Testimony of Resurrection From Death Brings the World To Submission!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations No Comments »
And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that cometh up out of the abyss shall make war with them, and overcome them, and kill them. (v7)

Conquest Through Sacrifice

1. How Gospel Wins – Two testifiers, following the steps of Lord being crucified, won the war through death. (v7)

2. A City that Killed Prophets – No one repented after the testifiers preaching for three and a half years. The Lord who resurrected from death after three and a half days brought many to God. (v13)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 11


* Joy in the Lord Is My Strength/主的喜樂是我力量  No matter what condition, no matter what affliction, entrust all in the hands of God! He is all salvation and protection! (Habakkuk 7:17-19)


* But as for me, I am full of power by the Spirit of Jehovah, and of judgment, and of might, to declare unto Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin. (Micah 3:8)

Micah 1-4: Micah walked in the same pace with God, fully representing His sovereignty. By the Spirit of God, he declared judgmenton the sinful, upholding righteousness courageously.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Time Is The Best Proof Of The Creator’s Love For His Creations!

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…. that there shall be delay no longer…..then is finished the mystery of God, according to the good tidings which he declared to his servants the prophets. (v6-7)

Frustration In A Preacher Of God’s Words

1. Secret of the 7 Thunders Not Being Written – Prophets were called to preach, not all what they heard but only the portion the command ordered. (v4)

2. Books of the Little Angels – Good for a prophet to be told Heaven’s mystery; hard on him that he has to announce to the world of the day of judgment. (v8)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 10


* If you were chancellor of a university, how would you tell the graduates to ‘Live With No Regrets!”? Vice Chancellor/President of Chinese University HK,  Prof. Joseph SUNG/ 沈祖堯 gave a speech to the elites at their graduation: live a life that is simple, noble (with a good conscience) and humble. Bro. Sung testified in a different occasion of his experience during the SARS crisis when he gathered over 10 staff to a prayer meeting in his office, everyday at 11am. This prayer meeting continues to this day, once a week, becoming a source of blessings.

His counsel to the graduates:


His testimony on what he believes in



* … in which are more than one hundred and twenty thousand persons who cannot discern between their right hand and their left – and much livestock?”  (Jonah 4:11)

Jonah 1-4: Salvation is not for the privileged few! Salvation is all for God’s mercy reaching out to even the most unworthy sinners. Who knows!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Salvation In All Times Is Merciful God Wrestling With Stubborn Man!

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And the rest of mankind, who were not killed with these plagues, repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, … (v4a)

Calamities On Those Without Seal

1. There are limits on how hard, how long and who to hurt in the woe of locust – signifying that God is merciful and in full charge when He judges. (v4-5)

2. Slaves of Satan still choose to worship demons faithfully when faced with death, defeating God’s plan in saving man to repentance. (v20-21)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 9


* Man has no control over his self, his aging, his ailing, his dying. TC HO/何天擇 shares his views on the grace of God and how to live a life in control. (Chinese text)


* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

While the World Ignore His Grace, the Almighty Speaks Through Mother Nature!

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And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, went up before God out of the angel’s hand. (v4)

The Almighty Being Ordained

1. All heaven and earth stand still in complete silence at the moment when judgment is dawning! Heaven and earth worship in awe and silence. (v1)

2. Solemn praying is man’s cry to the Lord from inner heart. When prayers travel between heaven and earth, with them are God’s response. (v5)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 8


* Vast treasure of God’s messages through His servants (English). Tune in to hear great servants such as AW TOZER, Roy HESSION,  Vance HAVNER, Warren WIERSBE, Basilea SCHLINK, David WILKERSON, J.Vernon McGEE, Jackie PULLINGER, K.P. YOHANNAN, Stephen KAUNG, Leonard RAVEHILL, TA SPARKS, Milton GREEN, William MacDONALD, Oswald J. SMITH, Paul WASHER….



* … As you have done, it will be done to you; your deeds will return upon your own head. (Obadiah 1:15b)

Obadiah 1: The law of holy vengeance (lex talionis) tells that God does not tolerate sins and not punishing. This reveals to His children He is the ultimate sovereign.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Best Thing is Having God’s Presence!

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For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd,… And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes (v.17)

The Messiah’s Army

1. The Lamb as the General — The Lamb’s Army from the 12 tribes represent the citizens that He redeemed with His blood; they have won through sacrifice.(v.14)

2. The Flock Being Led — The road of difficulty leads to eternal happiness: the Lamb’s shepherding and God’s comforting.(v.17)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Revelations 7


* Brother James CHU/朱永毅 (NY), TK TSE/謝德建 (Vancouver), Sister SP NG/吳小萍 (Seattle), Bi, AuYeung CHOW/趙歐陽璧 and her daughter (Toronto), Woon CHENG (Singapore),KY KWAN/關家彥 and his wife (Darwin, Australia) and more have, at their own time, come to Hong Kong, and we have had great fellowship. May the Lord bless their footsteps. ML CHOW/周茂林 (Canada) has come to Hong Kong to visit the saints. The church that he meets at, Church of God in Richmond, will have a special meeting; the speaker will be KO LO/盧建安 from the USA, and the topic will be “The Foundations of Church Unity” (30/12/11 – 2/1/12). Please pray for the 140 followers that will attend.


* But the LORD took me from tending the flock and said to me, ‘Go, prophesy to my people Israel’. (Amos 7:15)

Amos 5-9: Amos was not a prophet who prophesied for the king in order to survive; the only reason he prophesied was because the Lord called him.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

“Holy Silence” – The Hardest To Bear Among Tribulation For God’s Children!

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… that they should rest yet for a little time, until their fellow-servants also and their brethren, who should be killed even as they were, should have fulfilled their course. (v11)

Cry At The Altar

1. The restless soul – Only soul that sacrifices his life for true righteousness has the rights to cry for justice before the Lord of judgment. (v10)

2. Hope for the hopeless – God makes justice for our suffering according to His clock in heaven. Saints should always be ready to be killed as martyr. (v11)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 6


* Why Lose Faith! Sing “Life With No Regrets”/ 無悔一生


* You only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will visit upon you all your iniquities. (Amos 3:2)

Amos 1-4: Take heed of this solemn message: God’s holy judgment on man is on the basis of grace: greater the grace, heavier the punishment.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Our God Conquers Power of the World By His Weakness!

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…  behold, the Lion that is of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath overcome to open the book and the seven seals thereof (v5a)

The 2 Faces of Christ

1. King of Lion – Messiah’s warriors fight by the power of obedience, not weapons; conquer by the power of sacrifice, not force. (v5)

2. Cry of Lamb – John saw in his vision the Lamb, slain and helpless! Our one Redeemer is one who suffers for us. (v6)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 5


* I am having my 6th shot of chemotherapy this Thursday morning, Dec/15. As I read  Revelation 2:10, “Fear not the things which thou art about to suffer: behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life.” “Ten days” signifies perfect completion. It is comforting to know there is an end to all suffering. Church in Smyrna testified for the Lord faithfully! Though only few were persecuted in person, many wanted to share the suffering. One way of sharing the suffering is through supplication for the member in tribulation! – Sam KONG


* and rend your heart, …., and turn unto Jehovah your God; … Who knoweth whether he will not turn and repent  (Joel 2:13-14)

Joel 1-3: God’s judgment does not operate mechanically. The step He takes depends on how man responds. Whenever man repents, God changes His mind in how He judges.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Who Holds The World, Its Ups, Its Downs!

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Straightway I was in the Spirit: and behold, there was a throne set in heaven, and one sitting upon the throne; (v2)

Heavenly Song Without An End

1. Ode of the living creatures – Man has to sleep each day, rest every seven days and die in the end. But the 4 living creatures sing praises before the throne night and day unceasingly. (v8)

2. Song of creation – In a world invisible in the naked eye, 24 elders sing praises of God’s great creation never-endingly. (v11)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 4


* Unity Only When Driven By Tribulation!?  Out of a population of 80 million in Egypt, 8 million are Christians. With the radical party in power recently, the country suffers church bombings, Christians being murdered. Over 100 thousand Christians have fled Egypt and became refugees. God allows tribulations as such, which in turn unites 70 thousand Christians from churches around Egypt to repent in a 12 hour overnight prayer and confession meeting in November. Let’s all learn lessons from this and continue to pray for the peace and future of our fellow saints in Egypt.


Christian population in the Middle East by area: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-15239529
What worries the Archbishop most (BBC) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-16111973


* Ephraim shall say, What have I to do any more with idols? I have answered, …: I am like a green fir-tree; from me is thy fruit found. (Hosea 14:8)

Hosea 11-14: The turning point for better in life of the children of God lies in his knowledge that God is the Lord of great harvest in life, source of all beauty and virtues in life.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Fleet of Small Lambs Led by Lion Is Far Stronger Than Lion’s Kingdom Led By Lamb As King!

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know thy works … that thou hast a little power, and didst keep my word, and didst not deny my name. (v8)

Philadelphia  – The Door to Messiah’s Kingdom

1. The spokesman of Key of David holds in his hand the key that opens into the door of the kingdom of God. (v7)

2. The power of a small fleet conquers because “Here I stand”! (Martin Luther). They who stand firm no matter how adverse the condition. (v8)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 3


* An adventure of wonder in Taiwan – Sister MY/明英 suffered brainstem hemorrhage in a car accident last month in Taiwan. Let’s pray for her healing earnestly. But we testify that “Great power and resources come pouring in!” The doctor said surgery was not an option due to clogs of blood in 4 areas….the chance of coming back to consciousness was slim. Saints prayed for normalizing of her brain pressure and that stopped the bleeding and the blood clogs went away, bringing down the pressure on the brain. The doctor suggested operation… but told her family that she might end up vegetative even she woke from coma. Out of desperation, saints continued to pray to God!  Halleluya! God does listen! It’s been over a month now, MY is testifying to churches in Taiwan of her miraculous survival. As long as Moses held up his hands, the
Israelites were winning, Exodus 17:11a. — Ah Yee


* Sow to yourselves in righteousness, reap according to kindness; break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek Jehovah, till he come and rain righteousness upon you. (Hosea 10:12)

Hosea 7-10: Life is like planting: we reap judgement if we sow evil; we reap kindness if we sow righteousness. Hold on to the present moment and live godly before Him!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Our Body May Perish, Truth Is Forever True, His Kingdom Is Eternal!

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….. that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days. Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee the crown of life (v10b)

Crown of Smyrna in Asia

1. The Spokesman of Messiah’s Warriors is the one who lives forever, having conquered death and the ultimate foe in life. (v9)

2. The quality in victors of a church with power is in their faithfulness unto death.  Death is inevitable and we have to stand that trial ten days. (v13)

Scripture of the day: (NT): Rev 2


* Fetal protein in blood of young brother Enoch CHENG, HK/鄭以諾 is too low, now suffering swell in the leg. This is a critical condition. Let’s rally to plea before the Lord for his healing, Enoch’s faith in the Lord and will to fight this battle. Let’s also pray for Ivy, his mother, mercy and comfort on KB/國斌, his father. Emmanuel to his whole family. – Dorcas CHEUNG


* What I Can Take Pride In/足以自豪 , Video  on

XY YANG/楊小芳, a new immigrant from the Mainland who lost her two hands in an accident and thought of taking her own life. God’s love delivered her from hopelessness. How she is doing most things with her legs, putting aside all sorrows and living in joy by the Holy Spirit.


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Lord, it is my portion to wait on you with patience: quietly serving you on earth, partaking the blessing in heaven.

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I, John, your brother and partaker with you in tribulation and kingdom and patience which are in Jesus, … (v9a)

The King’s Suffering

1. The principle of the heavenly kingdom : suffering and patience are keys to spiritual success, turning suffering into glory like for a king. (v9)

2. Christ, though hidden has the most touching vision for a suffering church – in the midst of the candlesticks one like unto a son of man,  one who has never left us alone for a moment. (v13)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Rev 1


* Tune in to A vast treasure of English hymns!



* For I desire goodness, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings. (Hosea 6:6)

Hosea 4-6: What God counts as true worship is not how zealous we outwardly participate in religious activities but how we love and care for others in practice.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

No More Sorrows! All Things Anew!

Everyday New Testament, Revelations, Voice Divine Comments Off
..”Mystery, Babylon the great, the mother of prostitutes and of the abominations of the earth.” (v5b)

Religions mixed with false Teaching! — The Lamb is the ultimate victor!

1. Beware of how religions mystify people’s hearts in the end times (v1-13) – Bible forewarns that religions will end up in a unification (Mystery, Babylon the great). Religions tightly connected with politics & authorities of the world. But in the latter 3.5 years, before the 7th angel blows the trumpet, all false religions will fall to their final destruction. (14:8)

2. Even the strongest power & wealth of the world have no influence over genuine faith – Trust & worship the True & Living God — in absolute & simple faith!

Scripture of the day: Revelation 17

Indepth commentary: Revelation 17


*- “Thanks to you all, dear saints around the world, for your prayers & blessings, which truly testify the love Christ. His compassion with sinners fill us with peace & joy even when we are walking through the valley of death. May all glory & praises to HIm !”
– from Steve LAW (HK), first day after operation / brain.

* Bro. Milton WAN Wai Yiu’s ??? “Striding Through Afflictions” ??????, a series of testimonies, passionate yet rational, touching & candid. A God-loving servant who suffers the loss of wife, severe ailment in daughter, takes us through his journey & reasoning of what happens to him! Highly recommended for all experienced loss of dear ones:

* Copyright ArkChannel and the authors *

See Him Face to Face

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I am the beginning and the end. <22:13>

Eternal blessingseeing Gods face in new Jerusalem?v.35?:
1. No more curse or night — Only God with us
2. Serve Him forever — and see His face always!
3. With Gods name on our forehead — we belong to Him forever
4. Reign till forever — God lives and abides with us
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him!

?He deserves our very best?nothing more, nothing less, nothing else??Charles R.Swindoll?
?Bro W. K. Tong ??? in HK has completed his race, fought his good fight, and was taken by the Lord peacefully at 7:15pm yesterday. Pls pray for his family.?He praised the Lord on his bed when I visited him for the last time, and I am sure he is still praising – now! ?

Alpha ?Omega

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Behold, I make all things new <21:5>

Fix our eyes on the Lamb — building up the glorious Church!
1. Centre of the new world — the Holy City, new Jerusalem
2. Center of the new Jerusalem the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb
The bride of the Lamb is the congregation of saints in all generations. We are also among them!

?Promise of God — Im reading the bibliography of anchorman of NBC, Tim Russert, ”Big Russ ? Me”. It reports deep affection between father & son . Tim is very successful in his career. When he was small , his neighbor, Paul, died in accident at the age of 19. The whole community was in grief. Tims father, though a garbage collector, comforted Tim and said – we should give thanks for the love & memories of these 19 years with Paul if God had promised us to send Paul to this world ,& let Paul to live 19 years with us, we should had accepted it with joy. Ever since that, Tim learnt this lesson by heart and treasure every single day.

Hope of Glory

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And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne<20:12>

Behold the day of final judgment — go share the gospel NOW ?Rev 20 ?:
1. The enemy is bound and defeated ? Rev 20: 110 ?
2. The saints come to life and enjoy the life eternal ?Rev 20:1112 ?
Time flies, so grasp hold of time today in sight of the life everlasting!

?Father, with you thousand years is just like a day. There are 3 days more before 06′ ends, your children make this pray with one heart may all souls predestined to be saved this year can all be saved; all saints appointed to revive gain strength. We also pray that all prayers according to your will in 06′ can all be answered! Remember more than a thousand saints receiving the Ark Channel, wherever they are , and no matter what situation or mood they are in. Give us chance to turn back, to revive, to run, and to complete our races. May all your great blessings be to your churches, in the name of Lord Jesus. Amen.

The Bride is Ready ?

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…He has His name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS < v.18>

Praises of the angels, universe, church and the Lamb’s bride — glory ahead :
1. Behold! The 3 things triggering the joyful chorus in heaven ?Rev 19: 1-10 ?
– the enemy is judged (v.1-4),
–the Almighty God reigns (v.5-6),
– the bride is ready (v.7-10)
2. Behold! The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS is making His victorious return ?Rev 19: 11-21 ?
– All troops on earth are wiped out ( v.17-19, 21),
– the beast and the false prophet are captured ( v.20)

Be Pure

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for in one hour so great riches has been made desolate < 18:17>

Don’t befriend the world God can tolerate no more ( Rev 18) :
1. God Acts: evil power which tortured the saints on earth is fallen in voice of judgment .? Rev 18 : 13 ?
2. God warns: His people should separate themselves because of divine calling .? Rev 18 : 48 ?
3. God cleanses: All luxuries & wealth gone in vain, leaving whole world in weeping & mourning ! ?Rev 18: 919 ?
4 . God judges: In the cry of joy of saints, all their hardships and sufferings they had in following the Lamb gain them better resurrection and crown of life (v.20-24)
The Great Babylon the politic and economic system of the world which rebels against God will definitely fall. Make sure you look through its tragic ending!

? Correction: The Egyptian sister Dr. Nashwa in Scotland is recovering, but she still can’t be back to her office . She needs more rest, now in her homeland Cairo with her family. Since the Ark Channel reported her news , saints across the land start to pray. She even received mails from saints in mainland China comforting her. Nashwa and her husband Nagy are very touched by the love of God shown to them. Keep watching; Our Lord comes sooner!

Be loyal

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the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings

No in-between the prostitute or the bride?(Rev. 17, 19)
1. The false religion mixture of the worldly practices and politics is the “great prostitute” ? 17:113 ?
2. The true church – being washed by the Lord’s blood , is the “Lamb’s bride” ?17:14 18; 21:9 ?Are we faithful to the Lord? Or are we compromising our faith? ?17:14 ?
Now are we striving for a worldly kingdom or the kingdom of God ?

?Approaching the end 2006 , any messages, heartfelt wishes or needs for prayers to Ark Channel and the saints ?it’s time to share them all in the Ark Channel. Also it’s time to reflect: any things remain uncompleted in 06′? Any territories unconquered for Jesus? Any sins not yet been confessed and repented? Any men whom we have not yet forgiven?
? Bro Carl Grant Gowman from Canada , was saved in a YMCA gospel meeting. In late 1911 he went to Yunnan of China to preach to the minorities till his death. He had once been kidnapped by a militia Yeung and he made his escape miraculously. Afterward Yeung joined the government and believed in Jesus, later even became a church elder ! (unbelievable?) fr “The Sacrificing Love”

The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace!

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Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. <16:7>

Be alert in the judgments of the 7 bowls — reminders for the saints under suffering:
1. The crowd of overcomers in heaven ?Rev 14 ?15 ?15 ?14 ? Overcoming “the beast” is possible!
2. Calamities follow one another, world war is near ?16 ? 114 ? Don’t be afraid, just lead a holy life!
This is Lord’s advice to every generation!

* A ton of joy 2 days ago God blessed the 2 gospel meetings for youth in HK. 154 students turned to Jesus! (Rejoice!)
* Yesterday I attended a baptism meeting (the last sister of the 6 siblings of my wife ,was baptized, glory be to God). Among the new disciples some met God in serious sickness (with an egg-sized tumor in the brain), completing the surgery in 10 days and their whole family repented; An old man was away from God for several decades, finally a pastor visited him and brought him back, his daughter was moved and baptized; a youth heard about the cross and softened, she burst into tears in her testimony; a mother cleansed all her idols (can’t mention them all)

My King coming soon

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And they sing the song of Moses bondman of God, and the song of the Lamb

Grace abundant singing new hymn:
1. In heaven those overcame from disasters are singing: <15:34> “Great and marvelous are your deeds, Lord God Almighty. Just and true are your ways, King of the ages (nations). Who will not fear you, O Lord, and bring glory to your name? For you alone are holy. All nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
2. In heaven, the Temple filled with God’s glory and power is opened <15:68> “Out of the temple came the seven angels with the seven plaguesone of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls filled with the wrath of GodAnd the temple was filled with smoke from the glory of God and from his power, and no one could enter the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were completed”

?Find a lonely friend today and tell him “Jesus loves you!”

Jesus, come to my heart !

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they sing a new song before the throne <14:3>

3 pictures before dawn :
1. Lamb in heaven — the 144,000 faithful followers of the Lamb , singing new hymn; also there are angels busy in preaching even in such a great disaster ! ?Rev 14: 111?
2 . Saints gone through the disasters — they persisted till death and deserved the fruits of their works?14 :1213 ?
3. Son of Man returning the great harvest following by great judgment is coming over, evil won’t prevail! long ?14:1420?
God’s wrath will soon be poured out in the disaster of “seven bowls”. But before the darkest hour , God give us a preview on the glorious prospect soon coming!

?Good news – the Egyptian sister Dr. Nashwa, with his husband also a doctor, devoted in serving God in Scotland, started a church meeting there . Nashwa got cancer this year, but thanks be to God,she is in good progress of recovery after operation. She is back to hospital already. Thanks for all your prayers !?Pls remember the testimony of God in England -in your prayers. ?

Come ye Overcomers ?

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shall do it homage, every one whose name had not been written in the book of life of the slain Lamb.

Fever with worshipping the beast & money — 2 beasts overrun in the last 3 & a half year (Rev 13):
1. Beast out of the sea ?Rev 13:110 ?– The anti-Christ will dominate the world to monopolize the business world
2. Beast out of the earth ?Rev 13:1118 ?– Keep our own hearts that we live only for the kingdom of the Lamb!

?Sister Y. Y. Wong (HK) met a car accident in Australia while casting a gospel film with Fiona Leung ???. Yesterday her pastor Siu Yung ?? reported- “Wong is back in HK , recovering & attends church gatherings! Her teeth still need to repair. Thanks all of your care & prayer .
?from Edwin Leung ?????in Toronto — “Bro Eddie Wu here is undergoing treatment for his cancer. Operation on 3/1, pls pray for his hardship in all aspects.”

Real Peace

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they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and have not loved their life even unto death. <12:11>

Witnesses of Jesus suffer & overcome with Lord!
1. War in heaven — The woman?all saints in history?has been attacked by Satan for generations, only through the blood of the Lamb they overcome! Lets proclaim and witness Gods Words with an heart of a martyr!?Rev 12:112?
2. War on earth — On the cross the Messiah had overcome, the enemy is destined to death. Behold, Satan was defeated in heaven, it is forced down?Rev 12:1317?

?Bro W. K. Tong??? ( HK), serving Jesus loyally for several decades, still in serious sickness. Yesterday I visited him, he still praised the Lord! Pls pray according to his will- for his wife recoving fr cancer operation ,and his five children / their spouses, as well as his grandchildren all to serve God forever!
?Seasons is coming, consider giving out gospel leaflets or CDs as gifts?Chinese Bible International Ltd is giving out delicate leaflets True Peace. To as for it click

His Protection , my Assurance!

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measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship in it. <11:1>

Comfort in disasters — God has measured, God will keep (Rev 11:1-2):
1. Men measure the outer appearance; God measures the hearts!
2. Measure the Temple with the worshippers we are Gods temples and we are also the worshippers. How can you escape from the Spirit?
3. Leave out the court The people and territory outside Gods covenant have no part with Him! Return! Those abandoned by God must perish.

?6633′ In this cold winter have we think of the wonderful design of our earth? The angle between the axis of rotation and plane of revolution of the earth is 6633′ and wont deviate for a single degree. Who is the one measuring and controlling the earth in these thousands of years? If the motion of our earth goes wrong for a little ,we should had been frozen or burnt already! If anyone doesnt love God, let him be cursed!

Expecting our King?

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that there should be no longer delay

In disaster — God still have 3 groups of witnesses:
1. Witness of a mighty angel?Rev 10:111?— Anti-Christ seems to run wild on earth, but God proclaims himself as Lord Creator!
2. Witness of the 2 witnesses?Rev 11:114?— Dont be afraid, even in darkest days God still have loyal witnesses willing to sacrifice, being filled by the Spirit and resurrecting from death!
3. Witness of the elders in heaven?Rev 11:1519?— The earth is mourning, but pay attention to songs in heaven!

?Uncle Tong the ex-prisoner – to pay his third visit to University of HK this afternoon to witness the love of Jesus ?1 pm today, pray for us?

New Day, New Strength

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they should not worship demons <9:20>

Seek ye first the kingdom of God — or else you will always live under fear:
1. Unfaithful to God?v.20?– Worship of Satan or idols is a great sin, so be careful!
2. Unrighteous to men?v.21?– God can tolerate no more the evil , repent!

?11 hours after believing God showed his presence in yesterdays gospel meeting, many turned to God in tears. Glory be to God. Yesterday I received a message from a youth who knew the gospel for the first time— Thanks for the blessings from the Lord and from you, I will cherish all that so given to me by the Lord
* from Elaine of Goodnews Communication International–for reserving seats in gospel meeting of Chinese schalor C. M. Yuen (in HK) via internet
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