Look Ahead?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
… and his hand was restored.

2 directions of God’s servants :
1. Save lives in all weather?v.1…12?– Don’t just take a cool look. The Lord can heal in every time, & by anyone – maybe you!
2. Note the training of Followers?v.13…19?– Take out your withered hand! Accept His gracious hands and be his disciples. Also make more disciples for Him – go and drive out demons!?v.20…30?

? Homosexuality culture is sweeping across the whole world. Films promoting such are now pretty-packed to infiltrate traditional values in all directions.To guard against this, click and take a look of pastors’ views, also the educationist and comments from Ms Pang ???, who is an experienced writer / editor of China Times. Ark Channel advises you to pray for the youth, and teach your children the Word – to establish their ethics & values.

Cheer Up!

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…The sabbath was made on account of man…<2:27>

Three blessings fr Christ :
1. He is the great doctor — the life of Christ keeps you healthy?v.17?
2. He is the new wine — … the Spirit keeps you fresh ?v.22?
3. He is the Lord of Sabbath — … His presence keeps you in peace?v.28?

? John Mac Arthur used Bible studying to establish sainbts. The church he pastors has more than 10,000 attendants in worships and Sunday schools. He created an atmosphere of pursuit of holiness. Several hundreds of his precious bible studying n full text and training messages are available click

Get Up?

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
…bringing to Him a paralytic, carried by four of them <2:3>

Join forces and see God’s miracles :
1. Spiritual friends?v.1…4? — The spiritual friends can’t perform miracles, but they can take people to Lord and let Lord’s miracles come upon them! To be apart from the saints is just like committing suicide spiritually.
2. The friends’ faith?v.5? — Lord can heal, and He can work new things anytime. Have we prayed for the others in faith ?

? God loves me!…Yesterday we talked about the child suffering from infantile autism helped his mother to complete the whole Bible! The child acts strangely and often makes his mother angry. But every time his mother wants to beat him, he cried, “God loves me!” and his mother has to stop. Now the whole family changed, even the father who seldom back home in the past became a family man.

Be Courageous?

Mark, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
And rising in the morning long before day, He …went away into a desert place, and there prayed. <1:35>

Our Lord’s example — showing mercy & seekiing God :
1. Lord’s service and mercy have no bounds on time & place ?Mk 1:21…34?
2. Lord reserve time for seeking & being quiet. This keeps His source of power & fine tunes the direction of his works?Mk 1:35?

? Yesterday we mentioned a child suffering from infantile autism. The others were harsh to him but a sister devoted in taking care of him. His mother was a drifting Christian, but the child told her to read the Bible whenever he saw his mother was sad. She obeyed reluctantly and read chapter by chapter – from Genesis to Malachi. God’s words comforted & directed her in numerous ways, and this helpless mum now becomes fervent in loving others, being greatly used by Lord.

God of Action !

Mark, Voice Divine No Comments »
Beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ… Son of God

The Gospel of Mark — Our Lord’s Three Great Deeds :
1. In character?1:1…13?…The 30 years’ life of Lord was commented “I am well pleased” by the Father. He is the only one who worth this comment!
2. In words?10:45a? … Lord spoke by actions. “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister…”
3. In deeds ?10:45b? …Lord triumphed over the nature, devils, death, sickness…but the most important was on the cross… ”…and to give his life a ransom for many”

? Obeying is the greatest work – Yesterday I met a couple from North America. The wife spoke of her ministry to the children in church. A child who has infantile autism came to church, making many problems which broke the hearts of his family. But Lord told our sister to take good care of this child, so she obeyed, concentrated in looking after him. After 1 year she even put aside all other ministries to look after this child! The story is miraculous (continue tomorrow…)
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