At peace with people and God!

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Go to that chariot and stay near it! – Ark Channel 07/07/2022 Thu Acts 8

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. (v4)

* God is in control, He scattered the disciples through persecution, and the Gospel spread outwards, fulfilling the Lord’s prophecy (Acts 1:8). These “migrants” spread the Gospel wherever they went!

Acts 8:1-40

* Thankful for our eternal hope in Christ — this is the theme of the HK Bible Conference. Details are available here: HK Bible Conference

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Seeing the Glory of God!

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I see the heavens opened! Ark Channel 06/07/2022 Wed Acts 7b

… Or what is the place of My rest? (v49)

* Generation after generation, God continues to call His vessels to build His dwelling place. Do we honour and love God today? Then God will be pleased to dwell among us and rest in peace!

Acts 7:30-60

* Tears are a wonderful physiological mechanism for reducing stress. Tears are made from the water in the blood – blood and tears. Tears have chemicals similar to painkillers and inhibit bacterial growth. God gives man tears because those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.!

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Delivered Him Out Of All His Troubles

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Come To A Land That I Will Show You! Ark Channel 05/07/2022 Tue Acts 7a

“And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him “ (v9)

* God’s intentions are different than ours. He allowed Stephen to be martyred as a grain of wheat, and used Saul to continue the work of life. These are extraordinary times, let us offer ourselves as vessels of glory!

Acts 7:1-29

* Francis of Assisi in the Middle Ages heard a voice in 1209: “Arise and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand! Heal the sick and cleanse the lepers. Do not bring gold or silver, nor have coins in your pockets”. From then on he set his heart on the cross and followed the Lord, though himself poor, helping the poor with love. The famous prayer of Francis was his heartfelt message.

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His Face Like Angel!

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Fill With The Holy Spirit And Wisdom! Ark Channel 04/07/2022 Mon Acts 6

Then the word of God spread, and the number of the disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem… (v7)

* The Word of God prospered and people multiplied. Stephen and the leaders of the church were also full of faith and power (v.8). But the enemy used the opportunity to attack. Are we distracted by grievances and troubles? Have the pressures of the world discouraged you and made you forget reading the Bible and pray?

Acts 6:1-15

* I work in the IT field and had a good career but my company was bought out and I was fired overnight. After waiting for half a year, I felt depressed but the Lord encouraged me to do some further studies. In a miraculous way, He opens the way for me to lead a large project, to contribute to society and to witness Christ. I encourage those who are stranded not to be discouraged and to trust in all things to Him! ~Bro. Andrew (HK)

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He as Prince and Saviour! – Sunday Hope_03/07/2022 (Acts 5)

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Counted Worthy to Suffer Shame for His Name! Sunday Hope 030722 Acts 5

Go, stand in the temple and speak to the people all the words of this life. (v. 20)

* Such polarity is common in church life: We have Barnabas, a nice brother who willingly surrendered everything, not for fame, but for love of God and love of others (4:36-37); We sometimes have Ananias and his wife, who became a woeful example (5:1-10). No matter what, the word of our Lord and the spirit of God guard our heart. Don’t exaggerate the problems, for God has always reserved 7,000 men for Himself!

Acts 5:1-42

* I Believe (我相信). Let the singing resound in this disbelieving generation. (Production from Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry)

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Lord, Look On the Threats and Protect Us! Ark Channel_020722 (Acts 4)

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Boldly Speak God’s Word! – Ark Channel 02/07/2022 Saturday Acts 4

… for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. (v. 12)

* A bold church proclaims the name of our Lord (v. 1-23). A united church overcomes adversity (v. 24-30). A praying church leads in God’s grace (v. 31-37).

Acts 4:1-37

* James Yu / 于中旻, a Bible teacher, narrates stories of 67 influential people in church history with his insight and pitchy writing:(James, Yu, 聖經網) arkchannel sharing

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Praising God every step of the way!

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We are witnesses of these things! – Ark Channel 010722 Fri Acts 3

You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead… (v.15)

* Prayer invites God to move amongst us (3:1-10); God’s action brings His revelation (v.11-16) – His revelation declares a miracle of healing for the lame man, because of Jesus’ name, brought through the Church.

Acts 3

“When God measures a man, he puts the tape around the heart, not the head.” Twenty quotes from contemporary Bible scholar Howard G. Hendricks’s: arkchannel sharing

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Fellowship, Bread-breaking and Pray!

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Save us from this twisted generation! – Ark Channel 300622 Thu Acts 2

And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (v.47)

The risen Christ leads the Church in three major works:
1. Worshipping the Lord in love (v.2-13)
2. Witnessing to the lost ones (v.14-41)
3. Walking with God through the Spirit (v.42-47)

Acts 2:1-47

* Rev. Dr. RH LAI/賴若瀚牧師 shares his thoughts on preaching, and encourages pastors to prepare well before sermons.

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You Shall Receive Power!

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When The Holy Spirit Has Come Upon You! Ark Channel 29/06/2022 Wed Acts 1

…and you shall be witnesses to Me…to the end of the earth. (v8)

* The sequence of events in Acts is
the coming of the Holy Spirit (ch.2)
followed by the spreading of the gospel from Jerusalem to Judea and Samaria (Ch.8-9) and
finally to the whole empire (ch.10-28).
Gaining the power from above is the key to our victory!

Acts 1:1-26

* A person on average eats 3-4 pounds of food per day, tosses and turns 25-30 times during sleep, breathes 23,040 times, speaks 25,000-30,000 words, and uses 7,000,000 brain cells… But how many times a day do we turn to God?

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Follow Me!

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Lord, You Know That I Love You! Ark Channel 28/06/2022 Tue John 21b

…Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Feed My sheep. (v17)

* The Lord, the Builder, unites with us through love and shepherding, expanding God’s dwelling place for all generations!

John 21:15-25

* This booklet tells us how to cope with the inevitable changes and to finish well. The Bible inspires every person to leave a legacy of giving glory to the Lord.
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Feed My Lambs!

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Love And Destiny! Ark Channel 27/06/2022 Mon John 21a

Jesus said to them, “Come and eat breakfast.” Yet none of the disciples dared ask Him, “Who are You?”—knowing that it was the Lord. (v12)

* The Lord commissioned Peter to be a shepherd and to die for Him. The example of a true shepherd is to feed His lamb and be willing to sacrifice for them. Are we following in the same footsteps?

John 21:1-14

* The ancient father Evagrius was convinced that tears are a gift from God to help people in prayer. He said: “One sits alone in a room and recites the Psalms, just like one who stands outside and asks for the King’s presence. But he who prays in tears is already in the temple, clutching the King’s feet and praying for mercy!”

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They Were Glad Seeing the Lord! – Sunday Hope_26/06/2022 (John 20)

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Peace Be With You! – Sunday Hope 26/06/2022 John 20b

but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name. (v. 31)

* Life transcends death. It transforms people from doubts, fears and brokenness into precious materials fit for building God’s eternal abode.

John 20:19-31

* A gospel song in Cantonese opera style. Under His Wings(在祂翅膀下).

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My Lord and My God!

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He Calls His Sheep By Name! – Ark Channel 25/06/2022 Sat John 20a

Jesus said to her, “Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; … Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and put it into My side….” (v. 17, 27)

* It seems that Mary Magdalene had a totally different experience than Thomas’. They were trained in different ways by the Lord. In the end both enjoyed full peace because of our risen Lord (v. 21, 26, 27). Fortunately, Thomas was absent from meeting just on one Lord’s Day, not for two consecutive weeks.

John 20:1-18

* How to Read The Bible to Encounter Jesus?.Darrell Johnson shares his good suggestions with us

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Where Sin Abounds, Grace is Deeper!

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Blood and water flowed from his sides! – Ark Channel 240622 Fri John 19b

When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (v.30)

* From the perspective of mankind, an evil cartel set a trap for the Lord; from God’s perspective, “it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin” (Isaiah 53:10). Thanks be to the Lord for He took on our sin, accomplishing God’s wonderful salvation!

John 19:1-22

* Meeting a teacher from over 30 years ago. A life testimony!

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With A Crown of Thorns!

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Have found no basis for your charges! – Ark Channel 23/06/2022 Thu John 19a

Carrying his own cross… (v.17)

* In his final time on earth, in the face of mankind’s twisted powers, Jesus showed His authority, glory, faithfulness, righteousness, royalty, and mission! The Father was with Him, and Truth was with Him!

John 19:23-42

* Pastor LU/盧家駇牧師 speaks on: Why don’t we preach the gospel? (If You Can Ever See It)

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He Loves To The End!

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Failure Comes From Lacking Self-Awareness! Ark Channel 22/06/2022 Wed John 18b

Peter then denied again; and immediately a rooster crowed. (v27)

* Surrounded by darkness, Jesus the King who is supposed to judge, remained silent in the face of sinners. Peter failed. John remained as the only one who followed the Lord to the end in the midst of the upside down world!

John 18:19-40

* Ancient emperors aspired immortality. The immortal jellyfish is an amazing creature. It is able to revert back to childhood after reaching maturity. Theoretically this process can go on indefinitely but practically it will still die. Long life is not eternal life. Only God created us in His image and promised us eternal life.
(If You Can Ever See It)

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Prayer Of A Righteous Man Avails Much!

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Put Your Sword Into The Sheath! Ark Channel 210622 Tue John 18a

…“Of those whom You gave Me I have lost none.” (v9)

* Jesus gave Himself up but had His captors release His disciples. He bore no hatred towards His captors and even healed the servant whom Peter wounded. The glory of God is not manifested through force or power but through love.

John 18:1-18

* Articles in the Our Daily Bread often brings comfort to friends in adversity. The concise writings of Bill Crowder, one of the authors, is worth reading.

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That They May Be One!

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Be Sanctified By The Truth! Ark Channel 20/06/2022 Mon John 17b

…but that You should keep them from the evil one. (v15)

* In the Lord’s intercession He has incorporated us into the internet of divine life. Through the name of the Father we are kept as one (v11), not lost (v12) and kept from the evil one (v15).

John 17:14-26

* Is there a divine purpose in life’s turmoil? Historians look back at the Sino-Japanese war which forced Christians and university students in the coastal areas to move inland. There was a sudden influx of believers in different inland cities spreading the gospel as they went. Gathering and scattering people maybe God’s tools.
(If You Can Ever See It)

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I Pray for Them! – Sunday Hope_19/06/2022 (John 17)

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Looking Towards Heaven! – Ark Channel 19/06/2022 Sunday Hope John 17a

And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. (v3)

* Jesus prayed for Himself (v.1-5). Then He prayed for His disciples (v.6-19). He also prayed for their disciples (v.20-26). He prays that we may all be one, that the evil one will be driven away, that we will be sanctified by truth.

John 17:1-13

* Be thankful and take nothing by granted: If you raise your head and can still see the blue sky, gaze into it one more time…. If you stroll along the seashore, listen to the tides one more time …. 若你能看見 (If You Can Ever See It)


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My Father is With Me! Ark Channel

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In Me You may have Peace! – Ark Channel 18/06/2022 Saturday John 16b

… In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (v. 33)

* “Tribulation” and “labour for child birth” (v. 21) originate from the same word. Living in an age hostile to faith, it is inevitable for us to experience tribulation. Yet tribulation in this world is likened to labour pains, which are filled with hope to mature us and build up the church!

John 16:16-33

* Chinese sermon by Rev Stephen Lee / 李思敬 難解的天國比喻 (The Most Obscure Parable on the Heavenly Kingdom)


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Draw me, we will run after thee!

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It is for your good that I am going away! – Ark Channel 17/06/2022 Fri John 16a

…and then after a little while you will see me. (v.16)

* Prophecy from our Lord before He left: persecution will come (v.1-4). But the Holy SPirit has work to do, to bring repentance, guide us into truth, all to glorify Jesus (v.8-15)!

John 16:1-15

* Contemporary Bible teacher Darrell Johnson teaches us
How to read the Book of Revelation.

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No longer servants, but friend!

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Serve one another, be joined to each other! – Ark Channel 16/06/2022 Thu John 15b

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (v.13)

* A friend is one whom we confide in, but a best friend is one for whom we will give our lives! The Lord says that those who obey what He commands is His friend! To have a friend in such a high place and know His mysteries is glorious and a blessing!

John 15:18-27

* In this world, love is ordained! Pastor Moses Yu/于力工牧師 speaks on the “ Song of Songs: Jesus is our Lover “, at the HK Bible Conference.


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I Chose And Appointed You!

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He prunes! Ark Channel 15/06/2022 Wed John 15a

“I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser.” (v1)

* In the face of hatred that comes from the world, the Lord reminds us to counter it with love: first of all by being close to Him and abiding in His love. And love one another, as the Lord gave up His life. Do not be discouraged, the Spirit of truth is always our helper!

John 15:1-17

* Interesting cartoon Bible stories - Zacchaeus (Child Evangelism Fellowship)


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Be Not Troubled Nor Afraid!

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Arise, Let’s Go From Here! Ark Channel 14/06/2022 Tue John 14b

…because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. (v17)

* In departing, Jesus gave us two gifts: the Counselor and peace. We have the Holy Spirit, through the Holy Spirit we can be united with God on this pilgrimage. We being united with God becomes His dwelling place!

John 14:15-31

* A 5 min. conversation about life with touching sparks:
A Boy And A Man 57 Years Apart

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I Will Not Leave You Orphans!

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I Am The Way, The Truth, And The Life! Ark Channel 13/06/2022 Mon John 14a

Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. (v1)

* Jesus left us His grace which are the four great gifts: Holy Spirit (v25-26), Peace (v27), Joy (v28) and Steadfastness (v29)!

John 14:1-14

* Nobel Peace Prize laureate Albert Schweitzer, during a time of intense war in Europe, said, “The shadow of war has fallen over Europe and many lives have been lost under fire. I am grateful to God for the grace of being able to save the sick in Africa”. Do we know how to be thankful for being able to help people in a peaceful place and live in peace? , … Foreshadow of life… play our part well.


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Our Lord Knows It All! – Sunday Hope_12/06/2022 (John 13)

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One of You Will Betray Me! – Ark Channel 12/06/2022 Sunday Hope John 13b

By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. (v. 35)

* Now we have come to John Chapter 13. The chapter is filled with the Lord’s self-sacrificial virtue, and tension of betrayal is in the air. What should we do this very night? Let us connect with Him, so that we can love Him to the end! Let us love one another, so that we can triumph over darkness!

John 13:21-38

* Choral singing in 6 languages– Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, English, Korean and Persian, proclaiming that true hope and peace can only be found in Christ!
counselling work?


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