Speak the Truth?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
Here I am, I stand at the door and knocking… <3:20>

Laodicea situated in midstream of a hot spring. Water in the headstream is hot and has the function of healing; water in the downstream is cool & suitable for drinking. But water in the midstream – Laodicea is not hot enough so it’s healing function fails; it’s also not cool enough to drink. It is completely useless! Is this our situation?

In or Out ? Cold or warm?
1. Lord, please enter my door & dine with me. No one apart from you my heart desires! (3:19-21)
2. Lord, keep my fervor as well as humbleness, so that I have influence on the world: healing people & quenching their thirst! (3:15-18)

? 33 years’ tears for a repent …Theologian Augustine was full of talent, yet he led a corrupted life when he was young. He changed greatly in his adulthood and became God’s vessel. He said in “The Confession” that “God listened to my mother’s prayers & tears , brought me back to Him!” His mother prayed with tears for him for 33 years. In God, there is no disappointment.

Live Pure!

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
I come quickly: hold fast what you have, that no one take your crown. <3:11>

Two callings of love – Jesus misses you :
1. Calling to repent (3:1-6) … church in Sardis has reputation of being alive but actually dead. However, God is still calling. Why do we have to disappoint with yr our church?
2. Calling to have victory (3:7-13) …church in Philadelphia is full of love, keeping God’s command, lifting up His name. Open heart to God leads to open door !

*Johnson Li writes from Toronto (15): 100 Verses that Change the World. (Mark 8:36) Francis Xavier (1500-1552)- he studied in Paris & became professor of philosophy. Being a successful young man, he spent his free time gambling. One day afterlecture, his old friend quoted him a verse, ‘For what shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’ This verse changed his life. He quit the professorship, began evangelistic work in northern Italy. He traveled back & forth between India & Japan. worked in Goa & Moloccas, traveled through East Asia . He Gained 30000+ souls to Christ. Later he arrived at Guangdong. He died in the following year at the age of 46. What’s your purpose of life? Where are you heading off to? Let’s invest our lives in eternity!

To Him that overcomes?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
… to him will I give of the hidden manna… a white stone…a new name … <2:17>

Keep your love, faith, purity & conscience :
1.Church in Ephesus?2:1…7? … The love & power of the cross is secret of overcoming in every occasion!
2. Church in Smyrna?2:8…11? … Tribulation tough , but there is an end. Walk faithfully since Christ had overcome!
3. Church in Pergamos?2:12…17? … separate ourselves from the world will experience intimate relations with Lord?v.17?
4. Church in Thyatira?2:18…29? … Heresies & false teachings flourish, can you keep the genuine faith? (Have you spend time on studying the whole Bible?)
The 7 letters :
1/ are written to the 7 churches that really exist in John’s times
2/ are also written to all churches in the ongoing history
3/ are revealing various situations of the believers in church at anytime.
The Revelations is the ending of Bible. Judgment must begin at the house of God. What is God most pleased with you ? How about the things He is against?

?Yesterday I have a long talk with BroChow Mao Lam ??? – a leader in Vancouver. He said that the church should not only aim for the increase in number. The growth in quality is more important. They promote Bible reciting for the whole church, first memorizing the key chapters of the Bible, e.g. Rom 8, 12, and then the Philippines, Ephesians, Timothy…Book by Book . Saints worked hard in memorizing every Book with heart . Lately they will memerize the Hebrews. Every saint is established in the Word, with strong sense of mission & shouldering. Bro Chow spoke about people from many different classes are able to have a solid spiritual life in their church because they heard the voices of God!

Do the first works?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
Remember therefore whence you are fallen, and repent… <2:5>

Crying out of love in the center of universe — Ephesians church?
1. Turn from knowledge to the living God ?2:1…3?
2. Renew our first love towards God ?2:4…7?
Lord, warm my cold heart now!

? Save more in Christmas time…Yesterday suicide of 2 young lovers (students ) in HK is heartbreaking. In the 3 holidays upcoming, be reminded to engage in all-round evangelism. Make use of the holiday atmosphere to win people for Lord. (if you are to send presents, send some gospel materials or VCDs) The encouraging movie “144 arrows“ by the GNCI ???? is showing over HK for 250 times. This movie witnessed there is always a way out in Christ, (7,000 copies were now available for purchasing to give friends & relatives. Besides, YMCA (HK) had prepared 3,000 copies of “A Heartbreak City”??????to give to members and students free . Pls pray for the 10,000 families receiving them.

The Living One?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
The revelation of Jesus Christ…?v.1?

Revealing our fate — Previews in 6 aspects?
1. The General Director in heaven?Ch. 1? … The ascended Lord is King and HIgh Priest, holy,everlasting. keeping His churches & servants, relief !
2. The church’s history ?Ch. 2-3? … Though the path is tough, God still call us to be the “overcomers”!
3. Headquarter of universe ?Ch. 4? … Despite situation changes, the Almighty One is seated as king in heaven. Worship Him in every occasions!
4. Ed of the world ?Ch. 5-19? … The suffering & sinning world will not go out of control, God will fix it!
5. The end of Satan ?Ch. 20? … Evil will be defeated, no future in following Satan!
6. Prospect of God & men?Ch. 21-22?…God & menunited forever. If we only have hope this life, we are most miserable!

? A holy date ???? — El Silvoso from Argentine is greatly used by Lord in putting forth the global city preaching campaign. He fell in love with his girlfriend Ruth when he was young. They lived in cities 500 km apart, meeting each other only twice a year (without e-mail or 3G!). They missed each other, so they agreed at 10:00 every night, Ruth knelt on the hills of Cordoba , and Silvoso knelt on the plateau of San Nicolas to pray and talk in the Spirit. According to Silvoso, this was a holy time; beside the return of Christ, nothing can prevent him fr this appointment. Even if Apostle Paul visited, he will let Paul to wait till his date was over! They got married afterward and served Lord with one heart (Argentine is a big country in S America, with 40 millions souls. In the last 20 years had revival on prayers & evangelism, springing up an army of gifted servants. 5 years ago they experienced a prison revival, 20,000+ prisoners were reborn & repented completely!)

Beginnig and End?

Revelations, Voice Divine No Comments »
Behold, He comes with the clouds … <1:7>

The future in sight – Focus on Almighty Lord, the author & finisher (Abstract of 22 chapters of the Revelations)?

Ch. 1-3 Revelation of Jesus Christ – Son of Man and 7 churches / letters to 7 churches
Ch. 4-5 The throne in heaven
Ch. 6 -7 Opening of first 6 seals – judgment on world / 2 groups of beholden people
Ch. 8 The 7th seal & first 4 trumpets – judgment on earth, sea & sky
Ch.9-10 The 5th and 6th trumpets – judgment on non-believers/ secret of 7 thunders, John ate little book & prophesied
Ch. 11-12 The 2 witnesses, the kingdom completed when 7th trumpet sounded / the child taken up, the woman fed by God and dragon battled
Ch. 13-14 Beasts from sea and land / ;new song in heaven, disasters on earth – ripe & harvests
Ch. 15-16 Glorious scene on heaven –overcomers praised the Lamb and God / plagues of 7 vials
Ch. 17-18 Worthy is the Lamb, triumph on evil woman and the beast / fall of Great Babylon
Ch. 19-22 Marriage of the Lamb, return of Christ / the millennial kingdom – last judgment / Eternity!

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