Revive Me, Lead Me! – Sunday Hope_06/03/2022 (Mark 5)

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Don’t be Afraid; Just Believe! – Sunday Hope 06/03/2022 Mark 5b

and begged Him earnestly, saying, “My little daughter lies at the point of death. Come and lay Your hands on her, that she may be healed, and she will live.” (v23)

* There will certainly be corners of our life we feel incurable. But our Lord says, “Do not be afraid; only believe!” Maybe it is our marriage, our family, our prospect, our situation… that looks lifeless. When the power of God’s kingdom comes, the lifeless will come alive. Perhaps, what God is waiting for is a genuine prayer and request.


* A hymn by a church choir in Ukraine. They sing in Chinese at start, then Ukranian. Very touching. Let us continue to pray for Ukraine. arkchannel hymns

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Sunrise or Sunset, Awaiting Salvation!

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Lord Jesus My Glorious Saviour! – Ark Channel 05/03/2022 Sat Mark 5a

Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no one could bind him…. (v. 3)

* A crazy world, and a mad man. The story at Gadarenes resembles the appalling news in today’s western countries. Someone locked up in his own world for a prolonged period of time is seen losing self-control, self-hurting and hurting others. This can be a sign of a demon-possessed condition! We should pray to the Lord to deal with it and have mercy on the victim.


* A letter of encouragement to high school students by Ms TSO Me-kuen/曹美娟校長 , a school principal. (published in Ming Pao, 3/3/2022)

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Quiet! Be still!

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A furious squall came up! – Ark Channel 04/03/2022 Fri Mark 4b

…With the measure you use, it will be measured to you—and even more…(v.24)

* Measures – they are the price we pay for understanding Truth. What people receive will be proportional to what we give. Grace is free, but growth requires sacrifice! Do not succumb to your circumstances; pay the price and do not let Satan take away the Way we have learned!


* A great way to resist the virus – a gospel tract

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Pray for Peace!

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Fall in good soil! – Ark Channel 03/03/2022 Thu Mark 4a

But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. (v.6)

* The same seeds yield different yields, and the difference is the soil. Protect our hearts, recognize hidden evils, clean out our selfish desires, and the Lord’s holy way will naturally grow. Pray that we multiply a crop 100-fold, and do not waste our lives!


* Live from Ukraine. In turbulent times, He is there. A : message from a local pastor

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Subduing One’s Heart Is As Strong As Taking A City!

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We Plan But Only God Establishes! Ark Channel 02/03/2022 Wed Mark 3b

And if a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand. (v25)

* The first half of the Gospel of Mark (ch1-8) focuses on the miracles of Christ revealing His power as God’s beloved Son. The latter half (ch9-16) focuses on the sufferings of Jesus, revealing His cross of suffering. The heavenly path is rugged but through suffering, we will see glory!


* Christian co-worker Igor reports from the Kiev bomb shelter. He is a youth pastor there. He says that many people who have never prayed or thought about God are now willing to know Christ and have faith. Pray for the Lord’s mercy, protection and strength!

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Universal Accord – Overcome Evil with Good!

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A Withered Hand! Ark Channel 01/03/2022 Tue Mark 3a

…He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” (v5)

* When there is no love and no God, there will be no black and white, all will be cruelty and unrighteousness and even destruction of life! Is this not the case in today’s European dilemma? Christ saved, healed and did good deeds on the Sabbath but this stirred up controversy, reflecting the darkness and lawlessness in man’s heart. Is it not the same today.


* True freedom comes from self-discipline. “The Common Rule” (與神同行的八個微習慣) is the insight of Justin W. Earley telling us that our restless souls can only find peace in the Almighty. (InterVarsity Press)

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Eternal Law: Love Others As Yourself!

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Stir Up Love And Good Works! Ark Channel 28/02/2022 Mon Mark 2b

… I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance. (v17)

* A quote from the movie Gone With The Wind: ““Most of the misery of the world has been caused by wars.” War takes away peace. Jesus once said, ““Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword.” This is the Lord of the Sabbath and His heart!


* The book 「瘟疫有藍天」ends by saying that all things are under Christ’s feet. Do all things include virus? The author believes it does. The virus is rampant but will never prevail because Christ has triumphed.

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Love Despite Storms and Rains! – Sunday Hope_27/02/2022 (Mark 2)

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Life Lesson in Trials and Tribulations! – Sunday Hope 27/02/2022 Mark 2a

Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. (v3)

* There will be a time when the world becomes paralysed, and we will become too feeble to walk! When mankind has learnt to be humble, when in hardships we re-learn how to work and help one another, supporting the weak instead of fighting each other, the power of forgiveness and healing will surely come on us.


* Are we surrounded by the city clamours, or walking on a lonely path? Do we have this inner yearning “Everyone is in need of Jesus”?
Listen to Steve Green’s heart touching song: People Need the Lord

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Time in Danger. Time for Mercy!

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Seeking Protection from God! – Ark Channel 26/02/2022 Sat Mark 1b

Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” (v41)

Throughout the Gospel of Mark, “immediately”, “at once”, “right away”, “as soon as” is used many times. We are precisely in the time needing urgent help. Lord! Watch over us, Lord, save us!


* Voice of the heart, from a church elder in Ukraine — We are in emergency. My wife and I will not leave Ukraine… how can we? As the church elder, my mission is to shepherd at all times…. We have been preparing for this day. My wife and I have bought a generator, fuels, food and other necessities. We will convert the gospel chapel into a shelter for believers in hardships… (I can hear the warplanes now flying above me). Hope you will pray for us! We are no braver than you. But we believe we are staying where God expects us to be (Daniel 4:17). .

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A Time to Gather, and a Time to Mend!

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Listen and learn words of wisdom and truth! – Ark Channel 25/02/2022 Fri Mark 1a

…Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. (v.3)

* A servant – the Son of God, humble, yet full of power! In the turbulent world, we need the revived to serve faithfully! Mark describes the Lord’s work – healing and driving out demons – more than his teachings. Live out God’s will, talk less and just do it!


* Married for 70 years, Yuqiang/裕強 and Su-e/素娥’s marriage has lasted for 72 years. What is love? Is it the wedding of a century? A romantic marriage? One life together? In that era where young couples had arranged marriage, how did they stay together for so long? Read their story below: arkchannel sharing

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He Has Risen! He is Not Here! – Sunday Hope_28/03/2021

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The Lord Working with Them – Sunday Hope 28/03/2021 Mark 16

… Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. (v.15)

Darkness, Death, Absurdity – these will not last forever
Resurrection of Christ – this presents 3 great things:

1. Brand new opportunity to preach the gospel
2. Miracles and signs to follow our way
3. Lord of heaven and earth to work with us

Mark 16

* Letter from Dixon Ip / 葉特生 (Los Angeles) –- Peace was all around under the pandemic. I took the second dose of Moderna jab yesterday. No discomfort. My health is in good shape. I jog outdoors in the morning and evening, 3 miles each…. The hospital is assessing liver transplant for me. Various tests were taken. The cancer specialist was to write a final report but did not know how to begin. It began like this, “An extraordinary case…. Two years and a half have passed since the diagnosis. But the cancer cells have not spread. Tumour has not grown larger. My suggestion is to put everything on hold. Re-examination is the best way we can do. Is it really cancer, or what cancer cells are they?” Glory to God! I have just videoed a gospel sermon at home for the local church, to be broadcast in April at the gospel crusade. (Local church meetings are still held online.)

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My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me!

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There was Darkness over the Whole Land! Ark Channel 27/03/2021 Sat Mark 15b

… With Him they also crucified two robbers… And He was numbered with the transgressors.” (v.27-28)

* Jesus was utmost wronged and forsaken. Can we, as His servants, be greater than our Master? Our Saviour, who once performed miracles of feeding the multitude with bread, was crucified! No wonder the disciples fled, when their faith had not brought them fame and wealth.

Mark 15:21-47

* There is a mighty person who can heal the broken hearts. Luis Palau who has now finished his life journey told us a genuine and simple good news : Healing for the Broken Heart

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A Time to Mute, A Time to Speak!

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Follow God wholeheartedly! – Ark Chananel 26/03/2021 Fri Mark 15

Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. (v.19)

* During His sentencing, the worst part of human nature was revealed. He did not display His power to save Himself, but quietly took on the iniquities of man. That was His moment of fulfilling His heavenly calling!

Mark 15:1-20

* How to care for someone battling anxiety and depression – arkchannel sharing

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Seize the Day and Worship God!

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The shepherd struck, the flock scatter! Ark Channel 25/03/2021 Thu Mark 14b

Then everyone deserted him and fled. (v.50)

When love is lacking, anyone can betray the Lord (14:10-21)
* When we lose our heart of love for the Lord, anyone of us could become His betrayer. Following Him when times are good is easy; following Him when times are bad is a rarity!

Mark 14:43-72

* The situation in Myanmar is in flux; CCCOWE/Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism (華福會) has written a piece introducing the History of the church in Myanmar.

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Jesus Said, “I Am”

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Son Of Man Betrayed Into Hands of Sinners! Ark Channel 24/03/2021 Wed Mark 14b

…are you sleeping? Could you not watch one hour? (v37)

* Meditate on our gracious Lord preparing to be killed as the Passover Lamb (v1-16).
Knowing well His betrayal, He suffered the night before (v26-52).
Being rejected is a foregone conclusion, He firmly moved forward!

Mark 14:27-42

* The world is changing fast. Here are some interesting facts about the world’s 7 billion people

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Who Is Our Most Loved?

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She Has Done What She Could! Ark Channel 23/03/2021 Tue Mark 14a

…She broke the vial and poured the perfume over His head. (v3)

* In the midst of the fierce storm, Christ was about to be arrested and killed…At this very moment, a woman offered the ointment for her dowry and her all, pouring over the Lord on His head. Now and here, how is our heart towards the Lord?

Mark 14:1-26

* Filipino celebrity Coney Reyes talks about how she trusts in God, cries to God in prayer and experiences life transformations:Prayer changes everything

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Every Decision is From the Lord!

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Only The Father Knows! Ark Channel 22/03/2021 Mon Mark 13b

Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. (v31)

HE Is Near, Right At The Door
1. The Finale on the stage of history – will the church fall or be glorious?
2. Are we eagerly waiting for the abundant harvest of the Spirit or back slide and perish?

Mark 13:14-37

* He is the son of a pastor. At the age of 6, his father taught him to serve the Lord with his guitar. At 16, he questioned God’s love and left the Lord being rebellious and self-destructive. At 21, he turned back to God. He served a lifetime using the guitar to praise God. This is the story of a prodigal son’s Hymns on Guitar – 1 Hour

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Preach Gospel First to All Nations! – Sunday Hope_21/03/2021

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Be a Testimony Before Rulers and Kings! Sunday Hope 21/03/2021 Mark 13

For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom…. (v.8)

Tips for living in the End Time:
1. Truth and falsity – Beware of fake religions! (v.5)
2. Ask and seek – God’s word is the only touchstone! (v.23)
3. Winds and storms – Pray with caution, only the Lord Himself is our pursuit! (v.33)

Mark 13

* It is our invisible friend who leads us through the dark night. Listen to the heart-warming song in Mandarin
arkchannel sharing

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The Lord our God is one Lord!

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She Cast In All, Even All Her Living! Ark Channel 20/03/2021 Sat Mark 12b

For there is one God; and there is none other but He (v32)

God is the God of the Living!
1. The first half of the Gospel of Mark pertains to serving the multitude, with a focus on the miracles performed by the Lord – manifesting the Lord as the Son of God Almighty (Ch 1-8a)
2. The latter half focuses on the disciples, also the passion of Christ, His suffering that points at the narrow path of the cross (Ch 8b-16)

Mark 12:18-44

* Palau/包樂, Passionate and compassionate, at his advanced years, shares what motivates him to be fervent for the Lord. Seen in him a leader’ temperament: wise and joyful. Worth watching: arkchannel sharing

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Rise and Praise the Eternal King!

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Love God with all your heart! – Ark Channel 19/03/2021 Fri Mark 12

…the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes… (v.11)

God is the God of the Living!
1. Though Christ was rejected, He kept firm to the call from above; knowing His fate, He was not discouraged!
2. God’s good plan is for Him to become a cornerstone. The work of Heaven does not wait!

Mark 12:1-17

* D.A. Carson explains that “We Are Called to Be a Counter-Culture

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Forgive First, Then Pray!

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A house of prayer for all nations! – Ark Channel 18/03/2021 Thu Mark 11b

1. If you remember that someone has offended you, you should forgive them
2. So that your Father in Heaven will forgive your offences too.
* Only by putting down the heart of vengeance can one do the work of God!

Mark 11:15-33

* A child and a dog, life is beautiful – arkchannel sharing

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Nor Will I Ever Abandon You!

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He Found Nothing! Ark Channel 17/03/2021 Wed Mark 11a

…’The Lord has need of it’… (v3)

* Aren’t we all small colts? Small, unable to bear much burden and tied up by many things. But if we are untied and brought before the Lord, the Lord has need of us!

Mark 11:1-14

* In Maine I shared God’s love with the fishermen there. Visited 44 year old Dan who was hurt when catching lobster and underwent a 5 hour surgery to rectify his spine. May the Lord reduce his pain. I also met Dan’s cousin , Scott, who is 60, also a fisherman. He has lupus erythematosus. May the Lord save him, help him to accept the Lord. Deer Isle has a population of 500, mostly fishermen. I plan to visit them, preach the gospel and to start a home Bible study. Please pray!

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Silent To Men But Cried Out To God!

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To Give His Life As A Ransom For Many! Ark Channel 16/03/2021 Tue Mark 10b

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve… (v45)

* O Lord, help us to be humble, letting go of self-reliance and self-righteousness, becoming like a child, receiving grace from God and doing our best to serve this generation!

Mark 10:32-52

* In the media generation, negative news makes people scroll the screen every day, enjoying the thrill but accumulating landmines in our soul and emotion. How to prevent our soul from being corrupted? The Dangers of Doomscrolling? The Dangers of Doomscrolling

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Laid His Hands And Blessed!

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Leave His Parents, Two Become One! Ark Channel 15/03/2021 Mon Mark 10a

But from the beginning of creation, God created them male and female. (v6)

Marriage and children (v1-16) is the core strength of the Kingdom of Heaven. Regardless of how frivolous men has become, the words Jesus said in Mark 10 still stand strong! Whether we are willing to be simple and obedient like a child stems from our heart!

Mark 10:1-31

* World population has exceeded 7 billion. In the past, 82% of Christians lived in the west. But in 2020, two-thirds of Christians live in non-western countries. With the increasing material wealth of the west, man’s heart has drifted further away from God. The economic, political and religious landscape is undergoing a major reversal. Will the churches in Africa, Asia and South America be first? I hope the brothers and sisters in the west will strive harder!

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Kingly Grace as Spring Showers! – Sunday Hope_14/03/2021

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If Salt Loses Its Flavour… Sunday Hope 14/03/2021 Mark 9b

… Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another. (v.50)

* Even if we have been at the peak of our spiritual journey (v. 1-8), even if we might have great prophets like Elijah in church (v. 9-13), even if we have the power to cast out demons and understand the suffering of our Lord (v. 14-32), we will be as good as tasteless salt if we ignore our brothers, lacking humility in serving and the peace with another (v. 33-50). Then we will not be able to pass the final test of our Lord’s discipleship training!

Mark 9:30-50

* Hymn of Promise, a well-known song by Natalie Sleeth: There is a song in every silence. There is a dawn in every darkness!

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Listen to Him!

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Seeing No One Anymore, but only Jesus! Ark Channel 13/03/2021 Saturday Mark 9

… Jesus…led them up on a high mountain apart by themselves, and He was transfigured before them. (v.2)

1. The transfigured Jesus stands out in timeless and unparalleled prominence, against the New Testament backdrop of Moses and Elijah.
2. The truth of His resurrection is ground shaking, turning our eyes to the spiritual realm. Now listen to Him and each of His holy words!

Mark 9:1-29

* Discovering Life After Death with Luis Palau – Dr Luis Palau has recently been received home by the Lord at the age of 86. Listen to his humorous and steadfast gospel message before his departure from this world. As a young boy of 10 years old, he was moved by his father’s memorable testimony before death and since then dedicated his life to evangelism.

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