All is vanity but He is not

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The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life. (John 6:63)

What is the meaning and value in life?

1. Solomon thought the answer is to possess everything – wealth, beauty, knowledge, career, entertaining, power … Yet, after having enjoyed all , he sighed — ” All is vanity” (Ecclesiastes 1:2)

2. Finally, he concluded: “Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is the whole duty of (Ecclesiastes 12:13) He realized the meaning of man’s living lies not in the enjoyment for the flesh but in obeying God.

3. Jesus pointed out: “The Spirit gives life…” Life’s value is in man”s spirit where we can receive God’s words & to live for the Lord. This is the meaning & value in life!

Scripture of the day: John 6:41-71 (New International Version)


* Lord, gain the new generation in Singapore – “Praise the Lord for the harvest! We look to Him for more. We’ll be having the youth and young people’s conference (1-4 June) and the children’s camp (11-13 June). Pls help pray for them and for my son now 14. –fr Sister Woon Cheng , Church in Singapore,

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Change the course, pursue Him!

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I am the bread of life (John 6:48)

Why did Jesus do wonders with bread?

1. miracle of the bread — not just to feed the people & hungry again (v.15, 49)

2. purpose of miracle — to inspire people not to toil after food that spoils, but to labor for food that endures to eternal life — Christ.Himself! (v.27)

Scripture of the Day: John 6:22-40 (New International Version)


* Casino is flourishing in Macau. Saints over the world concerned about the church there .Yesterday two pastors, N.L. WONG (22 years service in Macau) & H.K.LEE shared — every Sunday there are 70+ Christian gatherings , a total of 4,200 adult believers in Macau . Pls pray for church in gambling city & salvation of non believers.

* evangelist John SUNG Shang Chieh once preaching in Taiwan & rebuking men’s wickedness. A Mr. GUO thought his church pastor must have disclosed his private affairs to the speaker. Overwhelmed with anger, GUO invited his pastor home, drew a knife & attempted to hurt him. Taking GUO by surprise, our brother bent on his knees to pray. GUO regretted & repented on his knees, weeping to confess his sins He later became a disciple who really loved the Lord!

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Embracing Life!

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.. but for food that endures to eternal life? .. (John 6:27)

Miraculous Signs Attract Multitude! — Our Humble Lord Left in Solitude!

1. Miraculous signs the Lord did bestowed grace upon 5000! — Come close to God but ask not for goodness and fullness. Set our eyes on Him alone. (v.1-15)

2. Do we see the aspect of our Lord as a provider only? — We need to storm through wind & to recognize the Son of God, the bread of life & the way to everlasting life!

Scripture of the day: John 6:1-21 (New International Version)


*God did wonders– gospel meeting of Shatin last week, one of the two ladies who came together stood to accept the Lord. They attended the meeting simply through an invitation left in their mail box. Halleluiah! —-wilson LEE (HK)

* Evangelist John SUNG was preaching the love of God in Taiwan. One day, while rebuking hypocrisy in men, incidentally, he pointed at a Mr. GUO. GUO did not know Bro SUNG, thinking that it must be the pastor in his church who bad mouthed him behind his back. The following night, Bro SUNG rebuked evil again , incidentally, he pointed at Mr. GUO. Misunderstanding that the pastor was disclosing his private affairs, GUO , anger built up in him to a point that he invited his pastor to dine at home, pulling a dagger in attempt to kill the pastor. (to be continued)

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Blazing Furnace Refines the Gold

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I do not accept praise from men, (John 5:41)

Jesus our Life, our Glory!
1. Live our life to come only to Him to have life — eternal life that only the Savior can give (v.39-40)
2. Live our life to seek glory from God — not any praise from men (v.41)

Scripture of the day: John 5:30-47 (New International Version)


*Angela CHAN (HK), sought prayer support last week for her father. Last week her father & sister all turned to Jesus ! Uncle CHAN testified how Jesus saved him out of the stroke attack after 30+ hours of helplessness in bathroom. It was amazing grace ! –Angela thanks all your prayers.

*A Qiao (??) a sister from HK – married into the remote mountain area in China & spreading the gospel new new home . Her baby is due for delivery soon . Let us all pray for the health of both mother & child.

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Grace, Mercy & Peace

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whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst (John 4v.14)

Life so perplexing & heart breaking – we need living water!

1. What are we seeking in this barren & exhausting world? (v.1-18)
2. Let the Lord of truth awaken our conscience!

Let Holy Word & Spirit come in to be our satisfaction! (v.19-30)

Scripture of the Day: John 4:1-30 (New International Version)


* HK – church 4 gospel meetings 5-25/26 (Sun) (Enq. 23695106); Bro Stephen. TONG ??? – 4 sessions / Hung Hom Coliseum, 5- 24-25 (Enquiry In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead… I give you this charge: Preach the Word (II Tim 4:1-2)

* “2008 is a year of change. Leaders change hands: China, Taiwan, HK, US elections…II Tim reminds us to pray for all men & those in authority…(Ark Channel notes: also for natural catastrophes over the world!)… Only Christ can save. Stay close to world events. Pray for the non believers in Myanmar! “– In the Lord, Sister Ellen (youth leader in HK)

* Let’s pray for rescue efforts in Sichuan earthquake (51,151 died); & Myanmar cyclone (78,000 died).

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His Love Unending

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Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life… (John 3:36)

Born again — Enjoy the three blessings of :

1. His life is a life that immortal & sanctified

2. His life is full of strength, holiness, peace, joy, kindness & love

3. His life overcoming death , full of glory & hope unto eternity !

Praise the Lord!

Scripture of the day: John 3:19-36 (New International Version)


* Touching photo — “The Daily Telegraph” captures a man who lost his wife in earthquake. He tied the dead body of his wife close to him, riding on motorbike –to bring her to the morgue. It is his way of paying his respect to his dear wife. Many left words on web –“Your wife made the right choice to marry you!”; “It’s been long since I wept, this photo brings tears to my eyes. What a good man, truly so!
”Who shall ever separate us from Christ’s love?… Shall suffering .. or calamity and distress.?… (Rom 8:35)

* The story about father saving his son took place in the earthquake of San Francisco , 1989.
– fr Bro P.K. FOK, San Francisco

Earthquake in China 51,000 +.died Let us pray & move the saving hand of God Almighty!
Be.. patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

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Be Still & Wait!

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‘You must be born again.’ (John 3v.7)

Life is full of disasters & sufferings – What do we really need?
1. A new life from above (v.1-8)
2. A Savior who came from above (v.13-21)

Scripture of the Day: John 3:1-18 (New International Version)


*China news a Mr. Yao, 33 year old man in the quake hit area of Beichuan County (???), carried his wife, who was injured, on his back and walked 300 miles crossing 18 mountains for 6 days and 6 nights. Finally he brought LUO Yan (??), his wife home.

A husband myself, I salute him! Never give up on your spouse even if he / she is troublesome at times.
You have to carry him/her, life or death! “…how do you know, husband, whether you will save your wife?” (I Cor 7:16)

* Bro Alan TAM (HK), his mother, Agnes, had a stroke last Friday. Alan is desperately asking the saints’to pray for his mother’s recovery. Peace be with Alan and his house !

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Always with You

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…Jesus would not entrust Himself to them, for He knew all men. (John 2v.24)

When wine was gone, water turned to wine – The End of Man is the Beginning for God:
1. The first of Jesus’ miraculous signs (v.1-3) – fine wine in life can be gone any moment , but His divine life & presence is our hope !

2. Who will cherish what is held in hand (v.4-12) – in all helplessness, why not confide with the Lord of heaven & earth — He is right here by your side!

*The earthquake in San Francisco, 1989, rocked 300 thousand people in as short as 4 minutes. A father forgot not his commitment to his son — No matter what happens, I’m always here for you! With hope, he dug the rubble of the school for 38 hours, uncovering his 7 years old son .His son asked him to first rescue his 14 school mates, knowing for sure that his father will be with him & he was not afraid. (excerpt from a Primary 3 text book) “ Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” (Heb 13:5)

Scripture of the Day: John 2 (New International Version)


* Nation in pain, unceasingly we pray –Rescue operation in Sichuan is dangerous, causing many
deaths in line of duty. Ark Channel proposes all to pray 3 times a day this week to fully cover each of the
13 quake hit cities & counties.
Refer to wikipedia.

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Sunday Hope!

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… The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Behold , the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world…(John 1v.29)

Prayers network for earthquake from Good News Communication —

Our 4 reactions after earthquake —
1. Mourn with the those who mourn (Romans 12:15),
2. Be patient in affliction, faithful in prayer (Romans 12:12),
3. Walk with God,
4. Live out the abounding love, offer assistance & share gospel of victory that overcome death & pain.

Scripture of the day: John 1:1-28 (New International Version)


* May God protect whosoever being affected by the earthquake ! — from Sister Pan from Chuang Sha , China

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Be Brave!

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“As they talked and discussed these things with each other, Jesus himself came up and walked along with them.” (Lk 24:15)

With God things don’t just happen – stranger on the way:
1. Jesus said – peace be with you (v.36) – Do we want to be freed from fear, worries & hatred?

2. Jesus lifted up his hands – blessed us (v.50) – After much twists & turns, the resurrected Lord left His love, presence, mission & power. Life is promising tomoroow ( Luke next wrote Acts of the Apostles that gain whole world)!

Scripture of the day: Luke 24:28-53 (New International Version)


* “My father is now 70, has been rejecting Jesus God. Late in last year he got a stroke in mainland China, fallling on floor with no one besides him. After 30+ hours without food & water ,he was saved miraculously. God still loves him, giving him a second chance ! He will come to gospel meeting , pls pray for his soul!” –Angela & Kam Man (HK)

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Nourished by Tears!

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Three Great Things The Lord did after His Resurrection:

1. Testify – search for the faint hearted, fortify and provide (v.1-43)

2. Energize – equip and strengthen, commission to bless (v.44-49)

3. Edify – preach the kingdom of God , train up new workers (Acts 1)

Scripture of the Day: Luke 24:1-27 (New International Version)


* After Tang Shan earthquake years ago, I met a young man in railway station in Southern China . He was the only survivor, having lost his whole family in earthquake. Moved by Holy Spirit, I asked him if he knew why he was still living. I told him it was because Lord Jesus preserved his life so that one day he could come to know God & gain eternal life. The young man prayed with me earnestly to accept the Lord, consecrating himself to God… Let us all pray for the rescue effort in today Sichuan earthquake, let many more be saved, both physically and spiritually. — Sam Kong, HK

Death toll in China earthquake 20,000+. Estimates total death 50,000+. Pray for rescue efforts & all!

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Heal Our Land

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Jesus answered him, “… today you will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)

A unique account in the Book of Luke – The Lord’s final seeking & saving:

1. Jesus on trial – testified that He was qualified to be the Lamb of God.

2. Salvation of a criminal – on the cross, Jesus confirmed the theme of Luke -while on earth, even to His last breath, He sought & saved – the chief of sinners.

Do we understand the compassion of our Lord!

Scripture of the Day: Luke 23:1-26 (New International Version)


*50 youngsters will join Gospel Camp organized by Tree of Life Education Centre, HK (May 14-16). Let’s pray for their faithfulness in following Christ!. – In Christ, Ellen (HK)

*Earthquake in Wenchuan(??), Sichuan took at least 12,000 lives. We urge all to fervently pray for the rescue operations & saving of lives.

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Endure long!

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“But not a hair of your head will perish!” ( Lk 21 v.18)

3 tribulations in last hours – God will keep us!

1. Religious – deceptive teachings (v.8)

2. International affairs – growing instability (v.9-11)

3. On faith – persecution worsen (v.12-15)

Yet there is numerous chance to witness for Lord! (v.12-15)

Scripture of the Day: Luke 21:20-38 (New International Version)


* ???????“ Tomorrow is Another Day” ( by W. M. Chim???/mp3) – We must face sorrow in certain point in our lives, but the man suffered under the robbers’ hands can experience God’s healing & supply of oil & wine. (Lk 10). Sister Chim has much experience in counseling with Christ’s love & God’s words. ( Cantonese/Mandarin, 6 sermons, published by HK GNCI, HK

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Be Always on the Watch!

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… but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” (Luke 21:4b)

In the end time – Precarious is the world, Devoted is my heart :

1. Let’s be that poor widow — to sacrifice our all for the Lord!
The two very small copper coins may not earn the praise of the world, but surely they touch the deepest in the heart of our Lord! (v.1-4)

2. Let’s be watchful & prayerful to sustain along the path of perils!
It’s to our heart’s content to sustain till His return , & be able to stand before the Son of Man! (v.5-38)

Scripture of the day: Luke 21:1-19 (New International Version)


*Pray for Myanmar — Pray for the door of gospel to be open , & lives be saved — Casualties in the cyclone were 22500 deaths & 41000 missing. Estimates victims total 24 million (nearly half of it’s population . For the past 30 years, Christians in Myanmar suffered alienation. Praise the Lord for sending missionaries like Adoniram JUDSON to build up churches in this poor nation. We see revival in recent years, especially among the minority races, total of Christians in Myanmar now over 3 million!

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My Living God!

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He is the God of … the living…” (Luke 20:38)

A logic that surpasses the world – from this age to that age:

1. “People of this age” – (v.34-36) – Cherish those who are close to you! We live not only in “this age”, together with your beloved, pursue “that age” we have hope for.

2. “but those who are considered worthy to attain to that age and to the resurrection from the dead” – Luke mentioned resurrection 6 times (v. 27, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38). In “that age”, we neither marry nor are given in marriage, we cannot die anymore, as sons of God, being sons of the resurrection ! (v.37-38)

Scripture of the day: Luke 20:23-47 (New International Version)


* “Handbook of The Truth”??????–by Pastor W.S. WONG (???) concise & precise. List out the fallacies of 8 heresies in the world . Also presents the “Cults & Extremisms” in China , To obtain a copy (Chinese) , contact view online, click —

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What’s God’s Is God’s!

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… give to … God what is God’s.” (Luke 20:25)

To Him I surrender all! (v.19-26)

1. The ultimate goal in politics is justice –

Let’s do our dues to our rulers, even more so, we should do our dues to our God.

2. We bear in us the image of God –

God created us, Jesus redeemed us . For sure we should surrender our life & our all in all to our God.

Scripture of the day: Luke 20:1-22 (New International Version)


*Directory of Faith – Political situation in China changed drastically after WWII, saints of the CIM, China Inland Mission??? were forced to withdraw from the country. In 1951, still 627 missionaries scattering all over China , each in tough & rough conditions in their own ways. In a historic name list preserved, it logged that only 8 stayed in China as of 1952, 5 in Jan. 1953, 2 left on Mar 24, 1953.

July 20, 1953, the last 2 brothers – Bro. Mathews,R. Arthur & Clarke , Rupert (??? & ??? )arrived HK safely ! One hour later, wires were received around the world, announcing the accomplishment of CIM’s mission in history. (P.209 of “China: The Reluctant Exodus”?????????touching account & photos of these 2 brothers at the border of HK.

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Living In Readiness!

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… “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace… (Luke 19:42)

The three big desires sealed in Jesus’ heart

1. Jesus is Savior, seeking the lost ones (v.1-10) – Acquaint with Him sincerely! Who would linger over the old being any more?

2. Jesus is Master of (v.11-27) – All are equal: given one life, one talent. Why lay it away?

3. Jesus is King, blessing with peace (v.18-48) –He sees through our past, our heart & our future. Is our stubborn heart causing Him to worry & grieve over our ending?

Scripture of the day: Luke 19:28-48 (New International Version)


*I am now reading The Mind of the Master by Robert E. COLEMAN, a God fearing servant, exploring the inner mind of the Master from six aspects: His source of life, His expression through prayers, His word of authority , His insight in the gospel, His way of the cross, His heavenly vision . How do we echo He views? Who does grieve what He grieves? Led by the glory of God , in writing this book , COLEMAN offer himself to serve God again & again.

Ark Channel highly recommends .

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Victory Over All

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For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost (left in the wrong place).” (Luke 19:10)

Headline: Zacchaeus —- the tax commissioner repented & mended his evil way

1. Do we strive our utmost effort to seek the Lord today, like any other day?
Don”t give up! Seek until you see Him! (v.1-4)

2. Do we know that the Lord is here with us this week, like any other week?
Look to Jesus! He is looking on you too! (v.5-6)

Scripture of the day: Luke 19:1-27 (New International Version)


*Famous pastor, Rev. Paul SHEN (???), once served the Lord with His great love in Yun Nan. One time in the midst of great difficulties, he prayed to the Lord for 10 yuans, the Lord responded & provided. Testimony in audio (Mandarin & Cantonese) and text (Chinese):

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Possible with God!

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“I tell you the truth, no one who has left…for the sake of the kingdom of God will fail to receive many times as much in this age and, in the age to come, eternal life.” (Lk 18 v.29-30)

Where to find Eternal Life – 2 judgment of Jesus:

1. You still lack one thing –power or wealth are just entrusted to you temporarily. You can’t own them, nor use them to gain eternal life!

2. Then come, follow me – Our Lord is God, He is eternal life ! Pay any cost to know Him & gain Him!

Scripture of the day: Luke 18:1-23 (New International Version)


* Bro C. K. Kok’s ???(HK) liver transplant – among the 2 donaters the younger one fail to pass evaluation process. Another one, sister Lam from my church, will take the test soon. Pls pray for both Kok & Lam.
— Bro.KF Chan

* Sister T. Y. Chu??? who had moved to France was back to Europe after reunion with saints in HK. Also, May Cheng who had just believed in Jesus in HK , was back to Sydney.

May the Lord guide their ways to testify His name wherever they go.

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Him Alone!

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Two men will be in the field: the one will be taken and the other left. (Luke 17:36, NKJV)

What a sight! What a sigh! – God’s Strictest Scrutiny (v.20-27)

1. the strictest scrutiny – God destroyed both sinful cities of Sodom & Gomorrah , Jesus emphasized the lesson of Lot’s wife -away from the city physically, her heart lingered over the joy in sin.

2. judgment begins at the house of God – The ones left behind are like Lot’s wife – those taken are the ones willing to lose thier own souls.

Are we drifting with the world or God -fearing?
Are we willing to deal with all our impurity in our emotions, our mind & our thoughts?
Do we choose to dwell in the Lord & walk in His presence ?

Scripture of the day: Luke 17:20-37 (New International Version)


*Ark Channel encountered IT problems yesterday. Pls note that Ark Channel will not send mail with attachments except JPEG files to those saints whose computer cannot handle Chinese. Pls remember our service in your holy prayers. Pray that we have strength, no matter how little, to serve in God’s house – to supply timely, to support the needy.

— Sam Kong and fellow servants of the Ark.

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Meaning of Life, Cause of Salvation!

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…we have only done our duty.’ (Luke 17:10)

Disciples of the Lord — Duties of Life
1. Dutiful & Faithful (v.1-10) – be wise & kind, forgiving & faithful… these are our dues, not our boasts
2. Grateful& Respectful (v.11-19) – many a time God delivers us from hopelessness & helplessness, but heartlessly, we flee, we forget

Scripture of the day: Luke 17:1-19 (New International Version)


* Dear Saints, Sis. Bonnie ( a new believer) just finished her fifth session of chemotherapy. We thank you for your prayer. Bonnie in good shape , ready to be discharged from hospital.– In Christ, Iris (HK)

* The Worth of Life, The Cause of Salvation – Sermon of 27/4, Special Conference “The Revelation of
Building the Church” (Session 2) / Cantonese

* Bro KC KWOK (???/HK), long time servant of Christ , is in need for liver transplant. Praise the Lord! Two saints ready to donate a liver. Will take place on May 5 if medical screening OK . Pls remember the saints in your prayer.

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On the cross!

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“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much,…” (Luke 16:10)

True wisdom does not lie in what we possess; it rests with how much we provide (v.1-13)

1. None of our economy on earth belongs to us for real – we are no more than short-term stewards.

2. Compared to eternity, all worldly things are trivial – let’s all be trustworthy with the ‘very little’, paving our way to eternity.

Scripture of the day: Luke 16:18-31 (New International Version)


* Gospel – , May (18, 25, 31) Church in HK — gospel meetings – 10 district halls. Pray for the Kingdom move!

* The Worth of Life, The Cause of Salvation – Sermon of 27/4 , Special Conference “The Revelation of Building the Church” (Session 1 of 2), Cantonese:

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Rest in Jesus’ Arms!

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…What shall I do? (Luke 16:3b)

Opportunities last but a moment– invest in eternity, gain men for God (v.1-13):
1. Be Stewards of Wealth – are we faithful and wise in spending our wealth for the Lord?
2. Be Stewards of Time – are we living for God, investing time to gain men for the Lord?
3. Be Stewards of Gospel – are we exhausting our energy and resources to reach out, to share the gospel?

Scripture: Luke 16:1-17 (New International Version)


* Media reports on the ever-widening gap between the rich & the poor in HK. Close to a million people live in poverty: one out of four children is in desperate need for aid. Let’s all pray for our city. Jesus promised gospel for the poor. The floor of harvest is vast but laborers few . Let’s all remember the needs in our prayer.

* Church in Singapore. (Newsletter article “What Marriage Typifies” advises on
husband and wife relationship / marriage.)

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God can!

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“…this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.” (Luke 15:32)

Stories that God holds close to His heart – He forgets not! He forsakes not!

1. All-embracing is the joy of repentance! (v.11-24)
2. All-powerful is the grace of pardon! (v.25-32)

Do we know of anyone who is “incurably” beyond salvation?
Continue to pray again for him/her. God can! God saves!

Scripture: Luke 15:11-32 (New International Version)

* From sister TONG Man Wah (Myra) , US – …the Lord spoke to me through Psalm 131 the birds were singing in the yard echoing the grace of God. He is almighty & to Him is all praise & adoration. Peace & security is from God. I am sure by facing the stress of financial tension (tax month here), God shows me He does not slumber nor fall asleep. Listen to the Holy Spirit & hear him personally. O Lord, give us the super-vision in order to see through this dark period of age & let us hear the ultra-sound of heaven in order to discern what the truth is.

— fr. S. Carolina

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Be Simple!

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“…the master told his servant, ‘Go out…and make them come in’…” (Lk 14 v.23)

All things ready – but God & men must work together ( v.15-23)

1. Everyone who’s willing can be a guest in God’s kingdom
2. Only loyal servants can bring blessings to sinners & passer-bys

Go and invite all to come for the Lord!

Scripture of the day: Luke 14:15-35 (New International Version)


* Hung Hung, the daughter of a famous actress, visiting Australia fr 30/4. (10 gospel meetings) Also Bro Y. H. Yuen ???(US), who had turned into a professor from a drug trafficker, visiting HK (7 gospel meegtins)to witness how God forgave him & called him from jail. Pls pray for them – to save as many souls as possible!

?Our beloved Bo C. K. Kok???(HK) will be examined on his condition to receive liver transplant, may Jesus heal him. (Our Lord has already answered our prayer, sending an Australian sister to donate her liver to him! )

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Eyes Heavenward

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… he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 14:11b)

When all make excuses to decline, let gift of grace be theirs – the poor, blind & deprived!

1. Are we tangled at heart by worries of the world? (v.18)
2. Are we letting material pursuits substitute God? (v.19)
3. Are we attending God’s banquet of salvation with our beloved half? (v.20)

All who treasure the gracious Savior make no excuses !

Scripture of the day: Luke 14:1-14 (New International Version)


* Glad tidings – Bro Alex (Toronto) brought his freind in HK – Mr. Lee to Christ . Mr. Lee quits gambling & follow Jesus. Also Bro Timothy (?? fr Calgary, Canada), touched by the Spirit , in cold weather of 40 degrees below zero, he shared the love of God with a friend. His friend now a firm Christian . Jesus is Lord in all situation!

* God treats all equal! —Bro LEE Tak Kwun ???, father of Y.S . LEE ??? (HK) received the Lord at the age of 80. Even confined to a wheelchair, he was diligent for church meetings. He passed away 85. Funeral gospel meeting 27/4, 7:30pm (??). Pray for total salvation ot the Lee’s family .

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