Walking With Me All the Time!

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As A Light For The Gentiles! Ark Channel 150720 Wed Acts 13b

…nearly the whole city assembled to hear the word of the Lord. (v44)

Two ‘Never Forgets’ In Pioneering The Gospel!
1. Every time the gospel is preached, it is a spiritual warfare (v4-12)
2. Every time the truth is declared, it is gaining ground for the Lord (v13-52)


* Years ago, Japan brutally banned Christianity. Some Christians have been driven underground and passed down their faith to the next generation. They would use rice, fish and sake in the Lord’s table to protect their identity. Here is an interesting report: Japan’s ‘Hidden Christians’ Upholding their Faith

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Forever in God’s Grace!

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With An Uplifted Arm He Led! Ark Channel 140720 Tue Acts 13a

For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep… (v36)

Three Essentials For The Growth Of The Church:
1. Build team – prophets and teachers pray together (v1)
2. Holy Spirit’s call – focused prayer, let God take control (v2)
3. Submit – be sent by the Lord in the body of Christ (v3)

Acts 13a

* 比喻人生 (Life of Parables)Pastor Victor Yap/葉福成牧師 knowledgable on the Bible has lived in North America for 20 years and comes to HK to shepherd and teach. These are his simple yet profound messages.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Peter Imprisoned, The Church Prayed!

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Wait For The Unshakable Kingdom! Ark Channel 130720 Mon Acts 12

But the word of God grew and multiplied. (v24)

Bitterness Drives Us To Pray!
1. God saved Peter but not James. Life and death is in the Lord’s sovereignty.
2. Powerful emperors think of themselves as god, provoking anger from above. But the word of God continues to grow and multiply.


* In Cambodia, there is a legendary person SokSophon who was once a Khmer Rouge commander. One time, a wounded soldier gave him a Bible. At that time, he had a mistress, smoked a lot and had a drinking problem…He earnestly asked God to purify his soul and do good. He finally believed and quit smoking and alcohol…Today he is a pastor, consecrated his life to serve God.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Full of the Holy Spirit and of Faith! – Sunday Hope_12/07/2020 (Acts 11)

Acts, Sunday Hope No Comments »

He Who Promised is Faithful! – Sunday Hope 120720 Acts 11

… who was I that I could withstand God? (v.17)

Riding on the Wave of the Holy Spirit!
1. When the wave of salvation is flowing to the world and breaking all limitations, no one can stop!
2. When the gracious God is showing mercy, no hardened heart can resist!

Acts 11

* Fear Not – God will never doze nor sleep. Mandarin Song by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Because God is with Him!

Acts No Comments »

Sins will be forgiven through His Name! – Ark Channel Sat 110720 Acts 10b

… it is He… Judge of the living and the dead (v42)

The fairness and centrality of gospel:
1. God is impartial (v36) – He cares for all people, whatever their racial backgrounds
2. Jesus is the Christ (v43) – Whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins through His name

Acts 10:34-48

* See the world – how Uganda in Africa has a revival by the Work of Bible Translation.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Holy Spirit Moving, God-Man Co-working!

Acts No Comments »

Go to the roof and pray! – Ark Channel 100720 Fri Acts 10a

The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God.” (v.4)

An example of piety – two markers:
1. Prayer has reached God.
2. Gifts to the poor are remembered.

Acts 10:1-33

* Pastor HJ YU/牧者于宏潔 analyzes the Five ways to know God, and the last one is especially relevant today.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Do Good, Give to the poor!

Acts No Comments »

In all things, fear the Lord! – Ark Channel 090720 Thu Acts 9b

…and encouraged by the Holy Spirit, it [the church] increased in numbers (v.31)

Kneel down and pray, lift her up!
1. When many things are beyond our abilities, kneel down and tell them to the Lord!
2. The Risen Christ has not forgotten the weaknesses of the Body!

Acts 9:20-43

* A short essay by Victoria Kwok/郭罕利, the Chinese Bible Society’s/漢語聖經協會. Worth reading! When everyone does When everyone does what is right in his own eyes – a challenge from the book of Judges

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

Who are You, Lord?

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For He Is Praying! Ark Channel 080720 Wed Acts 9a

…“Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?” (v4)

1. God used Ananias to help Saul, to be an instrument of his time
2. Any ordinary person willing to listen and submit to God will produce extra ordinary results!
3. They lived a life of faith, not relying on wealth or power, exalted Jesus, filled with praise.

Acts 9:1-19

* Hibernation is God’s miraculous mechanism set for animals. The heart of black bear pumps 40 times/min. During hibernations it drops to 8 times/min, able to go for hundred of days without food. Hibernation is determined by God given genetics, allowing the animals to sleep through the winter, reducing their metabolism and also responsible to return their body mechanism back to normal..

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

And So We Came To Rome!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
Preaching the kingdom of God, and teaching the things concerning the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness, none forbidding him. (v31)

An Open Door

1. Man’s bravery – Paul was bold (parrhēsia) to preach. His word is frank, clear and full of faith. (v31)

2. Word’s victory – Acts ends with ‘none forbidding (akōlytōs). The preacher is chained but God’s word cannot be stopped. (v31)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  Acts 28


* Angel Among Men <video in Chinese>

Because of God’s great love, Pastor YANG Xu/楊煦 and his wife established an orphanage in Taiwan’s Liu-kuei Mountain area, providing love and care to many of the orphans in that area.



* Be still, and know that I am God… (Psalms 46:10)

Psalms 46-49: Be still! Is this comfort for those in bondage? Or command of the roaring waters? You know whose voice this is?

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

He is God of the Ocean

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
For there stood by me this night an angel of the God whose I am, whom also I serve… (v23)

Danger On the Sea

1. God’s comfort – When man’s last hope for survival fails, Paul stands up to say, “I believe God”.  People with faith in God stand out from the rest. (v25)

2. Comfort for everyone – Faith can infect others. All 276 people on board followed Paul to eat at a critical juncture. It’s a good thing they had Paul among them. (v36)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 27 (v21-44)


* In 2009, a few weeks before .James Hudson Taylor III’s /戴紹曾 death, a lady doctor asked him, “In your past 50 years of ministry, at what time and which incident impressed you most?” Rev.Taylor did not mention about him being a Dean of a College… Szechuan’s model citizen. He only said,”When I see God working, my heart is filled with excitement”.

* Brother LI Da Guan’s/黎大官 memorial service will be held on Aug/3 8pm (Universal Funeral Parlor), burial will be on Aug/4 morning.  Let’s continue to pray for God’s comfort for his wife, Cecilia/麗娟 and their young daughter/天晴!


* Why art thou cast down, O my soul? And why art thou disquieted within me? Hope thou in God.… (Psalms 43:5)

Psalms 42-45: Life is bitter and the heat unbearable. The secret is to put your hope in God. Even if the situation does not change, you are already victorious.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Comfort While In Chains!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
And embarking in a ship…which was about to sail; Aristarchus…being with us… Julius treated Paul kindly… (v2-3)

Comfort While In Chains

1. Aristarchus – Aristarchus, a Macedonian, wanted to accompany Paul and was willing to travel together as a slave, showing full brotherly affection. (v2)

2. Officer Julius – Centurion treated Paul kindly. The Bible does not give the reason but for sure God made Paul find favor in men’s eyes. (v3)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 27(v1-20)


* Age Old Mystery (3) – Mystery of the Seven Churches (Scroll 1) <video in Chinese>

The enlightenment found in the letters to the Church in Ephesus and the Church in Smyrna in the Book of Revelation.


* And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope is in thee. (Psalms 39:7)

Psalms 39-41: Life is short, flies by in the twinkle of an eye but our Creator does not pass up the opportunity to teach man to submit to faith.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

You’re Basically Asking Me to Be a Christian!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
So then, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the vision from heaven. (v.19)

Paul Appeals to King Agrippa

1. His self control — Through his answers, Paul demonstrated much self-control – the Gospel has areas where the mind cannot comprehend, but has no unreasonable components. (v24)

2. His gentleness — Paul wanted so much for souls to be freed, and not to be chained in flesh – this was his sincere feelings! (v.29)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 26


* The head of a monastery asked a monk, “What have you done today?” The monk replied, “Every day I am busy managing two cows, two deer, two eagles, one snake; fighting with one bear, and looking after a patient.” He further explained, “The two cows are my eyes – I must not see undesirable things; the two deer are my legs – I must not walk the path of sin but stay firmly on the path of Truth; the two eagles are my hands – I must make sure they are not idle and not bearing fruit. The snake is my tongue – I must prevent it from gossip and idle talk. The bear is my heart – I must control it to be not selfish and arrogant, and the patient is myself – I have to challenge my flesh, so that I do not enjoy the pleasures of sin.


* How priceless is your unfailing love, O God! People take refuge in the shadow of your wings. (Psalm 36:7)

Psalm 36-38: God’s love is His faithfulness to His covenant, He will protect His people with His wings.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

I Appeal Unto Caesar!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
But Paul said, I am standing before Caesar’s judgment-seat, where I ought to be judged… (v10)

Appeal Unto Caesar

1. Paul’s choice – Paul chose to go to Rome because he had insight into the conspiracy of the Jews. This also realized the Lord’s assurance in his vision. (v11)

2. King’s power and influence – Distinguished people display grand gestures but Paul was calm as usual because with God on his side, who else is he afraid of?  (v23)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 25


* Something More  <music video in English>

Nick Vujicic uses his handicapped body to comfort the many souls who are in distress, pain, fear and sorrow.



* I will bless Jehovah at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. (Psalms 34:1)

Psalms 33-35: Life is unpredictable. But the psalmist is able to joyfully praise God in every situation.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

We Found This Man A Plague!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
Herein I also exercise myself to have a conscience void of offense toward God and men always. (v16)

Paul & Felix

1. Self-defense – Paul’s declaration: (1) he served God (2) he had a hope of resurrection (3) he had a clear conscience. (v14-16)

2. The Word – Governor Felix was terrified. Could it be that the righteousness, self-control and judgment that Paul declared touched his spirit? (v25)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 24


* Autumn Harvest for Christians (James CHU, New York/朱永毅) – God rules over all four seasons in life. Summer (youth) makes important decisions, choosing profession and spouse, setting life’s direction. Autumn (middle age) is harvest time. Thanks to “ …God, who separated me, even from my mother’s womb, and called me through his grace” (Gal 1:15).

Let’s come before God at times of autumn harvest to see through the Bible God’s purpose and mission for us. Do not store up for your own self but rather to entrust one’s remaining days into the Lord’s hands.

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* As for me, I said in my prosperity, I shall never be moved. (Psalms 30:6)

Psalms 29-32: During good times, it is easy to forget about God. Only in difficult times do we appreciate health and peaceful days are blessings from God.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Between Life And Death!

Acts, Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope No Comments »
And the night following the Lord stood by him, and said, Be of good cheer…(v11)

Day & Night

1. Confession before the Judge — Paul’s confession before the council: (1) He lives before God, (2) He has a clear conscience and (3) He is godly as ever. (v1)

2. Vision at the castle — After a day’s agony, that night Paul heard the Lord saying ‘”Be of good cheer”. This is a requiem putting his soul at peace. (v11)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 23


* Sacrificial Love on the Cross  <hymn in Chinese>

The Lord was forsaken and abused by men, not backing down even at death; drank the bitter cup, accomplished salvation. Jesus

Christ is the only one willing to be sacrificed for sinners.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Get Rid of Someone Like Him!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
And he said unto me, Depart: for I will send thee forth far hence unto the Gentiles. (v21)

Two Visions

1. Great Light in Mid-day – Paul’s vision: to know God’s will, to hear the Lord, to witness before men. What then is your vision in Damascus? (v14)

2. God Appearing in the Temple – The vision in the temple drove Paul to leave the holy land and the chosen people, to turn to the gentiles. This is not what he wanted. (v21)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 22


* Hong Kong experienced typhoon signal 10, hundreds and thousands of trees were destroyed. Heavy rain continues for days after the typhoon. But the church will still be holding gospel meeting for working youths tonight (7/28 Sat).

The topic is ‘I Choose You Choose’. Please pray for the souls of all the working folks in Hong Kong. (Enquiry: 2369 5106).

Let’s sow the seeds regardless of the weather!


* Unto thee, O Jehovah, do I lift up my soul… none that wait for thee shall be put to shame… (Psalms 25:1-3)

Psalms 25-28: Waiting for the Lord is spiritual management. It is to accept God’s time table, to submit to His sovereignty. Waiting is to trust.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Why Weep! Why Break My Heart?

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
… I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die in Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus. (v13)

Paul heads to Jerusalem

1. Tears — During the separation (tearing apart) at Ptolemais, with Paul’s farewell and the Caesareans weeping, the brotherhood was evident. (v1-13)

2. Broken-hearted — Paul’s will was strong; the brothers’ tears broke his heart (bleached his heart), as much as he honored them, he did not waver. (v13)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 21


* Pastor YP CHEN/陳耀鵬 talked about an 85-year old sister, whose husband was taken by the Lord 45 years ago. She raised their 5 sons alone amidst much difficulty, and asked the Lord constantly for help. She was a teacher for 10 years, and became the school’s principal, and later manager of a home for the elderly, all with impressive results. She would take her children to school on the first bus in the morning, and then worked till late. She remembered every elderly person’s name, and recorded their characteristic in a small notebook, treating them as her own parents. For 45 years this sister has been strong yet gentle, all by the grace of God!


* The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. (Psalm 23:1)

Psalm 22-24: We usually cannot rest because of our greed, and we fail to see how God has provided our needs; now witness His power, can your heart now rest?

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Look At My Hands!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring ye ought to help the weak… (v35)

Farewell at Miletus

1. His memories – Paul’s ministry: humility (to serve the flock), tears (for the worries of the church), and trials (plots of the Jews). (v19)

2. His hands – ‘these hands’ in the original text is placed at the beginning of the sentence to emphasize Paul’s hard work have supplied himself and the needs of his co-workers. (v34)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 20 (17-38)


* Man Blessed By God <video in Korean>

Relying on God, looking to God, serving, dedicating oneself are what the Lord desires and cherishes


* …there is nothing hid from the heat thereof…Clear thou me from hidden faults.. (Psalms 19:6,12)

Psalms 19-21: In the material world, there is no creature that can escape the light of the sun. In the spiritual world, God’s words pierce through man’s heart.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Role of the Encourager!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
He traveled through that area, speaking many words of encouragement to the people, and finally arrived in Greece… (v.2)

Diligent & Dedicated

1. Encouraging the Disciples — From Ephesus to Macedonia, Paul’s wandering lifestyle did not affect his ministry of encouraging his fellow saints. (parakaleō). (v1-2)

2. Comforting the People — The great miracles were only there to provide comfort (parakaleō) to them, this was Paul’s ministry. (v12)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 20:1-16


* There are 88 keys and 264 strings that make up a piano. They require tuning once every six months, keeping the piano in good condition for between 50-70 years; otherwise it will be out of tune within 2-3 years. We should be like a piano keyboard too, we need constant tuning, constantly going to God to have Him correct and adjust us so that we can live out His perfect will for our lives.


*He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. (Psalm18:16)

Psalm 17-18: God – in all of His majesty and power, chose to focus His attention on one person only.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Many Were Persuaded and Turned Away!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
…not alone at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia, this Paul…saying that they are no gods, that are made with hands: (v26)

The Chaos In Ephesus

1. Paul’s influence – Demetrius’ words indirectly summarized the influence of Paul’s preaching, “this Paul” is certainly not simple! (v26)

2. Paul’s Courage – the rioters rushed into the theatre but Paul did not back off, instead he pushed forward even risking his life. (v30)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 19b (v23-41)


* Divinity Market <video in Chinese>

What is the relationship between Chinese culture and philosophy and Christianity?


* Preserve me, O God; for in thee do I take refuge. (Psalms 16:1)

Psalms 13-16: ‘Seeking refuge’ is to give your life, worship and aspiration to God. This is faith.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Same Hands That Performed Miracles & Making Tents!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
And God wrought special miracles by the hands of Paul. (v11)

Ministry In Ephesus

1. Hands that worked – Paul was in Ephesus. In the morning and at night, he made tent for a living and during the day time  he preached. (v9)

2. Hands that performed miracles – God performed great miracles through this pair of working hands, handkerchiefs and aprons that wiped sweat. (v12)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 19a (v1-22)


* God’s servant, Isaac YAU/丘文龍 has passed away for a year now. Saints cherish memories of him. Some has collected hymns

and articles he has written. For us, the living ones, let’s live for God until our reunion.

pdf – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22655799/IssacYau.pdf

ipad – https://dl.dropbox.com/u/22655799/IssacYau.ibooks

Issac leads singing of “Beautiful Salvation” (16-2-2010)


* If the foundations be destroyed, What can the righteous do? (Psalms 11:3)

Psalms 9-12: Conscience is our life’s foundation. God examines man. If your motive is correct, God will be on your side.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

A Preacher Who Was In the Tent Making Trade!

Acts, Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope No Comments »
…Be not afraid, but speak and hold not thy peace: for I am with thee…for I have much people in this city.  (v9-10)

Vision In Corinth

1. His Profession — Paul had faith as such: he is a teacher, a preacher while holding a job, earning his own living. (v3)

2. His Vision — Paul was attacked and in fear. In his vision, God’s guarantee ‘I am with you’ kept him in good faith and encouraged. (v10)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 18


* God’s servant, the Lord’s beloved, Brother LI DaGuan/黎大官has passed away and now rests with God in peace. Please pray for his wife, Cecilia/麗娟 and young daughter, Tien Qing/天晴 and family. May God Himself comfort them. Please also pray for the saints of the church he shepherded. May the Lord fortify work of his life. Memorial service will be held Aug/3 8pm at the Universal Funeral Home. Burial the morning of Aug/4.


* Weeping Endureth For A Night/一宿雖有哭泣  〈詩歌〉

Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning. His favor lasts a lifetime.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Man Who Have Turned the World Upside Down!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
That they should seek God, if haply they might feel after him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us: (v27)

Areopagus Sermon

1.  A Heart in Great Distress – Paul was greatly distressed at seeing how idols flooded Athens, he was provoked with jealousy on God’s behalf. (v16)

2. An Unknown God – God is the creator, Lord of heaven and earth, giving life to and taking charge of all the living.  He desires all to repent. (v30)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 17


* CHAI Ling’s/柴玲 new book “A Heart for Freedom” is just published.  It gives a detailed account of the first half of her life, from the historic moments in her life to the grief suffered in her marriage to her pursuit of her dream. She goes into great length to describe her miraculous encounter with Jesus Christ, just as the promise from two scriptures at the beginning of her book: God had mercy on her and will richly bless all who call upon the name of the Lord. (2 Corinthians 3:17; Psalms 84:6)


* O Jehovah, in the morning shalt thou hear my voice; In the morning will I order my prayer unto thee, and will keep watch. (Psalms 5:3)

Psalms 5-8: A new day starts with prayer before God is just like placing sacrifices on the altar. This is a disciplined life of worship.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Wind and Fire of the Holy Spirit

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
The Wind and Fire of the Holy Spirit -  Ark Channel      300612     Sat      Acts 2 (v1-47)

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread and the prayers. (v42)

Joy of the Newly Born

1. Four aspects of the early church life: teaching (message), exchange (fellowship), breaking of bread (love feast), prayer (worship). (v42)

2. The charm of the newly born church is in its joy and purity, winning the favour (charis) of the gentiles with its beautiful qualities that attract many. (v47)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 2 (v1-47)


* 《彼岸》- 四海學踪 / Students All Over The World

Children studying abroad is like baby birds being released from the cage, total freedom, out of control, getting lost even immorality.


*…Remember unto me, O my God, this also, and spare me according to the greatness of thy loving kindness. (Nehemiah 13:22)

Nehemiah 10-13: Nehemiah asked the Lord three times to remember his zealousness. This is not to get credit but rather being humble in presenting his genuine motive before God.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Till the Ends of the Earth, End of the World!

Acts, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. (v.8)

The Great Business of the Kingdom of God!

1. The Kingdom that God commanded Jesus to build is a spiritual kingdom (advanced by the Holy Spirit), goes beyond national boundaries (till the ends of the earth), and built through people (through disciples). (v8)

2. Witnessing (martys) is, in the original Greek, the same word as martyr – Witnessing means being absolutely loyal, even unto death. (v8)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Acts 1


*以愛還愛/Returning Love with Love  〈Worship Song/Cantonese〉


* The whole company that had returned from exile built temporary shelters and lived in them. From the days of Joshua son of Nun until that day, the Israelites had not celebrated it like this. (Nehemiah 8:17)

Nehemiah 6-9: For many years, the Israelites had neglected the Festival of Tents, but because they had read the word of God, they revived the custom, recognizing their temporary existence in this world.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

New Chapter?

Acts, Voice Divine No Comments »
to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light26:18>

So that they may receivea place among those who are sanctified by faith in me?v.9 — 18?
1. Man’s real situation blind, in darkness ,under Satans yoke
2. Gods preparation: a way of light liberty, forgiveness of sins & an inheritance of life

?5 characteristics of early Christians summarized by historians:
1. Brave overcoming any hardship
2. Disciplined be example of knowing right from wrong
3. United live and die with each others
4. Hopeful never lose hope even in the most adverse environment
5. Loyal love God sincerely, even singing Psalms 23 before death when facing enemy!
?Yesterday a 11-year-old son who has just been to a gospel camp in HK told his mother sincerely , Ive consecrated myself to the Lord!
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