God Does Not Judge By How We Look!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians No Comments »
to whom we gave place in the way of subjection, no, not for an hour; that the truth of the gospel might continue with you. (v5)


1. To man – “…did not give in to them…” for the truth of the gospel, despite huge resistance, still charge ahead.  (v5)

2. To God – Paul believes God looks at man’s heart so he only looks upon God’s face and not at man’s face. (v6)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Galatians 2


* How to comfort a broken heart and support him/her. <article in Chinese>



* …doth take away from Jerusalem and from Judah stay and staff, the whole stay of bread, and the whole stay of water. (Isaiah 3:1)

Isaiah 1-4: This is God’s principle in training His people on the lesson of faith. He takes away all their earthly support so they would anchor their faith in God.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Gospel Preached by Paul!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians, Sunday Hope No Comments »
who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us out of this present evil world… (v4)

Look At This Man, Listen To This Word

1. Paul, the person – “Apostle” is Paul’s identity, directly from God, not from men. (v1)

2. Paul’s gospel – “Christ gave himself for our sins to deliver us…” Love and ability are the essence of the gospel. (v4)

Scripture of the Day (NT):  Galatians 1


* Because you walk with me/因你與我同行  <Hymn in Chinese>

My shepherd leads me through life, leaving traces of His presence and grace everywhere along the way.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Covetousness Produces Evil! Benevolence Produces Life!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians No Comments »
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. (Galatians 6:7)

Law in Harvesting Life – Sow then Reap

1. To God: Do not covet for more than you deserve – God is not mocked, He grants fruits born out of what we sow. (v7-8)

2. To Man: Do not be weary in well-doing, do not faint in faith, be patient and wait on God who gives in His time. (v9-10)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Galatians 6


* It’s Jesus/ 原來是耶穌


*Cry aloud and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion; for great in the midst of thee is the Holy One of Israel. (Isaiah 12:6)

Isaiah 11:14- When it’s all dark and desolate on all sides, the song of salvation ends with the proclamation that God is among his people.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

All the Law is Fulfilled in “Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself”

Everyday New Testament, Galatians No Comments »
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (Galatians 5:14)

New Law for a Free Man: Discerning Evil vs Good

1. Works of the flesh, and lusts thereof are manifest and not concealed, they who practice them shall not inherit the Kingdom of God (v19-21)

2. Fruits of the Spirit are result of following the Spirit’s leading: no law can confine them (v22-23)

Scripture of the day (NT): Galatians 5


* Love of God in Cambodia – Dear Brothers and Sisters, we sincerely thank you for all your prayer support, taking us through God’s works of wonder. He is our pilot, our power and our protection! Amidst torrential rain, we visited the poor among trash dumps and slums, AIDS infected orphans in Rainbow Bridge, teaching English and the Bible in Mango Village…. about 20 men stepped up to receive Jesus as Savior! Glory to God! May you all see the wonders of God, see the needs of the poor and orphans

in Cambodia! God bless us all!  – In Him, Joseph/HK 浩昌


* and the stretching out of its wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel. (Isaiah 8:8b)

Isaiah 8-10: When confronting the strong enemies, let’s cry to God by prayer with faith that He intervenes, that He stands by our side.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

The Law Sets the Tune At a Single Hit “Cast Out the Handmaid & Her Son”

Everyday New Testament, Galatians No Comments »
Howbeit what saith the scripture? Cast out the handmaid and her son: …. (Galatians 4:30a)

The Old Testament Explained: Man Set Freed of the Law

1. Justification by the works of law bears sons after the flesh – cast them out according to the law (v23,30)

2. Justification by faith bears sons through promise – they shall inherit according to the law (v23,30)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Galatians 4


*  Lead Me Lord/牽引


* In the year that king Uzziah died I saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up; and his train filled the temple. (Isaiah 6:1)

Isaiah 5-7: When a king in the world loses his power, whoever seeing by faith can discern the Lord of the Most High (Adonai) is still taking charge on His throne.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Faith In His Grace, Not Things Other Than Him!

Everyday New Testament, Galatians, Sunday Hope No Comments »
So then they that are of faith are blessed with the faithful Abraham. (Galatians 3:9)

The Law Explained:  For Those Who Are Mindless of His Law

1. a big recession in salvation:  the hearing of faith, the works of the law are not sufficient to save you (v2-3)

2. the 430 covenant of “Only Trust Him”: 430 years went by like on wings, yet God’s will remains the same and unchanging (v17)

Scripture of the day (NT): Galatians 3


* Letter from UK – I am now in Lancaster! Everything is so peaceful here. Praise the Lord who makes all people all around the world preach His love to people all around the world! — 曉彤 (Cally) in Lancaster


* When Faced with Peace vs Danger & Conflicts in Life, Pastor YN LAM/ 林以諾牧師

Video: Please click HERE

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Do Good towards All ?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
the world is crucified to me

Mark of a Spiritual Man —- the Cross?6:1417??
1. Purpose of life — Boast in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ only?v.14?
2. Lifestyle — live as a new creation only ?v.15?
3. Motive of serving — Bear on the body the (shameful) mark of Jesus?v.17?

?Letter from Edinburgh: “Its been a nice time for me to be with the saints in HK. Your work will not be in vain — please pray for the new university students in Edinburgh as an orientation program will be held on 7/10 here — many students from China,including Taiwan & HK, also youth from Singapore and Malaysia –the Christian band Stream of Praise will have 9 concerts in these 10 days to worship / praise , also to preach gospel. Pls pray for the spread of gospel here –lets remember each other, dont forget the His kingdom — Chak Por ???, from church in Edinburgh.
?On this Friday night (29/9) my church will have a gospel meeting for university students. Topic – A Wonderful Life. Pls pray for the 100,000+ college students in HK —Sam Kong

Walk by Spirit?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long – suffering, kindness, goodness, fidelity <5:22>

Gods Checklist —-are you walking in Flesh or in Spirit (5:22-23)?
1. In flesh — Morality: adultery, impurity, debauchery; interpersonal relationship: hatred, discord, jealousy, divisions, wrath;over self-control: drunkenness, reveling
2. In Spirit — To God: love, joy, peace; to others: patience, kindness, goodness; to yourself: faithfulness, gentleness and self-control

?The Chinese movie director KY Sin ??? was born in a Christian family, yet just a Christian in name. In 1998 while his life was doing well and he was enjoying his holiday in Florida, he got a phone call telling him he, as his friends guarantor, was liable for the debt worth 20 millions- since his friend disappeared! He was shocked, and started to review his life. He picked up the Bible again and came across the story of Job. How Job lost his fortune …and his family was just like Job at that moment. He repented before God, and started to rebuild the relationship with the Lord!

Abba ,Father !

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
I again travail in birth until Christ shall have been formed in you <4:19>

Sendings and Callings!
1. God sent his Son —- redeeming us from law that we might receive the full rights of sons?v.4?
2. God sent the Spirit of His Son —- so that we can call out, Abba, Father!?v.6?
Call out aloud now: Abba!

?This year , 2 pairs of young couple moved to Sydney after marriage Olive Chao ?? & husband YT Tsui ???, also Dylan Lu??? & Maria Chan. Pls pray that they can grow up in the path of eternal life!

Promises addressed?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith? <3:14>

5 pictures of blessings from God?Gal 3: 114?:
1. Blessing of the Spirit Crucifixion of Jesus Christ ?v.1?
2. Blessing of righteousness Gods promise to Abraham ?Gen 15:6?
3. Blessing for all nations Gods promise to Abraham ?Gen 12:3?
4. Blessing of living The vision of the prophet Habakkuk ?Hab 13?
5. Blessing of descendants Gods promise to Abraham ?Gen 13:15?
Let us cry for joy of freedom!

?Egyptian sister Nashwa shares in sickness?2?:It has been difficult for a doctor who has never been ill in her life or ever had a hospital admission, but it has been a great insight about my patients (who are mostly sick babies) and all the pain the parents go through, and the thought of how can I do more to relief their pain and reduce the pain my resilient patients (premature babies) go throughmy husband Dr. Nagy is specialized in colon surgery and cancer colon, he said he knows understands better what does chemotherapy mean to his patients and their families, and when he comes up to see me during administering my chemotherapy, he always meet his patients in the oncology-cancer-unitIf God is willing, I have admitted for planned surgery on the 5th of October. So please pray for us during this time. God bless you and all our brothers and sisters in Christ —– Love in Christ, Nashwa

Living Temple?

Galatians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
that I may live to God. <2:19>

3 characteristics of true apostles — example of Gods servant:
1. Humble and gentle?v.12? Do we obey Gods revelation? Do we respect church leaders ?
2. Not compromising?v.35? Are we ever watching over Gods household ?
3. Faithful?v.610? Dont judge by outer appearance, but be filled with Spirit , live by Gods grace!

?Sister Lai ??? in HK newly believed in Christ at her age of 89. She had worshipped idols since she was small, had followed 5 ” masters” Last Sat. she cleared all idols in her home. She didnt sleep well before, but now sleep well . Praise the Lord! Pls pray for salvation of her 5 children and grandchildren.

By Grace, through Christ?

Galatians, Voice Divine No Comments »
God, who set me apart even from my mother’s womb, and called me by his grace

True disciples — not pleasing men but be servant of Lord:
1. Set apart from birth?v.15a?
2. Called by his grace?v.15b?
3. Sent in revelation?v.16?

?Message from Scotland Sharing from Egyptian sister Nashwa in sickness: I want to thank you for all the prayers and encouraging e-mails we were receiving from out brothers and sisters across the world, the love of the body of Christ has been so evident. As I was ill one-day I saw the contrast between our Lord been despised and rejected going through the wine-press alone, and me upheld by His body the international church and by different people, and encouraged by literally hundreds of cards, e-mails and flowers. His love is amazing, even when I am struggling, His presence is so evident and His love is so warming and His encouragement is so personal and so real (to be continued)
* Dr. Nagge and Dr.Nashwa serving in Scotland. They organize youth meeting every week,blessing the next generation. Pls pray for them with the unfailing love in Christ!
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