Love Him with True Heart!

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“…but God was with, and rescued him from all his troubles…saw the glory of God!” (Acts 7:9-10, 55)

Fear not the future – the source of our courage:

1. In suffering & humiliation – seeing the Lord in heaven is welcoming (v.54-56)
2. In times of turbulence – preach God’s word faithfully without submission to power (v.2-53)
3. When being wronged – follow our Lord to love & forgive the enemies (v.60)

Scripture of the day: Acts 7


* Bonnie (HK) who met God in surgery room , completed 8 chemotherapies. She thanks the Lord
who adds her strength & also the prayers from you all. She’ s going to receive electrotherapy
next week, may Lord keep her, pls pray for her and her husband Tak Hung??!

* Robbie, a Germany pastor, once led 300 people into a bomb shelter in an air assault in wartimes. The enemies kept firing, ceasing only after few hours. Yet the iron door was melt by the fire & could no longer be opened. Robbie told his people to kneel down & pray. Later the fighter planes bombed again, & they bombed open the door again ! 300+ people were saved, they had a big thanksgiving !

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Your Will Be Done!

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… men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom…. (Acts 6:3a)

The Forerunner in Martyrdom – The Fine Model of Stephen
1. serve with a self-denying heart (v.1-5)
2. collaborate in harmony (v.5)
3. filled with grace and power (v.6-8)
4. speak by the Spirit and wisdom (v.10)

How are saints as such needed to serve our church today!

Scripture of the day: Acts 6 (New International Version)


* We are thankful to the Lord for blessing our gospel ministry in Tai Wai ?? (HK). We have
served the community for 26 years: assembling in His name, edifying one & another & sharing
the gospel. We just got the landlord’s notification of not renewing the lease. Saints come together
in unity, pray in vigil for the Lord’s leading & making way for His church. We ask saints to also
remember us in your prayers!
- Sister LEE Wai Hing ???,in Tai Wai.(HK)

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Heart that Repents! Grace that Forgives!

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……”and tell the people the full message of this new life.” (Acts 5:20b)

More & More Believed in the Lord – Why increase?
1. Church being sanctified (v.1-11)
2. Life being liberated by Truth (v12-32)
3. Jesus Christ being preached (v.33-42)

Scripture of the day: Acts 5 (New International Version)


*Click open the Biblical Treasure box:

sermons of
Moses YU_???(Song of Songs), Stephen C. T. CHAN_???(The Bible), Philip TENG_??? (Holy Spirit/Psalms), Patrick W.C. SO_???(Revelations), James TAYLOR, IV_???(Acts), Y.C. Denny MA_???(Matthew), Yung WU_??(Church & Holy Spirit), Stephen CHIU_???(Ruth), ???_Paul SHEN(Know Him More), Bellman LIN_???(Solomon)

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Filled with Hope

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Salvation is found in no one else (Acts 4:12)

Focus of the Testimony – Our Victory is in the Name of the Lord!
1. Do we manifest His name through our serving God & man (v.5-14)
2. Do we suffer for His name when in afflctions & pain? (v.15-22)
3. Do we call on His name in our daily living & worship? (v.23-31)

Scripture of the day: Acts 4 (New International Version)


165 young people attend conference camp (1-4/July, HK), topic- “Royal Priesthood
in an Holy Nation”. will share :
1. Honourable Status
2. Noble Duty
3. Holy Living
4. Corporal Fellowship
Let’s pray for this new generation!

Song to Comfort – God is Love (Cantonese) –

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Rise up & Walk

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In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. (Acts 3:6b)

It is as if we own nothing, but in fact we possess all – as long as we:
1. Herald the Lord’s name (v.1-9)
2. Preach the Lord’s way (v.10-29)

Scripture of the Day: Acts 3:1-26 (New International Version)


*Ah Kiu (??) a sister from HK, married into a remote mountain area in China ,is serving minority tribes & churches. While waiting for birth of her baby in time of afflictions, she was inspired by Matthew 24:36. –” The Bible likens birth pain to the end of the age. We do not control the time of birth so we need to be ready to go to the hospital anytime. (my baby finally born on 17th). The Lord taught me to look to Him. Men is limited, but we can trust Him because He is faithful. In waiting, we have to be prepared as the hour can come any time. Like birth pain, the intensity increases each time. This is the sign of His return. Let’s all be prepared, preaching the gospel while it is still day. – In Him, Ah Kiu. 062008 , from China

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Take Heart!

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… it was impossible for death to keep its hold on Him. (Acts 2:24b)

The Power of the Holy Spirit – giving birth to a church of glory
1. wait for the Holy Spirit (v.1)
2. be filled with the Holy Spirit (v.4-13)
3. testify for Christ (v.14-41)
4. walk in the Holy Spirit (v.42-47)

Scripture of the day: Acts 2 (New International Version)


* In the fellowship with Bro. Tran QUYEN (Vietnamese) yesterday, shared over condition of natural disasters . QUYEN, an engineer, is actively involved in rescue efforts around whole Asia for 20+ years . He observes – 70% of the severe natural disasters took place in Asia Pacific; last 100 years, 90% of earthquakes happened in Asia. Nonetheless, , these striken areas are also places where harvest of gospel hundred-fold. Let’s pray for saving of more lives in all lands of devastation!

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What about him?

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“Lord, what about him? …what is that to you? You must follow me!” (Jn 21:21-22 )

Built together – take God’s will as your life:

1. Never compare – Our Lord knows our future & destiny, love Him, continue our lives as a miracle

2. Look upon Christ – The Lord’s dwelling got expanded by Christ & His church throughout generations! This is the greatness of life!

Scripture of the day: Acts 1:1-26 (New International Version)

* How to use your remaining times – talks on the faith by English pastor Nicky Gumbel ??? (video)-

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Life With No Regrets!

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When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. (John 21:9)

Who’s in charge all along our life?
1. Are we obeying God just in exchange for bread & butter?
- But Jesus never left us alone. Follow Him by faith!

2. Away from Him all in vain
- Follow His words & we encounter miracles. It is the Lord to send fish here & there. He is the Almighty!

3. All th. Fear not, fear not!
– Jesus prepared the fish & bread. The Lord calls us & will provide!

Scripture of the day: John 21:1-14 (New International Version)


* survey reports – in age group of 5-13, 32% are open to Jesus , but only 4% in the age group 14-18 willing to turn to Jesus . If one is not saved before 19, the possibility of becoming a Christian is slim – only 6%! UK Bro. Nicky GUMBEL, founded the Alpha Course, that chages lives of young people ::
for full video :

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Peace to You!

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… “Peace be with you!” (John 20:19); … “Peace be with you!” (John 20:21); … “Peace be with you!” (John 20:26)

… and that by believing you may have life in his name –
1. What a wonderful hope! – He lives! (v.1-21)
2. What a great glory! – He lives in me! (v.22-31)

Scripture of the day: John 20:1-15 (New International Version)


* Bro. Jack YOUNG flies to the various spots in Myanmar . He is there to assist the rescue efforts among local churches & evangelistic groups. Let’s remember him in prayers that the Lord adds strength to him.

* Book Recommendation: The Way To Excellence by Pastor SO Wing Chi (Chinese )witnesses the growth of church, discreetly yet in an all-rounded ministry . First hand experiences the power of God’s work. Starting out with 100 members , now (up to first edition of his book) grows to 2,000+. (now 5,000+ saints ). Tesmonies of leadership up, edification of saints…. (Christian Communications Ltd. )

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Forever Him!

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…Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. (John 19:30b)

It is finished – right before He breathed His last, Jesus uttered 3 lines:

1. “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matt 27:46) He bore all sins of men, stood to be judged & forsaken by God.

2. “It is finished” (John 19:30b) With judgment done, He declared the great works commissioned by God completed.

3. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.” (Luke 23:46) With mission accomplished, His intimate relationship with God restored — He called God Father again.

Scripture of the day: John 19:25-42 (New International Version)

*: “Night Light for Parents” by James & Shirley DOBSON, Multnomah Books; (Chinese translation: ??????????) — Excerpt on “Footsteps” is a very touching story! A 13 year old kid, great fan in ball games, however, due to muscular dystrophy, had to quit the sports ground. Numb with disbelief, the father struggled with his emotions while driving home. It ended up his son comforting the father, saying — Well, Dad, I guess you don’t need legs to serve God.

The father , greatly encouraged, came to realize that his son’s identity went way beyond sports, his son had the strength to weather the challenge of disease. Take your time to read good book , learn to be victorious disciples & Godly parents.

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Life So Strong!

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…. “Not one of his bones will be broken,” (John 19:36b)

Life Divine, Life Undying (v.32-33)

1. Our Lord, though slaughtered, not one bone will break – The Old Testament foretold of His death in terms of when and how; His burial (Passover, crucifixion, bones not broken, buried with the rich etc). All things, came real !

2. Our Lord, rising from dead, conquered all – Bones not broken manifests His complete conquest over tribulations , symbolize His resurrection and immortality.

3. The steadfastness, faithfulness & perseverance of saints – Aren’t we all so vulnerable! When exposed to pressure, we feel like it’s the unbearable . Praise the Lord! By the power of His resurrection, we can stand firm.

This week – Let’s live by Him, nothing do we fear!

Scripture of the day: John 19:1-24 (New International Version)


* Unreserved Love (hymn in English) ?????

* That Day I Found You (hymn in Chinese) ?????? –

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Hide Under Your Wings

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I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity …. (to be perfected into one) John 17:23a

God be Center of all Things, All Saints Perfected into One:

1. Self centeredness breeds Individualism or Sectarianism – Oneness not based on vision in ministry, nor ceremonial rituals – It’s all founded on bondage with God, centers on God.
2. Oneness originates from God, dwells in God – Jesus said, “I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity …” (John 17:23a)
3. Bondage with God, all saints in one unity – The key is in “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4:2-3)

Scripture of the day: John 17:20-26 (New International Version)


Hymns sharing – Dedicated to liberate you from suffocation
1. Face to Face with God:
2. My Lord, The Most High in All Lands:
3. Grace Most Beautiful:

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Steer my Way!

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I pray for them. …. for those you have given me, for they are yours. (John 17:9)

The Lord’s Overocming Prayers
1. Allow us to share His eternal life (v.1-5)
2. Allow us protection in His holy name (v.6-12)
3. Allow us sanctification by His truth (v.13-19)
4. Allow us sight of His glory (v.20-26)

Scripture of the day: John 17:1-19 (New International Version)


* Source of All Blessings (HK) – HK has 850,000 senior citizens in age group 65+ . In every 30 hours, there is 1 senior citizen committing suicide. In July, Church in HK 4 gospel meeting, targetting the senior & housewives in all districts. Remember them in prayers.
(Causeway Bay 7/7_ Mon; TW 9/7_Wed, SPK 10/7_Thu; TM 17/7_Thu).

* Bro Chi Yan led an interesting person to the Lord. This lady is capable of foretelling the future (Of course that this is the malice of evil spirit). She claimed that she knew of mishaps on her best friend, but unable to help. In the end, she suffered a nervous breakdown. Being told by Bro Chi Yan about Christ, she repented & turned to God of light. Firm in her new faith & full of joy she serves our gracious Lord in collaboration with a God loving pastor that she is married to.

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Marching Together

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This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples. (John 15:8)

How to bear fruits in abundance?
1. Bear fruits of gospel (Romans 1:13)
2. Bear fruits of Spirit – love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. (Gal 5:22-23)
3. Bear fruits of righteousness (Phil 1:11) – almsgiving, donating, care-giving to the needy, supporting God’s servants (Rom 6:21-22)

Scripture of the day : John 15:18-27 (New International Version)


*The story of Mentholatum – Mentholatum, an icon in family healthcare products. The founder, Bro. Albert Alexandar HYDE, a diligent worker in a bank since the age of 10, grew himself to be a banker & realty tycoon. Hyde lost everything in 1889 recession ,but partnered with a pharmacist in production of medicine. In four years, they invented the world renowned Ointment . Becoming a wealthy man, he remembered the grace of God , offering one tenth of his profits to the Lord, supporting the many evangelistic efforts around the world. (to be continued)

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Enlarge your Tent!

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“…do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid!” (Jn 14 v. 27)

The greatest proclamation (v.6) :
1.The Lord is the way – leading our way by Himself in all situations!
2. The Lord is the truth – only He can live out the whole truth !
3. The Lord is the life – only His presence can make life real & meaningful!

Scripture of the day: John 14:15-31 (New International Version)


* A sister was asked by her boss to prepare a document, but she found the contents incorrect. Her spirit was unrest, after praying , she asked her boss whether the documents were telling the truth, yet her boss didn’t answered! After prsying with another sister with all her hearts , she risked & told her hot-tempered boss that she , as a Christian could not tell lies! To her surprise the boss didn’t showed his temper & handled the document himself. Jesus is Lord!

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Follow His Steps!

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…you also should wash one another’s feet. (John 13:14b)

New Class, New Command -
1. Our gracious Lord forsook His own life in exchange for that of His sheep
- This is the greatest ministry of all. (v.1)

2. Let’s love one another – This is the most respectable living of all. (v.34)

Scripture of the day: John 13:18-38 (New International Version)


* In the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake, counselling of emotion management, mental stablility & spiritual well-being are all in urgent need. Click — for Billy GRAHAM Christian Worker’s Handbook. (simplified Chinese – highly recommended, Lesson 4 in particular, useful pointers to caregivers in comforting people in disasters.

* An email was sent to Ark channel , expressing intension to commit suicide. (contained a .ZIP ) , Norton detected a highly destructive virus in the attachment ! Make sure you do not open similiar email . Delete right away. Ark only sends mail in text but NOT FILE ATTACHMENT. Only for catering overseas saints – whose computer cannot handle Chinese language would we send JPEG files.— Sam KONG, Ark Channel.

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Walk in the Light!

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… a kernel of wheat …dies… produces many seeds! (John 12v.24)

The Lord’s Path — Our Sure future:
1. Gain life through dying (v.23-26)
2. Gain many through losing (v.25)
3. Gain honor through serving (v.26)

Scripture of the Day: John 12:27-50 (New International Version)


* update on Kevin, our little brother in Sydney – “we call for your fervent prayers On June 16, Bro. Kevin will travel to a cardiology specialist in Melbourne & wait for a heart transplan if possible.Church in Sydney has founded a “Kevin Medical Fund”, saints already raised A$10,000 for his medical expenses. Kevin’s heart is functioning at a fraction of 10% & his brain subject to a minor stroke. Let’s entrust Kelvin to the mighty hand who makes the dead rise to life, turns none into plenty: He listens, He knows & He watches! ” — fr. Sister LUI (HK) 9 June 08

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Love Unlimited!

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And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume. (John 12v.3)

An Opportunity to Love — satisfy the heart of Jesus with all our Love:

1. While there is still breath in us, pour our tender love on the Lord (v.1-3)
2. Treasure the Lord’s presence above all worldly relationships & needs (v.7-8)

Scripture of the Day: John 12:1-26 (New International Version)


*Two more book on building & mending marriage —
1. “????????” (in Chinese) 1. “A Marvelous Jesus-Is-Lord Family”, by Rev. Wilfred ???,with appendix of 5 very good testimonies (Evangelical Formosan Church Com. Center Press, ????)

2. “Strike the Original Match” (in Eng) by Charles SWINDOLL published by Zondervan. Chinese translation “????” by Logos Pub. Ltd. ????. Based on the Bible, teaches couples how to face challenges of emotion, debt, integrity, argument & empty nest syndrome.

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Awaits that day!

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“…this sickness. for God’s glory… I am going there to wake him up!” (Jn 11 v.4, 11)

God’s Son “may be glorified” – in men’s weakness, hopelessness & death–

1. “Glory” isn’t gaining popular support – it is God coming to us & living with us (Jn 1:14)
2. “Glory” isn’t expressing supernatural power – it is sacrificing for one’s beloved (Jn 7:39 ;12:23)

The miracles on Lazarus directly caused Jesus’death , & this glorified God’s Son! (11:53)


* Good news – “I brought a youngster to the Lord when traveling in Nanjing , praise the Lord!”—- from A friend in business trip , China

* Pray for saints everywhere – Elsa, a cancer patient, came to my family cell group 2 years ago. After 2 years , she believed in Jesus last week! Hope that she can enjoy God’s blessing & grace in her remaining days ! Also , a 13 boy Kevin from church in Sydney , was sent to ICU recently (maybe tvirus has attacked his heart — his heart’s function only 10% left.) Last week Bro M. C. Chan (Philip) requested b/s to pray for Kelvin, everyone shed tears when hearing the news! Let’s pray for churches — to bring divine blessings for all saints. The grace of our Lord always abundant! – fr. Mrs. Lui (HK)

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Greater than All!

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I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. (John 10:10b)

Pursue & Follow Him

1. Beware of thieves (v10) – take heed of the world’s value system that fools us& ruins our beautiful life
2. Look out for the best (v16) – listen to the voice of the good shepherd all the time, this is the only way to a life of abundance, joy & contentment

Scripture of the day: John 10:22-42 (New International Version)


* OBAMA finally won to be the Democratic nominee for President of the U.S. As reading Lisa ROGAK’s “In His Own Words” ????????, I come to know him more. He agrees to legal abortion (pro-choice), considers faith as the source of hope to mankind. While his other viewpoints are words of a politician, his position is yet to be determined. Anyway, let’s all pray for the rulers of many nations, let’s pray to God to bring up the decent and the Godly to reign!

… the Most High is sovereign over the kingdoms of men…(Daniel 4:17)

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Jesus Taking the Lead!

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I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. He will come in and go out, and find pasture. (John 10:9)

The Door to Life—

1. We all need an entry to somewhere — to make a living, to be successful. Competition is fierce, pressure tense, causing us violent, miserable. Increase in emotional disorder leads to increase in sins & crime.

2. Entry into job market often leads us into worldly domains of limitation, isolation, shallowness. Only one other door, one who came from heaven, the Son of Man, Christ Himself (John 3:13a). This door paves way into the realm of God, leading to ever living stream.

3. “Salvation is found in no one else” (Acts 4:12) — In all things, count on the Lord, call on the Lord! He is the door!

Scripture of the day: John 10:1-21 (New International Version)


* In counselling those who suffer in disaster, crisis & pain recommend two practical books:
1. ” ????” (Healing is a Choice, by Stephen ARTERBURN), —10 choices in a positive mindset in midst of adversities.

2. “?????” (Emergency Room of Crisis), 12 common crisis such as premature death, youth rebel, terminal illness, bankruptcy, suicide, divorce, loss of spouse etc. Reminders of DOs and DONTs when counselling. Supported by promises in Bible, also includes resources on internet for more references & referral .

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Hope rekindled!

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As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me…. (John 9:4)

Shattered life entrust to the Master of Life!

1. Living in darkness? — Verily, men live in slavery to sin & death. But worry not! The Lord returns to forgive & heal, not to judge & punish. (v.1)

2. Living in regret? — Our past was rotten & faulty, pathetic & hateful. Just trust all to God! It is in the blindness of men that His life sheds light far & wide. (v.8)

Scripture of the day: John 9:13-41 (New International Version)


* Rescue & reconstruction difficult after the China earthquake. Chairman of YMCA, HK, Jack YOUNG, devoted & experienced in rescue work, shared that healing of heart is even more demanding in the long run. We recommend a CD — “Words that Quake & Awake” (????) , produced by Goodnews Communication International ), aimed at comforting the panicked & healing the painful. May our God bless HIs words. – (Putonghua/Cantonese. Free distribution – tel : 852-24091233 (HK).

* Must see –, prayer edition & episodes of churches in the quake hit areas.

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Light Up My Heart!

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…so that the work of God might be displayed in his life. (John 9:3)

The core of life & faith — not the signs & wonders, it’s the God of miracle Him!
1. Not How – don’t ask HOW to heal (v.10, 15, 19, 21, 26)
2. But Who – do ask WHO heals (v.5, 11, 30-38)

Scripture of the day: John 9:1-12 (New International Version)


* A girl in Australia lost her limbs in illness. She put the blame on God, Later, inspired by the Lord, she asked God what she could do. Jesus gave her a verse – Whoever believes in me,… streams of living water will flow from within him.” (John 7:38). She realized that, though handicapped, she could fit artificial limbs & write letters & comfort those those in pain. She led 2,000 people to Jesus in one year!

* Bro YU Kwong ?? (HK), father of Sister YU Lai Lan ???, rests in peace at age of 84. Memorial service — June 8, 4pm, Universal /

..we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness. (II Peter 3:13)

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Light up my Life!

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…. “I am the light of the world. …(John 8:12)

As the day dawning, The Lord proclaimed: “I am the light of the world”
1. He is from above, not of this world. (v.23)
2. He hears from God who sent Him & knows the will divine (v.26)
3. He is Son of God, here to liberate the world (v.38)
4. He is not guilty of sin (v.46), He is “I AM”. (v.58)

Lord, we believe in Thee, we worship Thee & we love Thee!

Scripture of the day: John 8:31-59 (New International Version)


* A feast of gospel sharing, 15 tables altogether, was held in a restaurant last night in Shatin. After preaching Christ, the Savior, we led all gospel friends to pray to Jesus. In the interval before eating, a waiter came up, earnestly asking, “How can I become a believer in Christ? I very much want to give it a try!” There were at least three truth seekers as such among the waiters. God so loves the world, let’s labour harder to share His great love with more, Amen! — Sam KONG (HK)

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“…If a man is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me …streams of living water will flow from within him.” (John 7:37-38)

Wonderful feast, wonderful gift (v.37-44):

1. Feast of Tabernacles – in remembrance of life as sojourneyers (Lev 23:40-43) – in this festival people left their homes & lived in tents (like those suffered from earthquake). The straw cover of their tents were made sparse that people inside can gaze the starry night, that every house should remember the blessings from on high !

2. Living stream – water & blood flowed from Jesus on cross (Jn 19:34) – from then He gave us life & Spirit, giving us true meaning of life!

Scripture of the day: John 7:30-52 (New International Version)


* International Herald Tribune commented on quake in Sichuan. Article from Shanghai, praised the excellent performance of rescue . Yet in disaster people need comfort of the Spirit . Good sermon — “Overcoming Tests & Trials” by W. C. So???

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Quench My Thirst!

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By this He meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him? ( John 7:39)

Where the joy ends ? — the Holy Spirit springs to relieve all!

1. The Lord has His timing (v.1-10) — Be still & wait for the Lord .

2. Seek Him while you can (v.11-36) — Life is like the Feast of Tabernacles, a mere seven days. At the prime of success & enjoyment, take heed to the Spirit’s calling in our inner heart!

3. Come in joy to draw water from spring of grace? (v.37-52) — the Feast ending, life squandering! But the rock that was struck — Christ Himself, can fill us with the Holy Spirit, quenching the thirst of whole world!

Scripture of the day: John 7:1-29 (New International Version)

*HK harvest — 10 gospel meetings of the past 2 weeks—- 289 accepted Christ, (149 young people ). Last session of gospel meeting by Bro Stephen TONG, 200 received the Lord. Let’s all pray for the lambs.

* Bro Samuel OON ( Toronto ) – We still have several copies of the Chinese edition of “Mind of the Master.” by Robert E. Coleman— Saints in Canada may email us at (Seed Bookroom ).

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