With God All Things Are Possible! – Sunday Hope_05/02/2023

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And Love Others As Yourself! Sunday Hope 05/02/2023 Matthew 19a

Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray,… (v13)

* We can still see the goodness of God overflowing from Jesus even during his final earthly journey. He strengthened the marital relationship of husband and wife. He cared for the growth of children. He further alarmed people about a vacuum in their hearts — their need for the ever-living God.

Matthew 19:1-13

* A sweet song: The Steadfast Love of The Lord

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All is Grace!

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Do I Miss Out Anything? – Ark Channel 04/02/2023 Sat Matthew 18b

… if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. (v19)

* The Church is built on the rock of correctly acknowledging Christ – You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. So don’t belittle church prayers said in His name, even though it is a prayer only by two or three Christians!

Matthew 18:1-14

* Make good use of a rich archive of Christianity texts/audios/videos in Chinese:Christian Website of Brother Samuel Ching (程蒙恩弟兄屬靈網站)

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Become as little children!

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Save that which was lost! – Ark Channel 03/02/2023 Fri Matthew 18a

Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. (v5)

* Someone once said: Humility is an infinite spiritual space created by God in each person – it can be filled with God’s limitless abundance, glory, power, wisdom, life, and joy!

Matthew 18:1-14

* Canadian blogger and book reviewer Tim Challies – What Does Your Faith Do For You?

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Give You Keys to the Kingdom!

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What to give in exchange for life? – Ark Channel 02/02/2023 Thu Matthew 17b

“…and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up.” And they were exceedingly sorrowful. (v23)

* The Lord performed the only miracle in the world that used money – with one fish and one coin, it was just enough to pay the temple tax for Him and Peter, fulfilling all righteousness.

Matthew 17:14-27

* The Adventures of Mike (2) – In high school, I was able to live with my mom and older brother. Before the Form 5 exams, my mom was diagnosed with cancer, and I was in complete chaos, unable to study for any of my subjects. I pleaded to Jesus: my mom had suffered her whole life, lacking the love of a husband… I asked the Lord to save her and release the pain in her heart. Thank the Lord for healing my mom; she also decided to believe in Him.

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No One But Jesus Only!

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Arise, Do Not Be Afraid! Ark Channel 01/02/2023 Wed Matthew 17a

…“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” (v5)

* The glory of the King of Heaven was revealed, but the following forewarning of His suffering was a great blow to the disciples. In the way of the cross, suffering and glory are tightly coupled, one cannot be without the other.

Matthew 17:1-13

* It has been said that every person is like a rose with thorns, but once we are in God’s hands, we no longer have thorns. She was 13 years old when she started on drugs and took 18 years to become clean. Jesus’ love is the greatest blessing.

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God Will Not Delay!

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Accept God’s Timing! Ark Channel 30/01/2023 Mon Matthew 16a

He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” (v15)

* What others say about Jesus cannot replace our subjective knowledge that He loves us! When we were healed by Him, saved by Him in the midst of the storm, no longer paralysed but rested, and satisfied, is the time we know Him deeper – He is the everlasting God and the Builder!

Matthew 16:1-12

* Mike’s Adventure (1) – I moved to England two years ago. I moved to Hong Kong from China at the age of 8 and stayed in my aunt’s home. At the age of 11, my social worker, Mr. Wong, brought me to a gospel meeting and sang the hymn “Beautiful Salvation” – “God has given me a beautiful salvation, I can’t help but cry…”. I was in tears and accepted Jesus as my Savior, never to wander again!

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Simplicity and Perseverance! – Sunday Hope_29/01/2023 (Matthew 15)

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God Remembers You – Sunday Hope 29/01/2023 Matthew 15b

So they all ate and were filled…. (v37)

* Jesus has done what can only be done by Him – creating miracles. But He leaves us to do what can be done by us – distributing food. We are co-working with God. We must not slack off!

Matthew 15:21-39

* 蔭庇我們 (The Lord will be Our Protector). Day and night, God the Most High protects His people who dwell in His secret place. (Music production by One Circle)

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O Lord, Help Me!

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Your Heart is Far from Me! – Ark Channel 28/01/2023 Sat Matthew 15a

For God commanded, saying, “Honour your father and your mother”;… (v4)

* Honour your father and your mother — the first and foremost of interpersonal relationships among the Ten Commandments. Disrespect towards parents is a violation of normal human relationship. We are taught in The Proverbs: Listen to your father who begot you, and do not despise your mother when she is old. Parent-child relationship is indeed a mirror of our spiritual relationship with God!

Matthew 15:1-20

* No Need to Envy Others(毋須羡慕別人). A Chinese sermon by Brother YU Hongjie on accepting with courage and honesty what God has measured for you and me, because God’s work is unique on everyone of us.

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Be Of Good Cheer, It’s I!

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The Wind Ceased – Ark Channel 27/01/2023 Friday Matthew 14b

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him,…. (v.31)

* In times of distress, the Lord first reached out to Peter and then rebuked him. The Lord often supports us before rebuking us to awaken us. This year, in order to make spiritual progress, there will be trials, but the Lord’s hand will always be there to guide us!

Matthew 14:22-36

* Happy New Year! On the third day, we took 25 non-believer friends to the Science Park, Man Yee Reservoir, and Fei Ngo Shan for a tour. On the fourth day, we had a New Year’s celebration with 40 gospel friends, sharing about the Christian faith. Please pray for them – Pastor and Mrs. Wong (HK).

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God’s Love Vast! Amazing His Grace!

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Rejoice in the Lord, On earth as in heaven! Ark Channel 26/01/2023 Thu Matthew 14a

But Jesus said to them, “… You give them something to eat.” (v16)

* John the Baptist, faithful to his faith, died at the hands of evil. Have we learned from him to be faithful to God’s way, to distinguish right from wrong, to reject evil, to value marriage, and to set Christ as our Lord and King?

Matthew 14:1-21

* How to maintain a good man and wife relationship? Sis. Liu-Wang Ai Jun/劉王愛君 (劉志雄師母)

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Live In Love With God As Inheritance!

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Wind, Rain and Clear Skies! Ark Channel 25/01/2023 Wed Matthew 13b

Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father… (v43)

* Sons of the kingdom walk quietly along the narrow way while the sons of the wicked follow in stealthy steps. Today only the Lord sees our hearts but in the future the sons of the kingdom will shine like the sun! What a comfort and aspiration!

Matthew 13:31-58

* Ajith Fernando’s message – Rebuilding the church after the crisis it is facing these days(speaking to North American Christians as a non-North American)

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Blessed When Going Out, Coming In!

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The Beauty Of Life Originate From Christ! Ark Channel 24/01/2023 Tue Matthew 13a

But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold… (v8)

* Do you want to yield a hundred-fold harvest in this life? The season of life changes over time but the seed of life remains within our heart. Never take it for granted. Always meditate on God’s Word everyday with reverence, remember and walk in it, as it is the source of blessing!

Matthew 13:1-30

* William Lane Craig speaks on The Absurdity of Life without God

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Everlasting Grace!

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Peace In The New Year! Ark Channel 23/01/2023 Mon Matthew 12b

…and indeed a greater than Jonah is here. (v41b)

* When Jonah spoke in Nineveh, the whole city repented and turned a dying city into a city of hope! Today the resurrected Christ is also speaking. Even unto the ends of the earth, never forget to speak for God!

Matthew 12:33-50

* Listen to this melody of grace to begin the day “With YOU along the way

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Heavenly Blessings and Grace Abounding! Sunday Hope_22/01/2023

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Sufficient to have Wellness and Peace – Sunday Hope 22/01/2023 Matthew 12a

I desire mercy and not sacrifice…. (v7)

* God delights in us when we express His disposition from within (more than our observing religious doctrines outside). He desires us to do unto others as He does unto us. Have a little more compassion. Enjoy a little more rest.

Matthew 12:1-32

* Preach Jesus with all kinds of wisdom! Gospel Songs in traditional Cantonese opera style, volume 6 (《粵韻福音歌集》) is published and available for sale at Logos Book House. All profits will be for evangelistic use. Good to send it as a gift to loved ones and friends, and share with them in the blessings of gospel. Wish you a joyful and peaceful Spring Festival with your family. (Judy / 敏華(杜慜), USA) (A Chinese article on 向家人傳福音的祕訣)

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His Will is Unfathomable!

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The Lord’s Yoke is Easy! – Ark Channel 21/01/2023 Sat Matthew 11b

We play the flute for you, and you did not dance; we mourned to you, and you did not lament.” (v17)

* Jesus uses a metaphor of children playing in the marketplaces to describe people of this generation – We are not willing to join in the flute and dance of a wedding game! We are apathetic to a funeral dirge! Why are we hardened at heart? Is it caused by our sins? Is it caused by our indifference to God’s affairs?

Matthew 11:20-30

* Keys to Sharing Gospel with Family Members (A Chinese article on 向家人傳福音的祕訣)

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The Lord’s Faithfulness!

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Live seriously! – Ark Channel 20/01/2023 Fri Matthew 11a

…the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. (v12)

* We enter the kingdom of heaven and encounter resistance. The more focused and dedicated one is, the more we will experience rest.

Matthew 11:1-19

* Skepticism is the Entrance to Truth – Pastor Tim Keller on Becoming a Christian and Dealing with Doubt at Vancouver’s Regent College.

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Redeem Your Time!

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He loves me so tenderly! – Ark Channel 19/01/2023 Thu Matthew 10b

So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven… (v.32)

* Our eternal destiny depends on how we respond to Jesus and acknowledge Him. If we confess Him before men, the Father will not forget!

Matthew 10:26-42

* Oxford theologian Alister McGrath delivered a special lecture series of 15 classes on Christian Apologetics at Vancouver’s Regent College. Here is a link to the lecture series.

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Your Hair Are All Numbered!

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Awake, The Kingdom Of Heaven Is At Hand! Ark Channel 18/01/2023 Wed Matthew 10a

And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ (v7)

* As you go preach means where you go, settle there and preach there. Let the life of Christ flow there. This is our life and our destiny.

Matthew 10:1-25

* Success and failure are rare lessons in how to turn around and correct, and learn to bounce back from defeat, with interesting tips from the BBC: The smart way to learn from failure

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Dreaming Is The Fuel For Living!

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While It Is Called “Today”! Ark Channel 17/01/2023 Tue Matthew 9b

…The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. (v37)

* To “reap His harvest” can be in the workplace, on campus, in the hospital, in the most common situations and time. A great track and field athlete was unable to compete because of an injury, had a dream during his adversity and touched the heart of 9 teammates to accept the Lord!

Matthew 9:18-38

* “A Better Way to Think” H. Norman Wright, a trauma therapist, who has helped people for over 30 years trusting in the Holy Spirit.

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HE Still Forgives!

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Power Is In the Lord’s Hands! Ark Channel 16/01/2023 Mon Matthew 9a

…“Arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.” (v6)

* Jesus dealt first with the spiritual sickness before the physical sickness. Sometimes physical sickness begins with sin. There are many paralysed hearts waiting to be brought to the Lord!

Matthew 9:1-17

* Dr. G.W. Carver, a botanist and peanut scientist, spent his life studying crops, inventing the rotation of cotton and peanuts, dramatically improving the soil, and developing 200 edible and industrial products for the benefit of the world. He loved Prov. 3:6: “In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

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Be Still and Obey Him! Sunday Hope_15/01/2023

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Run in the Eternal Path with Gratitude! Sunday Hope 15/01/2023 Matthew 8b

So the men marveled, saying “Who can this be, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” (v27)

* Our gracious Lord never rebukes us for disturbing His peace with our prayers, But He rebukes us for losing our own peace because of our timidity!

Matthew 8:18-34

* A classic hymn sung with a modern heart, as the sound of many waters “Holy, Holy, Holy” — Singing at Together for the Gospel

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He Bore Our Sicknesses!

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The Fever Left Her! – Ark Channel 14/01/2023 Sat Matthew 8a

And Jesus said to him, “I will come and heal him.” (v7)

* For Jesus, “Can” or “Cannot” are not his concerns. What concerns Him is “I am willing” or “I am not willing”!

Matthew 8:1-17

* Tim Keller at Columbia University
Why is the Bible reliable?

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Gate is Narrow, Road Difficult!

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Good trees bear good fruit! – Ark Channel 13/01/2023 Fri Matthew 7b

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. (v.8)

* A person’s life is like two trees, two roads, and two houses. The fruit of a person’s life is tested not only in storms but also in the final judgment, clear and distinct!

Matthew 7:15-29

* Thanksgiving and Decline – Rev. Man-Chi KWOK/郭文池

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Built on the rock!

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Enter through the narrow gate! – Ark Channel 12/01/2023 Thu Matthew 7a

And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye? (v3)

* Feeling tension in interpersonal relationships? Why is that? Demanding and criticizing others stem from harsh treatment of others and leniency towards oneself! Christ’s Golden Rule is to love others as oneself. Why impose on colleagues and family what one would not want for oneself?

Matthew 7:1-14

* Wise and passionate, sister Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth teaches women the wonderful truth of being “Grounded in Christ

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Seek HIM As A Treasure!

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Search For The Living Star! Ark Channel 11/01/2023 Wed Matthew 6b

saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child’s life are dead.” (v20)

* Do not let the flood of information drown your heart. Keep your heart, give it space to seek God’s will in your work and family. When you have a clear mind, you forget your worries!

Matthew 6:16-34

* Grieving People Need More than Your Thoughts

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Your Father Knows Already!

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Pray To Your Father Who Sees In Secret! Ark Channel 10/01/2023 Tue Matthew 6a

that your charitable deed may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly. (v4)

* It is better to do good deeds to earn the Father’s favor than to show off for other’s praise. Always be joyful – the Father sees in secret.

Matthew 6:1-15

* Why I converted from Atheism to Christianity (via Richard Dawkins)

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