Forever Free!

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for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. (Galatians 3 v27)

Baptised Into Chirst – Sing that Song of Freedom and Victory :

1. Status – God justifies us, we are sons of God through faith (v8,9,26) All saints, regardless of race, rank, wealth, wisdom, gender, are l one in His love.

2. Living – draw on the abundant grace of Jesus, obey the leading of the Spirit, giving glory to Abba Father!

3. Future – We are His heirs according to the promise (v29) We are co-heirs with Christ, sharing in glory of God! Share what Christ is, what Christ possesses, what Christ accomplishes!

Scripture of the day: Galatians 3


* George SWEETING, former president of Moody Bible Institute ,paid visit to an ill-tempered railway worker. The worker was very unfriendly, claiming that he would cast Sweeting out of his house. In return, Sweeting said gently “God loves you and so do I!” The worker broke into tears, repented in the Lord. He was never treated with such love by anyone ever , his heart softened . Let’s not be faint-hearted when dealing with the stiff-necked — simply love them!

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Near the Cross!

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…who separated me from my mother’s womb and called me through His grace (Galatians 1:15)

The Gospel – Neither From Man Nor By Man, It is (v.3-5):

1. The source of salvation – grace

2. The essence of salvation – peace

3. The substance of salvation – our Father’s will & our Lord’s forsaking His own life so that we are saved

Do we have the revelation of Christ? Have we experienced grace of God? Are we giving all glory to God?

Scripture of the Day: Galatians 1


* Ark publishes daily inspirations based on NT. We wish the crumbles from the table can arouse readers’ full interest for the Word . Recommendation on further reading from Bible experts, verse by verse, chapter by chapter: Calvin ,Darby , Geneva, Gill, Jamieson, Fausset, Brown, Matthew Henry, Wesley. Handy & concise reading at http:/

*26/9, Church in HK gospel meeting for college students, sharing “Man Searching; Heart Thirsting”. May God call young people to His side in coming months!

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A Living Miracle!

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May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. ( II Corinthians 13v14)

Endless Blessings! – Holy Father God, Holy Son & Holy Spirt Make Us His Church of Miracle:
1. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ – a living stream perpetually nourishing the saints!
2. The Love of God – living out the virtues of life, love unchanging!
3. The Fellowship of the Holy Spirit – outpouring divine power, building saints as the glorious church!

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 13


* El SILVOSO, a fellowlabourer of Evangelist Luis PALAU was critically ill in 1980. Doctor diagnozed that he would only live for another 2 years. Silvoso felt that what mattered most was not to get cured, but rather to first understand the will of God. He spent 3 days in sincere prayer with his 2 very good friends. On the thrid day during a car ride, God’s presence prevailed in the car, Silvoso read Romans chapter 8 & spent hours praying on this chapter. He was fully recovered 4.5 years later, serving the Lord to date. There is a time to live & a time to die!

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Humble yet Bold, Meek and Gentle!

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The weapons we fight with …. have divine power …. ( II Corinthians 10v4)

The Armour, Authority, Limit of a God’s Servant (v1-18)
1. Humble yet Bold, Meek & Gentle – Are we easily provoked? Are we indifferent to evil? (v1)
2. God’s Attestation Empowers – our effort worthless or bearing fruits in Christ? (v4-5)
3. Sole Source of Authority – Are we exercising authority only for building up His church? (v8)
4. Serve Within Limits that God Assigns – Are we serving dutifully with faith? (v13-16)
5. Passing the Test – Are we withstanding the tests the Lord gives us? (v18)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 10


* Hundreds of Bible radio dramas, Old & New Testaments, in Putonghua, with background
music & sound effects , listen:

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Abundant and Perpetual!

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You will be made rich in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion (II Corinthians 911a)

The Generous Giving of a Just Man
1. Give generously (v6) — to manifest God’s power and might
2. Give cheerfully (v7) — to convey God’s love and kindness

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 9


* on Oct 5 , new gospel magazine -. “Happy Man” ??? , an inspirational magazine for men Initial issue features Federick MA Si Hang ??? & his story of becoming fatherless at 10, — how his widowed mother raised a family of 3. The ups & downs as a Christian, later paved wa for him in serving th government of HK . Also recaps his005 speech to young talents based on the 7 attributes in men from the Bible. We call for prayers for the brothers who serve on editorial board . (“Happy Man” will be available in convenience stores.)

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Heaven & Earth Ring in Praises!

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…their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. (II Corinthians 8v2b)

Wealth in Vain, Grace Eternal –
1. Follow the Lord (v9a) – though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor
2. We become rich (v9b) – through His poverty we might become rich

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 1 (New International Version)


* God truly hears us ! Little Kevin, 12 years old, of Church in Sydney received a heart transplant successfully . Knowing this good news , our sisters in Hk went on their knees again to give praise& glory to the Almighty Creator.Now let’s continue to pray for the transplant rejection to be kept at the minimum. Let’s stand before God as one & pray for little Kevin until recovery. Glory to God, the all-sufficient one! Amen. (Sister LUI, HK)

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Great Confidence! Great Comfort!

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… God, who comforts the downcast, … (II Corinthians 7:6a)

Source of Comfort :

1. Through Comforting Others -great spiritual man would have the moment of downcast! So would we! (v5)

2. Through Receiving Comfort – Everyone needs support ! Let your needs be heard! (v6-7)

True comfort comes from God. He relieves our stress through man & His church!

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 7


* True Story! Gain One in a Million! –One day in Aug, while resting at home, an elderly sister was led by the Lord to go for a swim.She simply obeyed & went. While swimming, she wished preach the gospel to someone. At that very moment, a lady (later known to be coming from Szechuan, China) was near by. Our sister shared with her the love of Jesus – in the sea ! Inviting her to gospel meeting. The lady from Szechuan did call later & accepted the invitation… She received the Lord on Aug 24 , 2008 , HK.

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Praise or Disgrace! Shame or Fame!

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“I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” ( II Corinthians 6:.18)

4 Seals that Mark “True Servant of God” (6:3-7:4)

1. Great endurance (6:3-10) – However tough & rough , despised by the world, still full of grace in Spirit.

2. Heart opened wide (6:11-13) Free in speaking, open & honest in love, not withholding the affection.

3. Separate from the unclean (6:14-7:1) Carries the yoke of the Lord , away from wickedness & darkness.

4. Harmony, Confidence & Joy (7:2-4) Hold others in heart, live or die with brothers & sisters in joy & peace!

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 6


* A Hui native ??in China ,witnessed the change of his friend from gambler into a gentleman, he & his family, more than 10 members turned to the Lord. When his wife had to go through a cesarean section to give birth to baby (whose fetus was off-center in the womb. ) The father came on his knees & pray in the ward. Soon the nurse came to inform – the fetus was back in position , now ready for a natural delivery. The father burst into tears. From then on, he was full of courage to share the gospel !

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Be Transformed!

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… and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (II Corinthians 3:17b)

Joy of a Minister of a New Covenant -
1. speak before God with sincerity (2:14-17)
2. serve & bear true Spirit of the living God ( 3:1-3)
3. bringing glory & righteousness which last (3:7-11)
4. with unveiled faces reflecting His glory, serving freely by the Spirit (3:12-18)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 3 New International Version (NIV)


*Bro. LEE Ka Ki ??? , a music talent . In one congregation where he led hymn singing, his 20-year-ago student came to greet him. She is a doctor & urged to give LEE medical consultation, leading to early detection of NPC (cancer in nasal region ???). God sends ‘angels’ to his aid – In fear , God guards him through angels such as the God loving Filipino helper who cares & prays for him tirelessly; a brother who drives him around places; his wife who earnestly pray to God in tears…

Do we strive to be God’s angel to help someone in need?

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Love Unchanging!

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You show that you are a letter from Christ… (II Corinthians 3:3a)

Life of Triumph – Knowing Christ, Diffusing His Fragrance

1. True Christians carry divine aroma of Christ, — imparting positive influence that turns darkness into light, death into life. (v.2-17)

2. We are a letter from Christ, written with the Spirit of the living God — making known to everyone the virtue of Christ our Savior. (Ch 3:1-3)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 2 New International Version (NIV)


* Bro. LEE Ka Ki ??? , gifted in music , spent two months pondering over life in time of sickness, he concluded 4 things about life – 1. do what needs to be done, spend time with parents in particular, 2. refrain from things that would cause you to regret, 3. actively seek to understand the will of God in your life , 4. talk less, do more – lend a hand of love to help others . LEE has miraculously recovered from deadly sickness. Doctor diagnosed that he would lose his beautiful voice, he managed to lead a big choir in Aug., singing hymns of victory in praise of God!

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Comfort Overflows!

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If we are distressed, it is for your comfort and salvation; … (II Corinthians 1v6a)

Footsteps of God’s Children – Emitting Strength Despite Weakness
1. Through understanding God our Father who fills us with grace & peace (v.1-2)
2. Through experiencing God our Father who comforts us (v.3-7)
3. Through trusting God our Father raises the dead & delivers us from deadly perils (v.8-11)

Scripture of the day: 2 Corinthians 1


* 10 gospel meetings – Aug, Church in HK, a total of 168 responded to altar call. Let’s remember them all in our prayers.

* Woman can hardly identify with what problems man faces. Recommend a book to brothers – “7 Seasons of the Man in Mirror” by Patrick MORLEY, ?????????. We pray that, dear brethrens, be still, find time to reflect & grow by establishing wise priorities in life.

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Loving Jesus !

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My love be with you all in Christ Jesus. (I Corinthians 16v.24)

Way of the Cross – Be Blessed; To Bless; In the Blessing:
1. supply the needs of the Church in all places for God’s work – this is God’s blessing (v.1-9)
2. support God’s workers in all places with our all – this is God’s love (v.10-24)

Scripture of the Day: 1 Corinthians 16 (New King James Version)


* Father of Sister POON Ching Ha, HK (???) – KY POON (???) , a new believer , is in serious condition suffering pneumonia. Pls pray for him.

* Good news – Condition of young Sister NG (???) has been up & down since our prayer request in Aug.Two days ago, she resumed eating. Let’s pray for the Lord in protecting her & gain complete recovery.

* POON Sow Keng (???), whose greatest hit Lover’s Tears (?????) was very well known amongst local & overseas Chinese. She is launching onto a new stage in life as a Christian. Her testimony:

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Faith & Life!

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…. “God is really among you!” (1 Corinthians 14:25b)

Worship God, Edify Men (v3-5, 12, 17, 26) : The 4 Big Things in Church Meetings
1. speak to teach — to strengthen, encourage & comfort (v3)
2. pray & sing — with spirit & mind (v15)
3. glory to God — blessings to man (v25-26)
4. God’s presence in church — sinners fear & worship God (v23-25)

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 14:1-25


* Ming Pao Daily (9/3, HK ) reported a court dispute between mother & son over $180,000. The judge counselled both parties . Chief Judge Mr. David YAM Yee Kwan ??? quoted the Bible, book of Proverbs 15:17 “Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred.”YAM presided over their negotiation & eventually reaching reconciliation. The Judge concluded with a blessing of good Health to the petitioner. The 80 year old mother thanked the judge in tears!

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Love Suffers Long

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…Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. ( 1 Corinthians 13 v.12b)

Put our Gifts to Use in Love – Truth of the Cross:

1. Love expresses (v.4) – Are we patient, kind & lovable? Or proud , ill-treating others.

2. Love concerns (v.5-6) -Are we seekers of our own good? Or care more of our duties. Easily angered? Keep no records of wrongs of others? Rejoice in people’s success & deeds of kindness ?

3. Love perseveres (v.7) – Can we bear insults, abuse ? disappointment? Do we keep people’s wrongs undisclosed while correcting them in private? Trust in His faithfulness & benevolence, patiently wait for Him ? Trust in people’s virtue with positive view ? Do we have hope in everyone? Do we , like our Lord, bearing the unbearable ?

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 13


* A lady insisted on getting divorced .Her counselor suggested otherwise. “Since you hate him so much, why not spend 3 months to take revenge on him — Show extra good care for him , love more more , then divorce him! – this can hurt him deeper !.” Followed the advice, after 12 weeks , she realized that she could not separate from her husband anymore! Because of the change in her behavior, the husband’s love for her was rekindled, showing great affection for her. The Holy Spirit turns hatred into love & love conquers all!

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Oh, Wonderful Spirit!

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…. those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable (1 Corinthians 12v22)

The Holy Spirit Functions in the Church !

1. Bring all members to honour “Jesus is Lord” — in one accord. (v.1-13)

2. Bless His church with diverse gifts — to serve Him in respective duties. (v.14-31)

3. Build all parts of the body unto maturity — through His love for us & our love for one another (13:1-13)

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 12

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Broken for You

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…. “This is my body, which is (broken) for you; do this in remembrance of me.” (1 Corinthians 11

Every 7 days, we partake the Lord’s Table – In Remembrance of Him: (v.23-26)

1. He gave us His life – The cup & the bread speak of His sacrifice as the lamb of the assover, taking away our sins

2. He encouarages us with love – we so touched by His love, testifying the oneness among saints.

3. He gives and is still giving – examine ourselves that we confess of any unworthy manner & guilt. Do we reconcile any wrong doings against our brothers, is our love for Jesus still fresh ?

Let us be revived from eating of bread & drinking of cup!

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 11


* The Lord moved Bro. Charles Yu in his prayer- to hire a mental patient & ex-prisoner, who followed Charles around when making speeches at the HK Short Term Mission (??????). Charles also paid him wages to help deliver materials for the HKSTM Center. Being nurtured in this environment for a year,the patient was eventually baptised into the Lord, now a good father to his baby & a good brother to the church. Glory to the gospel of Christ — the power of God!

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Be Bold & Confident!

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But the man who loves God is known by God. (v.3)

1. a God-loving man sacrifices all – God will not neglect him, God will not forget him.

2. a God-loving man is not an anti-intellectualist who only seeks spirituality and disregards rationality – He does not boast because of his knowledge. Instead, he recognizes his limitations, stands respectfully before the all-knowing Lord of all wisdom.

Anyone who loves God is known by God (i.e.- he has a profound & intimate relationship with God). It is love, not our wisdom nor intellect that takes us close to Him!

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 8 (New International Version)


* Among the 98 coutnries/regions interviewed by the World Values Survey, Danes come first in the Happy Planet Index, with people of Zimbabwe ???? last. China comes 54, HK is lower at 63 (rated the least happy in Asia). We call your prayer support for the 4 sessions of gospel we are preaching to the ‘unhappy city’ – coming Sat (8/30) & Sun (8/31). SKW & CWB halls of HK Island will meet together at TaiKoo Primary School, “Joyful Living” by Bro. Peter KOK ??.

* 6 gospel meetings last Saturday, e welcome another batch of new believers. Recommended helpful readings such as (Chinese Christian Mission) CCM Monthly ????, also Bro. Samuel CHING’s “Gospel Handbook of 118 Q&A” ( Chinese)

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Filled in Spirit!

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I would like you to be free from concern….. (1 Corinthians 7 v.32a)

The Biblical View about Marriage – Knot once Tied, No way to Unknot! (1 Corinthians 7)

1. Normal to be married – If not gifted with the gift of remaining unmarried, one should marry!

2. Once being married – It is a vow established, no way for divorce!

3. Duty of all saints – Strive hardest to bring the unbelieving spouse to God’s salvation!

4. Tougher is life each day – If one is blessed with the gift of control over temptation, all the better to remain unmarried!

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 7 (New International Version)


*2000 years ago, our Lord Jesus sent us on the great mission to “Go unto the end of the world ……” At the time, world population only 2 billion. Today we have 60+ billion on earth, of which 20 billion as young as 15 or below. Out of these 20 billion youngsters, 1.6 are street gangsters, 0.1 are juvenile prostitutes. Let’s hold tight to the next 5 years – the critical opportunity to salvage the lost souls!

* “Thanks for sharing the story of Eric LIDDELL. God’s love has the power to change our human spirit, mind & thinking. Eric’s love was like sweeping fire, blessing the land & people of China…” — From Bro. Edwin, Toronto

* We just came back from U.K. where we spent a few days in the University of Edinburgh. There is a memorial statue of Eric LIDDEL in their library. I told our host that Eric was buried in Shanghai. — From Bro. Sam WONG (HK)

( In the Aug 21′s issue of HK Economic Journal ????, there is a remarkable writing on the touching stories of Eric LIDDELL. )

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Christ, Our Passover!

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….Get rid of the old yeast that you may be a new batch … (v.7a)

What can we do! The House of God is full of malice and wickedness!

1. Grieve over our sins (v.1-2)

2. Deal with our sins (v.3-5)

3. Get rid of our sins (v.6-13)

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 5 (New International Version)


* Glad tidings! – I am Man Yin. I am overjoyed to see my grandpa receive the Lord last Sunday. My grandpa is already 90 years old! Praise the Lord for allowing him the opportunity!
- Sister Annie NG (TKO, HK)

* POON Kwun Yuen ???, father of Sister POON Ching Ha ???, (HK) has been declining the Lord for many years. Recently, he became soft at heart , yielded to accept the Lord. He is now under therapy in Hospital. Let’s pray for his steadfastness in faith.

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Invest Eternal!

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For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power. (v.20)

Life is a show to the world – play it faithful, humble & meek! Imitate the disciples & Loyal to the Cross!

1. servant vs steward (v.1-5) How others judge us, how we judge ourselves matters not! Do care how God judges you!

2. king vs captive (v.6-13) Afflictions polish us to become humble & proper! Let’s put up a good show before God, man & angels!

3. parent vs child (v.14-21) Throughout our life , God sends His angels to discipline us like a father does to his child! Trust & obey!

* Cally, our niece whom we well love, attended yesterday, for the first time, the gospel meeting “Invest on the Eternal”. She stood to confirm her faith & accepted the Lord. Pls pray that her faith be fortified, that she learns more about Christ in college life . Our thanks to God, our thanks to you all! — Sam K. & J (HK)

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 4 (New King James Version)


* A bother needs help with a washing machine. The second hand machine he got 3 years ago breaks down recently & he cannot afford to buy new one. I am asking on his behalf, if you (in HK) plan on renewing your washer,& wish to give away the old one, pls contact me at to arrange. (We will take care of the transportation ) – From Bro. H.Y. LO

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Boast in the Lord!

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…the message of the cross… to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (v.18)

The Absolute Wisdom in Church Life:
1. Seek for nothing — but preaching Christ & His gospel (1:17)
2. count on nothing — but His cross (1:18)
3. know nothing but — looking up to Christ (2:2)

All lies with the Wisdom of God, His Might & His Choice!
Simply humble yourself & collaborate with fellow saints to serve God in oneness!

Scripture of the day: 1 Corinthians 1 (New International Version)


* Dear Brothers & Sisters, peace to you all! My father-in-law is seriously ill, I pray to God to allow him chance to hear the gospel. Praise the Lord for hearing my prayer! Despite rough weather of typhoon signal no 8, His angels visit my father-in-law in hospital. The sister bring great comfort to him, sharing with him the great truth, bringing him to accept the Lord in joy! Pls continue to pray for his firmness in faith & usefor His will! ( — from Sandy A. HK)

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Trust Him , Waver Not!

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The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you. (v.20)

Concluding Episode of Book of Romans – The Church Stands Forever, Glory to God Forever!

1. It’s all in Christ! — 24 names to greet! In the new life God remembers everyone of us ! 24 stories weaving into a great tale in Christ that crushes the Satan. (v. 3,7,8,9,10,11,12,20)

2. To the only wise God be glory — His gospel befalls the world! His word unfolds to all! (v.25-27) Amen! Amen!

Scripture of the day: Romans 16 (New International Version)


* -Mail from Norfolk, Virginia (US) –”In our visit to Richmond k, we learnt that little DouDou, the 18 months’ old daughter of Bro. Man Tat & Sister Man Ling in Maryland, was caught in a persisting fever & cramp. Helicopter rushed her to paediatrics hospital in Washington DC. Fever under control but left in unconsciousness. More than 10 specialists not able to diagnose!
Dear all, let us pray with faith & love for God’s healing with DouDou, comfort & peace to Man Tat & Man Ling. ( — From Bro. TSE Man Sang, US)

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Exalt His Name! Admire His Face!

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We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak … (v.1a)

Three Essential Discernments (Rom 15:1-13)

1. Follow Christ Jesus – seek not to please yourself; bear with those who do not think the way we think; build up the failings of the weak among fellow saints (v.1-3)

2. Have Faith in God – know that He gives endurance and encouragement (v.5); He gives you hope (v.13); He is God of peace (v.33)

3. Know that God’s ultimate will is “oneness” – oneness in local church, oneness among saints (v.1-7), oneness in universe, oneness in all cultures, oneness throughout eternity (v.8-13); He & His will unchanging forever!

Scripture of the day: Romans 15 (New International Version)


* Latest good news – Our Almighty God heals with wonders! Condition of Sister S.Y. NG (HK) stabilizing. She now staying in general ward, able to breathe on her own. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!

* Pray for 10 gospel meetings around HK – “I will be preaching The God of Peace in TST Hall this Sunday (8/24), let all sons of peace come to be blessed. Pls pray for all speakers in 10 district halls. – Tung (HK)

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Thy Kingdom Come!

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… For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat. (v.10)

All have to stand before God’s altar of judgement!

1. Vengeance is His — martyrs throughout history firmly believed God is the ultimate judge! He makes the wrong right, He punishes the evil. (Rev 6:9-11)

2. All men equal — That day, before the altar, all have to give an account of oneself to God. No excuse! No escape! (Rom 14:12)

3. Two trials — believer & non believer face trial of his own before God —

i. Right before millennium, we all appear before judgment seat of Christ, each receives what is due to him for the things done while in the body- good or bad. (2 Co 5:10). If what he has built survives, he receives reward. If burned up, himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames. (1 Co 3:14-15)

ii. Right after millennium, non believers will stand before great white throne & be judged. Whoever not found written in the book of life cast into lake of fire. (Rev 20:11-15)

4. Don’t judge or condemn — Make peace & edify one another (Rom 14:19-23); for we will be judged one day. (Rom 14:1-6,13-18)

Scripture of the day: Romans 14 (New International Version)


* Good news– “Great thanks to God! Sister S.Y. NG in critical condition last week has made a good turn. God works wonders. Mother of Sister NG gives praise to the Lord, thanking all caring saintsover the world. — from Sister P.T..(HK)

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Day Is Near!

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…. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. (v.11)

Masterpiece of The Holy Spirit in His Grace – Transformation of a Chief Sinner

Salvation here means redemption of our physical being on Jesus’ returns — transformation of our body to be like Christ. Bible points out salvation begins with our spirit, then our soul & lastly our body.

1. Believing in Him saves our spirit (Rom 10:9) – Holy Spirit dwells in our new-born spirit, giving life, delivering us from eternal death (2 Corinthians 1:10a)

2. Our soul is saved in this life (Philippians 2:12 —continue to work out your salvation with fear & trembling) – Once our spirit saved, the Holy Spirit transforms our soul (mind, emotion, will) … turning us from self-centered to God-centric.

3. Soon our body will be redeemed (Philippians 3:21, 1 John 3:2 When the Lord appears, our lowly bodies will be transformed — to be like His glorious body.) The Lord is at hand, put aside deeds of darkness (Rom13:12-13), obey the Holy Spirit, set our hope on His return to deliver us. (2 Corinthians 1:10b)

What a perfect salvation our Lord has set for us!

Scripture of the day: Romans 13 (New International Version)


* Great thanks to our Lord! Sister S.Y. NG improved slightly after 2 days’ of emergency treatment. Let’s continue to pray for her in critical condition. (Sister NG ??? grows in church since childhood, now 28 years old – From Sis. P.T. SZETO, HK)

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To the Ends of the World!

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– the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, (v.12b)

Call on Him – Jesus Is Lord! Be touched in 3 ways:
1. His love is great & unchanging! — In all times, He holds out His hands to obstinate people. – God’s outstretched hands (Rom 10:21, Isaiah 65:2)

2. Paul’s broken heart — we also earnestly pray tfor our beloved to be saved. –(Rom10:1)

3. Our beautiful feet — beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news! – (v.14-18)

Scripture of the day: Romans 10 (New International Version)


*In the Alarm No. 5 fire of Cornwall Court, HK, two brave firemen lost their lives in the fight against fatal blaze. Goodnews Communication International (GNCI) pays tribute to SIU Wing Fong & CHAN Siu Lung through release of “Ready! Anytime!”??????on the web. Station Officer NEE said throughout the years of operations as a firefighter, any minute the alarm rings, he rushes to fire scene without hesitation. Firefighter MING has been in & out of blazes many times, he deeply feels that life is unpredictable; faith in God is our only sure way that can take us forward.

Click HERE “Ready! Anytime!”??????to view:

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