Lord, I am here!

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Lord, who are you? – Ark Channel 08/07/2022 Fri Acts 9a

As he (Saul) neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. (v.3)

* Saul fell prostrate before the light from heaven. When he opened his eyes he couldn’t see anything! (v8). The Lord took away this man’s vision and pride so that he could focus directly on Him

Acts 9:1-19

* Thanks for praying for a miracle. That miracle took place yesterday when my precious Dad was fully healed and sanctified. Dad is now in perfect communion with His Savior Jesus Christ.
Please tell everyone, Dr. Leon Yuan is not dead!! He is now more alive than he ever was before!!! (Please pray for Bro. Yuan and his family, that there may be peace with them!)

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At peace with people and God!

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Go to that chariot and stay near it! – Ark Channel 07/07/2022 Thu Acts 8

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. (v4)

* God is in control, He scattered the disciples through persecution, and the Gospel spread outwards, fulfilling the Lord’s prophecy (Acts 1:8). These “migrants” spread the Gospel wherever they went!

Acts 8:1-40

* Thankful for our eternal hope in Christ — this is the theme of the HK Bible Conference. Details are available here: HK Bible Conference

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Seeing the Glory of God!

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I see the heavens opened! Ark Channel 06/07/2022 Wed Acts 7b

… Or what is the place of My rest? (v49)

* Generation after generation, God continues to call His vessels to build His dwelling place. Do we honour and love God today? Then God will be pleased to dwell among us and rest in peace!

Acts 7:30-60

* Tears are a wonderful physiological mechanism for reducing stress. Tears are made from the water in the blood – blood and tears. Tears have chemicals similar to painkillers and inhibit bacterial growth. God gives man tears because those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.!

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Delivered Him Out Of All His Troubles

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Come To A Land That I Will Show You! Ark Channel 05/07/2022 Tue Acts 7a

“And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him “ (v9)

* God’s intentions are different than ours. He allowed Stephen to be martyred as a grain of wheat, and used Saul to continue the work of life. These are extraordinary times, let us offer ourselves as vessels of glory!

Acts 7:1-29

* Francis of Assisi in the Middle Ages heard a voice in 1209: “Arise and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand! Heal the sick and cleanse the lepers. Do not bring gold or silver, nor have coins in your pockets”. From then on he set his heart on the cross and followed the Lord, though himself poor, helping the poor with love. The famous prayer of Francis was his heartfelt message.

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His Face Like Angel!

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Fill With The Holy Spirit And Wisdom! Ark Channel 04/07/2022 Mon Acts 6

Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem… (v7)

* The Word of God prospered and people multiplied. Stephen and the leaders of the church were also full of faith and power (v.8). But the enemy used the opportunity to attack. Are we distracted by grievances and troubles? Have the pressures of the world discouraged you and made you forget reading the Bible and pray?

Acts 6:1-15

* I work in the IT field and had a good career but my company was bought out and I was fired overnight. After waiting for half a year, I felt depressed but the Lord encouraged me to do some further studies. In a miraculous way, He opens the way for me to lead a large project, to contribute to society and to witness Christ. I encourage those who are stranded not to be discouraged and to trust in all things to Him! ~Bro. Andrew (HK)

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He as Prince and Saviour! – Sunday Hope_03/07/2022 (Acts 5)

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Counted Worthy to Suffer Shame for His Name! Sunday Hope 030722 Acts 5

Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life. (v. 20)

* Such polarity is common in church life: We have Barnabas, a nice brother who willingly surrendered everything, not for fame, but for love of God and love of others (4:36-37); We sometimes have Ananias and his wife, who became a woeful example (5:1-10). No matter what, the word of our Lord and the spirit of God guard our heart. Don’t exaggerate the problems, for God has always reserved 7,000 men for Himself!

Acts 5:1-42

* I Believe (我相信). Let the singing resound in this disbelieving generation. (Production from Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry)

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Lord, Look On the Threats and Protect Us! Ark Channel_020722 (Acts 4)

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Boldly Speak God’s Word! – Ark Channel 02/07/2022 Saturday Acts 4

… for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (v. 12)

* A bold church proclaims the name of our Lord (v. 1-23). A united church overcomes adversity (v. 24-30). A praying church leads in God’s grace (v. 31-37).

Acts 4:1-37

* James Yu / 于中旻, a Bible teacher, narrates stories of 67 influential people in church history with his insight and pitchy writing:(James, Yu, 聖經網) arkchannel sharing

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Praising God every step of the way!

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We are witnesses of these things! – Ark Channel 010722 Fri Acts 3

You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead… (v.15)

* Prayer invites God to move amongst us (3:1-10); God’s action brings His revelation (v.11-16) – His revelation declares a miracle of healing for the lame man, because of Jesus’ name, brought through the Church.

Acts 3

“When God measures a man, he puts the tape around the heart, not the head.” Twenty quotes from contemporary Bible scholar Howard G. Hendricks’s: arkchannel sharing

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Fellowship, Bread-breaking and Pray!

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Save us from this twisted generation! – Ark Channel 300622 Thu Acts 2

And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (v.47)

The risen Christ leads the Church in three major works:
1. Worshipping the Lord in love (v.2-13)
2. Witnessing to the lost ones (v.14-41)
3. Walking with God through the Spirit (v.42-47)

Acts 2:1-47

* Rev. Dr. RH LAI/賴若瀚牧師 shares his thoughts on preaching, and encourages pastors to prepare well before sermons.

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You Shall Receive Power!

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When The Holy Spirit Has Come Upon You! Ark Channel 29/06/2022 Wed Acts 1

…and you shall be witnesses to Me…to the end of the earth. (v8)

* The sequence of events in Acts is
the coming of the Holy Spirit (ch.2)
followed by the spreading of the gospel from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria (Ch.8-9) and
finally to the whole empire (ch.10-28).
Gaining the power from above is the key to our victory!

Acts 1:1-26

* A person on average eats 3-4 pounds of food per day, tosses and turns 25-30 times during sleep, breathes 23,040 times, speaks 25,000-30,000 words, and uses 7,000,000 brain cells… But how many times a day do we turn to God?

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Testify About The Kingdom Of God!

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Preaching With All Openness! Ark Channel 04/08/2021 Wed Acts 28

…when Paul saw them, he thanked God and took courage. (v15)

* Waiting for us in the next stop – Paul advised everyone to stay in Fair Havens for the winter but no one listened and ended up they were in a shipwreck but God for Paul’s sake saved everyone on the ship. We may miss God’s goodwill and end up in a disaster but God has mercy and grace. He willingly waits for us in the next stop! God is faithful and mighty.

Acts 28

* HK Bible Conference: (summary) Timothy Wu/吳獻章 Revival Message 2/8 “Life’s Ups & Downs” (Numbers ch10-14). The book of Numbers has 12 key points: Harder the spiritual lesson the longer it takes to learn. It is a pity that people opt to learn submission through the painful way. Bottleneck always occurs at the mouth of the bottle (the key to success lies with leadership quality). Those who do not have God’s vision have much to fear but our foremost fear in life is offending God. Those who do not have God must bear all consequences. Stop trusting in ourselves, entrust to God. The tragedy in human history comes from “self destruction” rather than “infliction”. Prosperity only comes when there is peace. This is true at home as well as in the church.

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God Gives You All Those On Your Boat!

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Pray For Daybreak! Ark Channel 03/08/2021 Tue Acts 27

.…an angel of the God to whom I belong, whom I also serve, came to me. (v23)

* Life like a raging sea causes shipwreck. How can we make the right judgment and decision? Who is our real captain? Be alert with the wind direction and more importantly, know whom you believe!

Acts 27

* My mother-in-law (part 1): She is a traditional Chiu Chow woman. Ten years ago God healed her stomach ulcer. She accepted the Lord and was baptised, experiencing inner peace. She gave up all idols and the evil spirits departed from her since. Father-in-law also discarded his idols and accepted the Lord. At 90, she continues to learn, sing hymns, study the Word, practice praying and memorising Bible verses. With God’s word, she wiped away painful memories and negative thinking ~ Wing Shing/永誠(HK)

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A Humble Heart Is Closest To God!

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Heal My Blindness, Draw Me Near! Ark Channel 02/08/2021 Mon Acts 26b

…He would proclaim light both to the Jewish people and to the Gentiles. (v23)

* Those who know God see the true light (v6-16); sinners need the true light (v17-23); hose with power and authority reject the true light! (v24-28) Christians! Rise and shine.

Acts 26:19-32

* HK Bible Conference: Yesterday the Revival Message ‘You Can Come Closer to Me’ touched on Joseph. In adversity, there’s great mission and requires training of mind and will. The great harm in life often comes from the bullying of close ones. God has a bigger plan, never give up on yourself and neither will God. The Lord is the director, focus on acting the drama of this life. Turn to God in life’s second half and be healed. Grow after being broken, accept the calling and complete the journey God destined!

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Push Through Hardship from Hardship! – Sunday Hope_01/08/2021

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Who Are You, Lord? – Sunday Hope 01/08/2021 Acts 26a

Why should it be thought incredible by you that God raises the dead? (v. 8)

* Our way ahead may look gloomy at times. But we are still zealous for God in the dark night. Even in the courtroom, the apostle called for people to decide for the Lord! Ever since we have met our Lord, we live with a clear conscience towards God and people. This is the kind of life shining with light!

Acts 26:1-18

* Pray and Participate: Hong Kong Bible Conference 2021 (August 1-10), is being held with a total of 26 sermons. Watch it live on the internet from Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Europe and Asia. Mr Kwok-kuen Leung/梁國權 speaks on the Book of Joshua, Rev. Alex McCoy on the Book of James / Real faith (too many fakes nowadays), Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu/吳獻章 on ten topics of end times basing on 10 books from the Bible.

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On We Go, Kingdom-focused!

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Because He Still Lives! – Ark Channel 31/07/2021 Saturday Acts 25

… Jesus… whom Paul affirmed to be alive. (v. 19)

1. We won’t do people wrong. Yet we need to lawfully protect ourselves, “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”
2. We pass through ups and downs. In complete silence and in eloquent defense, we witness for our Lord.

Acts 25

* TAM Shui-hei / 譚瑞喜was addicted to gambling. Horse race betting. Football betting. His huge debts even got his family members into trouble. He was awakened by his dad’s wonderful reaction to the hymns in death bed. He began to attend church, but was still gambling, until his mom passed away. After the painful lesson, he made up his mind to quit gambling for good. arkchannel sharing

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A Testimony of Faith!

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Justice Prevails! – Ark Channel 30/07/2021 Fri Acts 24

…It is concerning the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial before you today (v.21)

* Acts 24 is a wonderful chapter. Split in three parts, some have said that it reads like a sandwich, with the villains sandwiching a faithful testimony. Everyone’s words are seen by God. We might strive to discern a lie from a faithful word, but one day God will judge all!

Acts 24

* The HK Bible Conference, which will be held in August, can be viewed live online: HK Bible Conference

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The Lord said, “Take Courage!”

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By conscience, till today! – Ark Channel 29/07/2021 Fri Acts 23

…I stand on trial because of the hope of the resurrection of the dead. (v.6)

1. On the way to Damascus, the Lord appeared to Paul, and once more re-appeared to him. Are you alone, helpless, and wavering? God wants us to stand up anew!
2. The Lord of Life will personally work; enemies wanted to kill Paul, but God saved him!

Acts 23

* The Gospel Coalition (TGC) has a wonderful collection of resources online. Those who have a heart to prepare themselves can find a spiritual treasure trove.

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Arise! Call On The Name Of The Lord!

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Be His Witness To All Men! Ark Channel 28/07/2021 Wed Acts 22

And He said to me, ‘Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles.’ (v21)

Two Major Turning Points In Life:
1. The Lord’s appearance (v1-9) – to let us know who the Lord of Glory is
2. The Lord’s command (v10-21) – to make us do the work He planned

Acts 22

* Vivian PANG/彭麗婉《Looking At This Life From Eternity – Paul’s View on the End》/in Chinese. She used to get in and out of luxury cars and today she makes a living being a taxi-driver. Her relationship with her husband needs to be rebuilt from the brink of breakage. Heavily in debt, she finds a way forward in adversity. (North Point Alliance Church and Chinese Bible International)

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The Will Of The Lord Be Done!

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Kneeling Down To Pray, We Said Farewell! Ark Channel 27/07/2021 Tue Acts 21

.…they kept telling Paul, through the Spirit, not to set foot in Jerusalem. (v4)

Lord! Help Me Make My Choice I Pray!
1. Foretells suffering lies ahead (v1-16)
2. Takes on suffering in faith (v17-40)

Acts 21

* Dr. Victoria KWOK Hon-Lee/郭罕利 speaks on Looking At This Life From Eternity – Paul’s View on the End (North Point Alliance Church and Chinese Bible International)

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Earnest Warning – Be Watchful!

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My Love For The Lord Is More Than Now! Ark Channel 26/07/2021 Mon Acts 20b

…the word of His grace, which is able to build you up… (v32)

Two main sections of the Book of Acts: ch1-12 and ch13-28both starts with prayer:
- devoting themselves with one mind to prayer (1:14)
- when they had fasted, prayed…they sent them (Paul and Barnabas) away (13:3)
Then I fell at His feet, now do I still bend my knees?

Acts 20:17-38

* * A couple reaching retirement age. The wife asked the husband: since you believe in the Lord, why don’t you study more about things concerning faith. The husband replied: since I have been baptized, I do not need to worry about going to heaven. The wife reminded him: even people who immigrate, they get prepared, learn and plan to adapt to the new environment. How much more should we be prepared for the day we immigrate to heaven, learn and know about the things in heaven?

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From Individual to Team Work! – Sunday Hope_25/07/2021

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God Cares and Paves the Way – Sunday Hope 25/07/2021 Acts 20a

… Paul, ready to depart the next day, spoke to them and continued his message until midnight. (v. 7)

* Starting from this very chapter, narration of the evangelist mission turned from “my” work to “our” work. (Exegesis scholars describe this chapter and after as “The We Passage”.) Soon Paul would be imprisoned. “We”, and “They” would take over “My” work. A ministry team bigger in size and diversity was ushered on the stage of history.

Acts 20:1-16

* Sufficient Grace (恩典夠用), by Amy Sand /盛曉玫, Clay Music

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Rise High Against the Wind!

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Man Proposes, God Disposes! – Ark Channel 24/07/2021 Sat Acts 19b

And when Paul wanted to go in to the people, the disciples would not allow him. (v. 30)

* Paul had a great plan (v.21-22). Despite this, he was compelled to leave Ephesus as the city was in commotion (v.23-41) and riots were sparked off by the unruly crowd. The Holy Spirit works at sensible times. A wise and good servant also knows how to discern the weather, fine or foul, and acts on climate change.

Acts 19:21-41

*Sermon An Impressive Education of Christ (基督的震撼教育) by Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu 吳獻章 (Chinese sermon in audio and text, from HK Bible Conference 2005)

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Prayer Opens New Frontiers!

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Extraordinary miracles happened! – Ark Channel 23/07/2021 Fri Acts 19a

Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God. (v.8)

* Paul hosted a 3-month long Gospel Conference preaching God’s ways, and Ephesus had a great revival. He stayed for 2 years and 3 months, a wide and effective door opened for him, but many people opposed him too! Do not be afraid, just speak!

Acts 19:1-20

* Busy women talk about spiritual disciplines and how to keep our spiritual energies up.

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Husband and Wife In Same Mind!

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I consider my life worth nothing to me! – Ark Channel 22/07/2021 Thu Acts 18

Aquila…, who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla…Paul went to see them. (v.2)

1. Aquila and his wife showed up in the New Testament six times. They moved for the Lord at least four times. Aquila moved from the Black Sea region to Rome. When political signs changed, they moved out of Rome with the Jews to Corinth, and later moved to Ephesus for the Gospel, before returning to Rome to revive the gatherings.
2. They opened their homes to let believers gather and together taught the newcomers. Though they were both Roman citizens, their paths criss-crossed the Italian peninsula’s Rome, Greece’s Corinth, and Asia Minor’s Ephesus. Wherever they moved, it was for God’s purposes!

Acts 18

* A family in harmony! (Proverbs 23) – Dr. Charles Yu/余德淳

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Together Through Thick and Thin!

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Receive The Word With Eagerness! Ark Channel 21/07/2021 Wed Acts 17

…examining the Scriptures daily… (v11)

* Faced with religious persecution (v1-15), philosophical and reasoning challenges (v16-34), do we have a sense of urgency to be equipped with God’s word?
* Paul and Silas were beaten in prison but they praised God, prayed and sang hymns! The in-mates heard, the earth quaked, the prison doors opened and the chains unfastened. The Lord’s resurrection life breaks through darkness and chains!

Acts 17

* Forest scavengers – There are more than 1500 species of mushrooms, some edible and some poisonous. These inconspicuous tiny plants can decompose all kinds of dead bodies and fallen leaves to clean up the forest. God creats all things with its own vocation.

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The Midnight Praises!

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You And Your Household Will Be Saved! Ark Channel 20/07/2021 Tue Acts 16b

And they spoke the word of God to him together with all who were in his house. (v32)

Spreading the Gospel in Prison:
* Paul and Silas were beaten in prison but they praised God, prayed and sang hymns! The in-mates heard, the earth quaked, the prison doors opened and the chains unfastened. The Lord’s resurrection life breaks through darkness and chains!

Acts 16:16-40

* D.A. Carson discusses What it means to love the Lord with all your mind

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