The Marriage Of The Lamb Has Come!

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Blessed Are Those Invited! Ark Channel 28/12/2021 Tue Revelation 19

After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying,
“Hallelujah! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God (v1)

* In Revelation 19, the marriage of the Lamb, the bridegroom is Christ the Lamb. The bride is the church – all those who are saved through grace. There are two groups of invited guests: the Jews of the New Testament and all the believers on earth. Wow, what joy, you and I are amongst them!

Revelation 19

* Coming to the close of the year, starting from Matthew, we have now scaled the heights of Revelation. Here’s a link to 26 lessons on Revelation shared by Rev. Paul SHEN/沈保羅牧師.

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Short-lived Luxury, Price For Eternity!

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In A Moment, Riches Came To Nothing! Ark Channel 27/12/2021 Mon Revelation 18

…Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen… (v2)

What is “Babylon”?
1. She represents all the dark work of Satan through the ages, including the Roman Empire and the subsequent evil systems (v2-4)
2. The most terrifying thing is people do not realise they are in the Great Babylon and are only busy with business travel (v12-19)! Stay tuned to chapter 19, a close-up of heaven.

Revelation 18

* Merry Christmas! 24 Dec is Christmas Eve. This is my 47th anniversary for believing in the Lord. It is still vivid in my mind. Thank the Lord it was in 1974, my sister invited me and my brother to a gospel meeting and we clearly accepted Jesus as our Saviour! Praise the Lord! Time flies. May the Lord continue to bring me close to Him. ~ Bro.Moses (Sydney)

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Heavens and Earth Perish but You Remain! Sunday Hope_26/12/2021 (Revelation 17)

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His Truth Endures to All Generations! – Sunday Hope 26/12/2021 Revelation 17

These will make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings, and those who are with Him are called, chosen and faithful. (v. 14)

* The seven kings are symbols of the Roman Empire of the human world and its power, manipulated by the Beast to persecute the church of Christ. Hear the announcement of the Holy Spirit to past and present-day believers: Victory is not won by our own power or strength, but by following the Lamb—Lord of lords, and King of kings. Come partake in His victory,

Revelation 17

* They shall fear You as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations.
My Eyes Have Seen You, a Christian song with lyrics above, sung in Mandarin(親眼看見祢)

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The Mountains Surround Jerusalem!

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Because He Has Dealt Bountifully with Me! – Ark Channel 25/12/2021 Sat Revelation 16

… Behold. I am coming as a thief. Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame! (v15)

* God will judge the dark forces. But His promise is glowing brilliantly. The seven seals, seven trumpets and seven bowls come successively to judge the Devil’s throne and the anti-God nations…. We plead with God to help us keep watchful in tribulations, repent to Him, and quietly wait for Him to vindicate us!

Revelation 16

* Dr Shin Kataoka/片岡新教授published his research in the history of Cantonese Bible translation. A valuable accomplishment. arkchannel sharing

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He Appears Like The Morning Sun!

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Lord! Who would dare to not fear you! – Ark Channel 24/12/2021 Fri Revelation 15

and sang the song of God’s servant Moses and of the Lamb: “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the nations.” (v.3)

* Moses’ song is a joyous song of salvation. The song of the Lamb is a victory song of love and resurrection! The songs of the world, the songs of fame and wealth — without the Lord, they are all dirges! This night, let us sing the songs of Moses and the Lamb, and prepare our hearts to receive the eternal King!

Revelation 15

* Why do the disciples of the Lord roam the world? In this world, who holds our destinies? Who has truly understood God’s hidden love? Ajith Fernando’s “Expositions on Jonah

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To God and The Lamb!

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It’s like a new song! – Ark Channel 23/12/2021 Thu Revelation 14

Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. (v.1)

* The dragon and the beast temporarily gained a victory, misleading the whole world, but even that was just a moment in time. When the Lamb surfaced, we can sing before the throne! God is sovereign forever, those who belong to the Lamb will share in Christ’s victory, with justice carried fully! (v.6-20)

Revelation 14

* One sister volunteers at a charity comforting the elderly. She took the chance to preach the gospel to a non-believer, but this elderly folk kept rejecting it. Recently, however, the elder believed! She had a recent spate of unexplainable calamities that the charity’s pastor resolved, so she turned to Jesus and was set free! Jesus is the Lord!

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Name Written In The Book Of Life!

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Beware Of 666! Ark Channel 22/12/2021 Wed Revelation 13

…And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; (v3)

* In the last days, the two beasts were rampant (Rev 13): the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth show their evil forces in the world will be more and more powerful! But in the subsequent chapter (Rev 14) the scene will suddenly change as the power of light has already triumphed! Only one step away. Trust in the Lord not to be disheartened!

Revelation 13

* How should the silver-haired follow the Lord to the end? Singapore pastor Robert M. Solomon elaborates on the grace of old age (a sample book): Growing Old Gracefully

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Blood Of The Lamb, Word Of Their Testimony!

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He Was Thrown Down! Ark Channel 21/12/2021 Tue Revelation 12

Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying,
“Now the salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come… (v10a)

* The persecuted Christians living for the Lord should remember the heaven filled with triumphant praises (v10-12). The arrogance and ferocity of the dragon is only a bluff because it has already been defeated! (v9)

Revelation 12

* Message from Robert Coleman – The Triumphant Song

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he Time Came To Reward!

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HE Is King Forever And Ever! Ark Channel 20/12/2021 Mon Revelation 11

These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. (v4)

* Who are the two witnesses? Bible commenters are divided. Some think it is the faithful church represented by Smyrna and Philadelphia – faced with great trial, they remember ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit’!

Revelation 11

* Robert Solomon in his new book “Growing Old Gracefully” brought up that he once heard Dr. Harry Ironside prayed, “Lord, keep me from turning out to be a mean old man.” which made an impression on him. Dr. Ironside was evidently aware of how the difficulties and complexities of aging could make one deteriorate into irritability and meanness. Ironside was noted for his love and gentleness, living out God’s love!

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There Should Be Delay No Longer! Sunday Hope_19/12/2021

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Him Who Lives Forever and Ever! – Sunday Hope 19/12/2021 Revelation 10

… “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, tongues and kings.” (v11)

* John the Elder has eaten the little book concerning the final state of the church. It was as sweet as honey in his mouth, but made his stomach bitter. It was a difficult path ahead, but a path filled with encouragement too. The angel told him to prophesy again. He groaned in heart…. In a similar way we should feel the urgency for human souls and God’s kingdom. Preach the word!

Revelation 10

* We are in this secular world. But let us join all creation to praise God !天地讚美

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Divine Providence Keeps My Steps Safe!

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Suffering and Loneliness Won’t Last Long! – Ark Channel 18/12/2021 Sat Revelation 9

… did not repent… that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk. (v. 20)

* Apparently the Book of Revelation assumes every Christian will be a martyr. But the book reminds us one more thing: God is still in control! The Devil cannot go beyond God. Despite the dreadful circumstances, God is still hoping mankind to repent.

Revelation 9

* Young people around the urban world dare to dream, to wonder, to question! The Alpha film series guides them to the eternal quest of the human heart, interwoven with stories of pastors, scientists and travelers, then concludes with a quick calculation of the human life. It is thought provoking! arkchannel sharing

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I Will Praise You Forever!

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That light is the true light! – Ark Channel 17/12/2021 Fri Revelation 8

When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. (v1)

* “When he opened the seventh seal”, God’s great plan is about to be revealed; a solemn thing will take place. This half an hour of silence has a great meaning – the entire universe is waiting, all creation goes silent! The master of the universe is about to move, let us quietly pray! (v.3-4)

Revelation 8

* Book recommendation – Sisters from across Asia, stories never told before. This book,
“She has Done a Beautiful Thing for Me” (by Anne Kwantes), records stories from India, Japan, Korea, The Philippines, Indonesia, and more. It is worth purchasing and reading. (OMF, digital-only).

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The Sun Nor Scorch Can Hurt Them!

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Serve Him day and night before God’s throne! – Ark Channel 16/12/2021 Thu Revelation 7

…These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (v.14)

* The two groups in heaven: 144,000 who are sealed by God. The others are amidst tribulations, serving those who are sealed by God. In the last days, tribulations turn more fierce, but God will protect us until the end. May He come soon!

Revelation 7

* A virtual tour of of the Holy Land

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Rest For A Little While Longer!

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Who Is Able To Stand? Ark Channel 15/12/2021 Wed Revelation 6

…behold, an ashen horse; and the one who sat on it had the name Death, and Hades was following with him. Authority was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, and famine, and plague, and by the wild animals of the earth. (v8)

* Six seals describes the great day of His wrath, the economy of the world is shaken, and looks like war is about to break out. With adversity approaching, there’s even greater need for the gospel!

Revelation 6

* Cameroon, the African country that performed well in the World Cup, how is the church life there? Look at how God cares about people in all tribe and language: Church in Cameroon

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HE Has Overcome!

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Incense Are The Prayers Of The Saints! Ark Channel 14/12/2021 Tue Revelation 5

And He came and took the scroll out of the right hand of Him who sat on the throne. (v7)

Two Fold Worship In Heaven:

1. Worship the God of creation (Rev 4)
2. Worship the God of redemption (Rev 5)
My God my King, You are the only worthy One!

Revelation 5

* Turning from the fog to Christ, Bro. Nabeel Qureshi recounted: “Literally, I cannot put down the Bible, I really love it. I feel as if my heart would stop if I put it down…the Bible is my lifeline.” (his posthumous work “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus” )

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A Rainbow Around The Throne!

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You Are Worthy To Receive Glory, Honor, Power! Ark Channel 13/12/2021 Mon Revelation 4

After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven…(v1)

* The earth is chaotic. Look to heaven: the gate of heaven is opened, the throne of God is firm, the rainbow of the covenant is still there, God is immutable, His heart does not change and the eternal worship will not stop!
* “From the heavenly and spiritual kingdom, this book lets believers know that they are facing a spiritual war. God is the ruler of history and the world; in His plan, Christ will soon return to defeat Satan and his gang and all those faithful to Christ will share eternal happiness with Him. (excerpt from the background of the Book of Revelation in the Worldwide Chinese Bible/環球聖經譯本).

Revelation 4

* Living in “The Law of Uncertainty”, many are lost like a little boat in the big ocean. Paster Paul SHEN/沈保羅牧師 speaks on Matthew 16.

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He Opens and No One Shuts! Sunday Hope_12/12/2021

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Be Zealous and Repent! – Sunday Hope 12/12/2021 Revelation 3

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten…. (v19)

* Approaching the end of 100AD, Christians were in a dire situation. They were marginalised by society, slandered and persecuted, because they did not practise emperor worship, and did not take part in fornications and idolatries. Their livelihood and even their own life were under great threat. Added to these were heresies penetrating the church, and the temptation for believers to go after materialism and fame. Fully understanding their situations, John encouraged them to uphold faithfulness and perseverance, to reject heresies and lead a holy life. (extracted from the background of Revelation, Worldwide Chinese Bible/環球聖經譯本. To be continued.)

Revelation 3

* This month let us pray for the Africans and their churches who are in the new pandemic. Listen to the choral singing of young Christians from Cameroon, Congo, Kenya United in Song

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Hold Fast Until I Come!

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New Name Written on the Stone! – Ark Channel 11/12/2021 Sat Revelation 2

I know your… tribulations…. (v. 9)

* The seven churches represented churches at the end time. Some have left their love, chastised and exhorted by the Holy Spirit, and promised the fruits of the tree of life. There are also churches who suffer in other areas of the earth. They are exhorted to focus on the Lord, who is the First and the Last, dead and come to life. They are promised the crown of life!

Revelation 2

* Update from Kevin Hui / 沛鋒 , Church in Tokyo – the pandemic is slowing down. We have resumed our worship in person and online, getting busier than before. In Tokyo, it usually snows in late January. Our sermons were on Romans at year start, and then on Habakuk. Our church meetings are mainly in English, with a weekly attendance of 40-50. Among the congregation, over 10 are Japanese believers, and the rest are Chinese and English speakers. We have Chinese-French, Chinese-Japanese families. We are on our way to share the gospel in parks. Remember each other in prayers!

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Is, Was, and Is to Come!

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Look, He is coming with the clouds! – Ark Channel 10/12/2021 Fri Revelation 1

and among the lampstands was One like the Son of Man… (v.13)

* Revelation’s first vision is that of the eternal life and sovereign Son of Man amidst the seven lampstands (v.12-20). In the Revelation era, who is leading the churches? Who can protect the Lord’s servants and sheep? Look! It is the Risen Lamb and High Priest!

Revelation 1

* Ming Dao Press’ articles on Ecclesiastes

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Come! Lord Jesus, Come!

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No more curses! – Ark Channel 311220 Thu

…his servants will serve him. They will see his face… (v3-4)

Let us clean our clothes and welcome our King!
1. At the end there will be no more unrighteousness, only blessings – bounded, flowing through the River of Life from the throne of the Lamb.
2. The effects of curses will be erased, and there will be no more evil people and things – we will see the face of God, and serve Him forever!

Revelation 22

* A song that spells out Christ’s life – I Cannot Tell – performed at the Keswick Convention. Recommending it for reflection on New Year’s Eve.(from “Sent: Live Worship from the Keswick Convention”)

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The Past Is Gone!

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God Himself Will Be Among Us! Ark Channel 301220 Wed Rev 21

And He who sits on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” (v5)

Some Say We Will Be Surprised By Two Things In The New Jerusalem:
1. All the sacrifices we made in this life for the Lord will be remembered forever and rewarded a hundred fold.
2. The fame, fortune, love and hate we have been chasing in this life will be no more!
* Time and space changed; all evil and injustice judged and cleared; grievances and tears wiped away. No more hidden darkness in the heavenly city for the glory of God illuminates it and its lamp is the Lamb. (v21)

Revelation 21

* “Voice of OC”「海外校園」is for overseas Chinese intellectuals. It is an audio magazine covering a wide range of subjects and various topics on life. Voice of OC

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Saw A Great White Throne!

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Standing Before The Throne! Ark Channel 291220 Tue Rev 20

And he took hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years (v2)

In The Millennium The Earth Enjoys Stability, Harmony and Prosperity:
1. According to God’s plan, Satan is bound for a thousand years, not eliminated immediately, but in the end thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone. (v1-10)
2. The enemy could do nothing if God had not allowed. So rest assured, entrust your life to God!
* Our names are in the Book of Life. But if our family and friend’s are not, what will be their destiny? (Rev 20:15)

Revelation 20

* Prof. Joseph Sung’s / 沈祖堯教授 farewell message as he leaves for Singapore to continue his medical work. Look Back on Life & Faith(message starts 16 mins into recording)

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Set Your Minds On Things Above!

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Clothe In Fine Linen Bright & Clean! Ark Channel 281220 Mon Rev 19

“…because the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His bride has prepared herself.” (v7)

Blessed Are Those Attending The Wedding Feast Of the Lamb!
1. The time John wrote Revelation, the church under oppression to worship the empire and emperor. (v1-10)
2. But the Spirit displays the wonderful worship in heaven so we can refocus and respond to the heavenly praises. Stand to worship God, evil will be judged by Him! (v11-21)

Revelation 19

* Journalist Malcolm Muggeridge was a reporter during WWII. One night feeling lonely and hopeless he jumped into the water and swam. Suddenly he turned and saw lights afar and he swam towards the shore. Knowing it was God who saved him, he was overwhelmed with supernatural joy! Having been an atheist his whole life, he converted to Christianity and later in life was elected as Rector of Edinburgh University. He concluded that all the adverse situations in his life was from God for his learning so his life may mature and shine!

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Silver and Gold? Or Hay and Wood? – Sunday Hope_27/12/2020

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He Will Avenge Them on Her! – Sunday Hope 271220 Revelation 18

Rejoice over her… for God has avenged you on her! (v20)

God has remembered her iniquities!
1. Babylon the Great, a symbolic city of the demonic work of Satan over the ages, also widely applicable to the wicked military and economic systems that came after the Roman Empire. (v1-19)
2. Despite our living in this world, God calls our heart to come out of the unrighteousness and vanity of materialistic desires. The sinful city will fall. The holy city is in sight! (v.20-24)

Revelation 18

* A mother of five boys, who can still sing with her sweet voice, having the Lord as her companion, closer in her walk with Him! Just a Closer Walk with Thee / Sounds Like Reign

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Longing for the Future City!

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Babylon the Great is Judged by God! Ark Channel 261220 Sat Revelation 17

… but the Lamb will triumph over them…. (v14)

The great harlot? Or the bride of the Lamb?
1. The great harlot is filled with wicked deeds and deceptions. The whole world will be intoxicated. We must discern the truth from falsity, and see the filthy power which is godless and immoral. (Revelation 17)
2. We are the church of Christ, cleansed and spotless because of the precious blood of the Lamb. As His bride, we should be filled with truth and passion for Him. (Revelation 21)

Revelation 17

* Good news for a festive season – Sister Ah Kiu / 亞橋 was joining a carol singing event yesterday in Tung Chung, Hong Kong. She met an elderly lady who had difficulty walking. She grasped the chance and chatted with this lady about the gospel, with social distancing. Repeating after her clearly in finishing a prayer, sentence by sentence, this lady believed in the Lord and had eternal life. Our King of Peace, let’s all welcome Him, far and near!

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The Sun Shines On All The Land!

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Look! The Lamb stands on Mount Zion! – Ark Channel 251220 Fri Revelation 16

…You are righteous, O Lord, The One who is and who was and who is to be, Because You have judged these things (v.5)

God cleans the house in order – the seven bowls of disaster:
1. Judgement on Religion (v.2-9)
2. Judgement on Politics (v.10-12)
3. Judgement on Militant (v.14-16)
4. Judgement on Economy (v.17-21)
* Every sphere of evil will be judged; the one who promises us is faithful!

Revelation 16

* 「Days together」 – Prof. Joseph Shum/沈祖堯教授 | (10/10/2020/ NPAC Gospel Meeting on Church Anniversary)

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