They Are Necessary!

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Upon the less honorable bestow abundant honor! – Ark Channel 03/09/2021 Fri 1 Corinthians 12

…its parts should have equal concern for each other (v.25)

Grace is given by the power of the Holy Spirit (12-14):
1. We do what we excel at and do not compete. We work together and do not reject each other.
2. We build the body and do not only care about ourselves. Work faithfully and synergistically using the gifts given to us.

1Corithians 12

* Sri Lanka is going through its darkest COVID times. The death toll is about 200 a day. Let us pray for the churches here.

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Forget Not the Lord’s Suffering and His Love!

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True faith waits patiently! – Ark Channel 02/09/2021 Thu 1 Corinthians 11

…This is my body, which is for you… (v.24)

Do we cherish our date with the Lord (the communion)? (v. 23~32)
1. Forget not the Lord Jesus Christ, esteem Him (v.24~25)
2. Proclaim that the Lord suffered and died for us (v.26)
3. Declare our hope – He will return! (v.26b)

1Corithians 11

* Vietnam and Thailand are suffering under the coronavirus Delta variant. Churches are still meeting online and praying for their country. A message from the Luong Nhu Hoc church in Vietnam is timely – arkchannel sharing

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All Drank The Same Spiritual Drink!

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Will Provide The Way Of Escape! Ark Channel 01/09/2021 Wed 1 Corinthians 10

…for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ. (v4)

5 “No’s” In The Pilgrim’s Wilderness:
1. Never crave evil things
2. Never be idolaters or worldly
3. Never commit sexual immorality
4. Never put the Lord to the test
5. Never grumble

1Corithians 10:1-33

* Prof. Ron Hui Shu Yuen / 許樹源 message from Job: “Wisdom from Suffering”

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Fellow Partaker Of The Gospel!

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Run To Win! Ark Channel 31/08/2021 Tue 1 Corinthians 9

… so that I may by all means save some. (v22)

* Olympic athletes train for years, exercise restraint, to compete for the gold. For us, it is to obtain an incorruptible crown (v25), set our direction and target for the gospel and the kingdom of heaven.

1Corithians 9:1-27

* The epidemic is severe in SE Asia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, India. Recently, the Indonesian churches have joined together to pray for the lives of their people (Indonesia’s death rate from COVID is 3 times higher than the global average; Malaysia has so far recorded 13,000+ deaths). The epidemic has driven the churches to completely rely on God. In several poor areas, millions of refugees are in exile and many seek religious help. Please pray for the people and churches in Asia so that prevention efforts can be effective and the church will be messengers of peace and support.

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Bear My Burden, Remove My Fear!

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The New, Resurrected Head! Ark Channel 30/08/2021 Mon 1 Corinthians 8

but if anyone loves God, he is known by Him. (v3)

* The city of Corinth was situated on a major route linking north and south of Greece, a centre of trade, full of evil customs and idolatry. It had a population of 700,000 of which two third were slaves! Among the multitude of idol temples there were over a thousand prostitutes. The city was filled with materialism, utilitarianism, idols and injustice. If there is someone who loves God with a pure heart, God will know him.

1Corithians 8:1-13

* Brother Hongjie Yu/于宏潔 message: Dissatisfaction towards marriage/spouse. Everyone has 2 sets of eyes but sadly one set is blind.

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Thinking How We May Please God! – Sunday Hope_29/08/2021

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So We May Serve God Without Distraction! – Sunday Hope 290821 I Corinthians 7b

… yet I give judgment as one whom the Lord in His mercy has made trustworthy. (v. 25)

A Different Perspective of Life!
1. Honouring God – Whether in marriage or in virginity, we have a noble identity!
2. Caring for God’s things – Whether we have set up our own family or not, we keep ourselves holy.

1Corithians 7:17-40

* Delightful song lyrics and fun-filled performance The Brightest Star in Night Sky (夜空中最亮的星)

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Refine Us as Silver is Refined!

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Use the World as though Not Using It! – Ark Channel 28/08/2021 Sat I Corinthians 7a

… For the form of this world is passing away. (v. 31)

* Those who are in marriage: appreciate your spouse, be polite, don’t be selfish. Never criticise your spouse for his/her shortcomings in front of outsiders. Those who are in celibacy: make use of the freedom of your time and finance to serve people more. Whatever our choice in life, we live for the Lord.

1Corithians 7:1-16

* Explaining Christian theology by animation — Teaching Big Theology to Little Kids

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Take Pains to DO What is Right!

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But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth! – Ark Channel 26/08/2021 Thu 1 Corinthians 5

do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God?… (v.9)

Glorify God in our bodies!
1. Our bodies are royal because we are the body of Christ! (v.12-14/15-18)
2. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit, and our bodies are redeemed by the Lord’s life! (19-20)
* Oh Lord, keep my heart safe, and use it to do things helpful for myself and for others!

1Corithians 6

* Disease and illness can take away your health and life, but it cannot take away your peace, and cannot take away your faith.” – a quote from Nick Vujicic’s father, Boris Vujicic, while he was still alive.

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Work Shall Be Made Manifest!

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But with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth! – Ark Channel 26/08/2021 Thu 1 Corinthians 5

Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough? (v6)

* Clear out the yeast! (v6-8) Our thoughts, actions, and relationships should be sterilized by God’s ways!

1Corithians 5

* As someone who worshiped Buddha for many years, he found freedom in Christ! arkchannel sharing

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Have Not Entered The Human Heart!

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What Do You Have That You Did Not Receive? Ark Channel 25/08/2021 Wed 1 Corinthians 4

…because we have become a spectacle to the world, both to angels and to mankind. (v9)

* Men’s praise or slander does not represent God’s evaluation of us. A faithful servant humbly listens to advice but faithfully executes what God has entrusted and never forgets the heavenly calling.

1Corithians 4:1-21

* Compared to the power of mother nature, human being is small. Watch a documentary on Storming Antartica

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We Are Fellow Workers With God!

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God Who Causes The Growth! Ark Channel 24/08/2021 Tue 1 Corinthians 3

for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you… (v3)

Be Careful, There Is God!
1. Now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, or straw, each one’s work will become evident (v12-13)
2, If anyone destroys the temple of God, God will destroy that person (v17). Anyone using the flesh to hurt the church of God will have a tragic ending!

1Corithians 3:1-23

* Rev. Moses Yu/于力工牧師 Message The Basic Method Of Devotional Reading Of God’s Word

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Spread Jesus Christ And Him Crucified!

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Spirit And Power Demonstrated! Ark Channel 23/08/2021 Mon 1 Corinthians 2

Now we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God… (v12)

The Coordinates Of A Blessed Life:
1. Through the cross, live the church life in unity. Respect God’s word in ethics, morality and marriage. (ch1-4/5-7)
2. Our freedom, worship and gifts are all for God’s work. Hold onto the hope of resurrection, to love and to share with others. (ch8-14/16)

1Corithians 2:1-16

* * Email from Calgary, Canada: We often have the opportunity to share God’s love with our family and neighbours. Today in the community centre, 18 friends attended the meeting. Among them was a young doctor and two elderly ladies. Everyone enjoyed the fellowship over a cup of tea and studied the Scriptures. Glory be to God. Hallelujah ~ Timothy/仕傑夫婦

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He will Sustain You to the End! Sunday Hope_22/08/2021

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Say No to Divisiveness! – Sunday Hope 22/08/2021 I Corinthians 1

… but to us who are being saved it is the power of God. (v. 18)

Great wisdom is found in humility and oneness!

1. It is God’s will to establish a grace-filled church. (v.1-9)
2. Gospel and the church is grounded in Christ and Christ crucified. (v.10-25)

1Corithians 1

* Synopsis of 66 books of the Bible in a song. Tunes adapted from Chinese folksongs, it is fifteen-minute long production by Singye Music, composed and sung by the two daughters of retired Reverend John LIU Hung Jen /劉弘仁 on world history and the answer to life

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The Lord Will Come!

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Stand Firm In The Faith, Act Like Men! Ark Channel 090920 Wed 1 Cor 16

for a wide door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many adversaries. (v9)

Offer in Love, Only Hope For The Lord To Come!
1. Support friends in hunger and afflictions; work hard; preach, obey and practice the Word! (v3) (v24-26)
2. Those who oppose God’s servants and God’s actions seek dire consequences (v9, 22)
* What positive contributions are those who publicly slander and are jealous of God’s work making today?

1 Corinthians 16

* In this egocentric age, how can we imitate the Lord to be “a person who gives”?
/ Brother Samuel Ching/程蒙恩弟兄

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Not Asleep! But Being Changed!

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Trumpet Will Sound, Dead Will Be Raised! Ark Channel 080920 Tue 1 Cor 15b

…be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord… (v58)

The Lord Has Resurrected, He Will Come Quickly!
1. Steadfast belief in the dead will be raised gives us a different perspective on death (1 Cor 15)
2. Hope in the coming life gives us willingness to offer our life and riches for other’s welfare (1 Cor 16)

1 Corinthians 15 35-58

* Here we have Mandy who is newly saved. She practiced witchcraft for the past 26 years. A Christian invited her to a meeting and after 12 lessons, she clearly understood there is only one God in this universe and she accepted Christ as her Savior. This past Lord’s Day she was baptized into the Lord’s name in a river as God’s child! She is joyful, loves God and loves others, fervent to preach the gospel and is keen to attend meetings. She proactively asked us to join a prayer meeting and we prayed together. May the Lord bless this sister and together we will spread the gospel to the community, to be built up on the holy faith. – from Timothy & wife in Calgary, Canada

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Shining In The Dark!

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Labor Even More! Ark Channel 070920 Mon 1 Cor 15a

…yet not I, but the grace of God with me. (v10)

God’s Grace With Us (v5, 7, 10)!
1. Did Cephas, James, Paul ever denied the Lord, did not believe in the Lord, persecuted the Lord?
2. Yet the three of them were transformed to become martyrs and the pillars of the church, who else but the Lord?
* The power of the resurrected Christ is always beside us in this rugged path!
1 Corinthians 15:1-34

1 Corinthians 15 1-34

* Recently I read brother Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen’s mission to preach the the great love of God in Sumatra, Indonesia. He lived in the valleys with the primitive tribes for more than 50 years. Established the peace village Huta Dame, saved thousands of natives. Ludwig always showed patience and mercy, endured peacefully all the persecution and ridicule, spoke only from the Bible and bore fruit in abundance.

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Convinced and Convicted by God among Us! Sunday 6/9/2020

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Be Diligent in Meeting Together! Edify Each Other! Sunday Hope 060920 1 Cor 14

… Let all things be done for edification. (v26)

God Himself and God’s Presence!
1. Key phrase “… for edification” – sacrifice oneself for building up others (v26)
2. Examine our life and church meetings. Do we bring peace to others, to the church, to society? (v33)

1 Corinthians 14 20-40

* A well-known Taiwan folksong rewritten with Cantonese lyrics and singing by Pastor Raymond CHIN/錢衞民牧師, describing a Christian desiring for a glimpse of the heavenly home, while walking on the narrow path hand in hand with the Lord:

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Knowledge Vanishes Away! Love Never Fails!

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Love Keeps No Record of Wrongs! Ark Channel 050920 Sat 1 Cor 14a

Pursue love, yet desire earnestly spiritual gifts…. (v1)

Various kinds of God’s gifts in Chapters 12 through 14:
1. Whatever work God wishes us to do, He will bless us with the gift for doing it, all for edifying the church.
2. All gifts originate from love, for edification of others and glorifying our heavenly Father!

1 Corinthians 14 1-19

* A valuable collection of worth-reading doctrinal classics for Chinese churches by Lit-sen CHANG/章力生:系統神學八卷 (Eight Topics of Systematic Theology)

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Love! Is Not Easily Angered!

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You live in my heart, I am connected with you! – Ark Channel 040920 Fri 1 Cor 13

…it does not boast, it is not proud (v.4)

Who are the cymbals and gongs?
1. In an internet connected age, everyone can blow their own trumpet and inflate their image!
2. But being unyielding in trials is what being hopeful in everything is!

1 Corinthians 13

* Audiobook – A reflection of history. Hear the famous work,The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire , see how a superpower fell into oblivion.

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Asleep or Awake! Thy Presence My Light!

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When one part suffers, all parts suffer! – Ark Channel 030920 Thu 1 Cor 12

…so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. (v.25)

The saints each have unique gifts! (v.14-20):
1. Let us recognize that all parts have their use, and none can be left behind
2. Everyone is unique, and God has His sovereign plan for us
* Each person is different, each person is precious!

1 Corinthians 12

* Book recommendation: 9 beautiful lives, and their stories. In “God Can Use You”, moving stories of missionaries. There is an online version available. May God use this book to encourage more youth to love all souls!

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Until HE Comes!

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With The Lord We Have Hope! Ark Channel 020920 Wed 1 Cor 11

And when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you… (v24)

A Meeting in Love – The Lord’s Supper:
1. Proclaim – the Lord shed His blood and died for us (v24-26)
2. Uninterrupted – in remembrance of the Lord until He comes (v26)
3. Anticipate – a meeting in hope of the Lord’s return (v26)

1 Corinthians 11

* Rev. KWOK Man-Chee/郭文池牧師 is experiencing fundus bleeding (in the eye) and will undergo fluorescein angiography on Thursday in preparation for surgery. Please pray for his eyes, his health and his serving.

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Only God Is Faithful!

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Take Heed Not To Fall! Ark Channel 010920 Tue 1 Cor 10

Let no one seek his own good, but that of his neighbor. (v24)

Road In The Wilderness:
1. Do not crave evil things – never be factious, never judge, never go against God’s servants
2. Do not be idolaters – will we contaminate the church with ways of the world or values?
3. Do not act immorally – the desire of the flesh opens the back door to evil idolatry!
4. Do not try the Lord nor grumble – follow the flesh, without faith is to try God

1 Corinthians 10

* Storms are normal in life but there are 3 things we should never forget (Acts 27) - Lord’s Day Sermon/ Bro. Tong Kwai Sing/唐桂成弟兄 (start listening at 28 mins)

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By All Means Save Some!

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But We Receive An Imperishable Crown! Ark Channel 310820 Mon 1 Cor 9

…for woe is me if I do not preach the gospel. (v16)

Soul Is Priceless, Work Hard to Save!
1. Are we using our liberty for exploitation and self-gains? Or do we use it for the well-being of others?
2. Does our liberty cause hurt and stumbles, inhibiting the work of gospel? Or does it make both God and men joyous?

1 Corinthians 9

* Australian missionary Sophia Blackmore realized that the generation’s well educated sisters in Christ will play an important role to promote civilisation. She taught them the Bible is the “rule of life” and every Friday the girls would memorise a verse and she would never miss her evening prayers with the whole school.

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 * Read the rest of this entry »

Negative Impact of Puffing! – Sunday Hope_30/08/2020

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All Things are of God! Sunday Hope 300820 I Corinthians 8

If anyone loves God, this one is known by God. (v.3)

Only love edifies!1. Are we using our liberty for exploitation and self-gains? Or do we use it for the well-being of others?
2. Does our liberty cause hurt and stumbles, inhibiting the work of gospel? Or does it make both God and men joyous?

1 Corinthians 8

* Quiet down. Listen to the tender loving /相愛. Song of SongsBe of the same mind with our Lord in this afflicted world.

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Bright The Future Behind The Stars!

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
Mend With Love!
….. for that which was lacking on your part they supplied.. (v17b)

Cover The Crack! Make Up For The Lack!

1. What is lacking – The biggest crack in the church is division, quarrel and rejection of one another.
2. How to make up – Care for one another and rekindle the fire of love.

今日聖經: 1 Co 16

News of our fellow-saints:
Brother James CHU/ 朱永毅, New York – stable after the surgery
Brother WS LAM and church /林偉誠, San Francisco – all is well and in peace
Brother KO LO/ 盧建安, Rosemead – steadfast and faithful in serving the Lord
Brother WC TO/杜焕章, now 95 years old, the house of God close to his heart
Bible sharing in July, Church in Westminister – Ephesians 5
Brother John INGALLS, is all well, faithfully serving the Lord in love
Brother and Sister CK TANG/鄧植光, San Francisco, well in the protection of the Lord.
May the Lord continue to lead His church to move forward in peace.


* Honor Jehovah with thy substance, And with the first-fruits of all thine increase: So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, And thy vats shall overflow with new wine.. (Proverbs 3:9-10)
Proverbs 1-4: “Honor…. Thy substance” is a disciplined living of honoring and worshipping God. Always be steadfast to this approach in life and enjoy the blessings that follow.
* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Forever Living With The Lord!

Corinthians 1, Voice Divine No Comments »
A Wonderful Change Inside Out!
… and this mortal must put on immortality. (v53b)

Always Abound In The Work Of The Lord! Ours The Hope Of Glory!

1. Incorruptible – When the Lord returns, we will put on an incorruptible, spiritual body.
2. Immortal – Spiritual body is a body that has the life of the resurrected Lord in us.

今日聖經: 1 Co 15b

* Hymn/ Day By Day每一天
Day by day, and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trials here; Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. He, whose heart is kind beyond all measure, Gives unto each day what He deems best, Lovingly its part of pain and pleasure, Mingling toil with peace and rest. And as thy days, so shall thy strength be.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

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