Governed by You All My Life!

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With the Father, we’re never alone! – Ark Channel 18/06/2021 Fri John 16b

…you will be scattered, each to your own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me. (v.32)

* In a Christian’s life, in sorrow we have joy, in oppression, we have the Holy Spirit, and in disasters, we have peace!(v.1-15/16-24/25-33)

John 16:16-33

* Dear friends, This is a 12-minute talk I gave on The Holy Spirit: Helper in Weakness. Teaching Director, Youth for Christ Sri Lanka – Ajith Fernando 

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He Shared In Our Sorrow & Joy!

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He who loved me and gave Himself for me! – Ark Channel 17/06/2021 Thu John 16a

…But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all the truth. (v.13)

A farewell sermon – three predictions:
1. Prediction of suffering (v.1-4a)
2. Foretelling the Holy Spirit (v.4b-15)
3. Prophesy of His return (v.16-33)
* Do not fear, our advocate is with us!

John 16:1-15

* Sri Lankan pastor Vernon Perera has been gathered to the Lord. He has finished his life’s work. Last year, he delivered a sermon titled “Depth of God’s Love” (John 13), in which he poured out his heart. (Calvary Centre AOG, message begins at 16:20) 

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I Have Called You Friends!

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I Chose You! Ark Channel 16/06/2021 Wed John 15b

…because you have been with Me from the beginning. (v27b)

The Legends In The Gospel Of John:1. A book of miracles (ch.1-12) – The eternal life comes to the world, overcoming the world and darkness!
2. A book of glory (ch.13-22) – A sacred grain of wheat broken, died, resurrected and filled the world!

John 15:18-27

* A couple immigrated to Mexico. Busy with business, their daughter ran away from home. Loved ones seriously ill and passed away. Caught in huge debts, his destiny was changed as he received salvation of the Lord! arkchannel sharing

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Bear Much Fruit!

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Remain In Me! Ark Channel 15/06/2021 Tue John 15a

I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. (v1)

* The Lord declares there is only one true vine in the universe that is above everything on earth, personally cultivated by God and will live eternally. During spring and autumn, the lush leaves of the vine must be pruned so that the nutrients can be directed to bearing fruit. Don’t be discouraged when we get pruned!

John 15:1-17

* Reading about the mystery of creation from DNA…Mathematics, simply amazing! arkchannel sharing

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Peace I Leave You!

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He Who Loves Me Will Follow My Word! Ark Channel 14/06/2021 Mon John 14b

…Do not let your hearts be troubled, nor fearful. (v27)

1. Men’s worry: a) fear of sudden disaster; b) fear of loss; c) fear of being abandoned
2. God’s peace: a) peace of mind; b) harmony and being friendly with others; c) peace and free from conflict and struggle

John 14:15-31

* Pastor Dino (黃志誠) returned to HK after 30 years in UK. Breaking tradition, he started a restaurant to care for the poor, promoting food and exercise for healthy soul and spirit. arkchannel sharing

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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled! – Sunday Hope 13/06/2021

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Our Advocate is Forever with Us! – Sunday Hope 13/06/2021 John 14a

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (v.1)

The Triune God is my eternal portion!
1. God the Son is the manifestation of God the Father (v7-9)
2. God the Father works in God the Son (v10)
3. God the Father is glorified through God the Son (v14)

John 14:1-14

* Violin live performance: When the Spirit of the Lord Comes Upon My Heart

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Love with a Divine Purpose!

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Will You Lay Down Your Life for My Sake? – Ark Channel 12/06/2021 Sat John 13b

By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. (v. 35)

* We need love above all our talents. More perilous things lie ahead in the path of Jesus and His disciples! This is not a time for competition and self-conceits. This is a time for us to pay the great price to love God and our brothers!

John 13:21-38

* FAQs of modern Christians – Seasoned pastors in the Western countries hosting this Q and A session arkchannel sharing

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Love Each Other Humbly!

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Love till the end! – Ark Channel 11/06/2021 Fri John 13a

…you also should wash one another’s feet (v.14)

* Joined with the Father, we will experience the Lord’s love till the end; joined with the Lord, we can love the Lord till the end!

John 13:1-20

* Three sayings that explain the Path of the Heavenly Sojourner – Bro. HJ YU/于宏潔弟兄

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You Are the Solid Rock!

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Who has promised to walk the narrow path together? – Ark Channel 10/06/2021 Thu John 12b

The one who looks at me is seeing the one who sent me. (v.45)

* The Lord said, “I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness.” Those who do not know God are in the darkness!

John 12:27:50

* From “fearing God” to “enjoying God”, both bring great blessings to believers!
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Sow The Seeds Of Peace!

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House Filled With Fragrance! Ark Channel 09/06/2021 Wed John 12a

Mary then took a pound of very expensive perfume of pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair… (v3)

* A day of dramatic change. The Jewish officials wanted to harm Jesus; Judas had a change of heart due to money but Mary loved the Lord with all her heart and through her action filled the house with the fragrance of love!

John 12:1-26

* Showers of Blessing: South Africa series Warmth Unseen From China to South Africa, a pair of lovers got married but end up quarrelling. What turned things around that their love was restored?

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Lord, Come And See!

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Jesus Wept! Ark Channel 08/06/2021 Tue John 11b

Jesus said, “Remove the stone.”… (v39)

“Remove The Stone”!
1. The Lord desires us to participate in His miraculous work of life. Foremost as a co-worker is obedience to His Word.
2. Many times in our hopelessness, we hear the Lord’s calling, turn from desperation and restored back to life!

John 11:28-57

* A mother of 5 kids shares: How to Talk to Skeptical Kids About Heaven

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Lord, Behold, He Whom You Love Is Sick!

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God’s Timetable! Ark Channel 07/06/2021 Mon John 11a

…“Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I am going so that I may awaken him from sleep.” (v11)

* The Lord waited two days. He was not delaying. He knows the best timing!

John 11:1-27

* The Chinese Christian Herald Crusades General Secretary Rev. Joshua TING/陳世欽 points out under the pandemic, global crisis looms in the family. work, society, country…tension everywhere. What is The Purpose Of Life?

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I Know My Sheep! – Sunday Hope_06/06/2021

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I Am the Good Shepherd! – Sunday Hope 06/06/2021 John 10b

… I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. (v. 10)

* We are the lost sheep. The Lord seeks us. We are the perishing sheep. The Lord died for us. He gives us abundant life. He protects us with His great power. Even at the remotest corners of the world, our Shepherd is still there.

John 10:22-42

* Listen to this song about the Lord’s protection: The Eternal Protection (永久的保障, sung in Cantonese)

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Calling His Own Sheep by Name!

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And His Sheep Follow Him! – Ark Channel 05/06/2021 Sat John 10a

And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them…. (v. 4)

* The shepherd does not drive his sheep. He goes before them, so they will follow him. All our life we have our Lord leading us. But we should cherish God’s word, so we will be able to recognise His voice and follow Him closely.

John 10:1-21

* A brief talk by Brother Hongjie Yu /于宏潔
Three things will definitely happen when we commit ourselves to genuine prayers (in Mandarin) arkchannel sharing

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Lord, I Believe!

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While it is still daytime! – Ark Channel 04/06/2021 Fri John 9b

…I was blind but now I see! (v.25)

The secret to being a witness to God:
1. Speak the main point – what has the Lord done to me?
2. Speak about the change – before being saved, what was different?

John 9:24-41

* Words of wisdom for today’s graduates (The Gospel Coalition)

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Works of God Be Revealed!

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Night is coming, when no one can work! – Ark Channel 03/06/2021 Fri John 9a

As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. (v.4)

* The Lord Jesus said “we”. This is the life project of God who partners with Man. He will restore the glory of God on Mankind; He will fill our emptiness!

John 9:1-23

* Cisse, a mother in the west African nation of Mali, gave birth to 9 babies at once, breaking a world record. ,Their children, 4 girls and 5 boys, are all safe. Everyone in the country is happy! The president called in to congratulate their dad. He said, “God gave us these children. He is the one to decide what will happen to them. I’m not worried about that. When the Almighty does something, he knows why,” he told BBC Afrique.

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The True Light Shines!

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People Change! History Rolls! Ark Channel 02/06/2021 Wed John 8b

…and the truth will set you free. (v32)

The Lord Living In Us – The Light Of Truth:
1. Light has the power to cleanse and purify our heart.
2. Light brings enlightenment so we know what is true and the truth.
3. Light is power and as we walk in the light, we have no fear.

John 8:31-59

* Pastor Rick Warren’s recorded short messages on various topics and testimonies

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I AM The Light Of The World!

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HE Was Left Alone! Ark Channel 01/06/2021 Tue John 8a

…And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either… (v5)

* Lord, thank You, You are the light who forgives sins and even more, the Light of Life (8:1-11, 12-55)!

John 8:1-30

* Faced with difficult questions of different beliefs and reasoning, this One Minute Apologetics is a concise guide.

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Simple Yet Filled With Spiritual Power!

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Sing The Song Of Heaven! Ark Channel 31/05/2021 Mon John 7b

The one who believes in Me…‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’ (v38)

* Jesus is the Rock from which living water flows! Our living water is the Holy Spirit, infinite! Let us be sanctified, to drink from the Holy Spirit, supplying and strengthening us!

John 7:25-52

* Thank God, Mooki, the grandson of Rev KWOK Man-Chee/郭文池牧師 who is in Thailand has completed his latest checkup. There is no trace of his cancer and his lymph nodes are all normal. He will continue to have CT scan every 6 months. Most grateful for the prayers and caring from the brothers and sisters!

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Save One More Soul! – Sunday Hope

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Judge with Righteous Judgment! – Sunday Hope 30/05/2021 John 7a

Then Jesus said to them, “My time has not yet come…. (v. 6)

* He is the Son of God, Despite His infinity, He is willing to be confined by time. Let us also put away our own time-tables for the Lord’s glory.

John 7:1-24

* At a time when the choir was not able to assemble, he formed a one-man choir of nine singers by himself with the help of technology and beautiful voice ranges, to sing of the Lord’s blessings and peaceJohn Rutter arr.
Bobby Goulder (one-man choir)

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To Be Full! To Be Hungry!

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Persevere on the Heavenly Pilgrimage! Ark Channel 29/05/2021 Sat John 6b

the words that I have spoken to you are spirit, and are life. (v63)

* God provides us with everything today. Hardship is prevalent, we toil in rowing in the misery of life. The Lord wishes to come onto our boat and brings us peace so that we can heed His Word every day to gain spirit and life.

John 6:52-71

Things That Cannot Be Shaken — Radio Classic/ Charles Stanley

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Look to the God Most High!

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Do not toil for food that spoils! – Ark Channel 28/05/2021 Fri John 6b

…but for food that endures to eternal life… (v.27)

Two steps in a believer’s growth:
1. When faced with a challenge, the Lord first provides! (v.1-15)
2. When hurled into the storm, the Lord won’t give up! (v.16-21)

John 6:22-51

* Dr. Charles YU/余德淳博士 reminds us to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) In context, there are four lessons for us: 1. Be honest, value credibility in life; 2. Give generously to the poor; 3. Speak kindly and constructively; 4. Be studious, and do not make excuses.

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Look Up To Mercy Unto Eternity!

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I am nothing, but You are everything! – Ark Channel 27/05/2021 Thu John 6a

Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted… (v.11)

* As long as we are willing to rely on the Lord unto the end, He will show His great might to prove the Son of God. Everything that we lack today, tell it to the Lord; follow His guidance, and wait for His hands to give blessings!

John 6:1-21

* May 5 each year is USA’s National Day of Prayer. This year, President Biden omitted the word “God” from his speech. Pastor Graham Franklin discusses this.

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Honor Heaven, Kind To People!

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That You May Have Life! Ark Channel 26/05/2021 Wed John 5b

…those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation. (v29)

* Some believe in destiny and fate but our Lord clearly tells us there is resurrection and eternal life. Those born again in the spirit will live righteously. All our sufferings on earth will end and there will be a joyful tomorrow. Evil doers will be judged!

John 5:19-47

* Rick Warren recounts his learning during the pandemic. In adversity, persist in reading the Bible; daily caring of the saints; carry out community work; nurture love in small groups; keep emotional health…finally opens up about handling personal tragedy.

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God Who Comforts The Frustrated!

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Add Strength To The Weary! Ark Channel 25/05/2021 Tue John 5a

…“Do you want to get well?”. (v5)

At All Times, God Is Working!
1. Bethesda means ““house of mercy”. The power of mercy comes from the Holy Spirit!
2. The real meaning behind the Sabbath is mercy and healing – so that we receive the power of life from being with God.

John 5:1-18

* Works of HO His Tung/何曉東 and WONG Kwok Hin/王國顯 two Christian writers, are available link here. Among them: I Found God in Soviet Russia/我在蘇聯遇見神, Bloodshed in North Ireland/北愛血腥仇, messages on the Book of Revelation/啟示錄信息 are very encouraging.

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Follow Me!

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Your Son Is Alive! Ark Channel 24/05/2021 Mon John 4b

…he himself believed, and his entire household. (v53)

* The child was dying and the father pleaded with the Lord to rewrite the fate of the family!
Dear Lord of Life, please lift up your hands today and remember our dear ones!

John 4:27-54

* God’s might: I know Steve. When he was young, his father used to take him to bars. He was not able to make it at school. At 25, he tried drugs once. He encountered evil spirits and shouted the name of Jesus out of fear and asked Jesus for help and immediately felt relieved. After that, he went to church but his experience of accepting the Lord was rejected. He bought a Bible and thereafter for 30 years, he read the Bible everyday, being close with the Lord. 30 years have passed and being single, he remains happy! Glory to God. Brother James from US.

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