Know The Truth, Live The Truth!

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All Things Await The Lord’s Return! Ark Channel 14/12/2022 Wed Revelation 5

“Blessing and honor and glory and power be to Him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, forever and ever!” (v13)

* Christ is Lion and also Lamb! He triumphed and resurrected through sacrifice, and reigned through suffering as a Lion and a Lamb. The history of salvation is in His hands, and the security of your destiny is in His control!

Relevation 5:1-14

* In the hands of a skilled craftsman, a vintage watch is repaired and renewed. Who can transform lives? In whose hands can we best entrust ourselves?
Restoration of an Abandoned 1946 post WW2 vintage watch

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The Almighty Who Was And Is And Is To Come!

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Holy, Holy, Holy! Ark Channel 13/12/2022 Tue Revelation 4

…behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. (v2)

* The password to unlock the fourth chapter of Revelations is “The Throne” (which appears 12 times in this chapter). The Book of Revelation is to show the dangers of the future, the corruption of humanity… That’s why God wants us to remember the throne first – at every stop, He has His own holiness!

Relevation 4:1-11

* Sharing from Prof. Joseph Sung/沈祖堯教授: The Way to a Joyful Life

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An Open Door!

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Those I Love, I Rebuke And Chasten! Ark Channel 12/12/2022 Mon Revelation 3

Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take your crown. (v11)

* In the whole church in Sardis, only a few people walked with God in white garments. But God also saw them too! Their names are in the book of life. Maybe God wants to transform the church from Sardis to Philadelphia through you and a few others!

Relevation 3:1-22

* Letter from Calgary: Lucy, an 86-year-old Polish native, is a Catholic. She has been attending a Bible study for several years and is now moving to another elderly home. We had her as our guest for over two hours to listen to her life story, from a young girl to now. Thank God… God really loves her. She bought a Bible and started reading God’s word. ~Canada/仕傑,明燕 -(Sam Storms)

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I Will Give Him the Morning Star! – Sunday Hope_11/12/2022

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And You Hold Fast to My Name! Sunday Hope 11/12/2022 Revelation 2

…These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty….”(v8-9)

1. Disasters, tragedies and trials come in succession. Only when we see the LORD who is the author and finisher of our faith, the resurrected one, can we remain faithful.

2. Thankful to our LORD that even though the night is dark, He knows everyone who is of Him, and every hardship and injustice suffered for Him!

Relevation 2:1-29

* Sing for God:
The Whole World Pray, singing in Chinese(全地禱告)

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Behold, He is Coming with Clouds!

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He is Alive Forevermore! – Ark Channel 10/12/2022 Sat Revelation 1

Grace to you and peace…from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth (vv4-5)

* The first vision in Revelation is the forever living LORD walking in the midst of the seven golden lampstands (the seven churches facing imminent persecution)! Remember this: The resurrected LORD is among us. He has triumphed even over death! He is sovereign over all things. He will lead us through all the hardships!

Relevation 1:1-20

* 10 Lessons I Learned from Preaching Revelation-(Sam Storms)

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God will protect!

Jude No Comments »

Till eternity!

To him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy… (v24)

* A good shepherd’s responsibility is to warn those who go against the Word (v5-16), and encourage the faithful (v17-25). As for the rest, we leave it to God!

Jude 1:1-25

* Jeremiah’s contemporary message- the danger in a generation that cannot tell wrong from right (Dr. Kwok/郭利罕博士)

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May you prosper and enjoy good health!

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Peace be to you! – Ark Channel 08/12/2022 Thu 3 John

…you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers…send them on their way in a manner worthy of God… (v.5-6)

* For the Truth of Christ, for the building of the house of God, the Lord’s workers forge forward! We should support them, provide for them, aid in their journey, and partner with them. Those who receive the prophets will be rewarded by them!

3John 1:1-14

* Devotionals in Hakka

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Know The Truth, Live The Truth!

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All Things Await The Lord’s Return! Ark Channel 07/12/2022 Wed 2 John 1

because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever (v2)

* We should love one another but not indiscriminately. We must not turn our love to heretics and false teachers lest we become tainted with evil. Only the truth and the command call us to focus on Christ and His Word!

2John 1

* There are 929 chapters in the Old Testament and 260 chapters in the New Testament. The chapter in the middle is Psalm 118. Interesting that there are 595 chapters before and 595 chapters after!

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room Exile To Rest!

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This Is The True God And Eternal Life! Ark Channel 061222 Tue 1 John 5

And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. (v11)

* Father, help us to keep ourselves from idols, never take anything apart from You to be god – You alone are the true God and eternal life whom we worship!

1John 5

* Rev. Joshua TING / 陳世欽牧師 at the Toronto Conference Life Training for Disciples in Troubled Times/亂世中門徒的生命操練

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My Heart Awaits!

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No Fear In Love! Ark Channel 05/12/2022 Mon 1 John 4

… because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. (v4)

* To think freedom is to choose what you want but in fact it is consumerism. Freedom in Christ is when we willingly set aside our rights and opinions out of love.

1John 4

* Fonny had a difficult childhood because her father’s business failed. In high school, a classmate prayed for each classmate by name including Fonny. Years later, she became a youth counsellor and preacher. She reconciled with her father, led him to be saved and baptized, enjoyed God’s saving grace. Praise the Lord!

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We Are Truly God’s Children! – Sunday Hope_04/12/2022 (1 John 3)

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We Shall Be Like Him When He is Revealed – Sunday Hope 041222 I John 3

By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. (v16)

* Three characteristics of God’s children: they are like God; they love their fellow Christians (v. 1-17); they have confidence toward God and people (v. 18-24)

1John 3

*Praise Dance: Do Not Worry

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Darkness Gone! True Light is Shining!

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He Who Loves His Brothers Abides in Light! – Ark Channel 03/12/2022 Sat I John 2

And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life. (v.25)

* God’s heart is full of compassion. He moves us to love and care for each other. His church acts in love and faith, yet such acts must be measured by God’s truth. Love which oversteps the boundaries of morality and God’s rules is toxic!

1John 2

* A couple deeply in love and in conflicts. See how they mend their brokenness and make miracles together.
Appointment Under the Rainbow, Testimony published in Chinese by Good News Communication International (相約在彩虹)

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So that your joy may be full!

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Purify us from our unrighteousness! – Ark Channel 021222 Fri 1 John 1

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all… (v.5)

* There are many secrets in the world because we have so much darkness in our hearts. God is light; before Him, nothing can be hidden. To live happily, open up to Him honestly, and be in communion with Him. He will forgive our sins!

1John 1

* KK Leung/梁國權 speaks on Receiving by our Gifts/按才幹受托

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Stir Up the Honest Heart!

Peter 2 No Comments »

Remember the Commands of the Savior! – Ark Channel 01/12/2022 Thu 2 Peter 3

… with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. (v8)

* Many are scoffers: When will the Lord come back! ((v.1-7) But let us forget not the Lord’s promise of His Coming again. (v.8-13) Look to the Lord’s return, spend this time that the Lord gives us to mature in life. (v.14-18)

2Peter 3:1-18

* The work of wonders by the Holy Spirit moving Abraham Kuyper, once a prime minister of Holland, together with his fellowsaints to bring down the revival in the 19th century, Exalting the Cross, Kuyper planted churches, up to 700 of them.

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Dwelling With Men Forever!

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All Things Change! Ark Channel 30/11/2022 Wed 2 Peter 2

…but saved Noah, one of eight people… (v5a)

* God will save, but Noah still spent 120 years building the ark, enduring the ridicule of his neighbours. Time is God’s faithful servant, we should faithfully follow God’s will until the flood comes, to warn and punish the evil. God has His time.

2Peter 2

* Plants can count and foretell? BBC Earth discovers amazing plants:
The Green Planet

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To Brotherly Kindness Love!

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Confirmed Prophetic Word Shines In Darkness! Ark Channel 29/11/2022 Tue 2 Peter 1

… that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (v4b)

* Since we are under God’s sovereignty, there’s no need to complain about our circumstances. We have all received precious faith, partakers in the divine nature, in the righteousness of God and of Christ! The day will soon dawn, and the morning star will appear. Live our days in virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, and love!

2Peter 1

* The journey of an athlete and coach: “With my injury, experiencing ups and downs, I thank God for keeping me. I experienced peace in my hip replacement surgery. From a few hours of waiting until the completion of the surgery, I went from restlessness to peace. He showed me His glory and grace. Praise Him!”

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Cast on God all your cares!

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Because He Cares About You! – Ark Channel 28/11/2022 Mon 1 Peter 5

…. clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, (v5)

* We need to shepherd His people amidst chaos. Who is there to care and accompany the flock who are in distress? Do not give up on your faith. Do not let go of your flock. We are strong and steadfast all the more in the storm. The Greatest Shepherd is soon to come. The crown is laid up for you.

1Peter 5

* Politician in the west, William E. Gladstone said, “If at all I am eloquent in any way, it is all thanks to my Bible time with my mother since I was kid.”

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Hospitality is Better Than Grumbles! – Sunday Hope_27/11/2022

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Suffer for God’s Good Purpose – Sunday Hope 27/11/2022 I Peter 4

As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. (v10)

* We are willing to practise self-sacrifice, for we have experienced Christ’s love by His self-sacrifice. While we offer help out of love, sometimes we will meet troubles, conflicts, misunderstanding, even ingratitude. Don’t grumble. Love of the Cross means we are are enduring all these alone. We have the faithful Creator caring for us. We have the Spirit of glory to keep us company.

1Peter 4

* Life is a wonderful journey and a beautiful song: You Were With Me(陪我渡過), in Cantonese, by Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry

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Sanctify the Lord God!

Peter 1 No Comments »

Eyes of the LORD’s on the Righteous! – Ark Channel 26/11/2022 Sat I Peter 3

…be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. (v.8)

* Live a godly life. Wives submit to the husband. Husbands give honour to the wife. Fellow workers get along with understanding. Always be ready to share gospel, with meekness and fear, with non-believers.

1Peter 3

* Chinese Sermon by Rev Gordon Siu/ 蕭壽華牧師 at a Bible conference in Toronto Live out the Eternal Christ under the New Normal(新常態下活出永恆的基督)

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Fear God, Honour the King!

Peter 1 No Comments »

Now you have received mercy! – Ark Channel 25/11/2022 Fri 1 Peter 2

…Now to you who believe, this stone is precious…(v.7)

* Come before the Lord (v.1-10), follow His footsteps (v.11-25): this is how we live as His living stones – a royal status, this submission is the mystery of how we are built into God’s holy temple.

1Peter 2:1-25

* A nurse intern’s reflections – serving patients in love and honesty (Traditional Chinese)

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The Word of the Lord Endures!

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Set your hope on Christ’s revealing! – Ark Channel 241122 Thu 1 Peter 1

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober… (v.13)…

* Amidst persecution and trials, remember four things: (1) restrain yourself and await the Lord, (2) be holy, for God is holy, (3) live our foreigners’ lives in reverent fear, and (4) love one another deeply! (v.13-22)

1Peter 1:1-25

* Everything has its time; we do things just-in-time. Bro. Raymond Chin (Singapore) speaks on Being just-in-time/要及時(Cantonese): .

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ray In Suffering; Praise In Joy!

James No Comments »

Be Patient Until The Lord Returns! Ark Channel 23/11/2022 Wed James 5

…See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain. (v7)

* Be watchful in times of plenty, be patient in times of storm, and turn to God in all things. Confessing our sins to one another, it may be an unexpected way out midst our misery! (v16-17)

James 5:1-20

* All creatures roam freely on the earth and in the sky, enjoying themselves. Enjoy the tranquility of wildlife and listen to the beautiful sounds.

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To Taste Your Love, Is My Hope!

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If The Lord Wills! Ark Channel 22/11/2022 Tue James 4

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you… (v8a)

* He who has true faith waits patiently, knowing that he does not have a complete picture of the future, and therefore is always humble, always honors God, and never boasts!

James 4:1-17

* Do you blame pastors for boring sermons? Could it be that we are losing the art of listening to the sermon? Lost Art of Attentive Sermon Listening from Jonathan Routley

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Make Peace!

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Bind The Tongue! Ark Channel 21/11/2022 Mon James 3

For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. (v16)

* The Chinese character for tongue (舌) is made up of ‘thousand” and ‘mouth’. The art of speech nowadays is so clever that it can deceive and control people. Don’t be easily deceived by the play of words but pay attention to the source – is it from the Lord or from the evil one?

James 3:1-18

* Marshall Brandon fell prey to drug addiction and experienced Life’s cure and became an elder in the church!

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Mercy Triumphs Over Judgment! – Sunday Hope_20/11/2022

James, Sunday Hope No Comments »

Oh, what is Faith without Works? – Sunday Hope 20/11/2022 James 2

… and he was called the friend of God (v23)

* James mentioned Abraham and Rahab as models of faith. Abraham responded to God by works of obedience. Three times he was described in the Bible as the friend of God. By her work of rescue of two spies, Rahab was chosen by God to be a woman ancestor in the genealogy of Christ.

James 2:1-26

* Vocal ensemble of T4G (Together for the Gospel) Live II Behold Our God

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Trials Produce Patience!

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Double-Mindedness Won’t Lead to Any Blessings! – Ark Channel 19/11/2022 Sat James 1

for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. (v20)

* It is a great blessing to live in godliness and joy. For some, joy is the flower of suffering. There is yet another kind of joy — the joy of heart despite life’s upheavals, be it a mobility upward from low to high, or downward from high to low.

James 1:1-27

* An inspiring interview, Part 2, arranged by GNCI with Rev Gordon Siu/ 蕭壽華牧師 looking back on his lifelong ministry and shepherding Conversation from the heart (真証心底話, in Chinese)

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