Take One Step Back To A Wider Horizon!

Everyday New Testament, Mark No Comments »
And Jesus with his disciples withdrew to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed; and from Judaea, (v7)

Ministry Outside the Tabernacle

1. Healing by the seaside — Jesus withdrew to the sea from the tabernacle, there He continued His healing ministry, casting out demons. It was His mission to bring to man a wholesome life. (v10-11)

2. Appointment up on the mountain — The 12 disciples’ missions are three fold: commitment in following Jesus, preaching His way, authorized to cast out demons. (v14-15)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 3a (v1-19)


* Even plants advertise and draw customers to come! In the deep bush of Cuba, climbing vines rely on bats to pollinate. By producing an ‘echo beacon’, the plants attract bats who navigate by responding to echoes. The vine has a dish-shape leaf located above a cluster of flowers that help bats find them by reflecting back the calls the bats send out. B. FENTON, an expert in bats studies said, “The leaf is like the neon-sign outside a restaurant, attracting customers to come.” Isn’t the design of the Great Creator all perfect!


* … And Jehovah heard it. Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men that were upon the face of the earth. (Numbers 12:2b-3)

Numbers 11-13: This is the Bible’s comment on Moses: meek, meaning that he did not fight back even when being oppressed or ill-treated. He fully counted on God to defend him.

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The ones who picked grain on the Sabbath

Everyday New Testament, Mark No Comments »
…The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. (v.27)

Picking grain in the fields

David from the past — David and his warriors ate the consecrated bread. God takes care of man’s needs, beyond religious rules. (v.19)

Son of Man today — The purpose of the Sabbath was for the meeting of needs, and so for the Son of Man to do beneficial things was lawful. (v.24)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 2:18-28


* Turn back like a child, praise with a pure heart!


* …The ark of the covenant of the Lord went before them during those three days to find them a place to rest. (Numbers 10:33)

Numbers 8-10: While men were preparing a place for God, God already went ahead through the wilderness, leading His people ahead, finding a place for them to rest.

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Son of God Who Has Great Love For Sinners!

Everyday New Testament, Mark No Comments »
…They that are whole have no need of a physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners. (v17b)

Two Men Who Arose

1. The palsy who laid sick — The story of the palsy is in fact full of action: carried on a mat, roof-top opened, let down from housetop, vividly displaying the enthusiasm and faith in the four friends. (v5)

2. The tax collector who was seated — Levi decided to follow Jesus, manifesting his decisiveness and prompt response to the Lord’s calling, adhere to his choice with no regret. (v14)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 2a (v1-17)


* Married to a beast — Pop singer Whitney HOUSTON’s death was a great misery! This tragedy teaches us the lesson that we should be watchful for Christian celebrities. Whitney came from a family of great gospel singers, grew up in a Baptist church, herself a choir member since young. At the height of her career, she was married to a drug addict and became ‘infected’ with the evil habit herself. She ended up with a divorce, repented to the Lord and suffered tremendous struggle fighting with drug addiction. Her story in Chinese/text:



* And Jehovah said unto Moses, They shall offer their oblation, each prince on his day, for the dedication of the altar. (Numbers 7:11)

Numbers 7: The 3 common characteristics in the dedication of offerings by leaders of the 12 tribes : willingness in offering, offering the same
items, the same way of describing the offering.

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A Sabbath Without Rest!

Everyday New Testament, Mark No Comments »
And in the morning, a great while before day, he rose up and went out, and departed into a desert place, and there prayed. (v35)

Work On The Sabbath

1. The Sabbath ends at sunset, congregations in the synagogue were dismissed but it was exactly when Jesus began His ministry of the Heavenly Kingdom, a time when the entire city gathered and waited for Him. (v32)

2. The Spiritual ministry at sunrise called for greater Holy power from God. Jesus, like all other servants of God had to depart into a desert place and prayed, finding an intimate moment of restfulness in God. (v35)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 1b (v29-45)


* As an ethnic Chinese, Jeremy LIN/林書豪 young and inexperienced when he set foot on the basketball court in college, was victim of mockery and discrimination.  One reporter even called him “chink”, a pejorative description that he was a Chinese with tiny eyes. Even facing such disrespect, Jeremy did not lose his temper, said that he was learning his lesson of forgiveness. Thanks to his parents’ Christian teaching and how the Word of impacts him since he was young, Jeremy has a big heart to forgive. This is what he recalls of his father’s advice “Even when you are being criticized by people, remain calm, do not get furious. Win a match and that can change the way people feel about you, you will gain their support and respect.” In a recent interview, Jeremy said, “I am proud to be a Chinese, I am proud of my parents who are from Taiwan. I thank God for giving me all these opportunities!” Famous as he is today, Jeremy does not forget his roots, all because he is obedient and fearful of the Lord since young.


*…speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying…So shall they put my name upon the children of Israel; and I will bless them. (Numbers 6:22, 27)

Numbers 5-6: When the tribes were settling down in their camps, the Levites stood at their respective posts, the unclean had to stay outside the camp, the Nazirite had to separate himself unto Jehovah and God’s blessing came upon them.

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The One Mentioned In The Prophecy Is Finally Here!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope No Comments »
Even as it is written in Isaiah the prophet, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, Who shall prepare thy way. (v2)

This Is How The Gospel Began

1. Four Voices — The voices that led into the Heavenly Kingdom : prophecy of the prophets, cry in the wilderness, voice of the Holy Father, preaching of Lord Jesus. (v1-15)

2. Disciples Being Called — Lord Jesus manifested His authority in different manners: He called on the disciples and they responded immediately and followed Him. (v16-20)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Mark 1a (v1-28)


* Journey Amidst Wisdom of God And Wisdom of the World, Series 2/慧境神遊系列 (Video in Mandarin with Chinese subtitle)

What is the relationship between Chinese culture/philosopher with Christianity!

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What evil did he do?

Everyday New Testament, Mark No Comments »
All the people answered, “His blood is on us and on our children!”(v.25)

Pilate’s Dilemma

Miraculous Dream — Pilate’s wife had a dream about Jesus, highlighting his innocence – even a Gentile woman received revelation, whereas the Jewish leaders remained stubborn. (v.19)

Washing of Hands — He succumbed to the pressure of the crowd, betrayed his own conscience, and shed the blood of the only righteous man, consigning himself to a ruined name for posterity. (v.24)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Matt 27:1-26


* Faith is not ignorance. Ex-IONTU/台灣大學海洋研究所 Professor Min-Ben CHEN/陳民本 raises the proper attitudes a Christian ought to have, that is to have awe for  creation, a desire for God’s revelation, respect for science, and discernment in understanding Scripture:

http://www.ddbc.org/science%201.htm (Chinese, Traditional)


* But in the seventh year the land is to have a year of sabbath rest, a sabbath to the Lord. Do not sow your fields or prune your vineyards. (Leviticus 25:4)

Leviticus 24-25:God is the supernatural provider, everything comes from Him, and so Man must enjoy the sabbath year through disciplined worship.

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Steadfast & Strong in Spirit!

Everyday New Testament, Mark No Comments »
The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God; (v1)

John the Baptist – a Life Model!

1. dedicated to his mission, pure in his living
- Clothed with camel hair, fed on locusts , wild honey…Our only mission is to pave the way for the Lord! (v2-3, 6)
2. humble in mind, brave in moral
-  look up to the Lord… bold to bring the world to see their own corruption (v7-8)
3. beautiful like the Lord, divine is his teachings
- The world almost mistook him to be Jesus the Lord… the world believed his baptism is from heaven (6:14-29. 8:28, 11:29-32)

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:1-20


* We just came back to HK from Cambodia! Weather very hot. Thanks to  Abba for guarding us & guiding us all the way…. Let’s encourage one and other & labour in  fields of the Lord (whether abroad or local). Let’s observe His great works! We thank all for your support & prayer…. Mutual prayers! — Linda SHUM, GNCI

* Bro Dixon IP (葉特生), a faithful servant in the Lord will tour HK and the territories nearby to preach the gospel after New Year! Let’s pray for the 9 meetings ahead

* A Wise Choice! by Samuel CHING (程蒙恩) / Cantonese, audio Second session of “New Life New Hope” Gospel Meeting, (HK)

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

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Bright New World!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
“But at the beginning of creation God ‘made them male and female.’ … a man will … be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’… what God has joined together, let man not separate.” (v6-9)

Key to Happy Marriage! — Jesus Concludes Thus:

1. one male, one female (v6) – one sex be united to the opposite sex

2. one man, one wife (v8) – no extra room for a third person in marriage

3. one life, one unity (v9) – love can stand the test of time – by a heart that loves, that serves

Scripture of the day: Mark 10:1-27
Indepth commentary: Mark 10


Footprints of Saints -
* Thanks so much for sharing wonderful miracle with us. Our Lord is so faithful & true! Sure, we’ll join in the spiritual battle. — Shirley TSE, (Norfolk, East Coast, US)

* my wife Jessie has Bible reading with 2 new Christians. They are from Mainland, working as waitresses. Yesterday, they brought along a young lady to Bible reading too. She repented & accepted Jesus as her Saviour. Pls pray for her faith ! — In Him, John (HK)

* Sister WONG Wai Ching (???HK) was received in the rest of the Lord. She is now in a new stage of life, serving Him in eternity. Following her will, her organ are donated to patients in need, bearing the love of God on earth!

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Newer Each Day!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
“Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me; … (Mark9:37)

The Greatest Mission! — The Toughest Task!

1. Greatness through serving (v35-41) – Be like Jesus, be the servant of all!

2. Gain through loss (v43-50) – Deal with the darkness & evil in our inner being! Deny our flesh & be led onto the path of life.

Scripture of the day: Mark 9:23-50
Indepth commentary: Mark 9


* Sister W.C.WONG ???,(HK, 2 years in the Lord) was received into His rest yesterday. Let’s pray for her entire family, parents, her 6 brothers & sisters — His grace, salvation & eternal hope be with them!

* Follow In Love -” I will graduate in 2010. The calling to serve in gospel ministry is my heart. I am pondering overseas mission for 1-2 years & then
life long ministry to serve my Lord – Japan being my destination. May I have your prayer support too! Thanks! My prayers with you all. Take care!”
- Sister Mona (HK)

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Love Him More Dearly!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. Hear Him!” (Mark 9:7)

Equip yourself – Up the Mount, Down the Hill, In the Crowd:

1. Follow Him with Hope (v1-13) — His appearance and His glory are our greatest motivation!

2. Serve Him by Faith (v14-29) — We find newness & strength in a life founded on prayers & discipline.

3. Imitate His Love (v30-50) — Love the sinners, love your brothers, love those who are different, love the lost & wandering!

Scripture of the day: Mark 9:1-22
Indepth commentary: Mark 9


* Footprints of the saints – Bro. CHIU Kwok Shun (???, Church in Toronto), LAM Lap Wai (???, Church in Vancouver), David LIN were visiting the Far East, enjoying splendid fellowship. They are now back to their respective city. May the flame of His love ignites saints in Toronto & Vancouver.

* Bro Bakht SINGH (India) was a church planter around the country, a peace maker through Bible teaching. In his visit to US (1959), one day he consulted the Lord before going for a haircut, the Lord’s answer was “No.” He asked again a few days later and the Lord said “Yes.” At barber shop, it was very quiet & Bruce was the only hairdresser around. Singh took the opportunity to testify to Bruce his life in the Lord, touching him to bend on his knees & accepted Jesus as Lord. Bruce described his gain of the savior as priceless, offering Bro Singh a haircut for free!

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Be Thankful!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul? (Mark 8:37)

Follow Him, Be it Life or Death — Onward to Glory!

1. Deny yourself – Rid your own way with things and submit to His directions!

2. Take up your cross – Let Him be core and goal of your life. The way of the cross is the way to victory! Sweet it is though bitter it seems.

3. Follow Him – Please Him, now and forever!

Scripture of the day: Mark 8:22-38
Indepth commentary: Mark 8


* Thanks to the tireless effort of elderly brother CHEUNG Pak Ki ???(Canada), “Dictionary of Strong’s Concordance Number of Literal Chinese Translation of the Old & New Testaments” ??????????? and “Literal Chinese Translation of Old & New Testaments” ??????????? — both extremely helpful Bible study tools. (Available at HK Church Bookroom, Tel: 2368 0848, 40% discount till end of March). The unfolding of your words gives light.. (Psalms 119:130)

* Let’s pray for the Lord’s protection and healing on:Sister WONG Wai Ching ???, 2 years in the Lord ( HK), suffering a stroke, also young Sister HON Choy Kei ???, 15, suffering complication of wet lung.

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My Lord Is Light!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… “You are the Christ.” (Mark 8:29)

What is the Core, the Goal in Life?

1. “Who do you say I am?” (v27)

2. What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? (v36)

Scripture of the day: Mark 8:1-21
Indepth commentary: Mark 8


* CHUI Sin Ya ??? lives like a queen, but a very unhappy one! She yells at her husband, beats her children, a true tyrant at home. From living in the mid levels to bearing debts of 70 million, her faith saves her and her family.
Click to view what is true wealth:

* Puzzled at the crossroad of life?! Click to listen/view Understanding God’s Leading” in 6 sessions by Brother LAU Chi Hung ???, (Mandarin)

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Dwell in Him!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…. “He has done everything well,” ….. (Mark 7:37)

My Master’s Touch!

1. I can’t hear — I can’t speak! Lonely and helpless are the deaf and mute! (v31-32)

2. He is gracious — I am grateful! The Lord delivers the deaf and mute from the crowd, opens their ears and loosens their tongues. (v33-37)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:24-37
Indepth commentary: Mark 7


* Far East Broadcast Inc. ??????successfully put up the 250,000 watt transmitters on Jeju Island, Korea in ’73, but the saints could not afford the US$52,000 for the power generators. Praise the Lord, God Loves China! He makes things happen! Within the same day, they received two letters from America: one from a Fund owner in the Mid-West offering to donate half the sum if someone would take on the other half; the other letter was from a farm owner in the East asking what their needs were. The Lord moved the founder, Bro. BOWMAN to enquire. When Bowman spelled out the need for US$26,000, our brother on the other end of the line shouted in joy “This is exactly what the Lord has been telling me!” With the total fund available, the radio network broadcast far and wide.

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Love & Peace in Abundance!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… came and fell at His feet. (Mark 7:25)

Create in me a clean heart, Oh God!

1. From within, out of our hearts come defilement and evil thoughts! Are we completely hopeless? (v1-23)

2. Let’s seek salvation with humbleness and honesty! Grace of God is always sufficient to save! (v24-30)

Scripture of the day: Mark 7:1-23
Indepth commentary: Mark 7


* Far East Broadcast Inc. ??????, a Christian station providing radio service to China for 50 years, teaches &comforts souls of many. The bulk of 50,000 letters received in ’07 (an accumulation of 500,000 in 50 years) shows how men thirst & hunger for God. Bro. Robert H. BOWMAN, the founder, recalls how faith fosters the ministry all the way. One notable miracle was the construction of transmitters at 250,000 watt on Jeju Island, Korea in ’73. (to be continued)

* Sister LAW Nai Huen ???, educationist /counsellor speaks on “Tension & In Parent Child Relationship” in Cantonese

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Life So Beautiful

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. … (Mark 6:34)

Count on Him by Faith! — He Makes Our Life a Splendor!

1. He is our Provider — A great shepherd who tends us with great compassion! (v30-44)

2. He is our Protector – A great companion who delivers us from danger! (v45-52)

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:30-56
Indepth commentary: Mark 6


* Riding the waves of life – Surgery on Evangelist Dixon IP ??? was a success yesterday, preliminary lab result on tumor: not a threat. He testifies “though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil”, he is weak but sees His glory. Bro. IP thanks all saints from all lands for their kind regards, encouragements & prayers!

* Sister LAW Nai Huen ???, experienced educator/counsellor speaks on “Woman Torn Between Work and Family” (Must-Watch for wives, Cantonese)

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Share His Compassion!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…He gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then He gave them to his disciples … (Mark6:41)

Endless Blessing

1. Great power is His! Nothing too hard for Him. — The Lord demonstrates His great might through small things. Gideon’s small army of 300 killed 120,000…

2. Merciful is our Lord! He always provides. — The Lord cannot bear to see us starve. Entrust in Him the little you have and be blessed with a great return.

Scripture of the day: Mark 6:1-29
Indepth commentary: Mark 6


* How marvellous! Sea water rises & falls at two appointed times each day, called tides. Responding to gravitational attraction of the Moon as it rotates, the Sea rises when it faces the Moon & falls when otherwise. This cyclical movement makes an underwater world, breeding countless living creatures. The Sun incinerates 240 million units of nuclear fuel every minute, temperature of its core is 15 million Celcius, 5500 degree for its surface. The Sun is 150 million meters away from Earth, takes an air-jet 17 years to complete one trip! The distance is no more, no less, just right to keep the Earth habitable!

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Amazing Faith!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…your faith has healed you…. (Mark 5:34)

Connect with the Source of Power:

1. By faith – touch Him in a personal way (v27)

2. For love – praise Him & thank HIm openly (v33)

Scripture of the day: Mark 5:25-43
Indepth commentary: Mark 5


* Christopher COLUMBUS, the explorer/navigator who discovered the American continents has studiously studied chapter 26 of the book of Job before he was 50. Knowing that the earth is round, he persisted till he found the New World in 1492. Do we have the same faith in the Word of God as he did!

* “Search” function is available on Ark webpage. Simply input keyword in “Search” box at top right corner. Articles can also be retrieved according to books of the NT. We pray this would arouse further interest in our study of His Word. www.arkchannel.org (both Eng & Chin).

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Happiness at Hand!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…Go home to your family and tell them …( Mark 5:19)

Lord! Have Mercy on My Kin!

1. living in the tomb — Are my dear ones sinking in sin …. taking their own life! (v2)
2. losing one’s mind — Are my dear ones binding with evil …. ruining their life! (v4-5)

Scripture of the day: Mark 5:1-24
Indepth commentary: Mark 5


* 4 Bible study aids on Gospel of John :
1. “The Gospel According to John: An Introduction and Commentary” by D.A. CARSON, Chinese translation available: ??????
2. “John, An Introduction & Commentary” by Colin G. KRUES (Tyndale NT Commentaries);
3. “The Gospel According to John” by Leon MORRIS;
4. “Word Biblical Commentary: John” by George R. BEASLEY-MURRAY

* Song to share: “With All I Am” –

* Amendment – Operation of Bro. Dixon IP ??? will be Mar 7, Sat P.M., HKT

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God in Us!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He said … “Why are you so afraid? … (Mark 4:40)

Fearful? Terrified?

1. Why fearful? – Hold on to His word. Fear no roars & rolls of tides. (Mark 4:40, 35)

2. Fearing exceedingly! – He takes charge in the tempest! Fear the true God of Might! (Mark 4:41, 3:27)

Scripture of the day: Mark 4:30-41
Indepth commentary: Mark 4


* Rick WARREN, author of “Purpose Driven Life” ???? in his good time of 1.5 million book selling & the bad time of his wife suffering cancer, God taught him to be a wise custodian of his wealth through II Corinthians 9 & Psalms 72. He then donated his income to the welfare of helping the poor & equipping saints. He shared that this life is all for preparing for life in eternity. He concludes: “Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Difficult moments, SEEK GOD. Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. Painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD!

* Operation of Bro. Dixon IP ??? will be postponed to 3/7 Sat, HK.
Let’s pray for Dixon & the medical team.

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Listening Ears!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…”Listen!…(Mark 4:3)

Take Heed to the Word – Be Equipped to Stand Against the Approaching Storm (Mark 4:1-34; 35-41):

1. The Word of God is seed of top quality!

-It’s the heart of man that receives & breeds the seed differently!

2. Is our inner heart open to the world? full of hidden sins? consumed by worldly wealth?

- It’s only by listening, retaining, believing, keeping and practising the word

Can we withstand the test of the storm!

Scripture of the day: Mark 4:1-29
Indepth commentary: Mark 4

Introduction to the Gospel of John – (HK) Lord’s Day message 1/3/09 in Chinese

Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser.

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Radiant Life! Resonant Testimony!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
He appointed twelve – that they might be with Him … (Mark 3:14)

Strive in the timeless ministry — within the limits of life!

1. the biggest & final challenge on a leader – success in successors (v14-19)

2. the authority & power of a servant – intimate fellowship with the Lord (v14-15)

Scripture of the day: Mark 3:20-35
Indepth commentary: Mark 3


* While young in Canada, Bro. Patrick has gone astray, hanging out with criminals. One year, he left Toronto for his own ventures, a Christian friend sent him off, advising him with “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness.” (Matt 6:33). The words rang in his head for years & finally brought him to repentance! (He is now an excellent Bible teacher.)

* Bro. Dixon IP ???completes gospel journey in Indonesia, will undergo operation Mar 4 (Wed) – removal of a tumor beneath the ear. 22 years gone by like a snap of fingers when the Lord last saved him from a serious illness. Bro. Ip continues to entrust the rest of his life in the Lord. Let’s remember him in our prayers.

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Sight Received! Burden Freed!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… a man with a shriveled hand was there. (Mark 3:1)

When I have no more energy to press on:

1. Listen to the Lord’s words – the source of all power (v1-6)

2. Follow the Lord’s footsteps to serve – the way to perfection (v13-19)

Scripture of the day: Mark 3:1-19
Indepth commentary: Mark 3


* Yan Ho, HK (??) son of Karen & Patrick happily returns home after staying in the hospital for a week, healed of pneumonia. Praise the Lord!
Thank you for your prayers.

* LI Kin-Ming, Seattle, (???) was a gangster for many years, jailed 3 times, 8 counts of criminal records. It was incidental that he met the Lord and became a believer. He is blessed with miraculous transformationand eventually becomes a preacher. Details:

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Chasing Daylight!

Everyday New Testament, Mark No Comments »
So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath.”… (Mark 2:28)

Amazing Grace in 2 Fold – The Servant of God serves as:

1. The Lord who pardons (v1-12)

2. The Lord who brings peace (v23-28)

Scripture of the day: Mark 2:13-28
Indepth commentary: Mark 2


* The Homosexual Movement is sweeping the world, crushing family ties & time-honored values. It is another wave of tsunami attacking our society, our church. It is not merely about freedom or rights but a thoughtfully strategized warfare which will destroy family morals. Let’s all be watchful with prayers for HK. Read ?????????? (Homosexual Movement Uprooting All Ethics), translated by Young Man CHAN ???.

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My Life in Your Script!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners! (v17b)

1 Paralytic + 4 in Oneness = Same Faith, Same Heart!

1. no more strength, future, nor hope? — Watchful, our unbelieving friends paralyzed in sin! (v.1-4)

2. He is able, He is willing & He is calling — He comes to save sinners (v.5-17)

Scripture of the day: Mark 2:1-12
Indepth commentary: Mark 2


* Sister Claudia (HK) completed the 6th chemo injection yesterday. It is all for God’s grace! Her husband Michael thanks all saints for their prayers. Claudia will brave radiotherapy that follows,”…in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Rom 8:37)

* Our vote of thanks – Ark Channel ministry heavier in 09. Now saints volunteer in counseling, translation, IT, web & content backup. After my first draft of daily Ark, mails are delivered by different saints from various accounts. Due to each having his own routine, you may be receiving the article at different hours in the day. A most sincere thanks to you all for care & concern in our work & schedule. As for me, I am focused on writing/editing, blessed with good rest. Praise theLord for your love & pursuit in His word, and continued prayer for us. — yokefellow, Sam Kong

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Your Healing Beams!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, …went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. (v35)

First Thing First! — No Matter How Busy!

1. Early in the morning! — Best moment to meet with God!

2. Lonely or lonesome! — Best setting to connect with God!

All works of preaching, teaching, cleansing, healing…. are backed up by the power of prayer! Fearless is one who first fills himself with God!

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:21-45
Indepth commentary: Mark 1


* Priscilla FONG, top management in banking field for 20+ years. Extremely busy as she is, she cares for people around her with the love of the Lord. One time she was moved by the Lord to write a Christmas card to an old friend, in adding words of care, she came up with 7 pages. Thanks to the work of the Holy Spirit, her friend read with an open heart and accepted the Lord! Priscilla evangelized in her wedding service, generously inviting her peers, seniors, clients, testifying the great love of Jesus, touching hearts of many. Within the first year after her getting married, 7 of these guests accepted Jesus as their Savior!

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Turn to Jesus & Be Blessed!

Everyday New Testament, Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
The beginning of the gospel about Jesus Christ, the Son of God. (v1)

Christianity is Christ, History is His Story — A suffering servant, a surmounting Savior!

1. God’s faithful servant! –Christ rising from the dead tends the world with His resurrected life.

2. God’s faithful follower! –Christ abiding by the will of God serves the world with the gospel.

Scripture of the day: Mark 1:1-20
Indepth commentary: Mark 1


* Bible scholar Bro. Paul MA ???, 82, is always in high spirit, fervent in love with Jesus & passionate for His word! He has held a series of Bible seminars in Greek in HK. In his testimony last Sunday, he shared how he fell in love with Jesus 50 years ago at Stanford University & has never parted since. The love of the Lord is forever fresh to him, impressing him to tears…His Bible seminars in India were well received, let’s continue to pray for India in their pursuit of Bible study in Greek!

* Listen “5A.M. in China”

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