K, living with minority tribes, China

* News from Church in Toronto — Last week, 70+ people showed up to watch DVD of
Eric LIDDELL that testifies his martyrdom in the concentration camp. 2 major snow storms
hit Toronto within 3 days, snow as thick as 30cm. (Ark Channel’s Prayer: May the Lord
bless the church in Toronto,let the house of God stand in steadfastness.) — Alex, Toronto

* Steve LAW (HK), heart operation (brain )today (Dec 23) at 6pm. Our brother is a
follower of Christ for 3+ years. Let’s pray that grace be with his family & relatives.

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Book of Life!

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And I saw a beast coming out of the sea….. (Rev13:1b) … Then I saw another beast, coming out of the earth. (Rev13:11a)

Two Beasts that Rampage! — If we do not follow the Lamb,…
1. The last three and a half years in history – First the great, fiery dragon.. the Satan, was cast
out to the earth, followed by two “wild beasts”, one coming out of the sea, the other out of the earth.

2. The beast out of the sea, the Anti Christ (v1-10) -He is, as prophesied, the the man of lawlessness, doomed to destruction. (2 Thes 2:3-12) He would make war against saints & conquer Every tribe, people, language & nation will worship the beast. (Rev 13:7-8)

3. The beast out of the earht, the false prophet (v11-18) – with power to inflame in disguise of religion, the world is perplexed & confused. The chosen race & saints will be attacked by two beasts. However, into captivity they will go as foretold in the prophecy. (Rev 13:10a)

Throughout the ages, the saints are exposed to very grave trials. Let’s refrain from hero worshiping. Make every effort to equip ourselves with His truth, maintain intimate fellowship with the Lord! — The only way to save ourselves!

Scripture of the day: Revelation 13

Indepth commentary: Revelation 13


*In the 3 gospel meetings for the Working group / Youth group last week ,( Church in HK),
174 accepted the Lord as Saviour! Glory to God! Hallelujah to our year-end harvest!

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Song of Triumph!

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…. For the accuser of our brothers, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down. (Rev12:10b)

God Keeping Power – Those who sacrifice for the word of God will never be left alone!

1. Churches, patriarchs throughout the ages all suffer – Satan the great dragon- ancient serpent is all the time pressing & threatening. (v1-16)

2. Key to success in spiritual warfare lies in heaven – The word of God & the blood of the Lamb overcome all & forever! (v7-17)

Scripture of the day: Revelation 12

Indepth commentary: Revelation 12


* Dr. Kurien THOMAS & wife spread gospel in India 1945. In a city flooded with idols, he gave sermon on every Sunday . For a long time they were the only family who testified as a church .But in 2000, when Kurien rested in the Lord, about 1000 churches are raised by God through their service. His 5 sons & 1 daughter are serving in India & the States, faithfully shepherding churches. Be not afraid, only believe!

Prayer request: Young Sis, HON Choy Kei ??? (HK) still in very unstable condition after Fonton procedure on her heart (Dec 10). Let’s pray earnestly for our heavenly Father’s protection over her – her whole house saved! — Eunice (HK)

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He Is King!

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… “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ .. (v15b)

The Two Faithful Witnesses in the End Times
1. Don’t lose hope no matter how harsh the present condition – the temple may be snatched by the AntiChrist , yet God has measured (= He owns) the temple, He will regain it in the end. Let’s charge forward by faith! (v1)

2. Don’t lose strength whilst the work is not yet accomplished – children of God may go through tribulations but it is only temporary. The evil cannot sustain. The victory of justice & true light is just ahead! (v3-12)

3. Don’t lose courage despite the current ordeal – Our labour & the temple on earth may be destroyed ,but the divine mission & temple in heaven will persist & prevail. (v10-19)

The seventh trumpet is last & final. He is King forever & ever!

Scripture of the day: Revelation 11

Indepth commentary: Revelation 11


* Sermons on the entire Book of Revelation- by famous pastor Paul SHEN (???), Mandarin/Cantonese: Click # 15 for Chapter 11: http://www.jdjys.com/vod/html/1077.html

* Dec 08 issue of the “Happy Man” magazine (HK) comes with free DVD on Nick VUJICIC NIck is born disable , but became a useful vessel of God, tours 24 countries, visiting prisons to tell his life inspiring stories to 2.4 million people. — In Him, Wilson L.

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On Time!

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.. “There will be no more delay! (Rev10:6)

When Will the Earth be Recycled! God Will Delay No More!

1. Great tribulations ahead ! God issuing warnings all the time! — Voice of 7 thunders (v1-3), voice from heaven (v4) ,the 7th angel sounded his trumpet (v5-8); the church in all ages must prophesy the truth (v9-11). Do not be silent be bold to preach!

2. Trust Him — be it the trembling earth, scorching wind & storm.., Each time we simply fix our eyes on the Almighty & Unchanging Protector , Leader, Avenger & Ruler of universe (v1). We know who we believe in, trust Him !

Scripture of the day: Revelation 10

Indepth commentary: Revelation 10


* Prayer request 1: After harvest of Nov- 11 gospel meetings, Church in HK
moves straight on with 3 more gospel meetings for Working group / youth on Dec 19-20.
Let’s all pray for the thousands of lost souls . Jesus loves all!

* Prayer request 2: Sister HON Choy Kei, (???), 15, still weak after Fontan procedure on
her heart. Pray forher steady recovery & may God use her to testify for Him all her life!

* Bible software free download at Bible Plus, http://palmbibleplus.sourceforge.net/

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

He Leads Me !

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… in spite of severe suffering, you welcomed the message with the joy given by the Holy Spirit. ( I Thessalonians 1v6)

The Lord I Long For – Is Soon to Return!
1. different view about life (1:9-10) – we only serve the living true God, wait for the Lord

2. different view about value (2:19-20) – our life or death all lies with the well-being of fellowsaints

3. different view about morality (3:13) – strong & holy, we only strive to be shameless before God

4. different view about death (4:15-17) – our future – the dead in Christ will rise first when He returns; those live till the coming of Christ will be caught up together in the clouds to meet Him in the air

5. different view about spirit, soul & body as a whole (5:23) – God of peace sanctifies us , keeps us blameless at the coming of our Lord

Scripture of the day: 1 Thessalonians 1


* Fear not – Now a day our world is full of danger . Yet thousands of years the earth still revolving. God protects the earth with areosphere that holds off tons of asteroids every year. Underneath the areosphere, there is the stratosphere with ozone layer that holds off the harmful ulta-violet rays! Further down, there is the troposphere to diffuse the heat of the sun. Give thanks to God, that we have life to this day. Look up to Him more & downward at the earth less!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Shake & Heal This Land !

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“…you have been given fullness in Christ…” (Colossians 2v.10)

Hold Fast to the Life of Christ – Take Root & Build in Him
1. Do not be deceived from God’s mystery (v.4)
2. Do not be captivated away from Christ (v.8)
3. Do not be bound by religion & laws, losing the freedom in the Lord (v.16)
4. Do not be tricked by superstitious experiences (v.18)

Scripture of the day: Colossians 2


*Chinese magazines “Happy Man” , now available in convenient stores like 7-11. First issue of “Happy Man” profiles an interview with lawyer Oswald WONG (???)- how he turned from extra-marital love affairs,reading Romans & Matthew when at the verge of divorce, repenting in tears & becoming a follower of Christ

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Steadfast in Faith! Sustain in Him!

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Do not be anxious … but in everything, by prayer and petition, … present your requests to God. ( Philippians 4 v6)

Key to Joy – Heed Our Focus & Direction (Philippians 4)

1. in the ups & downs of life, always fix on THE RIGHT FOCUS — be watchful of the world in the Lord

2. admist distress & unjustice, walk in THE RIGHT DIRECTION– – confide to God, be strengthen in the Lord, be content in all circumstances

Scripture of the day: Philippians 4


* Pls pray for Mr. and Mrs. YU Ming, a couple from Taiwan. Mr. YU suffered brain damage in a car accident , lost big part of his memory. His therapist referred him to the church. When I asked them if they were Christian, the wife said “ummm, no!”. To my surprise, the husband looked at me with a big smile & said “We are!” Glory to God! Let’s remember YU Ming & wife in prayer. — Myra TONG, S. Carolina (US)

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Be Still !

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making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5v16)

Making the Most Of Every Moment– Making the Most Out Of Life

1. walk and work in love, light and wisdom of God (5:1-21)

2. exhibit & express at home wisdom of God (5:22-6:9)


a. our life is an amazing journey in God !

b. God places us in a time tunnel – in a flash of moment – allowing us to grow in wisdom

c. how wicked & greed-filled is the world! True wisdom is to walk with God’ each day grow in church & seize to make the most of every opportunity for the Kingdom!

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 5


* My father, POON Kwun Yuen (???), received into the Lord on 9/22 , age 86. Praise the Lord for saving him after our 30+ years of prayer, he received Christ in Aug Funeral : Oct 11 (Sat) 12:30pm , HK Funeral Home , North Point. Pls pray for the meeting & more of the family can come to the Lord.Tks . — Sister Poon Ching Ha

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Fill Me Lord!

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And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, … (Ephesians 4v30a)

7 Attributes in a New Man (Ephesians 4:25- 5:2)

1. Honest & Truthful — put off falsehood (v25)
2. Beware of sin of anger — give no room for Satan (v26-27)
3. Work with our own hands – have things to share with those in need (v28)
4. No filthy talk – say only what benefits others (v29)
5. Pure in motives of all we do – not to cause worries in Holy Spirit (v30)
6. Get rid of all bitterness & malice -Be compassionate & forgiving (v31-32)
7. Be the dear children of God — live a life of love (5:1-2)

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 4


* Political & financial turmoil around , we verily need to come before God & guard our heart pure & simple. Recommend a book – “Celebration of Disciplne – The Path of Spiritual Growth, by Richard J. FOSTER”. — spiritual disciplining is the key to deliverance. On the inside, we meditate, we pray, we fast, we feed on His word; on the outside, be simple , be still, be obedient & serve with faith. When in fellowship with others, we confess, we worship, we celebrate …. Examine our heart in chaos, preserve our heart from temptation!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Christ Is the Rock!

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His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known … (Ephesians 3v10)

God’s Plan So Glorious – In Christ, Through the Church (Ephesians 3)

1. God made His amazing wisdom known through His Creation – the sun explodes to give out energy, stars run on without losing track, birds migrate amazingly, dolphins gifted with streamlined body & sonar capability … what a miracle!

2. God made His manifold wisdom known through His Salvation – God accomplishes all through His power within us, His works on the cross , the church & in Christ throughout all generations

3. Christ is the mystery of God, the Church is the mystery of Christ – Cling to the church, stay with the “AntiCrime Group”, & be edified with the saints unto unity!

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 3


*HK Artist WONG Hoi Yan ??? was never happy before knowing Christ . Her parents divorced when she was 9, she quit school at P.2. But it was that TV drama “Broken Home” made her famous. She is now clear with her objective in life – Give glory to God, Serve faithfully in accomplishing the mission God entrusts her, live a life that pleases the Lord …. “Life is without hope if not having God!” she proclaims.

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Master’s Mind!

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For we are God’s workmanship, …(Ephesians 2v10a)

New Position, New Life – Hymn of a Glorious Church

1. Praise for His Grace (Eph. 1-3) – Ch 1: Praise of Glory, Prayer of Grace; Ch 2: God’s workmanship : Ch 3: Paul prayed for strength

2. Respond to His Grace (Eph. 4-6) – Ch 4: Unity in Love, Mind Renewed, Self-forsaking & Forgiving; Ch 5: Honourable life ; Wise & Obedient; Ch 6 Army of God

Scripture of the day: Ephesians 2


* Little Bro. Kevin, fr Church in Sydney – His heart transplant in Melbourne was a success. Praise His miraculous curing Kevin from his initial condition of his heart functioning only at a fraction of one tenth. God listens& acts on the cry of His children! — Sister LUI, HK

*” Great pain in my left knee last week, almost immobilized. Although I consulted famous doctors, condition worsened, to a point that I gave up. Feeling helpless, my (Japanese) husband suggested that we prayed. It turned out I heard sound of relief in the knee joint, Hallelujah! They moved again”. — Cream and Shin, HK (pray for Sister Cream’s that she can come to church meeting again!)

* The 5 month old BB of Bro. Chi Ping (HK) was admitted into hospital , hit by a high fever.Your prayer requested!

* Commentaries on Ephesians in the Anchor Bible by Markus Barth- highly recommended

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Faithful Till Death!

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… God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” (v6b)

By His Grace We Call On — Abba , Father!

1. We, who are born of God – no matter how agonizing the world, forget not that our Heavenly Father listens & cares….

2. We, who are blessed of His grace – the Holy Spirit inside us comforts & leads, transforming us inside out to become heirs of God….

Scripture of the day:Galatians 4


* Severe persecutions in India recently, many brothers & sisters lost their lives, churches burnt. Extremists force Christian into forsaking Jesus Christ. For the past month, Ark Channel has been receiving calls for prayer & reports in text & photos of India’s condition. We now proposes
that saints from all over the world to pray with fasting today at noon. News on India –
Chinese at http://paper.wenweipo.com/2008/09/12/OT0809120003.htm and English at http://www.outlookindia.com/pti_news.asp?id=611886

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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