Look Upward : Faith?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… if you should believe, you shouldt see the glory of God

Who has authority over life? —- His voice that brings resurrection & hope :
1. Turning a funeral into a gospel meeting?v.20…37?… Bring the Lord’s words into every kind of adversity , tears will become praises!
2. Turning mourning into prayers?v.38…44?… Before God show His glory ,there must be prayers!

?The latest issue of “Senior News” (a magazine for elders in HK) had a special report for Uncle Law – a habitual gambler for several decades. He had been a addicted gambler when he was young. His father lost his boot store because of him. Afterward Law devoted into real estate trading & made a fortune (several millions dollars) . But still he ended up losing all on gambling table! But after he believed in the Lord, he has given up gambling and attends church gathering every week. He is really like Lazarus who was called back to life from tomb!

Be Fruitful?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Jesus says to her, Your brother shall rise again. <11:23>

Listen to Him —- recovering a broken home :
1. Follow our Lord’s guidance — removing the rock blocking the His way?v.39?
2. Let our Lord’s prevailing words — revealing the resurrecting power?v.43?

?A sister found her neighbor unhappy ,so she invited her to church gathering. She believed in jesus in her second meeting ,and had her relationship with her husband improved. That neighbor told another housewife having similar problem as hers. That second housewife came to the meeting ,miraculous changes happened again. The process went on like this, 35 couples believed in Jesus within one year! Many families on the edge of breaking were recovered. By grace peace and joy visited all these families! “…If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit…”?Jn 15:5?

He is Strongest?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… the Father is in me and I in Him. <10:38>

Step into the gate, listen and believe :
1.Our Lord is the gate … Have we stepped into the gate of salvation by faith?
2. Our Lord is the good shepherd … Are we listening and relying on Him with our hearts today? He laid down his life for us!
3. Our Lord is the Son of God … Have we given ourselves to Him, believing without any doubts – that we have eternal life?

?A newly believed brother Hau Wai Kit ??? suffered from cancer. Saints visited him. He looked quite well, shared his insight in reading Joshua ( the Israelites crossed river Jordan, placing 12 stones in the river as a testimony) and the Gospel of John (Lord opened the blind’s eyes)…afterward he knelt down on his bed and prayed with everyone. All saints were encouraged. Pls pray for him as well as his wife and children.
?John Tam who has a family which loves God, has his 7-year-old boy Sam fell on the ground and hurt quite seriously — the boy cannot walk. Pls pray for this child, and may Lord strengthen this family!“…and remember those who are in trouble.”?Heb 13 :3?

God so Good!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… I am come that they might have life, and might have it abundantly. <10:10>

3 Proclamations by the Lord of life :
1. I am the gate for the sheep ?v.1…10? — Nowhere to complain? His door is always open to us!
2. I am the Good Shepherd ?v.11…21? — He know us, protect us, guide us and even lay down His life for us!
3. I am the Son of God ?v.22…42?— Jesus is no ordinary man, He is the God Himself !

?Earnest request for prayers — Egyptian brother Nagge Iskandar and his wife Nashua are surgeons. They live in Kilbride of Scotland where they practice their profession in hospital. They love God & man, and they has started a Sunday school which gather children and youths to know God. However I received a news just now, that sister Nashua was discovered having cancer suddenly, and the situation isn’t promising. Both of them are shocked. Now they grasp the left time to be back to Egypt to see their family. Pls hold out your arms and pray to support these 2 witnesses of Jesus.

Unfailing Love?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
…One thing I know, that, being blind before , now I see?
?The funeral of Nancy Chiu was held last Sat. , many of her relatives came to hear the gospel. 30 minutes before the meeting ,Steven Tang called from the East coast , USA: “Nancy was baptized at the same day as me. For 10 years she battled with cancer, she should have passed away much earlier. But God prolonged her life for years by miracle until her only child grew up, glory unto God…” Nancy fell ill 10 years ago after giving birth to her child. She gained eternal life 2 years more ago. The eulogy topic is “The Light of Life –- Eternal Hope”. In Paul’s letter to Thessalonians there are three “together” mentioned?v.14?17?, proclaiming the hope of resurrection, the hope of reunion and the hope of eternity. Pls pray for Nancy’s parents, her son Hiu Leung, her husband Gary and her many relatives in HK, Canada and London. May Nancy be the kernel of wheat that falls on the ground which produces many seeds !


He Opens Doors

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… The night is coming, when no one can work.

Unlimited Strength, Endless Sight
1. He saw us?v.1 ?… From then the limitless strength & tremendous change came upon the blind. Lord, give a look on me today !
2. He changed us ?v.38?… When a we see our Lord -the God eternal , life will be renewed with a new horizon!

?Prayer request — A newly believed sister Nancy ???? passed away last week . She trust the Lord in sickness and had peace in heart. She took care of her child & followed Jesus even in all tribulations. (The funeral will be held today (3/6 Sat), 1:00pm at Wing Ling Hall of the Universal Funeral Parlour. Topic of the gospel meeting: “The Light of Life …Jesus never changes”)

The Day is Near?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
If therefore the Son shall set you free, you shall be really free.

2 keys to unlock the prison of soul :
1. The truth will make us free?8:10…11?32?— Let God speak to our hearts today!
2. The Spirit will make us free?Jn 20:22…23; Rom 8:2?— Now, ask the Spirit to breath on us!

?Bro Chiu Kin ?? had been a military man. He got master degrees in Chemistry and Computer Science after leaving the army. An Indonesian Chinese classmate shared gosepl with him , his supervisor in his company witnessed to him …. At last he found out that ideologies and teachings by men cannot change the human nature; but Christian beliefs have changed numerous lives. In 96’ he put aside his rational doubts and believed in Jesus. He said it wasn’t dramatic, but felt like many converted in N. America – the faith is solid & concrete!

Life Eternal?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness…

Grace Beyond law, Light in darkness :
1. Before the holy God …our Lord maintains justice, but He also has mercy not to sentence us to death?v.11??
2. Follow the saviour, the light … Without God , Life is like a dream. But our Lord is the pillar of fire, giving light to our hearts & ways?v.12…20??

?A wonderful refuge…I have read about Goreme in Turkey, finding the wandering legends of the ancient saints . Goreme located in middle of Asia Minor, barren with jagged rocks . For two thousands years, groups of Christians came here to find refuge – in the Romans’prosecution and Islam’s’ genocide in various centuries. There are 10 underground cities, among them the Kaymakli consists of 8 storey with 85 meters down in the ground. It has church, hostels, monasteries, workrooms, etc, with a maximum capacity of 25,000 people. For more than a thousand years, ascetics and pure-hearted saints lived here & served the Lord. Only until First World War was over ,religious freedom was introduced in this area and they can see the light
of day .

Life Internal?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… If any one thirst …

God ease our thirst — from Calvary to Pentecost:
1. God among men – Christ came and died for us , so that we can have eternal life!
2. God in our hearts – The spirit comes to live for us , so that we gain the internal life!

?The contempary educationist James C. Dobson had once mentioned the death of his father , which readjusted his view on death. Though he’s passionate in life and living , Dobson no longer views the end of this life as the greatest tragedy. Dobson believed that once he passed through the boundary of life and death, there will be numerous old friends waiting at the other side for him. In joy his father will lead him to see the boundless starry sky and the glorious city in heaven, also to see the Lord face to face – the God that Dobson had determined to serve since he was 3 !

Great Love, Good Hope?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that believes in Me…streams of living water will flow from within him . <7:38>

“So with joy will you get water out of the springs of salvation”?Isa 12:3??
1. The droughty world?v.37?… The feast of tents is a revelation reminding us the droughty nature of this world which can never satisfy our hearts!
2. Rivers of living water?v.38…39?…our Lord is the Stone & the Spirit is the living water. We are the vessel delivering living water to people !

?Mona, a young sister, had made a good fortune in advertising sector. 6 years ago she met Jesus & found great joy in Him. She quitted smoking & sought for Jesus zealously,even resigned her job and served faithfully in a gospel organization for 5 years. This year she was called to put aside everything and enter theological seminary after summer, hoping to preach overseas 4 years later. She is going to tell her mother on Wednesday, pls pray for her.
?Brother Yung Chun Cheung ??? who loved and served the Lord silently in his whole life, had passed away peacefully in May, HK. Pls pray for his wife -sister Yung Wong Wai Fong|???? and his 4 children. May the Spirit comfort them.

Feed me , Lord?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
the words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and are life

Not that difficult, but never easy :
1. “This is a hard teaching?logos?!” — The Word is so rich that we mortal men often find it difficult to understand or even mistakenly think it is irrational.
2. “The words?rehma?I have spoken to you are spirit and they are life”
— If we receive Lord’s words humbly with a simple and sincere heart, and be diligent enough to listen to it wholeheartedly, we can understand it in a second!

?Elaine from Goodnews Communications International sent me a new gospel song “Reunion in Love”? downloaded for 100,000 times over the world in 7 days, supervised by Kam Pui Tat?click

Fill me, Lord?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
Work not for the food which perishes, but for the food which abides unto life eternal…

“Legendary Report” by John — 4 miracles :
1. Feeding a crowd of 5,000 … Salvation brings satisfaction down in the heart (6:1…14?
2. Calming the sea … Salvation brings supernatural peace?6:15…21?
3. Healing the blind … Salvation brings light and direction?9:1…7?
4. Raising the dead … Salvation brings immortal life?11:34…46?

?SisterYW Lam ??? , who is on her way to recovery, is still weak physically and mentally due to the after effect of the treatments. Pls pray for this God-loving sister.

My Light, My Peace?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
But He says to them, It is I: be not afraid.

Knowing the Lord in 2 occasions — time of blessing and time of storm :
1. Facing great needs?v.1…14? —- Give all we have to the Lord, and He will care for the rest.
2. Facing windstorms?v.16…21?—- Men tend to become proud & self-satisfied after miracles.
A windstorm keeps us humble to call for help!

?Yeung Kwun ?? the movie star knew Kiu Wang?? for 40 years. Yeung rejected Jesus for long, but when he moved to Seattle in 97’ ,he made an exception and attended a sermon given by Kiu. He was so touched that he voluntarily moved onto the stage and pledged to believe in Jesus in tears. His wife, Yu Fung Chi??? recalled that she saw Kiu Wang prayed hard in a small room before the sermon, and then she knew something great was going to happen!

My Strength, My Joy?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
I do not receive glory from men<5:41>

Who is the Lord? 4 witnesses —- Jesus is the One sent by the Father:
1. Proclamation by John the Baptist …He is the one baptizes with the Holy Spirit?v.31…34?
2. Jesus’ deeds and works … we can recognize Him as the one sent by the Father?v.35…36?
3. The Father and His words … He is the Father’s beloved son?v.37…38?Mt 3:17 ?
4. The Bible’s testimony …The whole Old Testament is a witness for Jesus!?v.39?46?

?Don’t worry for me — In all the chaos in the 911 crisis , a 68-year-old Mr. ??? was trapped with 200 people in the 105th floor. He was loyal in his job -for 30 years washing the outwall of the World Trade Center everyday. He said that hanging in the air everyday seems to be dangerous, but he loved to be silent and to stay alone concentrating in his work . When he phoned his family for the last time, he dropped these words — Don’t be worry, put everything in God’s hands. Don’t be worry for me.

My Help, My Lord?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
Jesus says to him, Arise, take up thy couch and walk. <5:8>

In the house of mercy (Bethesda) — Lord blessed doubly :
1. Gracious words from the Lord of life — bringing renewed strength & healing to us?v.6?8?25?
2. Unceasing work by the Father and Son — save us from death and judgment?v.17?21?26?

?Meeting Jesus in Warsaw … Lau Hiu King??? had moved from China to Poland. His wife followed a “master” in Warsaw and was devoted in superstitious practices. Later she even claimed to have heard “secret words” and had “sealed” her heart. But peace was never in their home, he & his wife filled with hatred – they had once been deceived and lost a great sum of money, afterward they just wanted to revenge ! One day he went to a church gathering, heard the verse “Come to me (Jesus), all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Mt 11:28) , and learnt the teaching of loving the enemies. Finally he & his wife baptized by the end of 1996.

Harvest Today!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Lift up your eyes and behold the fields, for they are already white to harvest.

By Faith, not by Sight —- one planted, another harvest :
1. The Saviour is the planting one … By His work, His death and His resurrection, the disciples can go and harvest all over the world.
2. The ancient saints are the planting ones … Because of their works and martyrdoms; we can have great harvest todate!

?I am reading reports of a photographer and traveling writer Lee King Hin???. Once he met a stranger in Jerusalem who said, “If Jesus is not the Son of God, he is the greatest liar in human history.”After traveling all over the world, Lee wrote,“After seeking Jesus’ footsteps in Palestine, I can’t believe he had ever lied.”

Living Water !

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Jesus says to her, Give me to drink ?

Confess your hidden sins , give your heart to Him — the way to gain the living water?v.3…4??
1. 5 husbands?v.16…18?… One will always be thirsty if he tries to find satisfaction in the world!
2. A living water?v.13…14?…Open both yourself & your heart to Lord, living water of Holy Spirit will flow in!

?In 73 AD the 10th legion of the Roman Empire besieged the city Masada with 15,000 of elite troops. The Jewish leader El’azaz made a last defense in the natural fortress, and had made a courageous vow to his comrades: “Dear brothers, long time ago we made our aspiration – to serve only the true God but not the Romans or anyone else. Now, in this critical time, comes the moment to test our faith… it is God’s will that He granted us this glory to sacrifice for our freedom…” On the next day the Roman legion marched into the city, finding that all 967 Jewish warriors chose to martyr rather than to surrender. This is the persistent to the national faith that encouraged the Jews for 2,000 years to unite and to strive until they revived their country.

Living , Loving , Learning!

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
He that believes on the Son has life eternal … <3:36>

A Solemn Call — Building 3 Kinds of Relationship with our Lord :
1. Relationship of Life?v.3…15?– We need to be born again!
2. Relationship of Love?v.16…30?– He is the bridegroom & we are the one He loves!
3. Relationship of Learning?v.31…36?— We need to learn the truth from His witness !

?Though it was rainy, we have great harvest on Sunday in 4 districts HK. his gospel prevails! A sister’s colleague was not able to com because of account report for her company. But our sister prayed & asked God to make a way. She then kept on inviting for 3 times. 2 days before gospel meeting, the report was miraculously finished early. The colleague came and believed on rainy Sunday! ”He who is watching the wind will not get the seed planted, and he who is looking at the clouds will not get in the grain.” But those who put in seed with weeping will get the harvest. Praise the Lord!

One God , One Goal?

John, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
He must increase, but I must decrease. <3:30>

The wisdom of Life?Jn 3:22-30??
1. He will prosper — John, the pioneer of the times, knew very well his mission was to bring people to Christ only!
2. I become less — We will all pass away one day. But what determine our success is whether we can bring the focus of people on the Lord!

?Sunday meditation — Ma Ying Jiu???, the Taiwanese politician, recalled his father’s advice: “My father .. just often reminded me to make a good play when I’m on stage , and to be a silent audience when off stage.” Today we, as men belong to God, are a part of the divine play. Don’t be arrogant or discouraged; just make a good play of your role !
?The 4 gospel meetings in HK this morning bring great harvest, thanks for all the prayers from you!

In His Hour?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… tasted the water which had been made wine ( and knew not whence it was?…

The 1st miracle — men’s end is God’s start :
1. Our Lord as the guest?v.1…4?… Thanks the Lord! You are willing to come into our situation whenever we invite you!
2. Our Lord took action?v.5…11?… Praise the Lord! You can handle whatever situations – if we hand over the sovereignty to you & wait for your command!
Lord, come ? take over my situation?

?Who made our noses?…Our nose, despite its small size, has more than 30 functions including breathing, filtering…etc. It is a product of high quality indeed. Inside it is a high-performance sensor which can detect several billions of chemical substances or odors! There are 5 millions olfactory sensitive cells which can distinguish more than 0.1 billion kinds of smells! If this invention is franchised, how much will be charged for such a tiny-sized product having the functions of air-conditioning, moistening, filtering, smell distinguishing, anti-bacteria … (it also has a brilliantly designed shape, and can operate in rainy days) ?

In God’s Way?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
… Behold the Lamb of God. <1:36>

The Mystery — He is eternity !
1. Christ came from Heaven — He exists before time! (v.1)
2. Christ is the Creator — He is God himself (v.3?18)
3. Christ is God’s Ladder — He links up heaven & earth, God& men?v.50…51?Gen28?
4. Christ is Life Eternal — in Him is life ?v.4?

?Our ears are hi-tech products designed by our Creator. When sound waves approaches, the 10.000 auditory hair cells in our ears vibrate accurately and precisely, turning sound waves into nerve impulses. The impulses carry message back to the brain for decoding, processing, filing and deciding responses. These complicated processes are all automatic and are completed within milliseconds. A word “I love you” will generate immediate “shock” between lovers. (The IT support behind is remarkable! ) Can this be resulted by evolution??How much time & effort of IT experts are required in building the intranet in our offices??

In God’s Hand?

John, Voice Divine No Comments »
In him was life… <1:4>

6 Proclamations – Our Lord Jesus :
1. Our Lord is the eternal Word?v.1…3,14?
2. Our Lord is the light of life?v.4…13?
3. Our Lord is the Son of God?v.15…28,49?
4. Our Lord is the Lamb of God?v.29…34?
5. Our Lord is the Messiah?v.35…42?
6. Our Lord is the King of Israel?v.43…49?

?Our eyes blink for more than 100,000 times a day! In a 2.5 cm wide eyeball, there contains 0.125 billion light-sensitive cells! The iris, functioning 24 hours a day, is like the diaphragms of cameras which can control the intensity of light entering the eyes. It is also auto-focus! The input images are processed by the brain, which is installed with a “hardisk” with unlimited capacity. Is it possible for such a brilliant design to be resulted by evolution??And who made the digital cameras in our homes??
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