The Same Hope !

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…and I have the same hope in God as these men.. (v.15)

Some ONE to love , some THINGS to do, some WHERE to hope:
1. No one resurrects from death except Jesus – and lives forever!
2. Paul only confesses one accusation when he stood for trial – which is preaching resurrection. Have we realized that things after death is more important then things in this life, so that we do our best to have no reason for shame before God or men?
“If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most unhappy” (1 Cor 15?19)

*In his new book “168 questions from saints” , Samuel Ching encourages us to memorise bible verses everyday. In fact he spent an hour everyday to memorise the New Testament when he was young; At last he finished rmemorise the whole NT in 11 months. At the same time many golden chapters in the OT, which became a great blessing in his life!

Get Up!

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…saw the light, but they did not understand the voice…(v.9)

“Away with him”!
1. Jesus is guiltless – but the Jews cried “put this man to death…” . When Paul told his experience of Damascus, people also cried “away with this man from the earth, it is not right for him to be living”
2. Jesus is hated – also His witnesses are hated. But prejudice, bias & prosecution helped the widespread of the gospel instead!

?reports from Korea, China & Japan —pastor Bae Hyung-kyu???who has just martyred in Afghanistan was hit with 10 bullets. Leaving his wife and a 9-year-old daughter, he left in his 42. He was brought up in devoted family. 4 years ago he nearly died in sickness, but Lord spared his life. Bro Bae led a simple life, he served in the Clear Water Church of South Korea (80% of all 3,500 members of his church are youngsters). This kidnap issue shocked whole Korea, all saints in Korea praying unceasingly for them. Sure Our Lord will turn curse into blessings! …your brother, who have a part with you in the trouble and the kingdom and the quiet strength of Jesus…for the word of God and the witness of Jesus

Alpha ?Omega?

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And now I commit you to God, and to the word of his grace … (v.32, 35)

Revelation of life – complete the task, be a giver:
1. life is substantial & worthy when we accomplish the task God given to us! (v.22-24)
2. Jesus lay down his life for us; also Paul gave his all for the saints. To give – let us experience Christ & gain Christ – this is really the greatest blessing! (v.25-35)

?K. L. Yao??? & Fion, just moved from HK to Roma (Australia), reported: ” we’ ve moved from a busy city in the East to this small town ( only 4? when we landed), with population of 6,000 only, here is quiet & peaceful. We can ony see kangaroos busy around in the morning – and a starry sky at night…the world seems to change a lot to us, we just pray that we can use our remaining life to love God and men!”

Task Completed?

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…saying that bonds and tribulations await me. …<20:23>

God’s grace, my way;
1. In His last journey on earth , Our Lord is still strong! ?Lk 18:31; 19: 11?28?
2. Paul determined to finish his race without considering his own life! ?Acts 20:22…24?
3. If one day we farewell our journey, can I say – I’ve finished my race & be rewarded before God & men? ?Acts 20:25-38?

?99 baptised in HK last Sunday & Sat. – while my grandpa who is 104 is the 100th lamb!?158 in total?
?Letter fr Sisiter Wai Yan –” I was deeply moved when hearing this event we have prayed for came true , and the old old grandpa of our brother saved! . Our Father in heaven won’t forget anyone who relied on him, even anyone made by His hands! Thanks the Lord, glory be to God! “– Wai Yan??
?The 20+ b/s form Korean missionary trip still under captive of the Taliban. Pls pray for them – lives still at risk!

Nearer to Him?

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… with might the word of the Lord increased and prevailed.

His name held in honor, but also brought no less disturbance:
1. Empty hearts of men needed God – idols are substitutes of God , always against Him. Today we won’t worship gold or silver , but our hearts filled with worship of invisible idols ?
2. Those away from God created idols to worship – seek His words everyday, live in the Spirit, know Him & worship Him! What are you worshipping ? Do you have peace within you ?

?Simon ? Ruth ??????? who had moved to Australia , visited saints in HK last week. Wonderful fellowship ! They serves loyally with P. Luk ?? & L. Y. Ho??? (also from HK) in church in Sydney?Chatswood?!

The World Crowns Success – God Crowns Faithfulness?

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And God wrought no ordinary miracles by the hands of Paul <19:11>

2 reasons for the church to prosper:
1. Prolonged teaching – Even Paul , who was full of gifts, talents & life – had to stay in Ephesus to teach the disciples for 3 years!?Acts 19: 8…10, 20:31?
2. Strong presence of the Spirit – Our Lord’s name brought about real & revolutionary changes! All influence of the devils and sorceries gone!

?23/July- 90 saints baptized in HK (148 in total for 2 days). My grandpa now 104 also baptized in elderly home! Thanks for your prayers, glory be to God! — Sam Kong?HK?

Sunday Hope

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For I am with you…<18:10>

Marriage, family, migration – all for Jesus and the brothers:
1. Service of Aquila and Priscilla – they opened up their home for fellowship of saints, they were as precious as the great apostles. When Paul arrived Corinth alone, he received help from their family which enabled him to preach for one & a half year (v.1–11)
2. Moving to Ephesus – there they equipped another apostle – Apollos. They invited him to their home again & taught him about God’s words! (v.24–26)
Is your family & home ready for Christ & saints?

?HK – Yesterday 58 baptized in Hk . A daughter encountered God before her mother’s operation . A woman worshipped idols for years, but attracted by Jesus when seeing a bad tempered relative turned gentle after believing. An aimless lady learnt to love after reading the Bible. A mother sent her son to Christian kindergarten -20 years ago ! She finally believed in Jesus in gospel meeting. (About 100 is going to be baptized today, back themup with prayer !)
?My grandpa , born in late Qing dynasty, is 104 now. Today he’ll be baptized in elderly home at 2:00 pm, pls pray for him! – Sam Kong / HK

Be Strong?

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to the Holy Spirit and to us… (v.28)

When the Spirit, Bible and church all echo our decision (Acts 15b) :
1. The churches become more united
2. The gospel reaching far, blessing more
3. Everyone are comforted, encouraged, strengthened & rejoiced!
Are you making such decision?

* Letter from M. Y. Yip???(HK) – Pastor C. H. Choi ??? wished that his father be saved before he enter theological school. His elder brother, most loved by his father, was then studying overseas. Choi suggested whole family to pray for this brother every week. His father so agreed that he kept on reminding family members to join such gathering . However, he only listened to testimony & prayers every time. On the night before Choi went to school, his father said,“This time I have to pray also.” and the father even confessed his sins. The whole family was surprised by God’s grace! (Sister Yip is brought up in a devoted family. Now she is in full time serving a good church in Kowloon City, pls pray for her ministry !)

Hope Against Hope?

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“God, who knows the heart, showed that he accepted them…” (Acts 15: 8 )

Tides of the times – God who testifies (Acts15):
1. Liberalists in 19th century didn’t believe in miracles, New Age Movement in 20th century believed that men can become God. The current of thoughts in every generations poses fierce challenge for the gospel!
2. The first challenge against the truth is settled by a fact testified by God Himself — Whoever has the Spirit who represents God’s Son, he is saved!

?Samuel Ching’s ??? new book – “168 Answers to Believers’ Question” (Chinese) is a mini encyclopedia of gospel problems! (included answers on daily life issues like-how to pray or read the Bible, filled by Spirit, facing adversity, getting rid of bad hobbies, freeing from demonic control, love & marriage, extramarital relations, homosexuality, facing death of loved ones, investment, being childless, family relations, making friends, working, financial planning, preaching, facing sickness & death, spiritual reading…
(recommended for Chineses pastors & new believers, especially for newly baptized. by Alliance Press, HK ?

Lord, rearrange my way!

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The assemblies then throughout the whole of Judaea and Galilee and Samaria had peace…<9:31>

Breakthrough – new step prepared :
1. Church grows?v.31? —- all churches in 3 main areas (the south – Judea, the north – Galilee, the central – Samaria) were in peace. The gospel went west, bringing forth a regional breakthrough?v.32…43?
2. Workers trained?v.43?— the 2 miracles performed by Peter won souls in the west. But afterward he was humble & obedient to live in a tanner’s home. (an unclean & detesting industry)

* From Roma , Australia – “Thanks God! We have arrived Roma of Australia and started our job here. Nice people here… we attended first church gatherings with relatives KL & Carrie. God has given us timely message ! His grace has followed us both in HK and Australia. Greetings to all saints in HK, may God bless you! — Fion & Ka Lok (couple moved to Australia last week)


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suddenly there shone round about him a light out of heaven <9:3>

Heavenly Vision — Christ & the Church :
1. Christ Speaking ?v.1…18?– our Lord can turn a die-hard protestor into a loyal servant!
2. Speaking for Chrsit ?v.19…31?— Some serves God shortly, yet with lasting impact. Stephen’s work was carried on by Saul — proving Jesus is the Messiah.
Nowadays heresies are common, e.g. the New Age Movement, Lightning from the East, da Vinci Code…let’s seek & defense the truth !

?Pat Gelsinger, the vice president of Intel once said — I firmly believed in Christ & nothing can shake my faith. I believe that Christianity is the only truth in the world , the only way which leads us back to heaven (Acts 4:12). For 20 years he gave every project & meeting he took part in his company — into the hands of God. He suggested us to do the same when facing problems in our jobs!

Arms of Faith!

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A Church on the Move (Acts 8):
1. John Wesley, a graduate of Oxford, went abroad to US . He was in the first-class cabin while 26 brothers from Moravian Church in economy class. There was a storm in the sea , Wesley frightened. Then he heard somebody singing downstairs . He went down & saw 26 brothers singing & worshipping . He met God through these angels & so reborn !
2. The Ethiopian eunuch — Rarely can we find human beings in the desert , but God sent Philip there! The path of God far beyond our ration & wisdom. Philip was faithful to the desert , where he met the eunuch reading Isaiah 53. The eunuch baptized & returned home full of joy, spreading the gospel to N. Africaever since!

* Joy & Blessing- Gospel meeting (HK) —- two days ago gospel for elderly & housewives full of blessing! Coming up 3 more meetigs (9, 11, 12 July- HK Island, Tsuen Wan & Sun Po Kon). Pls pray for it! (10:00am)

What have I given for Lord ?

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I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God! (Acts 7?55)

Gospel on Fire — Jesus’ love & glory! (Acts 7)
1. Bro Zinzendorf once saw a painting about the crucifixion . Under the painting it stated –“I’ve done everything for you, what have you done for me?”He was deeply moved & gaved all for Jesus since then. He opened his land for Christian refugee to live & gather. The revival he brought in lasted for 200+ years since 1727 !
2. The Spirit testified Jesus had ascended to the throne & received glory. (Acts 2:33). The disciples’ hearts filled with the vision of the glorious Jesus. All of them were bold, rejoiced even being beaten, because they counted worthy of suffering disgrace for Jesus’ name. Stephen even saw Jesus standing at the right hand of God before martyred. In times of suffering & hardship, we need to be encouraged by the love of Jesus’cross, & be engulfed by the glory of Jesus standing at the right hand of God !

Be True!

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Behold! The Lord is in the Church !
1. God cannot be deceived — you will get what you seeded. Be true to the glorious work of God!
2. God is alive & true — He is worthy of our praise with all our heart, mind & love! How we treat Him will be the same way He treats us.

* Good news fr co-worker of Goodnews Communication (HK) — dear all, in a gospel camp for SheungShui Evangelical Pri. School in June, we have a programme about teacher Ka Yu (who helped numerous students in love , now passed away in Christ.) , 68 students received Jesus as Saviour sincerely ! All were deeply touched by the Lord. . In the evening , all students repented & asked for forgiveness from teachers. What a wonderful work of God! Joy & Peace be with everyone! — In Him, Lu Wen.

Stand up for Jesus!

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… spoke the word of God with boldness. <4:31>

Working with the Gaint :
1. Christ among us — every generation , lots of counter theories try refuting the resurrection of Christ. Do not be discouraged!
2. Brave disciple (v.3-9,13-27) —The apostles eye-witnessed the resurrection of Jesus, filled by the Spirit & preached without fear . They also loved each other. Thus ,whole city praised God !

* young couple Yiu Ka Lok & Fion left HK for Roma, S. Australia on Wed. May the Lord bless their new home & job in new city. Let them continue to testify for Jesus. Pls pray for these witnesses scattered in different part of the world!


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Boldly & without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ

Fight the good fight! — 5 factor to overcome:
1. Prayer
2. Spirit
3. The Word
4. God’s kingdom
5. Team
If we are to continue the Acts, we have to ask —
1) are we living for Jesus?
2) can both of our life and death be for God?

?BroC. P . Cheung l ??? from Scotland visits HK. He had moved to England for 30 years works & also serves a church in Edinburgh with 70+ saints. He is going back England today.
?Rev. S. M. Tong ??? spoke about the virtues of Jesus shown at his age of 12 (Luke 2). Tong recalled that on the day his son was 12 , he brought his kid to the church , knee down together. He told him, “From now on you have to walk your own way in your spiritual journey. Never do things that sin against the Lord; never do things that you feel sorry about …and then together they prayed and offered themselves to the Lord.

Count His Blessings?

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… he gave thanks to God before all… <27:35>

From a prisoner to the man at the wheel — a journey of grace:
1. Souls won?v.21…26?… Anything can pass away, but salvation for man the utmost important!
2. No dead-ends for saints?v.35…37?…God put you in all occasions , so that people can have peace just because of your presence!

?Yesterday Rev. S. M. Tong from Indonesia spoke about Paul’s cultivating mission – not to build on others’ foundations and willing to suffer from the birth-pain for the souls. He asked us if we had ever wept, prayed and laboured for people’s souls. He loved souls earnestly , hence required everyone of his church to bring one soul to Christ every year with all their might. Those with a serving post should bring 2; 3 for deacons, 4 for elders and 5 for the pastors. After that there is no more laziness and gossiping, their church had once increased by 2,000 in two and a half year! (now ten thousands gathering in his church every Sunday.)

Break Out , O Church?

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… for not a hair from the head of any one of you shall perish. <27:34>

How to live? – Relieve in Lord’s words:
1. A man with mission -can bring direction to those in despair?v.1… 20?
2. A man with the goal in his sight- can bring hope to the disheartened?v.21…44?

?Having preached f& listened to messages for several decades, which sermon is the most unforgettable one for Rev. SM Tong ??? ? He told me that once 2 brothers came to Indonesia. The white did the first half – on Ruth – Naomi’s family was away from God, empty, dead, in despair, in tears and under curse…his speaking was so touching that people seemed to see the tragic ending without God ! Afterward the black brother came to the stage and finished the second half: blessings after moving back to Bethlehem – hope and abundance, gracious life, joy of salvation…saints nearly cried out for joy ! He described in details the grace and generosity of Boaz shown the Ruth, which melted people’s heart! The black and white brothers spoke the same sermon together, their coordination greatly used by the Spirit and many trembled before Lord! ( Turn to God, turn from death ,NOW!)


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to open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light…?v.18?

Our witness – 3 stages of the road of faith:
1. We have once been zealots for some people, goals or beliefs ?v.4…11?
2. But we’ve met the stronger light and voice of the Lord?v.12…18?
3. This is our witness – we can’t hide, disobey or stop! ?v.19…32?

?Saints in Bandung (Indonesia) — Rev M.S. Tong ??? from Indonesia had served the church in Bandung for 45 years. The church grew from 200+ saints in 1961 to 9,000 on Sundays, 13,000 including children & youth . The team of pastors & deacons numbered to 150+, they serving in harmony . Tong said the church is operated in 3 main parts , all saints function — 1. pre-church (evangelizing & developing) 2. church (pasturing, training & teaching) 3. para-church (share gospel by various organizations, publishing & schools. By these they shine in their society!

Living Hope?

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.. about a dead man named jesus who Paul claimed was alive!

Acts of the Apostles tells us:
1. To acknowledge that the Director of history is ever present (v.1-12) — Therefore Christians can march forward without fear to hardships!
2. To see the invisible hand which masters the world (v.13-27) — Kings, rulers or even our ups & downs are all chess pieces in God’s hands paving the way -as for Paul to Rome. When we perceive history in the eyes of Bible, we can calmly live by faith!

* Sandy & Billy (HK) share a miracle —“My aunt’s husband suffered from lung cancer…thanks to prayers of saints, he received the salvation and even insisted to cleanse the idols in his home…every time I visited him he showed his belief of the only true God in the world. He prayed often also, and he hoped that his family can be saved so that they can meet in heaven. When his situation turned bad, God spoke clearly from his mouth to encourage us to help in cleansing the idols in his home, — “Go together & He’ll give strength!” Then we prayed urgently and went to his home to cleanse idols … when we were working my aunt and her daughter found peace down in their hearts. On that day they both believed in Jesus ! 4 days later my uncle was baptized beside his bed. After 5 days he was taken by Lord with peace & hope. Pls pray for his son & daughter-in-law to be saved. May the Lord be with you all, amen!”

Before God ? Man?

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
So I strive always to keep my conscience clear …

Something is going to happen – How can your faith be careless?
1. Curiosity but no heart?v.22…27?– Are we only hearing the Words but not practising?
2. Hope of resurrection?v.15…21?– to share the gospel is something related to eternal life or death.
How can we help to be silent?

?”(The Word) can build you up, give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”…”HK Bible Conference” is a spiritual movement lasted 78 years . This is a gift from God to all Chinese churches, same as Keswick Convention. This yr 16 relay stations Hk & overseas. Pls pray especially for the saints in Macau, Canada & Sydney attending the conference via broadcasting. Also pray for the 100,000 attendants & a few hundred b/s serving together in 10 days. May Lord call all to live for the glory of God, for the Bible, for the kingdom & for the church, and may Jesus also do what He did in the past years – calling large group of full-time servants. click

Take Courage?

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
…I stand on trial because of my hope in the resurrection of the dead.?v.6?

His voice in deepest night — take courage!?v.11?
1. Encouragement — Trials coming? Our Lord’s calling will never change!
2. Approval — Everything & every men against you? But we can be relieved if He delights us.
3. Strengthening — His words can fix our future. Our ending will be just as our Lord’s promise!

?Pat Gelsinger the chief technician of Intel , is extremely busy everyday, but he kept on reminding people to make use of the traveling time to pray. He used to praise the power & love of God first, especially praising the power of God shown to him on his work. Then he will confess , repent, & give thanks for his family. Lastly he will pray for specific things…for his wife, his every children; praying for their love of God, career, marriage, would-be-parents in law, sons & daughters (which are all yet to come)…Bro Pat said, “I would have prayed for thousands & millions times for their companions on the day they got married.”
?Summary of HK Bible Conference?10??1973—“Daniel…had passed away, and he won’t come back…there’s only One who will return…”Behold, I am coming soon!”…”Yes, I am coming soon.” We should be alert to wait for His return, attracting more people to Him. When the morning star appears…there should be rays of light proclaiming the glorious eternal day…”Come, Lord Jesus!” — (“ Book of Daniel” – Rev. Tong Yau Chi)

Afar Off !

Acts, HK Bible Conference, Voice Divine No Comments »
You will be his witness to all men … (v.15)

Three Steps to witness for the Lord —
1. My past (v.3-5) — our past, our views & values before coming to Jesus…
2. His Revelation (v.6-16) –how the glorious God visited us & changed our meaning & purpose of life!
3. God’s calling (v.17-29) — This is our story – striving for the eternal life and Kingdom!

*pray for the church in Indonesia – Among the 200 millions of people in Indonesia ,80% Muslims. Prosecution is often, but the Lord still attracted many.Speaker of this yr HK Bible Conference (1/8 – 10/8) is Pastor Tong Sung Ming from Indonesia. He had pastured church in Bandung for 45 years! Now increased to 7,000 messges — “Across the Hardship , All for Jesus” —

His Will be Done!

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… Why are you weeping & breaking my heart?.. I am ready .. to die …for the name of the Lord Jesus!

Follow Lord’s will till the end :
1. Seek God’s will — we seek not our own interest ,but for the wide spread of gospel.(v.1-13)
2. His will be done —commit our all to God, and He will . (v.14-40)

?Bro Cheng Kwok Ming??? and his family will be back to Vancouver tomorrow. They had moved to North America from HK few years ago and heard the gospel there. They had moved back to HK for 6 years. During this period they experienced lots of God’s grace, having his lost son back. Now they are led by the Lord to settle in Canada. We had a farewell for them in prayer meeting . May God use the Chengs family -a blessing to the church in Richmond!
* Treasure on web: Hundreds of messages by famous pastors (can find sermons of all 66 books of Bible)(Realplayer)

Broken Heart in Healing Hand?

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… to come in aid of the weak … Lord Jesus … said, It is more blessed to give than to receive. <20:35>

Respectable life of a true Apostle — 3 Things for a spiritual leaders:
1. Unceasing fervor in preaching?v.24?– According to a research, pastors have to work in the same church for at least 10 years to expect harvest.
2. Concentrate on teaching the Word?v.32?– Bringing people to experience God and knowing Bible is the main duty of an apostle. Those focusing on other things are false apostle!
3. Love the brothers and fellow workers?v.34?– Money-lovers must are not loyal servants of God. Those with the mind of Jesus will care their brothers in need!

?Brother Hou Wai Kit ??? from HK was taken by Lord at the age of 42. He never stopped to pray for saints before death!?Pls pray for his wife, 2 young children & his relatives – may God save his whole family!

Finishing Well?

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But I make no account of my life as dear to myself… to testify the glad tidings of the grace of God.

Do you have the characteristics of a spiritual leader?
1. Determined, humble, experienced, outspoken?v.18…20?
2. Good in teaching, righteous, brave, faithful ?v.20…27?

?This is how the gospel prevailed — Marjorie Landsborough, an English evangelist in last century, in her book described the miraculous works by God in Taiwan during Japanese occupation— In 1928 a youth Chow Chem Yiu suffered from ulceration of his leg. He was saved after 2 skingrafts. But in her book she did not mention that indeed she was the one who donated the skin for this patient — the skin for treatment was cut from her body. Ever since this operation, the villagers knew the real meaning of the cross & many turned positive to Christ.
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