Our Lord is Near!

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… He did this to make the riches of His glory known to the objects of His mercy, whom He
prepared in advance for glory— even us, whom he also called…” ( 9:23-24)

It All Depends on Our God of Mercy!

1. 3 aspects of the callings of God: – i. of riches of His glorious inheritance (Eph 1:18); ii. His call is heavenly (Heb 3:1); iii. call to a holy life (2 Tim1:9) — calls you into His kingdom & glory & be moulded into a glorious vessel in His hands! (1 Thessalonians 2:12)

2. We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God . (Acts 14:22) — it takes a lifetime to be crafted to become useful & valuable vessels in Him

3. No matter how harsh life is on us, the mercy of God conquers all! — in the process of pressing, jiggering, shaping, glazing, firing, polishing by a potter, don’t we feel distressed, agonized, humiliated, unbearable? Hallelujah! By the grace of God, we endure all !

Scripture of the day: Romans 9


* pray for 10 gospel meetings – Church in HK (Aug 24, 30, 31) — “do not be silent…For I am with you, and because I have many people in this city.” (Acts 18:9-10)

* Footprints – Pastor Johann Y.H. LAI ??? finished 10 days’ sermon on Nehemiah in HK. May the Lord bless his return to the States! ( 100,000 persons attended 26 meetings, 1,500 committed to serve in gospel / full time missions. Let’s pray for this new generation !

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Our Hearts – Four Laws!

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… but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Romans 6:23b)

The Inner World of a Christian – 4 Laws Working in us All at One Time:
1. Law of God – God is righteous & holy, He has a demand on us all ( 7:7)
2. Law of the Mind – our inward man does have a will to follow the Law of God ( 7:22)
3. Law of Sin – Any moment we wish to obey God, our flesh pulls us into sin ( 7:23)
4. Law of the Spirit of Life – The Spirit has the power- like a soaring rocket, surpassing the force of gravity & drives us forward! (8:2)

Scripture of the day: Romans 7 (New International Version)


* “How to Respond to the Love of God”, published by Chinese Christian Mission in Canada (?????), — story of Bro. X.Y. JING ???, previously Head of Engineering Faculty, HK University. The book recounts how God called him 50 years ago through Rom. 12:1. Founded upon solid faith, he ceases not in his pursuit as a disciple.

* from Bro.Chu Chi Yan (HK) –” Our ministry & meeting in Tai Wai district has a history of 26 years. We now face the challenge of lease termination & are being asked to move. Pls join us in prayer for His way & leading in our next step.

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A Crown forever!

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“… While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”(5:8)

The Book of Romans – Topical Sketch by Chapters (Part 3)

1. A righteous man changed by the Spirit – who finds God’s mercy in history (Roman 9)

2. He also finds God’s righteousness from history – God shows no partiality between Jews & Gentiles (Rom10)

3. Israelites’ history is a warning to him – not to boast over those “old branches”, be humble because of the grace received (Rom 11)

4 .Then, he is going to offer himself – serve in the church with his gifts (Rom 12)

Scripture of the day: Romans 5 (New International Version)


*William Borden, the successor of Borden Inc., had become a millionaire when graduated from high school. He met many poor people on his round-the-world trip, & was later called by Lord to share the gospel faraway. He wrote “No Reserve” on his Bible on that day. When he studied at Yale University, he busied with equipping himself & promoting prayer groups. At that time he graduated , 1,000 among the 1,300 elite students in Yale had joined their groups & became fervent for God. (To be continued )

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Blessed Assurance!

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…but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. (v.20)

Book of Romans – Topical Sketch by Chapter (Part 2)

5. Sinner is being Justified by Faith — Peace with God, Rejoicing in Him (Rom 5)

6. Sinner is Baptized into Christ — Born into Newness of Life, Living unto God (Rom 6)

7. Sinner is Saved by Grace — Yet torn between godly conscience & lust in flesh (Rom 7)

8. Sinner Experiences Freedom — Realizing Himself is child of God, Living by Great Hope of Glory through Life Giving Spirit (Rom 8)

Which chapter best describes our present condition?

Scripture of the day : Romans 4 (New International Version)


* the testimony of Evangelist Morley LEE used the story of Jesus giving sight to the blind (John 9) to encourage large batch of young people to serve God ! He recalled 50 years ago, 7 brothers ,
including Lee, responded to God’s calling. 50 years passed, he is the only one still serving God.
He reminds any servant of God –
1) guard a pure loving heart for God
2) be determined to stand by God’s side ,
3) well equipped with His teaching,
4) live a godly life in discipline,
5) strive the hardest to study His Word
(He said if he was given another 50 years, he would do his very best to study the Bible again!)

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Fear Relieved!

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God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement, through faith in His blood. He did this to demonstrate His justice … (Romans 3:25a)

The Book of Romans – Topical Sketch by Chapter (Part I)
1. Sinners Subject to Law of Nature (Romans 1)
2. Sinners Bound by Sin Despite Religion (Law of God) (Romans 2)
3. Sinners Living Before Judgment of God (Romans 3)
4. Sinners’ Justification by Faith (Romans 4)

WE , are that Sinner Saved by Grace!

Scripture of the day: Romans 3 (New International Version)


* Last week, a Bro. H.Y. – zealous & fervent in loving God, shared the many wonders God does to him. Seeing the great glory of God, he committed to serve God full time. (He has served the HK police force for 26 years , he now prays to God to make way for him to serve HIs kingdom in the next 26 years!) He decides to take up His cross, willing to suffer loss & live for God. Let’s join him in this prayer – May God fulfill his wish!

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In the Spirit!

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Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness leads you toward repentance? (Romans 2:4)

Take Heed, Don’t Ever Show Contempt Towards God! (v.4)

1. God is Gracious- If God ever disciplined us, it is truly His grace! If God ever sympathized us, it is truly His mercy!

2. God is Forgiving – To forgive is to forget,– “ceasefire”. There is a time for peace that God did not hold war against us. Do grasp this opportunity & surrender to God!

3. God is Patient – Our Lord’s patience means salvation. Although He has the power to save Himself, to destroy those who scroned Him, He endured with patience. Repent now, not later! Before He cast His hand on you!

Scripture of the day: Romans 2 (New International Version)


* Missionaries Matt & Lora HIGGENS had to spend the night out in the wild when returning to Nairobi, Kenya of Africa because their car broke down. Some time later, a new believer, a native inhabitant confessed to a preacher his intent of robbery. That night, he & his gang wanted to rob & kill the HIGGENS. However, they saw 16 people surrounding the car all night, keeping them away. In another instance, Higgens’ friend from far, Clay, asked the couple what they were doing the night of March 23. The same night, Clay & his fellow saints were urged by the Spirit to pray for Higgens. March 23 was the time they had to spend the night out in the wild. Higgens asked how many were in the prayer net. The answer ? 16 ! … from the book ‘Touch the World Through Prayer’ by Wesley L. DUEWEL.

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Jesus My Friend! Unlock My Grief!

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Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. (Acts 28:31)

Unobstructed All the Way … With the Lord Always By Our Side…Till the End of Times:

1. No chains can bind His Word – Because of his chains, most of Paul’s brothers in the Lord so encouraged to speak the Word of God fearlessly. (Philippians 1:14)

2. Fruitful in years of bondage — Paul wrote the epistles of Ephesus, Colossians, Philippians, Philemon, in prison , broadcasting the Word of God wider, farther.

3. distribution of Bible is over hundred millions today — His Word is reaching out through a variety of media and establishing His dominion. Let’s join Him by being more diligent to listen & discern, act & preach His Words.

Scripture of the day: Acts 28 (New International Version)


* Pastor Morley S.C. LEE ??? has served God for 45 years. 11 years ago, clear about God’s calling him out of the comfort in Boston, he turned to northern Thailand to serve God. Being the only male descendantin family, LEE struggled in not wanting to leave his father at his old age of 90. Listen to the life-changing advice his father gave him…. (to be continued…)

* Good news in England -” I am in Leeds of UK finally. The weather is a bit cold here. I hope I am strong enough both spiritually & physically. I will preach 2 sessions tomorrow at Sunday Service (all age groups,around 40 people), teach in Sunday school and a retreat camp, church visits too. Take care! — In Jesus’ Love , Sister Mona.

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Change your course to meet God!

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“Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me.”(v.23)

2 guarantees of our lives – be bold before storms & tides:

1. I belong to Him & serve Him – “the God whose I am & whom I serve…”(v.23)
2. God’s words will prevail – “…it will happen just as he told me.” ( v.25)

Scripture of the day: Acts 27:1-20 (New International Version)


* S. Y. Tong??? fr HK – Thanks the Lord, my little son Man Ho?? who is only 5 . has his operation done safely. He is now recovering & wonders after the operation — not so painful! Thanks for all your prayers & concern.

*The Ark Channel’s website is available, click & check the latest messages & news – www.arkchannel.org

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Loyal To Mission! Heedless Of Life!

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“So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. (Acts 26:19)

Not Rebelling Against the Vision Divine – Makes Life All Worthwhile!

1. Witnesses of faith throughout generations are all men with vision – Paul was on trial because he was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision. (v.6)

2. Paul’s self defense based upon heavenly vision – He counseled the powerful & rich listening to him to become what he was – accepting Christ as Savior. (v.29)

3. Paul’s vision was all concerned with God’s eternal will – Christ and His Church! We also need to recognize God’s eternal will & live by it all our life! (v.13-23)

Scripture of the day: Acts 26 (New International Version)


* (From R&J) More about Bro. KK CHEUNG (HK) who was recently received into the Lord! —I have known Bro. KK for 8 years. He was easy going, caring for fellow saints & loved God with pure heart. He counted on God to guide him through all situations ….For years, he served God quietly. …. I firmly believe that his sudden departure was approved by God. Let’s pray that the Lord grants comfort, mercy & peace to his wife So Fong, Lok Hei & all in his family , strengthens them for His will.

…standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. v11: To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 5:9-11)

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Because He Lives! Fear No More!

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I have the same hope in God as these men, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked. (Acts 24:15)

Life or Death, Joy or Woe — It All Lies In Your Heart!

1. Dishonest – High in the position of governor, close encountered Paul for two years, Felix ended up perishing!

2. Honorable – Blameless & righteous before God & man, Paul fixed his focus on future resurrection & judgment .

Where do we place our heart?
The position we hold in this life?
The almighty power in eternity?

Scripture of the day: Acts 24 (New International Version)


* Sister T.M. WONG ??? from Church in San Francisco — was received into the Lord.
40 years old, immigrated to the States 4 years ago, confirmed cancer in May (had only 2 months to live.) Saved for 4 years only, but her faith strong & she entrusted all to Jesus. On July 17, she finished her mission on earth & was received into the rest of Heavenly Father. Though young in spiritual life, T.M. demonstrated through her words, acts, love, faith and purity the life of a Christian, knowing for sure that our only hope is in the everlasting God. (Pls pray for her family.) – From Michael CHENG (HK)

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Man Working, God Watching

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I found he had done nothing deserving of death, but because he made his appeal to the Emperor I decided to send him to Rome. (Acts 25:25)

Man’s Determination? God’s Good Purpose!

1. Who directs the cast behind the scenes? – The developments in history, the up’s & down’s in life – all lie in the mighty hands of our sovereign God.

2. Who coordinates all at the backstage? – Paul was put in jail, mocked & later pulled out from danger. He should have been set free after his defense before the officials. But our God has greater plans, He kept Paul in jail for 2 years where he could experience more depth in life & paved his way to further the gospel.

3. God orchestrates all – When the new governor took his seat, Paul appealed to Caesar. On the outside, politicians calculated to their best advantage, in reality it was God who maneuvered all.

His will be done!

Scripture of the day: Acts 25 (New International Version)

* Yesterday I had the opportunity to fellowship with Bible scholars John LAI & wife. They are authors of “Ten-Steps Procedures of Bible Study” (Chinese/588 pages), practical, insightful, yet easy to read. Vividly interesting, highly recommended.

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My Counsel Stands

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The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! …(Acts 23:11a)

What Do We Need When Faint-hearted? (v.11)

1. His Appearance – Our all-victorious Lord who conquers death & perils – is always accompanying His faithful & obedient servants. (Ref: Matthew 28:20)

2. His promise – There are loads of reasons that cause us to agonize, to worry, to suffer! Take courage & hang on to His promise.

Are you confident that you are blessed with His assurance?

Scripture of the day: Acts 23 (New International Version)


* From a sister in HK -” In my meeting at Church in Richmond, Vancouver last week, I was grateful to witness & enjoy the Lord’s presence & the many new faces in the meeting. We surely need to pray for the people in Canada, who are living in comfort of the world. We need more to labour in the gospel ministry for this country. (Statistics shows that growth of Christian population in Canada is 0%, versus Muslim followers has grown 7% in the same period.)

* Surgery of little Man Ho, the 5 year old son of Bro. S.E. TONG should be this Wednesday, July , 30 (7pm) . Let’s all pray to our gracious God for His protection over him!

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Lift Up Your Eyes!

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“… ‘Go; I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’ ” (Acts 22:21b)

Stand By to His Call — Ready to Go Far!

1. Men sees near & narrow — Only God sees far and holistic. His way higher than ours.

2. Jesus sees whole & discerns with judgment: Paul thought that his background &d experience positioned him to be the right person to testify among the Jews (v.19-20). However, the Lord’s will was otherwise, He sent Paul far to foreign lands !

3. Throughout history, the Lord ceased not in mobilizing His army — Paul accomplished his mission, spread the gospel far into Europe &d Asia, setting a fine model for future missionaries & expanding the ministry. Are we also willing to deny our own desire & obey His directions?

Scripture of the day: Acts 22 (New International Version)


* Church in HK – 155 were baptised, among whom the eldest is 84. Praise the Lord! Last week, one more committed to Christ, making it 156 & set the record age to 88! Hallelujah!

* Bro. S.E.TONG ???(HK) – Man Ho ??, my 5 year old son is raised in the House of God since birth. This Wednesday , 7pm, he will be treated with a surgery to correct the undescended testicle. This calls for injection & a general anaesthesia .Pls pray for God’s protection over him.
(Ark Note: The past 3 generations of TONG’s family are all faithful servants of God. May God continue to uphold them all ! )

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Joy of Giving

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…’It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ (Acts 20:35b)

Serving God, Serving Man – the 2 Fold Mentality of a Spiritual Man

1. I consider my life worth nothing to me (v.24) – If only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me

2. In everything I do, I set an example (v.35) – Follow Christ in His way of forsaking all: work hard, help the weak, count all things but loss.

Ony the example of Christ touches the hearts of all.

Scripture of the day: Acts 20:1-16 (New International Version)


* Happy Birthday? – Two days ago, I met a new friend. 15 years ago, on the birthday of his wife, he offered that whatever she wanted as birthday gift, he would bring it to her. Moved & touched, his wife said she wanted to go to church. No matter how utterly unwilling, in keeping his words, he went with her. Hallelujah! This was the beginning to their whole family being saved!

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Create for Me a Clean Heart!

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“…and the goddess herself, who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty.” (Acts 19:27)

God’s Way Steady & Everlasting (v.23-41):

1. Idols enterprise generating fortunes – Do you worship idols made out of wood, stone, gold or silver? Do you admire movie stars, singers, millionaires, beauty, health, investors, gourmets, power & reputation?

2. Saints preaching “Jesus is Christ” – Idols enterprises suffered (v.24), count for nothing, lose its greatness (v.23-27) because someone preaches the truth!

3. Saints open the eyes of many – God’s greatness & glory are everlasting! Come worship Him forever!

Scripture of the Day: Acts 19:23-41 (New International Version)


* Alex LAM ( Toronto ) – “We once preached to family of Sister Sally (from HK) & invited them to pray in our home. In the recent Lord’s Day gospel meeting at the church in Toronto , Sally’s father raised his hand to commit to the Lord. Sally wept with joy, praising the Lord for hearing her prayers. After the meeting, Bros TONG and Bill CHIU further counseled them & led them to pray. Let’s pray to the Lord for His continual blessing in gaining Sally’s whole family.”

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His Words Thrive, Lamp-stands Shine!

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God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, (Acts 19:11)

Men Change, And So Do Cities (1-20):

1. His Words Cleanse the City – The temple of the goddess in Ephesus attracted so many believers ! No matter how influential is Satan, God can turn Ephesus into a place of testimony , making its church the strongest in faith at the time. (see the Book of Ephesus)

2. His Words Casts the Darkness – Raising lamp-stands in an evil city is a severe war against Satan. God exercised miracles (v.11-12), causing the sorcerers to burn their scrolls in public. (v.19-20). Preach by faith! His Words can win over all !

Scripture of the day: Acts 19:1-22 (New International Version)


Bro K.K. CHEUNG, ??? Kwun Tong hall, was received into the Lord — * 3 young men knew each other in office . Since one of them was a Christian, they remained good friends in the Lord. At their parting when one of them had to leave for Japan , they bent on their knees to pray & entrust to each other their friendship & brotherhood. For 20 years, they hold each other close to their heart. This is the story of K.K., then a new believer, who to his last day on earth, forgot not the need of God, recently still praying for the baptism service.. His love for Christ & the church left behind for us all a fine example.( Bro K.K.’s funeral – 4pm, August 3, Lord’s Day,
Universal Funeral Parlor. ) Let us remember his family, wife, child & mother in our prayer !

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If It’s God’s Will!

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… “I will come back if it is God’s will.” … (Acts 18:21)

Let Him Take the Lead, That’s the Key to Success:

1. A good beginning is half way to success – “The plans of the diligent lead to profit” (Proverb 21:5); “Estimating the cost” (Luke 14) means thorough planning. Follow Him all the way to the end

2. Submit to God’s sovereignty. – When Paul first visited Ephesus (v.20) He understood that it was not God’s will for him to stay there . He chose to obey the Holy Spirit.

3. When Paul set off on his third journey, he was clear that God permitted him to go to Ephesus . – he stayed for 3 years, building a church famous strong . “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” (Proverbs 16:3)

Scripture of the day: Acts 18 (New International Version)


* From Bro Emil LOK Wo Tai ???, an immigrant to Calgary , Canada — I have been in Calgary for 10 years. With God’s blessings, I really like the city. I am working in a big investment firm, fighting with the temptation of money. “Charge them that are rich in this world, that they be not high-minded, nor trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy?” (1Timothy 6:17) God bless and May God keep us in one Spirit.

* Good news from Bro. CHOI Sit Kit ??? ( Calgary , Canada ) – On the day of the gospel meeting, July 18, “Wisdom to Invest in Eternal Life” (Luke 12), the weather became rainy and windy, urging us to come to the Lord in prayers. Glory to God! All 60+ turned up, 10 responded to the call of the Holy Spirit & accepted Christ! Praise the Lord! Thank you for your support in prayers.

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‘For in Him we live and move and have our being…’ (Acts 17:28a)

Who can control his own future?

1. God gives men Life — This is Common Grace . This is His way to draw us to Him, directing us the way to find Him. (v.26-27)

2. God gives men His Life – Just repent , this is Special Grace . He is the grace- giving God!

Scripture of the day: Acts 17 (New International Version)


*New Hope for HK – 155 saints baptised last week ,they testified the grace & power of the Lord. one brother as old as 80; family of four committed to the Lord as one; man & wife came to Christ in one accord ; no more gossiping at home, refrain from Mark 6 gambling; devoted in Bible reading (finished two rounds of the NT in six months); experienced the Lord at job change, in illness, traveling on the plane … they say — Jesus is Lord!

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Fear God!

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… to the Holy Spirit and to us … (Acts 15:28b)

Future of the Church, Choice in Life – Are Our Decisions Endorsed:

1. by the Holy Spirit (v.28) – Do we seek in God & follow His leading in major decisions?

2. by the Bible (v.16-18) – Do we judge based on God’s all-rounded revelations in major DOs & DONTs?

3. by the Church (v.22-29) – Do we do things our own way in making decisions & choices?

Whatever our next step, are we blessed with the consent of our fellow saints in church?

Scripture of the day: Acts 15:22-41 (New International Version


* Make the most of your summer with devotional treasures http://www.fundamentalbook.com/treasurebooks.htm – Chinese: “Scofield’s Bible Q&A” ; works of WANG Ming Dao ???, WONG Kwok Hin ???, Christian CHEN ???, Andrew MURRAY ; “The Interpretation of The Revelation” by Watchman NEE ; “Life of John SUNG” ???; “Trails of Glad Tidings in ShanXi” ???? by Annie Skau BERNSTEN- English: “Lives of the Puritans” by Benjamin BROOK; “Synopsis of the Books of the Bible” by DARBY; “The Master’s Questions to His Disciples” by G.H. KNIGHT; “An All-Round Ministry” by SPURGEON

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True is His Grace!

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… strengthening the disciples and encouraging them to remain true to the faith. (Acts 14:22a)

Testify His Word, Persist in Faith

1. entry to the Kingdom of God is tough – Despite Paul was almost stoned to death, he quickly got up again & winning many disciples. What a fine example of faith! (v.19-22)

2. be on your guard against false teachings – take heed not to yield to Satan’s oppression, not to fall into his temptations and tricks

Seeing that men wavering in faith, author of Hebrews counseled us to “hold firmly till the end he confidence we had at first.” (Heb 3:14b) Can we hold firmly to what we first believed in?

Scripture of the day: Acts 14 (New International Version)


* Church in HK celebrates harvest – 140+ will be baptized in His name! (July 19-20); Also 90+ young people to gospel camp, (July 20-23). Support in prayers!

* Bro. Choi Sit Kit (Calgary, Canada) called for prayer support. Gospel meeting in Calgary, (July 18, HK Time), he will share “Wisdom to Investin Eternal life .” -on Luke 12, Message –
1. possession not equal to life’s value;
2. God is our source of provisions;
3. eternal life awaits, don’t just care for this life
May God save many in Canada.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Filled with Joy

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… they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed. (Acts 13:48b)

God-Pleased Church, God-Used Message
1. Church that prospers – gifts distinct among saints, new talents in force, all in one accord, prayerful & obedient, caring for gospel, visionary with ambition (v.1-3)

2. Message that blesses – simple & direct; manifesting Christ; testifying new life in Him, His forgiveness & justification; warning of judgment; preaching everlasting life (v. 16-47)

Scripture of the day: Acts 13:23-52 (New International Version)


“Caring For the Sick Ones at Home”, by Bro. Charles T.S. YU ??? & Sister YU, S.F. Leung, ????. The seminar testified their tender love for one another Sister YU was saved at the brink of death by God many times. One time, 4a.m. in the morning, Bro. YU was stirred from sleep, seeing Sister YU numb & stiff. Following her instruction, he quickly fed her with glucose. But he was only able to help her with a few drops while she remained jaws tight, eyes closed, limbs inconvulsion. Bro.YU whispered in her ears, “Fear not! Jesus will save you!”. At the very moment, Sister YU cleared her throat & resumed to swallow. If it was not for 5 minutes sooner, we might have lost her. Praise the Lord for His amazing grace! I learnt from them the lesson of faith in God. No matter how grave the danger, hold on to Him, He never gives up on anyone who turns to Him! – Debby (??/HK).

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Our Wondrous Savior!

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… he believed, for he was amazed at the teaching about the Lord. (Acts 13v.12)

Amazed at His Teachings – the Word of Life:

1. Miracles testify the Word of God – Faith comes from hearing the message heard through the Word of Christ, not only from signs. (Romans 10:17)

2. Faith only from seeing the signs cannot sustain – It is the Word of God that gives life,! (Acts 10:12)

The urgent need for us, children of God, is all in hearing His Word & keeping it!

Scripture of the day: Acts 13:1-22 (New International Version)


* Prayer requests -
- Bro. K.L. YIU & Fion now in Roma, Australia, regular in church service. Let’s pray for their testimony in Roma.

- Sis. peggy ,M.Y. IP ??? (Full time servant, HK) – now in Vancouver , seeking for His Word & guidance.

-Bro. P.K. FOK ??? (San Francisco ) – Thanks for your prayers! Even Solomon was no better than flower of the field… Let’s continue to serve & be a blessing to others.

- Bro. Alfred IP ??? & Teresa (Now settled in Taiwan after getting married) – So busy at work lately… May the Lord bless & watch over our decisions. Thank you for your prayers!

- Bro.Y.M. LI ???(Toronto) – Thanks for your encouraging words. Let’s all find time to seek His face, no matter how busy we are!

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Adore Him !

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… because God was with him. (Acts 10:38b)

Peter’s Message — The 3 Things that we Uplift :

1. Jesus’ ministry – Full of power of the Holy Spirit, He does good & heals . Do we also bring to others “the presence of God”? (v.38)

2. Jesus’ suffering – He died for sinners, being hanged on the tree. Do we forever cherish the cross as our pride? (v.39)

3. Jesus’ resurrection – He is the sole authority to judge & pardon the living &the dead! Do we treasure His precious name! (v.40-43)

Scripture of the day: Acts 10:24-48 (New International Version)


* My mother is over 80 years old now, sound in spirit. She came to the “Source of All Blessings” gospel meeting despite the rain. She was paying good attention & touched by the Holy Spirit. She was clear about Jesus & His salvation, responding to the altar call without hesitation. Glory to God on High! – Steven TANG (HK)

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Wait For God!

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… Dorcas, who was always doing good and helping the poor (Acts 9:36b)

Church enjoys peace, strengthened & encouraged- living in the fear of the Lord: (Acts 9:31-35):
1. His name exalted: signs & wonders make way for gospel to penetrate far & wide (Acts 9:32-42)
2. Men humble & obey: God’s servant staying with the tanner is a prelude to the historic works of Holy Spirit (Acts 9:43-Acts 10)

Scripture of the day: Acts 9:20-43 (New International Version)


* Source of All Blessings (HK) – Let’s remember in prayer the gospel meetings of Church in HK (or senior & housewives. Tuen Mun 17/7 )

* Last week (HK), 160 young people in a 4-day conference camp committed to serve the Lord
as “Royal Priest in an Holy Nation”. Cease not in prayers for this new army !

* “Praise the Lord! A new believer brought with him to church a colleague, also a chef, last Sunday. This friend is a victim of cancer . He stayed in our church for 3 hours, learned about the gospel, and made decision to accept the Lord. Glory to God!” – Shatin, Che Sze (??)

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Speak to Me! Lead Me!

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… “Yes, Lord,” he answered. (Acts 9:10b)

Know yourself! Know the Lord! Know the Church!
1. Meet the Lord (v.1-9) – Recognise our sin, know that He lives & see meaning in life!
2. Meet your brother (v.10-19) – God can find use in any of His children & lead us onto the path of righteousness!
3. Meet all saints (v.26-31) – Grateful are we that God accepts all into His House, no matter how stone hearted & worthless we are.

Scripture of the day: Acts 9:1-19 (New International Version)


* Eric LIDDELL (???) , former Olympic Gold Medallist, Paris, 1924, faithful servant in preaching the gospel in China. During wartime, 1941, after settling his pregnant wife & two daughters back in homeland Canada, he returned to his ministry in China. LIDDELL died in a Japanese prison war camp, carrying with him his mother’s teaching “Those who love the Lord know no farewell!”

Click http://www.aboutbible.net/_C.html to read Biography in Chinese; or http://chi.gospelcom.net/GLIMPSEF/Glimpses/glmps161.shtml for English.

* Click http://www.goldenlampstand.org/lib/ws/ to reference over 2,000 outlines of sermons & devotionals, Golden Lampstand publishing. (Chinese)

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Before Glory, Humble our Bow!

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…. and as a lamb before the shearer is silent, so He did not open His mouth. (Acts 8:32b)

The Way Philip Serveed – Servants the Church Needs today:
1. Obey the Holy Spirit at all time (v.26-29)
2. Understand the whole Bible thoroughly (v.30-39)
3. Sustain in steadfastness all his life (v.40, Acts 21:8-9)

Philip’s daughters all served the Lord ! His service continued through generation after generation !

Scripture of the day: Acts 8:18-40 (New International Version)


*Source of All Blessings (HK) – Gospel meetings of Church in HK for senior & housewives . Tuen Mun 17/7 . Last 3 meetings , altar calls – numerous elderly flood out & received Jesus! Pray & back up !

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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