Refine my Heart!

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Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid… (Luke 12v.7)

A motto on investment – a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions (v.15)
1. That day when we meet God face to face, what will He say to us?
2. For all that we have labored to earn, any “off shore investment” is in heaven & lasting?
3. Being rich before God is more important than being rich before man!

Scripture of the Day: Luke 12:23-59 (New International Version)


*A cobbler’s map – William CAREY, an English cobbler, touched & guided by a world map that he put up on the wall, he prayed for all nations while mending shoes. Later he traveled in India for 41 years, translated the Indain Bible , promoted his missionary vision towards whole world. His golden verse : “Let us, then, go to him outside the camp, bearing the disgrace he bore.” (Heb 13:13). William CAREY in details: ::please Click here::

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Lord, give me strength to press on!

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…But I will show you whom you should fear… Luke 12:5a

For 2 reasons, plot your life on a new position:

1. In terror of life & death, recognize God’s power & understand His attribute (12:1-34) – God is Almighty! He is awe-inspiring! He has power to cast one into hell!

2. Knowing God’s plan of this age (12:35-13:9) – Trust that God provides — serve with faith in His house ! He will soon return!

No matter how fearsome our God, we are of great worth in His sight! (12:7)

Scripture of the Day: Luke 12:1-31 (New International Version)


*Bros CHU Siu Ming ??? (Father) & Joseph, King Wah??? (Son) visited Indonesia & returned with good news. Before WWII, more than 30 Chinese missionaries labored for the gospel in Vietnam , Malaysia , Indonesia , Philippines & Singapore .They worked in the midst of abuse, burnings, killings & anti Chinese riots… they conveyed profound impact for these countries . (In the past 40 years, great revivals in Indonesian churches, Christians multiplied ten-fold – from 1.3 to 11.5 million!)

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Walking with God!

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…Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it. (Luke 11v.28)

Standing at the junction? Two advices from Christ :

1. Prayers (v.1-13) — pray for God’s kingdom, pray for our own heart & for others’ need!
2. Warnings (v.14-54) — keep our eyes bright & our heart pure. Otherwise …

Scripture of the day: Luke 11:29-54 (New International Version)


* Author of the book – “Polish of Love ” -by Jyun Kwan & her husband CT Yau , founded Chinese Family for Christ which helped lots of Christians to repair their marriage & establish spiritual family. Jyun suffered from cancer for 9 years & lost her sight recently. She still travels to share her vision . Pls pray for the couple & thier ministry . click to see –

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Listen to His Voice!

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… sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. (Luke 10:39)

The Three Enlightenments — Welcoming Jesus as a genuine disciple

1. ACT – good Samaritan lived out practiced His biggest command of Love (Luke 10:27)

2. LISTEN – Mary listened to what the Lord said, leading her onto the path of discipleship (Luke 10:39, ref: Luke 6:47, 8:11, 8:21, 11:28)

3. PRAY – in fellowship with Abba, let ‘s prayer & supplication fill us with the Holy Spirit (Luke 11:1-13)

‘The better part’ is to – Fix our eyes on our VIP , on Him & Him alone, devote our heart to His holy words, His & His alone – His presence is God’s kingdom come.

Scripture of the day: Luke 10:21-42 (New International Version)


* The “Memoirs of the Life & Labours of Robert MORRISON, Full Volume”???????(??)? is a collection of first-hand material . Candid accounts of Morrison’s experience in serving Christ , letters to churches, family & society. ( by his widow Eliza Armstrong MORRISON) Inspiring !

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With patience we wait!

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… but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20)

The three attitudes of a disciple — orders and training of Chrsist :
1. harvest abundant – Pray ye the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers into harvest (Luke 10:1-11)
2. labor with loyalty – no matter what the achievement, it is all for His name (Luke 10:17-22)
3. be still in our Father –in wahatever situation,, obey, rejoice & give thanks (Luke 10:21-22)

Scripture of the day: Luke 10:1-20 (New International Version)


* “At her old age, my mother suffered loss of sight, unwell in moving, depressed ! Thank God for keeping her alive to know Jesus. She requested out of her own will to be baptized, turning her last days from sorrow to joy, returned to Heaven in peace. God used her story to testify His love, drawing my brothers & sisters to hear the gospel. We give thanks to God & all saints for their prayers! “– Michael & Claudia

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Together Built !

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… You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. (Luke 9:55)

Jesus is the Most Precious — the core value of a disciple (Luke 9-10)

1. follow the Lord with undivided attention (Luke 9:57-62)
– The Lord did not lead an easy life on earth, but He did enjoy rest. Are we ready to live like Him?

2. serve the Lord with wholehearted concentration (Luke 10:1-16)
– Be farsighted in gathering the Lord’s harvest. Be ambitious to save not just households , but cities !

3. earn the Lord-given reward with absolute dedication (Luke 10:17-20)
– Gain or loss on earth is not the ultimate conclusion. Let’s fix our mind on multiplying savings in our heavenly account.

Scripture of the day: Luke 9:37-62 (New International Version)


*Scientist William Thomson KELVIN, born a genius, was a college student as early as when he was 10. At the age of 16, when he read the testimony of astronomer KEPLER, he was inspired & became a Christian. In the Second Law of Thermodynamics that he published, he quoted Psalms 102:26. — They will perish, but you remain; they will all wear out like a garment. Like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded. But you remain the same, and your years will never end. (v.26-27) )

* For new generation among churches & in Sydney — ” amen. they are the inheritance of God… we need to pray for them. praise the Lord. —- zhuang shufang (fr Church) in Singapore )

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Horizons Expanded!

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If anyone is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (Luke 9:26)

God’s dominion cannot be entrusted to those :

1. who wish to exploit wealth out of following Christ (v.57)
2. who drag & doubt the worth of following Christ (v.59)
3. who prioritize wrongly & put Christ after his own interests (v.61)

For the Kingdom service , let us look onwards !

Scripture of the day: Luke 9:1-36 (New International Version)


*Scientist Johannes KEPLER was an enthusiast in pursuing eternity. He counted all things on earth but dung , so he set his mind in studying stars & planets, later became a famous astronomer. His research of the infinite horizon in universe boils down to one line –”The Finger of God is There!”

*Mr. LEUNG, a cancer patient who was salvaged from his suicide attempt ,accepted Christ as savior in hospital last week. His wife is now attending church meetings. Ples pray for his family. – Bro . Chu Chi Yan (HK)

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Sing Aloud !

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… He (Jesus) fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake… (Luke 8v.23)

The Lord calls for servants who labor thus!

1. support the church of the Lord with all his means and talents (v.1-3)
2. retain and ponder the words of the Lord with noble heart (v.4-15)
3. hear the word of God & put into practice with respect (v.19-21)
4. endure the blow of storm & divine power (v. 22-39)
5. experience divine healing & reborn with changes inside out (v.43-56)

Scripture of the day: Luke 8:26-56 (New International Version)


* Bro CN LUI (HK) returned from Church in Sydney, reports –” A God fearing new generationin Church in Sydney: Glory to God! Praise Him for His blessings on churches in Australia! We urge saints to pray for new generation. Let’s serve with our prayer to move His mighty hands . His grace is all sufficient and everlasting! – From your fellow comrades – Bro & Sister LUI

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Hold Fast!

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“When the Lord saw her (the widow), his heart went out to her…”( Lk 7v.13)

2 miracles of love – mercy on poor & rich:

1. Our Lord never looks down on petty slave of the centurion. (v.1-10)
2. Our Lord helps the only son of a widow, & more precious friends around us. (v.11-17)

He hears ,He saves!

Scripture of the day: Luke 7:24-50 (New International Version)


* The book “A Prodigal’s Song”(???) inspired Chinese intellects, with 700,000 copies printed . The writer Li Ching??, now a fulltime servant, was once an atheist. He will come from U.S. & share the gospel in HK – April, pls pray for thousands of students & teachers in universities of HK! –reported by Kelvin (HK)

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Words that Heal!

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… asking Him to come and heal his servant (Luke 7v.3) … I have not found such great faith… (Luke 7v.9)

He never turned anyone away — (Luke 7:1-9)

1. Character so noble (v.1-3) –Asking the Lord to save the life of a slaves! What a compassion!

2. Faith so great (v.6-10) – Only one thing that can move the hand of the Lord of

heaven & earth – by your faith ! Rise & pray in faith for the lost souls nearby!

Scripture of the day: Luke 7:1-23 (New International Version)


* Pray for my dear ones in Shanghai – “My niece Po Kee is still a non believer, her husband a Frenchman working in Shanghai. Po Kee is now pregnant, expecting, a pair of twins. At a relatively old age, she fears the threat of miscarriage… I have asked fellow saints in Shanghai to visit her.Pls pray for the couple – to turn to Jesus in tough times , & babies be born in healthy birth – C.F. Frankie (HK) … now is the day of salvation. (II Corinthians 6:2)

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In His Shadow!

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… who comes to me and hears my words and puts them into practice … is like a man building a house, who dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it … (Luke 6:47-48)

Hear His Words and Practice Them — In ministering with compassion, take note of –

1. integrity — it takes a good tree to bear good fruit (v.43)
2. basis of life — takes a foundation to support a strong house (v.49)

It takes a lifetime to build up our quality & success in what we do. A new life born of the Holy Spirit shadows the divine value of the Lord. He practices the Words that he hears, thus keeping him immune to affliction, setting him apart from worldly fashion , protecting him from deceit of false teachings.

Scripture of the day: Luke 6:27-49 (New International Version)


* For couples – “Building Block to a Strong Marriage” by David EGNER — 10 principles in marriage according to Biblical teachings. Highly recommended for both married & single.

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Now, not later!

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“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Luke 6:20)

In Poverty , our trust only on Him :

1. The poor loves the Lord more so than the rich – A poor widow gave her all to God, even Jesus was touched (Mark 12:41-44)

2. Love turns the poor become rich at heart – Paul was touched by the grace of Macedonian churches. In extreme poverty, they were overflowing with joy & rich generosity. (II Corinthians 8:1-5)

Poverty leads us to rely solely on God. It takes a great sage to be a steward of God’s money – God’s money on hand , using the world as not using it to the full; acquire possessions as not owning it.

Scripture of the Day: Luke 6:1-26 (New International Version)


* ???Michael CHENG’s ‘s mother, FONG Po Chun ??? – memorial service 4/11 ,7:30pm (??) Bro LUNG Fai Cheung???, funeral – 4/ 12 , 6:30pm, (??) . LAM Siu Chor ???, funeral / gospel meeting 4/ 12 – 2pm, (??). Pray for the salvation for these 3 families!

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Love heals!

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…”Follow me,” … (Luke 5v.27)

No regret in Jesus, having Him is having all! – The 4 amazing works of love towards us:

1. from disappointed to catch-full (v.1-11)
2. from sick to healed (v.12-16)
3. from sinful to pardoned (v.17-26)
4. from old to new (v.27-39)

Scripture of the day: Luke 5:27-39 (New International Version)


* Robert HOOKE, the scientist who discovered the law of elasticity shared his story. One night, a rat came to eat his cheese & Robert saw some fleas on the rat. Under the microscope he was amazed at the beauty & artistic arrangement in the hair of fleas. He dared not oppose God anymore & totally submitted to Christ! He once encouraged Isaac NEWTON, saying — The inspiration to invent is like the temperament of the Holy Spirit, not a trace that you can follow. It’s only once in a while that scientists can grasp the intent of the Almighty Creator. All my works & inventions are results of my being touched by God!

*Bro S.M. CHU ??? (Father) & K. W. CHU King Wah??? (Son) left for Indonesia . Will visit churches founded by former missionaries such as Dr. R.A. Jaffray (???). their trip covers Surabaya , Jakarta , Makassar , & Samarinda in the mountain areas of Borneo. Also visit saints in ???, the church shepherded by their grandfather – Rev.CHOE Sing Huen (???). Pls remember them in prayer , fortifying the churches that they visit.

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Plot my future anew!

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“I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” (Luke 5:32)

The Call of Jesus — His power to plot our future anew – Our 3 responses :

1. obey His words (v.1-5)
2. acknowledge our sins (v.8)
3. follow our Lord (v.11)

Scripture of the day: Luke 5:1-26 (New International Version)


* Robert HOOKE, the scientist who discovered the law of elasticity, produced the microscope and mercuric thermometer, earning the reputation of “king of invention”. Born ugly, troubled by ill health, he could not understand why his father, a pastor , chose to live simple and poor in a remote island, caring for prisoners. Thus he evaded God, hostile with religion. However, when he became famous, he returned to God because of a rat and a flea. (to be continued )

*Bro James CHU, a servant of God, returned to Church in NY last week. Worth reading is his sharing in HK on “How to raise the next generation”- click text / Chinese :

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God is my Portion!

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Jesus …went to the home of Simon. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her…. (Luke 4v.38)

Church , home & city — Jesus is Lord !

1. Jesus drove out the demon in the synagogue (v.33-37)
2. Jesus went to a home to heal (v.38-39)
3. Jesus was magnified everywhere (v.40-41)

Let us ask Jesus to heal our church, our family and our city!

Scripture of the day: Luke 4:31-44 (New International Version)


* My Saviour —” Jesus saved my wife , my three sons & some friends from a group of hundreds fierce monkeys when they went to Shing Mun River for a picnic. He also saved them from 2 fierce big dogs, which chased after them & wanted to attack them. Praise Him. — In the Lord, John & Jessie(HK)

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Thy Finger – My Way!

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“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit…” (Lk 4:14)

Be an audience or a blessed?

1. In a famine – a Gentile widow was saved because of her fear of God (v.24-26)

2. Suffering from leprosy – a Gentile general was healed because of his humble obedience (v.27-29). Do we just enjoying hearing God’s words? Are we really aware that we are the poor, prisoners, blinds, oppressed, shameful… that we repent sincerely & seek God humbly? (v.18-19)

Scripture of the day: Luke 4:1-30 (New International Version)


* Pls pray for Bro C. K. Kok ??? in HK – our brother has served the Lord for years, now he needs an urgent liver transplant . (must be of blood type O) Pls pray for our brother . – K. F. Chan ???(HK)

* Bro James Chu’s sermons — “From Exhaustion to Jubilation”, click the follow link – “From Exhaustion to Jubilation

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Kindling Thought, Glowing Word!

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When the devil had finished all this tempting, he left Him until an opportune time. (Luke 4:13)

Be on the alert of Satan’s attacks – lures, traps, tests! — The devil said to the Lord,

1. “…tell this stone to become bread”— to fill an empty stomach — lust of the flesh

2. “…worship me”– to gain all authority & splendor – lust of the eyes

3. “… throw yourself down from here”— to show your own power – pride in this life

Obey & trust His words, deny oueselves – this is the only means to defeat Satan! (Luke 4:2-13)

Scripture of the day: Luke 3:23-38 (New International Version)


* Letter from New Zealand — ” God is great wherever we are! I just had a very blessed weekend in Wellington. And church was amazing… choir all dressed in white, lots of singing & dancing & worshipping. Felt like I was in heaven for a while. Hope you are all well in church. Blessings” — fr Sister Eunice, Palmerston North, NZ

* Bro LEE Tak Kwun (87 years old), father of Bro LEE Yeung Shing (HK) ,passed away & entered into the rest of our Lord . Thanks to saints from all over the word for their prayer & support during his last miles. Glory to God, he was baptized together with his grandson after SARS.

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Pleasing God!

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…And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3v.22)

Blessing from Heavenly Father –

1. Heaven opened (v.21) – All resources come from above!

2. Holy Spirit descended on Jesus (v.22a) –Jesus spoke & worked with power of the Holy Spirit all his life .

3. (Abba’s) voice came from heaven (v.22b) – “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased!” Abba let the light of His face shine upon Jesus, uplifting Jesus to serve in God’s presence.

Where do our resources come from? Where does our power come from? Do you hear a tender voice from heaven? When desperate & disheartened, put your hope in God ! (Psalms 42:5)

Scripture of the day: Luke 3:1-22 (New International Version)


*Good message! “From Exhaustion to Jubilation” – by Servant of God, Bro James CHU (NY) (???) Key notes: In Exodus 3, Moses saw the bush of thorns as a sign of resurrection (Ref: Mark 12:26-27). Inspired by it , Moses wrote Psalms 90 — he was not mourning over the exhaustion. Instead, he was appraising one’s life from the perspective of resurrection out of the burning bush. God changes not our circumstances, rather He let us experience death & live anew. Let our “first 80 years” pass quickly, let us step out of our old self into resurrection & not let our life go to waste. To listen:

Please Click Here

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God promises – Rest for those who labor!

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“Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2bv.49)

The focus and goal of Jesus’ life – mindful of the Father’s will:

1. The world living a mediocre life – set their mind only on earthly things (Phil 3:19)

2. The Lord living a glorious life – focused on the Father’s business (Luke 2:49)

And you?

Scripture of the Day: Luke 2:25-52 (New International Version)


* Good news – Last Saturday in HK, 400 youths consecrated themselves to God. Sincere in tears, they vowed to be like the Lord, saving the lost ones. They are willing to be trained & go out to all corners of all lands to search for sinners. Pls remember these new servants in prayer!

* The Lord has answered our prayer for Bro Edmond P.M. CHOI & his father – CHOI Sui Bun ???, (78 years old) He prayed & accepted the everlasting life! He is out of intensive care now! His daughter also accepted the Lord! ”Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17-18)

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Road of Righteous! Light of Dawn!

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……was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him. ( Luke 2v.40)

Perfect Growth , Founded on fear for God – a refreshing toner in modern parenting

1. Jesus as an infant was born in poor home, yet He grew up strong & sound – He did not grow up with toys, not from famous school, yet He was consecrated to the Lord, raised in a Godly home! (v.1-24)

2. Jesus as a child lived up to the will of God, fulfilled the principle of man – He is the role model to young people of all times, loving God, obedient to parents. He grew in wisdom (specifically the knowledge about God) & stature, & in favor with God and men. (v.39-52)

Scripture of the day: Luke 2:1-24 (New International Version)


* Many saints seek recommendation of reference books on Exodus. Here are two:
1. The NIV Application Commentary – Exodus, by Peter ENNS
2. Exodus, Volume I & II – LAI Chien-Kuo (???), Tian Dao Bible Commentary Series, Chinese (??????)

*Sister Bonnie (HK) completed her third session of chemotherapy. Tak Hung, her husband praised God for answering prayer with miracles – Bonnie is able to eat ! The couple is here to give thanks to saints from around the world . Let us remain watchful, praying that they can experience God abundantly.

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Gracious Lord, remember me!

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“Do not be afraid…you have found favor with God!” (Luke 1v.30)

Luke contains exclusive accounts of ordinary people neglected by many. To them, the Lord is:

1. the horn of salvation (v.69) – brings forth the power of life
2. the rising sun (v.78) – provides the direction in living

Dear Lord, remember me!

Scripture of the Day: Luke 1:57-80 (New International Version)


* Bro Edmond P.M. CHOI ??? (HK) – His father, CHOI Sui Bun ???, (78 years old), diagnosed to be suffering an acute stroke, now in ICU . Bro CHOI & wife fervent to ensure their father ‘s salvation Pls pray for his whole family to be saved. (Edmond is the IT consultant for Ark Channel).

* Good sermon :
Audio on Conference for Working Saints (HK), “From Slavery to Glory” – Session 4 “The Tabernacle – meeting God” by Bro James Chu ????? (Mandarin/Can.)

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Prayer moves mountains, Love sees no ends!

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… “Don’t be alarmed,” …. He has risen!… (Mark 16:6)

The final command …Tell them !

1. Go tell His disciples and Peter (v.7) – Mark is the only book that records how the Lord is mindful of disloyal follower like Peter. Jesus never gives up on anyone.

2. Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation (v.15) – Surrender all if we were to serve the Lord. We are never on our own, He is always by our side, now & forever!

Scripture of the day: Mark 16:1-20 (New International Version)


*Sister KIM Gi Fook ???, (Daegu, South Korea) is a housewife. Filled with God’s love , she makes use of every opportunity in her daily living to testify for the Lord. She led about 2000 people to turn to Jesus , no matter who — neighbors, friends & relatives, children, soldiers, wealthy women, even Buddhists; no matter where — out in the streets, beauty parlors, birthday parties, meal gatherings, markets, schools, shops…. How God is using the sisters to help finishing His great work!

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Love Him truly, Let woe come or bliss

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Those who passed by hurled insults at him… (Mark 15:29)

Embark with gratitude, Work with modesty

1. Our savior, servant of God –We thank Thee, Lord! For us, you were mocked, nailed, insulted, forsaken and persecuted – You are the true model of being humble and willing to deny oneself! (v.16-41)

2. Faithful disciples – All who love the Lord, be him noble or humble, secret or open, when the time comes, can sacrifice all and cause notable impacts, all the time ready to testify the Lord’s amazing, reviving works! (v.42-47)

Scripture of the day: Mark 15:21-47 (New International Version)


* Gorbachev, leader of the former Soviet Union, has spent half an hour on his knees, praying at the tomb of St. Francis (of Assisi) in a recent trip to Italy. His parents and in-laws are all faithful Christians of the Orthodox Church. Gorbachev himself seems a ‘secret believer’ in following Christ in the past !

* News from Calgary, Canada “The operation on my Aunt, Sister Wendy TAM went well. Lord! We give Thee thanks! The medical report will be out in ten days. Sister Wendy now resting to recovery. Pls continue to pray for her!” – Bro. TO Kwok Ho, fr Church in Calgary

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No regret, No distress!

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… Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “…My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” ( Mark 15v.34)

On The Cross – Be My Glory Ever!

1. Jesus never followed the voice of man …
He did not come down from the cross, that”s how He accomplished the redemption (v.32)

2. Pilate submitted to what man said …
reversing the right from wrong, despising the Savior, that’s how he trapped himself in destruction (v.14-15) Do we listen to man or to God?

Scripture of the day: Mark 15:1-20 (New International Version)


* Conference for working saints, 4 sessions (HK) –
“From Slavery to Glory” Key notes –
1. Out of Egypt – Set apart from the world;
2. Into the wilderness – Set eyes on heaven;
3. In and out of Sinai – Abide by His commands;
4. Build the tabernacle – Meet the Lord

Session 2 (Cantonese): Pilgrimage in the Wilderness — audio

* Letter from Calgary, Canada-“My Aunt, Sister Wendy TAM, has to undergo operation (lung cancer), remember her in your prayer. May Jesus grant her peace, healing, steadfastness in spirit & speedy recovery. –Bro. TO Kwok Ho

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Miraculous His Love! All-embracing His Care!

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Rise! Let us go! … (v.43)

The two earnest pleas of ?hrist at time of grave danger:

1. The Hour – if possible the hour might pass from him … (v.35)
2. The Cup – “Abba Father…Take this cup from me”… (v.36)

It is only in the book of Mark that when the Lord cried to Abba Father in prayer, He cried in Aramaic. He prayed that not His, but the Father’s will be done. When we are desperate, we can only use the most intimate, the most genuine heart to seek refuge in our Heavenly Father.

Scripture of the Day: Mark 14:53-72 (New International Version)


* Summary of Special Conference (HK, 3/24, Mon) – “How to Raise the Next Generation” –
Lead the next generation, following His will, to live under the sovereignty of God. Make the most out of the first 7 years in their childhood -enlightenment stage, impart the value of self denial in your children , so that they live with a sense of commitment, responsibility, make conscious choices, set objectives to strive spiritual well-being, brave to overcome obstacles, bold to ask, daring, not finding the easy way out, not avoiding duty, not seeking excuses, be a problem solver, be brave to accept failure, be diligent at work, manage time wisely, work efficiently, quick to cope with changes, willing to learn from others, be a team player, always inquiring, sharpen the knowledge-acquiring skills as in languages, computer, maths etc., improve communication skills in the human network…

all towards empowering your children to serve in the economy of the Heavenly Kingdom!

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Rugged the road – Still we follow!

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…They went to … Gethsemane …! (Mark 14v.32)

Lord, willingly I follow — are we –
1. Joining the Lord in the furnace of suffering (v.27-33)
2. Accompanying the Lord through the terror of the dark (v.34-42)

Scripture of the Day: Mark 14:27-52 (New International Version)


* German scientist Heinrich HERTZ (??), famous for his discovery of electromagnetic waves, rewrote the history of world telecommunications. Broken hearted at separation with his girl friend, wasting his talent in a small town, he almost took his own life. In 1885, trapped in great despair, he prayed “Lord, you know!”After his fall, the Lord lifted him and healed him. Thereafter he devoted his life to benefit broadcasting, electronics and radio technology.
Yes, dear Lord, you know all our afflictions.

* Special Conference for working saints in HK – “From Slavery to Glory” (in Cantonese) Session 1. “Let my people go ”

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