Come and Drink of the Living Fountain! – Sunday Hope_23/05/2021

John, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Worship Him in Spirit and Truth! – Sunday Hope 23/05/2021 John 4a

… But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life. (v14)

“Springing up” means “bursting out”. Wonderful work of the Holy Spirit alive on us!
I. John 4 begins with a woman seeking living water, followed by Jesus healing a nobleman’s son
II. These two incidents illustrate his saying: Lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! (v35)

John 4:1-26

* Hark and behold, Agnus Dei (Worthy is the Lamb)
Michael W Smith & the First Dallas Choir & Orchestra

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He Must Increase, But I Must Decrease!

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But They Shall Have Eternal Life! – Ark Channel 22/05/2021 Sat John 3b

For God so loved the world …. (v. 16)

Two things the world needs most:
1. Life from above (v. 1-8)
2. Saviour from above (v. 13-21)

John 3:22-36

* Tim Keller challenges dozing Christians with 9 questions! arkchannel sharing

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O God! Search Me!

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I will be joyful in God my Savior! – Ark Channel 21/05/2021 Fri John 3a

…You must be born again… (v.7)

* Rebirth is the start of eternal life, eternal life is the continuation of rebirth. Believing and accepting the Lord Jesus and you will be reborn and gain eternal life!

John 3:1-21

* Two sisters who emigrated from Hong Kong to Mexico worked hard after landing there. But their friend’s death made them think deeply about life. Hear about the inner world of these immigrants. (SOBEM): arkchannel sharing

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There’s no more wine?

John No Comments »

His miracles began at a wedding! – Ark Channel 20/05/2021 Thu John 2

…but you have saved the best till now! (v.10)

* The Lord respects marriage, He personally attended one; entering the world to share in the joy, He went further and used a miracle to bless the newlyweds and guests, averting a disaster! No matter the setting or the matter, never forget to invite Jesus in!

John 2

* India’s TV station Wion gives a brief introduction to the conflict in Jerusalem. (Please pray for the locals’ lives and peace.)

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

And Grace Upon Grace!

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The World Came Into Being Through HIM! Ark Channel 19/05/2021 Wed John 1b

…“Behold, the Lamb of God! (v36)

* Read the Gospel of John carefully. Its literary features has strong contrasts and metaphors – light vs darkness, truth vs lies, life vs death, heaven vs earth, holy vs demons… the corruption of men all the more reveals the preciousness of the Savior’s salvation.

John 1:29-51

* Last Sunday Israel was hit with 300 missiles. Readers interested in the developments in the Middle East can read Jerusalem Post which publishes the latest news on

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

This Was The True Light!

John No Comments »

In HIM Was Life! Ark Channel 18/05/2021 Tue John 1a

…the life was the Light of mankind. (v4)

The wonderful Gospel of John – the eternal LORD coming among men to be our bread of life, light, the gate of the sheep-pen, the good shepherd, and is our way, truth and life!

John 1:1-28

* Highlights of mail from Sri Lanka (2)
These days I have spoken to different countries through ZOOM. Our children and grandchildren are all very good. Four grandchildren are happily together and we feel grateful. Coming to the end of our lives, we hope to love Jesus wholeheartedly and to live to please Him. – Fernando

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Open My Eyes! Your Grace Is Immense!

John No Comments »

Sing a heavenly song! – Ark Channel 040620 Thu John 9b

…’Lord, I believe,’ and he worshiped him.” (v.38)

Seeing You personally!
1. Personally-experienced faith is true faith, bringing a multitude of glory!
2. Encountering the Lord, with a story, is how we have an undefeatable spiritual vision.

John 9:24-41

* “What in the World Is God Doing?” is a book by Ted Engstrom. In there he recounts three Korean workers in China, who after coming to Christ brought their Bibles back to Korea. The first, who put it in his luggage, was martyred after it was uncovered. The second tore out the pages of the Bible, but was also found out and martyred. The third made the pages of the Bible into a rope, safely crossed the border, and quietly preached the Gospel. Later when other missionaries arrived, the seeds of the Gospel were already spread. .

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The Lord Remains Faithful No Matter What!

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Billions Prostate Before HIM! Ark Channel 030620 Wed John 9a

We must work the works of Him who sent Me as long as it is day… (v4)

Splendid Collaboration of God And Men:
1. To be God’s companion, take people out from darkness into light
2. To bring God’s presence into the crowd, delivering people from Satan’s dominion to God John 9:1-23

John 9:1-23

* Memorize Scripture in Just 5 Minutes Each Day. Take a close look at the Verse card box.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

HE Who Keeps You Will Not Slumber!

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For The Glory Of God! Ark Channel 020620 Tue John 8b

He who is of God hears the words of God… (v47)

What Will Make You Free? (8:31-36)
1. Living under the principle of truth, walking according to God’s will makes us free
2. Living under the principle of edifying, helping and establishing others makes us free

John 8:31-59

* Listen to the late pastor and theologian Dr. R.C. Sproul speak on “” Suffering as a Vocation.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

No Tears No Tests! – Sunday Hope 31/05/2020 (John 7b)

John No Comments »

His Holy Face I Watch with Humility! – Sunday Hope 310520 John 7b

On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. (v.37)

How to drink of the living water (Part 1):
1. Be willing to humble yourself – Water flows low!
2. Be willing to serve – Offer more to God and to people!

John 7:25-52

* Jerusalem of Gold, a famous love song performed in Amsterdam, by some who have the heart for Jerusalem, mourning the destruction of its holy temple two thousand years ago.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Journey of Faith (18)

John No Comments »

Dear Brother & Sister ,

Shalom! Thank you for your continual caring & prayer! My health stable. Due to sickness, however, my immune system has become weak. At high risk & prone to falling ill, I have to see doctor regularly & undergo medical checkup, hence giving me the opportunity to blend among patients & the chance to share with them how the Lord comforts many.

One good thing about physical weakness is that I can only focus on doing one thing & rest after. I therefore have to be prudent in prioritizing & choose to do the one most important thing for the day – may the Lord guard & guide me that whatever I do, I am doing it in the Spirit, out of love & my obligation to my loved ones – I see this as the Lord’s new calling for me.

Time flies, it is almost 4 years during which I have experienced great turns & adversities in life. This leads me to always ponder & meditate: is there an eternal value in my do’s and don’ts today? Am I doing things that leave a mark on someone’s life, making their life different?

Recently, in a heart to heart talk with my 10 year old son, he asked what it meant to be 10 years old! I told my happy little boy , from that day onward, his age on earth will become double digit & there is no way to turn back, no redialing, all the way till he reaches 100 when the age automatically turns into 3 digits…. I exhort him to fear God & treasure our days, numbering them one by one! Day in day out, I cease not in praying, for our children, for you & for myself – in these days of our double digit age, let us strive to accomplish His endless & everlasting, good will of magnificence!

Last year, 4 of my best friends completed their overture of life on earth & launched into that everlasting piece of music, each in their splendid ways – Esther WW CHEN/陳慧慰, at a young age, gave birth to her daughter midst her critical illness & left to meet the Lord in peace; Steven TANG/鄧應華 a great gospel warrior won the good fight & earned his prize; uncle DIU Tong/刁棠 once a murderer & prison inmate, repented in the Lord & turned a faithful testimony for the love of Jesus, unwavering till his last days, magnifying the cross; Bro LF CHAN/陳流芳, a family leader in idol worship for decades, made a complete turn in life, preached His gospel in joy until he rested in the heavenly home at a senior age. Their encounters, their stories, though different, encourage me inside out, uplifting my spirit, assuring me that Christ lives & elevate my desire for the heavenly home all the more.

On 31 May, I will follow the steps of the Lord & resume preaching gospel in meeting hall. His Word. “The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.” (John 1:9) has been ringing & resounding in my heart for some time, making it a suitable theme for my gospel message. I urge you, brothers & sisters to pray for the Word of God and to intercede for me.

— Your brother, Sam KONG/瑞榮

A Good Thing at the Beautiful Gate!

Everyday New Testament, John, Sunday Hope No Comments »
But Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but what I have, that give I thee. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. (v6)

The First Miracle

1. Peter said what he had to give to the lame was better than silver and gold – the ability to restore one’s life. What can be better than this?  (v6)

2. The seven responses of the lame: leaped, stood, walked, entered the temple, praising God while walking and leaping, in full energy. (v8)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 3 (v1-26)


* God grants ‘Take Two’! – Scholar WK BAO/鮑維均once went to the casino to preach the gospel. The pastor said he hated the number 7 because he had to take the HK Certificate Exam 7 times and the driver license test 7 times. He worked hard to get into the famous university, got his Master degree, and everything was going well. Then in 2003, a medical exam revealed he might have cancer.  It was the time when SARS hit and he could not be treated…One time while driving he was touched by the message he heard. He stopped the car and said in tears, “God… I don’t know how many more days I have left but regardless, I give those days to you!”  After SARS, further diagnosis confirmed he did not have cancer. To fulfill his commitment, he studied and served in the church. God waves His hand to those in difficult times, take heed and you will sense it!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Lord, What Shall This Man Do?

Everyday New Testament, John No Comments »
… If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me. (v22)

Peter’s Destiny

1. Jesus gave two missions to the disciples: tend his sheep and walk the road of the cross, that is to follow the Lord’s footsteps in his journey to glory. (v19)

2. Peter was concerned on how he would match up with others. The Lord entrusted different mission to different people but everyone’s duty is to “follow me”. (v22)

Scripture of the Day (NT): John 21b (v15-25)


* Hudson TAYLOR/戴德生, founder of China Inland Mission/內地會, loved Chinese souls, inspired thousands of youth to come to China. At 68, he witnesses that in 40 years, he had read the entire Bible 40 times. His secret weapon is fellowship with God early each morning before he started work. The development of China Inland Mission is huge, not relying on marketing because he connects closely with headquarters in heaven, never dropping the line! (Should our generation ponder and reflect?)


* Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven. (Nehemiah 2:4)

Nehemiah 1-5: This is Nehemiah’s secret, in everything thing pray, always pray, pray aloud, also pray in your heart. God listens!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

“Friends, haven’t you any fish?”

Everyday New Testament, John No Comments »
…It was full of large fish, 153, but even with so many the net was not torn. (v.11)

It is the Lord!

Jesus appeared to His disciples after His resurrection; they had no catch all night, but Jesus used a fire of burning coals, fish and bread to care for them. (v.9)

The disciples followed Jesus’ instruction and caught 153 fish (some interpretations suggest this to be “all types” of fish), representing the Gospel being spread to all people. (v.11)

Scripture of the Day (NT): John 21:1-14


* Pastor and Bible Scholar WJ Bao/鮑維均 had two friends who were married. In 1993, the wife caught pneumonia while being pregnant, and had to undergo an emergency C-section. The baby survived but the wife had to rest for half a month. The doctor’s verdict was that only God could heal her… and He did! In that same year, Bao’s wife suddenly died from serious illness. 2-3 years later, the three of them were reminiscing, and Bao asked, “Is it easier to come close to God during good times or bad?” Bao realized that during the good year of 1998, it was much harder to rely on God compared to the bad year of 1993! During times of hardship everybody knows to come to God in prayer, but to rely on the Lord during times of stability is even tougher!


* So we fasted and petitioned our God about this, and he answered our prayer. (Ezra 8:23)

Ezra 8-10: Under threat from the enemies outside, Ezra led the remnant Israelites to do the most important thing – prayer. This is the most powerful weapon the people of God can rely on.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

New Journey!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Peace with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. (v.21)

Sending us as the Father has sent Jesus! (v.19-31)
1. By the end of 19th century, 6 Presbyterian missionaries went to Korea from US. Soon they established churches in 40+ places, bringing forth revival of Korea in 1907. Today 30% Koreans are Christians – highest ratio in Far East.
2. Still sending us after resurrection the is not mens work but Lords. Revivals took place one after another the Moravian brethrens, Wales of UK, Shandong of China, Indonesiarecently gospel blazes in Russia, Africa & S. America.
Our Lord is still sending us – just as that very first day! Many sacrificed their lives to bring gospel to us.Let us continue their path – so as to express our thanks to Gods mercy & kindness!

?Saved timely! summer harvest in HK “my church have 4 gospel meetings in YL, HK Island, TW & SPK. Target – elderly & housewives?5/7, 9/7, 11/7, 12/7 10:00am,?Backup with yr holy prayer! ” — fr Sam Kong

Give me thy heart !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Whom seek thou? <20:15>

His presence is my joy:
1. When hopelessseek our Lord!?v.19?
2. Facing failure seek His face!?v.1018?
3. In weakness trust in Him, again!?v.1931?
The dead end of men is the new start of God!

?Ah Leong who has believed in Christ for 3 years, witnessed that he couldnt sleep alone before knowing Jesus .He was afraid of going to funerals (he would suffer from insomnia for 10+ days afterward). But after he came to Christ , he turned a joyful person,quitted gambling, no more idols at home -and no more worry about
his business!
?Fr Patrick Yip (HK) — In our home meeting a devoted sister Victoria Lam will receive a major operation -on 5/July . The surgery will last for several hours, & is very important for her. Pls ask b/s in Ark Channel to pray for her, thanks

Living in Exile?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
I desire that where I am they also may be with me <17:24>

4 reasons of overcoming the enemies:
1. We share His holy life?v.15?
2. We proclaim His holy name?v.612?
3. We have Lords words which sanctify us ?v.1319?
4. We share His glory?v.2026?

*Good news Hallelujah! Thanks the Lord, Bro W. L. Lau ???(HK) had a pet-scan yesterday which verified that all cancers cells were killed. He has to receive 2 more injections & then has a rest until Sept -before he can be back to his office. Bro Lau wants to say thank you to all saints – who has sincerely prayed for him through the Ark Channel in these days over the world ! Pastor Siu Yung ?? (HK)
…it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of the hope offered to us may be greatly encouraged. <heb 6:18>

Mission Divine !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
I pray for them … (v.9)

Purpose of life glorify God, life or death:
1. Our Lords purpose of life only to complete Gods work (v.4) Stephen Hawking cannot give a full answer of the origin of mankind & the purpose of our existence . But Jesus revealed that the universe was created through him, he had authority over the wind & the sea, can drive out demons & heal the sick (just as the designer of a car can repair it). And Jesus had completed his purpose of life — glorifying God!
2. Our purpose of life so simple complete our divine mission & glorify God (v.10) God has given you talents, hoping you to finish your mission to bring blessings to the society & the church — to glorify God ultimately!

* Pastor C. T. Tam??? who moved from HK to US ,has a daughter M. K. Tam???. The girl loves God since she was small. She now suffering from cancer,. After the b/s prayed for her, her survival time was prolonged to 30 days! Few days ago she had an opportunity to try a new medicine! Pls pray for her , all those reading Ark Channel, thanks! — C. Y. Leung ??? of The Media Evangelism Ltd(HK)
(When Tam’s testimony story broadcasted, 2 youths gave up killing themselves .. Another old man in NY believed in Jesus just before death – because of Tam’s good testimony.)

All the way the Savior leads me!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
…you ae the branches …but I have called you friends …(v.5,15)

Who Am I ?
1. Glorious identity (v.5) –we are branches by abiding in Him we can share His holy life
2. Honorable identity (v.15) –we are His friends by following His will we know His secrets

* Never Too Late! Mrs C. T. Ng Chan????(HK) used to worship idols .. But she accepted Jesus at the age of 82 ! Last week she passed away peacefully at 85. Her daughter C. C. Leung ???and son-in-law C. K. Tse??? would like to encourage us to share the good news to our relatives, catching hold of single opportunity !

In Him, With Him?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
I leave peace with you<14:27>

Living in each other!
1. In me (v.16-20) The Spirit lives us, & God invites us to live in him God & men , a mutual abode!
2. No trouble & fear (v.27) — Be strong, the Triune God who gives us peace always with us.
We will be troubled & afraid in new environment, challenges, opportunities or changes. But God is always with us, never fail us or forsake us. Enjoy the peace our Lord left for us – stop being troubled & afraid!

?The killer C. H. Chan??? of Taiwan , after hhis repentance , had brought at least 3 fellow prisoners to Christ. When Chan was executed, the army officer McGill Alexander who had been kidnapped by him , with his family , prayed for Chan. The reporter of Formosa Television Inc. phoned McGill and asked why they could forgive him. His wife answered, God hates sin, but He loves sinners!

God the fortress

John, Voice Divine No Comments »

The last two things that Jesus concerned:
1. God’s promise will be realized according to His time (v.18-30)
2. God will be glorified in Him. (v.31-35)

* Law So Kwan ???(HK)— my sister Law So Chek ??? recovering after 9-hr operation in Australia. Now discharged from hospital. Praise God! Your prayers are at work!
* Lost & Found in Switzerland —”Just arrived in Lausanne. Right before we got on the plane, we started to develop some flu like symtoms. All we could do was to pray. ..Then at the Geneva airport, one of our bags (the suitcase that had all the kids’ clothes) was missing. We prayed. As I was filling out forms for lost baggage, the bag surfaced (it came with a later flight!). The Lord is so faithful and listens to our prayers. Thanks a lot to your prayers as well. In Christ, Patrick ( currently working in Switzerland)

God is our Shield!

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Father, save me from this hour…

The way to Glory :
1. a kernel of wheat produces many seeds (v.24) — death at work in Jesus ,life at work in us!
2. Father honours those who serve wholeheartedly (v.26) — where His will leads , we follow! Suffering with the Lord, Receiving honour with Him & united with Him!

* In the mid-20th century, life unstable in China. A university student once reading Psalm 84 ,he was touched by the Holy Spirit . In the following 55 years, he spent entire life to serve God. He went through wars, jail, sickness ,but his spiritual fruits globally. Before he passed away, he testified that once he was weak , God encouraged him — “The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” (1 John 2:17) He is Rev. Stephen Chiu.??? Let’s check out what Psalm 84 is about!

To Serve!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
But me you have not always (12:8)

Your presence my treasure ?
1. We enjoyed Jesus’s grace & miracle. What should we do to express our love to Him? (v.3-7)
2. Do we ever treasure the presence of the Lord? Do we see His presence more precious than everything? (v.8)

* I had an interview with a sister Pan Yu ?? from Chang Sha last year. She takes care of MR children in a centre which was set up by her faith in the Lord. Recently she writes , ” I feel grateful when I receive your email everyday. I hope you can pass this message to saints . We are launching a workshop for MR children. We need facilities for the producing some of handicrafts. It can only be bought in from US or HK. It would be great if anyone can provide us in love of Christ . Thanks.” (Pan Yu , CEO of Developmental Centre for MR Children. Chang Sha, Hunan ???????????????)
( Sam Kong remarks : more info or contact the sister through the Ark Channel)

Precious treasure , living stream!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
and I give them life eternal; and they shall never perish

Voice Forever, Eternal Unity:
1. My sheep listen to my voice (v.16) — guidance & presence of the Lord come from listening. Are you listening?
2. My Father and I are one (v.30) — as the children of God, we should be one .

* God’s servants Shing Wah & Siu Yung report ( HK)- prayers request Kwan Kit & Lai Yee, ( parents of Tin Min who passed away as a baby earlier last year) One year later, Lai Yee just gave birth to a baby (named Chi Hang) last Monday – but baby has a heart problem. Kwan Kit askes for prayers from Ark Channel readers.(BB in stable condition . But coming week will be critical.) Pls pray that the baby to receive appropriate treatment , & Lai Yee can provide good quality milk to BB. (The baby has to stay in hospital for a longer period , so the family has to make rearrangement).

Choice Divine !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »

The book of John, seven miracles:
1. How to receive salvation — through God’s words (Ch2, water to wine), by faith (Ch4, healing the officials son), receiving grace (Ch5, healing the disabled)
2. What will salvation brings — satisfaction (Ch6, 5000 are fed), peace (Ch6, Jesus walks on the sea), light (Ch9, the blind sees), Resurrection (Ch11 Lazarus lives again) The son of God brings new life to a hopeless world!

* Bible teacher Peter Lau taught in Sunday school. One of his students — the daughter of Dr Tsui — was not quite obedient. Her mother sent the daughter to a rural area in America. She went to church there for a month , got nothing to relied on but God. Though she got 150 bites from mosquito, her spritual condition changed after that month , and came to know the meaning of life!
*Footprint of saints- Young leaders Ng Wai Cheong & his wife came to HK from Vancouver , Alex Lam from Toronto – returned home today . May God bless them as they work for the kingdom of God.

Be at Rest ?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
The night is coming, when no one can work? <9:4>

Knowing the precious Lord:
1. The blind can see (Jn 9:25) The miracle of opening a blinds eyes had never happened in the Old Testament. Only the Messiah has the power to open the blinds eyes. The Lord is the one!
2. Worship Jesus (Jn 9:3738) many things are more valuable then diamond: freedom, righteousness, truth, friendship, family love, romantic love, and the most precious of them, eternal life Gods life. Jesus met the blind again to reveal the Son of God to him, so that he can gain the most precious.

?3 Cs for this life last week 68 youths in my church?HK F.5/F.7, many grew up in church since childhood ?offered their life to God in tears! Michael, a football fan, witnessed that he is willing to live for 3 things only: Christ, Church, Cross. Pls pray Lord, take their all — time, studies, future, love, career, family
for your purpose only!)
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