Come, Help Us in Macedonia!

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My Robe Of Righteousness! Ark Channel 19/07/2021 Mon

So the churches were being strengthened in the faith, and were increasing in number daily. (v5)

The Church Grows – To Spread Life:
1. The Holy Spirit forbid Paul to head east and led him to the west (16:6-10)
2. In life and in serving, the lot is cast into the lap but its every decision is from the LORD. (Proverbs 16:33)

Acts 16:1-15

* Ah Yi lost millions in the financial crisis. Faced with the difficulties, his elder daughter prayed for her father to be a real leader. His younger daughter prayed that her father would keep smiling through the storm. They were frugal in their living. His daughters worked hard and received four years of scholarships. With Jesus, there is no dead-ends!

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Strengthening the Churches! – Sunday Hope_18/07/2021

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Exhorting the Brethren with Many Words – Sunday Hope 18/07/2021 Acts 15b

men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (v. 26)

* Spiritual companions and both risking their lives for Jesus, Barnabas and Paul had disputes and even departed from each other. While Barnabas wanted to keep Mark in company, Paul dealt with him severely. Both contributed to grooming a young talent!

Act 15:22-41

*A gift for kids in their summer vacation –
* Stunning choir voices of brothers and sisters in Ghana, Africa: Standing on the Promises

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God Who Knows Human Heart!

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Saved Because of Our Lord’s Grace! – Ark Channel 17/07/2021 Sat Acts 15a

… and they reported all things that God had done with them. (v. 4)

My Story – A testimony of God’s work
1. Do we have God working with us, and His blessing, in our ministry and career? (v.4)
2. Do we have the wonderful presence of God in all our work and deeds? (v.12)

Act 15:1-21

*A gift for kids in their summer vacation –
English excepts Torchlighters – Heroes of Faith / Chinese version 火熖傳奇
Free viewing of animated adventures of George Müller, Father of the Orphans; Adoniram Judson, pioneer missionary in Burma; Eric Liddell, Chariots of Fire; Samuel Morris, the African prince, and others.

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Granting Rain, Showering Blessings!

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Entrust them to the Lord in whom you believe! – Ark Channel 16/07/2021 Fri Acts 14

We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God (v.22)

Good Examples of Those Who Enter the Kingdom of God:
1. Preaching boldly, everywhere. (v.1-7)
2. Rejecting applause, handing everything to the Lord. (v.8-28)
* Do not complain amidst difficulties; follow the Lord without looking back!

Act 14

* I shared the Gospel with Dan, but he had a strong smell because of his smoking habit. When we were studying the Bible, I asked him to refrain from smoking. He had to endure that time because he wanted to break free of his habits. To bring him to Bible study, I helped him wash the dishes that had piled up, and hence we had some trust built up. Sharing the Gospel by washing dishes, the Lord is wonderful! ~Bro. James Chu (2)

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Full of joy, filled with the Spirit!

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I have made you a light for the Gentiles! – Ark Channel 15/07/2021 Thu Acts 13b

But God raised him from the dead. (v.30)

* God opens up the doors of opportunity; those who are diligent will always have a way out! Teams work together to build new and great work; exceptional leadership is produced while following the Cross; and in our hearts, we only have the glory of God in mind!

Act 13:26-52

* Sharing the Lord’s love with fishermen and smokers – I am in Maine, and I have many opportunities to share the Gospel with fishermen. We have formed a Gospel Bible study group. There’s a youngster, Dan, who smokes all kinds of s substances, but is willing to hear the Gospel! ~Bro. James Chu (1)

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Fear God As We Sojourn!

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Serve, Fast, Pray! Ark Channel 14/07/2021 Wed Acts 13a

…the Holy Spirit said, “Set Barnabas and Saul apart for Me for the work to which I have called them.” (v2)

The Holy Spirit Can Use A Prepared Vessel:
* God’s zeal for His purpose and dwelling place consumes Him. But God needs an equipped and trained team as His vessel to let His life flow! May we become the precious vessel for God!

Act 13:1-25

* The HK Bible Conference will be held online on 1-10 Aug. The three main speakers this year are: Mr. Kwok Kuen LEUNG/梁國權, Rev. Alex McCoy and Rev. Timothy San-Jarn Wu/吳獻章. Study guide (mobile/iPad version) is free for download

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Man Dies But Throne Is Eternal!

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Best Response To Adversity Is Prayer! Ark Channel 13/07/2021 Tue Acts 12

So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made to God intensely by the church. (v5)

* In face of huge adversity, God will save unto the end. May the Lord comfort, strengthen and teach us to wait before God. Tell God your worries unceasingly! The Word of God will flourish and be spread more widely.

Act 12

* Chinese scientist John Huang / 黃小石 speaks on Rationality & Faith

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The Lord’s Hand Was With Them!

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Who Could Stand In God’s Way? Ark Channel 12/07/2021 Mon Acts 11

and he will speak words to you by which you will be saved, you and all your household. (v14)

* Neglecting God’s great commission to go to the ends of the earth, the church will tend to stay in a comfortable place. God allows trouble to come to the church as it gives a huge impetus to the gospel ministry!

Act 11

* A recent glorious testimony: an old sister aged 97 was received to the Lord. Her family members are believers as she has been fruitful. And there are brothers who are giving free classes on Stretching, English classes as well as game booths to spread the gospel message. Over a hundred attended and parents stood up to accept Jesus!

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For God was with Him! Sunday Hope_11/07/2021

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The Lord Who Will Judge the Living and the Dead – Sunday Hope 11/07/2021 Acts 10b

Now Cornelius was waiting for them, and had called together his relatives and close friends. (v. 24)

1. Have we, like Cornelius, ever lifted up our non-believing family and people around to God?
2. Are we God-fearing and prayerful both at home and at work? Do we give gifts to the poor in action?

Act 10:34-48

* Listen to the Mandarin-Korean bilingual hymn worship by Sister Ashley Lee /李聖雅 of Korea 谷中百合花 / 내 진정 사모하는 (The Lily of the Valley)

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Alms and Prayers!

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Went Up On the Housetop to Pray! – Ark Channel 10/07/2021 Saturday Acts 10a

…So he said to him, “Your prayers and your alms have come up for a memorial before God. (v. 4)

* For furthering the gospel, the Holy Spirit breaks the norms, elevates our vision and advances our frontier, so that God’s will can be expanded from us!

Act 10:1-33

* How were the New Testament books chosen to be a canon by God? Invisible hands were at work behind history in making this wonder book.

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Team Spirit!

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She was always doing good and helping the poor! – Ark Channel 09/07/2021 Fri Acts 9b

Living in the fear of the Lord and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it increased in numbers (v.31)

The vessel of the body opens God’s family:
1. The resurrected Lord used Ananias, Saul, Barnabas, Peter, and more in their own vocations.
2. Some are filled with love, others preach boldly, some are fluent bilingually and full of knowledge, while others pray and receive the brothers…

Act 9:20-43

* Dr. Victoria KWOK Hon-Lee/郭罕利, who served in Chinese Bible International for many years, has rested her work on this earth on July 6 and entered into the Lord’s glory. She has faithfully taught the Bible, led the translation ministry, and helped build and strengthen the church. Please pray for her family and coworkers.

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“Yes, Lord,” He Answered!

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Why do I live? – Ark Channel 08/07/2021 Thu Acts 9a

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. (v.3)

* The Lord personally used miracles to call Paul but led him to receive help from the Body of Christ. The Holy Spirit makes us humble, lets us see Christ, and links us with the Church.

Act 9:1-19

* Researchers have explored why children leave their faith after entering university. The main reason is that they have never experienced God responding to their important prayers. Parents, pay close attention and help your children experience God in their prayers.

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Do You Understand What You’re Reading?!

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Preaching The Gospel To All The Cities! Ark Channel 07/07/2021 Wed Acts 8

“He was led like a sheep to slaughter; and like a lamb that is silent before its shearer, so He does not open His mouth. In humiliation His justice was taken away; Who will describe His generation? For His life is taken away from the earth.” (v32-33)

* Stephen’s death made the situation difficult but why be discouraged? Be like Philip following the footsteps of the suffering Lamb, adjust direction and preach in all the cities!

Act 8

* Canada, Richmond Hill Christian Community Church – John Huang / 黃小石 speaks Peace In The Storm

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Submit To God’s Mighty Hands!

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Looked Intently Into Heaven! Ark Channel 06/07/2021 Tue Acts 7b

…Or what place is there for My rest? (v49)

Three Sights By Stephen the Martyr:
1. He saw the glory of God and God Himself
2. He saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God
3. He saw the heavens open and Jesus with authority
* Today do we see everything in heaven more valuable than things on earth?

Act 7:30-60

* God is not mentioned but we see Him everywhere – Read Scripture series:
9 mins to Overview the Book of Esther

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Yet God Was With Him!

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HE Leads Us Forward! Ark Channel 05/07/2021 Mon Acts 7a

and He said to him, ‘Go from your country and your relatives, and come to the land which I will show you.’ (v3)

The Story Of Stephen – Our Role Model:
1. Serving through his living like Christ (6:8-7:53)
2. Suffering unto death like Christ (7:54-60)

Act 7:1-29

* God has a glorious plan for this weary world. Revisit the Book of Ezekiel (message from Rev. Nicholas Tai/戴浩輝牧師 recording from the HK Bible Conference) arkchannel sharing

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His Word Can Build You Up! – Sunday Hope_04/07/2021

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No Complaints and No Disputes – Sunday Hope 04/07/2021 Acts 6

Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly…. (v. 7)

Features of a believer – as lights shining:
1. Of good reputation (v.3)
2. Full of the Holy Spirit (v.3)
3. Full of wisdom (v.8)
4. Full of faith (v.5)

* Twists and turns fill the following chapters of Acts. Yet testimonies of surpassing life, which is an outcome from the knowledge of Christ, laid the foundation of church building and expansion.

Act 6

* Let us sing to praise and proclaim the hope granted by our God!
Songs Of Hope Medley. (2021) – Saddleback worship

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Rock of Ages, My Everlasting Help!

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Preach Him, Love Him! Ark Channel 030721 Sat Acts 5

…but the people esteemed them highly. And believers were increasingly added to the Lord…. (v13-14)

Our Lord, after His resurrection and ascension, is still leading the church:
1. Faced with corruption and falsities inside the church community, and safety threats from outside, believers of the Lord still manifest virtues in their character.
2. With joy in our hearts and respects earned, we look up to the Lord to keep us safe today!

Act 5

* Come listen to Brother Raymond Chin/錢衞民 who shared the salvation story of his father. A touching message on 19 June 2021 for Father’s Day:

My Father’s Heart. /父親的心In Cantonese, with interpretation in Fukien dialect

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Testify! The Lord Resurrected!

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Full of the spirit, speaking boldly! – Ark Channel 02/07/2021 Fri Acts 4

Salvation is found in no one else… (v.12)

The Spirit and Courage:
1. Prayer and the filling of the Holy Spirit bring courage in serving the Lord!
2. Proclaiming the Lord’s name and His way bring in many new disciples!

Act 4

* The late Bro. ET HU/胡恩德先生, a loyal servant of Christ, wrote the book, “Advice for Pilgrims“. Through 29 essays, he reminds Christians how to be children of God’s light.

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Seeing None but Christ!

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Walking, Jumping, Praising God! – Ark Channel 01/07/2021 Thu Acts 3

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. (v.6)

* Pay close attention to Acts 2-3 – everything started with prayer! Great things happen when we are still before God and cry out to Him. The Lord’s name is all that we have!

Act 3

* ZY Gao/高子揚 lost everything: friendship, love, work, health… yet after an attempted suicide (burning coal 18 hours), he came back to life! In Cantonese (with Chinese subtitles): arkchannel sharing

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Salvation Found In No One Else!

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Be Saved From This Perverse Generation! Ark Channel 30/06/2021 Wed Acts 2

“And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (v21)

* The early church gathered together with the same faith, the same ideal, sharing everything. We should also thirst for God’s Word, submit ourselves, be humble and respect others, caring for the needs of others.

Act 2

* Rev. Sam Chan/ 陳琛儀牧師 of Canada spoke in the HK Bible Conference Glory of God in My Life

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Follow The Lord To the Ends of Earth!

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Gather To Disperse! Ark Channel 29/06/2021 Tue Acts 1

…and you shall be My witnesses…as far as the remotest part of the earth. (v8)

* We have our precious Bible and the Holy Spirit. The everliving Christ is our head. Our life story and foot steps is to fulfil His everlasting will!

Act 1

* To develop wonderful interpersonal relationship in the Lord arkchannel sharing

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Search Me, Know My Heart!

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All In The House Heard The Word! Ark Channel 200720 Mon Acts 16b

…rejoiced greatly, having believed in God with his whole household. (v34)

Break The Blockade, Salvation For the Family!
1. Under persecution, the Lord of life used His faithful witnesses to passthrough the secure prison.
2. Don’t wait for the storm to calm down, sing and praise God even in hurt and sufferings.

Acts 16b

* The HK Bible Conference with 92 years of history is forced to cancel all physical meetings because of the pandemic and will be broadcast globally online in August. 92th HK Bible Conference. The Study Guide for HK Bible Conference 2020 is available this year for free download on Phone and iPad.

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The Whole House Will Be Saved – Sunday Hope_19/07/2020

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And the Prisoners were Listening to Them! – Sunday Hope 190720 Acts 16a

So the churches were strengthened in the faith, and increased in number daily. (v.5)

New face of Europe – key to God’s blessings (v1-37):
1. A new co-worker joining (Timothy)1. A new co-worker joining (Timothy)
2. A new calling so uplifting (Macedonia)
3. A new fruit of gospel of vitality (Philippi)
* Treasure talents, heed the heavenly calling, be bold in evangelising, to the glory of Jesus’ name!


* Despite disturbances on earth, we have harmony in heaven.
Listen to the First Baptist Dallas Choir & Orchestra – Holy, Holy, Holy

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Being Commended to the Grace of God!

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Strengthen the churches! – Ark Channel Sat 180720 Acts 15b

men who have risked their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. (v. 26)

Build one another with God’s Word (v.31-35)
1. In serving others, speak to comfort and encourage more
2. In the age of perplexity, preach to teach and strengthen more


* A married lady stayed in Hong Kong and could not go back to Canada because of self-isolation under the pandemic. She talked with her Indonesian helper at home about the gospel and the hope. Wonderfully her helper was very much moved and prayed with her sincerely to receive Jesus! Now they have started a Bible study at home. Glory to God!

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Meet God, Life Anew!

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The God who knows the hearts of man! – Ark Channel 170720 Fri Acts 15a

…to whom they reported everything God had done through them. (v.4)

The Holy Spirit’s Miraculous Work:
1. The number of believers increased, the storm spread seed! (Ch 1-12)
2. The glass wall of race was broken, bringing unity! (Ch 15)


* Introducing Malaysia’s gospel station -「幸福任意門 /Door to Happiness」– where guests talk about life and faith on “True Light Station”/(真光電台), bringing us peace (Mandarin)

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Hard to Enter God’s Kingdom!

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By God’s grace, we do our work! – Ark Channel 160720 Thu Acts 14

…to turn… to the living God, who made the heavens and the earth and the sea and everything in them. (v.15)

The four laws of the Gospel being victorious:
1. Unity – The two of them were there for many days.
2. Courage – They spoke with courage from the Lord
3. Reliance on the Lord – The Lord used them to do miracles.
4. Proclamation – They testified His ways.


* How do we respond to this generation’s questions? Ravi Answers on God ,The Bible, Abortion, Homosexuality, & War

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