Turning Point

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…there was silence in the heaven about half an hour. <8:1>

One day God will no longer hold back …
1. Don’t underestimate the saints’ prayers ?Rev 8:1…6?… for they can come straight to the headquarter of the universe – God’s throne!
2. Effects of prayers for generations – it triggers His judgments?Rev 8: 7…13?… Supernatural disasters will come one after another, go shrre the gospel , quick!

? Scholar C. M. Yuen??? had a dramatic life. After surviving from liver cancer and becoming a Christian, he inspired thousands of Chinese and intellectuals throughout the world to turn to God. For his testimony click
*?He’s going to hold a gospel meeting on 24/12, HK. pray & invite friends?– Mandarin – Inquiry: 27858382 www.yanfook.org.hk

Out of tribulation

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…God shall wipe away every tear from their eyes. <7:17>

We’re not alone — God has many people in any generation:
1. The chosen ones are sealed — we are being kept by God?7: 1…8 ?
2. The church overcomes — pastured by the Lamb forever?7:9…17 ?
Do you belong to Satan or Christ? Have you been washed by the blood of the Lamb? Are you wearing white clothes or dirty clothes?

?IT problem for Ark Channel , pls pray.

Rest yet a little while!

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And I saw the Lamb opened one of the seven seals .. (6:1)

Prophecies for history – portrait of the world:
1. On earth: 4 horses running – gospel widespread in wars, famines, epidemics and deaths?v.1…8?
2. Below the altar: the martyrs crying – God will judge!
Under God’s warning, hearts shake with the earth!

?”A Ton of Joy”?23/12 ?… 2 gospel meeting for youths in HK. at the end of year, pls pray for highers in HK! (It works! Remember Billy Graham was saved in this kind of meeting when he was young!)
*Sam Kong to preach “The Three Secrets of Life” this Sunday, pray at 11:00am. May God save all those coming!
?Gospel forum: From Wearying to Rejoicing?speaker Peter Kok ????

Heaven Rejoicing-

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Worthy is the Lamb …<5:12>

Who master the future? — He has prevailed to open the book?v.5?:
1. The Lamb is worthy – The fate of human beings had already been written in the book sealed with seven seals.?v.1…5?So why worrying for tomorrow?
2. Sing new hymns – All creations, elders on heaven and thousands of angels are singing together. They all praise and worship the Lamb who was slain for us!?v.9…14?

?About 1930, China Inland Mission once built the Wilmay Memorial Hospital in Shanxi . In a Log book there wrote “the 44th patient Kok Chem Yuk who was paralyzed…recovered & walked after operation. His father saw this miracle, believed in te Lord with his son!.’
?Working life is never a dream: special message fr Hk to working saints?3?– click

Feeble but Faithful

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I rebuke and discipline as many as I love… <3:19>

Black or white? Cold or warm?
1. Before God: black or white??2:17?– God give a “white stone” to those who overcomes. In the past if a judge throw out a black stone, that means the defendant was found guilty, a white stone means innocent. A white stone was also admission tickets for feasts. Having a white stone guarantees us a place with God in the feast!
2. Before men: cold or warm??3:15?– There is mineral springs near the city of Laodicea. Warm water from the springs could heal , and cold water was suitable for drinking. But the church of Laodicea was neither cold nor warm! Today, can people find the power of healing & refreshing in us?

?Bro K. W. Chan??? in HK wrote a book “Review in Philosophy” , in response of the criticism by philosopher T. M. Lee??? on the faith. Lee’s philosophies influenced Chinese intellectuals deeply but the church scholars remained silent for long. No wonder the book entered the best sellers list of Commercial Press just after it was published. Pray that the Word will no longer be misinterpreted

He is Coming

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..Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.

Reviving the first love – with hardship and tears:
1. Is our love to Jesus fading in our busy lives? (v.4)
2. Hardship, poverty & adversity are good medicines for an icy heart! (v.10)

*young servant of God Siu Yung ?? requests prayers –“We all know actor Fiona Leung??? met a car accident in Australia while casting a gospel film. A sister who was also thrown out of car is a sister from my church – serving the youths. She was still in hospital; fortunately she is in good progress. Her name is Y. Y. Wong ???. I urged all of you to pray for her.”
?Sam Kong remarks – I knew her while preaching in gospel camp this summer. O Lord, heal her!?

Time is Near

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy (v.3)

Fate of Future World —– the revelations divine:
1. Christ – after ascension, He executed the great work concerning whole universe (Ch.1)
2. The Church – her ups and downs on earth in human history (Ch. 2, 3)
3. The World – approaching its end in its creator’s hands (Ch. 4-22)

# A Chinese scholar wrote a book“Travelers’ Chants” which conglomerates philosophies of life, faith, science & history. Chinese intellectuals should find this book interesting & inspiring. Click simplified Chinese version

To See His Face?

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…Yea, I come quickly. Amen; Come, Lord Jesus?The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. <22:20…21>

Eternity is ahead — last reminder :
1.Look upon God’s throne , come near the river of life?v.1…5?…let us head towards the center of the universe, origin of the creations, all power, glory, life, fullness, joy and healing come from it!
2. Obey God’s words and cleanse our unrighteousness?v.7…15?…we will soon move to the holy city and meet the holy Almighty one. Be quick to cleanse your evil and darkness!
3. Wait for the Lord in grace, let your life be a blessing?v.16…21?…The Bible ends with a prayer to Lord and a blessing to men. Looking back to the Revelations, political situation will be more unrest and the road ahead will be though; but the throne will last forever and Lord’s love will never fail!

? year end heart wishes?One day time will come to an end, all status in this life will no longer exist. When we look back this year, or this life, can we cry out this? :”I have made a good fight, I have come to the end of my journey, I have kept the faith; from now on, the crown of righteousness is made ready for me, which the Lord, the upright judge, will give to me at that day; and not to me, but to all those who have had love for his revelations.” <2 Tim 4:7…8>

All things new?

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And He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes … <21:4>

Look, in the distant place — it’s dawning :
1. See a new heaven & a new earth ?v.1? …No more sea, source of evil & pain disappeared!
2. See holy ciity, new Jerusalem?v.2?…The bride / church beautiful, great work of salvation completed!
3. See, the tent of God is with men?v.3…4?… God will wipe away all tears; no more death, or sorrow, or crying or pain; for the first things have passed away.
4. See, all things are made new?v.5…6? …No more defects, regrets or lacking; the water from the fountain of life eases our thirst forever!

?Pastor Arnold Yeung ??? who had suffered from cancer, experienced disaster in 911, written up 100+ books, comforting numerous patients. HIs commentary of Revelations remarks on the 21st chapter of, Revelation , “…at the ending of the world, or towards the end of our life, when we lift up our wearied eyes and take a glance forward – it’s nothing but the Lamb who was killed for me, and now sitting on the throne standing before us. O, how wonderful! There is no Satan, nor its servants; only my Lord waiting for me with smile. I can throw myself into His arms peacefully. This is called the dignity of death.” —– and soon he passed away suddenly and got into Lord’s arms.

The Book of Life?

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… they …shal l reign with Him a thousand years. <20:6>

2 ultimate destinations :
1. The book of life — The epitaph of Benjamin Franklin, the gaint that paved foundation of USA, reads, “Franklin lay here, like a cracked old book. But the author of this book will last forever, I believe He will repair it, that it may reappear with its new and beautiful version.”
2. The lake of fire –Those resisted God & fled from his presence? God will fulfill their wishes, & send them to a place which they can never see God again!

*-My Calling – Gospel meeting with Michael Chang : Michael Chang is a skilled hand in professional tennis, winning numerous awards in tennis world, even climbing up to second place in world record. He was born in a Christian family, baptized in his 16 , now studying Theology . He strongly believed that our Lord determined the victory or defeat. Witnessing and telling people that Jesus changed him and enriched his life are his most important task. (Interpreter / speaker: Yong Man Chan- Kln City Baptist Church, 9/1/06, Mon ,7:30 pm) Pray!

The Bride Ready?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… be clothed in fin e linen, bright and pure… <19:8>

Chorus on heaven — 2 events the universe celebrate together :
1. Wedding of the Lamb?v.1-10?– God & men united forever! Though our fortunes or status different on earth, we are the Bride & guests on that day! Do you Treasure this double blessing?
2. The victorious Christ?v.11-21?– In the ultimate battle, evil power all smashed down to the lake of fire! Today the reality unjust & gloomy, but keep yourselves in the way of the cross, the future is bright!

? Follow – Sister Chiu Chan Cheung Yong ???? (wife of Chiu Kwok Shun ????who has just taken by Lord in Toronto , had written this hymn though in serious sickness. This is the testimony of her life: “Lord how much you love me, Lord how much you love me, you come and give your life, save me from death and sin; Lord I give you my life, Lord I give you my life, longing, loving and serving you, all my heart seek your pleasure, through this life I follow you”?She sang it to her husband and 3 daughters after she had written it. The hymn was found in things she left behind, and the saints will sing it in her funeral this Saturday.?

Come Out, My People?

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And the merchants of the earth weep and grieve over her, because no one buys their lading any more; <18:11>

“This city” will come to an end, but “that City” will last forever (Rev 18 vs. Rev 22)?
1. God will completely judge the self-centered world — – which attached to human power, letting economy & human knowledge to take command, measurinng success with pride…woe to its ending !
2. Waiting for the City with foundation, which build & make by God — by faith but not sight, live for the glory of God and seek the City from above – our better home!

? Sister Ellen ?????wife of Bill Chiu ????who loved God and men, passed in Toronto. I have contacted the Lord’s servant BIll ,prayed with him and passed on the saint’s words to him. Funeral will be held on 31/12 in Toronto.?18 years ago I had interviewed Ellen and her father Chan Pak, click to see the miraculous saving of Ellen’s father, which surpassed the words of the physiognomist and saved young Ellen in the threat of family suicide.?

Bear Testimony to Jesus?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…but the Lamb will overcome … and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”

2 ways to choose between the 2 warring kingdoms ?Rev 17??
1.The “evil woman” vs. the “Bride” ?17:1…6 / 21:2?
2.“kingdom of the beast” vs. “kingdom of God” ?v.7…18?
There is no neutral between the right & evil. Your life are series of choices. Today are we still choosing the narrow path of the cross & following the Lamb ?

? Sister Chiu Cheung Yong ???? (wife of Chiu Kwok Shun???), who had been faithful in serving the saints both in HK and Toronto, has passed away last Wednesday. Ellen loved God and men, though in sickness for 10 years, she sacrificed herself in blessing others. This couple are true disciples of Lord (I felt the warmth of God’s love on them when I was a student, which influenced me till today). Pls pray for Bro Kwok Shun and his 3 daughters – though you may not know them. Maythe Spirit comfort them & help them to overcome the sorrow and financial difficulties. Also pray for strengthening the saints of church in Toronto.
Who gives us comfort in all our troubles, so that we may be able to give comfort to others who are in trouble, through the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God (2 Cor 1:4)

Rejoice , receive your King?

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Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments…

My king will return soon , the heaven will be filled by Him!
1. Recognize that Satan’s inciting is behind all trickeries & strife on the world?v.17…21?
2. That there are injustices on earth, but final judgment is true & righteous. ?v.1…7?

? Great harvests in season – fewdays ago 2 youth gospel meetings in HK – 2 young men spoke on the topic “The Amazing Discovery”, gaining 121 students for Christ! Praise the Lord! Sunday a great children meeting is going to be held, with 500+ children and 300+ parents to come. Pray for all the souls, adults’ and kids’.? also remember Sam Kong in yr prayers?

He Lights up the World?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…standing upon the glass sea, having harps of God. <15:2>

Songs of triumph & reunion after calamity?Rev 15??
1. Men who love God — in the world they are fully wrecked, but in heaven they can praise His wonder creation and salvation!
2. Overcoming the beast — The last disasters (7 bowls) to the earth are coming. Today, are we walking with the martyrs? Or we are standing alongside with the world and against the 7 judging angels? Where do our hearts belong to?

? HK will have a youth gospel meeting -?In ST and TST?Topic is “The Amazing Discovery”. Large group of students !
?”Jesus …I am the light of the world; he who comes with me will not be walking in the dark but will have the light of life.”

A Certain Future

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…Blessed the dead who die in the Lord … they may rest from their labours; for their works follow with them. <14:13>

Follow the Lamb – to sound the song of triumph?
1. In the world – the evil force is manipulating like a beast (Rev13) – Satan seems in control over politics, finances, cultures & even religions, but it won’t last long! Now, follow the Lamb with a pure & brave heart!
2. In heaven – the Lamb & His followers sing new song with joy (Rev 14) – 144,000 represent community loving the Lord. Often stay with a group of pure-heart, faithful & zealous brothers & sisters. This is our fortress where we are molded & counter the enemies!

? Eduard Wuest fr Mennonite Brethren – a brother brought great harvests in Ukraine. He encountered God in bible studying & night watching meeting. He said the joy of salvation flooded his heart completely, which imprinted in him in his entire life. The joy of knowing Jesus unspeakable by words, but he was really eager to share this glory with all mankind! Wuest felt the vast grace of God, he could only lift his hands & shouted: praise the Lord! From then the Spirit kept on warming his heart, and urged him to commiserate the souls in distant lands!
? Don’t give way to Satan – Last week the Ark Channel called everyone to watch and pray , send letters to the Broadcasting Authority of HK – to object possible allowance of fortune telling advertisements. in TV/ radio stations. Bro Caleb Chu just received reply from the government, knowing that the Authority discussed this problem, the plan has been suspended. Jesus is Lord! The Lord hears all yr prayer over the world!

Wholly Committed?

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and all that dwell on the earth shall do it homage …<13:8>

In Evil Times, be patient & live by faith?Rev 13??
1. Beast out of the sea?v.1- 10? … political & economic powers on earth made people kneel & worship. Are you worshipping the true God or the Antichrist?
2. Beast out of the earth?v.11 -18?… The religions on earth, mysteries acts, media, the crowd…are all giving glory to men. Today are you listening to Holy Spirit, or seeking excitement from false prophets?

? Jesus in Ukraine — I am reading history of a Christian group – Mennonite Brethren. It mentioned a leader Eduard Wuest. He knew Bible well & loved the saints deeply. His preachings brave and powerful. The Spirit used Wuest open the barren land in Russia and Ukraine, bringing a widespread revival! Historian Fritz Gruenzveig said Wuest passed away in 1859. Fruits in Russia were plentiful, numbering to 10,000 after some yrs ,and they brought gospel to America & Brazil. They were godly & zealous for the Kingdom! ?Touching story of repentance of Wuest continued tomorrow?

War in Heaven?

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… overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony… <12:11>

People of God in every generation are still protected in tribulations?v.1…6?

Wars for generations — our overcoming weapons?v.11??
1. Blood of Christ the Lamb – Satan fell with the vital strike by Lord on the cross!
2. Word of brothers’ witness – The effect of the His blood on us makes us faithfully witness Lord’s victory!

? A friend was devoted in Buddhism for several decades, and rejected Jesus even when he was suffering from cancer. By prayers of his wife and saints, he went through crisis safely. 5 years later he had coronary heart disease again. This time he put aside all his philosophies & believed in Jesus in tears. After the major surgery, he found the Lord precious & became a faithful disciple, now their whole family are serving the Lord!

Worshipped God?

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… He shall reign to the ages of ages. <11:15>

Perspective with Hope?
1. The 2 witnesses ?11?1-14? – Sometimes God & His people seem to be failing, but at last they will gain all victory! Step forward by faith!
2. The 7th trumpet ?11?15-19?- The world turned over, waves of disasters raged; but kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord & of His Christ!

? Action Cambodia — Sister Esther Mok writes that she will set off to Cambodia in Jan 06, to participate in voluntary and evangelistic works. Pls pray for her. 2 millions were killed in the bloodbath in Cambodia, but now the churches reborn. 300 places of gathering were set up in the past 6 years, and at least one new church rises in every week! Their growth is by the power of the Spirit, plus the sweat & tears of saints.

No Longer Delay?

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… it was in my mouth as honey, sweet; and when I had eaten it my belly was made bitter. <10:10>

No Longer Delay—- chance will never return?

1. The earth will be recaptured & Christ is going to return?10:1-7? —
7 characteristics of Lord in chapter 10?
1/ clothed with cloud?revealing of God?
2/ rainbow round his head? faithfulness in His covenant?
3/ face like the sun?Lord of light?
4/ feet like pillars of fire?actions of judgment?
5/ with a little book?proclaiming judgment?
6/ stand upon the sea & earth?whole earth will be His?
7/ shout out loudly? whole world hears)?

2 .Tasted sweet but become bitter then: God’s words should be tasted by oneself?10:8-11?— In our courses of life, in usual or busy days, have we find time to taste God’s words by ourselves?

There will be a day when we have no time to flee from God’s face!

? Prison revisited?…My friend Uncle Tong ?? is a former gang killer, had been put into prison 9 times. After his repentance he had been to Singapore 4 years ago, shouting out God’s love in 2 prisons and had a harvest among the criminals! Being 76, he is still going to travel to Singapore again on 30/12 to visit the believers whose imprisonment have expired. He also want to be back to the prison & preach again (Uncle Tong requested prayers from you all in this trip)

Love Irresistible?

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and I saw a star out of the heaven fallen to the earth…

Unpredictable future, who can tell?

1. Natural disasters are torture. [Rev 6-7]
2. Events are in God’s control. [Rev 8]
3. Locusts are terrible and perform massacre [Rev 9]

Today only subjects of God can act without fear!

* Holiday is coming? — Let us be reminded that we should grasp our opportunity to spread the gospel by every mean! If we are giving out presents, remember to attach gospel message CD, VCD or booklet etc. (Books are the best and it has great impact on people and can change their fate. (I know a school principal. When he was young, he read a booklet aboutsacrifice to God . From then on he loved God for his entire life since then!)

Awaiting His mercy?

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And the smoke of the incense went up wi th the prayers of the saints, out of the hand of the angel before God. <8:4>

Get up and achieve great goals for God!
1. Prayers of the saints? Rev 8:2…5?- Prayers can even move God’s hands, triggering judgment of universe. Get up and call on God!
2. Smashing the world’s dream? Rev 8:6…12?- God holds his hands on every aspects (only striking one third).
Be quick to repent, God will leave a way!

? War approaching, withstand! – Broadcasting Authority of HK suggested allowing signs reading & astrology advertisements to broadcast on TVs & radio from mid Jan 06. This will surely lead to all-round infiltration of superstitious beliefs! Now, the Ark Channel calls on saint to express objecting opinions to the Broadcasting Authority. May e-mail to ba@tela.gov.hk or mail directly to the Authority (To the Secretary of Broadcasting Authority, via the Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority, 39/F Revenue Tower 5 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, HK) Tel: 2594 5721. The letters need not to be lengthy, but it should have reasons besides religious ones (saints overseas pls lift up your hands to fight for HK!) “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation…”

Neither shall they Thirst ?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… He that sits upon the throne shall spread His tabernacle over them. <7:15>

God is still present despite the devastating disasters?
1.God shelter over them – the sealed servants?7:1…8? … Today we also have God’s seals on us – the Holy Spirit!
2.God is still feeding – the victorious church?7:9…17? … adversity made you breathless? But do you know that trials and hardships in this life is shortening our distance with the throne?
Be faithful till death, in every hardship God will still putting seals and robes on us.?7:4, 13?

? Pray for the souls in HK…Pastor Li Ling turned from a atheist to God’s servant, and he will preach in the coming 3 nights including today’s (at Kln City Baptist Church) . This Sunday morning?HK18/12?a gospel meeting in SKW. Pray for speaker Peter Kwok ?Enquiry: 2369 5106??
? Pray for God’s Words… Bro TG in Singapore developed Asian version of famous Bible software E-Sword, compressing materials with advanced technology (video of 8 hrs of sermons + mp3 + text messages put into 1 CD , can play simultaneously). click www.TeachHisWord.org to find E-Sword (Asian version), audio Bible & Learn The Bible?7 CD together, with 24 translations of the Bible including Chinese / original text, 14 commentaries, mp3 of OT and NT… ) He had put meetings of various bible teachers in 50+ sets of CD ,supplying churches worldwide. Self-learning Bible study helps spiritual revival!

Great Day to Come?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
And I saw: and behold, a white horse …<6:2>

The mysterious scene — slaughter brought by the 4 horses :
1. Gospel preaching over the world — but wars, famines, plagues & deaths unceasing (6:1-8)
2. Urge from the martyr —speed up God’s judgment, earth-shaking devastation approached.(6: 9-17)

? TG Tay in Singapore prospered in business. He had become rich already, but his career downslided suddenly & owed?350,000?Singapore $, equals HK?1.75 millions?. In this adversity he met God! Jesus cleared his debts miraculously. He gave his life to Lord ever since, & established an organization “Teach His Word”. He lived in faith & produced hi-tech training tools for churches & bible teachers (with video of 8 hrs’ sermons, mp3, outline, powerpoint & text messages compressed in one CD, which be shown simultaneously). He also developed the Asian edition of famous free Bible software E-sword, which blessing millions. Yesterday we met & fellowship, finding joy without any worries in him!?to be continued?

? Last Sunday we mentioned Xavier who sacrificed for China. He came to China in the Ming Dynasty, born in 1506 and passed away in 1552. Bro Johnson Li in Canada would like to express his thanks to brother Ka Shing in HK who was an expert on this field & raised the corrections.

Ark – Follow the King?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Worthy is the Lamb that has been slain, to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing. <5:12>

Fate is in His hands – Lord I worship you?
1.The sealed book ?v.1…5? … God’s will towards the future of mankind & the fortune of everyone are all in HIS book.
2.Only the Lamb is worthy to open?v.6…10?…Past , future and everything are in Lord’s hands. He is the omniscient, almighty and omnipresent One, and is executing the last step of God’s plan!
3.Choir in heaven ?v.11…14?…Our prayers & praises never alone! Come & praise in any adversity since your future days are still in Lord’s hands!

? Sis Heidi Tsui is still having her electrotherapy, here’s her recent news :”My sister who is also suffering from cancer phoned me & told me she will be baptized on 15/1 in 06! Before she was panic for her sickness, but she changed completely after knowing God. The care from the saints let her feel the Lord’s love . She heard of the Lord by her ears (from me), but now she experienced God herself. All her wish is her husband will turn to Jesus also…”?Pls pray for the repentance of Heidi’s family! ?

Right the Wrong?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… they cease not day and night saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, who was, and who is, and who is to come. <4:8>

The Pilgrim Church?Rev Ch.2…3? vs. the world’s situation ?Rev Ch.5…19? …let’s lift up our eyes to heaven?Rev Ch.4??
1. Seeing God’s throne is fixed in heaven ?4:1…2?
2. Knowing God’s faithfulness never changes ?4:3…4?
3. Trust in God’s footsteps cover all over the world ?4:5?
4. Joining the creations of God to worship Him day & night ?4:6…11?

? HK student’s letter to Ark :” … The earnest heart of my newly believed schoolmate made me amaze at God’s miraculous work…I encourage him to read the Bible…strengthening him. And he confesses his sins honestly, impressing me in his words : ‘… I’d rather let someone who can take hold of my hands and keep me from sinning -let HIm know all my wrong deeds.’ This is how he opened his heart to God and received God’s peace on 20/11! …Every night I still keep asking God to keep them. Peace be with you! — A brother in Christ.”
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