Seal of Church of Christ – Forbear & Forgive One Another In Love!

Ephesians, Everyday New Testament, Sunday Hope No Comments »
From whom the whole body fitly joined together …… maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.  (Ephesians 4:16)

A New Corporate – Seal of Those Being Called

1. Oneness – seal of the new corporate is in their peace and oneness, everyone endeavours to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (v3)

2. Forgiveness – relationship among members of the new corporate is in being tenderhearted and forgiving, as God for Christ’s sake forgiving us (v32)

Scripture of the day (NT): Ephesians 4


* Brother Bear GRYLLS, a great adventurer of our time, highly recommends Bible reading and doing the Alpha course. See his candid testimony on Bear GRYLLS Did Alpha!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Great The Love Of Christ – In Breadth & Depth!

Ephesians, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, (Ephesians 3:20)

New Mankind – a Fragile Vessel Turned Into a Mighty Warrior

1. Power – Father’s glory (kabod= weight), works of the Spirit, strengthen our inward man to brave challenges and adversities (v16)

2. Love – Love is not loose and negligent, it is firmly rooted and grounded upon which we build and edify in Christ (v17)

Scripture of the day (NT): Ephesians 3


* Adventurer Bear GRYLLS/吉羅斯 in Man Vs Wild/荒野求生 on Discovery Channel braves tall mountains,thick bushes, harsh desserts and bitter coldness of the oceans, telling stories that inspire viewers on willpower to survive. He shares that the part of the world that is man-made is the world of true barbarian, chaos and disorder.Place yourself in nature and you can feel and sense true harmony. The flowers among the bush, pure and pretty, little as they are, tell of the greatest glory of God, pleasing in His favor. Bear encourages us to make good use of our talents,devote our ambition rather than just watching what others do. We have a beautiful life of our own, a world of wonders, all created for our sake!


* And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is Jehovah; we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation. (Isaiah 25:9)

Isaiah 23-25: We can wait in peace because our faith takes us to look beyond the desolation before our eyes and gaze at our God, our salvation!

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

It’s All By Mercy, How Can We Boast!

Ephesians, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy… (v.4)

A New Position: From Spiritual Poverty to Richness in Life:

1. At that time you were separated from Christ, excluded from citizenship in Israel and foreigners to the covenants of the promise, without hope and without God in the world.(v.12)

2. Now, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of His household.(v.19)

Scripture of the Day (NT): Ephesians 2


* Road of Grace  〈Worship Song〉


*…strengthen the wall…built a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the Old Pool, but you did not look to the One who made it (Isaiah22:10-11)

Isaiah 19-22:God’s people frequently misplaced their faith in their own planning; this is the sin of unbelief.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

Bliss & Glory In Sight!

Ephesians, Everyday New Testament No Comments »
Blessed be the God and Father …., who hath blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ: (Ephesians 3:3)

A New Horizon: Look Into Eternity From Days Before Creation

1. His Choice – God has chosen us in Him before the foundation of the world. It is all in His most holy plan that we are ordained to be made holy! (v4)

2. Our Hope – God calls on His chosen ones throughout human history. It is His will that we set our eyes on eternity, a life with riches in hope of glory! (v18)

Scripture of the day (NT) : Ephesians 1


* Good News from Thailand — Late last night, I led two students in the dormitory, deep in the bush of North Thailand to confirm their faith in the Lord. This is the fruit born out of months of sowing in tears and intercession of many. These two students both came from juvenile centers: one sinning in theft, drug abuse, drinking, smoking, gambling, idol worship with Buddhist text tattoo on his body, the other a victim of serious alcoholism and drunk driving. We saw in them great changes in life since they joined our school, up early for daily devotions in the morning, reading the Bible in the night – all for the power of Christ!   — N. Thailand, Bro Siu Yung


* For thus hath Jehovah said unto me, I will be still, and I will behold in my dwelling-place, ….. (Isaiah 18:4a)

Isaiah 15-18: Men uprising, nations fighting! But God watches quietly and accomplishes His will most orderly.

* Copyright © ArkChannel and the authors *

All Round Ministry ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
to withstand in the evil day, <6:13>

From ascension to return of Lord —- by Gods power the church pray:
1. Demons & evil spirits are attacking our conscience, family, work & services?v.1113?
2. Pray in all time, all directions, with all saints , in all patience to overcome the enemies!?v.1420?

?Rev. Enoch T.C. Yang spoke about the fresh blessings and power gained in morning watches. Thats why his life is so fruitful and can bring so much blessing for Chinese saints.He quoted Isaiah, O Lord, have mercy on us; for we have been waiting for your help; be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of trouble?33:2?

Now Light ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
be filled with the Spirit <5:18>

Lead a blameless life —- 3 fruits the light?v.9?:
1. Live the goodness Are we using our lives, our efforts & time to involve in work that brings goodness to men?
2. Live the righteousness Can we have a good conscience before God & men? Giving God & men what they deserve?
3. Live honestly Are we determined to live and speak in truth in our lives?

?Shower of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry broadcasts documentary films in many cities over the world. They report precious stories of Chinese over the world encountering Jesus . Now these films can be downloaded from the web, just click

Fitted Together ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
for the perfecting of the saints<4:12>

Live the great faith — 2 directions:
1. In one acccord and walk together?v.116?
2. Act in purity and holiness?v.1732?

?Readers Digest this month? 06 Oct Chinese version?has a report on former gang leader Y.Y. Lee???. He was utterly evil in his gang life, being put into jail for many times. But one day he read through the whole Bible , awaken and repented. Later he founded the Christian Fellowship of Pastoral Care for Youth which had blessed thousands of youths!

Riches Unsearchable ?

Ephesians, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine No Comments »
according to the power which works in us<3:20>

Life Management — strengthen your inner man?v.16??
1. Pay attention on our innermost — What do our hearts care about?
2. Strengthen our inner man — The Spirit that lives in us is our linkage to eternity!

?Ark Channel had recently reported about the old brother CM Cho??? who believed in Jesus in serious sickness. After he was baptized in hospital , he can be discharged fr hospital miraculously, even attend church gatherings with his wife! All thhings possible for them who believe!

His Workmanship?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
has raised us up together<2:6>

Revising the touching story — a Tale of two histories :
1. A meaningless life?v.13?We have once died in sins with the world ,controlled by the evil spirit. Lost of in control in lust, we lived under Gods wrath!
2. New life in Christ?v.46? By the mercy, love & grace of Christ, we are alive again, resurrected and sitting in heaven with Him!
3. Meaning of Christian?v.722? being reconciled with God and men, numbered among the family of God we are Gods dwelling!

?Last night gospel meeting for college students — 175 attendants. 12 among them believed in Jesus, glory to God!
* Message from Bro Wong Kin?? in HK — My wife Queenie is sick recently, but we cantfind a cure after many checkswe have done want we cannow we can only rely on Lord, remember us in prayer (Queenie loves the Lord; she had a major surgery before, pray for them)

Being Enlightened ?

Ephesians, Voice Divine No Comments »
you should know what is the hope of His calling,<1:18>

Gods will, Work and Grace — From Change ?Eph 13?to Choice?Eph 46?:
1. 3 Praises — Selection of the Father?v.36?, salvation of the Son?v.712?, seal of the Spirit?v.1314?
2. 3 Prayers — knowing the hope of God’s calling?v.18a?, the glory of Gods inheritance?v.18b?& Gods incomparably great power?v.1923?

*A brother started business in HK after coming back from overseas. He engaged in IT industry & became famous. A businessman offered to buy his company, which valued to HK$40 millions , promised to keep him as CEO . The only condition is that the shares in exchange of his company paid could only be sold in market after a year. Our brother was very happy ,dreamt of new house & luxurious carbut never thought of using the money to serve God. His wife loved God, and prayed silently to the Father wishing his husband to fail so that he can learn a lesson! A year later the stock collapsed to 10% of its original value, only $2 millions – left. He got nothing after a years work, fortunately he wasnt indebted. In 2002, he sold his company & enrolled in bible school in serving God. His wifes prayer was answered!
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